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25.8k · Dec 2014
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
"I am gonna make love
under this sky
making stars jealous
About my moon shining so bright"

Would you be my moon?
****! Why can't anyone propose me with this kinda poetry?
It would be a definate yes ! Haha
13.4k · Nov 2014
If Poems were Sex
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
If poems were ***
then,I wouldn't be a ******
i would caress the letters
fix a foreplay with title
i would literally **** the words
to give birth to soulful sentences
if poems were ***
I wouldn't be ******,still.
Its a bit different idea to show my love for poems. If there wasn't poem then where would my feelings disappear,I wonder !
10.7k · Dec 2014
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
Am i beautiful enough,
for you to not see any other girls
walking on the street,
To whom you often stare ?
Being beautiful is being you.
being insecure about a guy with the looks you have is stupid thing.
9.8k · Nov 2014
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
"VIRGINITY is a dignity until marriage" society taught
& I can see most of'em saving their virginity
Using their hand a lot !
In Asian society,they restrict  *** before marriage esp. girls. Though people nowadays are influnced through western culture alot.*** hasnt been an issue and for those,whom it's an issue *******. For those who have no interest WRITES POEMS. haha
7.9k · Dec 2014
poverty romance
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
What words you offer me,
matters me most
Because all i can give you is my words
That's all what I have got
Words of love
So gift me all your words
I will gift you all mine
Together,we can rhyme
The rythm of our own time
This pennyless situation
Can be heavenly beautiful at a time
When your words meet mine
Our love poems will keep us alive.
We all poets are so driven with poems. Having a poet as a life time partner is the most beautiful thing i have imagined till date.
7.7k · Nov 2014
Mean Girl
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
He look at me,Smiles
I laugh at him,waving good byes
still's into me,that guy !
Sometime we girls can turn preety mean,when a guy approaches us.Its not that we hate'em but Sometime girls love to receive special treatment & attention. *giggles*
6.3k · Nov 2014
If i were to be a lesbian..
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
If they taunt me
I'd flaunt myself around them
I'd mesmerize everything I had with
if I were to be a lesbian
I'd say that would be pretty amazing..
loving your own type
falling for your own kind
like forever? Could you?
you,the one pleasuring youself
with  late night ******* process
is the one that complains?
when someone gives same pleasure
to the one, of their type
you'd say NATURE that's not fair
oh ! Selfish creature
how could you wish the world be same?

straight is not a gender,so isn't gay,lesbian
we all are human,that's what matters
if you couldn't accept people loving their own kind
you'd better start hating yourself
cause they are loving themself
like you do at late nights
so if I were to be a lesbian
that wouldn't be problem for my kind.
This poem is a random words dropping out of my mind when my friend critised about lesbian in our chitchat. We are human,we need to respect every other kind.
6.2k · Dec 2014
Fatness is a bitch.
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
He must really love her body
how could he not?
unlike mine's , hers is wonderland
Those thigh gap of hers
is more than my Finger's gaps
This chubby cheeks of mine
fails badly infront of her ***
this little height,fat filled inside
I'm not even good for a sight

To everyone's"how are you?" question
I reply " I am fat,alright?"
I know there's nothing wrong with me
thats just a fat inside
This fat loves my body so much
so how can I hide?
it might feel bad
so I console myself,its alright
I mean,
I can live without thigh gap & height
those stomach in and *** out is compromised
I am better person inside
hahaha I am kidding
I must be really high
I need that slim body outside.
What girls would not want to be Slim?
4.2k · Jan 2015
Insane Reverie Jan 2015
You know what's misery?
Not the darker one,never been
But it's the prismatic feeling
Inside your head,captive.
Dark is not the one to be blamed always.
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
She whispered to me "Be good to me and I will be bad for you"
i smiled at her
generously it seemed
She blindfolded me
With scarf she has been wearing
She had her **** neck in my lips
I could feel it
The motion slowly increased
My hands were now tied
with the shirt she wore that night
She sat on me
giving me a little tease
Un buttoning the remaining
She had my mouth shut
I accepted her order
I felt dominated but
she was doing it better
I,on the other hand
Learning to catch her
That pace, that trick
She used on me to lure
How did she got it all, I wonder
every little joy she tenders
She was my first
I tried my best to hold her
I failed, she giggled
I could not see anything except for darkness
& her soul that loved me at very best
Every time she holds that thing of mine
I forgot every single dime, I paid her to be mine
The boy had his first love making with a ******* where he didn't feel guilty at all. He feel blessed.
3.3k · Nov 2014
she stole a cigarette
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
She stole a cigarette from his pack
if he had known
she would probably get a slap
she had been doing that since long
hoping to share death,that smoke cause
at least that's the way she thought,

this advertisement"Smoke is injurious to health"
made her think it reduces his life's length
she couldn't stop him from smoking
so she starts to smoke,instead
in order to share same living hour
she fooled herself being addictive !

today,she stole a cigarette again
but today,its for herself
he is just an excuse to make
for her to smoke again !
Stupidity makes people do anything.
3.1k · Nov 2014
Pity Similarity :You
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
We've grown up with same choices
& you love YOURSELF :)
The only similarity between us.
2.4k · Aug 2014
Girl ; a boon or a curse
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
"She's beautiful,
what a lovely girl she is"
look,she always felt proud
born as a girl
those "Society" pampered her
but along with her growing
who knew,who knew
the same beauty would be a problem
who knew,those garces would be her enemy
restriction,boundaries they made
insecure surrounding was there
a little fat on body,she's Ugly they claim
a little scar on face & they say no beauty remain
equality,that's only the "talk" they made
parents with daughter,fear was created
if she's beauty.she was *****
if she's ugly,she was to be blamed

she's strong than you think
not every "SHE" but its not like,it can't be
those freedom boys have
sometime she envy
she sometime thinks
nature did cheat on girls
with those ***** & *****
& she often thinks
is it a boon or a curse to have that beauty??
This poem can be relate with ASIAN life where giving birth to a daughter is still a fear,though people talk about equality and stuffs,its not working in real life.She is restricted for own good but what is that she is restricted to??  its the evil society,its us.
& this is a real shame !!
2.4k · Sep 2014
how i feel [10W]
Insane Reverie Sep 2014
These love songs hurt my emotions,like **** hurt yours .
This is how girls feel,its better way to make guys understand.
2.3k · Nov 2014
Guilty pleasure
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
Mighty alone,desperate times
he has a girl now,of his choice
was alone then,now at least  I'm fine
oh guilty pleasure of mine
oh guilty pleasure of mine.
Sometime you fall in love with a **** haha sick people,you know but still you enjoy being with him,or without him too.Not much of a bother.
2.1k · Sep 2014
untamed heart
Insane Reverie Sep 2014
Fragile heart of her's
With all of his fake talks
Still is unimpaired
cause she loved
Still loves,with all her heart
Dreaming his action to reverse .
Love is something you have no control over,no matter how much the another hurts you,you choose to love them.
One always believe where there's love there's hope.
1.8k · Dec 2014
Comfortably numb
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
Bullets were made music to their ears
Bad music is all I say
The loud,unrythmic music
That took 142 lives away

Those child were holding a pen
The other party were holding gun
They said "pen is powerful than gun"
There,the lives were gone

Souless ,
Cruel *******, I would say
Oh ! What have they gave
And what they took away
They might not even have had a dream
That they will become something one day

Numbness everywhere
Background plays Floyd
' The child has grown
The dream is gone......
I have become comfortably numb'
This poem is dedicated to those innocent lifes in #PeshawarAttack. REST iN PEACE.
See you on the other side.
1.7k · Jul 2015
Insane Reverie Jul 2015
Can you hold me,my love?
I'm losing my grip
I've been through rough patch
only able to grieve
My treambling body,
My hopes,that is about to dissaper
it's for you to hold
it is your part of share,to care
& I , I will be your strength
Everybody goes through nightmares
I will be there to show you light
on your  darkest night
We will reach out to the sky,
Sky is the limit, they say
the limit : so limitless
the limit : we've set
we do this often to ourself
setting limit to everything we get
I, I am going to worship every inch of you
If you promise to do same
we are gonna talk,make love
under the night sky
star gaze,just to feel alive
I am going to rip off all the romanticism inside me
if that's what love feels like
l've been good but
I've also been blessed with the bad side
I am fed up with fake promises
and people who pretend to make things right
I want to be able to write love poems again,
So baby, tell me no lie .
1.7k · Jan 2015
Insane Reverie Jan 2015
A bunch of hooligan
screaming out loud
they've been never been wrong
since their born
A bunch of hooligan
i was there
we all were once
we still are
somewhere in our mind
searching a place to get out.
We all have noisy mind,which shows disapproval most of the time. The hooligan thats caged inside.
1.4k · Dec 2014
Guilty pleasure
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
Can i mess with your heart a little?
Grant me a permission and
i could live with that guilt forever!
1.3k · Aug 2014
Broken dream
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
With every rain drops
drops my dream
dream, that I had
had,a long time ago
ago,when we were close
close,by heart & a soul
soul,that I love
love,now its all gone
gone,with your footstep
footstep,that you took away
away from my heart
heart that you loved
loved or as you act
act, that warmed me with
with every rain drops
drops my dream ....
You see people start dreaming,when they fall in love with all they've got.Its soo devastating how the entire world falls when those dreams  shattered.Still,time heals everything but memories won't fade away,it ****** every time when you hear the name.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Pop the cherry Poetry !
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
One early morning,
Let me have you
By my side,
Get me a pen & paper
Ask me a poem to write
About our first
May be our forever
May be you can drive me a little
Or harder
Or faster
We can talk about colors
May be color from last night
"Red" thats fallen
On our bedsheet
we have been turn on
You look blessed
There's no reason for you to not
Everything has its cover
We dont have any
Nudeness is no problem
When soul is shared already

May be you could tease me a little
About last night
then, i would hide my face
With the paper
Where poem, i'm supposed to write
i blushed
There you could talk about my beauty
Girls love appriciation
She expects them
Even if she dont have any...

You could hold me
While i write
Around my waist
Or may be a little up,tight
I am all yours
And you are my only guy
I might scribble on your arm
The victory of love we had
I might write poem
On your whole body
Cause paper is not enough
To put on a act

I gasp !
Fantasies are such a beautiful thing to have.
Poets may not have lived the moment for real but they're no such moment they havent fantasize about..
thats the beauty of poetry,poets,poems.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Unbidden tragedy
Insane Reverie Apr 2015
Tied are those hair,now
which was a grip for love making
Abandoned are those hand
which sets the motion for rhapsody
the soul,she thought she knew
traded with cheat,
An amour to be specific
but yet she believed
love could exist,
forgiving the sin
but there was no forgetting
so,she leaves...
Sometimes memory serves less pain than reality.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Sole Soul
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
She is a sole soul
long ago which was sold
to her own ambitions and dreams
to the love,she never receive

those feeling that was felt alone
love she begged long for
now and then,never again
she's got faith,still can sustain
with those miserable statement
with love,that is yet to gain
without judgmental ******* around
her life seems safe and sound
She is strong. sometime she may lose hope in herself,may shower her lonely time with tears but she will be back with strong personality she have.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Insane Reverie Jul 2015
"Ruin me for good once"
I told him,
As i fire my ciggarate
With the lighter he lends.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Love,words do matter.
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
Love,My words
they are colder than winter's morning
and darker than winter's night
your words,love
they shall be warmer as winter's sunshine
and calmer like winter's evening sky
then my love,we can love
with all our heart
forever,with our words.
There must be two odd,to make a even ;)
1.1k · Aug 2015
Some nights
Insane Reverie Aug 2015
I have ravaged nights like this,
Dreaming about the dead ones
Bleeding for sorcery,
Crying with hope,
Scars of vows,
For only they can see me now~
Remembering the lost ones.
1.1k · Feb 2015
Insane Reverie Feb 2015
Every back and forth motion
with lost notion,you desire of
I have no fantasy as such
i mean,undoubtedly
the child has grown
but,yet not ready to moan

With every aroma of arousal,nothing but wet
may be,no such awaken soul have I met
Dark and desperate usually doesn't relate
Even in dictionary,they aren't in same page

You and me ; two different entity
trying to escape with own's dignity
All those invincibility,
weakens with the lack of immunity
but,with every quench of thirst
there's your ******
how can something so forceful bring such "divine god"
I force my mind to think
Force my heart to believe
Force myself into something
but,nothing works
not like yours.
1.0k · Nov 2014
My kinda guy
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
When my friends and I talk about guys
one of my girl says a guy whose tall
another says whose strong
another wants rich
thats kinda guy they wanna be with
my turn,I said a guy who has sense of humor
a guy who can write poems
and I could write poems for
a guy with whom I can laugh & cry
a guy that would be mine.
Everybody dreams about their love ones to be like..As for me I want someone exactly like me or even close :)
927 · Aug 2014
She acts
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
She has seen
how they crave for outer beauty
she loves to feel love
but she lacks what they've been craving
young & naive,she hides her pain
happy she was,as her loss was other's gain
she,who finds happiness in other's smile
even her tears bid her good bye
scared she was,
with the smiles they fake
with the compliments that fade
with the sympathies she gain
with the hearts that break
with the words that goes in vain
but how beautifully she covers her insecurity
as,she has seen
how they crave for outer beauty
We all try to fit in this world.Sometime we are not who we are,because we compromise ourself for the one we love.The question is how long?? How long are we willing to put on a show??
867 · Mar 2015
feeling-stained love
Insane Reverie Mar 2015
When he could not change
& she isnt the same
Lips that were together
Now only has a stain
Hearts,did get apart
Distance was only the fact
& unsaid,untold story was
About love keeping them together
But how things changes
How people changes
You dont even realise
Sacrificing everything
Is that made her sacrifice love?
Or was there something other?
She hasn't been touched since
She fears the smell of love
taste of closeness
Feel of warmness
What if she loves you
& she is not loved back?
This question arises
& she is left with nothing but silence.
825 · Nov 2014
Title of poem (10 W)
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
Every poet titles its poem UNTITLE,once in a lifetime.
819 · Feb 2015
Thought [ 10 word]
Insane Reverie Feb 2015
and, how her innocence thought "wordplay were better than foreplay"
792 · Aug 2014
love is a lie
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
Oh yes! i love you babe
all my senses and my heart react to ur love
"oh my heart,how do u feel in there?"
slowly it respond"IT *****"
oh no-no-no,it wasn't me babe
it was this heart
hey heart,u can't be rude,not at least with my love
oh my mind speak " u my lady,u r crazy.that guy u love doesn't even worry"
hey mind,have u seen scars on my skin?
skin exactly knows how much I love him
preety were the pictures of our said eyes
but mouth said "how ugly is tht guy"
but babe,I didn't say that
oh,ur smell,its way toxic & lungs complained
but I never did babe
your voice was husky,I prefered tht way
but later ears started to worry
but trust me babe,it wasn't me
oh,how u touched my hair and now it falls
is it because it misses u or u that poisonous
ya,fine ! Wish no more babe,wish no more
I did love you once
ignorance is a bliss& now m satisfied  
enjoying the fake pie,saying I love you
just to make me high
oh yes,babe now I  realize how " Love is a lie"
This poem actually is dedicate to those so called "love".
712 · Nov 2014
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
Petrified by your desire
love,you freak me out everytime
you vested your fantasy upon me
where's the dreams of mine?
I never asked,may be I was too scared
scared of separation ? Or
may be the pain was already an addiction
pity me,poor hurted soul
still smiling when he holds
holds the glory of his fantasy
but I die little inside
with every unfulfilled dreams of mine
I was never alive,you were
& thats the reason for me to survive.
Sometime,you just love someone so ******* much that you search your happiness in tht person despite the pain he gives. Its more of an addiction than love. We need to find the differences between them until its too late.
709 · Nov 2014
Loved you with my senses !
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
I Feel your love
not only when ur hand runs through my thighs
but its like every night & every sunshine

i hear your love
not only when u sing love song for me
but in every anger from ur smart mouth to me
I see your love
not only when you embrace me with ur looks
but also with the flaws that you have took

I taste your love
not only with kisses we share
but also the disguise of pain in love we care

I smell your love
not only when you have your best perfume
but also with every action you've shown

in you absence,or you around by my side
love,I have this feeling at extreme height !
This is how i feel in love with that guy with all my "Senses",So that when i say people that i am in love,they can't say "Did u lost your senses?" even if they ask i would say i didnt lose but gained more !
656 · Dec 2014
hello poetry
Insane Reverie Dec 2014
Hello poetry !
I am waving you with my hand so high
If i could i would hug you tight
You are like a home to me
Cozy and nice
Safest place to hide my treasure
Those words of disguise
My poems inside you
Is like the ******* feeling one can ever hire
You,trending my poems
That happiness,
Is the feeling i want
More than those stars on sky
Who could possibly thank you enough?
Not those words i call mine
Nor the poems you had inside
I can't trade you for anything
I owe you much more than a poem
But this is what i can give
For those poet friends you gifted me
& a place to stay for my poetry
Hello poetry is ******* great site and i could not thank it enough.
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
Holding her waist
with that flirtitious look
kissing her neck to continue
a deep breath she took
don't know about him
but she felt something out-of-a-blue

his voice she finds beautiful
words may lie,but that vibe from him was true
she could feel the feeling,that she never felt before
but she takes a step back
thinking its just a dream,that can never be true.
She is too scared to take risk.
601 · Nov 2014
Growing Up !
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
I have never shared my night with a guy
but I dreamt of it thousand of times
you by my side,holding me tight with love
baby,till then let us first grow up !
We,asian pwople have this perception that if we share bed with a guy before marriage then its a bad thing,well we rarely have this living-in-relationship thing. Everyone dreams to be with their loved ones & We do it in our imagination hahaha still we could wait.
564 · Nov 2014
My Love Story
Insane Reverie Nov 2014
He always loved stronger me
the time I was weak
i no longer exist,for him
thats my love story
I am only strong
so that,he could love me.
Its not always sunshine. People can't always be strong but they had to be for love,for life,for themself.
464 · Aug 2014
Insane Reverie Aug 2014
If we could lie down together
staring the starry nights
and still be happy
I will be your woman.
Seeking happiness in something you love.

— The End —