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D A W N Dec 2018
and so i gave cupid back the arrow.
your kisses were cold.
D A W N May 2018
my dear
would you explore
the galaxies
would you
the cosmos
milky ways
and place it
in my
just to
my galactic heart
down the depths
D A W N May 2018
tell me you don't need me
that way
i wont have second thoughts
on banging on your door
just to make sure
you're okay
wrote this back in august about someone dear
D A W N Jan 2020
kabaw ko lain na tao ang gi pili sa imong kasing kasing
kabaw ko walay kita pero kung mangayo kog chansa
ang matubag ra kay
basin ma kaplagan nimo ang mga tula
na akong gi pang sunog kay dili na kaya nako
ang mga padunggog na kita na.
kita na.
pero ikaw mismo ang nag ingon na inamiga ra
pero sa pag lihok mura nag gugmang di na ma solba.
di na ma solba sama sa mga taong kasing kasing na mag sigeg duda,
sama kamo na mag away tungod sa mga na dunggang sturya
na kita na.
kita na miskan naa nakay imoha.
bogo *** dawn
D A W N Feb 2018
ever since you left
the pages of my book has been collecting dust ever since you left.
you walked out of the door
carelessly,recklessly, tremendously walking in and out
like a doormat
ever since you left
every word, every letter, every punctuation has been losing it's sole purpose
i have lost the vocabulary of putting my thoughts into paper
expressing every emotion into deep, meaningless words that you wouldnt even read.
you walked out of the door
with my poetry and love with you.
D A W N Feb 2019
whenever your head rests against my shoulder,
sometimes i could feel our hearts beating in tandem.
i feel ecstatic whenever our gaze would always find each other, i could feel your eyes engulf at the sight in front of you. sometimes i could hear the butterflies flutter against my stomach every time our hands would brush against each other "accidentally", hands that are like magnets, hands that longed to be held by hands whom fit perfectly.
but i shouldnt get the wrong idea. you liked someone but me.
but if wishes came true and magic was real, how many arrows would it take for cupid to make you fall in love with me?
(more of a rant than of a poem SKSKSKSK not guilty.)
(n) the state of being infatuated with another person.
D A W N May 2018
you cant love a bird, silly
it has no capacity for love inside of it
it loves the freedom so much.
commitment is foreign to them
bai i miss u
D A W N May 2018
i wrote your name on the sand
and the current washed it away
in hopes that
the wind will take them
and bring them to you
that way
you'll never get lonely
and to remind you
that you'll always have a piece of me.
i miss beach strolls with u.
D A W N Jul 2019
it hurt more
to strike
the match
than it did
to start the fire
bro my inner "art-***-but-in-a-budget phase" is coming back n also i rlly wanna write songs n learn embroidery this month like a ***** tryna learn something new u kno
D A W N Jan 2020
sama sa imong gi pang buhat sauna
sama sa imong gi pang ingon na  wala jd koy chansa
sama sa sakit imong gi dala
gi puggong jd nako tamans ginhawa
lupa ko, langit ka
D A W N Aug 2019
im stuck in denial of the
thought if not having u
but if i do
will it suffice
the missing part of
my heart
thats supposed to belong to u?
fukc the title
wrote this like last week sulking in the bathroom no joke
D A W N Jun 2019
just like you.
you prefer hydrangeas
over roses
and when
you planted
a valley
of them
inside of me
i get butterflies in my stomach
everytime i see you
i wrote this in 10 minutes im so proud of myself oOf
D A W N Jun 2019
just like you.
you prefer hydrangeas
over roses
and when
you planted
a valley
of them
inside of me
i get butterflies in my stomach
everytime i see you
but when you left
the butterflies
stopped coming
flowers rot
lets make things worse
D A W N Oct 2018
ive been stuck up on
feeding mouths
that cant even feed me.
ive been
too numb
even realize
ever been in a one-sided friendship?
D A W N Jul 2022
craving a cigarette on my lips
something addicting
something equivalent to her kisses
my midnight mistress
how long can we keep this?
that breakup saved me but gave me a nic addiction where my creativity heavily depends on it ****
D A W N Feb 2019
"she loves me, she loves me not."

those six words rang on my eardrums like alarum bells
reminding me in every beat my heart makes.
they swam through my throat and into my chest; knocking on my
rib cage telling my heart not to fly whenever she says hi.
doubt comes barging on my door like an unwanted guest.
reminding me that in every moment, every gesture she makes are a product
mixed signals.
written: 1/30/18
ever been in a one-sided relationship?
D A W N Jun 2022
i lit my cigarette like a birthday candle
and i wished for your name
through my puffed up coughs
and bleary eyes
this job ***** but atleast i met new n cool ppl ;ppp
D A W N Nov 2019
u are good moments disguised
in bad decisions.
drinks with the ppl na sabay kaayo are the best **** fancy bars id rather be on the side of the road **** drowning on alchohol with my circle
D A W N Nov 2019
u are bad decisions disguised in tempations.
lust rushes, love waits.
                          -wear a helmet
D A W N Sep 2019
i slept with grudges in my head
and now i got a headache
what the fck
moral of the story: dont hold grudges
D A W N May 2018
my lips were a pen
and so i wrote sonnets
on your paper hands
D A W N Nov 2019
and when u feel like
im no good for u
please let me go
alexa play "hindi tayo pwede"
D A W N May 2018
i remember the way your hair shined through the sunny day
studying the way your eyes flutter every time you stutter
the words you cant say
i remember how pleasing your voice was beneath my ears
i remember being with you
washed away my fears
do you remember the days where we used to lay in the shade?
forming figures in the clouds
having long conversations for hours
nights where we stayed up late
getting into stupid debates about who's right or wrong,
picking out the right song to play over and over again.
remember how we fought over stupid stuff?
and even though times get rough, we'd just laugh it all up
do you remember when we met in September?
in english class where the hours didn't last
and that's where it happened so fast
creating memories that we thought would remain
but all we created
was pain
and that was the last day i saw you.
sitting on the bench
with another girl
my heart clenched
cheeks tear-drenched
my pride craving for revenge.
listen darling,
i just want you to remember
from the beginning of september
remember the long-lasting splendor
the last moments of us being together
because i remembered
and dare i keep it in my heart forever.
first poem i wrote way back 2016
D A W N Jun 2019
****** and pull
you and i loved that pattern
messed up sheets
creased and ruffled
left with many lustful memories
pleasurable reveries
unveiling mysteries
breaking boundaries
bare and exposed
we were naked in and out
we gave it all
dont even get it wrong im saving my virginity for twice nobodys getting pregnant if nayeon tells me so
D A W N Jan 2022
sometimes my thoughts speak louder
than the vision reality gives me.
pulling me into a reverie
out in this place
a poem i wrote in 2017
D A W N Aug 2022
how can i love
and be detached at the same time?
when half of my foot is out of the door
but my lover is beckoning me to come in
this is gonna hurt more than the love i have experienced before
D A W N Oct 2018
trapped in my slumber
our lips met, fool.
mouth clashed
perfectly to each other
matching puzzle pieces
but it was just
a mere
such a
daunting scene
of a stranger's lips
i crave to find in reality.
deadass had a dream n it felt so real what the ****
D A W N Feb 2019
if i stopped loving you,
love letters
i wrote
(n) a longing for someone you love but have lost.
D A W N Nov 2019
u admired me
from a distance.
and when
were 2 feet away from
only then i had
noticed you
fell in love
with me
i miss my old school a lil but i dont have any regrets moving to a new one. Ive been more confident of being who i am now than i was back then
D A W N Jun 2022
the things i had to beg before
just to be loved
are the things I've been receiving
effortlessly from her
like i am entitled to it
like i deserve it
like i don't have to be on my knees to ask for it
to ask for the slightest fragment of her heart
the universe is working in my favor and i ****** deserve this and i am grateful chile im finna cry
D A W N Aug 2019
why does everything have to be one sided
im not just talking abt love tf yall trash idc
D A W N Jun 2019
in a lonely night
the streets
from where
the stars fell
when the moon
didnt want them anymore
in poetry, art is art
D A W N Jun 2022
I want to love her with my eyes wide open
and my heart a bottomless chalice
love  should be unafraid
to look me in the eye
when it sees me
so do not look at me with one eye closed
and tell me I am the prettiest thing
you've ever known
I want my lover to take me in
let your gaze
drink at the sight of me
a glass full of love
sip it slowly, my dear
momma, i like this girl. and ure gonna like her too. i cant ****** digress how beautiful she is- not even the poems and the paintings i make are enough to justify her beauty- my god.  her mind is pretty too, momma. ure gonna like her.
D A W N Jan 2022
and with the slightest touch,
the girl sets me ablaze,
with every bit of me
is burnt crisp,
slow dancing in a
burning room
with you.
D A W N Oct 2018
how could a person
ever muster the courage
to say
"im sorry."
when he's used to saying
"i forgive you."
D A W N Aug 2019
i swept the shards of your heart when she broke it.
i pieced them back together and it took me forever
but i didnt mind because i loved you and thats all it mattered
but when u gave your heart to another girl
my heart shattered.

edit: everything revolves back to being in love n i dont want to be part of it ***
D A W N May 2018
you make me utter words
for you, my love
cannot get a single word
whenever i speak in full sentences
D A W N Jun 2018
the fire died down like lava and ice.
instantly dying,
consistently trying
to keep the light alive.

-my feelings for you
D A W N Jul 2019
count all your hickeys
and tell me the names of
the men whose lips touched
the surface of your flesh.
was i the
only one
who left
more than
just a bruise
on your skin?
not related to the piece i wrote but the often i see u the more i dig a hole that ill never get back up and i like it *** lets get to kno eachother fool.
D A W N Feb 2019
they said,
opposites attract.
they werent wrong.
you loved the moon and the stars
just as i loved the earth and the clouds.
you loved gravity just as i yearned for air.
you lived with the stars just as i have lived with the clouds.
you loved the moon as much as you loved me.
that didnt stop you from being close to me.
now i know
why the moon
keeps on
(n) a person who loves the moon.
D A W N Jun 2022
i have taken sight of her
in all of her forms
every corner and curve
and i have never seen anything so implicitly
beautiful in my entire existence
i have seen her with outstretched arms
receive the
drizzling tears the rain bleeds out on a
sunday morning
i have seen her body
draped across the horizon
basking in the warmth of the unforgiving april sun
i have seen her blush
at  the sight of rosy pink skies cascading on her cheeks
i have heard her sing
when the zephyrs brush the strings of her eyelids.

the first time
and all the times after,
this encounter,
i will tuck it safely in the pockets of my memory
until death calls for my last breath.
i was so happy writing this mygod u should've seen the early morning rain at the creek where u could see the myriad of ripples the rain sheds on the still waters at 6 am it was so pretty rahhhasdasdjhk
D A W N Aug 2019
and even the sun sacrifices itself
for u to shine
regardless of the daylight
just so to see u.
i wrote u 4 poems and a song without even knowing u amazing right
D A W N Jun 2019
we really liked each other huh
though we never said it out loud
we kept that thought to ourselves
we learned through our actions
subtle but powerful, we knew.
the irony of one to love the polar opposite.
of course you were uncertain.
you cant mix the + and - of a battery and just
jam it in thinking it will work
maybe thats why you never confessed.
if life ever decided not to give happy endings,
the moments we've shared together  
taught me that also love has barriers
of what was something that couldve been a happy ending
if love and religion disagrees
this is the paradox of you and me
a very rough piece i wrote but my poems serve as my diary :// mashed into fancy words and beautiful metaphors this is an old poem i found written on a book i havent finished reading kssksksks its hard when u had feelings for someone inside ur circle back then ;))
D A W N Feb 2019
i held you with
and bleeding arms;
tight and secured
i loved you.
if love
were meant to  be
like this.
this painful bliss,
i would hold for dear life.
how far would you go in the name of love?
D A W N Oct 2018
give me a blanket full of stars
your eyes.
                         i swear with all my heart.
i rlly luv ur ******* eyes
D A W N Aug 2019
the countless times
our lips
brushed past
each other.
my lips were demanding
but my heart refuses.
when i thought
could give me a sense
of confidence.
warning signs were
plastered on your
face but how could
i say no.
bro from head to toe down to the personality u look the the person i liked 3 years ago n i coulda almost did something i couldnt do 3 years ago lucky u
D A W N May 2018
i want to scramble your words and turn them into paraphrases
that way
i can reciprocate every understatement that clings in your tongue
D A W N Jan 2022
the level of expertise of how he slit their throat would send a butcher and a surgeon to their knees.
a mad man, none could abate his impending insanity growing inside of him rapidly.
all these blind sighted mice worshipped a killer feigned in modesty and grace.
a murderer could neither be a man in rags or a man clad with wealth and class.
regardless, their masquerade of charm is as deadly as the knife they wield, leads to their victory of escape, the thought disgusts me.
who knew behind your cherry coated lips and hands that are ready to hold would be capable of
bringing death.
D A W N Jun 2017
A foreigner,
In an unrequited world.
D A W N Jun 2019
i watched you,
you looked at me
and nothing else could compare
;)) its already been 10 months i cant believe im still putting up with u
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