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 Jul 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

The moon looks nice and the stars gleam bright
just as young as the night,
like the angels that appear in front of a fight,
for the wrong things in this cruel world that we spite,
rush the wind off a bike,
when a boy loves a girl he gives his all,
Every man in the world don't have bad tendencies,
Like a stand-up or a missed call,
and now the girl you had thinks you cheated while you stand tall,
head high,
love the person you are so you laugh and say bye,
tears fall down as she runs then she sighs,
if you think you were ******* then,
you trying be compassionate is a nice **** try,
now why'd you let her go? all she did was argue with her mother
in a broken home with an abusive step-dad in a ghetto neighborhood
where taxes break everybody down, nothing ever happens but shootings
up in the south zone,
did you dismiss all the bruises that her step-dad was giving her?
how about the time when her mother drove her to school
and did coke in the parking lot like it was okay for her,
Everybody knows your a cheater,
so what you got to hide besides the gonorrhea that you transmit to
every girl you had *** with,
Boy I'm glad she didn't catch it,
thinking , that if she did you were gonna catch an *** whooping.
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
Don't look at me like a perfect portrait
When my smile was sewn on
And my flaws edited out
As the lights covered my insecurities
And the flashes buried
The shadows of my demons
Within the vignettes of my life
Which were hidden in the depths of time
For no one else to ever see...

Don't touch me like I'm a masterpiece
When you weren't there to sketch my rough edges.
You weren't there to see my colors
Bleed through my paper thin masks
Onto the tile floor forever as cold as my heart...

Don't hold me like I'll shatter
When you weren't there to see me in pieces
Because darling you can't break something
That's already broke...
The actual poem was a bit longer but I hope you all enjoy this amazing write as much as I did... ~BM
(Front page 7/25/2017)
 Jul 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Heaven knows,
My struggles and my agonies.
Heaven knows,
My struggles and my agonies.

Loneliness and focusness provokes thought,
Sweat on your face for the friends that you sought,
Don't spend the rest of your life in a box,
Looking for love in the wrong places need to stop,
It's so easy to fit in with people like you,
Ain't a time for wishing and hoping a virtue,
Boyfriend's and girlfriends that'll​ straight hurt you,
It'll be a second when your world ends turning you so cruel,

I just say just don't hang with people that peerpressure and leaves you out
High and dry,
If trust is trust and fake is fake , they must be synthetic to what they think is
Your demise,
If it's not one thing then it's definitely another but the first thing's a lil' more
There is so much fake in the world they might just sacrifice your body and
Just come up famous,

So who needs friends?
Might be the Devil in the disguise,
Might be an under cover cop,
Turn on you in the blink of an eye.


Dropping like seagulls in the sea,
people are dying everywhere help us please,
suspicions about the world since seventeen,
I never had a dad around , can't control me.

while all the girls,
while all the girls,
don't see reason.
while all the boys,
while all the boys,
don't like being told what to do.
And all the eye catchers , they walk around without being *,
you better take someone's hand in desperate need and say what you* have spoken,
And all the eye catchers,* pretend like the world revolves around* them.
Theres always something in this world that is worth living for but you gotta live for them.

Spare me the ignorance if you please,
i never conquered a problem just with ease,
interest in words stem from the giving tree,
I'm not a violent person just don't judge me.

while all the girls,
all the girls,
don't see reason.
while all the boys,
while all the boys,
don't like being told what to do.
And all the eye catchers , they walk around without being noticed.
you better take someone's hand in desperate need and say what you have spoken,
And all the eye catchers,* pretend like the world revolves around* them.
Theres always something in this world that is worth living for but you gotta live for them.
 Jul 2017
it all comes down to
perspective, and
what we perceive is
so very different,
I know it's hard to see it
any other way but yours,
but yours is so unlike mine..
yes, we're on the same page in our lives,
but will be ever be on the same line?
I love you, I do
and in my eyes
everything was fine
but it wasn't like that for you
I only want to understand why
which I'm sure
I know the answer to
spiderman, spiderman...
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
Your eyes glare at me relentlessly
Why won't you look away
Burning a hole in the back of my head
Look away
But when I turn around I realize I'm frozen in place
Is there something you want to say?
Your pink lips remain sealed
What is it that you won't say?

Oh how I want to walk towards you..
But it seems you've made up your mind...

And with one last stare
No, Stay
You turn around
Please stay
And disappear
*Or not...
Another unedited poem but this one I know was written as part of an excerpt to one of RH's unpublished books I had the pleasure of reading. This scene in particular brought tears to my eyes so I thought I would share the poem version of it. Its years old but still a beautiful write. ~BM
 Jul 2017
he's always been my poison,
I've always known he would **** me
as slowly as any substance abuse
that brought me absolute bliss
he's a vision of petulance and
frustration, of hardships and loss,
and when he speaks I stop to listen
all the while begging for a kiss
of the poison I've been living off of,
for months upon months I was his
and I told myself he was mine but
the truth is he belongs to no one
because it's as simple as this,
poisonous lips don't fall in love
he's an independent man who don't need no woman.
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
We've been scorched and trialed
Scarred beyond recognition
Bruised beyond repair
But we've shed our skin to become
Masters of our own disguises...

Scars line our bodies
Intertwining like a mysterious vine
Lacing together in jagged harmony
Intricate like a hidden beauty within itself..

Some were received from battle
More received from the battle within
From the depths of the darkness
Haunting the forgotten graves
Lost in the whispering wind..

Our skin's a masterpiece
Covered in red, black, and blue
But is it the color of glory
Or of shame
Of fear
Of the silent shadows still living within us...

Are we truly soldiers
Or simply ones without a cause
Lost in the sounds of chaos
For eternity to endure...

Our scars tell our stories
But are they the ones being heard
Or are our silent screams
Lost in the unforgiving wind
In the depths of time itself?

Then truly,
   Do these scars,
       Our story
         Mean anything
              At all ....
At first I didn't understand this poem. Then I realized in the notes RH had written "I don't want to live forgotten". This was written, apparently, back in 2014. Anyway, I realized the soldiers represented everyone in the world who was fighting endlessly just to help leave their marks on this world and had been left forgotten by those who came after them. As a poet/writer we'll forever leave our marks on the world. We may even end up forgotten but our words will find a way to live on, our memory along with them. And someone like Rebel Heart should know its near impossible to forget someone as amazing as herself.... ~BM
 Jul 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B & Alex G

AB : Mother earth , look what they did to you,
You were beautiful back in your day of being pampered
In those seven days.
**** heads that act like jerks that don't have nothing to do,
You were clean once in this universe and they uncleaned you
With their harmful plays.
In this country and this cold world lingering and going through
Like a regular human being with funds and accusations,
Life's a pretty blonde ***** with Daddy issues,
I guess that's where father time comes in , deaths happen,
Get some tissues,
I've had a lot and I've lost a lot where heaven and hell will forget you not,
Better choose the right slot,
Cause the women out here getting plastic surgery,
And the men , some enlargement pills,
Why don't you just be happy with yourself and let time heal?

AG : Now that I know what I know,
I had to let go for the sake of my soul,

I was turning into a person I didn't even know,
I had to tell my heart it's alright to be cold,

Nobody gives a ****,
That's the truth,
This is your road,
You didn't have a choice but you gotta learn to grow,

You only live one life,
Better focus on your goals,
The clock is ticking and there ain't nothing you can hold,
That you won't lose in the end,
You gotta keep control,
So I'm here with my pen letting the ink explode,

Exposing myself to everyone that I know,
This **** is 100,
I keep it real for the foes.
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
"I've overcome depression"..*
But nights like these it still leaves its muddy footprints
All over my words and drowns me
In thoughts I thought I locked away
Deep in a chest in the back of my mind..
It still stomps through at its own pleasure
As if to remind me
That my minds still not my own
And neither is my life.
That I belong to eternal darkness
Not lost in your warm embrace
Stuck forever in the midst of the chaotic *nothingness...
A more depressingly truthful poem lost in 2014... Leave any thoughts in the comments or feel free to message me privately, I'm always here to talk...
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
Whisper soft sins into my ear
The night can blanket us both
As we rise and fall onto eachother
With the stars dancing above us
To rejoice our secret reunion..
I forgot how much I missed your soft lips
And their taste on mine
As they mapped out deep secrets
Tracing my scars under the moonlight..
Unravel me with your deep dark eyes
A pool of brown ever so captivating.
Claim me as yours once again my love
As we breathe the same air
We'll dance together
Creating our own music
Forever locked away in the depths
Of our fated sheets
As the universe erupts
To acknowledge our doomed love..
Mark me as yours
As I lose myself in your scent
Burning tonight into memory
Hoping we'll meet again soon
For between the whispered words you left
There was still much left to be said...
Another poem left marked as unedited and hidden within piles of other poems from years ago but truely too beautiful to keep from the world... hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day
 Jul 2017
Rebel Heart
And I never dreamed of us together,
For fire and ice are always apart.
But you broke through all the barriers,
Defied the laws and stole my heart.

It seemed as though the galaxy aligned,
One breezy night
As the moonlight danced
Into the balcony
Blanketing the bedroom
Under the twinkling stars

As if a fantasy bled into the realm of reality
And the impossible bent the rules of fate.
As if time came to a rippling stop
And all the voices began to slowly fade...

Your eyes drowned out even the music,
Capturing me in enticing sins.
Your lips locked onto mine
In a desperate longing
Slowly mapping out every inch of my bare skin

And though my insecurities invaded my thoughts
Threatening to darken this one moment of complete light
Your whispering words anchored me to the now...

My demons constantly attacked my sanity
  "You're smart"
My skeletons gnawed away at dreams
  "You're talented"
My ghosts kept putting up walls around my heart
  "You're amazing"
My ugly scars screamed this was all a dream
  "You're beautiful"
Because how could something this amazing be real?
  "So beautiful"
How could someone like you love someone like me?
  "******* beautiful"
How can someone love these flaws flowing relentlessly within me?
  "I'm in love with you..."
How could these sins you whisper to me under the stars unravel the universe of emotions I've held inside me like this?
  "And you're mine"
          ..And I always will be..
I'm not really Rebel Heart. She's busy so I'm taking over her account for a while (one of the perks of being a writer's best friend). All that's published on this account will solely be her writing however. I was reading through some of her work and found this from years ago. I have to admit I didn't know what to expect but all her words seemed to be so captivating. Unfortunately she, for whatever reason, has yet to publish some of her best work (that's my opinion), and labeled most of them as unedited or "unpublishable" (I'm sure that isn't a word). Throughout the days I guess it'll be interesting to see some of the words she's left for the world to see as she, like most of us poets, keeps 90% of her words locked away even from me. Let's venture through the depths of her mind together ~BM
 Jul 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Hi I'm Arcassin And I was wondering how a black male
in america made it this far,
Dear Zeus Please tell me what I've done wrong,
And there ain't mountain high enough for journey's to start,
there's not enough room in this soul to smile.
I know what I've done and I'm not proud.

New mission.
with honorable mentions.
keeping one love.
no substitutions.
I know my role man.
to be a citizen.
but I'm so woke man.
the truth will hide in sin , sin.
we can't pretend like nothing's going on,
you wanna waste away , you wanna live your life,
I swear material things mean more to you than the
people that have your back in this life,
so calm down man.
you fought long enough.
I hope you understand.
It's just as simple as trust.

Hi I'm Arcassin And I was wondering how a black male
in america made it this far,
Dear Zeus Please tell me what I've done wrong,
And there ain't mountain high enough for journey's to start,
there's not enough room in this soul to smile.
I know what I've done and I'm not proud.

Don't need luck.
changes is a must.
***** your issues.
Not in the mood to fuss.
we all have weaknesses.
and we're all not so strong.
we all gotta fight.
to capsulize the wrong, wrong.
we can't pretend like nothing's going on,
you wanna waste away , you wanna live your life,
I swear material things mean more to you than the
people that have your back in this life,
I can't control.
whatever it is you do.
the guilt we try to hold.
will only bury you.

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