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15.2k · Jul 2013
Ode to the mango
Chris T Jul 2013
Clothed green and red
outer layer
protecting the golden
treasure that lies beneath.
fruit of the gods,
placed down upon
our earth
for enlightenment.
One bite
such sweetness
blasting away every
taste bud,
an explosion in the brain,
turning us from human
to pure animalistic joy.
I love                                                  
mango                             .
This is NOT a serious poem. I was bored and the **** just happened as I ate a mango. Enjoy (2013)
Chris T Mar 2014
I dreamt of you (again).
It's a bit weird
for that to happen
with someone
I so rarely talk to
but there you were,
there we were.

In my room
on a rug I don't own,
flat on the floor
staring up at
the ceiling fan
listening to some
indie band on vinyl
that apparently
you seemed to like,
and we were smiling,
(I don't know about you
but smiling isn't something
I do too frequently
outside of sleeping visions)
and it was
as if it'd
found us, the
we wanted.

Like watching an indie flick that
uses too much 'cam filter'
I saw it all unfold,
those two figures there
on the floor, song
ending and
your hand,

the dream was
over as
the alarm rang.
god I hope
this happens.
I don't own
a record
player but
for you I'll
buy like ten
to make this
This one is like... 5 months old. Might as well post everything, even the dung ones. I haven't edited it so... (Haha i never do)
7.3k · Apr 2014
The Bacon Haikus #1
Chris T Apr 2014
such a greasy pan.
mornin' bacon sizzlin' - our
cholesterol high.
the first of many from new project because i'm bored.
6.9k · May 2014
Art is dead 15w
Chris T May 2014
Art is dead. Poor Art.
Poor Art's kids and wife.
Art, you will be missed.
Haha i tricked you, didn't i? You thought this was gonna be one of those poems but nope. Don't worry guys, I'll write something serious after finals are done.
6.2k · Dec 2015
Geology poem
Chris T Dec 2015
Earth's lower mantle
is composed of magnesium iron silicate.
The lower mantle is 2000 kilometers thick,
so magnesium iron silicate makes up 38 percent
of the Earth's entire volume
leaving it the most common of our minerals

but You,
You are not magnesium iron silicate.
You are painite, our rarest kind of mineral.
You are painite reflecting all that is good and bright in the world.
Edit later gotta study for finals
Chris T Aug 2013
In a cloud of
Blue nicotine
Sits near
Our home
Serving up grease
Burgers and fries
To men
Gripped by
broken hearts
Bad luck
And rain
The cook, waiters,
Stare at the food
Mad eyes
For some change that
Will never come
Through those
Doors the newly
Dead men, women,
Walk in
To order fries
And burgers, shakes,
Forever so
Take your good time
Uh... Hey, it's something.
5.6k · Apr 2014
Seafood Haiku #1
Chris T Apr 2014
Fresh caught fish and chips
at the harbor side shop - fog.
Tourists' photograph.
More food poems
Chris T Oct 2015
on this october night, while i ponder on the crisp toilet seat
and feel my body shiver from the awful lack of heat,
one single ****, compact and long, from my ******* falls,
and into then rank toilet water it splooshes and splashes.
on the porcelain i clench my feet and moan, it echoes through the halls,
my *******, it burns! (lo, how it burns!) as if a ***** went in full with scratches.
how i pray to God Almighty, "forgive me Lord for I have sinned",
in this ****** place i sit aroused and weary, The light is dimmed,
from the corner of my eye, my end nigh: i sigh, Lord. i sigh!
the toilet paper is gone, i cannot handle the vapor (nor my **** gaper).
By (Edgar Allan Poe) Me!
5.4k · Nov 2015
Chris T Nov 2015
the other day i sat alone having lunch in a McDonalds.
i found the Big Mac enjoyable and the wedge fries good enough
but what i truly loved was the cold-*** Oreo McFlurry.
actually, that's a half-lie because the cold-*** Oreo McFlurry
wasn't the only thing i truly loved from that McDonalds lunch.
when i was McSpooning the creamy goodness using my left hand,
the hand that should be reserved for ice cream related endeavors,
this girl wearing a polka-dot dress and a beret came in, stood in line,
and i heard her order: Big Mac, wedge fries and an Oreo McFlurry.
she anxiously tapped her right foot, the foot that should be reserved for tapping,
and i felt love for the first time in months. i didn't know her but i was in love.
it was the kind of momentary love developed for strangers that makes you think:
"****. I wish we could sit together in silence at a McDonalds, mouths full,
eating Big Macs, wedge fries and McFlurries being the envy of McDonalds residents."
and then the stranger asks for her order to go and the universe collapses.
the momentary love begins fading slowly and the fantasy is enveloped by greasy fast food smells.
reality is a *****, girl in the polka-dot dress and beret.
it's been 5 minutes since you left. i miss you.
it's been 10 minutes since you left. i've tried forgetting you.
McDonalds mystery girl gone but not forgotten. I do like a polka-dot dress. Hot af.
4.8k · Dec 2014
Santa: Elf Slaves
Chris T Dec 2014
Santa got us workin' in the cold,
not a single fireplace in that **** factory.

He don't even feed us:
we eats polar bear leftovers,
penguin flesh and such.

Ask for a break and get stomped
by reindeers and such.
not a day of vacation, not a one.

The houses be made o' candy
but we ain't got no dental either,
so eatin' that would **** us.

This fat white ape is a bad bad man,
lord ain't that the truth,
ol' Saint Nick is a total ****.
Chris T Jan 2014
My girlfriend
Moved in with me
So she decided
To call her friend,
Who was also
A close friend of mine,
For a couple of beers
In the now 'our' house.
Carmel Scotts
Arrived, knocked,
At around 9,
And girlfriend let him in
And his motorcycle
Sat outside near my
****** old car.
He was a skinny
Ill skin tone guy
Due to his being a
Poppy aficionado,
And he dressed
Like he belonged at
A London punk rock
Concert in the early 80s.
He came in
With his huge mohawk
Flipping God and the system off
And his boots
Knock knock knocking
On Satan's roof.
'Sup' 'Sup' 'Beer?'
'Yeah man, of course'
And we drank and drank
And the now 'our' clock's hands
Moved and struck
We were quite drunk.
I put on
That record
By The Stooges
That we loved
And went to take a ****.
When I came back
Iggy was moaning about
Some Deathe Car
While on the now 'our' floor
Carmel crouched
Like a tiger
Above girlfriend's opened legs
As she too moaned
Being eaten alive by
the now 'our' friend.
They were really going at it
And didn't notice I was back.
I was mad,
Really ****** mad.
I was about
To slam him
Off girlfriend and beat him
To a pulp
When suddenly, I woke up.
I remembered
That I don't have a girlfriend,
(I never have had one)
And I don't have a punk friend
(Or any friend really).
So from mad
I turned sad
And got drunk without both of em.
Just for fun. I wrote this at 1:30am. It's funny in my opinion. Haha, I really don't have friends, I've never had a gf but I use that fact to be funny. Carmel Scotts was actually my imaginary punk friend from when I was a lonely 8 year old, I don't know where you are, Carmel, but I miss you and you can eat out my gf any time, bro!
Chris T Dec 2014
Coke holiday commercials got me drinkin',
New Years day, expect to pass a kidney stone.
Chris T Sep 2014
there once was a nerd, in his pastime he led a pony herd and drank mountain dew while his patchy mustache grew, he fingered a bag or three of Cheetos and studied tuxedoes, but the point i try to point is the point that this nerd was a sir, true and fair, and how dare you put him, leave him, in the grim grim world of the friend zone?! now pick up your phone and call that mountain dew can armor wearing amour back into your life and be his wife because *** is only for the married.
This ain't done, this isn't edited. I am your God.
3.7k · Aug 2014
"Eee Eee"
Chris T Aug 2014
"Eee Eee" says the pink plastic rhino
melting onto the pavement
and so goes your childhood but
you must wonder who bought
that pink plastic rhino that shrieks
"Eee Eee" so loudly that nobody
hears it and why?

There goes the neighborhood.
The trees, the house, the swings
and the pink plastic rhino
that so lively once "Eee Eee"d.
3.6k · Feb 2014
the rocking chair letter
Chris T Feb 2014
A sealed letter
rested on
a rocking chair
at a house
that overlooked
a blue sea.

The ink recent
black and wet
waited for the
young man to
come and read it.
Sea foam rose.

And the rocks kissed
by the soft
lips of the sea,
someone joined
their *******

The letter read
"...I'm sorry..."
and the young man
wept on that
porch, on that chair.
"...Goodbye, love".
(Not as well as i hoped for)
Chris T Dec 2014
I never did trust this goldfish
while typing.

Its bulging eyes scream spy,
and I won't have it escape,
tell people from wrong crowds
about these secret writing projects.

Circling its crystal bowl,
this goldfish is mine.

A political prisoner
with no chance at pardon.
Call Amnesty International
or protest, I don't care.

It knows too much
to swim in freedom.

Death will be its liberator:
Its body glistening in the sundown
during the proposed viking funeral;

secrets kept secret.
The final cut to this legendary James Bond type goldfish ordeal.

Editors Note:

1. The author doesn't own a goldfish and is in fact voicing his own insecurities about the sea creature. He truly fears goldfish.

2. Any resemblance to real life goldfish is completely coincidental. The author has never encountered a real life secret service goldfish.

3. No animals were harmed in the editing of this poem. Please love all our animal friends whether it be mammal or fish (or anything).
3.4k · Mar 2014
Abuela's cooking
Chris T Mar 2014
while i do love
the taste of unhealthy
t.v. dinners for every meal
and i do enjoy
the slobbery salisbury steaks,
extra salty ramen noodles
and those little tuna cans,
it's great to come home
after a long emotional
roller coaster week
and have abuela cook up
some arroz con garbanzos
and unas buenas chuletas,
get the latest family gossip,
comments on how
el gobernador is being
the biggest pendejo
in power at the moment,
watch the news,
see how many were killed this week,
and just shake our heads
as the island crumbles into Detroit like
madness (at least we've got great beaches),
ah but yes,
abuela's cooking,
what i need to forget
the girl with the pretty hair.
Came home from the university this weekend and my grandparents came over to our house and grandma's cooking some mean *** pork chops!

This is all i need at the moment.
Chris T Apr 2014
i'm a loose hair on your diner scrambled eggs:
another food based oldie.
Chris T Apr 2014
I'd finger you with
mozzarella sticks
any day or night. just tell me when."
2.8k · Sep 2013
Wilted Flower Child
Chris T Sep 2013
You took a ride
From a stranger
Driving a flower child van
And you never came back,
Lost in dead dreams,
Long gone ideals,
Wearing a
Psychedelic trip for a shirt
And dirt rubbed jeans teared knee to knee,
The wind blowing
And the radio playing some Dylan song,
Screaming and laughing,
The days were sand castles
On a beach being blown and
Losing shape, back to single grains,
And you promised that you'd never go back
But someplace in the back of your mind
You admitted to yourself that things
Like this, of smiles and bright eyes,
Never last, never last,
But that didn't stop you
And the highway stretched
And the clock ticked ticked
And the seconds were minutes
And the minutes hours,
A paper tablet for every normal thought
Worked like magic, medicine for the spirit,
Just like those that came before you,
All those people that smiled once,
Refusing to get behind a cubicle,
Refusing to wear a suit,
Refusing to get old,
You rode that van to the edge
(Of civilization) and watched the sun
Settle down up close, face to face,
And some time in between
It all stopped
And you were
Ancient history,
The psychedelic shirt lay in a chest,
The jeans in the back of a garbage truck,
The radio stopped playing Dylan,
The wind stopped blowing,
The castles were a hill of sand again,
Nobody screamed, nobody laughed,
you can try to run
But time always gets you,
No amount of pink and green tablets
Will save you
And peace will be but a teenage dream,
And the you that never came back
Did not come back,
But not because the van kept driving,
But because the van broke down forever,
Nothing lasts forever, nothing,
Especially you.
2013. New one. i liked it. It may have a few errors, i'm not sure, haven't edited yet.
Chris T May 2014
Normally this place is colder than a penguin's ****
But Holy Satan, it's steaming right now
And I'm sure it's not my cappuccino
Or the fact that i'm wearing a hoodie,
Must be (it is) the movement of your buttocks
Over there on the little wooden stage
That nobody uses except for sitting and
playing with those lame monster cards.
You and your friend, yeah, that one.
The girl that was on the table behind mine,
sneaking a peek at my iPad as it streamed
The Twilight Zone, the episode with the piano
That reveals what people hide in their souls
(****, lucky that isn't here or
They'd call the cops on me for
Like ****** assault or something),
Began twerking randomly when you called her
And are still going at it, as if you're telling her lessons,
And i'm sitting here pretending to be paying attention
To Rod Serling's monologue intro
When really i'm looking at that popping shake.
Holy Satan! "Control yourself" I think
"Oh what's that? I don't remember
Having a highlighter marker in my pants.
Oh ****, that's not it, ******* it."
And now you're showing your friend
How to seductively move that stomach,
This is bad (no, it's perfect),
You pulling your shirt up a bit
Above the belly button and doing that.
And how come i'm the only one here
Noticing this (besides your friends at the table).
I know the place is mostly empty but
It's a small space, it's easy to see this,
Yet these idiots are drooling over their
New Pokemon game; what the ******* hell?
When you've got the greatest show on campus
Going on right ******* there! I don't get it.
Am I like a perv or something? (Yes).
To the girl with the goddess body
Twerking all nerdishly and awesome
In the coffee shop:
Don't stop,
******* it.
Holy Satan,
Don't ever stop!
This is old. About 7 months old actually. Anyways, I remember putting this up and someone got mad and I took it down but whatever. I thought it was mad hilarious.
2.7k · Sep 2013
Rebelling without a cause
Chris T Sep 2013
I once went to a poetry reading
At a café shop in old San Juan.
A tuesday night i believe,
The tourists, like cattle,
Down their cruise ship ramps,
And into the cobblestone streets;
White, bloated stomachs, burnt skin,
In their sandals and Hawaiian shirts,
Or sandals and short skirts, short pants,
Invaded the capital city streets.
The sun was setting.
They were still out and hungry for more
As tourists are for sights, and they'd stop
In the plazas where the pigeons play,
And they'd yell to their misbehaving kids,
And to "look at that!" at their uninterested teens
Who text and text and chew gum non-stop.
So there it was, the café, a quaint little place,
With coffee and pastries fresh and a shop
On the side specializing in art and poetry objects,
And a in the back a space with a set tiny stage
Where poets come and bard and have a drink
And discuss their affairs in the most
Pretentious way that is only possible to
Be achieved by poets, that air of superiority.
A man in a beret and a black shirt and jeans
Was the first to go and he read about
The flowers and the rivers and the beauty
Of this, our land, in a way that wasn't true,
In a poetic way, and then after applause
Another went on, wine red hoodie, jeans,
Young and unkempt and he read about
The Americans and their imperial ways
And about patriotism and independence
And dreams that us young kids feel,
The need to rebel against our oppressors
Because our spirits have not been beaten yet
By the disappointments reached through a
Lifetime of political wrath and corruption
And propaganda and all sorts of things,
The young poet received a great ovation,
Writers here have strong spirits and
Even the elder ones still believe in the cause.
Some Americans, a few europeans
(a Spanish couple and a ****** face German),
Had gone in the shop, probably for a drink
But stayed for the poetry, and they stood,
With uneasy faces that, even if they didn't
Understand the words, they felt
The vibrations of their meaning,
And it was wonderful, and i was glad,
Know the truth and that the cause isn't dead,
It simply crawls in backs of shops,
It hangs with the young people,
And one day it'll explode,
One day the people will awaken
And get rid of these demons.
This time a poetess came up,
And she read in English a rhyme;
While she gave her show some teenagers
And their parents, Americans,
Texans by their accents, began talking,
Interrupting the reading, and the blonde
Woman reading the poem stopped and struggled,
Until at last she said "be quiet, gringos."
In a voice that was strangely soothing,
And the americans scoffed and silent they were,
And she finished her reading and got off the stage
And sat her purple t-shirt, skirt, dressed self
Near the people she'd just told to settle down,
Grinning. I don't remember what her poem was about,
I only remember her action, it was one
That served as reminder to everyone there
That this is our land and not theirs, that we make the rules
And the outsiders should be the ones respecting them,
Not the other way around, that the fight should continue.
I left the cool café and walked into the humid streets,
The moon above San Juan and the bay,
And El Morro
And La Perla
And Capitolio
And the bums and the dogs and cats
and the tourists and all of us;
The proud city, centuries old, that holds a prison
Were our poets and our fighters  and thinkers
were once held,
And i thought: The dream is still alive.
Alright, so i wrote this one when i was about 16 so... yea, not too good. I'm posting it cause i found it and thought it was sorta cool. Again, thoughts of a 16 year old. Things have changed. The ideal is the same but slightly different way of going on about it.
2.7k · Mar 2014
The peach was waiting
Chris T Mar 2014
After so long searching
I found the perfect peach
hanging from a tree at
eye level and I knew
the journey was all done.
(So thank you)
2.5k · Apr 2013
Chris T Apr 2013
It's a circus
Without the tent,
Without the colors,
Without the fun.
A mad circus.
And the carnies and the freaks,
That's you and me and them,
my friend.
To whom do we perform to?
Ask yourself that!
I don't know.
This popped into my head when I was writing a Facebook status.
Imagine that!
Not bad in my opinion...
I do need a better title,
suggestions would be nice.
Chris T Nov 2014
Another bowl of chili!
Hit me!

Tongue burnin' belly shriekin'!
Don't stop now.
Hit me.

........what happened, doll face? Chili?
I fainted?
Amazing. Sometimes you gotta learn how to stop.
2.4k · Sep 2014
Salute your doctors!
Chris T Sep 2014
I've discovered a new wonder,
one that from now on should become
part of a daily routine that's yet to be
prepared and laid out.
I've discovered the music the keyboard
plays while my Ritalin brain (all are one)
bullets through space and the
imaginary library up there with the floor
shelves. That's where I'll take the ambien
and loose control of what is happening
and slow slow slow
into the stopping stop stop
the train stops.
A whole scene to add every morning
These things are magnificent
and who cares losing a friend or two
over random fits of rage when
when you get to add this
to the morning afternoon night routine.
I Am A God. The only lesson this has taught me
and 3666 words an hour is too good a devilish thing
to pass by. I will continue and spiral.
Then the sleepy haze and the tripping morning
Chris T May 2014
Alarm - 7:30AM
Gonna cook.
Eggs. Bacon.
Read the paper.
Jog in the park.
Be productive.
I'll... I'll...
***** it.
Alarm - Off.
Gonna sleep.
Chris T Nov 2014
Never did I trust goldfish when I was typing away.
Those bulging eyes say spy and I will not have this
animal escape when I'm not looking and tell someone
in the wrong crowd about my secret writing projects.
This goldfish,
circling this crystal bowl,
he is mine,
a political prisoner.
Call Amnesty International if you want but
there's no existing manner to free him.
Except death.
Then he will be given a proper viking funeral
and his body burnt in the glistening sundown.
Secrets kept secret.
Chris T Sep 2014
Autobiographical fact:
The CIA trained me in covert Martian Martial Arts.

I am better than you.
My fists are weapons of mass destruction.
Boom. Bite the towel, I'm going in dry
like US planes all over Iraq.
Sadam ain't got nothing on me.
(I mean...
He had no weapons to begin with
but I'll **** Cheney his *** and yours too.)
UN Security Council say whut?!
That's what I thought.
-Mic drop-
I am God. I am the greatest. Everything in the world is exactly the same. So shut the **** up, man, and bow down to the best. I **** on your mummy's left breast.
2.0k · Apr 2014
The Corn Pops Conundrum
Chris T Apr 2014
I have eaten the last of the Corn Pops
and I feel like life no longer holds meaning .
Perhaps the calcium overdose from eating
a cereal box with a gallon of whole milk in 1 hour
will **** me and soon enough I'll never have
this empty lost feeling ever again.  
In other words... I'm still hungry.
More old stuff. Breakfast based poetry.
2.0k · May 2013
Dream of France
Chris T May 2013
Kids like him
spending nights
dreaming about
traveling to France
and sitting
around in a
wearing a beret
and black turtleneck
and smoking with
a cup of wine
on their other hand
that dream about
romance in the streets
a kiss beneath
the Eiffel Tower
musky hotel rooms
I'll never
you kid
I just can't
dream that.
A friend of mine has this dumb romantic idea about Paris or something like that. I really don't thing I could handle France. Something that I can't stand. Nothing against France.
Chris T Dec 2013
I've become so acquainted with my sociopathic thoughts
That I greet them like you would an old friend.
I've forgotten what it's like to think 'normal'
And when that strange happening occurs
I become worried.
"This is not you.
You are insane."
And some would prefer it be different,
But I wouldn't have it any other way.
(And then drop your body in a well whilst tears drop from my eyes)
Alright. Enough with the ****** writing. I need to get back on that horse, that mental state that allows me to write better because this thing we have here, in my head, it ain't working. (2013)
1.8k · Dec 2014
Christmas Toilet Blues
Chris T Dec 2014
Lord oh sweet Lord, why You gon'
n' chain me to this porcelain throne.

(Got me missin' drunken uncle's racist rants,
500 pound aunt's heavy pants,
grandpa's yellin' 'cause he can't hear...)

Stuck on the worse of toilet seats
while the family gorges itself n' eats.

(grandma starin' in all out fear
at cousin's piercin's n' tattoos,
sister rollin' eyes at decrepit views...)

No tattered paperback nor newspaper fo' me to read,
big o' slab of turkey n' p'tatoes waitin' fo' me to feed.

(mum been sweatin' in the kitchen
dad been swearin' 'bout religion,
lonely neighbor chuggin' nog...)

Here I am Lord, when will I get out?
food's gettin' colder n' I'd love to stuff my snout.

(little ones outside pettin' the dog,
others discussin' St. Nick,
knockin' on the bathroom door for a trick.)

Lord oh sweet Lord, how will I survive? You left no clues.
Instead, You come n' given me the Christmas toilet blues.
'Tis the season to be draftin'.
Chris T Mar 2015
It is.
Out the back door
into the woods.
free to live with
its own cold kind.
Love it?
Then let it go.
I love you but
I wouldn't
let you go. Oh
I couldn't.
To my friends! because y'all are the best.
Chris T Jan 2014
I was six:

On the steps
Of the small

Stood the old,
Greying haired
And mustached

Man in a
Ratty suit
Smiling and

Peering out,
Waited for


"He is your
Father, say
Hello please"

"Hello" I'd
Said to the
Stranger who'd

As father
Yet I hadn't

Met or seen
Before or
After and

That's where it
The one,
The only,
Of him.

Good riddance
I suppose.
I found this one in a notebook. This is a 2012 poem.
Chris T Dec 2014
There's a mouse in my room,
she's silver and white,
mom's chased it with a broom
and the fella's put on a fight.

From the kitchen KABOOM
did shout one cold Christmas night,
dad was the bringer of doom,
he and his shotgun's great might.

Turns out our little mouse
slept in our house

with her husband and kid
but hungry they came unhid

by father's twitchy right eye
so they met his gun and goodbye,

our mouse friend is forever now
a lonely Christmas night widow.
Not done, this was supposed to be a children's story but turned out a bit gruesome. This is like the draft I suppose. Dr Seuss and S.Silverstein inspired.
1.7k · May 2013
Typewriter in Starbucks
Chris T May 2013
What a show!
What a pose!
Who exactly do you think you are?
Can't be.
Those guys wouldn't drink
this so called coffee
in this hell hole.
Look at the guy making
the drinks, clearly an idiot,
oh but look at him now,
pretending to be reading
some philosopher
I've never heard of.
Yes, pretending,
I can see him
eyeing his sides
to make sure someone
is watching.
And you
typing away on that machine,
that dinosaur,
in your thrift shop clothes
wearing that dumb beret,
so special.
I'm going to leave
the pretentiousness
that surrounds me here,
it's truly numbing and sick.
Forget Starbucks,
I'm going to that bar
across the street.
Whiskey is cheaper
than this cup
of coffee flavored water.
Written in 2011. Seriously Starbucks and the people in there make me sick sometimes...
1.6k · Aug 2014
The fridge is empty -10w
Chris T Aug 2014
I'm sobbing into an empty cereal bowl of broken dreams
I'm so hungry :'(
1.5k · Nov 2015
Meow Meow - Earth is Saved!
Chris T Nov 2015
this is a fine morning and the man in the bathroom mirror smiles
though he admittedly isn't the friendliest person but honestly
he seemed genuinely glad to be awake and alive on such an Autumn day
with the birds chirping and the window near the kitchen slightly ajar
allowing safe passage to a nice chill breeze. he finds the cat up as well
meowing "Good morning!" cheerfully and innocently in its tiny cat voice
and he chuckles and meows back in the most accurate manner available.
on the kitchen table there's a mug of coffee, the newspaper rolled like a cigar,
a plate of waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs and powdered happiness which
the man gobbles wholeheartedly while reading the day's fresh headlines:
President Declares Peace on Earth, Local Man Defeats Dog - Gives Too Many Treats,
Cop Buys Medical Lemonade From Child's Lemonade Stand, World Hunger Exterminated...
permitting the felines to rule our existence was truly the best of ideas!
There is no God but if there was He would be a Cat.
1.5k · Jun 2013
Shut Your Mouth Mr. Landlord
Chris T Jun 2013
The not so happy rhymes*

So I got a call
from the landlord
says it's time to pay
for the house,
"better not to play
cat and mouse.
hope I won't have to call
maybe it'd be best
if I took a bag and left
you forget 'bout the "theft".
Shut your mouth, Mr Landlord,
I called you once and again
last week
and sent a check!
A check
was sent last week!
2013. Eh. I've written better.
1.5k · Mar 2013
Sorrowful Desire
Chris T Mar 2013
In a dreamlike state
I submerge into the
Deep, deep waters of your
Eyes. Mystic portals so
Intense that by my throat
I’m strangled forward.
Images strange yet
Sweet, but it’s not right,
I believe, just isn’t,
When I’m near they
Appear. Leave me in
Peace! At first it was
some infatuation
but now it is a
sickness, obsession.
As I put pen to
Paper and letter
After letter graved,
Tears of blood splatter
Across; because of
You, because of you.
Written in 2011. This is an old one so excuse the angst. I look at this, I look at how my writing has changed.
1.4k · Jun 2013
The Abyss
Chris T Jun 2013
“"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" –HP Lovecraft*

I stood in what I examined to be an ancient and forgotten shrine, to what god or devilish soul, I did not know, but it surrendered a sinister sensation. Its ruined ****** walls lay with some sections long collapsed on the ground, while texts and runes, in dead languages decorated some of the still upright rock. The roof itself was alarming, seen as if it were hanging reluctantly and willing to fall at any moment. A dispiriting, cold wind began blowing upon my face. The air became thick, difficult to breathe, turning every inhalation into a hard fought one and forcing me to continue onwards with this unwanted journey. I slowly crept out of the temple and found myself in complete darkness. There was no sun, moon or stars above, only a great barrier of pitch black nothingness. I studied the veil trying to make sense of this but surrendered and commenced following a wrecked trail carved on the earth.

The scene caused a sudden sorrow to spellbind me. Few trees remained in root, dry and dead, with branches pointed up at the heavens they appeared to be praying for mercy from a god that refused to answer. The ground was littered by branches and the grass was so withered that it was ash more than anything. This dim path that I found myself walking through warned me and all other unfortunate travelers, sending a clear, terrifying message: All hope and joy were gone, completely disappeared in this abduction of the mind. This domain was a plagued one. I heard in the distance howls of suffering and pain, savage and demented laughter; I assumed that these were emanated from whatever tormented and diseased creatures that resided here in this unholy place. These sounds, these horrid songs would’ve made even the strongest adventurers, quiver and cower. Evil permeated the region.

As I walked, a sickening green mist with the presence of death rose from the soot drenched soil surrounding and covering everything ‘neath my knees. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something shift in the dirt; a shadow now lurked hidden. I hoped that it were nothing but a mirage produced by my disturbed and weakened senses. Signs that my state of mind was slowly driving itself into mental insanity, yet lunacy at this point was bettered desired than a confrontation with any beast of cosmic horror that slithered through this wasteland.

Quickly, I discarded such an idea; it terrified me, the presence of a monster did. Gripped and strangled by panic I began to gently ease myself forward when again a shade dashed through the mist, this time, the sound of hooves accompanied it. I staggered back in fright and tripped ******* a branch, falling and hurting. I whimpered, feeling something wet, most likely blood, seeping from my now wounded left leg. “Please! No!” I yelled at the mysterious specter. Pleading to the unknown being, my vision was blurred by the sick fog, my lungs drowned with the stench of otherworldly dread and a fit of coughing possessed me.

The shadow stepped closer becoming distinguishable but not yet fully visible. It was humanoid in form and stood hunched, breathing heavily, on two legs. The fog dispersed for a few seconds. Pale skin, hair black as the ground, malevolent blood red eyes; those dead, revolting eyes glaring! Staring! The most shocking thing I then discovered: The beasts face, ‘twas mine!
2012. I wrote this one for the school's lit.mag. Thought I'd share it here even though it isn't a poem. I know that it's a bit lame, I was trying to imitate the Lovecraft-Poe style.
1.4k · May 2014
A boy can dream 10w
Chris T May 2014
If I were a tree,
I'd be a good tree.
Heehee it's 2AM
1.4k · May 2013
The Paper Experiment
Chris T May 2013
Morning newspaper
Greets you with a smile
“Thank you paperboy”
Swallowing tablets
At the sunny ball
Watching the faces
Shape shift into rabbits
Into who knows what
Feel like Alice
Explosions of color
And grandeur
Overwhelming voices
Lead the game
“I am God” shouted
They laugh eternally
Though it’s only
And clouds devour
The yellow sun
Raindrop suicide
With their mile high jump
Tambourine and guitar
And the dancing
So much dancing
That summer is lost
Among the headbands
And shirtless kids
A blur
A blur
But what a swell time!
poem i'm working on.
1.4k · Apr 2013
Ship On Black Cloud Sea
Chris T Apr 2013
A ship floating on a sea
A sea of black clouds
Wave after wave of darkness
And the ship sails on
No salt stings the air
No seagulls sing high
The taste of bitter death
Or rather not death but life
Death seems sweet
A sweet thing to live for
Live to die
Live to sail
To sail on the black clouds
To sail on the ship
To thrash about the waves
Waves continue the slam
It won’t sink
We’ll make it
To the port
I see the lighthouse
Sitting above that spike
That sharp tooth of a hill
Lighting the way
Sail on
Sail on
I'm not so sure about this one but they say that the best poetry is spontaneous.
I guess it is.
Chris T May 2015
The corner restaurant is a rendezvous of ghosts:
wholesome weeping wannabes, caricatures of caricature people,
large heads and drooping eyes, haunting cold coffee mugs,
burgers with fries, buzzing waitresses exhausted
has two kids back home and a young guy,
his hands deep in soapy waters and plates,
sweat stained shirt and forever o clock shadow
wishing he was someplace far, he's new but that one's not,
that one flipping canned meats, beer gut hanging low,
been here since 1975, used to play the guitar for a band,
the doors swing open, "Hey man, how long y'all open?",
boasting a cigarette mouth, coughing and yellow,
"I gotta get on the road but what pies you got?",
a 'Nam jacket zipped up, he sits while the jukebox sings
a cancerous voice and narcotic trumpet, and two lovers
are lost in the saturn moons for hours, wandering alien spaces,
the envy of no one, all the clocks crack the midnight bouquet,
the register rings, the phone rings, the manager scowls,
"Someone give her a hand!" mascara caked mystery howls
as her order nearly flips as the struggling waitress loses her tips,
and it never ends, the "help wanted" sign shines beneath the neon fright,
like moths attracted to lights, a newborn waddles inside.
a piece i was working on though i haven't written anything new in months
Chris T Feb 2014
It's one of those days
where you wanna get
home and fill the tub
with nice warm water,
get naked in the
dark of your bedroom,
play some Chet Baker,
dive in the water,
melting away (melt!),
open a gallon
of whatever wine
and chug it down slow,
turn the hairdryer on,
softly toss it in
your cooking *** and
let the jolt massage
take you someplace calm.
Such a nice feeling, innit?
1.2k · Oct 2015
atom bomb trout and the Cubs
Chris T Oct 2015
From the cabin near the stream I'll witness the atom bomb fall.
I'll wave a hand: "goodbye, trout neighbors." Flip off the bears.
The Cubs are **** and so is deep dish pizza but the trouts,
the neighbors, they've never hurt me, and now we'll flop on
the mushroom cloud grill, and so why shouldn't we say so long?
Edit later
Chris T May 2014
Sometimes you feel like a flower in a glass vase
decorating the center of a booth in a rundown diner
surrounded by coffee cup stains and burger grease
and accompanied by a hundred wearied faces
that come and pass, blurs in the middle of the night,
the fluorescent light of a single bulb that slowly burns out
the only shining source, mucky water your one food supply,
alone, carefully shriveling away forgotten, but other times
you're the diner, the trusty booth, a shimmering light
on a otherwise cavernous, empty road
in the middle of nowhere, a guardian,
always there waiting to help the exhausted
on their journey, wherever that may be.
I was looking at pictures of diners because they're always very inpo to me and I began this little thing.
Chris T Jan 2014
you know those tv dinners?
the ones with the
mashaed potatoes
and salisbury steak?
the meat is soaked
that weird brown
liquid they call
'gravy' ( though it really isn't)
and it's all very
fine and sloppy and it feels
like chewing
cardboard that's been
left under the rain.
the corn
is fresh (though it really isn't)
and the potatoes
are... edible
i suppose (though it really isn't).

those tv dinners.
they keep me fed
i guess that's ok.

i'll have one for dinner
every night
because there's no time to cook.
salisbury steak,
the one that comes in the red box,
that's my favorite.

feast produced
(not cooked because
i'm sure they're made
in some sick scientist's lab)
for champions
(because only
true champion
digest this stuff
having one as i typed this in. mmmmmm. wish me luck digesting this stuff.
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