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Ana S Jul 2016
Mahestic four legged creatures so mighty.
Beautiful eyes and wagging tails.
Wet noses and furry toeses.
A beautiful four legged creature.
Some don't appreciate there beauty.
Some beat and even **** them.
Sorry it's an emotional day.
Don't be mean to dogs!
******* if you ever hurt an animal!
Dog abuse needs to stop
Ana S Jun 2017
Human beings... we have a flaw.
Can't you see?
Wait no, you can't see.
Only the others can see.
Humans flaw is we strive to achieve others visions.
It starts when we are young.
Mom wants you to graduate school with good grades.
You go out graduate school with c average or higher.
God forbid you drop out.
Through out school you dress to satisfy the eyes of others.
You act as a member of society.
Do what is seen as normal.
Once my therapist educated me on social norms.
Who is one to decide these social norms though?
Who decides what is acceptable and what is not?
348 · Jan 2016
The only life saver
Ana S Jan 2016
Doctors perscribe
My memories die
Just like the night
My mind grows farther from the right
One friend I hold dear
He is the my drug when I can't get rid of the fear.
A poem dedicated to someone very dear.
347 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
Just like a child
Young and wild.
Never setting limits.
Racing through life.
Never knowing wrong from right.
346 · May 2016
Is it love
Ana S May 2016
Could I possibly be in...
No couldn't be...
But maybe...
No it couldn't be...
It is though.
Her touch.
Kisses so sweet.
Her personality... ****.
Baby I want you.
I need you.
She is the air I breath.
Like **** I'm falling for her...
Love is pain
346 · Feb 2018
Mornings revised.
Ana S Feb 2018
Frosty morning breeze.
Yet a sense of security.
Security when he is here.
Holding me,
Deep under the covers,
The cold couldn't touch us.

He was still asleep.
A warm unconscious face.
Careful not to wake.
Not to make a noise.

Just curl up close.
Feel his breath against my neck.
Warm and welcoming.
His arms still holding me tight.
This is how we lay most nights.

Ever so close.
Yet ever so far.
Five more months until her can hold me in such a way.
Five more months until life can truly begin.
Five more months until I can be with him.
344 · Mar 2018
Lost Child
Ana S Mar 2018
Little lost child,
the one I never saw smile,
Little lost child,
A baby the product of ****.
Yet a tiny angel who was to not exist
Young lost love,
I can still feel you now,
waiting to come back to me,
little lost child,
son, daughter,
child of the moon...
promise to come back to me. soon
E. M. B.
342 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
The smoke fills my lungs.
The drug took me high and flung.
Sky high now.
I don't want to come down.
But quickly crash.
Down down down.
341 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
Sleep tight little angel.
Sleep tight my sweet nightingale.
Let the dark cast over you.
Let your body decide what to do.
Curled up and asleep.
Dry your tears that you no longer weep.
Stay strong my young love.
Don't cry my white dove.
I know it's hard.
I know I cut my wrists with a shard.
Shard from the mirror I looked into.
I am insecure.
Never really here.
I'm too fat.
I scratch my skin until I scream stop doing that.
Dried blood lines my wrists.
All my friends ask why I wear long sleeves.
Maybe someday they will see.
Red lines.
Ever so fine.
Tears in my eyes.
Tears as my soul cries.
Yes people love me.
Something I can barely see.
Her touch is healing.
The only good feeling.
But until then I cry.
And die inside.
A dead soul
Ana S Apr 2016
I just wanted to take time to say, thanks you. It means a lot to know you guys would take times out of your lives to listen to me rant and complain about how broken society can be and about broken relationships and other random things. So I just want to say thank you a lot. It means a lot. Just know life gets better and you may think life is very hard but it gets better. I have a friend I've known for almost a year now who helped me learn that life gets better. This is also to thank her. She showed me that being okay includes not ditching everyone and that nobody is perfect. I noticed that people are actually perfect. They all are made up of billions of cells. Each cell making a very unique human. No humans act completly the same. Nor do humans completly understand each other's emotions, or even at the very least there own. Nobody knows theme selves. Well anyways, thank you guys. Again life WILL get better! ❤️
To the readers...
341 · Jun 2016
Ana S Jun 2016
Once attentive and focused.
Now thoughts scrambled and strewn.
Impossible to figure out.
I am impossible.
Living on the edge.
Yet scared of everything.
Panic attacks flush over me too much.
Emotions take over me.
Only a few people help when the emotions hold tight.
The ones who have talked me out of suicide late at night.
The ones who have tried to sell my sister drugs.
The ones who  help me breath when breath is gone.
The ones who find words when I'm stuck in the wrong.
Floating around here I stay.
Until a stronger day.
339 · Apr 2016
When silver bites
Ana S Apr 2016
The way the blade bites.
The way it runs down your skin on lonely nights.
When the voices in your head won't stop.
Take the sliver blade and feel it drop. One cut.
A little deeper.
Feel it dig in to your skin as a pain reliever.
Sweet relief.
No more grief.
Wait how am I gonna hide this from mom.
She'll  wonder what's going on.
Why is your arm bleeding.
Why are the red lines seeping.
Why the hell????
When life gets the best
337 · May 2016
Ana S May 2016
Yea it can be valued.
Yea it can hurt.
It's not always good criticism.
people can pick you apart for every little flaw.
That outfit makes you look like a boy.
Didn't know there were standards for dressing.
Mum I can start dressing exposed and female like.
Start going out in nothing at all.
How's that for female.
Just kidding.
I would never be able to walk out exposed and yeah no.
335 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
Alone here I am in this empty house.
Only thing I can here are the squeaks of dying mouse.
My cat has it by its neck.
Wait that's not correct.
The mouse bleed out on my floor.
Now it is a mouse no more.
So here I am here alone.
Just sitting here in the empty zone.
The room is dull.
The world is old.
Here in this empty house.
I can no longer hear the squeaking mouse.
332 · Aug 2016
Ana S Aug 2016
I screamed but my voice was a whisper,
The shadow took my hand and said everything is okay here.
Hard to believe.
The things the voices were telling me.
There soft voices so bitter sweet.
The shadows gentle hands.
Telling me there was a plan.
That everything's under control.
Yet the ocean waves rolled and rolled.
I was far under the surface.
Trapped by my mind.
Impossible to find.
I hide the pain I feel.
But deep down know the pain is very real.
Slipping in and out of people's life's.
Feeling I never do anything right.
This is my reality.
No it is not a dream.
You can say snap out of it.
But it's absolutely useless.  
The only thing I hear,
Is the shadow I hold so dear.

The shadow I hold so dear
329 · Aug 2016
Ana S Aug 2016
The whispers of the night hides my loneliness.
The shadows hide my emptiness.
Along with the loneliness they take my freedom.
They take my sanity.
Every bit that was left anyways.
I search for brighter days.
All I see is the rain.
As I watch the blood wash down the drain.
My wrist bleed.
I scream.
I fight.
I can't take one more night.
Nothing is right.
Forgiveness comes too easy to me.
I give and give.
But now I'm empty.
Nothing left to give.
So now I must leave this broken world.
God I'm gonna let it go.
Easy love
329 · Apr 2016
Cat scratched again
Ana S Apr 2016
327 · Feb 2018
The R Word (rape)
Ana S Feb 2018
Roll it off your tongue.
Watch it leave your mouth.
No this word must be whispered.

Said with uncertain doubt.
In society today,
America tends to sway.

Far far away,
Away from this whispered word.
Away from the sad facts.

Unfortunately this word is more than that.
The word **** is no secret.
Almost 1.3 million each year.
Your sister, your brother, your uncle, even your mother.
A sensitive word I know...

Yet they keep it out of schools.
When my teacher said the r word I though she meant *******.
A word more commonly thrown around than a word that should be spoken about.

My voice was shut down.
Don't use the r word in schools.
It's not a school appropriate subject.
Just shut your mouth and forget.
Victims everywhere.
Men and women. Adults and children.
All potential victims of ****** abuse.

You want the word **** kicked out of schools?
Look how it's all around you.
A poetry teacher unable to let me express.
A word that may hit hard to all the rest.

A simple statement about **** in relationships.
The R word shouldn't need an explanation.
The R word is all around us.

Still such a subject that it is to be kept hidden.
Shut your mouth don't speak out.
The word **** is such a thing never to be said.

Only until your the one it's happening to instead.
Speaking out is scary.
Probably even harder because in school nobody tells you it's okay to talk about.
Instead it something you just not say.

Girls and boys please listen to me.
You use your voice and you speak.
You practice your first amendment right.
Don't stay hidden,
Don't give up the fight.

If someone hurts you in such a way.
I know that it's scary,
And thanks to society today,
You may be very afraid.
Afraid to speak out
Afraid to raise attention.

Afraid shouldn't be a word associated with speaking out against ****.
Stop closing doors.
Stop making this subject scary.
Encourage people to be open.
Everyone has a voice.
It just needs to be spoken.
324 · Jun 2016
The words you cut me with
Ana S Jun 2016
Yes you said you loved me...
Yet another one of your lies.
You were just a using me.
Gosh really not much of a surprise.
Never meant a thing to you.
I was nothing but a game.
Charm the girl, break her heart?
The words you spit have killed me.
Last night we had a fight.
I lost my job because of you.
Good I'm happy you probably ****** at babysitting anyways.
And I don't have time to argue my cat is dying.
Good it's only because she looked at your worthless self.
Tears rolling down my face.
Voices screaming in my head.
Worthless, ugly, unwanted, unloved, incapable of keeping a job, a horrible girlfriend, mentally sick.
But then I remember the past.
All the I love yous.
Sweet girl, you mean the world, I love you, forever, I would never hurt you.
Yes I continue to cry.
But that's alright.
One day I'll find someone new.
Someone who really loves me unlike you.
Relationships ****!
324 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
My hands burn.
Between two worlds I'm torn.
Stuck my heart in the fire.
I was swayed by desire.
Why the hell do I feel this way?
I hadn't even seen her before today.
What can she possibly mean to me?
Why is she all I can see?
She reminded me of my past.
What never had strength to last.
She provided the forever.
Only when she and I were together.
323 · Jun 2016
Stuck in the Weather
Ana S Jun 2016
The rain came down gently at first. Then the rain began to crash down.
Hiding the tears streaming down my cheeks.
Sure the rain was doing me a favor.
The night was cold.
Cold and windy.
The Stars had vanished with your memory.
You were in my past.
Someone I had to let go of.
I can't think of you anymore.
The rain felt nice on my freshly made cuts.
The clear water turning a red striking down my arm.
Idk why I'm writing this is just came upon me. No I will never lay a blade on my arm again.
Never cry for her again.
Never feel the pain she wants me to.
Happiness comes from pain
320 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
Like a magazine model.
Oh darling what a doll.
Just like something cared of ice.
Indeed this girl was nice.
Annoying little *****.
Annoying female
318 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
I become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
I become so tired so much more aware,
Striving to please you,
Mistakes in everything I do.
I know i may end up failing to,
But I know u were just like me with someone disappointed in you.
Breath my angel.
Don't cry my love.
Your safe here.
Lyrics from a song mixed with a poem
312 · Apr 2018
Ana S Apr 2018
Spiraling out of control.
Who was once someone special is now a crazy **** head.
Friend I never thought I'd love.
He came around and changed my world.
You'll be okay.
Slowly showed me a new reality away from her.
Scared to be treated right.
I don't know the feeling of right.
I only know what hands do at night.
The hands that touch me in places I'm afraid of.
The hands that hit me when I won't sit by the door.
The hands that cut my leg and left a scar.
So I'm scared to be loved right.
I know the feeling of screaming for her to get away.
I know the feeling of being held down as she does what she wants.
I know the feeling of being told I'm not enough.
For I'm not even capable of killing myself.
I know what she does.
I know what she's done.
***** by her friend.
Violated over and over again.
Drugged and abused.
Feeling lost and used.
He came around and carried me out of the dark.
His hands are gentle.
His heart is warm.
His touch is soft and loving.
He holds my broken peices and has glue in bulk.
Yes spinning out of control.
**** heads.
No brains.
He took my heart away.
Reveled infront of me.
He is all I see.
I love him.
He loves me.
The pain of my broken past.
The one that haunts.
No longer all I see.
For once there is more.
With him.
306 · Apr 2016
I don't want her to hurt
Ana S Apr 2016
Out of everyone there has been her.
She stayed and never once judged me.
She has been my best friend for a while now.
She's also a role model and my inspiration.
I told the silver to stop mutilating my skin for her.
I told the darkness to leave because she led me to the light.
Never once did I mean to hurt her in any way.
I'm sorry.
I'm so very sorry
I hope u don't hate me.
Because I love you.
To a friend
299 · Jun 2016
These days
Ana S Jun 2016
I feel like the days are slowly getting colder.
Even though outside the weather is burning up.
I can see you slowly growing apart from me.
What once was a friendship turned to a piece of ice.
At any moment the ice could crack and one will be left drawing in the freezing water.
You once told me you'd always be here.
It's getting harder to believe that.
Your slowly being thrown across the world as I stand here and watch.
A short on love
Ana S Apr 2016
Well honey today you hit your head hard.
You had nothing to say.
Completely forgot about what we did today.
That's okay though baby.
We can make more memories.
Here's a little sum it up for you.
We walked like we do.
From my school to yours.
I had to turn around because I couldn't go anymore.
Too close to the past.
It was too soon too fast.
Well baby just know.
I love you so.
294 · Jan 2016
Ana S Jan 2016
I am alive now.
Today I stand here.
I'm alive and out.
Listen to me dear.
I am alive now.
I am okay.
Today I'm alive and out.
I have waited for this day.
I am alive now.
291 · May 2018
Cardiopulmonary distress
Ana S May 2018
Grievance is the functioning body,
Cardiopulmonary distress is the paving of the road to the end,
And with every beat, every pump, it gets closer to failure,
And yet still in the distress it continues,
Continues to pump the blood through the arteries,

You say the greatest heart is yours, the one that grieves passionately,
The one that jumps out of your chest as it speeds up,
The one that could stop all in a second,
That grieved when she took her last breath,
When you believe your heart would go into myocardial infarction.

You’ve felt it in the hardest push,
And in the loudest pump,
Yet you never,
Allowed it to stop in functioning,
To stop pumping the blood.
290 · Jun 2018
You won't
Ana S Jun 2018
You won't find me complaining  about being alone,
You couldn't picture me praying for anyone,
someone to just come home.

You won't find me hiding in my room,
You couldn't picture me trapped inside this bed like tomb.

You wont find me...
You couldn't find me.

You won't find me,
You couldn't picture me, depressed.

a word I'll never be,

Lies hide behind the tear you won't find,
290 · Jan 2016
Ana S Jan 2016
Where is he?
He's been missing for nearly a week.
I know I shouldn't worry.
He's always in such a hurry.
Always something to do.
I have to work from ten to two.
He'd always say.
I wanted him to stop breath and stay.
Just for today?
But he'd always leave.
And as he walked away behind he'd leave me.
I hope he's okay.
Guess I will find out one day.
Until then goodbye.
Goodbye you fabulous guy.
To a friend.
289 · Apr 2016
Story time 1
Ana S Apr 2016
Sometimes I am blue. Those are the days I bob under the waves and become pushed down into the deepest parts of the ocean.
Sometimes I feel orange. Mania hits me and I am in in the clouds jumping from wisp of fluff to the next. Other times I am in between. That is a place with no air no change. It's dull. I feel this way around people, majority of the time. One specific girl brings me out of the dullness. Sometimes around her I go down into the deepest parts of the ocean. My anxiety sky rockets up past the clouds. I am stuck at the bottom of the deepest part of the sea drowning in anxiety. It's because I'm too scared to walk up to her but I feel mean for not saying hi. Then when she says hi to me first I am pushed high up in the clouds. I feel the breeze, it's just the happiness flowing through me. My anxiety is beside me but I can watch it here. Therefore it isn't out of control. :)
Story 1
289 · May 2016
Song quotes
Ana S May 2016
I can't decide if I will let you save me,
Or if ill drown.
Cristina perry/ arms
287 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
Dance with me.
Leave me be!
Never loved you!
Honey what did I do?
I love you.
I need you.
Your my other half.
**** that.
Honestly I'd rather have never.
Don't come to me and cry.
Just go away.
You've already killed me too many times.
I don't want you back ever.
Go away!
One day we will all wake up and it'll be a dream.
Up down...
281 · Apr 2016
Behind the door
Ana S Apr 2016
I'm hidding behind a see through door.
My chest is full of feathers unable to carry air anymore.
Just wrap your hands around my fragile soul.
Turn my young mind into something old.
My heart raced too fast.
I wished every breath was my last.
Then I saw her.
For one of my best friends...
271 · Apr 2016
Hide from life
Ana S Apr 2016
269 · Jan 2018
He is mine.
Ana S Jan 2018
Cigarette smoke.
Lingering through the air.
His long black coat.
And his scraggly blonde/ginger hair.

He isn't perfect to others,
But he is mine.
His hugs cause me to melt.
His eyes are mesmerizing.

Yes he's coated in the smell of
But he is mine.

Such a beautiful intelligent mind he has.
Such a smart man he is.
I'd say a boy but he is beyond that intellectual phase.

His intelligence would blow many away.
I can almost say he's lost his mind.
But after all,
He is mine.

Sneaking around in the dark of the night.
The gentle glow of the street lights.
Often times he brings me food.
Other times he comes bringing gifts of hugs.

Long warm hugs.
The smell of him and his cigarette breath.
Sour but soothing.
Only because I know,
He is mine.

Devoted to this man I am.
Dedicated and loyal.
This boy at heart,
A man in reality.

Intelligence bearing.
Beautifully deranged.
His mind is full of pain.
Yet he is mine.

He numbs my pains.
He causing the nightmares to run in fear.
Yes he is the man I hold ever so dear.

I'm not one to dedicate poems to people of love interest.
But he is more than an interest.
He is a beautiful toast.
That's a bit of an inside joke.
But again he is mine.
267 · May 2017
Ana S May 2017
Even though there is a smile on her face...
Her eyes are still blank.
Her pale reflection.
It's the only recollection.
The only memories of her.
Anyone has anymore.
A pale ghostly girl.
The one who always slept in class.
The one who always had dark circles under her eyes.
The one you stared at when she would cry.
The one that one day you told to die.
What if that day she had listened. How would it feel having that on your chest.
You killed a girl.
You killed her.
A girl you didn't fully know. Judged by misconceptions.
266 · Apr 2016
I'm horrible
Ana S Apr 2016
**** my brain is exploding.
It's a rush!!!
Too many pills.
260 · May 2016
Arms around me
Ana S May 2016
The darkness is here
The darkness cares.
But it doesn't.
The darkness lies.
The darkness cries.
But the darkness will  never die.
250 · Jan 2018
Ana S Jan 2018
Everything is dark here.
This is my mind.

Everything is dark here.
These are the lies.
The lies you say...
Just to get through another day.

A bird with a broken wing,
Unable to fly.

I'm the dark of the night,
Constantly trying to hide.
Hide away from all the memories.
Hide away from all the past.

Hide away from the people who roam the crowded halls.
In the halls I feel unseen.

Roaming like a ghost.
A piece of furniture out of place.
I don't match the rest of the decor.

But it's okay.
250 · Jun 2016
Ana S Jun 2016
I hear the sweetness of your voice in my ear.
Only a hallucination.
Never real anymore.
They all tell me to get the hell away from you.
That you are hurting me.
Yes you are hurting me.
I've never been in more pain.
That's okay.
I've always love pain anyways
She continues to **** me
241 · Apr 2016
Ana S Apr 2016
I've never needed her more.
I've never wanted to open the door.
Letting people in.
Letting the voices win.
I'm weak right now.
Weaker than I've been before.
I need you.
To a person
239 · May 2016
Rain falls
Ana S May 2016
Outside my window the night bangs.
Bangs against my walls.
Screams to let it in.
Come open your window.
Let the voices in to play.
After all we are just the screams of the rain.
The aim banged even more.
It wanted in and was becoming angry.
Let me in before I flood your house.
The rain in powerful and if you don't give it what it wants when it wants it will find a way to get it.
The rain is getting angrier.
It begins to shout in loud busts of thunder.
Let me in!
The thunder bashes against the house.
The rain gets what it wants.
Let me in!
The whole night it screamed.
Little sleep for myself.
The rain was happy about this.
I told you you'd pay if you didn't let me in.
The rain has been screaming for weeks.
More than likely will continue screaming.
Let me in!
A short write about my attacker
224 · Jan 2019
New year
Ana S Jan 2019
It's a new year,
But the same old ******* scars.
It's a new year.
But the passing cars.
All blurs to me
Hey breath.
A new year with the same old ******* scars.
A new year
Still feeling really ******* far.
Far away.
From him
From her
From me.
Maybe it's a new year.
But still enough time to notice nobody ******* wants me  
No pain here.
Fight your tears.
No pain here
On this new year
With the same old ******* scars.
No pain.
Cover it with makeup.
But makeup cant hide
The bad luck
Sad ****.
Mascara running eyes.
Nobody cries.
Nobody cries here.
Slit your wrists move on with it.
A new year with the same old ******* scars.
A new year with the fake *** plastic cars.
In a fake world
Paper towns.
Nobody around.
It's your fault for being
My fault for breathing.
A new year.
The same old **** scares.
Isn't it bazaar.
You **** towards recovery
When all you ficking need is somebody
A family
Any thing.
Leave your legacy.
Bury it 6 feet under ground.
The only day they notice your not around.
When your dead.
Why dont they get it through there head.
Miss me when I'm gone.
But hey nobody cares till your gone.
Why did it get this far.
How did this go on?
Gotta be dead for them to see what's actually wrong.
A new year the same old ******* scars.
215 · Apr 2023
Still a Rexi
Ana S Apr 2023
Father dearest…
Always knowing when to say what…
The most wonderful input.
Sister dearest….
Always means well.
Often time her wellness unrecognized.
Prior Rexi label…
My dearest…
Always telling me I’m never enough.
Always pointing out the worst.
Unhealthy decisions.
Pro Ana.
Pro 0 calories.
Pro 0 pounds.
Rexi dearest….
You ruin everything.
You take who I am and leave me a skeleton.
The frame of whom I once knew.
Father dearest…
Since when do you have an eating issue?
Maybe he was too busy flirting with my therapist to ever notice.
Maybe all the years in residential was not enough proof for you.
Father dearest… you only make it worse.
215 · Jan 2016
Ana S Jan 2016
Jump they scream.
No the voices are mean.
Jump the say.
Disappear into the shadows of the day.
208 · Dec 2017
Ana S Dec 2017
Food is a common topic...

She doesn't feel loved,
She doesn't see light,

Her tears stain her cheeks every night,
crying into her pillow barely alive,

The hate allowed her disorder to strive.
The silence screaming down the halls,

Regret is the only word that calls,
they call her skinny,

she is beyond mini,
turning to dust,

starving herself felt like a must,
they call you bones,

You cant let the pain show,
hiding behind the glass,

kids stare in class,
you are nothing they say,

running home each day,
simply to avoid the rocks they throw,

never let the pain show,
starve yourself to feel alight,

everything is hidden with no light,
in the dark you sit,

only there do you realize life is ******* ****
so darling take my advise,

the demons aren't real,
darling just eat a meal.
200 · May 2016
Ana S May 2016
It doesn't matter anymore
I don't matter anymore
198 · Apr 2020
Be brave
Ana S Apr 2020
Be brave little Elliott,
For it was not you who I should have be saying that to,
But myself I should have...
Little did I know the last year would be filled with broken dams releasing floods and pain.
A suicide and a partner who no longer just sees the love he has for you.
A virus and a life that feels forever ago.
Be brave little Elliott.
A dad who wanted to take your baby.
The shell of a person left behind.
Be brave.
A boyfriend who no longer just sees love in you.
Distant and angry
Then passionately caring.
But you know your not the only one he has those eyes for.
No matter how hard you try nothing can stop the nightmares.
Be brave because this world can make you feel incompetent and beaten.
Be brave little me.
Be brave me.

— The End —