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Aug 2019 · 91
PTSD poem 4
Starry Aug 2019
What the hell
A flower growing in
The middle of the room
If a flower can grown in a building
Then positive can happen.
Aug 2019 · 85
Ptsd poem 3
Starry Aug 2019
When I hear the news of the
I just want to throw down
Smack down
And attack these bad guys
Who make life
A rotten apple.
Aug 2019 · 89
Ptsd poem 2
Starry Aug 2019
I feel numb inside
No emotions or pain
Just a cocky smirk on my face
Who wants to start it up
For I am used to a fight.
Aug 2019 · 109
PTSD poem 1
Starry Aug 2019
There is such a thing as flashbacks
There is such a thing as nightmares
There are such a thing as ptsd
Take of your snowflake
Rosesy colored glasses
And look around
See them baoding?
They are there for a reason.
Aug 2019 · 133
Pink moon
Starry Aug 2019
The pink moon
Driving people insane
Yet it is a good sign
For it
Harold's in a new season
And energies
Both positive and negative.
Aug 2019 · 150
Demonic eye
Starry Aug 2019
In the night
Of all hallows even
The moon is replace with a flickering
Mencing evil looking
Jack o lantern
Watching over the
Trick or treaters
With a demonic eye.
Aug 2019 · 118
The ghost of buddha
Starry Aug 2019
In the talklamakan
There floats a face of
The buddha
Haunting its blood soaked sands
Hoping to give them peace.
Aug 2019 · 136
Heartless girl
Starry Aug 2019
One day
There was
This angry and
Heartless girl
Who died years ago
And haunted the waters
Where every
Twight she swims
Hoping to clean off her
Aug 2019 · 194
The rose
Starry Aug 2019
I come across
A rose. Pink that is
Holding the big dipper
Though with the
**** I am on
Everything is
Aug 2019 · 126
Vapor moon
Starry Aug 2019
The moon
Hanging over
A vaporwave forest
Does this mean that the moon
Is also vaporwave
With its pinks and such.
Aug 2019 · 262
Spitting in grave
Starry Aug 2019
And many others
Bring the hippocratic oath
Hippocrates Cries with
And spits in his grave
In rage.
No comments.
Aug 2019 · 123
Bloody morning
Starry Aug 2019
As the sun raises
To release a ****** liberity
Bagging for help
Before she dies
Of exsangwenation.
Aug 2019 · 160
Vaporwave poetry
Starry Aug 2019
As I write
On my old old computer
I see that on my
Note pad that
Out of the blue
Talk about vaporwave
Aug 2019 · 105
Glowing roses
Starry Aug 2019
As I walk out of the
There I see
Some dying roses
The seem to glow in the dark
As if changing colors.
Aug 2019 · 82
Sad love.
Starry Aug 2019
U ever
Aug 2019 · 231
Zombie smily
Starry Aug 2019
On Mars there is
No atmosphere
But in flyes a zombie
Emoji shining bright
Like that of the sun
Where's the food.
Aug 2019 · 337
Starry Aug 2019
In the middle of a summer
Desert night
Appears a heart shaped
Portal with a sunflower emerging
From the portal.
Aug 2019 · 239
Starry Aug 2019
West of China
The moon shines bright
As a pearl
Only to be swallowed up my a
Demonic Chinese dragon
Plunging turkestan
Into darkness
As a white dove flies by
Aug 2019 · 318
Sunset swim
Starry Aug 2019
Only in California
Can you see
The stars
And a merad of constellations
During a beautiful
Soon set
As you swim at the beach.
Aug 2019 · 237
Starry Aug 2019
I was there when
We All saw the
UFO float over Mount Everest
All of us where
Shazed and amazed
As we pointed it out
To eachother.
It disappears.
Aug 2019 · 139
Dearest Hill
Starry Aug 2019
Hill Morty
How I missed you
Since you have died
Leaving a hole in my heart
But when I look up at the night sky
I hear you say
You are my person
And you'll always be my person
And I whisper I love you with everything
Even my DNA.
Aug 2019 · 233
Starry Aug 2019
The Pleiades
Oh the Pleiades
The spirits of seven
Amazonian warriors
Who went into the sky
For protection against men
Aug 2019 · 77
Meteor Facebook
Starry Aug 2019
During a meteor shower
In the autumn sky
I see I woman's
Face with
Butterflies painted on it
Mixing in
With the shower
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Aug 2019 · 118
Howling butterflies
Starry Aug 2019
As a wolf
Howls at the moon
It spues out
Fluttering butterflies
In the midnight.
Of moonlit
Aug 2019 · 246
Starry Aug 2019
As a star goes
Super nova
There emerges two wings of
A butterfly
That is the creator
To make some art.
Aug 2019 · 395
Fishing the dipper
Starry Aug 2019
Under the great Dipper
A man
I shall call
Takes is boat out
On the water and
Does some midnight fishing
"the fish are fine and the dipper bright"
He exclaims.
Aug 2019 · 177
Canada day
Starry Aug 2019
As I blow bubbles
With my second
It is Canada day
And they fireworks exploded in the sky
Like popcorn.
What a night.
Aug 2019 · 214
Purple paradise
Starry Aug 2019
In heaven the
Big Dipper says qharsheeeiilesh (welcome)
As you enter the purple clouded
Once in
You will see seven
That form the
Great dipper
Aug 2019 · 198
Starry Aug 2019
As the young
Woman keeps blowing
Bubbles during
The summer twilight
It soon becomes an
Autumn twilight
With the dipper hanging
Over her head.
Starry Aug 2019
On a late summer
Night in the prairies
The Big dipper
Is bright
Clears as a swear word
Turn up the volume of the
Sounds of nature
And night.

How can I sleep
Aug 2019 · 279
Starry Aug 2019
Forensically they say
That no two things are the same
Nor simular
But that is wrong
For the Pleiades
And the Big Dipper
Look a like
Like twins.
Aug 2019 · 172
Infinity Dippers
Starry Aug 2019
Instead of
Other constellations
I am struck
At the sight
Of infinite
Big Dippers twinkling
And shining in
The sky
Aug 2019 · 188
Butterflies and stars
Starry Aug 2019
By day I am
I am surrounded by

By night I am
I am surrounded by stars
Of the Dippers

Then one night
The two mixed the butterflies
Replaced the stars
And the dippers
A butterfly

In lue of a star
Aug 2019 · 236
Starry Aug 2019
As I shopping for
A new set of baoding *****
In China town
I find the the oddest pair
One clear and white with yell and orange
flaming dots representing
The Big dipper
And blue one clear with white shiny dots
The Dipper
At night.
And so I buy.
Aug 2019 · 323
Starry eyed
Starry Aug 2019
As I look up
Into in
Nights space
The Dippers
And glow
Brightly that
They reflect in my eyes
Aug 2019 · 153
Halloween Dipper
Starry Aug 2019
It's partly cloudy
Yet not enough to hide
The great Dipper
As i go stargazing
And trick or treating
Ahhh multitasking
Aug 2019 · 261
Dippers in a heart
Starry Aug 2019
When I look up
I see from the
Roof of the autumn forest
A heart shaped clearing
Exposing the Dippers
Shinning bright like
Aug 2019 · 412
Moons over Ottawa
Starry Aug 2019
As the sun sets
I find that
There emerges
Two different moons
In the blueish
Pink sky
Aug 2019 · 120
Morning Dipper
Starry Aug 2019
This morning as I
Step outside
To go to the pub I
See something unusual
It's midday
Blue skies and
I can see the great Dipper
Parallel to my house......
Aug 2019 · 226
Starry Aug 2019
Powder blue
Butterfly floats
In the wind
And like a helicopter
Lands on my
Queen Anne's Lace
As i take a picture.
Aug 2019 · 212
Pink Taj mah hall
Starry Aug 2019
As I approach
The tajj mah hall
I am confronted with a calming pool
And the
Planet venus up top
Soon things
Turn pedal pink.
That of a flower.
Aug 2019 · 105
Poeny club
Starry Aug 2019
As the summer
Comes to a close
A young
Geisha picks a flower
Dark pink poeny
Appreciating it
Before it falls apart.
Aug 2019 · 138
Milky way
Starry Aug 2019
Star gazing
On a summer's
I see the face
In the milky way.
Aug 2019 · 129
Precious dipper
Starry Aug 2019
As I was born
In serenity
Of the night
As I sleep
The Big Dipper
Hangs over my head
As if to watch over me.
Aug 2019 · 197
Starry Aug 2019
One December day
Out side of Moscow
A darkly dress and ragged clown
Her body like a rag doll
Cries in the hope for the
Return of spring
Aug 2019 · 421
Starry Aug 2019
My friend
From long ago
Told me
The path to success is
To build blocks
Each day I add to the barrier
And soon find out
There were complications
To this advice.
Aug 2019 · 136
Starry Aug 2019
When I was younger
I prayed to be
A forensic pathologist

When I was a teenager
I prayered that
The racism and bullying
would stop

Present day
My prayers
Are dedicated to love
Of another.
Aug 2019 · 186
Anorexia autopsy
Starry Aug 2019
No one is the same
No one is normal
Or perfect
So girl
Start looking in the mirror
See yourself
Instead of an dellusion
For the delusion is death
Aug 2019 · 203
Tragically Canadian
Starry Aug 2019
If hate and racism
Is the in thing
And hip
Then Canada is
Tragically hip
I find this country very racist.
Aug 2019 · 359
Starry Aug 2019
Dear J**
You cheating waste of
Human DNA
And other cheaters
You do more damage then good
Like criminals
Karma is out to get you
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