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Aug 2019 · 166
Dear hater
Starry Aug 2019
Dear hater
I am not
What you see
Is what you get
I am more than that
I am a variety of things, events, nations and emotions
Not a terrorist
Or ugly
Nor stupid
Aug 2019 · 250
Starry Aug 2019
I walk down the street
And all
The white people
Call me racist names
And talk behind my ******* back

And then I just sit here
And think.....
"huh, I got a ******* fanclub here!"
Aug 2019 · 194
Starry Aug 2019
I got broken bones
Not from the sticks or stones
But from the
Bull that you caused
Aug 2019 · 325
Who we are
Starry Aug 2019
Uh, yeah
Another one of those
(This is for my man the 14th
Dalai Lama)
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
What they don't know is
The *******, the drama (uh), the guns, the armor (what!)
The city, the farmer, the babies, the mama (what!)
The ghettos, the drugs (uh!), the children, the soldiers (Uh!)
The tears, the hugs, the love, the slugs (c'mon!)
The funerals, the wakes, the temples, the coffins (uh!)
The heartbroken mothers - it happens too often (why?)
The problems, the things we use to solve 'em (what!)
Mustang, Bhutan (uh!), Kathmandu , ottawa (c'mon!)
The hurt, the pain, the dirt, the rain (uh!)
The ****, the hate, the work, the gain (uh!)
The friends, the foes, the protests, the nazis (what!)
The autopsies, the shows, comes and it goes (c'mon!)
The racism, the envy, the phony, the friendly (uh-huh!)
The one that gave them the slugs, the one that put 'em in me (woo!)
The snakes, the grass too long to see (uh, uh!)
The lawnmower sittin' right next to the tree (c'mon!)
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
What we seeing is
The streets, the chinese, the uiygers, torture (uh-huh)
The options, get shot, go to jail, or getcha *** kicked (a'ight)
The human rights , the part they are of the puzzle (uh-huh)
The release, the warning, "Try not, to get in trouble." (****!)
The bullies, the odds (uh), guantanamo, yakuza (what!)
The new enemy, the prank, the ****, the airports (****!)
The cell, the airport security, the ride down south (uh-huh)
The greens, the boots, camp delta, the dogs  (uh!)
The fightin', the stabbin', the pullin', the grabbin' (what!)
The trade center, nobody knows what happened (what!)
The wars, revenge, the plots (uh!)
The sleep devipravtion, the one hour that's not (uh!)
The silence, the dark, the mind so fragile (a'ight!)
The wish that the streets of lhasa would have took you when they had you (****!)
The days, the months, the years, despair
One night on my knees, here it comes: om mani padme hum
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
This here is all about
My girlfriend, my parents (uh-huh), the life that I live (uh-huh)
Through the night I was his (uh-huh), it was right what I did (uh-huh)
My ups and downs (uh), my slips, my falls (uh)
My trials and tribulations (uh), my heart, my baoudings (uh)
My mother, my father - I love 'em, they annoy me (uh!)
Wish God, I didn't have 'em, but I'm glad that he made 'em (uh!)
The airplanes, the fire, the strays, the cats (what, what!)
The guns, knives and bats, every time we scrap
The hijacking, the kidnapping', the robbin', the stealin' (uh!)
The **** hit the ceilin', little girl with no feelin's (****)
The frustration, rage, trapped inside a cage
The beatings till the age I read (a'ight!)
Somebody stop me (please!), somebody come and get me (what!)
Little did I know that the Lord was ridin' with me
The dark, the light (uh), my heart (uh), the fight (uh)
The wrong (uh!), the right (uh!), it's gone (uh!), a'ight!
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
Aug 2019 · 210
Silly squash heads
Starry Aug 2019
Crinals are not
Mentally ill
Just illegal
For they use PTSD
As away out
Of their actions
They are stupid
It takes a brain to have mental illness ...
..... Silly squash heads.
Aug 2019 · 328
Love or illusion
Starry Aug 2019
Have you ever
Had a dream
That seemed
So real
I have
About a young sweetheart
Named Love Lea
Whom I lost
Is she real
Or part of the illusion.
Aug 2019 · 613
My sweet Love Lea
Starry Aug 2019
Your semi short
Fairy dark red  hair
The freckles on your face
That kind smile that
Indicates that you're a doctor

I know I have a boyfriend
But images of us making love
At night in your office
Our faces and bodies outlined in moonlight
Makes me go into
A frenzy
With love and pleasure

Then it a disappears in a snap
Your a ripped from me
Sold to a wicked man
Living in squalor
Have you forgotten
I come to find you
In this sorry state

Learly of who I am
At first you recognize me
Then runs with me to back
To normalcy
Only to die
At a young age

They say that your heart was too weak from
Years of torture
But I know you died from a broken heart
Aug 2019 · 322
The it - my love.
Starry Aug 2019
I love you more than I can bare
With you so much that math can't measure
I want to spend my life with you
As so as we meat
So egger to show my love
For you off of vu
For once
But please
Don't suffer in silence.
Aug 2019 · 424
Angry poem of dizonement.
Starry Aug 2019
Dear Karen Benvie
I right this to say that
I am very upset about
How you changed my life
Not for the better but
For the worst
You ****

If weren't for your bullying
And bad behavior
I wouldn't have been
In more trouble that I nearly was
Sent to guantanamo
Instead I would have been
A medical examiner
And you.....
In gitmo

If it weren't for you
I would not have
A dangerously low self-esteem
And inferiority complex
You ******* racist thot
Yes thot because you
Nearly stole my boyfriend
Because of what
I am Arab.

***** yourself
In hell.
Girl who caused me more problems than bin laden.
Aug 2019 · 539
Jihadidt oath
Starry Aug 2019
I want to know you hurt me as a lover
I want to know why your hurt innocent people
Who did your people no wrong
Why do you have to hurt innocent children girls
For what
The hippocratic oath????!!
More like jihadist oath.

— The End —