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Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
Don't let anyone steal your song.
Sing it bold.
Sing it long.
Sing it strong.
Carry on and hold on
to your song.
You know the notes to sing your song.
Let your voice fill the air,
Drive out doubt,
fear and despair.
No more troubles anywhere.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2016
I have a dilemma I might have been waiting too long
      I'm running low on cash to spend and have been running low
      on paper too, it might seem like a trivial matter to you
       Not for me because
      I need to write things down while waiting for my voice to
      return, to hear my own voice again soon I yearn
      I don't want to cause a panic you see
      If I use the ATM machine or make more than 5 online transfers
      each month I get stuck with excessive fees
      I need some feedback, Please
      I don't want to cause a panic, I repeat again
      I am anxious about the thought of having to hand a teller a note to get My Own Money
      She might  press the panic button not taking time to read or understand
      I don't want to cause a panic, I don't want to meet security or the local men in blue in that way
     I would matter meet them at a community meeting it is a friendlier and much better way to meet them, I say
    I prefer a quiet living by keeping trouble at bay
    I am a law abiding citizen and long to stay that way
    I know how to act responsively but not I'm sure the best
    way to make a transaction at the bank without a note and so
    I say one once more that I Don't Want To Cause A Panic!
For those who missed my status report. I had a Polyp, removed from my esophagus and can't talk right now and have been communicating by passing notes to others.
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
Do the math
You and me just makes cents
To me you are heaven sent
Time with you is well spent
You are 2 good to be 4 gotten
You and me = gr8ness
I believe we are meant to be 4 ever friends
This is a Shout out to all my Hello Poetry friends
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
D etermined
R esponsible
E ncouraging
A ttitude
M otivated
E ffort
R ewards

you may call me a dreamer.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
Life is like a drive thru at times the message is unclear
The words seems obscure
You often don't get what you ordered in life
There is a lot of chaos and strife
We experience pain that cuts like a knife
We are so hurried and rushed
It makes me wonder why all this fuss
I am trying a new style with this poem
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
My eyes may be dry, that's because I cry inside
All the rainy days lately inspired this poem
Ann M Johnson May 2016
I’ve spent too much time  wandering aimlessly stuck here in the sand in this dry and lonely desert land.
  Rise up these dry bones and bring me to the streams of living water where I may drink and thirst no more and may my soul be restored.
  Lift up these dry bones out of the mire. I pray to be placed somewhere much higher. I will surrender my hand to you so I may finally leave this desert land.   Then I  can be placed  on the mountaintop. Where you will rise me up and breathe life into my dry bones. There I will shout praises, dance, and sing.  The healing and restoration will be complete as I trade in my sickness and brokenness for your joy.  I will rest beside the still waters within your promised land.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
Duct Tape fixes many things but it can't fix me
I'm sick today with ear infection and on top of that I lost my voice.
Ann M Johnson Dec 2013
I sometimes wish I had a one track mind, in a good way not bad
I wish I had a better ability to multitask, instead I get easily distracted
If there is too much noise it affects my ability to concentrate
If I'm too bored my mind might wander
If it's important I try to force myself to ponder
If given to many instructions in too short of time
I get confused
I don't want to lose sight of what I must learn
I yearn to do my best
I guess I need to cope with all the rest
I am experiencing some new job stress
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
There are times when I felt I was at the end of my rope
    until I realized that I could climb back up again.
When faced with depression or tragedy you feel like you are at the End Of The Rope, until you except help to climb back up again. It helps to know that you are not alone.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2020
I feel the need to get away to another place in time
I indeed have you on my mind
If I am in the mood for romance I will dance to your tune
I hope to meet you again soon
If I need to spice up my life with mystery or suspense you will me my guide
When I need to learn a historical fact  you will happily oblige
The sky is the limit of the adventures in store for me when I am with you
I have had the joy of discovering you at a young age
You sometimes appear alone
You sometimes come in trilogy's
You sometimes are contained in many volumes
You share with me some sonnets, poems or prose
You are held within a blanket of various colors and textures
  You are at times  in pristine condition or weathered and worn
  You are at times leather bound no matter how you are arrayed
   I have not strayed from my love of the written word
    I will take another look and pick up and read my favorite book
Ann M Johnson Jul 2014
You are my nights and my days and everything great
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
My Alarm clock's alarm broke and I did not want to be tarty
I went to a party and came home sick (maybe i should not mention this)
I think i have a fever of 103
I think I have the flu
I am running to the bathroom faster than a racehorse
I have the chills
I have the worst headache in my life
I hurt my back when i tripped on something at work and heavy lifting will make it worse
My doctor advised bed rest
I used up my sick days so I better call in that I'm dead
This is something I hope will be funny to start your work week.
Ann M Johnson May 2014
When my words fail me my expression says it all
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Oh eyes will you see the beauty in front of me
Oh ears will you hear the laughter of family and friends
Oh tongue will you taste all sorts of delicacies
Oh mind will you perceive all I need to learn
Oh feet will you walk as if in another's shoes
Oh from one another we learn so much in life
I am going in for eye surgery today and was thinking and this poem came out. I am having Cataract surgery.
Ann M Johnson Jul 2014
Facebook instead of face to face
No picture can take your place
No amount of pokes will do
I just long to see you
I desire to see you face to face
I want to see your smile, hear your voice
It is my choice, Facebook alone will not do
I wait for the time that I can see you again, face to face
I repeat Facebook alone will not do
I really want to be with you!
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Silence can be tough when you have something to say.
I lost my voice  (quite literally, I am going to a surgical center today so they can figure out what is wrong).
Ann M Johnson Dec 2016
Faith believing in things though unseen
Hope expecting only the best thus giving faith wings
Love is interwoven throughout faith and hope and stitches them  together to  make them complete
What wonderful things can happen with Faith Hope and Love truely a gift sent from above.
Wishing you all Faith, Hope & Love during this season and always.
You are all such a blessing my Hello Poetry family & friends!
   Thank you for reading my postings :< )
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I love to see the beautiful colors on the trees, but I don't like the chill which brings me to my knees.
Ann M Johnson Apr 2020
Fear stay far away from me
I want to make it clear
I don't want you near
You are not needed or wanted
Best not be heeded
You are not invited
You are a robber
trying to take what is dear
You do what you can to force your way in
Trying to invade my thoughts or dreams
You don't care about what I really need
You are an enemy
Your animosity against peace and serenity is atrocious
Your a bully you expect me to stand and take notice
You are indeed a brute I will not salute
I will stand my ground I don't want you around
You need to be evicted you don't give you only take
You did not get permission to try to live rent free in my head
Fear  I will not shed any tears
I will forget about you as I head to bed.
Thoughts from this isomniac
Ann M Johnson Nov 2016
The snow is falling
The traffic is crawling
The world looks all calm and bright
If only for a moment everything looks pure under the freshly fallen snow and the glow emitted by the  first snowfall of the season
My mood is happy I hope it lasts all season and throughout the new year too.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Life is not a spectator sport
If an injustice bothers you
don't just sit on the sidelines
take action

If you want to see changes in the world
don't just wait for others to act take the first step

Don't wait too long
You don't want to die
wishing that you had done more
that if only you had truly lived
and made an impact on others
living selflessly
instead of selfishly

Hero's are often found in ordinary people
who have the courage to do
seemly extraordinary things
We all have the same potential to take action
to preserve our basic human rights and the rights
of those around us and the potential to make a Global impact
  If you observe discrimination  and injustice
don't simply be a bystander
instead take action
By not taking action you are being part of the problem
instead of the solution
If you are not sure what to do
talk to a trustworthy person that can help you
if you need to make a formal complaint
muster up the courage to do so
You may discover that you are stronger
than you thought you were
more courageous than you believed yourself
to be
Make a difference the world is counting on you  
the first step in making a chance is often taking
action locally
  Now is the time to make a positive change
if you have not started already
You may inspire others to take action
but don't wait for others
Make your first step today
even a marathon starts with a first step .......
I recently had to make a stand against some discrimination and injustice that I recently observed. I am not a hero but I did not feel like I could just be a bystander but instead talked with people about how I could make a statement in the hopes of making a positive change and hopefully in the long run make a difference.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
We often think of flashbacks as being associated with tragic events
I have experienced some like mentioned above, but maybe they could be something more
In a flashback you can visualize something so intently and you feel like you are living it again
It can make such an emotional impact, it can be paralyzing and emotionally crippling
It can take years of therapy to try to move beyond it, you may feel like you may never be the same
The mind is a powerful thing, professionals say you can change dreams, maybe likewise you can try
to change flashbacks
It would be great to be able to so intensely remember a good memory that you feel as if you are living it again, perhaps remember a time with a friend or family member who has passed on
To remember the sound of their voice, what they said, what they were wearing, the smell of there cologne or perfume. how you felt when you were with them, perhaps having the positive emotions outweigh the negative if possible
It would be great to be able to be able to freeze frame like in the movies on a great moment
It would be great to remember something so intently that you read, such as a favorite poem or book that you remember it for years, or be able to recite it from memory      
I don't know all that our minds are capable of I don't know if you know either
I would love to flashback to your poems and how they made we feel, and recall them in a moments of stress, in a second of time, and melt my troubles away
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Follow the leader HP Style
Please try it you might smile
Invite others to play this poetry game
You follow me I'll follow you
Describe something that's the color blue
I once met a man with ocean blue eyes
and was surprised when I felt like I
might drown in the depths of them
Now it is your turn
Please keep this game going
It is for the young and the young at heart alike
I thought this might be fun.
It reminds me of younger years
Playing follow the leader
I think it should be fun, poetry style
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Not all that glitters are really Diamond's or Rubies or Gold
Well that truth can be told by an undiscerning miner
who quickly had to learn the difference between what was real
and false and thought he struck it rich
only to discover he could not bank on his claim
He wanted to make a name for himself
instead he was a victim to the glittery deception
of Fool's Gold
Way too often people fall for something
that they mistook to be real
Infatuation gets confused for love
True love takes time to blossom and grow
carefully watered with selfless understanding
respect and caring,  patience and acceptance  
of each others faults
It can bloom with encouragement
and appreciation
and survive time apart
free from jealousy which try's
to corrupt the heart
If you have a true love
hold them close to your heart
Daily tell them what a treasure they are
If you don't, wait patiently
and take your time
remember what the miner learned that not all that glitters
is really gold
You don't want to fall too fast without clearly thinking
and discover that what you really had was
Fools Gold
You can best summarize it that sometimes in life hindsight is 20 20.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
The workday's done, I want to have some fun
I long to be footloose and fancy free
I tune in to Pandora and do a little dance
If you could glance my way, you might think my free style's strange
I  swear I won't do the chicken dance, I hope the chicken is free range
I wish I could dance in the 80's style like in Footloose, no matter what I will smile
I wonder if you would like to walk a mile in my shoes. as the music sweeps me away
and seems to take me to another time and another place
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
True forgiveness is not just  forgive and forget
True forgiveness is to forgive and remember
It is an act of will to let go of the hurt, whether or not the other person deserves forgiveness
The Forgiveness frees us from hate or other negative emotions that can hold us bound
Forgiveness can be like a bridge sometimes opening up an opportunity
for some relationships to be repaired, even if they are not I choose forgiveness
I heard it once said that un forgiveness is sitting down at a Banquet and than you realize what you have been feasting on is yourself.
It slowly  eats away at you draining your energy with all the negative emotions etc.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
What do you call a broken fortune cookie? A misfortune
I like Chinese food, pass the chopsticks lol
Ann M Johnson May 2016
The lilacs are blooming spreading their fragrance throughout the air it's scent is fresh and crisp and cheerful.
May we be like the lilacs may our life be pleasant to those around us.
Let us create positive relationships that will inspire others and be like a lasting fragrance  that will be remembered long after our season on earth is through. Let us leave those lives that we touch much better off than when we first found them. Let us strive to build each other up on a daily basis and be a cheerful and encouraging presence to those lives that we touch. Be a lasting fragrance starting today!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
I sometimes fall
I seemed pulled by Gravity
Faster I fall
My life seems to flash before my eyes
Panic  seizes me
I plummet from a great height

I lose sight of reality as I free fall
I can not stop it no matter how hard I try
I  get afraid of dying
I won't stop trying
I try to reach out to you
I want to let you know how much you mean to me
I suddenly stop before I crash  to the ground
I feel something soft at my feet
I  sigh with relief
It was only a dream
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Last night the moon took a break from showing it's Full Face.
  It made a showing it was still so bright.
   It was a crescent moon.
   Who's bright shape resembled a French Manicure.
   Maybe even the moon likes to be pampered and look beautiful
   for the stars in the sky, and us people below
    Until daytime when the sun makes an appearance once more
     That is the time when the moon gets it's beauty sleep.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
You taste good from my first sip
You drip on my lip
you are pleasing to the tongue
You give me the energy of the young, at least temporally
You are fun to drink, whether hot or iced you are very nice
I have tried other blends, but I keep coming back to you like a faithful friend    
May my attachment to you, never end; you are for me the perfect blend.
You are my French Vanilla
I wrote this over my morning coffee, You guessed it was French Vanilla
Hope you like it or maybe you might desire a cup of French Vanilla too.
Ann M Johnson Jul 2014
I spend another Friday night alone that's alright
I plan to make the best of it, I will curl up in my Lazy girl chair
I will not be  stare at the blank walls, no way
I have plans to take the boredom away
I plan to sit in my favorite chair with a snack and be transported to another time and place, It is a Netflix night!
It is fun to enjoy some favorite movies and shows.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Friends maybe miles apart, yet remain close within our hearts
I dedicate this poem, to those of you that faithfully read my poems, I consider you my friends!
Ann M Johnson Feb 2015
I don't need any flattery what I  need is  friendship
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
A furry angel watches me while I sleep
A furry angel hardly makes a peep
except an occasional purr or meow
The furry angel requires no vow
but likes food and love
In return she loves me much too
Welcome Picket the furry angel cat
My daughter and I have a new furry angel cat
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
I think I want to plant a garden in life
I want to start with beans: Beaning helpful, Beaning kind
Beaning thoughtful, I hope you don't mind
This Garden, I plan to share and you can join me if you care

Keep  in mind we need to ****: **** out Anger, **** out strife, that threatens to choke out our delicate plants

Next maybe we can try some Squash, squash out prejudice
Squash out greed by helping those in need, it don't always take money to lend a helping hand, just lend a listening ear or any special way only you can, and perhaps we will all grow in a more peaceful land  

Maybe if we call work together it will tomato to many people and they too will help us plant this garden and don't forget the water which joins us a together in this garden of life and the water is Love,
I hope to meet you in the garden, there is always room for more understanding and together we can discover what great things the garden can bring
# life # garden # love # peaceful # friendship
Ann M Johnson Jul 2022
I think that I want to plant a garden in life
I want to start with lettuce; lettuce be helpful
lettuce be kind,
lettuce be thoughtful, I hope you don't mind.
This garden I plan to share and you can join me if you care
Keep in mind that we need to ****: **** out anger,
**** out strife that threatens to choke out our delicate plants
Next, maybe we can try some squash out prejudice, squash out greed, and help
those in need. It doesn't always take money to lend a helping hand. Just lend a listening ear or any special way only you can, and perhaps we will all grow in a more peaceful land.
Maybe if we all work as one it will matter to many people and they too will help us plant this garden, And don't forget the water which joins us together in this garden of life, For the water is love.
I hope to meet you in the garden, there is always room for more understanding and together we can discover what great things this garden can bring.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
Gentle rain wash away sadness and pain, so healing starts
I thought of this poem after being caught in a gentle rain today.
I have known so many people in my life who are hurting
I dedicate this to everyone, who is hurting or have been hurting in the past.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
At times the earthly cares press in so hard I feel like I might break
If they press any harder a diamond they might make
I am going through the fire, I think I am being refined like Gold in the fire, impurity stripped away to give way for the beautiful shiny golden hue making it seem new again
I wonder if we endure tough times so like the Gold, we can shine, we are molded and shaped our character  is further built and we develop more compassion for others
Our passion for life is fueled when we make it through, may we like the Gold shine
If you are going through the fire, I am willing to walk beside you, as your friend, remember you are precious like Gold  and may you shine!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I don't like goodbyes , how about a long hello instead
It is hard to say Goodbye whether it is for a short time or forever.
I wrote this awhile back but decided to post it today.
I hope you like it anyway.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I feel such Gratitude when I think of you
I feel so much it overflows
I want you to know how much I appreciate you
You are an inspiration and a muse to me
I have not met many of you face to face , but
No one else can take your place
I hold a special place in my heart for you
You are not just mere followers I consider each and every one of you my friends
We are bonded together as artists of the written word
In case you forgot I will tell you again
You are Awesome
You are special
You are a muse
You touch my heart with your poems, and because of all of you I am forever changed
You are amazing  in many ways
I just had to share my gratitude for each and every one of you
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Attitude of Gratitude is the best day to start the day
It is harder to feel depressed when focusing on what I am thankful for
  I am thankful for friend here on Hello Poetry and in my life too
   I am thankful for my family
      I am thankful for my health
          I am thankful for each meal
            I am thankful for a roof over my head, and at night for a bed
              I am thankful for money to pay the bills
               I am thankful for clothing to keep me warm in winter and to help protect my skin in summer.
I feel so much gratitude for this and so much more.
I guess you could say I have blessings galore
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
All of a sudden, I feel knocked off balance; and my head seems to spin
If I fall gravity is going to win
What is happening, is it Love or is  it just Vertigo
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
The New Year the time to start anew
A time to share what is on my heart
I wish you my Hello Poetry friends
Health, happiness and good friends this year
I want you to know that you are dear to me
Your poems inspire me
I never tire from reading them
I am glad to read and thirst for more
I am grateful for the love of poetry
I know poetry is the gift that keeps giving
while living life
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I am starting my day with a poem in my mind
A song in my heart
The combination is like a sweet melody
I hope they stay in Harmony throughout the day
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I read your poems faithfully, I think I have remembered to like most of them.
I try to comment if I have the time, I read your words line by line
Your words often bring a smile to my face and cheer me up on difficult days
Some of your poems bring inspiration others tears, some tickle my funny bone
Have I told you lately that you have tremendous talent, please write more
Have I told you lately that you are awesome and I wonder what else you have in store
Your words are beautiful to read or for you men, educational to glimpse the mind of men
I need to tell you today. how much I appreciate you, my fellow poets and friends
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Don't play with my heartstrings it is not an instrument.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
When climbing to great heights, I think don't look down.
I am not fond of heights but getting better dealing with it.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
( written by my sister, shared with permission from the author)
                      He Lives Within                              
Within my heart there is a place,
Where love is always found.
The place is where my savior lives,
No matter where I am bound.
His name is Jesus and his face,
I someday yearn to see .
Jesus came for you, and me,
from sin to set us free.
Reach out for His loving hand,
and though your knees are weak,
He'll help you stand.
Look into His loving gaze,
He is with you through all your days.
And when He gently whispers your name,
You will never be the same.
This poem was written by my sister Cathy and appeared in the October 2015 , Sr. Perspective, River edition newspaper in the Poets Corner section. I am delighted that she let me share this with all my Hello Poetry friends.
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