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My deadest fiance you give life to me, you are the light in the dark, when I'm near you I'm nothing but happy, happier than I've ever felt with anyone. You are the reason I smile, the reason I get up everyday and say I'm in love, your my most valued friend, your my other half, my best friend, the future mother of my kid(s), but above all your my fiance and I'll always love you, protect you, care for you, love and nuture you til the day we die. I love you so much you're my world, my shining star in the blank clear night sky, my happy place. My dearest your all I think about from the time I wake up, to the time I go to sleep and even in my dreams and if I could I'd do my life over and only have you as my love because you're the only one worthy of it. I live you and I'm glad you're mine and in my life with out you I'd probably be dead.
To you my dearest fiance you know who you are.
love me Jan 2016
You ask me how I can love you
You who is broken, and limping, and lame
I stop you before the tear can fall
Taking them from your eyes
And crying them out my own
I tell you the truth of absolute love
I tell you I wear no blinders
I see you as you are
I see your imperfections but we are all flawed
Those minute cracks in your soul
Trickle out pain in swirling hues of tender that highlight your heart
A heart you profess is black and stone
But it beats strong within my chest
Where I will nuture it and feed it with my own
I see all the nicks and bruises and breaks
They are not reasons to walk away
They are the very thing that makes you worthy
Your damage healed in stregnth
You are not broken
You are beautiful in all things
A tender heart that bleeds for others
That hates you for not being better...for me
Don't you know?  Can't you see?
There is no better, you are as good as it gets
It is I who is unworthy
And in all your fear of being alone, you overlook the truth of who  you are
of who I am when I am with you
You see beauty in every corner of derelict
You fill my cracks with your joy
To the point where you feel you run out, not even knowing you gave it away
You see in me what I am unable to see in myself
And because it is you who sees it I believe you
I see your cracks and spackle them with love
I see the scars and am thankful you survived the journey
And tomorrow, or next week next month or next year
When you have grown strong in my love
When the time comes that you realize I am naught but pieces duct taped together
When you  see the truth of what I have always known
I will still love you
When you move on to brighter days and greener pastures
I will still love you
When you see that you are worthy of more than I am able to give you
I will still love you, as I do now
For I never learned how to unlove someone
And you have always been worthy
PrttyBrd Nov 2014
You ask me how I can love you
You who is broken, and limping, and lame
I stop you before the tear can fall
Taking them from your eyes
And crying them out my own
I tell you the truth of absolute love
I tell you I wear no blinders
I see you as you are
I see your imperfections but we are all flawed
Those minute cracks in your soul
Trickle out pain in swirling hues of tender that highlight your heart
A heart you profess is black and stone
But it beats strong within my chest
Where I will nuture it and feed it with my own
I see all the nicks and bruises and breaks
They are not reasons to walk away
They are the very thing that makes you worthy
Your damage healed in stregnth
You are not broken
You are beautiful in all things
A tender heart that bleeds for others
That hates you for not being better...for me
Don't you know?  Can't you see?
There is no better, you are as good as it gets
It is I who is unworthy
And in all your fear of being alone, you overlook the truth of who  you are
of who I am when I am with you
You see beauty in every corner of derelict
You fill my cracks with your joy
To the point where you feel you run out, not even knowing you gave it away
You see in me what I am unable to see in myself
And because it is you who sees it I believe you
I see your cracks and spackle them with love
I see the scars and am thankful you survived the journey
And tomorrow, or next week, next month, or next year
When you have grown strong in my love
When the time comes that you realize I am naught but pieces duct taped together
I will still love you
When you  see the truth of what I have always known
I will still love you
When you move on to brighter days and greener pastures
I will still love you
When you see that you are worthy of more than I am able to give you
I will still love you, as I do now
For I never learned how to unlove someone
And you have always been worthy
Raj Arumugam Oct 2010
me no spit English, me no no Englis, OK?
me barbarrrian, why u one me speak Englis?
u teach me inglish then u want me slave, ya?
u teach me englis and mik mee go from nuture,
from da trees and de lakes and hum of me ancesdors, ya?
and you teach me englis
glive me your stinkin additudes
mik me pollute wold and **** wold like you, yes?
I del u, me spit no englis but sdill u offer skolarsips
and mik me shange name, and then tick on Englis name, ya?
then peeple call me englis name like tom, *****, hairy
or my wife become susan or margate
and me become kristian, yeah?
why I say no englis still u want to tich me englsi
and give me book and mi say, mi say,
luk at my nikid bady laik da die I was born
liiiv me one
don't tiich me englis
or wan day I will kurs and swera in inglis
like who, who, who, like that monster I hard play story
is he nime Caliban, yeah?
me barbarrbaian, dun't mike i civilized like u;
me no no inglis;
me happi with me lunguge and me hum
and my trees and likes and annncesdral places¦
I no wants to spit engilsi and khanges my name and culturte!
and un I no wan to go fom humen!
leave me lone wan, I say! me no spit englis!
or I put u in *** if you no go!
on haaw englsi changasz lifvez and woold
chloe fleming Dec 2017
Conjuring love,
and compelling lust
All the while we call it nature.
But what is more mechanical then telling yourself that you are nothing without it.
We were created alone, and happy.
When did we stop filling our hearts with our own hopes and dreams,
And start letting others fill them for us?
Olivia Kent Nov 2013
Restrain me.
The angel of mercy.
Who thinks she can put the world to rights.
Don't blame me for nature.
Hold me high for the care that I give.
It's a spirit of nuture.

Wish I could split it.
Tear it apart.
Not posses caring heart.
If I were a *****
Would I maybe be rich.
Not killing with kindness.

Can't fix the world as much as I wish.
You know I so want to be a *****.
A hardened cow.
Not in my nature.
Just don't know how.

Who taught me I could sort it.
Just the way I fell.
To try to sort my nature out.
Would need a magic spell.
Caring nature is a hex.
My heart and soul both well and truly vexed.
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Not about mother nature, about me!
Tins Nox Dec 2011
She is a Flower.
Not as pretty or as loved
As the fairytale Rose.
Nor as ugly or avoided
As the invasive Dandilion.
Yet, she is not as average
As the Daisy or the Tulip.

She is brilliantly subtle.
Unlike the Rose, who's achievements
And beauty have been boasted for ages.
Nor the Dandilions, who have nothing
But false promises to offer.
Yet, still unlike the Daisies and Tulips,
Who offer only fake love and false beauty.

She is a solitary friend.
Whereas the obnoxious Rose chooses only
Those who fit the likes of itself.
And the Dandilion only attracts those
Who are not annoyed by its attitude.
Even still, there are those affected by the Daisy's lies,
And the Tulips, who do little behind masks.

She surrounds herself with the Dandilions,
To make up for her ability to be a Rose,
But inability to care.
The Tulips and Daisies learn to outshine
The presence that has always glowed within.
She grows in shadows,
Struggling for light,
And nobody notices the jewel of the flower that she is.
Because the Roses, and the Dandilions, and the Tulips
Grow like weeds around her
So she loses sight of what she could be.

She is a Flower.
A dying species.
Love her, nuture her, and help her to grow.
There are only a few that will ever know
What she looks like
When she blooms.

Be one.
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2014
Whether we like it or not,
Friendship is a contract
Which, when mutually accepted,
Binds us closely together.

In friendship, we are bound emotionally,
We have a social bond
Which entails a responsibility
To care and be cared for;
To maintain and nuture,
To preserve the boundary's,
Hold to the mould,
And endure....
Endure beyond hardship,
Social discomfort,illness
And even death.

Trust me.....
To be a true friend
You must undertake this contract
And honour it indefinately.
You enter the roller coaster of emotion
Entailed with the close mortal link
With another soul.

Friendship, if taken seriously,
Is a heavy responsibility
But it's benefits bestow the participants
With the sure knowledge
Of a close warmth of contact,
Of understanding and dependability
And a confidence of spirit
In knowing that out there....
Someone very special cares.
Spencer Craig Nov 2014
she came from a broken home, wasn't to ambitious
and the fact she was loose was surreptitious
she did this to make up for what her childhood lacked
so she picked dudes up and droped them quick like jacks
so it wasn't surprising that after a while
her abdomen became an embryo's domicile
she didn't want it but her parents weren't pro-choice
she might as well have had strep throat, had no vocie
her days were then filled with insults down right explict
all this for just one unsurpervised visit
after nine months of the tribulations of misogyny
it was time to bring forth her progeny
after a few ardous hours she gave birth
to a girl which suprisingly filled her with mirth
she  relized she had something to live for
and she promised to give her
everything she need and to not let anything encumber
her daughter's success as she watched her slumber
she named her rose because she if it took till the world's doom
she would nuture this child untill she finally blooms
i know the lines are a bit to long in this song and it would be very helpful if someone would help me truncate them. thanks!
I search the cupboard for the hidden bottle of wine

At that moment my heart breaks

Your hands tangle in my hair

Your kiss taste of sweet alcohol and indesicion

I will anchor myself into your arms

Is my secret safe with you?

I feel so disconnected from who I am

A moon that is to late

For you can't hang it in the sky

I shall gather and nuture all the humanity

I have and move forward

Will you see me for who I am?

Or leave me behind ?

You have broken my bonds

Made me into someone I'm not

I will nourish you with my elegance

Take away the affliction

That I cause everyday

Are you lost without me?

Is everything going to be alright ?

Will I heal myself?

Tell me as I hide under the rain its alright

Come to me and be my angel

My lifeless eyes scream for you
Akira Chinen Jul 2016
Everyday of being
I fall a little deeper
Every day of falling
I find myself more in
And love has
Never been more
An honor and a privilege
Than being so in love
With you


And the words that made
My hands tremble
To write
And my heart fear
You would be
Scared away
Once whispered
And shouted
And put on paper
And sent over mountains
And across seas
Brought a smile
To your lips


And now though they still
Send shudders
Through my every fiber
And quake the blood
Within my soul
I ache and long
For each new moment
I can repeat them
And here a moment
Has come again


My heart rocks me to dreaming
Singing its sweet lullaby
Of beautiful you
And softly I drift to slumber
As I whisper
To pillows like clouds


Sitting on my pillow cloud
Watching my heart
Laugh and dance
With everything
Beautiful about you
I know I am exactly
Where I am supposed to be
As I shout out


As cloud and pillow part
To morning light
I can still feel the warmth
Of your ethereal ghost
Dancing in my arms
And before my eyes
Fold open to see the dawn
With my first waking breath
My mouth gently says


Open eyes and outstretched limbs
Dreams still lingering
Beneath my skin
Your light and warmth
Still hold my heart and soul
And in the quintessence of my pulse
My every fiber
Reverberates these words


Another day has come
Another never never
For the sun
Always always
Burning burning
Its smile
And flame
Dancing endlessly
For the infinite stars
Of your Vincent blues
And I burn in synchronicity
With the blaze and fervor
Of the never never
Ending dancing fires
Of the sun
And I sing all day long


My heart a puppy
In your hands
As day fades to night
And night gives birth to day
And effortlessly
This love flows
To endless oceans blue
Where everything beautiful
Is truely found
In you
I take brush to canvas
And pen to page
And paint and scribe
Of another day
I find the good fortune
Of saying


The blank pages on my desk
By brush and fold and cut
Fill with color and stars and love
Fold and shape
A flower
A moon
A queen
Little trinkets
Made by hand
And time passing
Through my pulsating blood
As your inspiration
Has set forth this flood
Were I'm drowning
To say again


Forevers flower
In full nocturnal bloom
Your hair of crimson flame
Across the endless oceans blue
But your floral petal scent
Still fills my lungs
And lasciviousness
My broken heart museum
Crumbled and burned to ash
As your seeds
Of dreams and hope
Have painted
Inside of me
These words
With every breath
I yearn and must say


Time moves to quick
And time moves to slow
Yet every moment endless
When waking in dreams
Of gardens of
Forevers flowers
And honey of golden blood
Placed there be you
And I'm lost
And I'm found
And I'm free
In every moment
I say


Free from fears
Of life and death
Tearful flowers
Weep in joy
An oasis springs
Within every essence
Of my soul
And peacful waters flow
As these words
Travel from within
My deepest depths
And sooth throat
And burn as they
Pass my lips


Swimming through paradise
Lost to this passion and truth
From my lust for
This most perfect love
From your beautiful imperfections
And iridescent glowing heart
In secret shades of darkest reds
Within the song of
My deathless adoration
Beating in unison
In these amaranthine
Gardens of Elysium
These words immortally echo


The chambers of my heart
Turned to Eden and Shangri-la
The utopia of Arcadia
As these echos become
The mantra and the hymn
Of the throbbing pulse
Of my blood
And every cell racing through me
Buzz and hums


My heart turned to golden hive
And my blood to truth of gold
And my every drop busy
Making honey sweet
For my one and only queen
The only beauty
My eyes can see
Shines from your heart
And wings
And everday I am grateful
To kneel before you
And speak these words


Of paper or of breath
Scattered paint or spilt ink
In living or in death
Beauty is your veracious shadow
Love is the blinding
Light of your soul
Your heart has the
Buried truth
Of what makes
Everything beautiful
And In your presence
I can speak
No other words than


My flesh and bones
Hands and fingertips
Have burrowed deep
And lost both blood and sin
In the depths of your earth
And aches and hurt
Uncovering both
The wings and birds
Of your tenderness
Lost so long
In this cold cold ground
I offer warmth
From these words


I could do no less
Than place my heart
Where clouds and pillows
Dream and weep
And release the storm
And wind
Raging from within
Let my blood come raining down
With seeds and hope
To nuture and warm
Your heart and ground and dirt
To raise your heart
To its rightful state
Of purity and desire
And passion of the fire
Too beautiful for this world
Too beautiful for my words
But I am helpless
To do anything
But humbly speak them softly


Heaven has no Eden
And hell has no flame
Without flowers singing
Or fires dancing
For your name
And my body here
And my heart and spirit
There with you
And I would strech
My soul across
The sun and moon and universe
Just for a wink
Of time
To whisper once again


I carved in tree beneath the sea
Where house  
And you did hide
In its branch and leaves
Where sun did dream
Of sleep and mermaids
With fairy wings
Where I first found
Your heart and dark
And truth and ache
And voice and tears
And endless eyes
Of sea of raging blue
And blinding light
Of the lunacy and love
When these words
Where first trapped
Within my throat
Before I dare speak


Waiting beneath
These waters deep
Drowning in both
Dream and love
Waiting by star
And moon
And bird
And tree
And poem
And song
And hope
And pictures
And haunting
And longing
To come to you
And speak
With gut churning
And heart burning
These words for you


Your every breath
Your every smile
Your every tear
All flow with the blood
And truth of poetry
Your picture
Still hangs above my heart
And every night
Your voice still
Sings your poetry
Before I fall to slumber
Beneath your Vincent stars
And dark blue
And in my sleep
I speak


In helpless state
Of repose and trance
I watch words with wings
Chase and dance
My heart that has fallen
To your hypnotic gaze
And sultry voice
The sandman has
No power here
All I can do is paint
With the hands
Of delirium
And trace these words
From star to moon
To heart of flame


Under depths
And darkness
My dreams do bind
My soul and heart
To this endless
Storm beneath
The sheets of
Endless time of
Forevers night
Where I am tied
To eternal midnight
Of love and dream
And my footsteps taken
Have left these words
Written in the dust
On the moon


To never have to wake
Or take a breath
Outside this
Pleasant dreaming
Let me sleep
Here in this longing
All day long
In eternities twilight
With hand outstretched
Waiting for your fingertips
To slide along my palm
Hand in hand
And give my heart
To you
To forever keep
And dance under sheets
And song of flame
Where to your ear
I slip these words


In the devils heart
A song echos of long ago
Before shame or sin
Where your heart
Was bloomed
Long before the gardens
And dreams of Eden
My heart fills with
Only bliss as I listen
To this lullaby
And I am forever
Caught by the desire
Of wanting your affection
I cannot force my heart
To stop beating
Anymore than I can
Stop these words
From repeating


I wake with your
Dream and kiss
Still lingering
On my heart and lips
My empty bed
Still warmed by
Your faded ghost
Your voice still
Haunting the morning air
The pulse and beat
Of my soul
And marrow
To the dawns first light


From countless moons away
Where my heart has flown
To be with you
My chest still full
From dreams of you
And from across
The ocean I hear
My heart sing
These words to you


These mad visions
Follow me throughout
My waking hours
And keep my heart
In rapid steps
Of lunatics dancing
As my soul
Cannot stop itself
From laughing
In the truth
Of happiness
I have found
In writting
And whispering
And shouting
These words again


As I burn along
In step
With suns
Heart and breath
Your Vincent blues
Mesmerize my heart
With their magic
Swirling stars
And never
Could I stop
Not even after
My song for you
cannot end
You'll find
At the end
Of time
And space
Through the black
And void
My voice still
With these words


As I fall to death
And to slumber
Dreams wait
Beneath my flesh
And within my bones
Where your light and warmth
Touch my heart and soul
And in the pulse
Of my every fiber
And throughout my being
These words reverberate


Pillows take form
And feel of clouds
And welcome moon
And stars
Before my closing eyes
Your ghost begins
Its dance
My hands strech out
To dream
And with the last
Days breath
My lips let whisper soar


Sleeping on these clouds
And pillows
My heart dreams
And weeps
Painting with everything
Beautiful about you
Colors echoing
Of secret shades
Of every hue of red
And sculpting
The clouds and pillows
To form these words


My heart rocks and
Sings sweet lullaby
Of everything
Perfectly you
And I drift through dream
And listen to
The whispers
Of pillow and cloud
As the softly say


Everyday I am
A little deeper
As I fall a little more
And more
And more in love
Never before has such
A blessing been bestowed
Upon my heart
Than being in love
With you
My hands
Still tremble to write
And my heart
Still fears to beat
And the words still
Send shudders
Through the pulse
And blood
Within my soul
Everday and
Every moment
And I am helpless
And I am hopeless
And thankful
For one more
Chance to say


I have discoverd
Through ink
And parchment
Paint and canvass
Paper and poem
Pillow and cloud
The miracle of you
Nothing quite as
Lovely or equisite
Beautiful and true
As your hearts warmth
And souls light
As the endless oceans
And Vincent blues
And madness
Swirling in the magic
Of the starry night
Of your eyes
Beyond sands of hour
And hands of time
I will paint
With my every breath
These words
Again and


With the
Miracle of paper
And parchment
And stone
Think of all the things
We would not know
If ink and paint and blood
Had not stained vellum
And canvas
And skin
History and fantasy
And love lost
And found
The poems and plays
And battles
Of nations triumphant
And ruined
Lords and their Ladies
Beggars and theives
The bard
And the Muse
All hidden and stored
In shoeboxes
Stuffed with envelopes
Of confessions
And truth
Bounded by hand and stich
Between hard leather covers
Countless pages
That have survived
The relentless sands
Of time
And foul weather
And flood
Long after our flesh
Has rotted and feed the worm
And our bones have
Dissipated to earth and gust
Paper will still
Hold the secrets
And history
Of love
The miracle of paper
Stained by the pen
moved to dance
In my hand
As I scrawl your name
And confess

*I Love You
I started an art project a little over a month ago and knew it would eat up most of my free time, I didn't picture having much if any time to write... so before I started I wrote this out in one sitting and cut it into 36 segments to post one a day... the project is still in works and will most likely take another month or two... but working on it has to this point only helped it writing more instead of less... blah blah blah mmmyep
Alliesaurus Oct 2010
Because my parents let me run around naked for too long.
Because I was always up a tree without a sturdy branch.
Because I was a good sneak.
Because my Babcia gave me too many cookies.
Because my dziadkowie always said my dress was beautiful.
Because I like to shake it, shake it, shake it.
Because it's too easy to cry.
Because I'd rather not yell.
Because I don't want to.
Because I forgot.
Because I pretended not to understand, but really didn't know what to say.
Because I like it.
Because I didn't understand, but said it anyway.
Because it's too hard to cry, when all you cry is smoke and mirrors and misunderstanding.
Because I don't know why the caged bird sings.
Because I'd rather scream.
Because you have long, curly hair that you let me braid.
Because you sang with me that one night.
Because you let me hold your hand, even though I know you don't like holding hands.
Because you have red hair, and love ears.
Becuase you are nature and nuture.
Because you are tall.
Because you give the best hugs.
Because you left your ***** dishes in the fridge.
Because you told me your secrets in my car that night, and let me tell you mine.
Because you always make me laugh, and I can always make you laugh.
Because you have red hair, and dance.
Because you are short.
Because you love so much.
Because you're hard to love but I love you anyway.
Because you taught me how to be myself, even if it seems like sometimes you forget who you are.
Because if at first you don't succeed, tango around the kitchen and try again.
Because you reminded me how to be sassy.
Because you taught me how to do a stall.
Because I still don't know what to think of you.
Because you pretended to be my mom so I could adopt a cat.
Because you trusted me, and had high expectations.
Because you let me go.
Because you still return my phone calls, and eat peach ice cream with me.
Because you knew Smokey.
Because you were beautiful, and I'm sorry I didn't know you were hurting on the inside.
Because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Because I don't know any other way.

You ask me why?
I can think of a million things.
Why not?
Tamara Fraser Sep 2016
I am waiting for you.
I have been since your last call;
the last words that left your lips,
the way they shaped each sound,
crisp with feeling;
the last hold I received,
warm hands withdrawn into the cold.

And now I’m busy playing your constant, forever
eternal mind games;
waiting for an end I know has to happen,
and waiting for you to make your moves and marks,
haunting mistakes or gracious choices,
whatever they happen to be in your mind.

And now I’m busy holding my heart in my hands,
watching all the people pass me waiting on the ***** street,
feeling awkward,
feeling stood up,
nursing it from the rain
and polluted breaths of people eyeing off my treasure,
smoke steaming from gaping mouths and sharp exhales,
like cascades of shining gems and mounds of
glorious entitlements, rolling down dreams
to those huddled beneath the city lights.

And now I’m busy deciding how long to keep
holding it.
Or to place it back inside it’s chest;
to thrum and pulse alone regardless, because I told it to.

And now I’m busy trying to adjust,
to leave this alone,
move my feet and leave my post,
waiting for you.
Keeping me and you alive is exhausting.
Draining nuture and tears, touches and examinations
to check that we are ok.
Are we ok?
I haven’t heard from you in weeks, but
you said you would be here.
To tell me your answer.
To make all this relentless pressure in my skull,
tension in my body
go away.
What happened to you not being the bad guy?
Like everyone who trailed crumbs of running-out love,
driving to me though the gas tank has finite space,
and held out commitment as they cowered behind it.

I haven’t heard from you.
And I desperately need to hear from you.
Should I stay, or should I go?
Are we meeting halfway, or are you expecting me to walk to you?
But I’m not.

I haven’t heard from you.
And I don’t know if I want to anymore.
Or whether I should just make this stop.
Whether I should stop denying it, and commence the
pain that stems with loneliness myself.
To be honest with myself that it is what I have to feel.
To escape from you.

And let myself
breathe and mouth the words
‘I miss you’
to the empty air.
If only we could read minds,
what we might find might not mightly suprise us.
Nuture made it so,
that our appearances might suggest our certainty on which way to go.

One sense
suggests we belong there.

One stare,
suggests admiration
or irritation.
Its all in our heads.

One sentence made,
even when we dont really mean it.
Its all in our heads.

Goals become unclearer
and more in number
as the seconds make us older.
Its all in our hands.

They say Fate can not be changed.
Truth is,
people say alot of things so that the things they are used to might not be changed.
Its all in our hands.

Life is not a slow walk.
The unfortunates might happen,
so long we can lift a leg,
the trophy is ours.

Everything we see,
both in the physical and spiritual realm
was created with the mind,
the Oven of the Future.

The future is there,
we are here,
our minds up here.
We are getting there.
Alienpoet Jul 2016
I am the message, I inspire
set souls on fire.
A vestige of hope in days of darkness
I speak words of revolution
I can be the solution if you act now
so don't detract from the words I am saying
and the message given
which is driven home with concrete verbs and feeling
sealing the change for the future
I teach I nuture souls with love and not disdain
I heal the pain of the poor
but i shame the guilty with words fired like justice driven arrows
to make them atone for their sins
but I let them change themselves within
and their ways
I am the message
think feel me
absorb my words.
lazarus May 2017
you make me ******* sick

with your vowels, hesitations and ******* excuses

******* and all of your unwavering moral righteousness

you ******* wealthy white man

how have i let myself believe you
could taste the terror dripping down my thighs?

like sticky nectar

******* and your misguided Nuture
i am last to grow under your warped hands of silk
and first to shrivel under guise of instability and the dreaded-

" b o r d e r l i n e "

the only line i toe, my dear, is your continued worth

the ******* think, you're not replaceable?

the words i spit to your mope last night might
as well be metal in my mouth

you don't do a **** thing for me
Sam Jul 2017
You're the winter flower
Blooming with the snow
A fragile beauty built to cherish
Eternity in your eyes

I am just a vine
Stronger than the rest
They try to stomp me out
Oh how I contest

If they come to pick you
My thorns shall shred their skin
The only thing I ask
Is that you nuture me within
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
I want love,
I need love,
Where is love....

They tell you love is in family,
But they hate...
They tell you love is in you,
In order to find it,
you have to look in the crevasses of your heart,
But within you ,
It's reenactments of a ****** scene ,

Tell me again ,
Can't you answer my question?
Where is love ?
I'm looking for love ,
Love can you see me ?

You want love from me ,
I'm not earthly ,
I can't give you what you need..
My love can't even nuture me,
When I'm in time of need..
How can I learn to love you,
When I'm half loving me...

I create duplicates of paper hearts,
Made up of broken sea shells ..
Forgive me if I'm distant but loving,
I'm convinced I need help...
He bought me my first binder for Christmas with the money he borrowed. Too bad his parents don't even know who he his. They spell his name as if femininity can be felt through the words of his given birth name. C for the courage he has to go through , h for his pronouns. R for every word they speak he will always make faking it look revolutionary. I, I will never be as strong as him. S, do they see that he is not their daughter but their son? Their emotions dripped like candle wax slowly melting and hardening against each other and for them it was their safety, their dreamland when reality just couldn't feel any worse. His parents scoffed and said that he must go to therapy like the confessionals he's forced into each sunday. His sins he must beg god to forgive but they don't see him like I do. A, for the days he can't appeal to them he appeals to her to make their refuge. N, not for nuture but nature this is all human nature. T, time, he must wait to be who he is. O, I will always know him as an overcomer.  N, he can't muster up the words to say never. Even when they mispronounce his name and give him the wrong gender. He will merely play dress up for them and they will never know the Anton that I know
In all this world of wonders, where is the place for us?
In all the vastness of history, what time is there for us?
In the midst of claims of freedom, do we have a choice?
Is the singular moment that once glistened
The only moment we shall ever see?
I fear that if we lived a thousand years
We might never have our time in the sun.
We who move in shadows to make a life for others
We who toil unnoticed who give and yet seem destined never to receive.
I do not speak for myself - that would seem too strange,
But for the others who, hidden from sight, are drained,
Not by some enemy or creature of vile nature,
But by those very people they have given themself to nuture.
Is this the price we must pay?
Not only abandoned but denied.
Copyright September 27, 2010 by Timothy Emil Birch

This is for all the people I have known over the years who have given of themselves only to be left empty without even a thankyou from those they have given so much to.
In this vast world
I thank you by word
These people who chose to spend
And nuture talents that bend
For you knew
That there was something new
That could rot while fresh
Talents of the young,minds still fresh
Not enough to say
Attention you pay
Your time you sacrifice
Us you service
Broader even you grow
Your territories shall ever grow
The world shall worship you
Like for me I celebrate In a ewe
Just for my success to join you
To all poets in here
Let us remain to teach here
Comments that never cease
A good to defend case
Success in this field to achieve
And die to the archive
For the ever new
In the years,more or few
To know
You ever existed
Somehow touched someone somewhere
Amanda Stoddard Mar 2015
I want to feel like your warmth on my skin is enough. That every move you make is all consuming and as I wish intimacy was something I'm good at, it's not. So I sway the thoughts away in my mind like I sway my hips and I wish I could give someone some sort of bliss but the blisters on my memory keep busting and everything I never wanted to feel again pours it's way out and paints the crevices of my mind.
I want to feel special. Like every move I make is something to you. Like the waves that beg to kiss high tide like my tiger stripes beg to kiss my thighs. Maybe my mind is just poison. Maybe the pistol to my throat at a young age set in stone that I'm nothing but a grave stone amongst a growing garden of birth and new beginnings that will never be me. I am always the shell casing of who I wish to be and no matter how much I think I am pushing towards something, I am always holding myself back. I step into the spotlight only to be over shadowed by my own guilt and denial of what I should already be well aware of. I'm not sure this makes sense anymore.
And I am sure that these poems are just eulogies someone will read at my funeral or words that will paint and pour over my obituary. I haven't been the same since that February, the one when I lost my happy and gained a whole new chapter of my life I feel like I didn't even write, that feels like just an added story to make things more complicated for me and more interesting for everyone else. We all feed of off the misery and the interesting, we cling to the things that are a mystery to us because drama is in our nature and nuture never had anything to do with the way I was brought up. It was all mere circumstance because if my parents had it any other way they would've tried to raise me. But instead my father raised glasses and instead my mother raised prices and work and ***** got in the way of new gym shoes and admiration.
I'm not sure I feel anything anymore. And these doors to my future hold a lock I do not yet have a key for. But that doesn't mean I'll stop looking. That doesn't mean there's nothing behind those doors.
I'm living, to live for more.
The soul opens itself to the golden rays of the sun.
Burns hate from flesh as love cools wounds on one...

Who loved another
Expected nothing...gave all they had


The true recipe for a meal to nuture and fuel two once lost in cold waves of nuclear rads....

Closed minds fuse with blind rage
shoots a gun and kills the mokingbird in his cage.

As the night turned to day and the Creator has seen the rubble of aftermath...

The spirit gets slapped back from the dead of blind rage
The heart beats back to life
Wounded flies from closed up cages.

Have you seen her? My mokingbird...
Us two hearts singing as one

Fused by truth
True harmonies....

Open the mind.......
Hate becomes a past that dissappeared with one word that defined, "KIND.."
I knew you'd follow
I knew you'd absorb my dreams
Character isn't a given
Character isn't what it seems
Opportunistic details matter
Opportunistic timing assured
Make sure you treat them wisely
Make sure you feel adored
A single mistake is fatal
A single mistake makes you numb
You will have to learn to change
You will have to learn to succumb
Hear the voices around you
Hear the voices talk
They will walk into your world
They will walk where you walk
Build a sturdy strong platform
Build a sturdy mental view
Cause they will test your limits
Cause they will nuture you
Dawn Lambert Mar 2016
I try to make it worth it
Don't you see that im devasted
Try to tell you who I am
Meant for life
cause I'm gonna be me
im gonna be free
But you ignore me
lock up your heart from me
You never let it go free
I beg you
Even go down on my knees
Just listen
Open up your heart for me
that is all i need
you dont let me be happy
its because of you
that im frown upon
every time i stand up
you push me down
But i tell you this know
im stronger now
im wiser now
i dont look back in my past
i go toward the future
but i stand in the present
that is what i nuture
i meant to be me
i meant to befree
and now you lock up in syphony
now im not what i use to be
im here were im meant to be
this idea is encrypted
if these words were pieces of a jigsaw
where will i put "anxiety"", happiness"
to decipher .

my tender scream slicing the air ,
signals the end of agony,
cutting of the cord is a punctuation.

what is left you can complete'
nurturing is a jigsaw piece that fits nuture.
cherish the rapture , for we can only live but once.
4/4/2017 "day 4"

"Used to?
Isn't being a father permenent?
What, did she die?"

Tragic accident
I prefer not to talk about it.

"I'm sorry..."

I'm better now,
it's been four years
She gave me lots of poetry to write
Gave me lots of happiness
when She was mine.

"She'll always be yours."

Okay she didn't die.
She's still out there
but she's not mine.
I fell in love
with a nerdy irish woman
We were both fifteen
When I said her one year old daughter
Wasn't gonna scare me away
I was in the trenches love.

"That's powerful
To love someone so much
That you are willing to raise a baby at fifteen."

At fifteen
I didn't even know what love was,
not when I met her anyway.
I was in lust.
I was blinded by a beautiful woman
who was so pretty
I didn't care what baggage she had.
I was willing to risk my life
to spend it with her.

"That's what love is."

No. That's not love.
Love is waking up to someone
staring at you
from over the edge of your bedsheets
Because that's as tall
as they can get in their tippy toes
Love is Mashed potatoes
on your nose
giggling at toppled over snowmen.
Love is not just
putting a bandage on a boo boo,
but knowing someone has always
and will forever kiss and bandage
every single boo boo

"So You can never love someone
like you love a child."

Well, You might.
But I'm broken

Always nuture or abandon
Usually both
While I wander around
praying for a ******
to pop.

"do you really want another child?"

Yes. I am ready.
I have wandered four years
with no purpose of life
other than to provide
for my own baby
I need one,
can't you understand?

"Can you even support a child?"

I could make it work, find a sitter.

No... I can't even feed myself
regularly. ..
There's no way I could
support a family
when I am as sick as I've been.

"who was the real father?"

You all ******* ask that.

She wouldn't tell me okay?
Slept around,
never asked for names.

"But she must have told someone."

she lied to the government.
It was a pack of men
who ***** her.
Wearing masks.
Never got a dna test,
never got ANY testing
Do you think I know?

"I do."

look. It's the only gift
I have left to offer that little girl.
I will not tell a single soul.
It was someone her mother loved very much.
Someone she would never be able to love
without being judged.
someone who must be buried
beneath old corpses
Hidden at the bottom of every bottle
carried on her shoulders
until the day she dies
And even then if she is very lucky
he will never know it's his.
She looked him dead in the eyes and lied.
she was dead in the eyes and lied
she is dead in everyones eyes
because she lied
she can't drink enough to forget
That her family regrets her
And no matter how many
strangers she *****
She can't make up for the ones
she lied about in the beginning
back when he was
the only one to touch her
She compensates
to unravel the web with her body
But the silk is woven so thick now.
as thick as it is

it still won't keep her baby warm.
Quiet tears are shed
for a pain that no one knows-
that no one can know-
that few will understand.
Who among them could bear my burden with sincerity,
with true compassion,
with sisterhood in suffering?
I tell no one,
else my resolve be tested;
I stuff it down,
lest my fears erupt into a river's coursing madness;
I keep it hidden,
else my heart would break
and never repair itself.
I know what I PROMISED,
I know what I DECIDED;
I made my choice,
and I accepted the consequences.
I knew my fate,
what I'd given up-
but did I really know what I would lose?
what I would long and ache for?
what companionship I would never achieve?
The envy I would feel for others fates,
for the things they possessed that money can't buy?
I have lost so much on my way through life,
I've shared burdens,
made mistakes,
experienced love of astounding beauty;
So, why now is my heart breaking over a fate I believed in long ago?
Why do the stirrings of gentle matriarchy bring a new meaning to time?
And why NOW does time seem to click,
and tick,
and count the seconds away?
Though I struggle to make sense of these phantom pains,
I will not destroy the world I created,
nor the happiness of others;
I am a spectator to my own debacle,
the appearing betrayal of my own mortality,
A willing slave to my uncompromising morality and compassion,
bound by my pledge of service to my blood.
'I am your Guardian Angel', I had said-
They are the new Gods of your life,
sworn to nuture and groom you for the heoric fate that awaits;
I will not be a Harbinger of Doom
set on wreaking destruction where none is needed;
I made my decision-
and I shall not permit it to be unmade,
even by my selfish hands.
To the winds I cast my troubles;
to the skies I throw my voice,
heedless of what god would dare answer;
to my heart,
I beg silence-
Be still.
I have made our choice.
Rachel Aug 2018
Sometimes i remember
The nights of alone
Not laying in bed just by myself
But truly, completely, alone.

Its dark outside
But that doesnt compare
To how dark it is inside
This house of flesh.

Skin, bones, muscle
I learn every day about them,
How they move, how they express
But not how they love.

Isnt it crazy
We use these parts to love
But these parts alone arent anything
Other than bodies just touching bodies.

What about thoughts?
Are thoughts love?
A human brain has thoughts
From the time its born to death.

When do we formulate thoughts of love.
To our mom when she nurses?
Or our dad when he checks for monsters?
Dolls, toys, trucks, when is there love?

But the soul is different.
There is no soul scan
Or soul therapy.
It just, is.

Its alive without being woken up
Its there when everything is broken
But what is it filled with?
Spirit, passion, love.

It is not in our bodies to love
It is not in our brains to love
It is in our soul
Our third part.

Maybe that is whats missing.
I forgot to feed you.
Youre withering away
Like anything would.

A body without food is broken
A brain without books is empty
And a soul without nuture,
What happens then?

Broken. Empty. Death.
A soul without nurture is dead.
Nothing happens without a soul.
No life, no love, no awakening.

Was my soul here from the beginning?
Is there a start and end to you?
There is to my body and my brain
But what about you?
Butch Decatoria Aug 2016
Check out the ink,
authentic as a groupie giving it up
each memorable stain
Taints / scars
"see this one, that was the time...
on the road, the streets of concrete and black"

waking up with something missing
another concert and back
stage passing out
green rooms become lucky charms
                                      "magically delicious"
when molly and 'cid drown out
the loud self hatred howl
the piercing sounds like snow on a telly
made of wood / in the hollow
of the skull
screaming fans
get giving head
(another Grateful Dead
teddy tats
le mort - with top-hats)

Check out the ink on them cats
'cuz its cool to hit it
And just like that,
they're just like bruises
Rorschach birth mark
Skin art muses
like permanent stickers
Yang and yin
punch bug & liquor
Business inc.

quarter machine
bouncy ***** and shiny things--
Smiley face!            
Have a nice day!
Happy colors cover up
To hide the deeper pain that dont hurt
but slowly softly kills
somewhere inside
where somethings
gone missing...
(now they swallow pills)


Like plumes of flamboyant flocks
Birds of dying paradise
and schools of shimmering fish,
Anima and abyss
Inside this living planet, all
makes for interesting documentary
nature shows
            since nuture blows
Goes to show
Some guardians using
back of the hand
belt / buckle / switch

Yo peeps pay close attention...
Check out the ink
swats and ****
                   wears wife beaters
and his chick in the summers
wears faux
furs of mink...
***** on roller skates without a rink
expert skill sets for Sonic
always runaways
drive by drive-thru,
So cool I'll call 'em Culo...
Wouldn't you?

*(In their natural habitats, the group and packs
and ****** of crows, find one another
Lushious... candy color coded hides...
like the wilde-beast their multitudes progress
run migratory trails anywhere from the law
or their own **** making a mess...
Mutual Of Omaha's Wild kingdom
in permanent ink ... stains...
memorable times...               wasted)
The sanctity of Man and woman sealed as husband and wife ,
This is marriage and it's a roller coaster slice of life.
Wows taken from the core of the heart keeping them intact is a skilled art.

Marriage is a bond of love ,yet not often a bed of roses.
It sees you through many ups and downs,. a moment full of joy and happiness on others there are sorrows and sadness.

Wonder what steps a marriage apart ?
Mutual trust in the relationship is up on the chart !
Trust sees you through thick and thin not that there is always a win.

Sometimes when things just flare
The bond needs to be nurtured with care.
keep your calm and don't lose your cool.
Let the world think you are a fool !

Keep the flames of love alive ,that's the next step to let a marriage survive.
When it hits the rock bottom of gloom,
Positivity and strength work  to bounce back and bloom.
Laughters and smiles nuture  the broken ties , allow the resentment to settle as time flies.
Never forget the silver lining beyond the dark cloud.
Settle down resentments to make the marriage proud !

Admire the beauty , Respect the other individual .Give the relationship the goodness fuel .
Assure your heart to love and blossom a relationship so fragile
Brides and grooms  walk  steadily down the aisle !

Marriage ladies and gentlemen , is not for the faint hearted as  it needs a commitment from the hearts core ,
sealed with all the love, care ,trust and more .

It takes a "YOU " and a "ME" to make a "WE" and that is the way a marriage should be !!
© Mrunalini .D. Nimbalkar
poem#ode#marriagediaries#penned for# the #20th #anniversary #13.12.2018#
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
Thank you

Ravishing beauty
Applying oneself

Evening wrongs
Great mother
Techno music
Your mind.
Fidelity Bravery Integrity
Sajini Israel Apr 2018
A young man once sat
On the shore of a gurgling stream
Falling into the arms of thought seduction
He began to swim across the vast landscape of the Earth
Indeed the Earth is great why can't I be?

They are mountains taller than Everest
hanging freely in a parallel universe
You will keep thinking you are at your peak
till u move into space.

Alexander the great,
was mighty not by virtue of age
but for his courage to venture into unknown space
Yeah! he moved beyond his comfort zone
He conquered territories
as vast as the ocean
because he learned to utilize his brain.

Regardless of your race,gender and size
Let greatness be your drive
when small minds try to limit your potentials
Look to the moon
and remember they are heights taller than Everest.

Aim for the skies,
Dream of walking on the Nile.
Records are meant to be broken
You can be great!
If you put your best
to the little things you do.

Little drops of water make an ocean,
Rome wasn't built in a day.
It's all starts with a spark
like the Big Bang
It goes 'gbosa'

Ignite your passion
Chase your dreams even when they look out of fashion.
When the storms get tough as it sometimes will,
remember the greatest force on earth is the human will.

Achievers never surrender
my momma always tells me.
There is no limit to who you can become
How do I get there?
relax boy as we go down the hill.

Speaking to young minds,
I know right now you got a lot on your mind.
I could see your defeat
am here to tell you don't retreat.

Drowning in the ocean of depression
and your imaginative power is about to go on relegation
Think of greatness
Let it consume you like flimsy paper cords in a furnace.
Hold on to your dreams when no one sees it
and nuture it when no ones feels it.
As greatness possess your mind
You would rise above the horizon
And not only be stars
but will light up your galaxy.
Dedicated to my beloved Mom Dr (Mrs) Faith Iwejingi Sajini
My heart bleeds
Not for anything so much as for love
It is a pervasive and virus like
Affliction that insinuates itself upon my existence
To be so distraught by a mere emotion
Is unfathomable
I cant stand it
The rage that comes along with its jeolously
Sometimes i wish i could shut you out from the world
Like a delicate flower
I would nuture you with my own love
That no one would get to see
The delight that is your smile
The perfection that is your body
The love that is ours
And ours only to keep.....
But this is ever so hardly
So i only pray that i.may have something more
More than the fact that i love you
That on the day you decide to leave
I would seize to be vulnerable
Becausey heart would
Remain as you found it
But not
Vraj thakkar Mar 2021
I remember the day I met him, skinny body and blad head,
Unusual walk and words with disordered pauses that led,
I remember looking at the sky and complaining, "why'd you do this to him?"
I saw him absurdly smile at me and my eyes were filled with tears up to the rim,
It was hard to look into his innocent eyes, they reminded how gifted I was,
I consoled myself by reasoning that maybe it is karma and that unvierse has its laws,
But then I saw him yesterday encircled by hundreds of people, begging for mercy,
Most of the people beating him, were just showing off their courtesy,
Collectively they pleasured the sadistic joy to watch him helplessly quaver in pain,
Everybody stood anchored hearing his cries while they turned his body into grains,
My body was shaking and palms sweating, I couldn't watch him bleeding,
But like a coward I stood there, waiting for those hungry wolves to stop feeding,
My heart dwindled to a state of non existence seeing the tears in his father's eyes,
I know he was wrong when he touched that eight year old girl between her thighs,
His mother shouldn't have told him to run away and nuture all the lies,
But one chance is all he asked for, when his feeble gaze chisled my eyes.
renae Oct 2019
Oh little lily pad,
You'll have to battle to stay afloat,
Shielding yourself against the sharp, dark waves,
Of my beating heart.
But, please learn to take root.
For, I'll intertwine around you,
Taking hold, slowly hoping you'll realize,
Those same dark waters,
Are struggling to nuture your very core.
Those same dark waters,
Have made you grow, baby.
Smudge Jan 2018
They smile, you smile,
They laugh, you can't not,
Their eyes light up when they see you,
It melts your heart,
It stops your thoughts,
It tickles your soul.

They cry, you guard, you nuture, you kiss better, you tell them the pain won't last.

They are so generous.
They gift you love,
They gift you joy,
They lighten your world,
They make everything worth while,
And this is just when they smile.

You teach them right from wrong,
You teach them numbers and colours,
You teach them,
It's OK to cry,
It's OK to be mad,
It's OK to be tired or frustrated,
Let the emotions come but ensure they remember,
It's OK to let them go.

They will challenge you,
They will teach you just how strong You Truly are.

They are the Ultimate 24/7,
They are so Precious
No purer love than that of a parent.
growing well, so we took you out

the glass house in to air not expecting

thundrous rain. we returned to find you


our apologies……

we  will love you and  nuture you


back in the green house.

Jane Feb 2018
A little person
So full of life
Starting on a blank slate.
Looking and observing
At everything around them
Soaking it all in like a sponge.
Be a good influence
One of respect.
Teach them well
They begin innocent so any evil is taught
Fill them with love as they do you
Smile, hug educate and play
A love can never be as big
Nurture 1
Nature 0

— The End —