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Bharti Singh Jul 2014
Cost free is expensive smile
Easy to learn hard to find
Just that beaming curve
Is the best shape
For aaaaaall to entwine

So never reproach anything that ever made you smile....hahaha...:)
Bharti Singh Apr 2015
My smile could be public
But tears are personal
Smile can be faked
Tears really roll for special one

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
Commotion of waves
Filters innate dross
With a heart in rave
And soul in gloss

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
Nature needs nurture today.
If NATURE does not ALLOW
Our lives would not be WOW!

Bharti Singh Apr 2015
I may not be yours
But you will always be mine
In my mind
My fetish you
Like stowed in the cellar
An ageold bottle of wine

Bharti Singh Dec 2014
To be together, forever
You don't have to be like me
You just have to like me

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
Past is rigid
Can’t change
Present is vivid
Hold the rein
Future is ghost
Figment insane

r Apr 2014
Led down from the tower
Head high and hands bound
Blindfold declined against the wall
Black square pinned to his heart
Eyes afire and shining proud
He sang...

He sang of Caruso, Townes Van Zandt
Pavarotti, Bocelli, Mercury,
Carreras, he sang of Antoine,
Of Sinatra, Lennon, Morrison, Redding
He sang and songbirds paused in flight
He sang like them all

He sang a song of himself
Of leaves of grass, of second comings
Of Byron, and Bharti, and Cummings
He sang of Neruda, and Plath, Tagore
Dickinson, Kamala Das and Naidu
Oh, he sang of them all

He sang of art and beauty
Of Mona Lisa and starry nights
Girls in green dresses and pearls
He sang of Van Gogh, of Picasso
Of Rembrandt, da Vinci
He sang of Michelangelo

He sang of sadness, pain
He sang of My Lai, Sand Creek
Of Guernica and Krystallnacht
He cried and sang of Wounded Knee
Of Katyn Forest, Sabra and Shatila
Oh, he wept as he sang

He sang of history and wonders
He sang of Olduvai and pyramids
Machu Picchu, Tikal, and Angkor Wat
He sang of a great wall, the Taj Mahal
Stonehenge, Easter Isle, Mesa Verde
His song took us to them all

He sang of courage
A song of Bunker Hill, Gettysburg
Of the Alamo, Normandy, Stalingrad
Of Lincoln, Guevara and Dr. King
He sang of Bolivar, Bhutto, Ghandi
He shamed us with their song

He sang his song...
As women sighed and peasants cried
He  sang until the rifles fired, he died
Songbirds fell from the sky
Soldiers broke their guns on stones
And marched into the deep blue sea.

r ~ 4/12/14
Bharti Singh Sep 2015
Talentless with no position (Goon)
Talentless with position (Doom)
Talented with no position (Doom)
Talented with position (Boom)

Valuable is the caliber of a designee
Designation in itself is incompetent
Talented can exalt the lowest position
With talentless authority bears the brunt

Bharti Singh Jun 2014
Pearls of words when bought together
Glides you into the world another

So powerful is their magical effect
Can turn an abject to a perfect

Vica-versa is equally true
So, affair with words is a matter of few

Beauty of this affair is always a pleasure
Relish every moment of this open treasure

Cheers to all who are engaged in this fling
For words, add to the feelings that extra bling

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
I always held deep reverence
For people in three occupations
Farming, medicine, and defense
For the reasons appealing

Farmers feeding
Doctors healing
Defense shielding

Seasonable occasion
To sing about defense
Today these lion hearts
Will be my subject to pen

We may critique our nation
For it slithering move
But one team deserves
Applaud for being resolute
Team defense
For formidable reasons
They fight for us selflessly
Irrespective of seasons

I reminisce my visit
To Wagha border once
It's elating to see
Armed forces lacing
Our pride in balance

Forgetting all bitter
Citizens fervently cry
Jai Hind
Unanimous voice in reflex
Don’t know why

Joining defense is a willful step
A malice can never serve
Day in day out these brave men
Hold our pride in suave

Salute to these people
Who for us
Sacrifice their lives everyday
These true resolutes
Uphold our independence
In every possible way
Second by second
Minute by minute
Month by month
Year by year
And will in
Years to come
For this
Salute to them!

On the occasion of India's 68th Independence day; this write is dedicated to the people serving the nation selflessly; people in defense.  

For readers who might not know, Wagha border is one of the borders in Punjab, lining India and Pakistan.

15th August 1947 has been the historical date for India.
Bharti Singh Aug 2015
Expletives are explored
Requisites are implored

Grooming artificial intelligence!

Bharti Singh Apr 2015
I became whimsical only in your rave
My swin was smooth until caught by your wave

Bharti Singh Jun 2014
He was silent and stunning
She was spirited like a spring
When they opposites attract
I think its natures trick
To balance the act

I have a huge crush on someone. Mostly I keep chattering and my Mr. Crush ***wink****keeps silence......he says I love to hear you (sshhh but I doubt, I think he has no choice...hahahaha....). I am still not sure why I am so smitten with him when I know he is an absolute contrast....(:(:(:
Bharti Singh Jul 2014
In retrospect, I found
Something profound
"I want I will; I don't I won't"
WILL is the mother of all actions
That's infallible, abide or shun
But then,
What shudders the WILL train
Reason is common and plain
When hurt, I stop
My follow WILL slops
WILL needs fuel incessant
If there's no support
Goose self-motivation

#willpower #self motivation#strength
Bharti Singh Jul 2015
If there was a way out
To get you by my side
Probably, I wouldn’t write
Since, it is improbable
I need to weave this fable
Hence on paper!
Still, so powerful
Your virtual presence
You nourish my heart
Nurture my thoughts
And father my pen
Oh! how fervently I wish
Miraculous to happen

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
I wrote something that I did not mean
When I write that, I feel it’s unseen

In real, I make someone else’s thought mine
Publicize it and leave others to opine

These actually are one liner’s lifted from popular text
I dissemble and exude that I take my life at best

I am the ideal of all humans in my words
For similar situation in real, I am truly reverse

My online life is most beautiful on earth
Whereas offline, I am rehashing in vain to cover up dearth

My posts are full of inspiration and energy
If you meet me in real I am full of lethargy

Why dupe to be a connoisseur and be a commonplace
At least quote the source, give true author some space

Be eclectic and original in expression
Write such that it’s never been done

Most of the times, I feel posts on social media avowing inspirational inclination and concerns on burning issues of the society are impressive but factitious. Urges us to form gentle opinions about the people posting these. However, in reality, its all borrowed knowledge which in reality may be far beyond application when comes to it. I did that a few times and ruminate why????? What's the harm in being original? Write to express not impress. So all are happy in virtual world; so am I after posting this....hahahaha...:)
Bharti Singh Jul 2015
Grey billow of clouds
So hopeful these are
Filled with watery pearls
Guaranteeing remedial shower

Flashes of light
Sounds of accosting thunder
Declares to the dead world
Charging to live the real wonder

Season's first kiss
Between rain and earth
Leaves indelible petrichor
Uplifting spirits for all its worth

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
Your aura of a kind
Leaves me pleased
With a (:----SMILE----:) behind

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
On and off
Flickering grey
Chirpy feelings
Parked at bay

Unalloyed devotion
Just for one
Pushes you
Into oblivion

After a lot
Hue and cry
When you learn
The lesson why

Transition from
Tears to smile
Bubbles the senses
Though takes a while

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
When the world is off to sleep
    Your thoughts starts taking a leap
          My desires starts taking shape
                Reality is masked with dreamy cape
                     What a fetish, I wonder
                             You play on my mind
                                    Even in slumber

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
When poets thoughts go bare
They evince without care
Minds brimming
With stories to share
With every phrase
Minds undress
Layer by layer
Some use fiction
Some illustrations
Nevertheless, for them
Spilling beans is always fun

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
At times I am lost
I too feel dross
In your fraternity
My laughter
Attains eternity

Bharti Singh Feb 2015
When every day clock ticks again with sunrise
Spring out with energy just like you got a surprise
Unpack the day with love thinking what could it be
If the gift is not to your liking, set your spirit free
Think “for someone you are the gift" to feel the glee*

Bharti Singh Jul 2014
life and death
        amid breaths
is black or white
        as per your ride
life is a show
          you reap
what you sow
         only lesson
for all to know
          life is a wave
with ups and downs
          who surf it all
always rebound

Bharti Singh Jun 2014
Your euology to me afterlife will be futile
When I have been waiting to hear you all this while

Bharti Singh Jan 2015
Ages ago, story of a girl
Dejected for what she looked
Thinking just fair and beautiful
Had rights to glory booked

Did not realize that beauty
Lies in the eyes of beholder
Always self deprecated
Life felt like a boulder

A breakthrough insight
Blind to the imminent change
Discerned beauty is not just looks
It's in wielding ones skill range

Dawn of this realization
Broke her sealed senses
Now she is her own favorite
Exploring life beyond fences

That's me:-)

Whatever, I thought were my hindrances to life, I turned them all into my assets now.

So, my learning is that everything is just a blockage in mind, banish the fear and you see life is just near......
Bharti Singh Aug 2015
Best time of the day is night
An opportune to set things right

Best right is hidden in the wrong
An opportune to emerge strong

Best mostly comes from worst
An opportune to keep up in adverse

Bharti Singh May 2015
Gilded streaks of sun rays
Knocking at your door
To share all its light and spirit
For you to just adore
Every day!

Bharti Singh Aug 2015
I do wail at times, but you make me cry harder
I do smile at life, but you make my smile wider
You cast a spell on me
I am spellbound

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
Indent your view to a little right
Perfect profile proclaiming light

Bharti Singh Jan 2015
Straitjacketing your smile
Masks many moments of glee
In full zip show that curve
In your sense and in nerve
That crescent shaped flair
And the ubiquitous wear
Ensures that you are there
Living in the moment
For "smile is the easiest stunt"
So, pick your like, chuckle or chortle
Smile should never be bottled

Bharti Singh Sep 2015
Don't get close to me
Get close to me

Bharti Singh Aug 2015
I weaved a fable with you and I
I played my part you didn’t try

Bharti Singh Sep 2015
I am looking in the mirror tirelessly you know
As it is mirroring you from tip to toe
It is taking much time to dress
As I am wearing your interests

But in the end I look eyeful

Bharti Singh Jan 2015
When I look in the mirror
I urge myself to compete
When YOU are by my side
I find myself complete

Bharti Singh May 2015
While I am busy rigging life
In many different ways
In the backdrop it secretly
Plays its own game

When I get a chance to live
I waste it all exploring the term
Only when it’s on the brink
I realize its importance

I should have done this and that
Is what all I am left with in the end
Fettered with austerity and apathy
With self I could never befriend

One day I will die
Leaving everything behind
So with god gifted eyes
I don’t want to turn blind

That’s why I assimilate
Adulating life is dearest
So, I decided to try
Love life regardless

I will try and erase every “wish”
Turn most of them into reality
If not at the grand level
Whatever at least is in my authority

Gift of health and peace of mind
Are the best one can receive
Thanks to God for the irreplaceable gifts
It’s just you and in you my belief

Thank you God for health and peace of mind!
Bharti Singh Jul 2014
Thanks for showing me the mirror
Where it is written a-loof
But I am just emotional not a-fool

Bharti Singh May 2015
I am both black and white
Whichever is visible to your sight

I am both sane and insane
Whichever tickles your brain

I am both good and evil soul
Whichever you like to unfold

I am both fact and figment
Whichever is you intent

I am both creature and substance
Whichever you call into existence

I am your mirror
Your true color

Bharti Singh Oct 2014
Through the day
I think about you
Each time you
Make me feel new
That indelible musky waft
Your face like a handcraft
My solitary moments
Often confined in spur
Every now and then
I find myself
Admiring your picture
You play on my mind
Now I know
Why people say
"Love is blind"

Bharti Singh Aug 2014
You die; I die
You live; I live
You laugh; I laugh
You cry; I cry
You hate; I wait
Till late
Love is not
About a tie!

Bharti Singh Nov 2014
To me, you are like a fresh pearl
Found in the deepest bed of ocean
I need to dive in to find that portion
I don't know how to dive
Waiting at the brink
For the ocean to dry
So that
Pearl is visible to my eyes
I could behold its beauty!


— The End —