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To me, I see
Further than he, but he,
Sees his own seas;
Soft, innocent fleece

Circled under a veil
Of creativity, sets sail,
Wondered aimlessly, but well,
An answerless well, you fell
Never let your vanity bail you out, dude.
We always try to seek for answers though sometimes asking the right questions have always been the right answer. Read this and try to look back into your life, try to see if you’re steering your life at the right course, following the right heading, and at the right speed.

1. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
2. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
5. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
6. If the average human life span was 30 years, how would you live your life differently?
7. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
8. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?
9. If you only one piece of advice, what would it be?
10. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
11. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
12. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?
13. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
14. Do you click the mouse more than once?  Do you really believe it loads faster?
15. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
16. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
17. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
18. What are you most grateful for?
19. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
20. Has your greatest fear ever came true?
21. Do you remember that time 3 years ago when you were extremely upset, angry, and embarrassed?  Does it really matter now?
22. If not now, then when?
23. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
24. Why do religions that support love and cause so many wars?
25. If you just won a million dollars, would you still pursue your career?
26. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
27. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
28. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
29. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
30. Why are you here?
31. When it is time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
32. Can you count all your money while you hold your breath?
33. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
34. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
35. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing and feel the beat of your heart?
36. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that?
37. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
38. What would you give up for your friends?
39. Do you rather reach for the peak to be cold and lonely or stay at the surrounded with the people you love?
40. What are the things that you have done lately to achieve your dreams?
*41. Would you stepped on other people just to have what you want?
Compiled by me, :D
Umi Jan 2018
Hellfire do not go out!
Please just stay as you are
Once in the flames I wander through an answerless world
All the embers burning all the people are turning, trying to get away..
Hellfire do not go out!
Please just stay as you are
No matter how much they walk, no matter how far...
In the end they are consumed by these merciless flames
Burnt away, until not even their names,
Are remembered here, in this world full of shames
As the fire burns I ask myself wether this is a nightmare or not
And as it consumes my very soul and makes me then rot
I begin to then understand my very purpose, my destiny
Just being fuel for that fire to burn is what was planned for me
Oh Hellfire, will you go out ?
No, once you are about to go out, you just keep roaring loud
Come back hotter, more painful than I can take
My body is burning up, I think my mind is going to break
And as this torture goes on
I wished I would be gone

~ Umi
Jeremy Fernand May 2014
Did I make the right decision?
Did I take the right option?
Some answers we will never know,
But our search for them – on it will go

There comes a time when we all face a choice;
A time when we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.
It seems like we’re being tossed from the frying pan into the fire,
and there is no seemingly easy way out of the mire.

That’s when we have to take the plunge,
To make our choice and stick by it;
we have to face the repercussions of our decision,
And pray and hope we had the right intuition.

Many a mistake will be made along the way,
Far too many people hurt by what we choose;
what option do we have though,
that fine line, we have to toe.

So on we soldier, through it all,
Making our choices, living our life;
We mess up, then from our mistakes we learn,
and back to making choices we return.
I wrote this after having to make a particularly hard decision about a couple of friends.
Jeremy Betts Feb 2021

You know exactly who I'm referring to when I say...

They have this habitual political ritual of babbling on
Rambling wrong, your standard God complex politician
Standing in front of a congregation spewin' lies, oozin' corruption through thin skin
Politickin' about a mission we should sht on and skip the Charmin
This is my f
ck you dissertation, a doctrine based on real time observation
A deep dive into what has essentially become an unhealthy obsession with sin
Holding a position I'm told I have no right to speak on much less be a voice in
But if one life don't matter none, no life matters son
Including your own, don't confuse facts with opinion
Watching your tone would be wise in this situation
Hooked on the slogan defund every police station
Convinced it means let loose the entire prison population
You know, just for fun
Stoke the confusion, skip any and all explanation, no need for a reason
Willfully blind to the sedition, a corporation backed rebellion, it's open season for treason
To quote the law men, "we'll even hold the door for y'all till you're all in"
Then when they're leavin' make sure to welcome them back again
A simple bewildered complexion brings 'em satisfaction
Chaos the reflection of a lagit election
Regardless of the facts within reach, we witnessin' half a population claim fiction
Feel the friction
Destruction is the reaction, falling for a complex distraction
The consumption of our damnation overshadowed by a mutation of this god forsaken nation
How did we wind up in this position? How'd we let this happen?
I reckon we sure weren't just placed in this situation, a fraction of us stumped by long division
It''s by no means an answerless equation but a question we still debate on
Standing upon a soapbox trying to out crazy the competition
What was once neighborly is now seen as the opposition
Someone please just hit the gong so we can move on
Restoration is easier than resurrection so stay strong
Hope has been long gone for so long, maybe to long, a hopeless conclusion drawn
No anti venom for our venomous condition
A symptom raised from conception, taught to the young
We bet on corruption inside a polling station
Ballets a currency printed on different stationery then it's just simple addition
Still waiting on the announcement that we finally won
But that day will never come unless you're higher echelon
Controlled by the elusive free mason, I'm guessin'
Can't know for certain what side they on, influencing our direction from behind a curtain
A mission forgotten, a population forsaken
Praise God as dangerous as hail Satan
That should be a$$ backwards but it ain't wrong, I'm just sayin'
If you were payin' attention you wouldn't need an explanation
Incarceration eludes the criminals behind the walls of that white mansion
Not a single one ever pays for what they've done and that's fuel for frustration
The people scream out objection and beg for a proper ejection of this borderline evil pantheon
But they get to run over and over again every election and instead of serving up a strict ten day eviction
We just turn to digital b*tchin', no real action taken so we're stuck with this dangerous faction
One that holds Rome as its inspiration so you know this nation is collapsin' it's just a matter of when...and if we'll even make it to the end

herein lies common fault - loosely hanging on a speculative conjecture
     than exact detail.

mind's prison- asylum.
you go in to see furtive showcases
of the many names walking without
faces. you went in without invitation. only or abstract solicitation.

there is something that sinks
deeper than marrow, blows colder than December winnow, something that burgeons beyond naked sense.

inside this lair,
conflated you are with bent question marks to their distinct, curved smallnesses. you peek into the window of my eyes and inside this airless vault, we are both
heavy with staring at each other
dripping and bare-all, yet
this rigmarole of eyes contain
their visceral silences still.

i stripped them all of their voices
and they only look at each other
with onerous eyes, pondering
about their places, answerless
and just whirling in capacitous space --
JJ Hutton Apr 2014
Hayley Fienne scattered herself a year ago today. A hammer. A trigger. I sent flowers to a funeral home in Chandler, OK. I called. Said, "I can't imagine what you are going through" and something about how time turns the past into a form of fiction. DeLillo wrote that, I think.

Her mom said, "That's not true. That's not true."

And I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't known Hayley like I knew Hayley. She used to do these oil paintings on the nights she knew she wasn't going to class in the morning. I've a layman's knowledge of visual art but even I could tell her work was real. As opposed to what? I don't know. You just felt it. It kicked you in the gut, left you spinning around the room, asking every ******* in tweed, "Can I get some water?"

There was one large canvas in particular that stuck out. She called it "Dissolution."

The work depicted a seemingly amorphous spiral of headlight blues and star whites against the murky black of space. In the dead center of the piece she painted the face of a young man, broken into quadrants. The face was nothing more than a faint veil. If you scanned the canvas, you'd miss it.

When she showed the piece at a gallery event, featuring the work of outgoing seniors, I asked her who the man was.

"It's Jesus."

"You gave him a shave."

"It's actual Jesus. It's 'I'm thinking of converting to Buddhism' Jesus. It's lonely, masturbatory Jesus. It's the Jesus who stares at a ceiling fan wondering why Peter won't text him back," she said. "And above all, it's the Jesus God asks a little too much of, the Jesus that calls in sick."

I said I was unaware such a Jesus existed.

"Exists. Dealing with impossible quotas, he has to shave."

"I think your Jesus looks like you."

"He is."

Now it's a year later. I find comfort in the painting, allowing the erratic brush strokes, both fleeing and advancing, to lull me to--what? Just lull, I grant, aimless and asking answerless questions.

I think about her at the end, at her end-- but not the violence of it all. No, I think of the release.

No intended romance. I simply wonder how she would have wanted that final let-go in life's calendar marked by letting-goes to wrap. I imagine her body separating from her mind, her mind separating from her memories, her memories separating from her name. I think of her matter fractured and dispersed, directed where the universe, in its imperialistic expanse, requires.

I call her mom. Say, "I can't believe it's been a year" and something about how outer space makes me think of Hayley.

Her mom says, "I don't understand."

After I hang up I look at the painting. I look at Hayley's Jesus. And I think in memories, memories that may or may not have happened, I think of them in my chest--not my head. I think about mercy. I think about the infinite. And is there a place where they intersect?
Meg B Apr 2014
Lost;          stuck

Free me

   shackles wrapped



not even near

         but far

drive away

   rearview mirror,

you wash away

  I waved farewell



                  ­               endless

fly and.


                              ­ get.

you ask me why
      or how

answerless I remain.

putting the pieces


and          apart


                  I solve,

Let myself know myself

But fearing

  questions’ answer

for knowledge

      Knowing knowledge

Knows no bounds.

Sometimes there are


but smiling





­  unraveled

and still shackled

but breaking


And one day I will be

                                          in the sky,

wings spread

          to sunset:

I’ve found it.
Umi Feb 2018
By the soul, it's order and poportion given to it.
The animals come in many kinds, lethal, beautiful as they too
wander upon an answerless world while following their instincts.
But who said that animals could not feel, despite being bounded
to them ?
They too understand the meaning of passion, love, affection and loss.
And each of them differs from one another, even if it may be just
as much as the size of an ant compared to a corn of sand.
Their very desire is too, to stay alive, even if they appear to be
cruel towards one another at times, they cannot be judged by us for
such deeds, as they only follow their intentions, their instinct and
proportion, without showing much signs of selfawareness at times.
Thus I engage myself in a request towards them, for our society
begins to forget one simple thing...
In a distant time, I desire them to teach us how to feel, as they care
more for one another than we tend to, in such a busy, connected,
hasty world where success has taken almost the best of us.
If I here that the nature has come to pine for us,
I would want to return to it.

~ Umi
traces of being Dec 2016
Coyote’s  mournful  cries  echo  across  
the  bitter  frozen  wi­ntry  darkness

A deepening silence thrums as loudly
as the echoes the unanswered bays

Snowflakes mute the fading wails
coyote’s softly questioning appeals

An eerie answerless hush echoes
                                  through the boughs,

writhing  in the  piercing frigid 
                                  wildwood blackness

The howling east wind gathers in
the throes of the lonely bespoken pleas

Carrying the weight borne a bone chilling
silent ache, beyond with the frozen autumn leaves

                                                 *wild is the wind ... December 8th, 2016
a music box of magic words
of circuses, gruesome murders and monsters
a mad logic of connected disconnected things
held together by the drifting mists of dreams
first air and rainbows
destroying pious falsities, telling new tales
of many things to come, flying above the crowd
showing the blinding white distance ahead
of the two ice capped poles
past he various categories
like old people who die when the weather turns
yet there is a desire to summon and expect disaster
you've seen the show, blinding like the sun on water
matched only by the patience
of the floating fall of a ladies silk stocking
a music box that looks immensely vindicated
and in those precious seconds, these busy seconds
that mumble and murmur to themselves
of divine and temporal forces
tastes the whiff of immorality
that possesses that special skin
that cruelty of countless acquisitions
of alchemy especially its capacity to coach sorrow
to teach it to touch the regurgitated
inaccuracies of indentured truth
ah! the music box who returns the echoing roar
of answerless answers with questionable questions
yet inoculated and protected by the vast pleasures
that somehow conceal themselves within the music box
in its rhythms and its clock-work metal innards
cancel out any pain and the half closed eyes that stop the heart
shatter the sky
shower with an avalanche of magnetic attraction
the magic music box, the magic music box
Pandora's magic music box
Halloween Night
It comes once a year
Halloween Night
When it's okay to fight and to fear.

Witches and wizards
Celebrities and cats
Kids dressed as lizards
**** somethings wearing hats.

But what's it about
What does it mean

An answerless question, or so it would seem.
Kira Nov 2013
Purpose Existence sought,
of a shackled cyclic life
I let him rather peek,
into that merry thought of mine

A joyous playground
and the prettiest girl of five
Pink with playfulness,
she and her kitten,
hopping in pink joy

"For her,
and her blinking eyes"

Sunshine he beams now,
and whispers a lyric twilight
For her, perpetually cast,
into rising day and night

That playground comes to view
soothing my soul,
and flooding calm strength,
everytime I think of you
Alexsandra Danae Oct 2011
ANSWERLESS RIDDLES are mating with my squirmish thoughts
they swirl and ferment inside my skull; pulsating neurons in my head
I feel it before I hear it, as the laughter bubbles up from within me
but there is nothing to find amusing, and my hope lay dying, now dead ~ ~ ~
the last of the cords holding together my sanity are frayed and slipping quickly
I am helpless to restring them alone, so far beyond my arm's reach
I can sense this rushing of maniacal laughter building up within me again
and then my fear seems to dissapate as my mind travels to lands with too strange a concept to teach ~ ~ ~
in years gone by, perhaps I have known traumatizing troubles too intimately
maybe I have allowed myself to, continuously, keep detouring from a wholeness I possessed once before
this sound escaping my strained lips right here and now is speaking of a new, different story
oh thief!! sanity has become a stolen piece, and not again shall it ever reside in me, no, nevermore ~ ~ ~
I am, and yet, I see nothing, save for some undescribable, disturbing chaotical nonsense before me
failure... I cannot create any sense or light to manuever these biting, foreign seams
I cannot help but to question whether any true relevance will ever actually be found here
this laughter just, unfaulteringly, sings itself to and from anywhere - even in my resting dreams ~ ~ ~
this sudden, burning desire fills me, and I think I'll cut myself loose, allow myself to go now
I'll float on down this hideously contorting river of giggling screams that I've dreaded to face
yet all such fears have begun to fade as my undeniably worthless grasp is slowly released
destined in time for me to reside, here is a numbing, emotionless, vile and heartless place ~ ~ ~
I cannot hault this shrieking laughter that bursts forth, exploding from my lungs
yet, I feel blank, so somehow this, and all else too! - has found its path to indifference here
my few, meager joys may have run away, escaping along with my misery and sorrows then
I have grown numb, become spiritually void, thus, I feel none of this, and I've no worries, despite my sanity's departure (forever disappeared...) ~ ~ ~
Death's threatening gaze carries no weight in an existance which lies always so lifeless as this
already, I've relinquished myself to surviving as no more than a zombie, a vacant shell, chained and bound in a permanent, deep and impenetrable trance
I once clutched an empty chalice to fill the hole from whence my inner peace had, long before, fled
abandoned then, abandoned again, my only company fated to be the humorless laughter that comes flooding from my open mouth and leaves me a twitching death-maiden, bound to a passionless, eternal dance ~ ~ ~
but none of it matters, oh, not in the least, minute way, oh no no, not anymore
I haven't even the faintest hint, nor trace of awareness remaning for me to care
here, there isn't a god, there is not a satan or devil - no heaven, nor hell, nothing to inspire your soul
AND IT IS HERE, to this place, we shall all eventually belong, and together spend eternity, with naught but expressionless stares... ~~~
tyjhtysj Jul 2015
era generation
For your Owen preparation
i got message for you nation
We are not the generation
You think we are
For your own information
I am explain to you so stop the investigation or the thing you call survey youth
Stop blaming us for your destroyed imagination
That got destroyed by your application
These time is the time you sit your *** down listen
And Stop talking of how your generation was better than these generation
Let me start by saying we are
The result of the combination of your fuckt up generation
So forgive us if we did not respect the invention
Forgive us if we did not do first the presentation      
**** your forgiveness
Clear the board
I am educate you all
Since you call it  education
All the war decisions
That cause the separations
Between son and mother father daughter wife husband
All the colonisations
Over taking sociocultural evolution
Cultural lost identities
Change history even the cover of the book
All cooperation and organization standing
To remind us the limitation
Depending of our identification
That led to these civilization
Answerless, ignorant,
Observe but no comment
Why and answer most called out vocabularies
i don't know has been their most replied
But they forgot they define our mind galaxy
And you can’t colonies galaxies
All the corrupt systems
In the name of salvation
All the company build for production of destruction
Industries of Capitalism
Creating the classes of
We rule you
We fool you
We shoot at you
We eat for you
And you work and i think it said we feed you too
All your fuckt up ways of your legislation,
How one get up and one thrown down
And we both know which one is who is asking  why
Which one is doing his work and sleeping in the house don’t even know what is the house made of.
How to blind to the one who see
Make the blind believe he can see twisted ****
All the discrimination
That's keeping us no elevation zoon foundation
And it funny how
Every time they say there a solution
At same time there mission
For different condition
Empowering deferent situation
Violation the untold and modern view of justice
Justice of the peace no promise you fool us
Now we are in darkness why do you look nervous
**** the immigration and their regulation
So my advice is
Don’t **** with our reputation
Because our equation is
e.r generation
Extend and release
We gonna extended and release our creations
And release with new operation
Of liberation
So stop ******* blaming us
For our ways of adapting to observe
From The system that you create to block our observation
Diána Bósa May 2017
This heart of stone hides
a dream of a god whose voice
once was lost against

the terrific wind.
It became mutilated
then swallowed by the

cacophony of
silence. So, answerless he
slumbers now, yet still

ajar for long to
speak with a mortal one who
would dare to call thy true name.
smallhands Sep 2014
whether or not we fall asleep in your bed
won't cure nor break this
but how sweet it would be
to share the sheets, rest our minds, quicken our hearts
because it's safer to be tucked away
the ceiling sees us, we see each other
it all feels right
as we sleep questionless and answerless

Anon May 2022
It's all I can do,
To drink so fast.
Quickly! Forget the love I thought would last.

She pined as I,
Though the miles lay far,
The torturing distance; left us both so apart.

"When will you come?",
Left answerless by me.
Everything working to part us endlessly.

Both left in tears,
And time took its toll,
Our hearts were left, with bleeding, soft holes.

"I'll come back!",
My vow,
"But when -- and how!?"

And to her,
I had no assurance,
Only a test of her endurance.

And her heart grew impatient,
And it built its thick wall,
At once when I came, it couldn't hear my call.

Now I shudder,
And now I quake,
For my delay was a final
Sam Temple Sep 2015
finding myself struggling with twenty-seven years
the magic number until I can retire
seems a thousand lifetimes away
and how will I ever stay in one place that long…
for near forty years’ worth of days
I have floundered between part-time
and joblessness… some of it as a ******
some as a young adult trying to find my way…
pondering solvency, monetarily
I consider my real options:
theft leads to jail
hard work leads to hard work
401k’s and retirement planning
are often stolen by the greed of the 1%-ers
bailout for the monopoly kings…
where is my bailout for living in America for this long?
who has been diligently investing in my trust fund?
why is this what ‘making it’ looks like?
answerless questions lay piled on the floor
some hurriedly jotted on napkins
others tattooed on my forehead
none ripe or ready…
I know I can keep on keeping on
I hustled ****** for ten years
….but I want it to be easier
I desire to bathe in bling
and throw hundreds out the window
yelling about how much I don’t give a ****
….but for now, I will just get up to my alarm
wash my face and hands
and play slave to the machine one more day
erin walts Oct 2016
The human race is amateur
No one reaches godliness or
There is only a soul searching
For answers in an answerless world

empty glass vases

Their only purpose is to be filled with floral waters
But there are chips and cracks in them all
And even the most fathomless bouquet arrangements
Carnations, daffodils, baby's breath, poppies, sunflowers,

All die.
L Seagull Jul 2016
A seeker of higher meaning
And a wannabe demon
What unites us?
The strange empty feeling
Nothing really
Something about the hardship of staying
Discrepancy between going higher
Or falling lower into
Dark as a pit in the belly of the void
That feeling you cannot escape
Smirking tickling uncomfortably
Squinting as I try to look into its colors
Seeking something to drive away
Overwhelmed panicky lack of sense
To feel complete content and concrete
What do I need?
Perhaps some presence perhaps a breath
Warmth or consolation
Perhaps some kind of heaven
Perhaps a gentle warmth of ****** tide
Or the volcano at the bottom of the spine
Anything is
Never enough or else pointless...
The deep well of chaotic darkness
Penetrates the vision
It's in the color of blindness
In oblivion of madness
In the dark starvation
The ever present dementors' chorus
Frustrated vibration getting the better
Of me of you of the kid who starts the war
Inside his mind inside her heart
Between the legs and within the
Ever leaking grip that cannot contain
All there is to possess
Now inside out
Splattered seeds of distraction and devotion
Striving starvation eager to be filled
By the crispness of green
The redness of alive
Numerous eyes stroking along the length
Of the ego's handle
The kind of pit... food will rot first
Before reaching the bottom
The kind of void oozing odors
Of unfulfilled and fallen
Or desperately giving to avoid
The emptiness of the void
And from that pit I draw the breath
And on the long exhalation I look
Into the world reflecting the light
Of the ever exploding
Surrounded by texture
Cradling this smallness of a body
And I put the first line on
The smooth white surface
As if a question
And the answer will poor out
Not through the answerless limitations of the mind
But through the hand
Holding this pencil
rinsing my flask, this late afternoon
and scouring to steal anything from my father's humble tavern: Chilean.

bought on stolen wine, this daze,
pacing itself carefully, as masterful as
a leering puma poised to strike

with a dull blade duller than stab-wound,
nobody heard this primal man cry in the
woods and i'm no dangerous man.

just a shadow that fits the sizable hands
of the world cupped, the afternoon is slain and the hue is its blood:

something the brush of the wind
sensuously brings a roulette of red
  blue, lavender, viridian,
plucked out of the vermilion
wading out as a debris forgotten waltzes
with the river underneath the kamagong— an answerless enigma amid all

are we but nothing whilst we live?
Cameron Godfrey Aug 2013
Awake in the nights
Asleep in the day
There's nothing to stop me
From  making my way
Down this road less traveled by
Leading me awry
In a life full of answerless questions like "why"
Why am I awake
Why am I here
Why have I pushed away all I hold dear
Why am I alone
Awake in the night
Why am I swallowed by this never ending plight
Where are you now
Hell, where were you then?
Who, what, where, why, how, and when?
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
Pit answerless questions
Against questionless answers
The stuff no one mentions
It just sits and it festers
The best of intentions
Played out by the worst actors
Heathens and hellions
Aren't the back stabbers

Ayesha Feb 2022
sweet wishes so small
in their impossible distances, they
tickled almost, I trembled almost:
beneath ant-like trails of frisky teasings, I
was settled almost
as if moon on sea’s silk-draped skin
suddenly glittered in a glitching turbulence
and mermaids rose up and out
of their thick black skies of silver tremors
shaking beads out of damp-darkened hair
and questioning questioning around
who dare startle their monotonous dreamings
who dare tremble and
stir all dull-eyed creatures around; and
as if sea dared on
shifting reckless into the answerless air,
frenzied, and grasping at an empty night
causing hundreds strange havocs
for a moon so little

[been bugging me for weeks]
Donall Dempsey Mar 2018

It is the talk of
the Tudor World.

But  - the Hello Magazine
Time Machine

has managed to gatecrash
the "Princelye Pleasures

of the Queens

and her Sommery

It is the July
of 1575.

Trump wanted to go
but we said: "NO!"

He's messed up our Future
don't want him to mess up this Past.

Took a hairy Irish
poet instead.

So here we be
at Killing Worth Castle

Warwick Sheer, where
"All loves meet... create one soul!"
as Mr. Decker has it.

Leicester and Eliza
dance the Volta

with lewd look
in eye.

The paparazzi
wet themselves!

The Queen deports
her self "in full sight!"

The famous fountain
spurting with "such vehemency!"

as to "moysten"
we time travellers

"...from top to toe!"

Already our passions
enflamed by carved erotica.

Such "rich and hard
white Marbl."

Oh that naughty Ovid
and his wicked tales.

The great fireworks
reflected in Eliza's eye.

Her Majesty skips
and dances high.

Leicester's hand
beneath her bust

takes her and turns her
with the lifting ******

of his mighty thigh
against the ******'s Royal backside.

Well...we never!

"Oh!" and ". . .ooooh!"
the Queen cries.

Sweet sweat trickles
through her make-up.

Three weeks of wooing
a Queen's hand

although it is rumoured he has
had  much more than that!

The wondrous artificial lake
mirrors the falling sky.

Scotland and Ireland
are in uproar.

Eliza's  "pirates"
attacking Spanish silver convoys.

Her procrastinating over Mary's fate
her famous "answerless answers."

Screams from the Tower.
Another turn of the rack.

Time to be gone

Set the controls
for 2001.
Dancing, sayeth Philip Stubbes in 1583, is altogether a “horrible vice”. In his infamous work THE ANATOMIE OF ABUSES.

Stubbes ranted.... “what clipping, what culling, what kissing and bussing, what smouching and slabbering of one another: what filthy groping and unclean handling is not practised everywhere in these dancings... provoketh lust, and the fires of lust and once conceived…burst forth into the open action of whoredom and fornication.”

So dancing allowed certain libertien to be taken with the opposite *** but the dance that scandalised the then known world was the one and only ***** Volta  -which of course made it a hit with the Elizabethan court. It had the inbuilt indecency of highly intimate contact between man and woman.

A guide to the dance advised that “if you wish to dance the volta…you must place your right hand on the damsel’s back, and the left below her bust, and, by pushing her with your right thigh beneath her buttocks, turn her”.

Slow and stately movements  ruled the roost before the volta made its entrance.

Totally condemned throughout Europe among certain circles. In his 1592 work,‘A Godly Treatise on the Ungodly Dance’, Johann von Münster fumed that even kings were promoting the wicked dance:

“In this dance the dancer with a leap takes the young lady – who also comes to him with a high jump to the measures of the music – and grasps her in an unseemly place…With horror I have often seen this dance at the Royal Court of King Henry III in the year 1582, and together with other honest persons have frequently been amazed that such a lewd and unchaste dance, in which the King in person was first and foremost, should be officially permitted and publicly practiced.”

A century later, Johannes Praetorius, condemned the volta in his book on the practices of witchcraft, Blockes-Berges Verrichtung. He wrote:

“A new galliard, the volta ...a foreign dance in which they seize each other in lewd places and which was brought to France by conjurors from Italy… a whirling dance full of scandalous, beastly gestures and immodest movements…responsible for the misfortune that innumerable murders and miscarriages are brought about by it”.

In 1575, poor old Dudley still had hopes of winning Elizabeth and he staged an elaborate three week festival that was pretty much his last ditch do or die effort to impress her.

Her time was completely filled up with all of her favorite passions, elaborately choreographed.;There was dancing, riding, and hunting; as well as more public festivals and pageants

The cost was staggering – well over £1000/day, and was on a scale never before seen in England

There was one where a mechanical dolphin rose out from the water and concealed within were musicians and a singer

.A huge fireworks display lit up one night, there were new gardens with fountains built, and Elizabeth stayed in the new state apartments that Leicester built.

Even though Dudley was unsuccessful in his quest to win Elizabeth, the festival he created was the talk of the Tudor world for some time.

Now all we needed was a time machine and Hello magazine. Oh and one hairy Irish poet!
Sasevardhni Sep 2017
Is Life rewindable?
Is Life rewindable?
If is it so?

Just imagine
Stepping into the past,
Unknown of the caste,
Enjoying those lovely days in mom's womb,
Which is always the sweetest home,
Where nobody dares to boom (scolds)
After birth

Torchering parents with sleepless nights
Loving silly fights,
Arguing for simple rights,
Embracing days of sights.....

Oh, no...,
After reaching a certain height,
Partition with parents may create at sight,
Innocence of love and affection may disappear
Senseless problems and fights...fear,
Some even end up with answerless tears,
If lucky problem clears.....

Will the days of past never appear?
Is there an option to go to the past?

Dated: 27.11.2011
Umi Dec 2019
I cannot seem to fathom what is wrong with me any longer,
My abilities degrade by the minute, fading into dust along the long way of this distortion deep within my very self,
All this time now, I have failed, again, then again, and again,
Wandering through an answerless world, I do not belong anywhere,
I cannot compare, I don't have the strengh to any longer,
And yet, within this despair, in this dying heart, there is a faint wish,
To move forward, to never give up,
But, the flame of which weakens,
And finally turns to ash,
How much will I be able to do,
Before it all burns away in front of my very eyes ?
At least, I won't need to die..
In a dream..

~ Umi
Angie Nov 2024
For seven months I drank my tea at the window and allowed the sun to cast its rays over my resolution.
I gazed at the space between but never directly into my neighbours house
for I knew the indifference that awaited me in her window of enmity.
During the seventh month my love swelled and pooled at my fingertips, restless with those un-penned words of indignation,
And so I gazed into her window.
Bleeding from my freshest wound,
just rage unfurled into bitter poems,
reruns of us,
of when you offered the belly of my dignity to feed your enemies, revealed a vengeance owed to me,
not of retribution
but of justice.
During the eighth month I wrestled love and grief, rage and memory,
to save you,
to save you from the recklessness my pain threatened to uncage.
I allowed the waves of your betrayal to break over me and pull me back into the sea of childlike grace within myself.
I did not emerge cleansed, pure, or resolved.
Victorious over my animal lust for vengeance,
yet unsatiated in surrendering my desire to deliver you to the same gallows where you made a pariah of me.
And conflicted with answerless questions.
Is vengeance the natural harbinger of karma and therefore my gentleness; justice interrupted?
Is my enduring love my weakness or my courage?
Maria Jan 30
Sorry, but you have to stay.
I don’t let you go. You hear?
We both have some things to do.
I won’t get through them alone. I fear.

Maybe you like quite another.
A cushy life without any jerks.
But tell me, please, at least for the last time,
What should I do with my love in fact?

My love is mite, but it’s so forceful!
Touch it slightly, it’ll burn you at once.
Leave it answerless, it will be prickly,
Tameless and cruel. It’ll die to us.

My love isn’t pampered, but it’s with pretense
For languishing gaze and beautiful phrase.
You tamed it firmly, you made it subject.
You didn’t wean it. Just put it in maze.

Sorry, but you have to stay.
I’m still in love with you as yet.
I’ll cope with my life on my own totally.
But the fate of my love without you will be sad.
Daniel Anderson Aug 2020
head west, heart east
head out, don’t leave
the crowning of things to come
the pains of a new labor, clutching
screams and wails in tandem harmony
fresh and alive and alone and scared
new lives seeking new life
born into desperation, answerless
ask more, answer less
fault and guilt lurk in shadows
head west, heart east
new legs, first steps, holding tight to walls
walls we built around ourselves
let go, flat ground, round earth, flat feet
breathe fresh air, speak new words
head west, heart east.
sometimes a move across the country can be daunting, especially with no support system. this is for those who face the challenge of starting a new life miles away from home

— The End —