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Feb 2018 · 441
Passing the Time
Calvin Watson Feb 2018
They say that time will heal all wounds
But mine seem to only grow deeper
I swear......
Jan 2018 · 429
Tear-pooled Eyes
Calvin Watson Jan 2018
And I lay here with tear-pooled eyes
As the memories begin to flood my  shallow mind
I hold onto the hope that they will silence the agony in my cries
The ones that've come about since we said our goodbyes
Yet still, here I lay with tear-pooled eyes
I recently said goodbye to my best friend. Though I hope it's not the last time I speak to her or see her, I understand very well that it may be. I love her limitless. Why does religion have to be so hard sometimes?
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
Calvin Watson Feb 2015
You know those times when you're always like
"why are you smiling at me? I didn't even do anything"
But ya know, you did
The day that I found out that you exist
Since that day, I haven't been able to stop smiling
*Your existance fills me with joy
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
The 8th Wonder
Calvin Watson Feb 2015
Your eyes a ravenous riptide rush
Rose spreads from your cheeks
Your face in heated blush

Your body's like a snowy winter scape
That I long to explore

Your beauty is blinding like the reflecting sun
Shimmering off of the snowy caps
The sight captivates me

You're the 8th wonder
I long to traverse through your landscape
She is.
Jan 2015 · 519
The Truth About Writing
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Scattered upon these pages are the words found within my heart.
*You should read them.
Jan 2015 · 2.2k
Butterflies (15W)
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
It's as if you took every butterfly
in existence
and placed them within my stomach
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Grounded Skies
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I want to be yours

Be as the ground that spreads itself to support the sky

Because when you cry, I want to be able to catch all the tears. Catch all the tears so that I could try to understand what they mean.  Be as the ground that aims to catch every drop of rain that falls from the sky when it's feeling burdened and gray. I want to be there for you just like that.

I want to be yours

Be as the ground that spreads itself to support the sky

Because I will wait for the next time that you come to me. Ready to catch you as you fall into my embrace. Hold you as the ground embraces the sunset. Doing so until you are ready to rise again. I want to hold you firmly in my arms.


I want to be yours
Would you be ok? Ok if I told others I was yours?
Jan 2015 · 873
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
How do you determine the worth of a man?

Is it measured in accordance with the dollars he's made,
The places he's been,
Or in the beds he's laid?

Does it correllate with the amounts of shoes he possesses,
The cars he drives,
Or the clothes in which he dresses?

To society these things may amount to much
But his worth is measured by the amounts of hearts that he's managed to touch

The people he's helped up when fallen down
The amount of smiles he's been able to transpire from a frown

A man's worth isn't a material thing,
It's an outward manifestation of the amount of joy that he brings
Don't let things determine who you are
Be someone who let's their actions speak for themselves
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I want .......
I want all of you

I don't want anxiety
I want you to feel at ease

I want you
I want me
I want us

It could be
Oh so magical

I want you
*But do you want me?
I know this one is quite simple, but it says a lot to me.
Jan 2015 · 590
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Here I sit
In range of admiration
Your skin immaculately velvet
Your hair messily tasseled
Your gravity seizes my attention
My distraction

I want to be close to you
The warmth your body exudes
The rhythmic rise and fall of your chest
Your beating heart near to mine
My north star

But here I am
There you are
The distance so mere
Yet it feels like a universe
My loneliness
Jan 2015 · 3.8k
My diamond
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
You always claim to lack strength
You think you can't bear the burden of pressure
You say you're not as bright as the darkness that surrounds you
But what you fail to realize
Is that you won my affection
I can see within you the sturdiness of a goliath
The will of a warrior
The grace of a dove
You are elegance
My precious diamond
Jan 2015 · 3.1k
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Lustrous Brightness
Blinding the darkness
I am your saving grace
Jan 2015 · 360
The Third
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
As my whispers dance over your ear
Your breathing deepens even slows
My hands bend along a river
Love the way your body flows
They say a picture's worth a thousand words
To me that statement still holds true
You're more like a dictionary
Even then I'd read you through and through
You've become my favorite book
I can't stand to put you down
Maybe more like my favorite sport
Always ready for another round
Jan 2015 · 339
The Second
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Gonna have a little fun
So let's play a little game
Gone put this scene on rerun
As the neighbours learn my name
We set into a steady rhythm
Your chest motions up and down
Let me consume you like an ocean
In this lovin' you can drown
Jan 2015 · 363
The First
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Let me heat you up
Temperature rising like a stove
Gotta have you right now
Slip ya *** out them clothes
They say there ain't nothing wrong
With a little bumpin grind
I wanna play you a song
First make some love to your mind
Jan 2015 · 279
I am a Fire
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I am a fire
This i can't deny
I aim to set ablaze your passion
Place a twinkle in your eye

I spread way to fast
To be contained
My flames engulfing everything, everyone
Stimulating activity within their brain

I don't want to destroy everything in sight
I only want to burn your fears
Birth within you a little might

As you lay down at night, I'll keep you warm
Watch you as you slumber
Ward off any harm

As my embers start to die down
My light beginning to wane
I want to be able to say that my purpose has been fulfilled
Bring forth the oncoming rain
Jan 2015 · 558
Alone Together
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
In all honesty, I don't care
I really don't
I don't care who came before me
Where they are now
Who they are now
All I care about is Us

When you're with me
Our joint togetherness exudes heated magic
It's like you're a paintbrush
I'm the acrylics
The world is our canvas
And we paint it a plethora of colorful brightness

You can tell whoever else that they are obsolete
Their presence is no longer needed

I'll be your band-aid
Your wounds I aim heal
You'll be my whiskey
I'll forever be intoxicated from your kiss
Jan 2015 · 453
Seeing Love
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
It's kinda funny how things are
People say love makes you blind
Oblivious to a person's flaws
Their shortcomings
The very things that makes them "them"
To me, love acts as those little old school 3-d red n blues
It helps you to distinguish what's real, what isn't
Helping you to see a person as they're meant to be seen
Past the *******, past what people say
And straight through to who they are at heart
Jan 2015 · 13.9k
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
The shy thing
It's like a double edged sword
I mean yeah it's cute
At times
But it keeps things from happening
How do you get past the unnerving moments
When you want to manifest your feelings
In outward actions
Because no one can see into your mind
Unless you bring your mind to them
But the shyness is like a roadblock
So treat it as such
And break through it
Jan 2015 · 526
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
You're an island that I'm forced to call home
I try to get away
The waves in my mind bring me back to thoughts of you
I know if I continue to stay here
How much harm it will do
The view from here is stunningly gorgeous
But the situation at hand
Is too much of a burden
On my heart
Collapsing it down on itself
It screams at me
Under the intense pressure
So I listen
And here I go
Jan 2015 · 8.9k
Your Eyes. My Wonderland
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your eyes shine intensely
So intense
The midday sun seems so dark
They possess
This intense luminescence
They tease me like a planet
That longs to be explored
I would telescope them
As an astronomer admires the night sky
Peering into them
Looking to traverse through your mind
Get lost within
Reveling in the beauty that is such
Stumble across the kind magnificence
That is your gentle soul
Jan 2015 · 19.7k
Eyeful Admiration
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your eyes shine with more intensity than the ocean can roar
Their image forever embedded within my mind
Reaching even the deepest crevices
Bringing light tot even the darkest depths
Awakening me from within
They're so easy to get lost in
It's like  I become cloud
Lost in the vast, endlessly beautiful blue sky that is your eyes
Your eyes
You could say I adore them.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Adrenalized Eyes
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Some people crave
Things that stir them awake
Set ablaze
A fire
That brings light to the dark
Your eyes
Are my fear
My adrenaline
They are scary and exciting
Jan 2015 · 380
The Second Step
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your best friend is dear to you
You have some of your fondest memories with them
But what happens when them being your friend isn't enough
You want more of them
But you also don't want to take a chance
Because you might gain
You might lose
It's a game of risks
Gain a love?
Lose a friend?
Jan 2015 · 274
The First Step
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Why does life have to be like this?
You search the world over
Looking for the perfect specimen
Someone who you think is worthy of you
Your good, your bad
You're ******* awesome
But it seems like there's none around
But then you look to your side
There's your friend
Your best friend
Jan 2015 · 550
Sexy Mind
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I desire to make love to you
But not just to your body
I want to tantalize
your mind
See if I can stimulate it just a little
Show you a thing or two
I just want.......
I want to make sure that you know there's more than meets the eye
Anyone can pull down their pants
For a little romance
As for me
I prefer a sexier entropy
I want to make love to your mind
Jan 2015 · 768
Needed Freedom
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
You think that you know what I want
But in reality you don't
You think that I desire your touch
Your caress
But with these I can only be preoccupied at best
Your presence, your being
I need
Because by you
And by you only
My heart, my soul
Are freed
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Fatally Flawed
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
A bird this morning sang upon my window sill
And from this I was made to realize
All that was and was not real
The intensity of your stare
The way it made me feel
Until I finally saw
My fatal flaw
Your heart I was unable to steal
Jan 2015 · 980
Dream Fortress
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
My mind's played the scene over and over again
That moment when we become more than just friends
Lying in my arms, lip locked in a caress
Let the arms protect you, safe in my fortress
Protection from the elements
Don't worry I can handle it
I long for the next time I can get there again
But for now reality knocks on my door
I answer
And there stands
"just my friend"
I want the dream to be a reality.Take a jump with me. Don't let this be the case.
Jan 2015 · 421
Fire Fighter
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I want to be your match
Not the kind that's like the perfect catch
Ignite within like a fire
See you fly, take you higher
You like a firework
Let me light you up
It could be so easy
I could show you but
You keep up your guard
I don't know why
You gotta play hard
But hey you ain't gotta fight
Just let your guard down
Let me mess up your hair
I could be your fire
Set ablaze in the air
Don't fight the fire
Jan 2015 · 351
U, Yeah U
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I like you
Not because you're the prettiest
Not because you're the smartest
But because you're you
You don't care about these things
You just let them be a part of you
A side effect of you just being you
I like that
This care-free-ness
Your mind, its mental prowess
Your looks, their god-given effortlessness
Makes you all the more sexier
I like you
I don't know. Just the first step forward on this long journey of poetry. Enjoy if you'd like

— The End —