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Feb 17 · 260
[ I'm losing myself ]
Zywa Feb 17
I'm losing myself,

to go back, go back to you --

in your arms again.
Song "Volver, volver" ("Going back, going back", 1972, Fernando Maldonado), among others, sung by Harry Dean Stanton in the film "Lucky" (2017, John Carroll Lynch)

Vollection "Inwardings"
Zywa Feb 15
She calls a street street,

but does not know bridges, and --

does not know dead ends.
Poem "Een groene linnenkast" - 15 ("A green linen closet" - 15, 1981, Ed Leeflang)

Brain damage or dementia

Collection "Mist-I"
Feb 15 · 321
[ Princes, princesses ]
Zywa Feb 15
Princes, princesses,

like everyone, each of us --

is an honoured guest.
Gedicht "Hij is een prins, hij wil geen onderdanen" "He is a prince, he wants no subjects", 1982, Ed Leeflang)

Community for young people with an intellectual disability

Collection  "On the fly"
Feb 14 · 201
[ I don't want it yet]
Zywa Feb 14
I don't want it yet,

not to go home already --

please, can I clean up?
Poem "Waarom de wind zo boos is" ("Why the wind is so angry", 1982, Ed Leeflang)

Community for young people with an intellectual disability

C-ollection "Stall"
Feb 14 · 261
[ People are laughing ]
Zywa Feb 14
People are laughing,

maybe about me, about --

something I didn't say?
Poem "Overal om hem heen zijn ze" ("All around him they are", 1982, Ed Leeflang)

Community for young people with an intellectual disability

Collection "On the fly"
Feb 13 · 281
[ I lick everything ]
Zywa Feb 13
I lick everything

and I still can't make a choice --

what I feel like now.
Composition "The Low Tone Orchestra: 9 Options" (2022, Cat Hope), performed by ensemble MAZE in the Organpark on February 11th, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #371
Zywa Feb 13
There are mists haunting

over the swampy heathland --

I don't dare go home.
Composition "Part 6" (2013, Alison Isadora), performed by ensemble MAZE in the Organpark on February 11th, 2024

Collection "org anp ark" #372
Feb 12 · 146
[ Listening seance ]
Zywa Feb 12
Listening seance:

rubbing hands, clicking tongues, and --

loud shuffling of shoes.
"Deep Listening" - Composition "Wind Horse - 2" (1962, Pauline Oliveros), performed in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024, by ensemble MAZE, with participation of the audience

Collection "org anp ark" #367
Zywa Feb 12
With dry pods and bags

filled with granules we're rising --

little whirls of wind.
"Deep Listening" - Composition "Wind Horse - 2" (1962, Pauline Oliveros), performed in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024, by ensemble MAZE, with participation of the audience

Collection "org anp ark" #366
Zywa Feb 11
You still live in your

body, yet I no longer --

find you at home there.
Poem "Oppas" ("Nurse", 1981, Ed Leeflang)

Collection "Mist-I"
Feb 11 · 212
[ The citizens talk ]
Zywa Feb 11
The citizens talk

down the lime trees: they're dripping --

honey every year.
Poem "De voorwaarden" ("The conditions", 1991, Ed Leeflang)

City dwellers demand nature without inconveniences

Collection "Willegos"
Zywa Feb 10
The vague liquid pain

that you can't point out at all --

must be sad feelings.
Poem "Een groene linnenkast" - 16 ("A green linen closet" - 16, 1981, Ed Leeflang)

Collection "Mist-I"
Feb 10 · 663
[ I have woken up ]
Zywa Feb 10
I have woken up,

where am I? In an ocean --

of sleeping silence?
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @cello

Collection "org anp ark" #353
Zywa Feb 9
Dawn: the world takes on

colours, becomes lifelike, but --

remains elusive.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @orchestra

Collection "org anp ark" #359
Feb 9 · 792
[ Seawater gently ]
Zywa Feb 9
Seawater gently

rinses the washed grains of sand --

No flood to be seen.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @orchestra

Collection "org anp ark" #361
Zywa Feb 8
That's sheep John, Rita's

husband is also called that --

Weird for a person!
Biographical account "Leven met Lidewij" ("Living with Lidewij", 2022, Bert Natter)

Collection "Appearances"
Zywa Feb 8
The slowed down breathing

of the towering water --

walls of the ocean.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @orchestra

Collection "org anp ark" #360
Zywa Feb 7
Daddy, can we leave?

Do you know what's for dinner?

Can I choose it, please?
Biographical account "Leven met Lidewij" ("Living with Lidewij", 2022, Bert Natter)

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Feb 7
A thought is super-

ficial, not so is an act,

an experience.
Passage "Vom 'Reiche der Freiheit' " (#125) im 2. Buch von: "Morgenröte. Gedanken über die moralischen Vorurteile" (Passage "On the 'Realm of freedom' " in book 2 of: "The Dawn of Day - Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality", 1881, Friedrich Nietzsche)

Collection "On the fly"
Feb 6 · 581
[ I am just floating ]
Zywa Feb 6
I am just floating

around and almost ready --

to wake up slowly.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @wind section

Collection "org anp ark" #356
Zywa Feb 6
Something is at hand,

so I better find a way --

out of my slumber.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @strings

Collection "org anp ark" #355
Zywa Feb 5
We talk searchingly,

confidentially, as if --

we are weaving dreams.
Novel "De verdronkene" (2005, "The Storm" / "The drowned", 2010, Margriet de Moor), § 1-8

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Zywa Feb 5
Don't keep building dams

in the streams of your feelings --

Flooding is better.
Column "Luister naar de meisjes" ("Listen to the girls", 2024, Eva Meijer), in the NRC of January 16th, 2024

Collection "Stream"
Feb 4 · 441
[ Behind the curtain ]
Zywa Feb 4
Behind the curtain

of his music he dances:

the master flautist.
From Orpheus's lyre to the flutes of the *****

Composition for ***** (or harpsichord), SwWV 319, on the theme of "Ballo del granduca" ("The Grand Duke's Ball", 1590, Jan P. Sweelinck), performed on January 27th, 2024 by recorder ensemble The Royal Wind Music in the Organpark (arrangement Hester Groenleer)

Collection "org anp ark" #347
Zywa Feb 4
Wouldn't you feel sorry

for normal people who cling --

to being normal?
Novella "De grote wereld" ("The upper world", 2006, Arthur Japin), § 1

Collection "Appearances"
Zywa Feb 3
Next to what was once

the farmyard, a kitchen chair --

in the tall wild grass.
Poem "Spreeuwen" - 4 ("Starlings" - 4, 2023, Hans Tentije)

Collection "Over"
Feb 3 · 73
[ Interiors are ]
Zywa Feb 3
Interiors are

also the exteriors --

of the residents.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), §  6-7

Collection "Being my own museum"
Zywa Feb 2
She planned it and said

goodbye to each of us, as --

we later found out.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter September 23rd, 2011

Collection "Em Brace"
Feb 2 · 797
[ We don't do any- ]
Zywa Feb 2
We don't do any-

thing, we avoid rejection --

avoid rapprochement.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter November 11th, 1989

Collection "Actively Passive"
Feb 1 · 344
[ Today, too much is ]
Zywa Feb 1
Today, too much is

happening, I must pretend --

it is a story.
Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 3

Collection "Truder"
Feb 1 · 340
[ Afterwards it is ]
Zywa Feb 1
Afterwards it is

only vague what it was like:

a passion, a pain.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), § 8-1

Collection "Over"
Jan 31 · 516
[ Please be sensible ]
Zywa Jan 31
Please be sensible!

If all the girls are gorgeous,

let someone else drive.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), §  1-4

Collection "Moist glow"
Jan 31 · 242
[ It has made me sad ]
Zywa Jan 31
It has made me sad

that I cannot remember --

my dream about her.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), §  7-2

Collection "Moist glow"
Jan 30 · 89
[ Suddenly it's gone ]
Zywa Jan 30
Suddenly it's gone:

no more house, just a mountain --

of mosquitoes there.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter April 28th, 1986

Collection "No wonder"
Jan 30 · 181
[ My body may seem ]
Zywa Jan 30
My body may seem

solid, but it is a cloud --

of floating atoms.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter April 28th, 1986

Collection "No wonder"
Zywa Jan 29
Come on, wave your love,

overflow me with your tide --

Don't ebb off from me.
Song "Je t'aime... moi non plus" ("I love you... me neither", 1969, Serge Gainsbourg), sung with Jane Birkin; sung in 1967 with Brigitte Bardot (released in 1986)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 60s and 70s"
Zywa Jan 29
Between star and night,

between black skin and white skin --

our fire is burning.
Poem "Yúya Karrabúra" ("Fire is Burning", 2015, Alice Eather)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Jan 28 · 277
[ You change every day ]
Zywa Jan 28
You change every day,

you don't want me, I miss what --

has not even been.
Song "Ruby Tuesday" (1967, Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones; also sung in 1970 by Melanie [Safka])

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 60s and 70s"
Jan 28 · 197
[ I meet my neighbours ]
Zywa Jan 28
I meet my neighbours,

only now, in the dark with --

handfuls of candles.
Power failure
Song "Beautiful people" (1969, Melanie [Safka])

Collection "Shelter"
Jan 27 · 225
[ Too bad, he only ]
Zywa Jan 27
Too bad, he only

does his duty, I would like --

him to be a saint.
Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 3

Collection "No wonder"
Zywa Jan 27
She performs her show,

spraying at the simpletons --

her tormented looks.
Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 3

Collection "Actively Passive"
Jan 26 · 171
[ The stories I tell ]
Zywa Jan 26
The stories I tell

are too thick, too big, too wide --

You can see the lies.
Autobiographical book "Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation" ("Nasleep: over huwelijk en scheiding", 2012, Rachel Cusk), quoted by Merel Kamp in her article "Karma, lot of eigen schuld? Vertel het maar" ("Karma, fate or own fault? Just tell me"), in the NRC of January 16th, 2024

Collection "Appearances"
Jan 26 · 215
[ I always get short ]
Zywa Jan 26
I always get short

of breath when he comes home and --

only pets the dog.
Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 1

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Jan 25 · 286
[ After our wedding ]
Zywa Jan 25
After our wedding

there's just the two of us, now --

we must be happy.
Novel "De verdronkene" (2005, "The Storm" / "The drowned", 2010, Margriet de Moor), § 3-5 and § 3-6

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Jan 25 · 211
[ Yawn, being sleepy ]
Zywa Jan 25
Yawn, being sleepy,

I drowse my waking days like --

sleepless, dreamless nights.
Novel "De verdronkene" (2005, "The Storm" / "The drowned", 2010, Margriet de Moor), § 5 Responsorium (Responsory) - Inner dialogue

Collection "Moist glow"
Jan 24 · 211
[ At most I myself ]
Zywa Jan 24
At most I myself

catch what I mean, with you it's --

Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 1

Collection "Wean Di"
Jan 24 · 315
[ I'm a kind of half- ]
Zywa Jan 24
I'm a kind of half-

human, there are so many --

others I do need.
Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 1

Collection "Wean Di"
Zywa Jan 23
Swear words jump around

wildly in a steaming cloud --

of squabbling voices.
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", part "Limoges. Le marché (La grande nouvelle)" ("Limoges. The Market (The Great News)", 1874, Modest Mussorgski), in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (*****) on January 21st, 2024

Collection "org anp ark #342"
Jan 23 · 57
[ The oxen: marching ]
Zywa Jan 23
The oxen: marching,

heavily armoured they are --

stomping on like knights.
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", part "Bydlo" ("Cattle" / "The Oxcart", 1874, Modest Mussorgski), in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (*****) on January 21st, 2024

Collection "org anp ark #342"
Jan 22 · 689
[ I've an aversion ]
Zywa Jan 22
I've an aversion

to fighting and to people --

The fight of my life.
"Martelaarschap: dagboeken 1965-1974" ("Martyrdom: diaries 1965-1974", 2023, Han Voskuil)

Collection "Not too bad [1947-1973]"
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