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Jan 22 · 187
[ People like to talk ]
Zywa Jan 22
People like to talk

about the required signposts --

but who is going?
Column "Niemand volgt de richtingaanwijzers nog" ("No one follows the signposts anymore", 2024, Stine Jensen), in de NRC van 12 januari 2024

"Pour une critique de l’économie politique du signe" and "Simulacres et Simulation" ("For a Critique of the Politicval Economy of the Sign", 1972, and "Simulacra & Simulation", 1981, Jean Baudrillard)

Collection "Actively Passive"
Zywa Jan 21
We say goodbye, short

- long - stop, the signalling code --

of: I think of you.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to the character Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapters December 23rd, 1973 and December 9th, 1980

Collection "Inmost [1]"
Zywa Jan 21
There's so much to do,

without knowing if my life --

is worth what it costs.
"Aphorismen. Gedanken und Meinungen" ("Aphorisms. Thoughts and Opinions", 1895, Emanuel Wertheimer), quoted in the novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 1 - "Das Leben ist selten das wert, was es kostet" ("Life is rarely worth what it costs" / "La vie vaut rarement ce qu'elle coûte")

Collection "Rasping ants"
Jan 20 · 180
[ Boxes in the wind ]
Zywa Jan 20
Boxes in the wind,

rolling on, getting one kick --

after the other.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 19

Collection "Actively Passive"
Jan 20 · 244
[ End of the story ]
Zywa Jan 20
End of the story,

because she says the sentence:

But I did not cry.
Novella "De grote wereld" ("The upper world", 2006, Arthur Japin), § 9

Collection "Being my own museum"
Zywa Jan 19
You should be yourself,

but don't bother anyone --

that's the condition.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 23

Collection "Wean Di"
Jan 19 · 462
[ Finished, desk empty ]
Zywa Jan 19
Finished, desk empty,

there's nothing on it at all --

just my lower arms.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 19

Collection "Skin-contact"
Zywa Jan 18
I shout: I'll help you,

grab the rope that I throw up --

from the deep, deep pit.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 19

Collection "Shelter"
Jan 18 · 385
[ Picking a flower ]
Zywa Jan 18
Picking a flower

to hear the snap, the flower --

can be thrown away.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 12

Collection "May the Might"
Zywa Jan 17
Sometimes I hear bells

ringing, high in the blue sky --

blue aerial bells.
"Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 3

Collection "On the fly"
Jan 17 · 125
[ My story hides what ]
Zywa Jan 17
My story hides what

I did, I'm ashamed of it --

it must be a crime.
"Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 4

Collection "On the fly"
Jan 16 · 108
[ Whatever you say ]
Zywa Jan 16
Whatever you say

to somebody else, you say --

to yourself as well.
"Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 2

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Jan 16
They're always swimming,

but fish do move even more --

outside the water.
"Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 2

Collection "Rasping ants"
Jan 15 · 83
[ Interrogators ]
Zywa Jan 15

give you a magnifier --

to observe yourself.
Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), Prologue

Collection "Specialities"
Zywa Jan 15
They don't understand

me, so I just say something --

Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), Prologue

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Jan 14
Farewell: we don't eat,

it just seems that way, as you --

also see in plays.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 4.1

Collection "After the festivities"
Jan 14 · 624
[ At regular times ]
Zywa Jan 14
At regular times

a message comes, stating: this --

connection exists.
Old computer communication
Also applies to acquaintances

Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 2.4

Collection "Rasping ants"
Jan 13 · 720
[ There's a museum ]
Zywa Jan 13
There's a museum

called Ministry of the Sea --

No coast anymore.
Poem "Bolivia (staatkundig)" ("Bolivia (political)", 1970, Gerrit Krol)

Collection "Stall"
Zywa Jan 13
You find your own laws

of nature, because you choose --

your observations.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 2.2

Collection "Appearances"
Jan 12 · 193
[ Reluctance wants to ]
Zywa Jan 12
Reluctance wants to

be alone, unobserved not --

doing what you want.
Poem "Over de weerwil" ("About reluctance", 1970, Gerrit Krol)

Collection "Willegos"
Jan 12 · 117
[ The crow: greedily ]
Zywa Jan 12
The crow: greedily

she comes close, flying away --

at could be danger.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 1.2

Collection "Willegos"
Jan 11 · 528
[ Office is a place ]
Zywa Jan 11
Office is a place

of meeting where people talk --

and that creates work.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), Prologue

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Jan 11
Splashing, destroying

the puddle by stamping, and --

again, and again.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 1.1

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Zywa Jan 10
Your plan says: turn left,

okay, your feet are walking --

and then you turn right.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 6.1

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Jan 10
With the scouts I build

a good cooking fire, that is --

having my hat on.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 3.2

Collection "Appearances"
Zywa Jan 9
We don't talk about

anything, we only smell --

of the same bath soap.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter June 4th, 1984

Collection "Skin-contact"
Zywa Jan 9
Knowing someone well,

wanting to believe it, that --

it is possible.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter July 21st, 1969

Collection "Inmost [1]"
Jan 8 · 230
[ Phone conversation ]
Zywa Jan 8
Phone conversation,

about the locations we --

are supposedly at.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter June 4th, 1984

Collection "Within the walls"
Jan 8 · 158
[ I do remember ]
Zywa Jan 8
I do remember

her bicycle from back then --

but no faces at all.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter December 23rd, 1973

Collection "Being my own museum"
Jan 7 · 202
[ No one's listening ]
Zywa Jan 7
No one's listening,

so there is no censorship --

of the protesters.
Column "Je stem zal je niet beschermen" ("Your voice won't protect you", 2024, Ellen Deckwitz)

Collection "Actively Passive"
Jan 7 · 341
[ People celebrate ]
Zywa Jan 7
People celebrate

the astronauts on the moon --

who'd like to join in.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter July 21st, 1969

Collection "No wonder"
Zywa Jan 6
Mama told me things,

as a toddler, that I'd like --

to know from her now.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - also referring to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter July 21st, 1969

Collection "Being my own museum"
Zywa Jan 6
We wear white plastic

slats as a stole, we're playing --

a Roman drama.
Novella "Relaas van 'n moord" ("Account of a ******", 1995, Antjie Krog)

Collection "Germ Substance"
Zywa Jan 5
Shame is having fear

of something ordinary --

that is a secret.
Poems "Kijk 's naar dit meisje" and "Over de schaamte" ("Please, take a look at this girl" and "About shame", 1970, Gerrit Krol)

Collection "Known"
Zywa Jan 5
Our view from the train:

I ride away from the past --

she heads the future.
Poem "Echtpaar in de trein" ("Couple on the train", 1990, Willem Wilmink)

Collection "Appearances"
Zywa Jan 4
Climb up the ladder

and look next to you, a snake --

is waiting for you!
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-2 "Snakes and Ladders" (the board game "Moksha Patamu")

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Jan 4
One never knows when.

Well, a next time is nothing --

more than that: next time.
Film "Perfect days" (2023, direction Wim Wenders, screenplay with Takuma Takasaki)

Collection "Summer birds"
Jan 3 · 177
[ On the windowsill ]
Zywa Jan 3
On the windowsill,

a bird, does it sing to me?

Is it bringing news?
Poem "Penelope's Stubbornness" (1996, Louise Glück)

Collection "Chance"
Zywa Jan 3
You more or less know

what kind of day it will be --

Now you colour it.
Collection "New Ago"
Zywa Jan 2
If a door is not a door
but an artistic optical illusion
then I can still appreciate that
but an inheritance of debts
or a romantic wedding night
in 'Paris l'amour' going wrong

are certainly not dreams
I wish to come true
I rather keep up the fairy tales

So I point to a positive side
or I play that it goes well
and nothing is at stake
But is a tree alive when it rustles?

What is truth? Can illusions just be
recognized by the appearance
to be as real as real?

Or even more real, if happiness
is re-enacted in a play, because
loyalty and doubt seem to be
much more authentic on stage
and to render more sense there
than is possible in my own life
Collection "Foghorn"
Zywa Jan 2
After the fireworks

I don't see any ghosts left --

only ***** snow.
Collection "Foghorn"
Jan 1 · 371
[ Living to the full ]
Zywa Jan 1
Living to the full,

always searching for balance --

and finding myself.
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "On living on [1]"
Zywa Jan 1
You don't live to get

to know yourself, nonetheless --

it is part of it.
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter Ritual

Collection "Inmost [1]"
Dec 2023 · 278
[ I half-hold her hand ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I half-hold her hand,

it's the cautious beginning --

of saying goodbye.
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter To help us

Collection "After the festivities"
Dec 2023 · 233
[ Should I continue ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Should I continue

her life, and keep inventing --

how she would do things?
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter Looking back

Collection "Stall"
Dec 2023 · 310
[ I just stopped writing ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I just stopped writing

that diary of mine since --

it is never true.
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter [*] #12

Collection "Held/True"
Dec 2023 · 520
[ Our conversations ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Our conversations

are silent conversations --

There is no anger.
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter Twenty-one (years old)

Collection "Em Brace"
Dec 2023 · 726
[ The corner café ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The corner café

must close, because times have changed --

There is a new law.
Song "Adieu café" ("Goodbye café", 1969, Willem Wilmink, sung by Herman van Veen)

Collection "Over"
Dec 2023 · 583
[ What does my father ]
Zywa Dec 2023
What does my father

smell like inside, how much worse --

than his stinking breath?
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter Eleven (years old) #2

Collection "Within the walls"
Dec 2023 · 128
[ A stone on a stone ]
Zywa Dec 2023
A stone on a stone

on a stone, that's how I climb --

higher and higher.
Song "Bouwvakkerslied" ("Construction Workers Song"), a variation on the song "Deze vuist op deze vuist" ("This fist on this fist"), 1979, Willem Wilmink, for the TV-program "De film van Ome Willem" ["Uncle William's Film"] with Edwin Rutten

Collection "Stream"
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