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May 2020 · 561
When Will It End?
Tara May 2020
When will it end, the sorrow, the pain?
What will we lose and what will we gain?
When the guns have no bullets and the missiles no fuel,
When the bodies start to mass and the blood starts to pool.

What will they create, but chaos and war?
How could we win and who sets the score?
When friends become enemies and we lose Wisdom’s sight,
When the battle is over and both sides lost the fight.

When will it end, the anger, the hate?
When will we learn from our past mistakes?
Are we to be remembered as isolated and weak?
Cowering from the prejudiced differences we seek.

Where will they go, the forsaken and lost?
How will they live and what will it cost?
When the land becomes barren and all hope disappears,
When the love and ties of family are no longer revered.

When will it end, the sadness, the grief?
Who is the hero and who is the thief?
When they build a big wall and send more men to fight,
Taking more lives in the dead of the night.

Who will we blame when the tears come like rain?
Who will be responsible for humanity’s slain?
When the finger is pointed at leaders and their deeds,
Where justice has fallen to corruption and greed.

When will it end, the suffering, the hurt?
How many corpses shall we leave in the dirt?
When will we choose peace, when will we choose life?
Choose to shield each other from evil’s sharp knife.

Will it be worth it, the famine and death?
Will we know peace before our last breath?
When we cast out our brothers, both by arms and by blood,
Loyalty and honour, left in the mud.

If we end it with battle and fire and lead,
We’ll end it in disgrace, and we’ll end it dead.
If we end it with war and anguish and guns,
We’ll end it in terror for when judgement comes.


If we end it with allies and fealty and trust,
We’ll end it with dignity and we’ll do what we must.
If we end it united, and make them understand,
Perhaps humanity’s salvation may yet be at hand.
Entered this into a competition a while back (didn't win). One of my favourite poems.
Apr 2020 · 460
The Outcast Victorious
Tara Apr 2020
Little scorned outcast,
all grown now and strong
Finally found somewhere he could belong,
but little scorned outcast could not forget
the toil, the tears, the blood and the sweat.

First he came for father, old and weak,
took his shotgun and pointed at cheek
The trigger 'twas pulled, Daddy was no more
but there were more than he to come for.

Mother was next, humming in her chair,
when she saw him her eyes bulged in stare
The scarf she doth knit for beloved son
wrapped tight 'round her neck before she could run.

Brother was out, throwing hay in the field,
strong and broad, poor wretch would likely be killed
But nimble and quick, took rusted scythe in his hand
spilled brother's own blood on brother's own land.

Lastly was fair sister, slept by the fire,
a quaint pretty girl nonetheless fated for the pyre
Her innocent face free from her deserved guilt
the wretch took knife from the table and buried its hilt.

Finally free from burden of the past,
the poor, little outcast looked his last
at last complete in his vengeful plight
the wretch no longer; disappeared into the night.
Apr 2020 · 360
The Outcast Scorned
Tara Apr 2020
Helpless and forsaken,
runt in the mud
Cry for your mother,
call for your family mistaken.

Left in the cold,
left to die in the rain
Cry for your father,
as you feast on the mould.

Shivering small wretch,
surely soon dead
Cry for your brother,
while you sleep in the ditch.

Forgotten and famished,
all alone in the world
Cry for your sister,
as you shake in your anguish.
Apr 2020 · 275
Chasing the Wind
Tara Apr 2020
Her delicate hands, her soft blue eyes,
lose yourself to her beauty
Give her all you can; she is
the only one you will love.

So you promise her the world,
she does not accept
She thinks little of this world
and does not hide her distaste.

Her long, blonde curls, her lithe figure dancing,
she enthrals you so you pursue
The chase continues,
but this mouse does not fear the cat.

You find her mocking you, poor mite,
chasing and chasing
She lifts her beautiful head high, tosses her mane,
she will never be caught.
Apr 2020 · 223
The Journey
Tara Apr 2020
She wanted me first, always a lust
for me
Coaxed me to her side, always so
curious to me.

She desired me then, the impossible conquest
I was
Opened to me like petal to a rose, so
beautiful she is.

She hated me next, the guarded sentinel
she saw.
My heart was protected from her, so
scorned she was.

She loves me now, her one true soulmate
I am
I gave myself, in my being, for always
happy we are.
Apr 2020 · 613
Tara Apr 2020
Hair entangled in your grasp,
feel your power in her lust,
tease her with your strength and tighten
your hold on her want.

Encourage her need, feel her melt for you,
touch her, don't touch her,
you are the master of this dance
she must learn, to stay.

She is willing, make her wanting,
taste her flesh, mark it,
she is yours now
make her know it.
Apr 2020 · 168
Little Angel
Tara Apr 2020
Sing to me, little angel, show me
your way; show me the light
of a thousand days
Keep me from harm, little angel, keep me
at bay; keep me from going
too far astray
Tell me you love me, little angel, tell me
it's true; tell me thus always so
I never lose you.
Apr 2020 · 1.1k
Tara Apr 2020
Desire is an ******;
she is addicted,
as is he to her.
She is his ******,
she needs only how he loves her.

He needs the entirety of her,
he will never have it,
she will evade him forever.
He is only her satisfaction,
and she is his love.

Doomed to dance with him,
and without him,
a truly Shakespearean heartache.
The deadliest poison yet sweetest nectar,
he will ever know.
Apr 2020 · 378
Tara Apr 2020
I have felt its deadly kiss,
its grip seductive on my throat
Heat rising in my blood.

Danger creeping up my form,
no warning, never able
His attack is far too soon.

Fire and ferocious, he grows,
roars and snarls, demands to be heard
All thoughts of reason stolen.

Parting ways with all calm,
he chooses the violence of hate
Opens the doors to his demons,
and sends you to Lucifer's Gate.
Apr 2020 · 2.2k
Tara Apr 2020
Find me, chase me, pin me to the ground
I am yours, fierce lioness
Yours to hunt and hound
Hurt me, hit me, throw me to the wind
I am yours, fierce lioness
Yours to scar and skin
Toy with me, free me, let me run away
I am yours, fierce lioness
Yours to mark as prey
Watch me, stalk me, make me ******* fear
I am yours, fierce lioness
Yours to catch like deer
Wound me, eat me, use me for your game
I am yours, fierce lioness
Yours to **** and maim.
Apr 2020 · 382
If She Only Loved Herself
Tara Apr 2020
The mirror wavers,
I see a blurry image
I want to touch her,
to change her
A tear runs down her face,
as she returns to my mind, her place.

I look down, ashamed,
ashamed of my own flesh
Disgusted at myself,
hating my body's existence
Perfection is my aim,
the product of my shame.

When will I become what I want,
what they want, what they must have
Will I become noticed? Loved?
Will they see me as my dream?
I cry when I ask why,
why must my spirit die?

I try to reach her,
try to save her
But she won't hear a word,
and I lose hope as she slips away
When the strips run crimson on her wrist,
I'll know it was I do did assist.

When I look for her, she is gone,
but when I don't, she's there
Saying things to my mind,
Things I don't want to hear.

Because if she only loved herself,
if I loved me for me
That small, sad girl inside my head,
would gently cease to be.
Apr 2020 · 537
Tara Apr 2020
Gentle, gentle, she sets the snare,
gentle, my love, soft strokes in my hair
Careful, careful, her kiss ghosts across mine,
careful, my darling, tongue dripping with wine.

Caress me, gentle now, don't be afraid,
show me your sweetness, show me you're brave
Kiss me, careful, give me your touch,
show me how you love me ever so much.

Soft, gentle little thing, expose yourself to me,
I can show you what it truly means to be free
Play with me, dance for me again and again,
dance with me, my darling, in the cold, dark rain.
Apr 2020 · 136
Tara Apr 2020
Our paths crossed often, enchanted friends we became
Unknowing that Fate had entwined our two names
The days became weeks and the weeks passed too
Time stood still as I fell in love with you.

I couldn't resist you, the longing I felt
Unbearable pain I seemed to by Fate have been dealt
You were the reason I wanted to stay
To hear your voice and see you in the light of each day.

Our first kiss was a gentle desire for more
We both felt the spark and we both knew the score
It was better to wait, to be ready to thrive
We needed each other so we could survive.

Our second kiss was pure yet white-hot passion
It seemed our love was wearing new fashion
Each touch left me burning, each bite left a mark
As we fervently declared our love in the dark.

But Fate can be cruel and Fate will commit crime
Who could've known we had such little time?
Dreams can be shattered and hearts can be broken
In our final moments, the sweet words were spoken.

The last kiss was a bittersweet farewell
Full of lost hope and promise on forever I'll dwell
Your eyes filled with tears as you said your goodbye,
and I lost you to become a star in my sky.

Your blood on my lips was a deathly memoir
Of the love that we shared and the everlasting scar
Now bore by my heart as I walk this lone mile
Pining for your laughter, the shine of your smile.

Your strength saved me from being ruthless and weak,
showing me beauty in a world I thought bleak
I have known happiness and wonder and love,
and know that I'll join you in the clouds above.
Apr 2020 · 144
La Luna
Tara Apr 2020
They look at you like you're the moon,
shadows, secrets and brooding
You try to bring light to their darkness,
but they fear the unknown and,
in fearing the unknown they fear you
The moon is a mystery even to herself
Don't you know they need warmth as well as light?
Don't you know you soothe them after the Sun's blinding rays?
Well, perhaps you never asked to be the moon,
but it was always your destiny.
Just as it is the moon's destiny to fall for the Sun,
even die for her.
Apr 2020 · 659
Tara Apr 2020
Eyes like fire, burning with hunger
She has found her prey in you
Run from her or fight her
You stand no chance,
you are hers.

Body lithe, rigid, focused
She will toy with you
You are powerless in this game
The cat will catch the mouse
and the mouse will submit.

She barely moves, she is confident
You can't escape
She will do as she pleases with you
That is her purpose, her role,
she loves this play.

If you fight her, she grows bored, dull
You don't want that
Her fire excites you, sparks a fear
Fear that sparks a pleasure deep inside,
you do as she bids you.

Pretty little thing, she purrs
Her claws long, her teeth glinting with fresh desire
Her eyes even more so
She wants to taste your pure, soft flesh,
and she will.

She cares little for the aftermath
You are spent, she has just begun
Finished with her prey, her ego craves yet more
The game is won, she is the victor,
time to find another mouse.
Apr 2020 · 134
Lost Breath
Tara Apr 2020
Looking from afar,
always from afar
She is the moon in my sky,
so far from me
Her beauty affects nonetheless.

A strange thing, so strange,
but familiar
I want her, want her for me,
but there is a barrier.

So beautiful, beauty beyond belief,
lust cannot take my breath
But she can,
she can.

Falling for so long,
so hard
It's inescapable,
a trap that I willingly enclose myself in.

To love is to fear,
they are married together
Neither one without the other,
she is inescapable
As is my love for her.
Apr 2020 · 234
Tara Apr 2020
A smile,
such a clever trick
When I want, when I need to hide
I smile,
so I stay hidden.

No easy feat to achieve,
yet I must do so
I endanger myself when I do not hide
Open to hard eyes, inquisitive stares and plain

As I grow, I become the master,
master of hiding, hidden from all
Not even Holmes can decipher my smile
Let him try,
I am hidden.

My tears are silent, my sobs never seen,
my shouts are disguised
But my smile, my smile screams
Screams false happiness and content,
false love.

The veil of truth is my servant,
I easily command it
My lies shaping, shifting, becoming my life
Reality has gone away from me,
to hide is to lie.

I can wish the rules were different,
but my wishes are foolish and wasted
As is my love
Hidden as the rest of my life,
cloaked under my shame, my fear.

This world is cruel and unfair,
for more than just people like I
We all must be hidden
We all have a reason to hide,
so we smile.
Apr 2020 · 540
The Oldest Story
Tara Apr 2020
Have you heard the story,
the story of how the Sun loved the Moon?
Of course you have.
He loved her so much he died every night,
just so she could breathe.
Everyone knows that story.

What about the story,
the story of the girl who lived with the stars?
She looked down at the Earth and dreamed.
She dreamed of trees and water and life,
of finding a freedom she had yet to know.

What about the story,
the story of the girl who lived in the forest?
How strange.
She looked up at the skies for guidance and light,
and found solace when she saw the stars
winking at her in the sky.

You don't know this story?
The story of the girl whose laughter was the sound of
rain on the river; and the girl who loved her more than
life itself.
It's beautiful. Why?
Because, most of all, it's a story of love,
a story of when green eyes met blue.

Why tell this story?
Because it's a story as old as time itself, perhaps even older
It is, in fact, timeless.
A story of desire, passion and two souls becoming one
The girl with hair like stardust,
and the girl with the spirit of the forest in her eyes.

They can be found in lovers and soulmates alike,
for they live in each and every one of us.
This way the story never dies for it cannot;
there is no force that could separate such a love shared.
It will outlast even time.
This was written with a 'couple' from the television show The 100 in mind.
Apr 2020 · 265
Ode to a Lover Lost
Tara Apr 2020
Only you could take my breath with a single word
Only you could wake the butterflies deep in my soul
Only you could steal sultry moans from my lips with
your touch; as if it were your only goal
Only you could excite me me with the sound your voice
the most alluring I've ever heard.

Only I could endure the scratches you etched on my skin
Only I could elicit your passionate cries
Only I could leave marks of lust on the canvas you offered
your hunger evident in your eyes
Only I could recreate my poetry on your body with my tongue
revealing my every desire and sin

Only you could make me curse to the heavens above
Only I could make you mine in the late hours of the night
Only you could leave me alone without a trace
taking with you my inner light
Only I could still think of you fondly despite the pain you caused
for I was the one, the only one, foolish enough to fall in love
Apr 2020 · 1.1k
The Moon Sprite
Tara Apr 2020
She comes only on the darkest of nights,
an alluring songstress of sleep.
She dances in the dreams and fantasies of many,
the cost of her seduction is steep.

She can steal the hearts of the most loyal men,
tempt any woman's desire.
She creates a sensuous paradise of lust,
beware the consequences are dire.

Many a soul have been lost to her charm,
led easily into the moonlight.
Enticed by the sway of her hips as she twirls,
a captivating show of sultry delight.

She's an insatiable spirit of shameless passion,
her words are provocative lies.
For when she lures you into her arms,
you become a star in her sky.

She draws you away from your loved ones on Earth,
her smile overloads your every nerve.
Yet you are forced to watch over the ones you have left,
a fate you do not deserve.

There is no way to fight her embrace,
no magic spell or plea.
You'll find yourself yearning for when she takes your hand,
and whispers "Come away with me".

She'll gaze upon her glittering conquests,
with an experienced collector's eye.
She'll laugh and dance among her trophies,
naught they can do but cry.

So when you happen upon a shooting star,
racing across the sky.
Know that it is not a star; merely stardust,
a tear escaping a captured eye.
Apr 2020 · 200
Sword and Shield
Tara Apr 2020
Loss so fresh, like a spear,
it's tip hitting its mark again and again.
The sharp metal cold against the heart,
loss strikes, and always strikes again.

Its sharp bite is known,
known too well.
The poison that follows an unwelcome shadow,
feeding on memories, gorging on despair.

It seemingly stays forever,
never leaves.
Rarely is it defeated, so it would have you believe,
the immortal enemy.

Memories fuel its hunger,
but also your truth.
They are your weapon, your shield, your faith,
the immortal enemy is conquerable.

You make it so.
Apr 2020 · 139
Tara Apr 2020
The flesh I reside in,
it is my sanctuary,
it is my prison.
The source of my sadness,
the river from which the darkness flows.

Veins of doubt entangle my being,
whispers of malice dance in my mind,
they suffocate me.
Creeping into every crevice of my skin,
deep, deep, reaching into the core of my soul.

My existence is futile, fleeting,
as quick as the smoke of candle snuffed out,
a ghost.
My touch on this plane a mere echo,
a drop falling from leaf, fading from sight.
Apr 2020 · 111
A Lover's Chance
Tara Apr 2020
If you could see her face again,
free from burden, free from pain,
your eyes would meet; your face would smile
Blue meets green, its been a while.

Your parting words would come to mind,
for she has taken time to find.
What will you stroke first? Her face? Her hair?
In this moment, there's no time to spare.

You'd try to memorise every line of her face,
every curve, every crease, eager to trace.
But is a moment enough, is her kiss bittersweet?
When you are forced to part, do you feel incomplete?

A lover's chance is a cruel thing indeed,
you'll see her again but your heart will still bleed.
Both Fate and Time twisted into one evil grin,
delighted and dancing in the wake of the sin.

Yes, a lover's chance is a cruel, flightless bird,
the cry of the lover scarcely heard.
Never passed on, the fear of chance missed,
desperate to once again feel lost love's kiss.

— The End —