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11.4k · Apr 2015
Spectral Corruption
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
~Modesty & Respect has been lost and now the tears are too hot to turn into frost~

Sickness in the mind is revised
As the eyes are revealed to a non-existing surprise
Pretending that the colorful pills are sweet tasting skittles
While tears forms into a spiraled riddle
Generations are messed up because good-teachings are slack
So in the young minds rightfulness lack
There is peace even if chaos may seem to consume
In dark tunnels a dim light will soon loom
But if you perceive
To conceive
Not to believe
Then tell me how will you ever achieve?
Life is not a game, but a vivid reality
So save every special moment of sensuality
Remember that you are an instrument
Play your life story, sing your mind, and bleed your words out loud with contentment
You’re not useless
Humanities truths…believe every single bit of it, release your stress
Strength lies within your heart
You’re such a beautiful sculpted art
Do the opposite of what depression tells you, you won’t lose
Your fate lies in each choice you make, carefully choose
Your future is the next moment
Make each obstacle your stepping stone and then you can easily avoid torment
Then spectral corruption
Will never be able to destroy your inner emotion
Another oldie with the same style.
5.9k · Oct 2015
Shadow Paradox Oct 2015
There is a beautiful glow
Shining deep inside your core
Take it
Light the wick
             - *of another soul's heart
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it"-Edith Wharton
2.9k · Aug 2015
The Birth of Surrealism
Shadow Paradox Aug 2015
Creatively I died inside a butterfly’s wing
Buried in the womb of a bird’s song


Planted deep in a spiders imagination
Twisted, converted
Underneath a pyramid
Midriff monsoon
Against the red noon of the Moon’s
Lunar tunes

Nightmares growing from daydreams
Like weeds
Reflecting the soul as darkness gleams
Broken seeds

The eyes of the Owl see
As wisdom he reads
Turn green with greed
No longer wise as pride
Glides and rides
Across the deceit of his landslide

Crashing like a crystal avalanche
Crushing lives and habitats
See one choice can lead back to the beginning
Of the first inning of a sliver lining
That has become dull

Losing its shine and luster
Like a haunted hall
In a old mansion cobwebbed with fluster
Skeletons and ghost threaded in walls
Shredded inside papery calls
Peeling from the owners fall

I’ve died inside the butterfly’s wing
The wing carved on a wedding ring
Its circle symbolizes my cycle
A tilted infinity inside the curve of clarity

Of my fall
That became a papery call
While threaded in a skeleton wall
Cobwebbed with fluster
Like a haunted hall
That has lost its shine and luster
Which became dull

Like the first inning of the silver lining
This choice has led back to the beginning
Crushing lives and habitats
Like a crystal avalanche
Crashing across the deceit of this landslide

Which glides and rides
No longer wise as pride
Turns green with greed
As wisdom he reads
The eyes of the Owl see
Broken seeds
Reflecting the soul as darkness gleams
Like nightmare and weeds
Growing from daydreams

Lunar tunes of the Moon
Glowing against red noon midriff monsoon
Underneath a pyramid
Twisted, converted
Planted deep in a spiders imagination
Buried in the womb of a bird’s song


For I’ve creatively died inside the ink of a butterfly’s wing
Dripping from an alien’s pen-well
Melting like clear gel
Faded and blurred
Secretly grew in between each verb
Hid myself in sentences
Like parables in genesis

With glee…

I impregnated the meaning inside me
Then birthed surrealism
In a chaotic schism
Between the fifth and second chord
Of a poetic discord
2.7k · Oct 2015
The Flashing Thief
Shadow Paradox Oct 2015
Beautiful blue berries

Blood red cherries…

Swirling in the night

Chocolate chip covered thief appearing with fright

The beat of the candy heart vibrates with weak deliciousness

While the frozen dessert screams its loyal wickedness

There was a flaw in the meal

For the law wasn’t happy and signed the seal

A perfect good journey turns into a nightmare

The monstrous ice cream still screaming its snare

And now the story rises

As the peanut butter footsteps arrives and surprises

A strawberry invitation is handed to the achiever

Icy tears hangs like icicles from the law breaker

The peanut butter melts away and now the story reaches its ******

The salty eyes are now side tracked

Beautiful blue berries

Blood red cherries…

They suddenly disappear

The candy heart beat slows and is replaced with cold fear

Ice cream drips into silence cutting off its screams

Chocolate chip covered thief fades, leaving a ghost of its beams

The flashing thief in the night

Is finally gone, but the emptiness leaves a fright

Yea I was hungry and extremely frightened

So when the police stopped me, my imagination became deliciously enlightened
I remember being so little when I wrote this lol
2.4k · Sep 2014
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Thoughts form in my head




Until . . .

My mouth opens

My tongue flip-flops

Words reform

Tilting inside each other


Into a demented figure

Then a volcano erupts

From my inner

I scream

I cry

I shout

But the pen touches my fingertips

Quieting the beast in me

“Bleed me”

It whispers

I did

The pen bled my pain

It bled my deepest thoughts

Seemingly only ink cures

My dyslexia
2.3k · Dec 2014
Spirals of Accents
Shadow Paradox Dec 2014
Ivory-teal ruffled his parochial feathers
His tongue dipped in languages
He wanted to learn the pronunciation of life
As he folded himself in Egyptian ink

He opened his mind against the dioramic surface of syllables
Painted in alloy; dripping from a papery canvas
He brushed his ivory creme feathers
in crimson and lavender hieroglyphics
Bleeding their pictorial valor inside a golden sepia lantern

"Go on, light the world with your suspense and mystery"

Ivory-teal twittered to himself
Wrapping the bijoux night around his little body
he disappeared into the stars
The teal birthmark on his forehead; glowing

He took the lantern in his gold beak
fluttering away into spirals of smoke
Toward Mythology mountain
Where a storm of butterflies
were winging their seasonal weather

Ivory-teal sometimes wished he could be a candle flame
Flickering in the darkest of moments
Letting the sunshine bleed through his beautiful feathers and soft skin

But his destiny was a bit different
He was folded in cultural prophetic proverbs and
sewed neatly in parabolic traditions
Where nationality is mixed into colorful pixels inside skin
Accents are curved in throats and lilted on the edge of tongues

Ivory-teal was carved in diamond flex dreams
In a temple of mythical patterns
Imprinted in mercury cocoons laminated with knowledge
The Angel Apostles printed him in their book of Dreamtales
Where he became a bilingual silhouette

He was birthed right here on this mountain
As he balanced himself on thoughts
He had learned to love himself to this point of his life
He wanted to be the change he wanted in the world
He gently lifted the little lantern

It rose up toward the sun and exploded into rainbow fireworks
The contexts that were inside split sideways
Tilting and pressing themselves into the air particles

If birds could smile then that would've been Ivory-teal
As he laughed quietly

"Now breathe in earthlings, breath in the wonders and knowledge of life"

He then spread his gorgeous ivory creme wings
tattooed with all the languages of the world and life itself
He twirled into the sunset and bled himself in a cloud

A mountaineer had been watching and wondered to himself
As he unknowingly breathed in the context from Ivory-teal's lantern

"If flying is a language I would love to learn and speak it with my wings"

But shouldn't he know that language already
For it is the language of freedom
Ivory-teal is one of many symbolic accents
Of that beautiful language
2.1k · Sep 2014
Rhinestone Lotus Pond
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Sitting on my rhinestone lotus pond floating around in my oceanic bedroom
The haunting begins its sinister buzzing with a silent ‘vroom’
Wooden door opening by itself
My jeweled heartbeat falls from a bone frame shelf

Demons hanging like poisoned vines from the painted ceiling sky
Gods then pours their breath inside my empty soul, drowning all insinuated lies
Butterfly piano keys fluttering their enchanted melodies
The notes dripping pearls of discarded lullabies into my hidden pleas

Lost dreams entangled in my seashell hair
As I sit cradling broken memories in my emerald iris, the ones I’ve forgotten to share
Dead skin peeling from my fingertips as I turn a dusty page in my notebook
Loose frays of secrets coming apart, falling away in my Underland outlook

I remember the day I recreated my being, as I drew Self into a mermaid rose
Piercing my revolving face with a jagged pen,
**** fairytales bleeding from my lips, a new world I chose
My dress of ivory seaweed has caught onto a sharp end
I sink into the onyx murky depths of my rhinestone lotus pond, wishing for a friend


Licking death, seeing the dead
My attire drifts in the sulphide air, swirling with the essence of dread
I now leave my surreal sanctuary
As rhinestones melt, the pond drains, the lotus folds its metal origami

I’m back from the world I created
Back to reality where a sententious poet is constantly hated
Back to a butterfly wallpapered bedroom where hallucination spend
Yea I’m back, but not for long, not until inspiration comes and I swallow my pen
And into my notebook realm I will be back in my own world again…
This is an oldie when in yesteryears I was tangled in a nightmare of a fairytale~
2.0k · May 2015
In-directed Homicide
Shadow Paradox May 2015
She was on top of the world

But when asked how it felt

There was no answer

Because she was hanging

On the noose of the misunderstood
1.9k · Sep 2014
Pen Surgeon
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
~Be You, Don't Change For No One~**

Smoking butterflies

Lilted with jade poison

Swirling into my jeweled lungs

I smile; high on madness


No one can defeat me now

The drug monster

Pulsing thru my veins

I feel I can rule this land


Though in reality

There is no such thing


Metaphors spill from my lips . . .

. . . my blood


Eyelids fluttering

Like the wings of a dove

Everything is blurry

White walls; nothing


I scream





In pain; lungs bursting

Mind racing

Heart beat beating---


I'm slowly dying

My paper body


Essence of butterflies


Floating around me

The ones I smoked

The ones I inhaled

They are killing me; whispered I


Though I am nothing but a page

Filled with Inkblots

Smudged . . .

My pen comes to save me; yet again


It rewrites me

Stitching new stories

Over my old scars

Creating a new me


Ink kisses my lips

Her chemicals seeping into my papery skin

Bleeding into me

I'm becoming a scroll


Decorated with so many rules


As I sigh

My pen stabs into me

Becoming me

I then scream ashes; everything fades black


Awakening . . .

I've become a notebook

Staring up at myself

I watch my own face





. . . Disturbed


Pen in my hand

I open myself

Taking the pen

The one, which stabbed me


Ink bleeds

Onto my pages

I feel my pain,

My obsessions, my happiness . . .


I watch as the spirit of writing

Leaves my body

Folding itself between my pages

Like a bookmark


The pen falls from my hand

Landing on me

I watch mystified

As the pen whispers


"No one can defeat you now

This is your land,

Your rules, your soul

Welcome to the notebook life'


"You wanted something better

So I remade you"


-B-but this is not what I want-

I plead; trying to cry

But notebooks don't cry

Only the ink can cry for me; the ink from my pen


The pen chuckled

"Then my friend . . .

Be careful what you wish for

You didn't want to be human"


"So I made you

Into something better

You are useful now

You are popular"


I tried to scream

But I saw myself get up, snatching the smiling pen

I closed myself

Only to be open again when needed . . .
-Be You- Don't change for anyone only for yourself- [The poem is a bit strange but its about not changing for anyone, just be you, because you are beautiful, Sometimes I don't like who I am but I have to remind myself that I'm different . . . you get the idea]
1.6k · Apr 2015
Suicidal Mockingbird
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
~Depression plants suicidal seeds, don’t copy hate, instead do good deeds~

Rhythm and rhyme beats in the heart
Forming musical inspiration in a creative art
Beauty from pain
It lies within, as rainbows bleed a colorful stain
Razor marks tattooed on the skin
Is this a sign or a committed sin?
Learn from past, live the present
Don’t be a suicidal mocking bird who always laments
Copying others, with suicide entwined in imagination
Bleed the pen, and brightly color in your blank emotion
Represent a leader
You were born a survivor
Revolutionary options are provided for you to excel
Grow wings, spread them, and fly beyond this living hell
Skidding across icy obstacles
Wishing for miracles
Live your dream
Let the dying razor scream
No more suicidal mockingbird
Let hopefulness be today’s most used word
This is such an old poem but I thought I'd share.
1.5k · Oct 2015
Shadow Paradox Oct 2015
It flutters around me
                           connected to my liquid shadow
Attracted to the light
*within my heart
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."-Aristotle Onassis
1.3k · Sep 2015
My Soul Has Angel Wings
Shadow Paradox Sep 2015
My heart takes wing
Flying into the ebony sky
Imagination entwines itself
In the depths of my mind
As I drift into a dreamy high

Troubles seems so faraway now
As I drink up happiness wine
Glancing at silky hilltops and-
Lonely valleys with greenery fine

A smile tugs my lips
While laughter teases my voice
I made the right choice
For I'm in a glorious haven
I've kissed the dove and-
Shoved away the black raven

I am free from all guilt and bitterness
I've burned my tragic papers
I've turned my hated words to vapors
For I cannot delve in darkness
Because I am surrounded by goodness

Light I can perceive
I've enlightened the dark
Hope, I now conceive
Painting a silver sun on my heart
I close my eyes
Dreaming about the sunset's art

I am happy
I am free

I can loudly and openly sing
For my soul has angel wings
An old piece-
1.3k · Jun 2015
Chemical Romance~
Shadow Paradox Jun 2015
Your love is like...


It changed the


Of my heart
1.2k · Mar 2015
Shadow Paradox Mar 2015
-Elements of the soul
pulsing with magnetic pain
hearts enlightening symmetry
but strength is connected
to the silver white threads
frozen inside a blue crystal
calm and collected-
Working on something new
1.2k · Sep 2014
The Monarch [Butterfly]
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
There he was

Glowing in a bundle of stars
Shifted to see his dull reflection
There was no glory in his eyes for they melted a long time ago
Back when the birds flew and the sun smiled

It was all metal now
His world

Tilted into a triangle
Inverted in ink
He had a crumpled paper heart
With permanent creases
He was imperfect

He buried himself in minutes
Swallowing the hollowness from out the air
The shallow room was nothing more
Than a stained glass prison

He disliked the colors
Wishing they would bleed from his sight

They did

But it was only because his prison shattered
For his wings had bloomed

The colors he hated were on his wings

He was free
But he will never forget how his freedom came to be
For those colors were the sorrow he suffered
Now they are the jewels of his rebirth
1.1k · Jan 2015
Human Dusk
Shadow Paradox Jan 2015
Never mind the world behind my eyes.
Or the earth within my skin.
Neither the diamonds swimming in teal blood.
For these are unfairly fairy tales.

Stale stories plucked from a withered imagination.
Tilting on the edge of a translucent dream.
The region which surrounds my form is lucid.
A prism reflecting the many colors of my pieces.

They who dwells in the internal galaxy knows me well.
For I am the matter which you breath in and blow out.

I am Human Dusk.

The sunset and sunrise of old endings and new beginnings.
1.1k · Mar 2015
Diamond Encrusted Crayon
Shadow Paradox Mar 2015
Before dead pale fingers reached through the graves

They used to be a blushing pink

Fresh with life

Pulsing with care and love

Caressing my face

Like the whispers of many flowers

And songs of many birds

Those fingers were connected to a special soul

One who birthed me

Sheltered me

Loved me

The fingers who wove together diamonds and pearls

Like an artist and his colors

On a blank canvas

Creating a delicate gem

A meaningful symbol

For me

Those smooth beautiful fingers

Placed it around my once tiny wrist





Then like a cherry on top

A single diamond encrusted crayon charm

Joined the tangles of jeweled hooks and links

The beautiful loving fingers grasped my waist

And held onto me dearly

From there words from dying lips

Dripped their dew into my heart

“My Silhouette, my precious shadow

No matter where I go, no matter what happens

Remember always remember

You are unique like this diamond crayon

You have colored my life with every little thing you have done

When I look back at those colors made by my little shadow

I see the many beautiful sparkles you placed in my life

It makes me smile it makes me warm

Keep being you my shadow

Keep coloring the world with your love. . .”

The fingers weakened and loosened

Death came and took away the beautiful loving soul from those fingers

No more do they blush

Only pale white and frail

Scratching through the dirt in my heart

Tugging at my tears

Every time I wipe them away

With the edges of this rose

The diamond crayon clings against its metal chains

Echoing a haunting ring

Like the voice and touch of my dead mother

1.1k · Oct 2015
Skullish Smiles
Shadow Paradox Oct 2015
My truth memory
Is scattered
Like diamond roses
Wilted inside-
Crystallized fairy tales
Red riding hood kisses
Skullish smiles
Come to whistle
Their dead lullabies and
Musical cherry tops
White witches
Pen corpses
Mutilated whispers
Hyena cackles
Stir the magic batter
Of dying hopes
Sip on lonely dreams
Eat life with the
Honey bee
A little something for the beginning of October ~
1.0k · Sep 2014
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
As I walk in to the public
Stares reform, deform me
Part of me care, the other doesn’t
I can’t help who I am

My world is psychedelic
Not right side up
But up side not right

Although my thoughts
Is like a grid
My mind crafted by genius
I don’t talk much

But I can draw
A masterpiece in seconds
My mind is photogenic
I remember everything

Yet different
Yet understood

I don’t understand the world
Like it’s supposed to be
My way is better [to me]
I have to be organized

I do things differently
It may be strange
But it helps me

Wielded . . .

I live in my own mind
My learning is slower
But sharper
I’m not cursed . . .

I may not be perfect
But I am who I am
Love me for that
And I shall love you back

Emotionally fragile
Yet agile
Autistic . . .
I’m still human
1.0k · Apr 2015
The Mind of Child Indigo~
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
"What do you want to be
when you grow up
my dearest Indigo?"

Indigo looked up at Mother Ivy
With eyes of emerald
the size of mini globes

She closed her eyes a moment
Brushing away the curly tendrils of
hair from her creased brows

Mother Ivy bent
whispering butterflies
into the child's ear

"Don't be afraid my doll
Never hold your peace"

As Indigo open her eyes
Her thick lashes
Made a breeze
Which swept the worries
From Mother Ivy

"When I grow up
I want to be poetry"

Mother Ivy gathered her close
kissing the lovely child with sweet dreams
While poppies bled scents into their clothes

"Why do you say that my dear?"

Indigo twirled in her mothers arms
Her eyes flashed with golden specks
As the sun smiled light into her soul

"Because poetry is sign-language
that speaks to the deaf heart"
Inspired by a review for a perfume lol~ Hope you enjoy :)
1.0k · Apr 2015
Razorblade Ballroom
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
She grew into leaves
As she wrote into her bleeding notebook
Collecting diamonds from every drip
Balancing on a crystal dream
Erasing reality
Swallowing fantasy
Faraway, a letter grew wings
And printed itself to the girls skin
Invited to Depression’s Party
She swept away her notebook
And dressed herself in poetry pearls
Ink slippers stained her feet
As she twirled backwards to her demise
Silver cobblestones and golden chariots
Greeted with royalty
She entered the Razorblade Ballroom
Which kissed her graciously
She was given porcelain razors
Covered with colorful gems
“Go ahead my lovely and dance with them”
Evil whispers filled her little head
“Suicide will be proud”
She began to dance with those beautiful razors
But then she saw those delicate butterflies
Fluttering gently on her wrists
She then remembered her vow
To never ever harm those creatures
Because if she harmed herself
Those butterflies will die
The razors fell and shattered
The Razorblade Ballroom
She promise to never visit again
She realizes her bad decisions
Can affect many
She lives her life today
Being a world wide example
To those who are hurting
Yes I remember those dark days when I spent hours in the "razorblade ballroom" struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. These were my darkest times. I never danced in that ballroom ever since. Although I do get invitations from time to time.
965 · Sep 2014
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014

Dri­pping goodness

Juicy juiciest

Tongue­ biting

Color of rich blood

Picasso's sky inside a bowl
Flowering ornamentals
Plums, Peaches
Almonds, Apricots

The sun shining at the edge of your tongue


Colorful paint on an artist canvas

Gold at the end of a rainbow

The fruits of your heart
The flavors of your soul
The unfolding of a liquid sky. . .

*Shall we indulge?
959 · Aug 2015
Dip of Alloy
Shadow Paradox Aug 2015
I found myself more alive
When I drank the rainbows from the wishing well

As I wrap dark tales around the moonlight
The wolf inside me howls
Redemption is tied to a metallic dream

I begin to bloom from the ink of a black rose
Gold diamonds leaking from my pores
Pulsing from poisonous riches
I swallowed eleven silver wishes
Laced with nightmares

Half of me laid out like a board game
Chess pieces sticking out of me like fancy tombstones
My heart, queen, beats a checkered lullaby
The darkness grabs for me
With hands made out of dusty shadows
But I slipped thru them like a ghost

I armored myself with broken mirrors
I slip thru a chromatic hole filled with indigo ink
Which licks at my canvas skin

I fall

In a portal made out of my tears
The darkness of my past tumbles after me
But I found a rip in my tears
I walk into it and step out of my dreams

I'm calloused in crystals
As my metal back splits
Two iron, crimson wings unravel from my broken skin

The gold diamonds shoots back into my pores
Traveling to my eyes core
My golden blood is replaced with tears
My skin now cries
My eyes, pure gold
My vision, karat

Worlds dance beneath my veins
My tongue has stretched and thinned
Vibrating with hisses of colors
I speak untold languages
Which wilts and blooms

I flex my iron wings
Symbols threading themselves thru my skin
I smile
Fangs made of poetry

Transformation complete
* Synthesis Hybrid*

I found myself more alive
When I drank the rainbows from the wishing well...
878 · May 2015
Monolithic Love Dance
Shadow Paradox May 2015
Floating in a nacre, cream pool
Splattered with ink, dreams, and azoic butterflies
A monolithic love dance begin
Shifting one personality into another


As three stone bodies

and twirl
With a rocky rhythm

Their papery skin
Peel back in finery consumptions
As their minds become one
843 · May 2015
War of an Angel
Shadow Paradox May 2015
Please, go ahead

Tie that glossy pink ribbon around my ribs
Dress me in Anorexia's skin
Pour your poison into my blood
Whisper to me that pain is beauty

I won't let you overtake me
I will stretch your fabric over my pearl bones
I will wear you like an armor
For I'm a soldier
You are the war inside me

A black rose with thorns blooming in my middle

I will cut your stem and wear it as a crown
I was built for this battle
I will win

For you taught me how

Days in agony
Radiation embracing me with nausea's dance
You stole my hair
You tried to steal my beauty

My confidence
My love
My peace
My life

But I'm still here
Each fight only brings me closer to my award

So thank you for my ribbon
Thank you for my black rose
Thank you for my inner wings
I can fly now

For freedom is mine
825 · Jan 2015
"Pregnant With Madness"
Shadow Paradox Jan 2015

The wounds are bigger now

Blood turning into ink

Dripping onto a blank page

I sit crying


Darkness stitches herself to me

Her sickness contagious

Blinding me from the light

And yet I see a glimmer . . .


Demons climb into my hair

Clawing at my clavicles

Snatching every bit of sanity

Tearing me apart


They stole my pens

Ripped my notebooks

Screamed and cursed at me

Told me I was hopeless


But somehow I am able to laugh

Though I write these words

With my ink blood

Dripping from its wounds


Staggering in pain

Yet satisfied, complete

My soul; untouched

Unbroken, but hurting still


The remains of my mind

Forming into poisonous butterflies

Flying off into a psychedelic world

. . . the one I created


Unsettled; though peaceful

This thing moves in me . . .


Impregnated by Anger

Pregnant with madness

Shall I abort this abomination?

Or let it live?


Shall I conceive to deceive?

How . . . how can I birth a monster

Who is the root of insanity?


But I did birth Madness

Didn’t I . . .?


Or maybe I had a miscarriage

And now here lies Madness

Dead in between the lines

Of this poem


Can you guess?

But wait . . .

Maybe you already know


Maybe you can even hear

My ink blood dripping its lullaby

On the edge of your mind

Maybe you are the one who is mad and not I


Maybe . . .


Although Madness could be alive now

Her essence

Flowing thru my veins

Writing this poem

For you

An old piece when I was in deep darkness. I will try not to dig up too much of my dark past. Hope you enjoyed otherwise.
798 · Aug 2015
Human Skin
Shadow Paradox Aug 2015
-Flip thru my pages...-


{Reach into my bones}


Feel my unborn world of humanity

The golden pansophy

Holding together the marrow

Nerves sending signals to a brain

That constantly feed on meaty morals

Rainbow veins pulsing gifted murals

Bounded in a book made out of human skin

Teardrops glued to each page

Tells a story of manic glories

Paragraphed with an insane biography


{Touch my soul}


Feel your fingertips


From the sorrow within

The urgency

The depression

The hidden plea


{Look into my mermaid eyes}


Drown in my dreams

Which the fairytale people

Help me create

Those goals I want to complete

But were forgotten

Like buried photographs

In a dusty attic


{Now flip thru my hearts folio}



Until you’ve reached the end

Have you guessed it?

Have you?

That I am

The beginning and the end

A forbidden book

Made out of human skin

781 · Sep 2014
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Let me dance a thousand miles
Behind this stream
Drenched in awakenings
Pinned to a budding flower
Fused to the dust on a butterfly's wing

Where arches of the rainbow
Like bullet shells on concrete

Snakes purr and humming birds flutter inside my veins
I am nothing but gravity in venom
******* senses out of the universe
Where waters stride across glass and bloom in midair

The nectar is leaking now
Dripping from a hole in the sun
Burning the bones of the branches
Which entwined themselves like tangled thread
Wrapped around my forest

Shall I light the fire from my eyes
Igniting my world with shattered light?

I am alone
But not lost
Even if my pack has long gone

The wounds have finally closed
The flower has blossomed
The hunt has taken place
For my soul is the prey and
My flesh the predator

Let the battle begin

Whether victory or death
The howling of my heart
Will reverberate the roots
of present and past
My footprints will fossil the stones*

Either way . . .
I still win
Strangely enough the majority of this poem is inspired by clothing. The other bits were from a character I created and a special friend of mine~~
764 · Sep 2015
((Elliptical Hives))
Shadow Paradox Sep 2015
"Mysterious reflections of a buzzing mind"

Musical notes unfold the edges of days
Colors stitched together
Collapsing in symmetrical branches
Tilting on sunlit leaves
Copper and crimson leaking from the crisp pleats

The world is dancing inside distance
Lost between the dusk of life
Yesterdays linked to endings
Swirling in chocolate cinnamon latte
Stripped in honey dreams

Shall I breath in sky fragments
Steaming from diamond blood
Stained on the fabric of enchantment

You can see dimensional forests
Reflecting from Indigo pupils

Curved inside the spiral of a pixilated soul
Carved in silver ribs
Spinning in fractal clavicles

There is a myth
Waiting . . .

Trimmed with tasty figments
Pressing itself into a prism

Go on

Touch the pulsing linear of this hive
Its alive like breathing braille
A tapestry of delicious language
750 · Feb 2015
Monochromic War
Shadow Paradox Feb 2015
Forgive me when I say we are like a candlestick

Frozen in a tapestry of waxen wars
Tilted diagonal on lilted syntax of fears

But we are
Aren't we?

Born with skin of bullets
Metal guns stained with blood
In our little innocent hands
Rumor of war is it?

There is no rumor

For the war already begun in our hearts
Shall we walk the red  bloodied carpet of this government
World leaders wearing human bones as a crown

We are walking it

Heads held high and heads in our hands
We will walk it with no shame
No regrets

We have none
For our beliefs is the deceitful armor we wear
We gladly wear it for all to see
No, not the clothes we wear that covers our faces

Letting only our blacken eyes see


Not those
Its the deceit I mentioned

We are at war my fr-- nemesis
We are
But I'm not
I don't want to be
I'm trapped you see
Trapped like this candlestick
Stuck in the pain of my tears
I am only a child but they gave me no hope

They killed my family
Replacing love with a metal machine in my hands
I have something to live for now
I am doing what I need to do

Though I feel a tug at night
When all is dark
When it’s my thoughts and I

Memories of real love

But it is dried now
Dried up in this desert sand
Where my boots stained with blood
Leave prints of death
My favorite color is no longer red

Its black

The monochromic  war of life stole all beauty from my eyes
So be thankful for your life
Be thankful please
For my heart are pieces of shells from my bullets

Hello I'm six years old
I've lived through more experiences
Then you have in twenty years
What can I say ?

Life IS
What it IS

It just IS, ISn't it?
Saw the most disturbing picture, I've ever seen. Decided to write something in a child's point of view who has been forced into war.
746 · Sep 2014
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Ink wounds sketched on her wrist
Prophetess unfurled her diamond proboscis
Hungrily ******* the pollen muse from the lyrist flower
She bounces her piety on the edge of her eyelids

Her azoic eyes flashing
Like a chrome apochromatic
Phonetic voice spinning a tune
Stylus fingertips dancing on a spinel canvas
Outlined on her metal stomach

Though eccentric
She is sterilized with intelligence
Tilting diagonally on insanities thin line
She is straitlaced
Self absorbed

With upside down crosses imprinted on her throat
While her proselytes unthread dreams
From her coliseum heart
Bowing down to the collage God
Sacrificing sacrifices

“Pull more, pull more!”
Proselytes cried
Sunbeams painting their ash faces
As they pulled more dreams
From between the Prophetess lashes

Her hips becoming a petal chakra
Her vertebrae evaporating into bone butterflies
Fragments of every churchy elements
Pinning themselves to her skin

Her leather wings flapping a nursery rhyme
She spins out of control
Her musical clavicles creating a glassy chemical

Which shimmer and shake
Tattooing her pearl bones
Infusing her thoughts

She grafts herself on the minds
Of her Proselytes

They worshipped her life
They worshipped her body
They fed on her lies

Until one day

Error religion snatched her out her skin
Turned her into sacral fiber
Planted her whispers deep in a field of shredded dreams
And stretched her moon soul
Across the sun stained sky

For all to see
Her star spangled faith
Misshapen into unbelief

She had become her own religion
Her own personal god
But without any meaning
735 · Jul 2015
Dream Canvas
Shadow Paradox Jul 2015
The moon spoke to me tonight
As did the equinox inside the raindrops
I see tales of wonder
Hidden in silver noonlight
Frozen between my retina and glass tears

I taste the poison inside the electricity of a heartbeat
I braided a prayer to my dreamcatcher
Breathing a night wish that tilts on the edge of stars

Blooming myths onto my black cherry lips

I shall paint my emotion onto a valentine
Fold it into a dove
Letting it sail like a flying ship
Like an angel with feathered wings

I will dip inside this paradigm shadow
Absorbing the colors from its paradox lullaby

Sky Roses are falling

Evanescent  scent melting ashe petals Creating a storm of iridescent ink dripping onto the heart of my canvas

Where dreams are frozen in the ice of my fears
733 · Sep 2015
Ghost Love
Shadow Paradox Sep 2015
I swept thru the hours

Like a magic broom
Dusting the insides of my jeweled ribs

Quenching thirst
From my outer layer
Of disjointed thoughts

Pulsing golden blood in threaded wings
Tiger like eyes piercing many hearts

Unwinding the clock of cupids arrow
While poisoned diamonds
Sparkle on lips

The story begins and ends
With a romantic haunting
732 · Mar 2015
Blood White
Shadow Paradox Mar 2015
Parallel farewell
Energy flowing
Chemicals penetrating
Betraying atoms
Exploiting cells
Bending hormones
Syllable silicone

Parasite insight
Emphasize the size of lies
Hidden in an apple
Enable her
Sleeping beauty
Frozen in insecurity

Where poison conflicts
The brain clock tics
Seconds pass

No kiss can awaken
A body already broken

Cocoon catalyst
Butterfly analyst

What list is there to share?
Crossing off days gone by
Stalked by a spy
Those emerald hazy eyes
Will open and realize
That one bite was a lifetime savor
Where no savior came
None to blame
But ones self

Inner wings will now take flight
The sickness tamed
Oh mirror, mirror who is fairer?

My dear it’s not the snow, the rain, the wind
Nor thy ego within
But it’s the darkness in you, which became light
Shining bright
Like diamond stars at night
The poison has bloomed beauty within you my dear Blood White
Your strength is the fairest of them all
Your fall
That made you rise and wise

A tough climb

No not once upon a time
But many times before you have learned


Then earned the knowledge of strife
Where hidden is the secret definition of life
Sample poem for a book.
708 · Apr 2015
Dreamscape Eyelids
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
Lullabies, lullabies drifts around
Musical anthems explodes in sounds
Twinkle, twinkle little rhymes
Heartbeat diamonds strikes on time
Mary, Mary where is black sheep
For dreamscape eyelids wants to sleep
Sirens, sirens please shut-up
You’ve spilled teardrops from emotions cup
Scary imagination, ghostly hallucinations go away
Hour glass is running out, it’s about to be a new day
Jaded fairytales, sapphire visions settle down
Tension eyebrows want to get out of these frowns
Gentle caresses, soft muse kisses comes to keep
Finally dreamscape eyelids can go to sleep
702 · Mar 2015
Hypnoidal Painting
Shadow Paradox Mar 2015
"Painting is silent poetry"-[Simonides]
On a gold parapet
Hung the hypnoidal painting
of a panegyric artist; goddess
Each thread of her colors
Spun carefully
with dainty fingers
Her thin petal story
Fragily unfolds...

She was a aeorial pictorial
Outlined with fairy dust
She spoke silent poetry
Her pen whispering across the pages
Shaping music to words

Though horror embraced her harp-like body
Inflicting the thoughts of pain,
Floating on black sands of time
Thru a movie flick

Conscious spins off its web
tickling a guilty heart
Traumatized and painted with a butterfly effect
She played God
Tilting on her parallel fairytale
Trying to balance
Yet falling all the time

The darkness comforts her burning skin
Though leaving scars on shadows
The Queen of Complexity

Riddle me three
While popping bubble poetry

Her unique mind of madness...

No one will truly know...

The genius jewel
Pretty moon white
Tucked secretly
in colorful silk veins
-Struggle with self
701 · Sep 2014
When Shadows Become Angels
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
She bowed before her porcelain throne
Queen of twisted sickness
Deceit prisms cradling between her clavicles
Her marigold eyes swimming in it flood

Her honeycomb heart dripping
With sweet tasting diamonds
Floating in the middle of her ocean belly

A moon growing within

She played with the cadence of her pulsing blood
Her liquid skin melting inside lava worlds
Her Italian tongue dipped in silver language
Her life divided into minerals
Spilling inside the Sky's water

Lady Light with her body
Embroidered into golden and turquoise thread
Stitched inside glowing stars
Mornings stuck to her lips
Like sunset lipstick

While shadows braid sunshine into her hair

"There are spirals in my throat as I bend myself from out of my pupils into this life."

She whispers to the shadows.

Her words melting inside the sandy wall.

"Reality hurts as much as it heals
You have to unfold yourself from the inkwells of your spine
Listen to the desert wind as it will lead you to its streams."

Replied the shadows

Their patterns dancing above the candlelight

Lady Light sighed
Her thoughts rhythmic against her mind

"There is a trail I need to follow
I want to capture peace and love
Like dreams in a dream-catcher
I want to have the treasures from off the edge of the sunrise
Oh how I wish to have the colors of the sky and sun."

The shadows became still amidst the tilting light
Their form advancing; detaching from the walls chains

"You have to unwound the darkness
From your heart and stitch in its place sea pearls
replace the scales of your memory with forgiveness jewels
When others began to see the painting of your life
Let the grays lighten into color
Let it become an inspiration leading others toward good ground."

The shadows voices turned into psalms
A whisper of a smile shone on Lady Light's lips
She turned to thank the misty figures
But they no longer were graffiti on the wall

They stood before her; wings outstretched
Seven Angels
Only because Lady Light finally grew wings
From within her heart
685 · Jun 2015
Glitter Season
Shadow Paradox Jun 2015
The water inside those indigo pools, are frozen glitter
Silver clouds filled with metallic raindrops

plink tunes
From metal rain freezes into a song

Stuck between sky and earth
Like alloy stars turning into diamonds
Shall we freeze like stone statues fused with sparkling crystals


be liquid sunshine bursting with a golden edge
Melting the beauty with warmness
Which heals and brightens a crooked smile

That holds droplets of laughter
Medicine for heart and soul
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
I'm embedded in a honeycomb dream
Where golden bees with shiny onyx stripes,
buzz and vibrate

“Take me away”

I cry
But their TV eyes only reflect my sorrows
I'm burning in a flaming photosynthesis
****** into the ashes of unknowing

A metal proboscis stabs thru my head
They are killing the old me
Injecting new languages into my being
As carbon butterflies the color of life,
drink hope from my flower heart

I'm dressed in a pollen wedding dress
While sea green wings flap around me
My life is dedicated to nurture those that need me

I am an insect hive

I bloom in spring to swallow summer
Winter can't touch me
My palace is the Indigo Forest

You dare not pluck me
For my stem is a stinger
I belong here in the honey dirt
Blossoming and stretching my sheer webbed petals
Diamond sugar drips from my tip

Thick and sweet

No human tongue can taste
For its poison
You can look but you can't touch

The rare kiss of an Autumn bird with fiery wings
Will change me into a beautiful human
But the honey inside my skin will be toxin
My presents will sting like smoke

The rain shall transform me back
Where I belong

* -For false skin is like makeup
that can be easily washed off.-
This was very difficult to write, the message is: Be comfortable in your skin, no one can be you.  Hope you enjoy.
646 · Apr 2015
Engendered Mind Soul
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
~Changing who I am and thinking more about others~

I almost gave Poetry up
Until my mind open itself to humanity details
Imprinting jewels on the side of my head
Infusing with swan wing thoughts
Dancing inside my laws

I refuse to be light as a feather with soft needles
Poking the imprudent Prince and Princesses
Who swag their way into reality with dust mops

I rather strip away from myself
Settling my being inside a cold sun
To find the lost cries of thorn tipped children
Cradling their bruises between my wings

Kissing away the torment and trauma disorders
Until they dissolve like ashes

I will be the fire burning within their souls
Protecting them from harmful appreciation
646 · Jun 2015
Positive Reflexes
Shadow Paradox Jun 2015
I took a walk today
With my fluffy friend
My heart filled with blooms
Sunset painting itself across the sky

Down the hill I go
A person passes then stops

"Your dog is ugly"

I turn
Smiling so brightly

"Thank you" I reply

Person stares in disbelief
His friends laugh
I turn back and smile again
I continue walking; shaking my head

Yep, I had a good day today
Just me and my beautiful fluffy pal
My heart is too happy and filled with love

*I have no room for negativity. . .
643 · Jan 2015
Slithering of Snake
Shadow Paradox Jan 2015
She shed her scales by each drop of rain
her eyes; poison in blood
the desert her veins
as she travels across silk concrete
towards the edge of her mind
the bloom of yesterday billowing its monster
side glances perceive venom

Israel is tangled in her hair
she is drowning in harlots blood
frozen against an eclipse
continuing her journey curled up in chaos
each trail a fragment of forgotten memories

Delusions are alive in her

A perfect flaw of raven fields
razed with withered crops

The dream is curved around her tail
liquid and edged with bone roses

She peels from herself


Watercolors evaporating from forked tongue

Painted to slither off the cliff
landing beside her arrow fangs
her brand new scales

Like sugar inside my peppermint tea
640 · Apr 2015
Yesterday's Dream
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
Yesterday's Dream

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"
--Edgar Allan Poe

The thread was cut
Eyes shut
Falling into an illusion
Missed the rising of the sun
Sickness over take me, distortion turns into infrared
Thoughts tumbling in my head
Overwhelmed, tired, dry
The body is empty, hunger snatches a cry
Annoyance comes to visit
As time flies by with each minute
Sleep overtakes once more
Limbs stale and sore
Pills tumble down the throat
Death comes and gloats
Shaken hands begins to write
As the pen bleeds in fright
Camouflaged by inspiration
The ink spills crimson confusion
Sickness now tamed by medications control
The false smile plays its role
While the mind reflects
Yesterday’s dream begins to connect
Another page turns in my life
Another day with new strife’s
Another war fought
More happiness and peace sought
I am awake and alive
Somehow I managed to once again… survive
Shadow Paradox Sep 2015
If I speak loudly-
Will you listen quietly?
If I speak quietly-
Will you listen loudly?

Does this make a difference?

Think loudly
Think Quietly

Answer carefully

I challenge you
619 · Apr 2015
Bloom of Organic Girl
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
Her smile is gluten free
Her coco skin smooth
Her blood is chocolate, sweet and silky
Metal roses flowing thru golden veins
Sugary smells evaporates from pores
Tight charcoal coiled hair is entwined, braided, twisted
Like iridescent scaly snakes

Her ivory spine splits as dreams open into wings
Her tree body pushing through the ground
As leaves sprouts from fingers
The roots of her heart is buried deep
She is fertilized with love and hope
Chemical free she grows
Never wilting only flourishing
She is a structure of strength
An element of hope and peace
Healthy is her seeds
As they drip from her tears

Organic Girl with juicy fruits rich with substance
As humans eat off her and fill themselves with her goodness
Flowers blossom and burst around her
Birds sing lullabies in her branches
She sways with the winds dance

But a storm raged one day when the air in society changed
Humans bled themselves in their mind
Their hearts morphed into a harmful substance
Their fingers tipped with poison
Everything they touched turned to ashes

They poured that horrid substance into a viral
Then the masquerade began
The substance turned into a chemical virus
It spread throughout the Emerald Forest
Many trees were slashed and chopped
Flowers crushed

But one tree still stood
Thick and unmoving
Towering; glaring

Humans snarled; waving silver axes

Organic girl whistled through her leaves
A robin fluttered towards the humans
They cursed and buried little darts into his chest
But the robin was filled with elemental magic and morphed into a human
His emerald ruby eyes flashing

The humans growled and begin to attack

Robin ****** his hands forward and grabbed all the humans except one
He opened his razor mouth and gobbled them up
His spine stretched as he bent toward the remaining human

"Evaporate from our land and spread awareness for we are this land.
We inherited it before you humans were braided with bones.
Tell them Robin is back and this is his hood."

Years flew by yet there stood Organic girl holding strong to her rights
Robin had become ashes
But his ashes mingled with the dirt and roots of Organic Girls heart and soul
For true love never parts from the departed
618 · Sep 2014
Theatre Chains
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Symbols danced in InkGirls eyes

As she twirled herself

Onto the stage

Pen in mouth, her skin the page


Rhythmic sensuality

Bouncing inside her veins

Her enunciation popping sounds

In the eardrums, of those listening


She dances

Her heartbeat prances

Her ink is like France; beauty

Her statement like the Eiffel Tower


Poésie Je t’aime

She cries

As she bled herself

Into the diamond around her neck


Poetry becomes a worded butterfly

Fluttering toward InkGirl

But when he lands on her

He began to melt into her


The words on Poetry’s wings

Became apart of InkGirl

The audience ooh’d and ahh’d

As the swirly word magic robed the girl’s body


She became a poem

While she pirouetted

Her body a poetic language

Speaking to the eyes only


She is a ballerina Poetess

As she swallows her diamond pen

Her eyes blue pearls

Her lips; poetry


Je suis devenu un poème

She whispers

She loved Poetry so much

She became it


[Although she is stuck to the stage

She is performed; over and over

The theatre is her birth and her grave

She is chained forever, because of love]
609 · Sep 2015
((Heartbeat Bones))
Shadow Paradox Sep 2015
"Escaping the sickness"
Monsters blooming in black pearls
Beaded neatly on bended spine
Darkness entwining themselves
Between the branches of copper wings

A story is bursting
Ripe with blood tipped tales

Memories buried in a jar of apocryphal dreams

Human is set in poisoned jewels
Sparkling on Pandora's box

Stymphalian birds emerge from metallic ink
Plucking the monsters off spine
Their metal wings clashing against conscious
Silk beaks opening and closing
Shedding layers of nightmares into onyx ribbons

Human is dipped in a rising sun
Soaked with light

A gold aorta butterfly buries itself in honey blood
Skeletal bones bent


Electric pulses bloom
Between tangled veins
Where an orbit heartbeat throbs magic
Into curved muscles

Hybrids are the new fashion

Human smile is tucked in a moon drip
Glazed with a thin strip of happiness

The woods are hollow
The path of thorns melting

The scent of healing is strong

Human takes a deep sniff
Then morphs into a lullaby
604 · Aug 2015
Grass Widow of Assyria
Shadow Paradox Aug 2015
I've traveled many lands
Had great many fortune
Until I met Assyria

The love was metal in stone
A magnetic gravity
Stuck was I
Lost in him
Branded to his being

But his love was a wilted blossom with poisoned rotting thorns
He cast me out of his bones
Fused my leftovers to the third and second vertebra, like damaged wings
Threaded to the veins of cities inside a marble statue

When the sun drifted away from the moon
He burned incense in my indigo blood
I shimmered in the gold of his mind
Broken to pieces like a smashed crystal
He dug his hands in my womb
Found the lost puzzles of yesterdays
He hooked it to the pearl on his neck

Am I his trophy?

To be worn like frost on his skin
As he braids Israel in my hair and stitch wars in my heart
I'm forced into his heritage yet I inherited nothing
That's why my blade found itself against his throat

I imagined his skin like desert sand
Gritty yet soft
I decided I will carve myself out of him
I will be the desert wind and I will blow away the sand
I will make him thirst then I will turn into a mirage

I will take my ink child,
Open my rib cage and
Place him there against my heart
We will leave this horrid place
Where memories are open wounds
We will walk into a different story
My ink child will evoke on a new journey
As he bleeds himself inside his pages

I will read him and smile

Assyria will never find us
Because he will never look
He's chained to the ground
His soul is attached in a storm cloud

When it pours
It rains

But only on his grave
586 · May 2015
Insomniac Tales
Shadow Paradox May 2015
Tell me a story

One threaded in moss dreams
Dangling from a teardrop
Let the words drip like dew
Healing and soothing the cracks
within my stone heart

The tales told from the soul
tilts on the eyelash
A blink away
Those tales fall inside the iris galaxy
Where sleep becomes a lullaby

For the restless
581 · Oct 2015
I n s e c u r i t y ✧
Shadow Paradox Oct 2015
-There are cobwebs
in her mouth
as she tries to speak
yet she fails to realize
she’s the spider-
New work ~
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