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Randy Johnson Sep 2019
One minute everything was fine but the next, everything went sour.
Terrorists hijacked some planes and attacked the World Trade Towers.
Because of those **** terrorists, 2,977 innocent people were killed.
They attacked the World Trade Towers which took six years to build.
Construction of the Towers began in 1966 and ended in 1972.
What those terrorists did was s cowardly and evil thing to do.
The people who were born on that day are now adults legally, time flies.
An entire nation still mourns the loss of each and every person who died.
Randy Johnson Sep 2021
I was so scared that my hair turned gray.
All because I wore white after Labor Day.
I was scared that I **** nearly died of fright.
People became violent and I was forced to fight.
People were enraged just because I decided to wear white.
They kicked and punched me and some would even bite.
People kicked my *** on a regular basis and I had quite a scare.
I was so frightened that I constantly had to change underwear.
I got my share of bruises, broken bones and cuts.
An elderly woman even shoved her foot up my ****.
When it was all over, I was amazed that somebody didn't have to call my next of kin.
If I live to be a hundred, I swear that I'll never wear white after Labor Day again.
Randy Johnson Sep 2018
That's the good thing about possum innards, just as good the second day.
But whjen our dinner guests see what Granny is cooking, they run away.
These city fols have the weirdest reactions that I've ever seen.
When we serve buzzard eggs, they puke after their faces turn green.
Jethro is my nephew, and I need to have a long talk with that boy.
Mister rysdale loves our money but his wife is always annoyed.
Whenever we hear music, somebody is always at the door.
Even though Jethro is bigger, Elly May pins him to the floor.
People tend to catch on fire if they smoke after drinking from Granny's still.
As long as we have 100 million, MR. Drysdale won't let us leave Beverly Hills.
This poem was inspired by 'The Beverly Hillbillies' TV show.
596 · Jun 2015
Vengeance Of God - Part 2
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
He was a man of God but that **** didn't care in the least.
That animal walked into a Parish and murdered the Priest.
When he was arrested, he said that he killed the Priest because he hated God.
People were very unhappy because of what he did, they sure didn't applaud.
He was convicted of first degree ****** and sentenced to life in jail.
But God didn't want him to be in prison, he wanted him to be in Hell.
God made that man become ill and he gave him Staph Infection.
He suffered tremendously and then he died of that affliction.
Now he's burning in Hell and he's begging God to let him out.
But he can't escape his torment no matter how loud he shouts.
As his flesh burns, he wishes that he hadn't killed that Priest.
Now he will spend eternity with Satan who is the Beast.
593 · Apr 2020
Happy Birthday, Talia
Randy Johnson Apr 2020
Today is Talia Shire's birthday and she's turned seventy-four.
She starred in the Rocky and Godfather movies and more.
Talia Coppola was her original name.
It's not surprising that she found fame.

The Landlady was my favorite movie that she starred in.
She also gave great performances in Prophecy and Old Boyfriends.
When it comes to Talia, there are two things that I know for sure.
She is very talented and millions of people love and admire her.
586 · Sep 2021
Randy Johnson Sep 2021
A man has lost his life nearly 62 years after he was born.
We've lost an actor and comedian and his name was Norm.
I'm sorry to have to inform people that Norm MacDonald has passed away.
He died on September the 14th, he left this earth yesterday.
He starred in movies and was a cast member of "Saturday Night Live".
He was diagnosed with cancer nine years ago and he couldn't survive.
He was also a writer who wrote for the sitcom "Roseanne".
Millions will mourn the death of this very talented man.
"***** Work" is my favorite movie that Norm starred in.
He went to be with The Lord yesterday, he's in Heaven.
Dedicated to Norm MacDonald (1959-2021) who died on September 14, 2021
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
I adopted Agnes six years ago today.
She'll be my dog until she passes away.
I named my Chihuahua after my late mother.
She's my dog and I won't trade her for any other.
Agnes got sick and a veterinarian examined her.
The vet discovered that she has a heart murmur.
Because of a tick, Agnes was temporarily paralyzed.
I didn't know a tick could do that, I was surprised.
She nearly died and it was hard for me to stand it.
Agnes is one of the greatest dogs on the planet.
I adopted Agnes on August 27, 2013.
Randy Johnson Aug 2024
Your death came as a surprise, it certainly wasn't foretold.
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned 76 years old.
I learned that you were terminal shortly before you died.
When your life ended, people were sure to be misty-eyed.
If you were still alive, I'd be spending your birthday with you.
When I say that you had love and respect, it is certainly true.
If you hadn't died, today you would be eating your birthday cake.
When I found you dead, it was almost too much for me to take.
Your death was upsetting, painful and very hard for me to face.
Happy Birthday, Mom, you died and you went to a better place.
580 · May 2015
Memorial Day
Randy Johnson May 2015
Today is Memorial Day.
We're paying tribute to those who died for the USA.
Many soldiers died so that we can be free.
It means a lot to you and it means a lot to me.
Some fought with guns, others fought with tanks.
They gave everything for us and I give my thanks.
579 · Apr 2021
Farewell Francis
Randy Johnson Apr 2021
He was a great actor but sadly, he's not alive anymore.
He died thirty-seven years ago today on April 18, 1984.
He starred in "Moby ****" and "The Man Who Could Cheat Death".
Thirty-seven years ago, he went to Heaven after he took his final breath.
He starred in "Ten Minute Alibi" and an episode of "Doctor Who".
He was a gifted British actor and all of his fans know that is true.
He starred in "From Russia With Love", "Triple Cross" and "The Liquidator".
Francis died in 1984 and his talent is still appreciated thirty-seven years later.
Dedicated to Francis De Wolff (1913-1984) who died on April 18, 1984
Randy Johnson Mar 2018
You were my mother and I have something very important to say.
I love you and I lost an important person when you passed away.
You had an aneurysm which was what caused your untimely death.
I was in the hospital room with you when you took your final breath.

I was devastated when the doctor told us you were going to die.
Life would never be the same again after I had to say goodbye.
On the day of your death, I cried and I felt mighty low.
But I'm feeling better now than I did half a decade ago.

Even though time has healed my wounds, I still miss you.
Dying is terrible but sadly, it's what we all eventually must do.
It makes me happy to know how much we loved each other.
Rest in Peace Mom, you were always one hell of a mother.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson who died five years ago today on March 6, 2013.
575 · May 2022
Mother's Day 2022
Randy Johnson May 2022
Today is Mother's Day of 2022.
But I can not spend it with you.
You died over nine years ago.
Love was what you once showed.
Many people celebrate this day.
But in 2013, you passed away.
Mother's Day is what I tolerate.
It's a day that I can't celebrate.
I can't celebrate but I wish I could.
You died and you're gone for good.
You were a great mother and that's true.
If I could, I would tell you that I love you.
575 · Jul 2023
My Baby Doll - Part VII
Randy Johnson Jul 2023
I found you lying dead on my kitchen floor.
It was sad because you couldn't be my dog anymore.
On August the 27th of 2013, I adopted you.
It was a really wonderful thing for me to do.
I named you after my late mother when I named you Agnes.
You were special and when I adopted you, I was truly blessed.
You were a wonderful dog who I will never forget.
You were like a daughter and you were a great pet.
Dedicated to Agnes (2011-2020) who died three years ago today on July 11, 2020.
575 · Mar 2016
I'm A Rich Man
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
I'm a rich man but not financially.
I'm rich because God loves me.
I'm a rich man because God cares.
Everywhere I go, he's always there.
I'm a rich man because God will send Jesus to resurrect me.
God loves people so much that he will let us live for all eternity.
574 · Apr 2016
The Ransom
Randy Johnson Apr 2016
A man had to be born perfect, live perfect and die perfect to pay the ransom for Adam's sin.
Jesus Christ was that man and he died so that people can live again.
We will be resurrected and live forever because of Jesus's sacrifice.
If we do right in God's eyes, we will not die forever, we will live twice.
But the second time around, we will be perfect, we'll never become sick or grow old.
If you want proof, read your Bible and you will see that it is what God has foretold.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus had to pay the ransom to obliterate Adam's sin.
If that hadn't happened, there would be no second life for us, there would be no hope for women or men.
573 · Jan 2023
Randy Johnson Jan 2023
Last night we said goodbye to 2022.
Out with the old and in with the new.
The new year is here at last.
2022 is a thing of the past.
I hope that 2023 will be a terrific year.
And when I say that, I'm being sincere.
I hope the new year will bring happiness and prosperity.
We said goodbye to 2022 and we're saying hello to 2023.
Randy Johnson Dec 2022
You starred in "The Visitation" which was an episode of Doctor Who.
Your life ended thirty years ago today on December the 11th of 1992.
You died two weeks before Christmas Day.
You were sixty-two when you passed away.
You were a very talented British actor but your death ended your career.
Time sure does fly, it doesn't seem like you've been dead for thirty years.
You starred in every season of "On The Buses" except for the final season.
I don't know why you decided to quit but you must have had a good reason.
You guest-starred in "One Foot In The Grave" and "Turn Out The Lights".
You also guest-starred in "The Count Of Monte Cristo" and "First Night".
You chose not to be buried, you were cremated.
When you died, all of your fans were devastated.
You died thirty years ago today and your wife died on December the 7th of 2011.
You entertained people for many years and then you went to Heaven.
Dedicated to Michael Robbins (1930-1992) who died on December 11, 1992
571 · Jun 2021
Ned Is Dead
Randy Johnson Jun 2021
Many people are upset because we've lost a talented actor named Ned.
He passed away on June the 13th and many are sad because he's dead.
He starred in "Superman", "Superman II" and "The Toy".
He gave performances that people were bound to enjoy.
He starred in TV shows such as "Highway To Heaven" and "Roseanne".
Millions of people appreciated Ned because he was a very talented man.
He also starred in "Gunsmoke", "******, She Wrote" and "Kojak".
It's very sad to know that he's dead and won't be coming back.
I enjoyed seeing him star in the first two Superman movies as Otis.
Ned died of natural causes at the age of 83 and he will be missed.
569 · Oct 2024
Seventy-Seventh Birthday
Randy Johnson Oct 2024
In July of 2013, you died and you went to Heaven.
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned 77.
After taking chemotherapy for months, you died.
You were a good provider and that can't be denied.
When a parent dies, it's always tragic and very sad.
If you were still alive, I'd say "Happy Birthday, Dad".
564 · Jun 2018
Cigarette Thief
Randy Johnson Jun 2018
Whenever I buy cigarettes, my neighbor steals them.
I really hate thieves and a part of me wants to **** him.
He sneaks in my house when he catches my back turned.
I threatened to call the cops but he didn't seem concerned.
He doesn't just steal some of my cigarettes, he steals every pack.
He spits in my face when I go to his house to demand them back.
I've asked him time after time to stop but he won't
But the laugh is on him, he has lung cancer and I don't.
There's one thing that's perfectly clear.
I have been smoke-free for one year.
The last cigarette that I smoked was in 2023 at 11:45 PM on New Year's Eve.
I stopped smoking and you can quit even though it may be hard to believe.
Please let it be your New Year's resolution to stop smoking.
I was able to kick the habit and so can you and I'm not joking.
559 · Jan 2016
A Preacher's Prayer
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
There is a church in Bean Station, Tennessee that gives free food to the poor.
The time had come to give the food but they had ran out, they didn't have anymore.
The preacher prayed and told Jehovah that these people needed food in order to survive.
About one day later a big truck full of food arrived.
Jehovah saved those people when he answered the preacher's prayer.
The Lord will never let people down, it is so nice to know that he cares.
This proves that Jehovah should be praised all day long.
When we turn to The Lord, he will never lead us wrong.
It's wonderful because he loves people so much.
When we think about it, our hearts are touched.
This is a true story.
558 · Apr 2015
James Best - Part 3
Randy Johnson Apr 2015
When you were dead in Firecreek, it looked real.
That was brilliant acting and it took a lot of skill.
But sadly, now you're also dead in real life.
It has devastated your kids and your wife.

You were rich and famous but it didn't make you become a snob.
Everything you touched turned to gold, you always did a good job.
You were Jim Lindsey, Jeff Myrtlebank and Rosco Coltrane too.
Now you're in Heaven with Uncle Jesse, Boss Hogg and Lulu.
Dedicated to James Best (1926-2015) who died on April 6, 2015.
556 · Oct 2022
Angela Lansbury
Randy Johnson Oct 2022
Angela Lansbury has perished after living for nearly ninety-seven years.
In 1948, she starred in "State Of The Union" and "The Three Musketeers".
When she starred as a murderess in "Please ****** Me!", her co-star was Raymond Burr.
She is best known for starring in "******, She Wrote" and people will always remember her.
She starred in "Death On The Nile", "Lace" and "The Mirror Crack'd".
Angela became famous because talent wasn't something she lacked.
Many will remember her as "Jessica Fletcher" which was a role that she portrayed for many years.
Angela is dead and when her friends and family attend her funeral, they will grieve and shed tears.
550 · Jun 2021
Randy Johnson Jun 2021
Somebody abandoned their cat and it's a **** shame.
I have decided to call her Penny, that is her new name.
After being abandoned, she decided to live here and she has chocolate brown fur.
Penny is beautiful and if she lives to be twenty, I'll always take care of her.
As I walked to the store today, I saw a cat that had been killed by a car.
When our pets are alive and healthy, we should realize how lucky we are.
Penny was abandoned but she's no longer alone.
I have given my new cat a name and a new home.
This is a 2nd poem about my cat
Randy Johnson Mar 2024
Wednesday was your least favorite day and you died on a Wednesday.
After living for sixty-four years, you became sick and you passed away.
The eleventh anniversary of your death is on your least favorite day of the week.
I thought things were fine at first but then I learned that your situation was bleak.
When you went to the hospital, you had to go under the knife.
The surgeon tried his very best but he could not save your life.
He operated on your stomach and your leg had to be amputated.
But you still died and when I found you dead, I was devastated.
When I learned you were terminal, it was hard to understand it.
Rest in Peace, Mom, you were the greatest mother on the planet.
546 · Sep 2018
Randy Johnson Sep 2018
She starred in a Star Trek episode as the girlfriend of Khan.
She was talented but it's sad because now she is gone.
She had Multiple Sclerosis and by 1985, she was bound to a wheelchair.
When she died in December of 2003, it proved that life can be very unfair.

She guest starred in such shows as Hawaii Five-O, Bonanza and Daniel Boone.
When she died at the age of sixty-eight, she died too soon.
Because of her illness, she was unable to reprise her role in Star Trek II.
She was a beautiful and **** actress and her name was Madlyn Rhue.
544 · Feb 2016
Dust Beneath His Feet
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
People are nothing compared to The Almighty God, we are dust beneath his feet.
Without his influence, we can't have happiness and our lives can't be complete.
Even though we're like ants compared to God, he loves us and wants us to live forever.
If you're wondering when The Lord will give up and abandon us, the answer is never.
Jehovah will not abandon people even though that's what today's society deserves.
People can live forever in paradise but Jehovah God must be the one who they serve.
544 · Oct 2016
The Offspring of Demons
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
A long time ago, some Demons turned themselves into human men.
They did this to be able to have relations with women way back then.
The woman gave birth to the Demons babies and they grew to be giants.
Any child that came from a Demon was most likely despicable and defiant.
I honestly believe that one of the Demons children was Goliath who was a giant.
Many people were afraid of Goliath but it was just a child who killed the evil tyrant.
Demons can no longer become human men like they did thousands of years before.
God put an end to it, Demons can't turn themselves into human beings anymore.
541 · Jul 2018
GE Appliances
Randy Johnson Jul 2018
There's something about my wife that astounds me.
She won't use any appliance unless it's made by GE.
I bought her a washing machine that was made by Whirlpool.
That was a dumb decision and I soon learned that I'm a fool.
My wife got so mad that she caved my head in with a claw hammer.
Now she's holding a grudge because she spent a year in the slammer.
General Electric appliances are the only appliances she will use.
I'll remember that in the future because I don't like to be abused.
She demands GE appliances because GE brings good things to life.
From now on, I'll buy nothing but GE because I'm scared of my wife.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
There is something about me that people find hard to construe.
I'm only eleven years old even though I was born in 1972.
Because I was born on February the 29th, I only have a birthday once every four years.
I am the only eleven year old in my town who is able to legally vote and drink beer.
When people hear that I'm eleven, they send their kids to play with me but it's something they soon regret.
When the parents see me, they think I'm a bad influence because their kids see me drinking and smoking cigarettes.
But smoking has caused me some health problems that almost made me croak.
I'm the only eleven year old in the world who has had a heart attack and a stroke.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Dec 2016
Robert Vaughn was married for forty-two years and had two children.
He starred in many movies and TV shows and he stood five feet ten.
He was the proud father of a daughter and a son.
When he died, he was surrounded by loved ones.
He died of Leukemia which is the same kind of cancer that took my dad.
Vaughn was loved by many people and his death has made everybody feel sad.
He was asked to run against Ronald Reagan for Governor but he declined.
Vaughn was an extraordinary actor and he was also a credit to Mankind.
Dedicated to Robert Vaughn (1932-2016) who died on November 11, 2016.
529 · Feb 2016
God Can Take Away Your Pain
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
If you're suffering because of the loss of a loved one or any other reason, God can take away your pain.
Jehovah can make you feel better even if your troubles seem like they're too much for you to sustain.
You may be very sad and feel like you're coming apart.
But God loves you and he can mend your broken heart.
God can take your pain away.
All that you have to do is pray.
529 · Jun 2015
Cheating In The Old West
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
In June of 1870, my Great Great Granddad was playing Poker in the Old West.
Even though he was shot, the law neglected to place the murderer under arrest.
My Great Great Granddad wasn't being honest, he was cheating.
He was plugged through the heart and his heart stopped beating.
When he was exposed as a cheater, the killer blew him away.
Even though it was ******, the law never made that man pay.
When my Great Great Granddad cheated the killer, it was wrong, that is something I won't deny.
But when that man got off scott free, it was also wrong, my Great Great Granddad didn't deserve to die.
This is a fictional poem.
528 · Apr 2017
Goodbye Erin Moran
Randy Johnson Apr 2017
Erin Moran has died at the age of fifty-six.
She was special and a credit to all chicks.
She was adorable when she starred as Joanie Cunningham.
When a person dies that young, it's always hard to understand.
I learned about her death on Facebook and it made me feel bad.
When we learned of her passing, it was tragic and so very sad.
She had a wonderful figure and good looks.
When we watched her on Happy Days, we were hooked.
She died too young and her death has devastated her fans.
Sadly, we have to say goodbye to the talented Erin Moran.
Dedicated to Erin Moran (1960-2017) who died on April 22, 2017.
Randy Johnson Jan 2017
When children disobey their parents, they may not know it's a sin.
If more children went to church, they might not disobey again.
Churches teach children to obey their parents, that's what they should understand.
Even though Jesus had imperfect parents, he obeyed their every command.
If I had children, I would take them to church every week.
I would teach them that God will always be there even when life is bleak.
If your children won't obey you, take them to church every Sunday.
That might make them have more respect, it might make them obey.
526 · Dec 2018
The Ending of 2018
Randy Johnson Dec 2018
The end of 2018 is very near.
In just a matter of hours, 2019 will become the new year.
2018 was a sad year because my aunt died.
After 43 years of marriage, my uncle lost his bride.
But 2018 didn't completely ****, I've seen worse years.
In just a matter of hours, 2019 will be here.
523 · Feb 2016
Not Drinking And Driving
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Something happened to me a few years ago that was really bizarre.
I was arrested for drinking and driving but I've never owned a car.
I thought that I must have been dreaming, it couldn't possibly be real.
How could I drink and drive when I've never owned an automobile?
I asked the District Attorney if it was a prank or a joke.
Even though I've never had a license, it was revoked.
I hadn't had a drink for a long time, not even one beer.
After I was arrested, the judge sent me to jail for two years.
One year after I got out, something else happened that was just as insane.
Even though I've never touched drugs, I'm in jail for buying *******.
This is a fictional poem.
522 · Jun 2015
I Still Miss You Terribly
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
Even though you've been dead for two years, I still miss you terribly.
While you were alive, I meant a lot to you and you meant a lot to me.
You were an excellent mother and that is certainly true.
When it came to having a mom, I was proud to have you.
I still miss you terribly even though it has been twenty-seven months since you died.
Yesterday I was feeling pretty sad about your death and I **** nearly cried.
But I am feeling some better than I did just one year before.
I still miss you terribly because you're not around anymore.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
521 · Mar 2016
Families Who Pray Together
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
Families who pray together stay together, that is true.
Families should pray together because it's the right thing to do.
Families who pray together will please God and they will be blessed.
Families need to pray together because many marriages are a mess.
Randy Johnson Sep 2019
I had to travel through eight worlds to save Princess Peach.
But she's about as warm and caring as a blood ******* leech.
After killing seven fake Bowsers, I finally destroyed the real one.
I did it to save Peach but it was something I shouldn't have done.
She turned out to be a snob, she called me dumb and Luigi dumber.
She said that we're worthless in her eyes because we're just plumbers.
I had to fight turtles and Goombas and I told her that I deserved to be thanked.
She said that I'm dust beneath her feet and I decided that she should be spanked.
I put her over my knee and I spanked that soft ***.
She cried and cried which proves that she has no class.
I was only given a few lives and I had to travel through thirty-two levels to be able to win.
I would've dumped Peach in the lava instead of Bowser if I had things to do over again.
516 · Dec 2017
Randy Johnson Dec 2017
This medication is called Trilafon or Perphenazine.
When I took it, I had the worst nightmare I've ever seen.
Life is something to be cherished.
But in December of 1996, I almost perished.
After my doctor wrote the prescription, I took the Trilafon.
If I hadn't been taken to the emergency room, I'd be gone.
Trilafon helps some people but it makes other people sick.
After taking this medication, I learned that I'm allergic.
I'd like to say it was all just a dream but it was real.
The doctors in the ICU saved me with Benadryl.
I foamed at the mouth and it felt like the Trilafon was burning out my brain.
I hope nobody else experiences this pain.
My doctor ticked me off when he wanted me to continue taking Trilafon with a side effect pill.
There was no way in Hell I'd keep taking it after being so ill.
Now I take a different medication and all is well.
It's much better to take Risperadol or Seroquel.
I was only twenty-five in 1996 and that would've been far too young to go.
If a doctor wants to prescribe you Trilafon, please say no.
This is a true story about what happened to me twenty-one years ago on December 7, 1996.
Randy Johnson Aug 2019
You've been dead for the same amount of time that you lived, forty-two years.
You were loved and your death devastated each and every one of your peers.
You didn't perform in all fifty states, one state that you missed was Montana.
You performed your last concert on June 26, 1977 in the state of Indiana.
Two of your hit songs were 'All Shook Up' and 'Hound Dog'.
You had great taste in motorcycles, you sure did love Hogs.
You had a wonderful life but not a life that was long.
When doctors constantly prescribed those pills, it was wrong.
You loved to give away Cadillacs, you truly had a heart of gold.
It was very sad to lose you when you were only 42 years old.
One of your friends saw you putting a hole in your foot with a drill.
When he asked you why, you said you were doing it to get more pills.
When you died on August 16, 1977, every one of your fans were in tears.
You've been dead for the same amount of time that you lived, forty-two years.
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
The last Christmas that we spent together was three years ago.
When you died, it hurt me incredibly, it was a devastating blow.
The love that I felt for you was wonderful, it was extraordinary.
Sadly, to be able to spend another Christmas with you, I would have to spend it in the cemetery.
Christmas isn't as good as it once was because we're not together.
I still carry you in my heart and I promise that I'll love you forever.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
512 · Jun 2019
The Red Dots On His Face
Randy Johnson Jun 2019
My stepson was doing **** and had red dots on his face.
I told him that I don't allow drug users to live at my place.
I immediately knew he was doing **** because of the red dots.
He lied when he said that he had the measles, I knew he did not.
My ex-wife said if her son wasn't welcome in my home, neither was she.
She thought that her son's drug use wasn't a big deal and she left me.
But now she agrees that it was stupid when her son did ****.
Last month, he overdosed and it caused his untimely death.
What I'm about to say isn't a lie, it is real.
Please say no to drugs because drugs ****.
507 · Aug 2015
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
It was forty-four years ago today when I left your womb.
Your death has brought about tears, despair and gloom.
Usually pregnancies last nine months but you had a longer wait.
You carried me for ten months, I was a month late.
From the day I was born until the day you died, we shared a special bond.
You were always there for me and I'm still unhappy because you're gone.
You didn't deserve to suffer the way you did, what a horrible fate.
The doctors did all they could but you went to the hospital too late.
I didn't know what I had until I lost it and I lost you too soon.
It was forty-four years ago today when I left your womb.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
506 · Aug 2024
Puppy - Part 2
Randy Johnson Aug 2024
When you died, you died too soon.
You died one year ago this afternoon.
A vet tried to save you with a blood transfusion but you died anyway.
You died and my heart was broken one year ago today.

I bought you in 2017 and you were only six years old when you died.
If a person ever says that I didn't love you, that person will have lied.
Some Chihuahuas are hateful but you were not.
You were one of the best things I've ever bought.

I took you to two vets but your life still came to an end.
You weren't just a dog, you were also a wonderful friend.
I have something to say and it is 100 percent true.
You were a very special dog and I'll always love you.
Dedicated to Puppy (2017 - 2023) who passed away one year ago today on August 17, 2023.
505 · Sep 2017
Orville Redenbacher
Randy Johnson Sep 2017
People use your popcorn in popcorn poppers.
You were the one and only Orville Redenbacher.
Sadly, you died twenty-two years ago today.
Your popcorn is still being eaten and it's here to stay.
People were sad when you died in 1995.
You're deceased but your legacy survives.
Dedicated to Orville Redenbacher (1907-1995) who died on September 19, 1995.
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
If you feel worthless and think that nobody cares, it's not true.
You are priceless in the eyes of God and he won't abandon you.
When some people feel anxious and depressed,
they believe that money can bring them happiness.
But only God can bring true happiness about.
He loves and won't abandon you even if you feel like you're down and out.
Randy Johnson May 2015
I tolerated my **** neighbor even though he liked to gripe.
But I drew the line when he attacked me with a steel pipe.
The ******* hit me in the ribs and on my head.
My skull was fractured, I'm lucky I'm not dead.
Now the hospital is threatening to take my home because I can't pay their bill.
I don't deserve these problems, I may lose my house and I was nearly killed.
But I had him arrested and they locked that maniac in a cell.
He committed assault with a deadly weapon and he's rotting in jail.
This is a fictional poem.
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