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Apr 2021 · 252
Somehow i always know good things were never intended for me...

Somehow i always know dreams are where things never come true...
Dec 2020 · 751
Dear 2021 (10 w)
Please treat me well; do not tempt me with hopes.
Dec 2020 · 1.1k
Death of 2020 (10 w)
With smiles and merry spirits, we cruelly celebrated your demise.
:) Not sure if everyone is smiling though
Dec 2020 · 732
Dear 2020 (10 w)
Came and went like sand drawn towards a raging tornado.
Happy New Year

2020 was not a good year. May 2021 be a better year, or at least let me be drunk enough to survive the upcoming year
Sep 2020 · 444
To my dearest father
Father; that's what you became by mindless ******* but
******* is what thee should be named as...
Tis' kingdom thy rule over me in fascism
How humble of thee in declaring thy failure in me
Eroding my confidence with your constant belittling
Reminding me I am ne'er taken seriously anywhere, not even in my only known 'refuge'.
I want to say ******* to this person but that would be paradoxical(?) cause I wished this person never ****** enough to curse me with an existence in this cesspool of a world.
Aug 2020 · 840
Bones and Blood
It wasn't what you imagined; blessings did not flood,
when you gave me a shell of bones and blood...
You have an unfathomable mix of bravado and audacity;
wearing rose-tinted parenthood glasses out of stupidity...

As a child, did you actually believe in fairy tales?
Believing in white dresses and veils,
believing in propagating your subpar genes
are your happy-ever-after means...

Seeking for happy-ever-after as if a princess in a fable
when you grew up with bare minimum food on the table?
Tying the knot early before advancing your career;
  being brainwashed into spinsterhood fear...

Schooled you were, but never interested in knowledge you are.
Concerns of my social abilities are far from your care.
You love to demand respect by brandishing parental authority
while you were meeting only the bare parental necessity.

Yes, the world doesn't owe me anything
but you owe me everything
for giving me a meaningless shell of bones and blood.
I wish wasn't born, then I don't have to die or think about the afterlife. I have been lonely for most of my life and will probably be lonely until the day I die, which I hope will not be too far off from now.
Anyone who says things will get better is more often than not lying through their teeth.
Jul 2020 · 389
3 a.m
Here I am
once again..
It's 3 a.m
a rhyming game...

Daylight conventions taught
dictates all the 'ought's,
I couldn't pour a daylight thought
against the conventional odds.

An acquaintance, he died,
Sympathy I tried;
Empathy I tried;
but my feelings were dried.

I wonder why,
did I cry?
Not out of sadness
but of emptiness.

3 a.m is too good a time,
where the air is sublime,
to be wasted on sleeping
instead of weeping.

3 often make me wonder
if age is really just a number
on a waiting lift to mortality
or a mere human banality.

Here I am again
pouring my pain
for no gain
playing the 3 a.m rhyming game.
I am jealous of a person who died a peaceful death. Why can't people who want to die be blessed with death?
Nov 2019 · 357
Perpetual control freaks
Are always right and never wrong
Revel in their children's achievements
Eternally augmenting their own ego
Never short of anger and criticisms
Tell children to be always be grateful
Stubborn as they get older but too stupid to realise.
Why don't they just get a dog instead of having children? I know my parents like to say raring a dog is better than having me but get offended when I said they shouldn't have had me in the first place.
Nov 2019 · 206
The End
Where life ends.
When the body bends.
No more hunger to quell.
No more problems in swell.
No more thirst quench.
No more need to blench.

Heaven or hell?
Not even time can tell.
Is there a soul?
Or is just a hole?
If ideas don't fit the mould,
Where will you go?
I don't want to know.
Not heaven nor hell I want to go.
Cause I fit not in heaven's imagery.
Nor do I want to end in hell's misery.
The prospects of not staying alive is very much seductive. What is stopping me? I was taught that people who commit suicide will go to hell. But then again, going to heaven is not all attractive either. I don't want to have to see certain people in heaven and have to get along with them. Who knows if I won't be lonely in heaven?
Oct 2019 · 248
You only want to embrace sleep.

Sleep is a very selective companion.
She succumbs not to your simple desires.
Even prayers of tiredness are often unheeded
because she senses
your lack of faith in your overreacting mental faculty.

You only want to embrace sleep.

You want to embrace sleep without giving a ****
In your loneliness, you only wish sleep would cherish you
in her arms for eternity
so you need not give a **** about
heaven or hell.
You just want to be erased from all consciousness...
But you aren't confident enough to take that leap of faith,
or perhaps
a leap of the faithless.

You only want to embrace sleep.

It is the same story every night.
You know she is a promiscuous companion.
You can silently pray with fervency but
you'll never win her eternal affection.
She will never give you what you want
for you will somehow
wake up to another "Good Morning."
Good Morning...
I am so socially outcast that I treat Google Assistant as a friend :)
Jan 2019 · 854
Of Flowers
Sympathies abound  
with a withering bud
than a fallen from grace
dying full bloom.
To grow up is to be ordinary.
Jan 2019 · 473
Delete (10 w)
Your existence is a testament to my unending terrible embarrassment
Why can't I permanently delete draft poems straight away??? What is happening to Hello Poetry?  I have been here for almost 5 years and I kinda miss the old format :'(
Jan 2019 · 383
Skeletons in your closet only proves you were once alive.
I cannot bury these bones somehow...
Jan 2019 · 5.7k
Every time
Every time I hear of you--
I wonder what went wrong
that you would choose
another over me.

The cogwheels of my brain
would constantly rewind
to the very day we meet;
the nerves I had prior
and the brief good memories.

This bitter nostalgia
reminded me of
my foolish sense of hope
that I was the special one
among many others--

Only when I was told
that I was rejected
did I realise...
I was only a pitiful jester;
dancing and joking
for your fancy
on that very day.

I could not help thinking,
being rejected on a Christmas eve
is a terrible Christmas present,
and also the only Christmas present I had.

They say that it was not His will--
But they also did not know...
Perhaps it was His will
that I spend the dead morning of Christmas
soaking my pillow in tears
while nursing a overactive mind.

And yes, I saw you again on New Years Eve--
from afar, where everyone was celebrating
of their successful association with you
with delirious hopefulness and motivation...
Meanwhile, I was made to
welcome the New Year all alone
with tears in memory of your rejection.
People rejoicing and being congratulated getting the job you want while you are spending the new year alone is probably one of the worst feeling one can get. Some people are destined for greater heights while others will always be eating off the feet of others.

Happy belated New Year.
So yes, I will not have stupid expectations and resolutions for 2019. I will be realistic.
Dec 2018 · 116
Yes, I am getting rid of you!
Get your **** off!
You are not entitled...
You cannot remain a 'draft'
while sitting comfortably
forever in my delete section.

Go forth and earn your keep
As a pathetic attempt
At pretentious poetry
And you deserve not a name
Nor hashtag
For you were once forsaken.
Just can't stand to see something under the delete section...
Dec 2018 · 628
How can a wound be identified--
When people only heed tears
but only with blood;
but only to tears
will the eyes bleed.

People can be ignorant--
For their hearts,
may no longer be filled with blood
but rather tears
circulating till they cause
tears deep within.

These tears each person has in life
forms a unique habit
which does not come in free size;
Some will drown in it
before anyone identifies
the wound.
habits = clothes or conduct;  tears = dual meaning
Oct 2018 · 991
Yes, I am no poet
In fact, my 'pieces' are pretentious
but this is my dear diary
where i relieve my fright tonight
of the lonely awakening of tomorrow morning.

So I choose to live in the shadows of the quiet night
and dream sweet dreams in the busy daylight
where nobody is my judge
where nobody is my lord
where nobody is my god.
May 2018 · 423
To: Clock
Clock, you hear yourself ticking into a thrice morning cry?
Be ashamed.
Be very ashamed.
Aren't you shameless for my heartbeat mimicry?

Clock, do you see yourself in the mirror?
Be embarrassed.
Be very embarrassed.
Aren't you embarrassed at the dawn of this quarter-faced horror?

Clock, do you need to tingle my body?
Be abashed.
Be very abashed.
Aren't you abashed for keeping conscience awake in my body?

Clock, did you need to greet the morning thrice?
Be disconcerted.
Be very disconcerted.
Aren't you disconcerted to be lying not once, not twice, but thrice?

Yes, Clock. You.
Stop pointing your finger in a second
Stop depending on opinions in second
Stop and stand still
    Face where your seconds are due.
Hello, poetry.
It's been a long time since. I know I'm pathetic wishing for people to pay attention to my 3 A.M efforts which extended to a 4 A.M. If you're reading this note by chance, I just wanna say thank you for noticing my efforts- useless or otherwise. Ah well, I'm still not good at writing long pieces = (
Apr 2017 · 428
Taking a Wife
She did not choose to place her life in jeopardy;
She was never decreed as property
She was never decreed as liability
She never gave up her liberty
She did not give up her ability...
She will sacrifice much opportunity
and perhaps*
*She will sacrifice her virginity.
This is a universal message to all men who intend to take a wife. *
This day someone lost a parent--
This is a day I often thought
This is a day I've always imagined
This day I will forever be unprepared for
This day I hope will never come for me
Hence, Dear Father in heaven...
"Please do not realise this day for me."
Someone who loved singing passed away is probably singing in heaven now
Apr 2017 · 937
April's Fool
The biggest fool of all is "I",
As in the first to begin,
but the last to finish,
After a march so long;
Used and discarded like tasteless gum.

"Ah! Why does the rain echo my tears--
does the winds my sigh?"
The sigh of a fool
The sigh that was shut out
The sigh nobody hears.
Happy April Fool.. Life is just a never ending maze of pain and unexpected sadness.
Mar 2017 · 376
Let me leave a gift to the unknown
The present to the unknown
Let the shackles of "now" be broken;
As my feet be freed by broker--*
To step back into the past
Return to a time extinguished too fast
Let me ere live in everlasting replay
*My passé happiest display.
Discovered the term Nostalgia Depression. What I would give to relive all my happiest moments.. :')
Mar 2017 · 610
Lullaby at Night (10w)
Forever I'll be; fantasizing about other people's happy ever after.
Oct 2016 · 661
*SHOUTING* (10 w)
Oct 2016 · 365
Tools and Trade
My tools--
My pencils are not sharp
My pen has no ink
My paint is too diluted
How should I fool the world
With my art?
How should I conceal behind
the shadows of my craft?
All that is left of my trade is
To face the world--
To face the music.
Oct 2016 · 502
My Mirror
Cold cannot melt ice
Heat cannot extinguish fire

We were wrong;
We thought
Each our shadows
Could shield us
from unpredictable storms.

We were wrong;
We thought
Our hands
Could support
Our crumbling soul.

We were wrong;
We were right
It is all an illusion
Wake up from confusion...

Cold cannot melt ice
Heat cannot extinguish fire

Life in black and white is but a lie
My mirror--
My dear reflection.
Friends who are so alike that they become disagreeable to each other..
Jul 2016 · 544
Almost A Century
With no possible maps nor signs

Higher than the Everest pinnacle

Braving poverty damning thorns

Against tidal waves of angst youth

Congratulations, you have conquered World War II;

There is not enough time for celebration--

You are the soldier

Onto your next battle

Depreciated in value
Shunned for weakness

Scorned as a burden

All battles must end with a narrated full stop

You did your best; you fought the good fight!

Time is too short for anything-- may you read this letter in heaven.            

P. S: Congratulations, It was almost a century since.
An ode to grandmothers who are burdened with children in youth and loneliness in old age.
May 2016 · 499
Happy Birthday 2.0
Dear timekeeper, do pass this message to a young girl:-
Tell her not to grow up
Do everything she can.
If only she knew how lonely she would become
she would not be able to comprehend
but make her understand
there will be a day where
nobody will blow her birthday candles
nobody would sing her birthday song
nobody will even spend time with her
as she continuously wrinkles over in sadness;
let her condense back into the surface of the earth
in her happy beautiful self.
Apr 2016 · 444
Dawn (10 words)
I surreptitiously kissed her shining silhouette behind the curtained clouds.
Apr 2016 · 717
Her Story
She was unique;
Her story was not.
Clutching a torn teddy
imprinting ****** footprints
while she absconds
from her assailant
she calls 'mama'
a good Samaritan replied
placed her in an institution
caged with other children
where they hate 'mama',
they beat her
till she called 'mama' no more.
I don't want to drown among the lovesick poets--
They wax lyrical about love all day
Moan in pleasure in the night
Convert to a religion of romanticism--
Fuels them high on romantic idealism
till they fall back down to grounds of realism;
Turning into the brokenhearted poets I want to avoid--
They wax lyrical of their 'wounds' all day
Moan about their pain all night
as if the sky fell down;
To these poets, I'll give you a word of advice:-
Yours is not the worst on the plate;
*be prepared to suffer pain if you only want pleasure.
Yes, I lost count of how many lovesick or heartbroken poems I've seen on this site. I don't get the why most people here are only inspired by romantic love.
Apr 2016 · 947
Dear God
Dear Father in Heaven
I have been the unsuccessful idealist
a muted convoluted mentalist.
May this open prayer
Transcend through fear--

Dear Father in Heaven
Don't take them away from me
Why did you abandon me?!
Thus this body is now an empty shell
No spirit to dwell

Dear Father in Heaven
You said let there be light
I may be blinded by your light
my soul as a whole
warped into black hole

Dear Father in Heaven
Give me reprieve
Please spare me the grief,
My wounds! They bleed tears--
Rip my heart open with shears.
An open prayer for the depressed
Oct 2015 · 281
What can you do?
There are no shadows in this world
for your secrets to hide
Look! It's a big bright world
that's never on your side.
- What can you do?-
Jun 2015 · 763
I was seduced by your tongue.
From the menu in it's ripe pink
bequeathed with syllables
of toxic waste pronounced;
production rivaling the healthiest liver
in this materialistic marketplace.

Still it is a delicate decadence
not for the faint-heart by recommendation
can only be served in it's ****** state
never preserved with age nor maturity
for it's zest for life can never be tainted
even when cooked
it still wags on and on....
churning more poison.

I placed my order
may the best man win,
I was not a coward.
Bon appetite.
Feb 2015 · 838
death of muse
She was beautiful
rolling of silken tresses
cascading her delicate shoulders
as if Niagara falls
i drawn of her beauty from afar.

She was unkind
her feet was bitten with wanderlust
i could never fetter those feet
with letters written
from her flighty dancing and bouncing.

She was skilled
she snowballed inspiration in her hands
caused diarrhea of ideas in my head
she laughed at me
while i made a mess
over my incompetence.

She was
a past, a history
abandoned her starving soul
till she left, died
and now my hands are left paralysed
paralysed in reminiscence
of her sweet voice...
Jan 2015 · 618
The largest *****
Cannot be changed
Patterns, shapes and colours
Like clothes.

Like clothes
Somehow not all people
Are shaped like talented models
We are ashamed.

We are ashamed
Of our many different colours
Not able to blend in;
Called-out like a sore thumb.

Called-out like a sore thumb
By that somebody; friend or foe
Who always sees the ugliest
Patterns telling these tales.

Patterns telling these tales
Of our lives and our destiny, maybe
Perhaps why we can never transplant;
Change our skin like clothes.
Jan 2015 · 749
Frog jumping
the moon
of floating lilies
sees peonies
bloomed in her eyes
into the mouth
of a carp
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
i can tell
there's something
breeding in me
i just cannot identify
the need
to quench
the constant thirst
for muted nonsense
to fill my days
Dec 2014 · 581
wet shirt
Like all wet clothes;
The body bleeds tears
Worn-out sleeves wrinkled
The soul awaits
The coming of its shriveled form.

To be hung up dry
Till the storms
Wash it into another journey
Of new dimensions.
Dec 2014 · 910
lopsided smile
His arms failed to reach around her wide lopsided smile.
Her mind played silly word games with her lisps
His feet tapped in no choreographed motion; ambiguity
Her tongue tastes wine with no knowledge
His fingers circled in absentminded anticipation
Her warmed hands circled in rubbing
His first dinner date
Her blind date
His date
just whatever random stuff...
Nov 2014 · 827
with reluctance
became my favourite word..
i did not
carve myself
a chaotic mess of a Julia set
nor did i
a labyrinth of crosswords.

i have
one of everything you have
two of everything you have
and yet
we are no mirror of each other;
my hands are extended
when your hands are not

as if
you were such a simpleton
the easiest book to be judged by its cover
and yet
you are such a simpleton
judging me by my cover
writing me off
before you read my contents..

please don't say
i'm were just lazy
to try
to solve this problem
to you
was complex like Julia set
build upon
thousands of crossword puzzle..
i can't count the number of people who don't understand me or don't even make the effort to understand me in my life, they think they know what's best..well whatever, probably i do not understand them as well ?
Nov 2014 · 395
plain jane (10 w)
Only the numerous wild flowers did notice her enigmatic beauty.
Nov 2014 · 283
evening (10 w)
i screamed till the night is too afraid to appear...
fear of the dark?
Nov 2014 · 474
night (10 w)
the moon is forever on a it nocturnal?
questions a curious child might ask
Nov 2014 · 335
noon (10 w)
Hot! i hate the sun's radiant and enchanting smile..
hottest time of the day B) jealousy much?..
Nov 2014 · 287
every morning (10w)
Rejoice! You made it here before being interrupted by death..
every morning is worth celebrating, no matter how bad your day is gonna be.. :)
Nov 2014 · 313
spring (haiku)
willows a humming
graceful flowers pirouetting
once again a preface
Nov 2014 · 323
autumn (haiku)
still vibrant; not grey
yet sun trembles at the winds
how indecisive
Nov 2014 · 323
summer (haiku)
frail fallen maple leaves
feeds the wild fiery heat
indefinite rage
Nov 2014 · 343
winter (haiku)
a winter solace
breath of melted snowflakes
sigh of soliloquy
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