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Jul 2015 · 820
What would you rather?
That's a question we must ask ourselves.
Say for example,
Would I rather be lonely?
Or would I rather be forgotten by someone I'd never forget?

I guess life was never meant to be easy.

May 2015 · 352
Not Again
I just hope I can wake up from this nightmare, but then again, reality itself is terrifying...
Dec 2014 · 734
"Wait... when will I ever see you again?"
"When the sun rises above the horizon for it's final pirouette of warmth, light, and happiness."

Those were the lasts words from her, right before she died as she was struck by an oncoming vehicle.

Now as I look out towards the horizon from the cliff edge, on this blissful summer morning, I think of those words.
Warmth trickles through my veins as the sun begins to peek above the line from which it hid under.

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart."

The words escaped my lips in a quiet blow, as the wind beneath me make me unable to speak.

My decent is soon to end, and my final destination, a splatter of trepidation, with a dabble of bitter sweetness. A smile carves across my face.

Her embrace, her love, her smile, will all be soon to come.
I don't know what I'm writing at this day and age. Though I'd like to think that I'm being relatively creative, or cliche in a way.

Nov 2014 · 492
Ups and Downs
Helping others has it's ups, but then again....

Who's there to help you when you're in need?
Nov 2014 · 434
Think about it.
How do you know if today is going to be your last day?

How would you be remembered to those around you?

Live the days of your life like they're your last, because who knows what might happen.

Leave a positive impression on those around you, before the last wisp of air leaves you between between your purple lips.
Sep 2014 · 2.8k
It's always hard...
It's hard to write something with emotion,
when most of it was taken by the one you loved most.
Sep 2014 · 583
My eyes flicker from side to side,
concentrating on the fine crinkles within the walls.
The brightness begins to evaporate,
leaving me with an all but dark room.

My chest constricts, and my lungs fall short.
I'm left breathing short, staccato like.

This was what a panic attack felt like.
I don't even know if this is a poem, but all I'll say is that it's horrible.

It's about my constant encounter with panic attacks, and my latest during class last week, where everything started to close in on me.

I'm unsure how long I'll be able to hold on, before I break in front of everyone I know.

I'm trying. But I don't know how much longer I can maintain this mien.
Aug 2014 · 740
As the arm strikes midnight,
the last of my sanity makes its final descent into oblivion.

Waking the desires of the hatter,
cemented to his crooked, yet fascinating chair.

His eyes gazed upon yours,
before letting out his playful, yet cynical laugh.

"Mhh hm hm hm hm!"
Aug 2014 · 708
Let Go Picasso
Leave the paint to dry,
watch the surface slowly evaporate into its fine crinkles of artistic purpose.
When it's done, add the final dabble of colour.

engraving your love and emotion with it
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Heart Strings.
The first time we met, your eyes glinted in the afternoon sunlight.
I pondered,
I adored,
I loved your shy personality.

Then when I got to know you more,
I was hooked.
Your lovingness, your care, your optimism,
had me thrown into pirouettes.

We laughed, we hugged.
We talked, we cried.
We shared our secrets and our lives together.
We were complete.

Until that one moment, when you pulled my heart strings too far,
and left me to throb in pain.
My heart aches as it harrowingly beats.
And tears roll down my flushed cheeks in rivulets.
Aug 2014 · 565
The hour.
Just a little bit of time.
Wait until the hands of time strike the hour of the full moon.
Let gravity take its natural course.
Let us fall into each other's warm embrace.

And let the moonlight glisten over your hazel iris,
as we close in,
towards the apogee,
of our first kiss.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Odd one out.
I see them clasping each other's hand,
planted on a wooden bench,
head on shoulder,
and carving a smile at the winter clouds.

They hold each other's embrace in the chilly flurry of air,
their eyes shut,
seizing the moment,
and allowing their hearts to slowly, but surely entwine with one another.

I gaze at them, longing for what they have.
My heart sinks at my despair and companionless thoughts.

The only thing I can do now, is to keep scrolling.
My eyes fixed on the screen of my device,
my thumbs flicker from one side to another.
I keep myself distracted, vacantly staring at the pixels beneath the tip of my index finger.

Ultimately, the thoughts strike in its final wave.
Anxiety flushes over my sense of self,
and I realise.
That I.
I am.
the odd one out.

Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Pure Sanity. Or is it.
La La La.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Ha Ha Ha.

Could this cluster of syllables manifest my slow but assured insanity?

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.


Who is that strange man in the mirror?

Oh wait.

It's only me.

Ha Ha Ha.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

And off I go.
Hahaha, this is a rather amusing piece. I don't know how people will think of this.
The primary reason for this writing, however, is school.

Biology to be specific! Gosh I hate genetics and nothing makes me cringe more than to memorise the steps of DNA REPLICATION!!

Nevertheless, this may all be worth it in upcoming years!

Wish me luck!


Aug 2014 · 3.4k
Will I ever find someone as good as you?
Aug 2014 · 860
My mind races back and forth,
unable to keep a consistent thought.
I take a sip of coffee,
my hands tremble with nerves.

Why you ask.
I'm just waiting,
for the dust to finally make its landing on the arms of time.

When you would finally respond.
When you would finally notice.
That I am here and waiting.
Though it seems the dust is still agitated and suspended.

I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Cessation's Inevitability
Like a newly formed dandelion, it is beautiful.
Entwined with the glistening rays of the sun.
Such youth, such aspiration, you stand tall and strong.
Though when an unexpected gust takes presence, you fall apart.

Your remains are scattered far and wide,
and they grow on their own.
You're seen, there, there, and there.
You're letting go.

You're re-growing. Into a stronger, more secure dandelion.

- High School Relationships?
I honestly don't know how to write about high school relationships? Does this even make sense?

The part where your remains are scattered in a way represents when you're broken and you go to various people to let it out. To become stronger and to become a new person.
Jul 2014 · 1.7k

Your warm embrace wraps around my torso,
warmth creeps through my heart and soul,
and my arms immediately wrap around yours.
This ever so perfect moment, will never be forgotten.

It was the first time we hugged.

As we took in each other's embrace once more,
our lips collided passionately,
though instantaneously we pulled back.
Our gaze met, and we closed in slowly... and blissfully.

As of this day, we are officially, and graciously,

Something I wanted to write, on behalf of one of my closest friends.
Jul 2014 · 4.2k
At this precise moment.
I'm nothing but a human being under the intense influence of dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and testosterone.
The infuriating effects will last, as will my aggression.

There's a reason why this is all happening. You.
Because of you.
I have no hatred nor much of the love I had for you.
For you have taken that away from me, and given it to him.

I have no words for you.
All the best.
I'm beyond hurt at this precise moment, and I have held this is for too long. To this day I am still unable to let this out. I hate it.
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Grow Old With Me.
When we first met, we were bundles of energy and joy.
Grow old with me.

We inevitably became a couple, and we got engaged.
Grow old with me.

A family has started with two beautiful daughters.
Grow old with me

The kids have graduated high school, and are now heading to University.
Grow old with me.

We watch the kids find their companions for life.
Grow old with me.

We help them through times of hardship, and are always there for their achievements.
Grow old with me.

The kids have their own family now.
Grow old with me.

As we now reach our final years of life on this Earth, there is nothing more I could ever want than for you to be by my side.
And to have had you grow old with me all these years.
Makes me the happiest individual there could possibly be.

So let us sit together next to the fireplace on our rocking chairs, and reminisce.
Hmm... I'd rather not say what was going through my mind when I wrote this. It's rather peculiar...

Jul 2014 · 588
As you break my heart without a second thought,
I felt my soul leak from the fissures of my metaphorical heart.
Rivulets of sweat roll down my tanned cheeks,
and energy is leeched out of me.

I'm a lifeless, yet emotional corpse.

Yet, you go to Him.
You can't see through his lies, but you fall for his persona.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Temporary Happiness
The intensity of the moment builds.
Eventually, a shrill of excitement will fill the room.
And all eyes will be on us, in the rays of light that strike us from the ball room ceiling.

Your hair curls gracefully, and bounces as you walk down that isle.
Your dress wraps around you, accommodating every curve, and every defining feature.
The white contrasts your cherry blossom lips, and your sweet hazel iris.

You are utterly gorgeous.

Though there's one thing...
Just one.
It's all in my head.

You were never mine to be with, and that's the saddest part of all.
Jul 2014 · 530
The loss of one brings the feeling of sorrow.
Your days dim, your life becomes melancholy, and you would wish for nothing more...
Nothing more than tomorrow...
When would life return to when it once was?

The feeling of loss drains you from the core.
The days become as dark as it would as night,
and you would wish for them to come back, nothing more.
Conflicts may arise, clashing with emotions.

Strength is the key to those moments,
Acquire it, overcome it.
If happiness forgets you, remember it.
Re-animate the smile that once carved your face.

Death can leave a heartache no-one can heal,
though love leaves a memory no-one can steal.
I'm just in a rather upsetting mood, I'd thought I randomly write this. If it doesn't make sense, I apologise.

Jul 2014 · 726
Our love has been limitless, until now.
It seems as though an earthquake has stricken us,
and the tree of longevity lost its bough.
Lifeless bodies are carried by.

We've had our moments,
from those good, to those bad.
We've fought, we've laughed, but most of all, we've loved.
Our memories shall not fade, nor smother.
Our love may not heal, nor be bought.

In times of hardship, we fought with persistence.
And now, it's all gone, vanished with the last puff.

Let no-one who loves be in deep sorrow,
as even love when it's lost has its own rainbow.
I have no idea what I am writing, but I guess this is what this website is all about! Expressing yourself freely.

Enjoy guys.
Jul 2014 · 399
The coldness pierces my heart.
I'm left shattered.
No matter how much, or hard I try.
Nothing will ever be the same.
As I mend my broken pieces, I wonder... who will the next one be to break it again?

— The End —