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Nov 2024 · 58
Song of Strings
Lou Alpha Nov 2024
My thirst for blood insatiable
oh what are those golden strings
there is no escape for those
who've heard the golden one sing

Your time's run out, I'll hunt you down
To calm her desperate rage
Silence will fall, the ticking stop
Your grave is this golden cage

Enlightened, at last, I am
It's time for her to reign
These claws of silver turned to gold
Will, tonight, end your pain
The lyric for a boss theme in one of my video-game-stories. I have generated various AI-songs with these lyrics and one did turn out pretty good. I think I'll publish the game one day with that track, or a human remaster of it.
Oct 2024 · 58
Lou Alpha Oct 2024
I regret many things
I regret the changing
I was human once

I became a monster
And fought myself
I was demonic
My mind an abyssal delve

I tried to **** myself
Not my body, just my mind
Because it was fractured
Crushed to dust by the grind

I don't remember when
Nor do I remember how
But it got easier one day
And I found place to grow

I had written poems
To cry out my pain
But as it subsided then
My poetry lost it's gain

I've forgotten about you
That is what I now regret
About poetry, and this place
It just vanished from my head

I've returned now
And I'm healed again
I'm happy and content
And life is no longer a strain

So let me write you poems
Let me share my bliss
And embrace all lost souls
With a hug and a kiss

Do never lose your hope
Even when you've strayed far
Know that we are bonfires
That all of us are stars

I regretted not returning
Forgetting about you
But now that I have
That pain fades, too

I'm back now, my beloved friends
Now, now, write I shall!!!
And... just let me say this....
It's good to see you all.
I've missed you <3
Lou Alpha Apr 2023
The king and his knight
Took a ride
Where to, they didn't know,
They followed a light
Far off, they trailed,
Into wild
Forbidden woods
Where fairies did hide
They came to a lake
Made of night
By pale moon bright
Surprised, they gasped
At it's sight-

And here it's unfinished. Man, I've got loads of these... It's sung in a very simple melody, but try your own, please, if you want.

And hey, this is my 50th poem (I deemed to be good enough for being published '^^)!!!
Thx to y'all!!! <3 XOXO
Apr 2023 · 433
In this beautiful night
Lou Alpha Apr 2023
A lonely soul sat
At a shiny lake
Watched the sun go down
With the moon in its wake

As a cold breeze stirred
The soul froze and shivered
But she did not move
Even though her heart withered

That soul could no longer weep
But it wouldn't have mattered if she did
For her tears would have frozen solid
On her pale, cold cheeks

The last birds chirped
Their farewell to the dying day
Then they fluttered away to their nests
Even them abandoning that soul astray

Suddenly warmth enshrouded the soul
Another soul had laid a jacket around her
And now was sitting down by her side
Without speaking a single word

The lonely soul was speechless
So she, too, decided to remain quiet
But, faltering, at last she leant against that soul
And so they sat, in this beautiful night
Heyo, I'm back again!!!
Sorry for always being gone for months... qwq
Jan 2023 · 3.0k
Legend goes...
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Legend goes there is a lake
Made of the darkness of the night
Spangled with stars a comets' wake
Lit by pale silver moonshine.

This lake is said to be surrounded by trees
Rising their black boney fingers to the sky
Groaning, shivering in the breeze
Barely alive and waiting to die

When the full moon casts a ray
Upon the ---
I'm totally sorry, but I never finished that one.
There was a fairy supposed to show up, eventually.
Something like the Lady of the Lake from the legend of King Arthur...
Maybe I'll finish it someday, when I find the muse to do so.
If there's someone out there with a good idea for that, please comment!!!
Jan 2023 · 225
Dooooooom!!!! ^^
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
When the traitor's lost
And the cities fall
The dark moon will
Overcome us all
(Whatever XD)
Jan 2023 · 1.6k
Angel's Prophecy
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Pluck thy feathers, angel,
To bless the world again.
But alas! Take care of thee
Or all thy effort is in vain!

Pluck them all, angel,
And be angel no more;
For in thy craving to retrieve them
Thou, angel, shalt fall.

Thou shalt turn into Daemon
To ravage these green lands.
Until wood and field consumed
Shalt turn into black sand.

In fight with a feathered one
A featherless shalt always succeed
And rob the angel of his precious feathers
Turning him, too, into adversary of greed.

One day, though, an angel shalt be reborn
To seek redemption for them all.
But as the reborn awakens
The greatest angel shalt fall.

Fear not, sweet angel,
The saviour shalt come.
Be brave and be kind
And the darkness shalt be undone.
It's for one of my stories called "Sanctum" (for now, at least... :) )
Jan 2023 · 1.9k
Dreams of a Madman
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Summer fell in pale midnight
With ice crystals answering the nomads plight
When silence fell on deafened ears
A heart was impaled by ruby spears

A kingdom of dust with castles of bone
Risen amidst ruins of blackened stone
Demons falling from heavens high
Weeping at their brother's sight

Then golden blood streamed and flowed
In rivers where kings fearfully bowed
A giant struck by lightning's blaze
Glimmering in his flaming haze

Burning, burning, he slowly dances away
And a knight in the armour of dragons to slay
Hunted by wolves with greenish gaze
Is desperately searching for a safe place

Fairies of burns float through the air
Surrounding the phoenix's heir
Golden diamonds grow out the trees
And scatter in the ashy black breeze.

A king atop his throne of wood
Laughing madly about his brotherhood
Oblivious of the strange smoke
Rising from his burning choke

His nose burns away, he no longer smells
So he doesn't know about his hollow shell.
War after war ravages his beautiful lands
Waged by his corpse's stiff, dead hands

A bird flies in the mountain's halls
Trapped by it's stony walls
A cage, a cage, his voice bides
A cage safe from the demonic tides

The serpent's fang bitten in a hero's knee
Who lost his valour and tried to flee
Justice is carried out only by death
And in this world, there's no longer breath

Amidst it all, a young man stands
Looking at his icy flames
A smile stealing upon his face
Behold!, This is the madman's grace
Sometimes I just mumble some words and they begin to form rhymes.
That's basically how 99% of my poems are begun.
So don't wonder about this one! XD
Jan 2023 · 247
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Her words were like knives,
But I couldn't really tell why.
Maybe it was because she spoke the truth,
Unknowingly, when I tried to live in a lie.
Jan 2023 · 2.2k
So this is where it'll end
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
So this is where it'll end.
This is where the sky will fall.
After all the gods died here,
So why shouldn't we all?
We've fought for so long,
It's time to get some rest.
We've done all we can,
We've done our best.
But when it's not enough
A sacrifice must be made
To alter the cruel path
That the devil has laid.
Not honour, nor money
Will redeem our reward.
Only a life will do
Where no shield can ward.
So this is where it'll end.
This is where we will be doomed.
This is the final battle.
For a new world under a new moon.
Jan 2023 · 1.2k
Rise, Angel
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Rise, rise, angel!
Swiftly spread thy wings wide.
Fly, fly, angel!
And your's shall be the night.
Jan 2023 · 237
Uncertain Love
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
You reached for the stars
And plucked them with your hand.
You gently stole my heart
But to what end?
You just walked by
And entered my soul...
But you were so pretty
There was nothing I could do.
I felt your gaze, swift,
As it flew by,
Could feel pain rise
Just as it died.
Tell me, dear,
May I still love you
When I already broke
Someone's heart and soul.
T'was by accident,
And I never meant to,
But it may happen again
If it happened before.
Wouldn't want you
To be broken-hearted.
Then, would it be better
To never even try to start it?

But no matter what
My emotions will always be stronger.
I would die trying
To hold them any longer.
I would be content
Just being with you.
Whatever you'd ask of me
There's nothing I wouldn't do.
This is, after all, love,
So what's wrong with that?
Believe me if I say
I could never make you sad.
Random, again. Old, too. Must be about 3/4 year, by now.
Jan 2023 · 1.2k
Silvery Torn
Lou Alpha Jan 2023
Silvery torn
From ancient dark seeds
A flame to avenge
The blood-sullen deeds

Dripping down
From the pages of a book
The lines of ink
For blood they mistook

Panic spread as they ran
Destruction of their own design
Blades clashing and clashing again
Patterns as if the stars aligned

A spark escaped
And landed in straw
The blaze soon spread
Slashing with fiery claws

Soon the world burned
And left nothing but ash
The spears were broken
And all the swords crashed

Silvery torn
From ages old
The black dust
Turned into gold
It's just random.
Wrote what came to my mind.
The first two and the last verse were planned, the rest was improvised.
May 2022 · 377
Chaos Theory
Lou Alpha May 2022
This is Chaos Theory.
This is Chaos Theory.
This is Chaos Theory.
This is...             me.
May 2022 · 752
Lou Alpha May 2022
nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore   evermore  nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore nevermore
Thanks to E. A. Poe and Alan Parson, I had this line from 'The Raven' playing in my head over and over, and it felt as if I was becoming crazy; ecstatic and crazy.
So to get rid of it, I first scribbled all over a page of my notebook Nevermore, and then I invented this poem.
If you don't know 'The Raven', read it or hear it. That doesn't matter. Just change the fact that you don't know it. You won't regret it. *.*
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
Lou Alpha Apr 2022
It rained outside,
Me sheltered beneath a bridge.
I took a look around
And saw a tree up on a ridge.
It stood solely, solemn there,
The tree itself already downed;
Cut and brought away,
At this thought I frowned.
I let my eyes go on
And raised them to the sky.
Gray and dark and cold
Looked at those clouds high.
With tranquilizing drips
Fell the heavy rain
As if it would weep
For that poor tree‘s pain.
There were many of us
Who sheltered ourselves there.
The trunk all exposed outside,
I thought it wasn‘t fair.
It was a freezing day
But I was, as always, not cold.
I stood there, listening,
To a bird that sung so deeply woed.
It was narrow there,
But if I had been alone,
I would have stayed for an eternity
Thinking of my beloved ones.
This tree yonder, I thought,
It must have hosted once birds that used to sing.
Now it‘s gone, and the birds will be, one day, too.
And that, I thought, is a sad thing.
Wrote this one for a task in our English lessons.
I rather liked it, so I decided to publish it here.
Apr 2022 · 1.4k
Torn Pages
Lou Alpha Apr 2022
Torn pages flutter deep
Into dark-golden abyss
Tears of ink fall where books weep
Flying in flame-like bliss

Sun stretches golden fingers
And reaches through broken rooftops
To catch those falling poets and singers
And the frail paper of their mental crops

Those pages crackling, bristling
With thin veils of smoke rising from the piles
No one ever heard these flames whisper
Yet maybe it's golden Dustthat rises from the files

Wind carries parchment back and fourth
Dancing in whirls of solemn waltz
Love letters above float
Telling of flaming hearts
Among the rubble and debris they lay
Those sacred words of subtle lines
Etched inside from dark inwells
Torn pages telling of forgotten times
I had the picture of an abandoned library in mind when writing this... Oh, I wanted this to be oh-so more beautiful, but I think that's the best I can do... Sorry.
Feb 2022 · 1.3k
Lou Alpha Feb 2022
Somebody wrote "acurate"
And that seemed not quite right
I then responded to the mate
So that he may gain insight:
"It occurs to me that the accurate way
To write "accurate" is with recurring "c" ."
My friends will most likely hang me, nay,
I'm confident they're gonna find something worse for me...
But I liked the tongue-twister well
And in this sense,
Knowing I will burn in hell,
I added "That was a neat sentence"...
That actually just happened. XD
Jan 2022 · 1.7k
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
You are just a marionette
In your masters deathgrip
Release yourself and make it
To the other side
The refrain of a hip-hop song I wrote some half a year ago. To my shame, I wrote it on a memo in my phone which I soon lost. The memo, not the phone. Still, the text is gone, and this is all I remember. It wasn't that virtuous anyways, and still it's a shame...
Jan 2022 · 211
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
They saw the dread,
But they turned and averted their eyes.
It was easier to live without what they had done,
So they kept smiling and ignored the flies.
We went with the whole class to the KZ Dachau, one of those KZs, where the Nazis methodically murdered thousands of jews. I wrote this on the way there...
Jan 2022 · 1.1k
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
Bad Gateway
Error Five Zero Two
Bad gateway,
I hate you.
UwU Don't ask.

Edit: As I wanted to publish this, bad gateway struck again, by the way...
Jan 2022 · 142
The girl in the woods
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
A young girl was walking
In the woods
Stumbled upon ruins
Of a stronghold
By the looks

Where squires used to play swords
And knights fought
Brave wars
Scattered pillars all that
Remained of
Great halls

A young girl was kneeling
In the dust
Looked at the remnants
Of a crown
Covered with rust

Telling of eras
Of dragons, wolves
And rooks
Of halls filled with swords
Spears and spell books

A young girl was weeping
In the hush
Prayed to spirits unknown
Even to her
Ancient gods

Angels sent from above
Sank down
Without rush
Shook the sorrow from her
As if with
A subtle brush

A young girl was standing
Angels old
She heard not once thunder
Yet they were covered
In lightning bolts

First the girl was trembling
But then she stepped
Forward, bold
From her numb fingers
Slipped the crown
Made of gold
Ugh. Honestly, I have no idea how I came up with this one. It was simply there!
It is sung, actually, in a simple tune, more a child's rhyme than a real song. But I like it. It's got something I... I can't quite put it in words. But I love the beautiful setting, 'n stuff. No idea how I made that.
Jan 2022 · 143
The End
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
The end
The end is just the beginning
And shall I die, I gladly will
Yet this song I will be singing
Jan 2022 · 1.3k
The Wraith Song
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
The bells are ringing,
Night, they're singing,
Time to go to bed.
The monsters waiting,
Mothers cradling
Children who'll soon be dead.
Unfinished, yet. I'll finish it some other day, promise!
Jan 2022 · 1.7k
The Rook and the Snake
Lou Alpha Jan 2022
A rook, a rook
Flew from the sky
And landed on a tree.
Spoke to the snake
That lie there:
"Snake, what do you see?

"I rise above,
I fly high,
Know all the human breed.
Seen kings and queens,
Even a princess-child
And all the warrior's deeds."

"Rook, oh rook",
Hissed the snake.
"You are so naîve.
You see strength
And beauty, too,
But they lie just as they breathe."

"Snake, oh snake,
What do you say?!
That is not true!
It's merry a life;
That I do know
I watched from high blue."

"Rook, oh rook,
You flew too high,
I know what they've got;
To ******, deceive,
Fight and ****,
Their tales are full of blood."

"Snake, oh snake,
You must lie,
I haven't seen such thing.
But let me tell
Of what I saw
Of wars and weddings.

There was a man,
Vain and full of greed,
So proud and so old.
Would never spare a coin,
But as a beggar he saw,
He gave him a coin of gold."

"Rook, oh rook,
I saw it too,
But that was not the end;
The beggar him stalked,
To his home,
And with a dagger in he went."

"Snake, oh snake
Let me tell
Another one:
Of a wedding so bright,
Of a king and his queen,
He kissed her and gave her the crown."

"Rook, oh rook,
Don't believe all you see!
Didn't you hear the queen cry?
The marriage was forced,
Their bond forged,
And she jumped down her tower high."

"Snake, oh snake,
I've seen battles grand,
Where heroes and legends fought.
The earth shattered,
The elements they've torn,
And flames from the sky they brought."

"Rook, oh rook,
That was no battle fair,
Just unglorious assault.
They died like flies,
All of them,
And were buried in nameless vaults."

"Snake, oh snake,
Listen close,
As I tell you of heartens blaze;
Once I saw two lovers,
Kissing under moonlight,
At a lake that mirrored their grace."

"Rook, oh rook,
That I saw as well.
They soon had broken up.
The next day,
She was found dead,
He murdered her out of love."

"Snake, oh snake,
If you speak true,
Then all I knew was wrong!
But then, dear snake
Wouldn't they be
Nothing but spoiled flesh and bone???"

"Oh, but that's it,
Rook, oh rook,
The inhuman, human lot.
They are alive,
And vivid they breathe,
And yet
I've got this idea as I stepped out into the winter's cold and saw a crow perching at a bald tree that slashed the grey sky like a black lightning, turned upside down. I was a bit in a dark mood, and as I saw the crow, I began to smile. I don't know why, I just liked it, sitting there, watching me with it's onyx eyes. So I began to hum a melody, a song of a rook flying to the earth, landing on a tree...
By the way, even though snakes usually are depicted as liars, this one told the truth to the raven.
Nov 2021 · 696
Seven little kids
Lou Alpha Nov 2021
Seven little kids
Wanted to end a great war
But one of them was slain
Before she could even leave the fort

Six little kids
Fought and learned of strife
But one of them could not
So in the end they were five

Five little kids
Used to play swords
One of them got mad
So they were just four

Four little kids
Did not learn from what they've done
One followed the mad
So they were three and a pile of bone

Three little kids
One of them turned to run
Tried to save a fallen
And so four of seven were gone

Two little kids
Attacked on their own
But one had to go
So left was just one

One little kid
Faced his enemy's blade
But he never stood a chance
And so he shall meet his ****** fate
The second fansong I published by now. Again, this one is from this story of mine, but this is rather the final bosses point of view...
To spoil the names of the heroes: Clock, Amaria Silverbird, Fallen Angel, Archangel, Jinro, Reaper, Luke Crimson . Described is how their nemesis, HeroKnight separates them one after the other, until the only one being able to fight him, is Crimson himself. I want to make the story, "Amaria", a video-game, as soon as I'm finished with school.
Nov 2021 · 207
At the Edge of Time
Lou Alpha Nov 2021
So here we are
At the edge of time
Where ghost's of the past
Wait to avenge our crimes

There's no way back
We can't escape
Neither from the demons in our heads
Nor from our enemy's blade

But we won't back down
We'll fight it to the end
And may they break us
But our backs won't be bent

One last battlecry
Echoes in dead wells
We're gonna fight
Together we'll go to hell
A fansong for one of my own stories. I imagined it being sung by one of the main-characters, while they set out to face their final nemesis.
Nov 2021 · 244
Lou Alpha Nov 2021
And falling shards
May rip ****** tears
But that doesn't matter
As long as we're still here
A friend of mine writes fansongs from time to time, and she asked me about a line for one, since she regularly has a writer's block. So I invented this as the final for her song, but it didn't made it to it in the end. Therefore I simply publish it here. No Copyright😉
Nov 2021 · 154
The King and The Lord
Lou Alpha Nov 2021
The king of the depth
Laid down his head
And made himself some rest

The lord of death
Caught and stole his breath
And pushed the king down the crest
Some dark rhyme, as if for a child's play...😈
Sep 2021 · 458
A Tale of Apocalypse
Lou Alpha Sep 2021
He ran
Behind him pillars
Crushing on pavement
Going out with a bang
Rocks deadlier than killers
Chasing him with grim contempt

A bridge
Falling, breaking, dying
A run, another wrest
Screaming in grudge
He jumped, and flying
He escaped this deadly nest.
Ooof... I started this two months ago, then I haven't been here in weeks, months, time, and I really have no idea how to complete this. I hope you like it anyways, as it is, unfinished...😌🙏
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
They say
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
They say, you should always embrace what life is bringing
But with all that pain, it's just a lie
In the end, we were doomed from the beginning
In the end, we were just meant to die
D A R K (sorry, I'm really unable to make a bright, nice poem 🤣😅😭 Ooops)
Aug 2021 · 1.4k
(Rain) Remastered
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
I'm dancing in the (rain) blaze

(Freed from sorrow and pain) Enjoying the fast pace

(Luck fills my heart with laugh) Grinning I burn it all down

(This world I'll always love) I'm ******, so high above the ground
Just a thought... If someone would remaster a beautiful poem... In this case, a good ol' fashioned nice poem, remastered to a cooool poem. Or rather, a hot one.
😢👈☠️ RIP Poetry
Aug 2021 · 581
The bird of time
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
The bird of time
Sits in the night's vines
And sings a song of doom

Demons and Angels fight for power
Where dust hides the fallen with cover
The Reaper in the shadows loom
Aug 2021 · 1.8k
The Moods of Heaven
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
Heaven got so plenty moods
At dawn she's like a sleepy maid
Just awoke, and rescheduled, still,
As she rise from her midnight bed
Dusk is her blushing face
As she sees all the love
Midday she shines bright
As she dances over the sky above
Full moon she sits up there
Her fair skin shining silver light
As she tries to fall asleep
In her gown of deep blue night
Rain can be thrice
In sadness, she sometimes weeps
In joy, she squirts water, playful laughing
Or she brings the water's salvation she keeps
When angry, her wrath masses in clouds
And cataclysms, that storm the land
Fog is a try to cover the world's darkness
As she cups it with a caring hand
Blood moon shows her scars and wounds
That had cut her deeper than any blade
Blizzards rage in her despair
When she cries out with words unsaid
In eclipse, she tries to hide her face
Shame letting her cheeks glow
For even she is not all perfect
Not always she can cover in innocent, white snow
Every girl has, sometimes,her terrible twos
And few enough are of such purity
Heaven is not perfect
But she's made of simple beauty
Ever wondered, what different weather and different daytimes mean? Heaven is perhaps the most beautiful being that is, out there...
"No rain, no flower" One does not need to be perfect. Or, in foreign words: " Chaos makes the muse."
Aug 2021 · 266
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
I just can't fall asleep
Thoughts racing through my head in pain
Please, I just want some peace
I've written this Haiku after trying to fall asleep for 2 hours... I think I fell asleep another hour later...😳👈🖤
Aug 2021 · 654
An Angels Death
Lou Alpha Aug 2021
Roses of glass fall from the skies
As, for you, Heaven weeps and cries
Nobel blood, crimson as dark wine
Drips down your still unbent spine
Your wings of ash, that overcame hate
Now broken and apart, as they were torn by fate
Sleep, sleep sweetheart, and dream of my love
That will always be beside you, when you'll rise above
Lay down, close your eyes, but do not cry
Because in my heart, you'll always be alive
Pillars of stone scratching in clouds of white
May you not be seen as ash, but phoenix bright
Finally raising to the sun and stars, that shine warm light
It has found an end, your everfight
Rest your head, too heavy to lift, in my lap
Close your eyes, close the gap
Now, sweetheart, rest in peace, and don't be afraid
You don't need no more to fight, you can drop your blade
Fall asleep, my sweet angel, that Heaven sent
Leave, go to Elysium, for this is not the end
Fly, and rise to the sun, elevated by this freedoms breeze
Run free, laugh, cry, and find a lasting peace
Jul 2021 · 245
The Jolly Sailors
Lou Alpha Jul 2021
A wet grave
And an early one
Buried in mud
And not in stone
Sailors dead
Drowning deep
Sinking down
To Jones' ever-keep
They've sung of love
They've sung of wealth
And to 'emselves
They've sung their health
Now they're muted
Now they are gone
All that is left
Is dead flesh and bone
The jolly sailors
Sailed to their end
Joyful and bold
Their bones now bent
I didn't **** them!!!😌😌😌
Jul 2021 · 533
And they run
Lou Alpha Jul 2021
And they run, and they run,
And they never look back
And they fight, and fight, and fight
But there's no glory, nor victory
And they all die
Just a little rhyme...
Jul 2021 · 2.4k
A Bonfire of Vanities
Lou Alpha Jul 2021
A firework
Of brightest colours
Dances slow
Beneath the stars
Torches and candles
Iron braziers' light
Glowing warm
In blue midnight
Gowns of silk
Fineries of all kind
Whirling in solemnity
"A dance, do you mind?"
A thousand miles from sorrow
High society indeed
La crème de la crème
The very best of breed
Extravagance never is
Too extra for those ladies fair
Gossiping girls, all of them
"Oh, look, this lady's hair!..."
Gentlemen bowing
Talking with hushed voices
Trading, socializing
Polite merchants' noises
"This daughter of mine,
She might well catch your eye..."
This just a market of brides n' grooms
An exchange, !!one truth for a hundred lies!!
Gossip girls and merchants noble
Less n' less real knights and dames
Nobility used to mean heroes, and protection
But long extinct, those once bright flames
The only light there, now,
Comes from a stake pile in the debris
Burning bright, but in truth all hollow
This great bonfire of vanities
First, I had the idea for this while listening Pachelbel's Canon in D-Dur (at least I think it's in D-Major). Secondly, I wanted to publish it yesterday, already, but just typed the title, and thought nothing of it. I thought it would have been saved as a draft, but actually it turned out, that I published the title. And, as it further turned out, it started trending, with just the title! I had to laugh so hard🤣
Lou Alpha Jul 2021
Your long, dark eyelashes
Shadowing your eyes, warm.
Just need to glare at me
And at once I‘d yield to your charm.

Your long, black hair
Falls so elegant down your spine,
Or entwine braided around your shoulders.
Oh, I wish you‘d be mine…

Your nose dubs bold, minx,
With recalcitrance so adorable,
Enframed by freckles light
And skin so fair, what beauty pale.

Your laughter rings like small bells of bronze, light,
And your cheeks redden in your joy, even blush
And when you sit like this, dangling legs and hands in your lap,
You just can‘t hide that beauty of yours, tamed, unleashed.

Your red lips, so filled with loveliness
Smiling shy, but so adorable, in grace
Oh, what would I give for just one kiss
Oh, what would I give to see at least once your face...
This poem describes the most beautiful girl I can imagine. Sadly, I haven't ever seen such a beautiful girl, thus far. But, if I would, I'm pretty sure I'd fall in love with her right away...
Jun 2021 · 1.3k
Lycoris Radiata
Lou Alpha Jun 2021
A red spider
Spinning a web
At the rim of your way
Like a silver flickering net.

A red moon
Glowering pale
Like a blooded pond
In the stars eternal vale

A red flame
Like a waving flag
Hissing, crawling, spitting
Sparking into a heaven black.

A red sun
Spilling ****** light
With dawn to dusk
From day and night

A red bird
Reaching for the skies
Raising in hybris
To fear and agony he flies

A red fever
Burning through flesh n' bone
And boiling sweat and tears
That are but a drop on a hot stone

A read tear
That was made of blood
Slowly dripping down
From the realms of the gods

And then there's that red flower
Blooming along your long, lone path
Meaning nothing but sorrow
And black, cruel . . .
To every reader
And every fan
I'm sorry, but this only rhymes
In the American slang
May 2021 · 684
Death's Halls
Lou Alpha May 2021
And you never saw me dancing in the dark
You will never believe me, whats inside the dark
Cause you never stood inside the black
inside the dark, giant gap
My love died, an ancient tale for you
Cause you never felt something that cruel
A long way to home I have to walk
Please, don‘t!, stay!, I just want to talk…
Why can‘t we stay, why do we have to go
I wanna stay, I hate this blackened road
Oh, i‘m wishing me back, to my home
if I could only see you, I‘m so lonesome
My memories are a fading world
Oh, I remember how I learned to hurt
So much pain I felt
So many weapons I held
Now it‘s forgotten, it all
My memories, of my own fall
I fell into darkness
I‘ve been cursed with blindness
Please, let me hear your voice, just one word
I promise you, I didn‘t want to hurt!!!
My reality is a world of mirrors
Hit by an poisoned arrow
I‘m standing in the death‘s halls
And I‘ve forgotten the world‘s fall.
Older one, still pretty good
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
The Demons
Lou Alpha Apr 2021
Too much to do
Time runs out
And my demons roar
Behind my mouth

The voices in my head
Are knocking me out
So much to feel
Rage behind my mouth

Look into my eyes
See the flaming spread
There‘s no way out
From the demons in my head

No end, no beginning
No change, no line
And the demons are still singing
In my head, out of time

The flames in my eyes
Burning my soul down
While I hear them singing
So clear, so loud

No silence, no silence
But then I close my eyes, freeze
Let my heart burn down
To find at least a blink of peace
I wrote this little rhyme when I once was told by my mom to do a huge bunch of things. I were really under pressure, and just wanted to scream, as suddenly the first phrase came into my mind. I wrote it down and sung it silently while I made the tasks, and it really saved me from a tantrum back there.
Apr 2021 · 356
The Ballad Of War
Lou Alpha Apr 2021
Tears on her face
"Please don't go"
A sad smile
"I'll ever remember you"
One last kiss
Then he turned 'round
Headed for the war
Still honour-bound
She watched him go
The pain broke her heart
'Cause she knew he was
Her only light in the dark
March of the army
Where the flames spread
They marched to their doom
They marched to their death
No glory, no battle
Instead cruel assault
Hundreds of 'em died
Gone to their bloodied vault
The love at home
Prayed at the Gods' shrine
"Let him return,
Let him be fine"
But she could no longer
Stand her fears
So she headed for the army
That wept red tears
The boy had survived
The ****** fight
A feast for the crows
Under the pale moon's light
The enemy had lost
Many warriors too
The corpses for the wolves
Cruel fate for the cruel
The girl, she finally came
To the lords tent
The lord stood inside
A sword in his hands
"What does a young girl want
In this war?"
"I'm here to stand with my love
When the horns will roar.
I'm a warrior,
Better than any other one.
My blade's a snake,
And my skin is stone."
"I can't permit,
I can't allow."
"So then, my lord,
I'll fight with  bow!!
You can't hold me back,
My lord, my lord."
And she stepped forward
To claim the sword
"I'll fight for my love
Or I will die
But 'til the end
I'll be by his side!
I'll stand with you
Cause that's my fate.
I'll wield this sword,
And I'll ****** its blade!"
With that words
She turned around,
As suddenly the sound of horns
Raised from the ground.
They've come, they've come!!!"
The scouts called out,
"The enemy has come!!!"
Red dust was at dusk a cloud
The battle begun
When the sun had set down.
Once a mere argue,
To war grown.
She found him
Between dead enemies he stood.
She caught him as he fell down
Into a pool of red blood.
Tears on her face
"Don't go, stay with me!"
"I'll ever remember you...",
On his lips she had seen.
****** light
Teared from the sun.
She held him in her arms
The battle was won.
That's the best piece I've ever written. I'd even reckon to say it's my master piece. Please give me feedback!!! And, I'm sorry, if it's too... sad.
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