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Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Dark Rivers of the Heart
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
All of us are travelers lost,
out tickets arranged at cost
unknown but beyond our means.
This odd itinerary of scenes
- enigmatic, strange, unreal -
leaves us unsure how to feel.
No postmortem journey is rife
with more mystery than life.

Tremulous skeins of destiny
flutter so ethereally
around me - but then I feel
its embrace is that of steel.

On the road that I taken,
one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,
where I'm going, where I'm from.

This is not the path I thought.
This is not the place I sought.
This is not the dream I bought,
just a fever of fate I've caught.

I'll change highways in a while,
at the crossroads, one more mile.
My path is lit by my own fire.
I'm going only where I desire.

On the road that I have taken,
one day, walking, I awaken.
One Day, walking, I awaken,
on the road that I have taken.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 4.0k
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Hope is the destination that we seek.
Love is the road that leads to hope.
Courage is the motor that drives us.
We travel out of darkness into faith.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Sole Survivor
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
The sky is deep, the sky is dark,
The light of stars is so **** stark.
When I look up, I fill with fear.
If all we have is what lies here,
this lonely world, this troubled place,
then cold dead stars and empty space . . .
Well, I see no reason to persevere,
no reason to laugh or shed a tear,
no reason to sleep or ever to wake,
no promises to keep, and none to make.
And so at night I still raise my eyes
to study the clear but mysterious skies --
that arch above us, as cold as stone.
Are you there, God? Are we alone?
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 2.6k
Tick Tock
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
To see what we have never seen,
to be what we have never been.
To shed the chrysalis and fly,
depart the earth, kiss the sky,
to be reborn, be someone new:
is this a dream or is it true?

Can our future be cleanly shorn
from a life to which we're born?
Is each of us a creature free -
or trapped at birth by destiny?
Pity those who believe the latter.
Without freedom, nothing matters.

In the real world
as in dreams
nothing is quite
what it seems.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.9k
Fear Nothing
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
We have weight to carry
a distance we must go.
We have a weight to carry,
a destination we can't know.
We have a weight to carry
and can out it down nowhere.
We are the weight to carry
from there to here to there.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.9k
False Memory
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Whiskers of the cat,
webbed toes on my swimming dog:
God is in the details.

In the real world
as in dreams,
nothing is quite
what it seems.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
No More Good Nights
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
No more good nights

Something causes me to stay awake all night.
Although you may go to bed,
I'll stay up in a panic
Because of thoughts in my head.

If I close my eyes,
Terrifying things are what I dream.
I can't wake myself up,
Or at least that is what it may seem.

I sweat and I shake,
I cry and I scream.
Because death is what awaits me,
When I close my eyes and dream.

I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Living is Hell
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
When the sun sets and the moon rises,

The demons come out to play,
with the minds of the innocent.
Torturing them with cruel words, cruel intentions.

And what if the innocent play along?
Are they really so innocent.
Torturing themselves with cruel words, cruel intentions.

Drowning in the hopelessness of the innocent.

Breathing seems like a job,

Death seems like a chore.

Living is hell.


The innocent succumb to the demons.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 3.4k
Pained Wrist
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
The water is clear,
But your wrists are stained
Your face says happy,
But your eyes say pain.
I do not own this.
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
If I killed myself tonight, the stars would
Still appear, the sun would still come
Out, the earth would still rotate, the
Seasons would still change ... So why not?
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
When I Was Little...
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
When I was little my parents told me
Bad things happen to good people
I never really understood that until
I was at your house
And I heard your dad hit you
Or when
My sister’s fiancé cancelled
The wedding
Because he saw his high school sweetheart
At Starbucks
Or when I heard my old best friend
Got hit by a car and died
Right after she left her volunteer job
At the shelter
But I finally understood
When I came home
And saw a note on the counter
Saying “I’m sorry”
And I saw drops of blood and tears
Heading towards the bathroom
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 2.6k
Spill Out My Heart
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
I find that
I spill my heart out
To anyone who gives me
The slightest bit of attention
Silly me
Thinking they actually care

- K.B.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Fire and Ice
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

- Robert Frost
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 12.9k
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
When I was a kid I
Didn’t understand
Why people
Would beg to leave this place.

They would call it boring,
And ugly
And terrible.

It was only until now that
I understand.
It wasn’t the place,
It was the people.

This world we live in
Offers such beauty
But it’s often the people
That make it ugly.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 4.1k
Fragile As...
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Wood Rots.
People, Well
They Die.

But Things
As Fragile As

A Thought

A Dream

A Legend

They Can Go
On And On

- Chuck Palahnuik
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 2.0k
My Best Friend
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Is Life my best friend?
Was he always there?
I can’t remember.
All I know is my name
Who am I?
Was I alive?
I don’t know.
I don’t understand the rest
There is little I know.
I realize what I am
My name is Death

- Nicholas Boss
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
Save Everyone
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
I wanna save everyone
From pain
And heartache
But how can I do that
If I even can’t save

- I.d.
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 15.2k
Demons Run
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Demons run
When a good man
Goes to war

Night will fall
And drown the sun
When a good man
Goes to war

Friendship dies
And true love lies
Night will fall
And the dark will rise
When a good man
Goes to war

Demons run,
But count the cost
The battle’s won,
But the child is lost
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Beautiful Things
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
I feel like the universe
Is constantly trying to tell us

The way the wind whispers
The oceans roar
The way the trees tremor
And how you can almost hear the sun
Rising in the morning

Beauty like that
It wants to be followed, noticed

The thing is, life
Has taught humans
To run away, from beautiful things

- Daughter of the King
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
I just don't care anymore...
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
I just don’t care anymore…

Walk the edge
Taking risks
Hanging on the ledge
Just don’t care

Embrace the darkness
Walk in the shadows
Inviting the emptiness
Just don’t care

Locked up inside
Wearing a mask
Faith can decide
I just don’t care anymore…

I love others more than
I love myself;
I hate to see others
In pain,
But when it comes to me,
‘I’m Fine’
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Teenage Years
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
At seventeen,
The hardest choice you should have
To make is what clothes you want
To wear,
Or what food you want
To eat;
Not sitting at the edge of your bed
At four in the morning
Considering whether or not
Your existence matters in this world
- (A.)
I do not own this.
Apr 2015 · 17.8k
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Around every corner
Right in front of you
Killing everyone
Apr 2015 · 3.5k
Drugs Cause
Shadow Knight Apr 2015

       Never fixed
       No thoughts
       No cares

              For anything
              For anyone
              For everything

                     All falls
                     All dies
                     All down

Nothing Matters
Apr 2015 · 5.5k
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Dare you to live your life
Right here
Under my control
Giving no care or thought to the world
So nothing else matters
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Time Keeps Dwindling
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Living in a world, caught between pain,
The arrogance of my heart, the insecurities in my brain,
A never-ending cycle, of true belief and true doubt
Almost sure I've reached my limit, need to find my way out

Like an inevitable cliché, I reach for comfort in the bottle,
As if an answer sits waiting for me in its hollow,
I've spent so many nights drowning through the years
No longer sure what I'm searching for, no longer sure if I care

Is it time to give up, to give in and move on?
Accept my place in this world and admit I'm not strong,
Or do I keep searching, and pushing for the light
For my piece of freedom to finally sleep through the night

I wish I knew the answer,
I fear I never will.
I hope I'll always care,
I fear I no longer do.

- Johnathan Andrews
Not mine but a friends.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
State of Mind...
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Depression is a state of mind
but remember my dear
it is a crime
to cut the throat of a beloved soul
and **** the life from within the hole
cross out the lies that left your lips
and drink the blood with thirsty sips
snap her bones into shattered glass
hold your breath until the screaming pass
shout her name from miles away,
he doesn't move, he doesn't stay

Rip the wound with foolish tears
and cover the scar with dreaded fears
taste the pain on your own bandaged tongue
and drip the tears into her precious lungs
shoot the smile from her face
and bring her to a forbidden place
screaming, she runs away,
he doesn't move, he doesn't stay.

- By Jonathan Andrews
Not mine, but a friends and thought it was very nice.
Apr 2015 · 5.5k
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Don't you
Abuse your
Right to live
Everyday, all the time
Apr 2015 · 3.5k
Why Do We Fear The Dark?
Shadow Knight Apr 2015
Why are we afraid of the dark?
Doesn’t it happen at the end of every day?
Why are we scared of the dark?

Are we afraid because we cannot see? Are we afraid because we lose our most used sense? Is that why? Do we feel more vulnerable because we become weaker in the dark? More vulnerable to what though? are we afraid because we don't know what is out there? Is it because we can't see where anything is or could be? Are we afraid because we don't know anything in the dark? Are we afraid of not knowing? are we afraid of the possibilities of what could happen? Are we afraid of the unknown? If that is so why do we not seek to understand more so that we fear less? is it because we don't want to know? Are we afraid of the truth? Are we afraid of the light? No, no that can't be, could it? Are we afraid of having no light? Are we afraid of having no warmth? Are we afraid of the cold? Is the cold the feeling of not knowing? Are we afraid because we don't understand? Are we afraid to ask questions? Why? Are we afraid of the answers? Do we know the answers? Then what is the question? Are we afraid because we do not know the questions? Are we afraid to ask what the question is? What do we have to ask to learn the question? Do we not know what it is that we must learn to ask? Are we afraid to ask? Are we afraid to learn? Are we afraid to know? What is the question? Is it why are we afraid? Is it are we afraid? Why do we ask questions? Is it because we want answers? Why do we want answers? Is it because we want To know? Why do we want to know? Is it so we can ask? What do we want to ask? Is it what is our question? Is it the unknown? Is it what do we know? Are we afraid of what we do know? Are we afraid of the past? Is it the present?  Is it the future? Are we afraid of the end? Are we afraid of the beginning? Are we afraid of life? Are we afraid of our lives? Are we afraid of ourselves? Are we afraid of our fears? Why? Why do we fear what we do not know? Are we afraid of our questions? Are we scared that we don't know what we do not know? Are we afraid that we don't know our questions?

What are our questions?
Do we know our questions?
Do I know what is my question?
What is my question?

Why do we fear the dark?

My answer?


Inspired by
The night and
The darkness known
As fear that we all hold in our hearts

— The End —