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Viany Jul 2020
Lies exposed
Truth unveiled
A year of Clarity...
Clarity is what we needed
To survive...
To grow
To change

My vision is clear
Viany Aug 2017
After our fight he came in the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. We sat in silence reflecting on the words we spewed at one another. Silence. He chuckled. I whispered "what?" He says, "do you hear that? Even the birds know how to communicate better than us" I smiled
Viany Jul 2020
Learn how to say no, without giving a reason...
Viany Aug 2017
You my friend are not a cemetery
thus, stop opening your arms
to those who are only
looking for a place to
rest their weary bones
love yourself—
it is the only way
we could ever
Viany Dec 2017
I remember when you used to wake me up in the morning with a kiss & a melody of your sound whispering in my ear telling me "good morning" the world was still..for I fixed my energy unto that you're no longer in my presence, nature wakes me, the wind kisses me..the birds whisper sweet melodies in my ear...I should be saddened by this substitution but there's beauty all around me even when you're gone
Viany Oct 2017
He told me all the reasons he could not love me..
The heartbreak from his past,
the distance, and so forth
He said I'm just insecure love, you're just a coward
Viany Aug 2017
Find a lover who undresses your mind
& makes love to your soul
Love soulmate happiness
Viany Sep 2017
Just like the Sun,
your love was warmth to my soul
Viany Sep 2017
I am a single bird
flying alone
yet somehow
my heart is
Viany Aug 2017
How flowers
Grow from the soil
They break from the earth
Before they bloom

My body is no different,
There, grows a heart where it aches
See this garden of roses
Pushing thorns
Through my bones

Darling, this is not a poem
This is a wound blooming
Viany Sep 2017
I placed my heart in your hands and you dropped it...
I should have noticed your trembling hands
Viany Aug 2017
We're all broken pieces...walking puzzles...
Looking for the right fix
Looking for the right fit
Viany Aug 2017
How lovely is the Sun...
It dims its light
So the Moon can shine
#Love #Partnership #Companion
Viany Aug 2017
Notice how in the daytime we're too busy seeing & appearing with no fear of what's there or near...
In the nighttime, we calm ourselves to feel, seek, & hear..the sounds that are so
clear & near...
Viany Aug 2017
The wind whispers secrets
of you in my ear...
Viany Aug 2017
You cannot stay in the shallow ends..
when you're trying to discover the depth of me
Viany Sep 2020
It’s always “you’re acting different” when you finally decide to treat people as they treat you..
Viany Aug 2017
Unfinished poems are the flower seeds I've planted...I'm waiting for the rain to make them bloom
Viany Mar 2018
Like a leech..
You’ve held on
To my ****** heart,
And ****** the love
Right out of me
Viany Oct 2017
When the sweet sun kissed your skin,
honey was formed..
I admire you like art,
dark skin smooth as silk
I need your embrace..
I need your embrace
Viany Nov 2017
His empty promises
make me drink
this full glass of regrets..
Viany Aug 2017
How he tells her he loves her
Yet lies with another
Sad, sad lover
I see right through that cover
Viany Nov 2017
I am a foreign woman
Expressing myself to you
In a foreign language
These words are your words,
Yet somehow reside in me
Viany Aug 2017
There’s a jungle growing
inside of me and each
leaf trembles with melody
You are the prettiest face
that has ever carved
a smile for me
When our eyes meet
I earthquake
I’m adamant that all rivers
are silent eulogies carrying
our secrets deep within earth
my veins are small rivers
you, are the sea
I vow to always remember
your face the way the ocean
recalls the moon
Darling, I am possessed by
your nature
Viany Nov 2017
Isn't it crazy how through pain, we learn our deepest lessons? We learn ourselves...Yes we create water through our eyes...yet we use that to quench our own roots. We blossom to such beautiful distinct flowers
Viany Aug 2017
We found each other when we weren’t looking like a rainbow in the morning, we didn’t know it had rained until we dragged ourselves out of bed and looked up at the sky. We came with different companies never expected to be seen...Or perhaps we wanted to be seen but based on a different need. When we crossed each others paths, we were both staring at the grooves in the pavement wondering where all the flowers had gone. In a sense we found each other the way the wind scatters seeds across the earth -how beautiful...we fell between the cracks, yet we never expected to blossom
Viany Sep 2017
Everytime I share my words with you, I'm looking for ways to confess without pointing the finger back to me...
Viany Aug 2017
God has been crying a lot lately...
I feel his sorrow pour down on me
Viany Sep 2020
Always making permanent decisions for the ones that were meant to evaporate..
Viany Oct 2017
You are my rib...
therefore causing
you to fracture,
is not an option..
tightly confined
in me..
you help me breathe
Viany Aug 2017
When I fell for you, I lost myself..
When I fell for him, I found myself
Viany Aug 2021
He says..
I know what I bring
To the table..
& I’m able to make
It stable
I understand
& I plan
To follow
His lead
Wherever he takes me
But we’re friends though..
Feelings kept on the low
Emotions stay on the go
If he only knew
I’m always on
Bended knees
Asking God
Please send him
Back to me..
I know what I bring
To the table…
For I’m able..
Forget all the fables
I’m a woman
Of substance
Never lacking
The abstance of
This is not a faze
Everyday he will be
Amazed by not only
The softness of
My embrace
But my capability to
Pray him out
Of a somber day
& protect him from
Ever feeling the shame
Yet always push him
To be great for the
Creator himself said..
For he who finds a wife..
Finds a good thing..
Low & behold,
I am she, who he decided to bring..
but we’re friends though..
Get to know me..
How can I say no?
Viany Aug 2017
I hope you love her & not the idea...of...her
Viany Nov 2019
I’ve stripped you naked,
yet you’re still clothed with lies.
Layers upon layers...
Viany Nov 2017
Deep down I knew that I should've remained in my box,
completely guarded...
For these men are like vultures,
yet display themselves as doves
Viany Oct 2017
My mother always says, a woman's intuition makes a man feel uncomfortable. For he knows that deep down, she knows everything without asking to know. She just knows. It flows like the river in her heart, it flies around like butterflies in her gut, it runs miles in her's always there. Now some women suppress that intuition for the case of not letting go of love...scared of the unknown after what they thought was love is we know, love is blind at times. But I encourage you ladies, do not neglect that intuition. For the more you listen to it, the stronger it gets. If you openly accept it, it'll be your safety net, your protection, your armor against deeper pain. Listen to your intuition...for it is a gift from God.
Viany Sep 2017
you never see it coming...
           yet you feel it like the wind
Viany Dec 2017
I wanted to write a lovely poem..
I ended up writing your name
Viany Jul 2020
Why carve your name on a tree?
When you can carve it in my heart
Viany Aug 2017
How convenient for him to tell you he's falling for you only when he's falling in you...sadly you open up & take it all in
Viany May 2021
I came to the conclusion that I attract broken pieces of myself...
Viany Nov 2017
I envy the arrival of the moon... for when the moon makes its appearance, darkness forms and silence grows. When the moon makes its appearance, my mind is restless
Viany Aug 2017
Let your thorns guard your rosy heart
Viany Nov 2019
My bones broke in many pieces to bring you into this chaotic world
When I look at you, everything makes sense...I am whole.  
My son.
I asked for unconditional love & God gave me you.
Your eyes are brighter than the rhinestones that I used to steal from my mother
I gave them all back to her you know...
For I found a greater treasure of my own
I never understood the cliche...
Of giving birth, or having a baby of your own is a love that’s unexplainable

But it’s true..
No greater love can compare to this...
Seeing your heart in human form
Viany Mar 2018
I smell spring around the corner...but here you are with your winter chillls that leaves me numb..I’m so tired of feeling nothing..when all I crave is warmth. When’s my next season of love?
Viany Sep 2017
If you tilt your head
At the night sky
You can see the crescent moon
Smiling back at you
Viany Oct 2017
Opening your heart to someone new,
is like inviting them to an open house viewing...

here's my space..
here's where you may lay your head
when trouble or rest consumes you..

give me a call when you're
interested in moving in
Viany Aug 2017
I adopted your heart..
You are my family
Viany Nov 2019
I tasted you anyway
They tried to regurgitate
Your love out of me
It’s too late...I feel you in my vein
Viany May 2021
I heard purple is the color of divinity...I see it now. I see purple when I close my eyes
I see divinity when I pray,
I see divinity when I meditate
Being a hopeless romantic, it’s easy to get lost in his gaze
Divinely connected—even when I say I’m leaving I want to stay..
I long for his embrace, wrapped my legs around him as he ****** me in a daze  
Is it still sin if he takes me away to a higher place?
My divinity.. yet brings me to insanity when I can’t understand his ways
God have mercy & send your grace
For it’s hard for me to leave
& I hope I’m not being deceived
For everytime I hear his makes me weak..
My divinity..a little chaotic yet brings tranquility..
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