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KMarie Jan 2020
Do you ever want to kiss these lips
Grab me and pull me in close
Feel the heat of our skin on skin
Look so deep in my eyes you get lost
Can you ever forget how it felt
When we touch and we kiss and we ****
I want to see the light dance in your eyes
While you make me laugh and smile
Can we hold hands and enjoy time just us
Can you swallow your pride long enough
Will you ever give in to my love
Can we please just be friends with no strings
I want to try to make plans
Will you promise to not make up excuses
I promise to not say those three words
KMarie Jan 2020
Your heart
I see it bleeding
Raw and beaten
By a lover you gave your all to
I see glimpses of what she had
And I’m jealous of the love you gave to her
Am I not worthy of your love
Your all
I give you my all in spurts but I take it back
For fear of hurting like I have before
Crawling and crying on a cold bathroom floor
Trying to understand why
Years later in retrospect I realize
It was never me, it was you
I see it in your eyes sometimes, how
You know you could love me
But you build the wall every time it starts to fall
But I fall
And fall I do
Over and over into you
Because the things that you do
Just make it all worth the pain
So here I sit once again
The other girl
The lesser one
The one who does not get all of you
And I wish I had known you before you were broken
Because I’d have loved you so hard
None of this would have been a thought in your mind
Rewind doesn’t exist in life
But give me a chance to show you what you’ve missed
KMarie Jan 2020
I catch my breath
This feeling keeps coming back
Will you just kiss me
My heart skips a beat
Your eyes
When they lock on mine
And then we start to unravel
Somehow your lips
End up on mine
It stops time
My mind races to thoughts
Of us alone
Our bodies intertwined
You inside of me
And I stop
I don’t want to do this to myself
Because I know how it could end
But for some **** reason
I can’t get you out of my head
KMarie Apr 2020
When we close our eyes
And take in the silence
We truly hear what is calling to us
Deep within we yearn
Not for things outside of us
But for someone to merely understand
The chaos within our soul
KMarie Jan 2020
Deep dope soul
You are so much more
Than some guy i know
You’ve taught me so much
About myself
You helped me grow
You may be the one true
Love I’ll ever know
Through your eyes I saw
a glimpse of a girl
I was long ago
Even though you can’t be mine
I can’t let you go
I’ve seen the love in your eyes
That you try to hide
And keep pushed down inside
I don’t think I’d even know
What to do with it
If you were to express your feelings
I think it would be too much
But here I am longing
For your touch
I don’t know what I want
It’s so overwhelming yet comforting,
I try not to love you but it’s a fight
Can we be together every night?
I swear this will be it
We could be the ones
You’ll have too much of me
And then not give a ****
But hours later you’ll cross my mind
We always wish for one more time
KMarie Feb 2020
I’ve drained the words
From my head
The ones I’ve thought
The ones you’ve said
I’ve put them in writing
In hopes that I could
Live without fighting
Through doubt and
Through pain
Hoping this permanence
Would make them in vain
Instead I’ve begun
To realize the truth
You said what you said
Because you can’t speak the truth
You made up your words
To hurt me inside
But the reality is
You used them to hide
The truth at the core
Is you’re scared to be you
I’m glad you are gone
You can’t hurt me
KMarie Mar 2020
When you look back at your life
Will you wonder where you went wrong
Or will you smile knowing
That even though the days were long
And times got tough
You gave enough
People will say they give it their all
But when I say I give it enough
I feel that I won’t lose myself
We give our all and we have a tendency
Of losing ourselves in the process
Or becoming a victim to dependency
Living your life free of need
It doesn’t have to make you bleed
Loving hard but not giving it all away
Don’t give up on you for love
Knowing that you can give enough
And that in itself is enough
That’s when you’ll know
You have it right
KMarie Jan 2020
Subtle hints
Little glints
In your eyes
Tell me lies
But I can see
It’s meant to be
I want to feel
That this is real
Can we make it
Last for long
Will you stop
Is it wrong
Loving me
Or will it be
Too much
Your touch
Is never enough
This heart of mine
Can take it
Please don’t break it
KMarie Feb 2020
If I close my eyes
I see you staring back at me
You’re on my mind
I can’t catch a break
The only thing at stake
Is my heart
It’s been torn apart
Time and again
You give me something
No one has given me before
And I have felt what it feels like
To lose it
Sometimes I feel like I should run
Hide from all these demons I have
That tell me so many lies
But when you’re not here
I realize
Just how much I miss you
And giving up is something
I would never do
I’d never dare lose you
I just want to fall
Into you

KMarie Feb 2020
Do you want me whole
Or just in parts
I can give you my love à la carte
Maybe I’m easier to digest in pieces
When you’re hungry for me
You tell me so
By your mouth all over me
By your need for my love
It’s so difficult to be apart
Take me home to feed your heart
I’ll have some of you
To feed mine, too
KMarie Feb 2020
I will not apologize
For the tears in my eyes
For the unjust way
You serve your love to me
Making me feel as though
The love we share is inconsequential or
The way I love you is incidental
I love myself for me again
And when I look at us together
I know we belong this way
But you won’t ever say it
Fight me for my love
Make me see you mean it
And I’ll be your partner
Your lover
Your best friend
Until we both can’t
And then I’ll wait until you come back
Because it’s always so right
It’s always worth the fight
KMarie Jan 2020
Hands that make their way to my waist
Then one on the back of my head
I’m drawn in by your touch
Close our eyes
Lips that graze mine
Tongues that dance
Take a deep breath
Eyes that burn into my soul
We are just friends
None of this matters
It’s all just fun
Why does it feel like I’m on fire
We lean in for more
And we are lost for a little while
Oh that smile..
We can just do this forever
I tell myself it’s ok to fall into it
And we are lost again
Up in flames
Our friendship is on fire
Nothing to lose
If we play this right
I keep saying
Just one more night
But deep down I’m praying
For the fire to stay lit
Without burning everything we love
Including our friendship
Or do we just let it burn
KMarie Feb 2020
Today I miss you more
Than yesterday or before
When I think about life
And all of our strife
I think about you
And everything that you’d do
You cared so much
You never spoke too
The advice you gave
Helped make me brave
It always stuck like glue
I feel like I should do something more
You were the lighthouse in my storm
I didn’t know what to do
So I came home to you
And I stuck like glue
I can only hope to be as good as you
You were our glue
You are the glue
We are you
My example
My glue
I miss you
KMarie Feb 2020
You have walked into my heart
As if it were yours to keep
It’s comfortable now
Residing there
KMarie Jan 2020
You do things to me
That I cannot find words for
You always find ways
To keep me wanting more
When we are together
It feels like we’re home
When we laugh
It’s makes me never want to be alone
When we are apart
My mind always wanders back to you
My heart seems to know better than I do
And I wonder if this is just
What a real friendship is, true blue
But my heart wants to stay true to you
Unwilling devotion
The fire between us has come and gone
It seems to get stronger each time
Instead of fading out
It just roars, at times uncontrollable
Overcoming with passion, burning
Our friendship catches fire  
All the while my heart calling my head a liar
Take away my needless fears
Help me stave off these helpless tears
By laying with me behind closed doors
I’ll show you mine, you show me yours
That’s what I am..
KMarie Jan 2020
I closed my eyes
And you were on my mind again
My lips on yours
Your tongue in my mouth
Heat between us
My hand in your hair
Yours all over me
I open my eyes and I’m driving
Down the backroads
I shouldn’t be so deep in thought
But when my mind is full
All roads seem to lead back to you
Or If I’m mad or feeling blue
Even in my seething rage
Or when my heart begins to race
You put a smile on my face
I’ve never met anyone who can bring me back
From the throes of a panic attack
With a laugh and a smile
Please stick around a while
You do things to me
The way our bodies move
When we are alone together
And all I want in that moment
Is you
Inside of me
And I close my eyes..
Your lips on mine
One more time
KMarie Jan 2020
Unable to rationalize
Feeling like every word
You say is half truth and some lies
And I have to let it go
Nothing matters to you
So why do I care
I try not to
Nor do I dare
Say how I feel
Nothing matters
Just trying not to fall again
But I keep tripping
Picking myself back up
Reminding myself not to care
But then you’re there...
and I, I just can’t help myself
To fall for you against my better judgement
And then the insecurities
All the lies I tell myself
Keep knocking me down
Dragging me around
But I do it for you, because you add to my happy
Why am I sad?
You’ll probably be mad when you find
What goes on in my mind
But it’s ok, because it doesn’t matter
Nothing does
Yet here I am writing words
KMarie Jan 2020
Like magnets
Our push and pull depends on
Which way we turn
Lately you’re the one I find
When there’s something on my mind
You’re my weakness
My strength
You’re my happy
My sad
I’m your passion and heat,
Your daydream, I think
A drink takes the edge off
When we’re hot or we’re cold
I wonder if this feeling will ever get old
Nothing changes life but time
That’s what we both need
But when our eyes meet
Or our lips lock
That rush makes me wish
It could be today
And I get carried away
In so many songs
That always seem
To end up being about you
KMarie Mar 2020
Don’t outgrow me just yet
Don’t ever forget
I was here at your darkest
I’ll never regret
The love I give you
Please stay true
To us
I know it’s mutual
Whether you say it or not
It’s the best that I’ve had
And I’ve had a lot
I know that sounds bad
I can’t help but be true
You’re my favorite person
The way you have been
I’d try for forever
If you’d try again  
We are so good together
Please don’t change to someone new
I love the person you are
I really love you
KMarie Jan 2020
My heart is like wildflowers
From your love
Maybe it’s not meant to be tamed
It comes and goes like seasons
Ever blooming and growing more each time
I cannot keep this love from growing
No matter what I do
I am a fool for you
This love like wildflowers
Spills over the sides of where it belongs
And I can’t just keep it inside the lines
You know I try
So many flowers growing
My heart keeps overflowing
KMarie Feb 2020
The wild in her eyes
She feels free with you
It’s not just the ***
The times spent laughing
Intelligent discussions with you
She can be true
Around you
Completely safe to be her
And when you threaten
To take that away
She cries
Don’t leave
I need you
KMarie Feb 2020
We all work to live
Live to love
Love to give
Love to take
The biggest mistake
We are all guilty
Sinners you might say
Some of us won’t see
Another day
We all give our time
We stand in line
We march to the rules
Some man has designed
But at the end of it all
Have you really stood tall
And made your life worth
Loving and living on earth
Birth to death
Love to hate
Maybe we are all
Just the biggest mistakes
KMarie Mar 2020
Let me love you
    a little longer
    a little more
    a little wilder
    like no one before
    a little deeper
    a little darker
    a little harder
    with my lips on yours.  

KMarie Jan 2020
This world is so loud
I close my eyes
Hoping for silence
Instead I’m blinded by the sound
Of the dissonance in my mind
I think about how I fell
Into your eyes
So many times
Hopeless for you
Always waiting for your kiss
And other things I miss
It’s my escape
My happy place
Seeing your face
Life swirls around me
And as strange as it sounds
I don’t feel alone when you’re in my heart
I never want us to start because then
Inevitably we end
And I don’t want the end
I’m so afraid to call us something
But we aren’t nothing
Our friendship is the constant
But when will enough be enough
When will we give in
Or do we just let fear win
Lost in my head
Wish we were still in bed
KMarie Jan 2020
Tender moments
In the early morning light
It’s quiet
Our bodies intertwined
You’re inside of me
I feel your arms holding on to me
Your warm breath
Slow and steady on my neck
Moving together
It’s just us
It feels like home
Don’t ever stop
I want to say
But words don’t escape my lips
Only soft little moans
Gasps of pleasure
Each slow ******
Brings me closer
To you
KMarie Feb 2020
Moments of fear
Waking up in sweats
Remembering the times
I cried alone
No one was there
No one cared

Stinging my ears
Breaking my heart
I looked up to you
For so long
But no one was there
No one cared

Deep in my soul
You’ll never know
How you did me wrong
I won’t tell you
You were not there
You didn’t care
KMarie Jan 2020
I can feel you inside my heart
Even when I don’t want to
Maybe it’s because you
Stole a piece of mine
And I am all yours
I’m not whole
KMarie Feb 2020
Many times our hearts settle
Long before we know
What love is
Before we have a chance to grow
And what if we have missed
The chance at loving
Having never been kissed
By one who completes us
In ways we will never know
For mediocrity and safety
At the cost of never feeling
What it’s like to be on fire
From the inside
KMarie Mar 2020
The deafening silence
The still world surrounds us
Our fear louder than our voice
But we have no choice
We must stand tall
The irony of it all
We’ve created a life
Which we’ve taken for granted
All the choices made up until now
They have brought us here
Against our will we are held
At the mercy of nature
Once again our kind is brought to our knees
By the unseen
And yet we will still survive
We won’t change when this calms
And we will live once more with
Ignorant bliss, selfish and useless
Using our time to unwind the progress made
It will become history
And some day we will fall again
Oh, the irony of it all
KMarie Feb 2020
Her power was in
The way she moved
And she could set you on fire
In the way she’d stare
Into your soul
Burning the image into your mind
Of the passion she held
Inside for you
Behind closed doors
Smoldering deep
Her sighs
Resonate to the corners
Of your mind
Every inch you moved
Within her love
Would bring you closer to her
Hers is a love you’ve never known
It’s not something you can own
But the heat and desire
And all of her moans
Are enough to keep trying
To keep her from crying
Making her wet in ways
Not involving her eyes
Will be the way to make her days
And in turn she will
Keep setting your soul on fire
KMarie Feb 2020
Your kisses leave me
My nights without you
My days without you
Are just less
Because you make me whole
Our nights together
I won’t ever feel
I need your love
Because it makes my heart full
I can’t bear to think
Living life
Because it makes me feel empty
Please don’t leave me
You’re my one and
Because you’ve shown me how to love again.
KMarie Feb 2020
When I say I miss you
Maybe what I mean is
I miss me with you
I miss the me I am
When we are together
I love that part of me
That seems to wake up
When I’m with you

KMarie Jan 2020
Why does one word hold so much weight
Once you say you do,
The permanence of it rings in silence
But when you take it back it hurts so much
When I close my eyes I feel it to my core
And when someone says they don’t
It causes a pit in your stomach
Lie to me and say you do
Say that word to me
So we can be perfect before the end
I know it’s close, we get so close every time
I see it in your eyes
And then you stop again
I die inside
A little more each time
But it’s all worth the pain
And I continue to say it in vain
KMarie Jan 2020
The time we spend on this earth
Is fleeting
We waste so much time on the unimportant
We care too much about frivolous things
We don’t care about others
We encourage children to be selfless yet selfish
The media glorifies the selfish as well
We go through life with a blind eye turned
So many of us have never learned
How important it is to stick together
Every man for himself is the way we live
Yet without each other we have nothing to give
Someday we will all be dead
And there will be others living here instead
Greedy and selfish
Is how we will be remembered
This is not the life I wish to live, but there’s nothing I can do to change it
this is our life now.
KMarie Feb 2020
Much like the ocean tides
Ebb and flow
In a dance with my
Back and forth we go
The deep calm
When we are together
I know you crave me
But I never wish to hear
You say those words
I don’t want much more
But I want you
Waves come and go
You crash into me
We belong to each other
And I know we could
Be so much more
Inside I’m at war
It’s written all over your face at times
And you can see the same
Fear in my eyes
Let’s go slow
Just ebb and flow
KMarie Feb 2020
No one else
Will do
No one else
Is you
We are the same
But not
It’s kind of insane
But hot
We are always thinking
And saying things
At the same time
Why are we so good
I wish it could be easier
To say how we feel
I know it’s real
And so do you
KMarie Feb 2020
We don't speak of our love
its there in the corners of us
it exists in our hearts, its real
and there are days I can only feel 
my love for you
and other times I feel yours, too
I try to tell you, at times
not in those words, but others
and you don't reciprocate
not with words, you don't
but other things you do 
showing me a side of you
its been growing
and I don't know where this is going
I love every minute we spend together
you don't say much
I always long for your touch
but what I really want is
some day
for you to say that you do..
you love me, too
KMarie Feb 2020
Do you want me whole
Or just in parts
I can give you my love a la carte
Maybe I’m easier to digest in pieces
Swallow down your pride
And let your thoughts be free
Your heart doesn’t have to hide
From me
I won’t break it
There are moments we share that mean
Everything to me
Maybe I’m not your best
Or “the one”
Maybe I’m just a lot of fun
What we have doesn’t have to be forever
I just want to share our time together
In peace and not war
Not asking for more
Just mutual trust and respect
So I can leave my insecurities at the door
KMarie Mar 2020
A morning glory
Blooms inside
The stormy sea
In her eyes
How you long to be alone
With her gypsy soul
Her fierce love
The fire glows
Passionate nights
Her true devotion
Many fearless heights
Depths deeper than the ocean
Take her hand
Always go
But only with her heart in tow
KMarie Jan 2020
My mind wanders
In these still hours of the night
To the dark corners of fear
Past memories of pain, past love
Wishing for rain to fall and break the silence
It’s loud inside my head
I know at times I’m difficult
My anxiety will fill me with delusions
I know you care for me in ways
Ways you don’t dare speak of
Because then it would be real
And when it’s real then it will end
You say things like it is good until it’s not
But I wonder if I am good to you
I know our lives have different paths
Now they are similar but they can change
It will be different and you may be gone
I try to remind myself that now is what matters
And then the tears come
Because I don’t know if it does matter
Nothing matters
We all end up as dust in the end
Somehow I can’t help but wish for us
To last till we are dust of the past
And that maybe our memories can dance
In the rain
When we are gone and all we are is dust
And feel no pain
KMarie Jun 2020
Each time the world watches
As we fall apart
Widely we’re together
With a broken heart
We want to help change things
But no one’s here to lead
We see you and we hear you
We can feel it when you bleed
Our tears will dry tomorrow
Until they start again
We try to take steps forward
But it never ends
When will we love each other
It all really depends
On those who can’t be bothered
With helping out their friends
Speak up for one another
Even those without a voice
Without the unity of our people
We really have no choice
We have to show our children
How to be aware
Of something you can’t see
But it’s always there
Put down all your privilege
Set aside your pride
Stand up and be heard
And stop trying to hide
We will stand by every word
We come together for our friends
We will support you every step of the way
Until this madness ends
KMarie Jan 2020
Without you I can’t breathe
I try to let it all go
But the weight of life holds me down
Drowning in the stupidity surrounding us and
Absurd notions of people getting along
We are only human after all

Without you I can’t laugh
At the things that make me want to cry
Realizing how many things are overwhelming
But you always bring a smile to my face
Your eyes are my happy place

Without you I can’t sleep
So many nights I try to imagine
Laying in bed holding on to each other
Finding peace together in this world
Full of such horrible atrocities
That we want to melt away

Without you I can’t live
You make my days feel worth it
I have so much to live for
But with you
I feel like I have so much more

I don’t want to
Without you
KMarie Feb 2020
My phone rings
I see your picture
But I don’t know who you are
I wonder if you’ve gone far
I saved you from the fire
But you just want to burn
You keep saying you’ll try
But you never learn
You called to say you’ll change
But you never do
The stuff you always take
Will end up killing you
You called to say you’re sorry
And that you never win
But you never try
You cry
I wipe a tear from my eye
I have to go
Good luck staying clean
And finding the guy I used to know
Whoever you are
When you find him
Tell him I said hello
KMarie Feb 2020
Maybe I’ve lost my mind
Over you
Someone I could call my best friend
It’s so very true
We are inseparable but
Inevitably we live different lives
The trust I have wanes
When you get quiet
Because of my own insecurities
My heart has been broken
So many times but
I keep giving it to you, and hoping
You’ll treat it gently and with caution
But nights like these
When I’m alone and not sure where you are
I question if I’m still your number one
Your little star
I know you know my loyalty knows no bounds with you
But do you trust your love for me
Enough to say
You belong to me, too?

— The End —