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Dan Aug 2018
All the nights of unpleasantries
will no longer keep me awake.
I will never again dream
of you by mistake.

I wish that you would die.
A freak accident leaves you paralyzed
maybe a piano from the window
That lives in the blue of my eyes.
Or maybe that "random" passing car
will clip you in the thigh
And you'd be left (like me)
alone; just to die.

You could paint the town red
with your angry tongue
but instead maybe if i cut it out
you'll finally listen instead.

In laymens terms, prepare to be hurt,
I'll smile as your body lies in the dirt.
And blood seeps into your shirt,
coloring the earth.
Your purpose has been confirmed.

Thanks for the trauma and mental illness, miss you lots.
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
The quality of being honest
Look at me directly in the eyes
Before you lie
When you agonize
And dramatize
I will analyze
I will realize
I will not empathize
I will brutalize
So I would not jeopardize
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
With dignity
Without enemies
No jealousy
Seeing objectively
Never causing unpleasantries

The two go hand and hand
Nikki Giovanni May 2013
the last time i was home
to see my mother we kissed
exchanged pleasantries
and unpleasantries pulled a warm  
comforting silence around
us and read separate books

i remember the first time
i consciously saw her
we were living in a three room  
apartment on burns avenue

mommy always sat in the dark
i don’t know how i knew that but she did

that night i stumbled into the kitchen
maybe because i’ve always been
a night person or perhaps because i had wet
the bed
she was sitting on a chair
the room was bathed in moonlight diffused through  
those thousands of panes landlords who rented
to people with children were prone to put in windows  
she may have been smoking but maybe not
her hair was three-quarters her height
which made me a strong believer in the samson myth  
and very black

i’m sure i just hung there by the door
i remember thinking: what a beautiful lady

she was very deliberately waiting
perhaps for my father to come home  
from his night job or maybe for a dream
that had promised to come by  
“come here” she said “i’ll teach you  
a poem: i see the moon
               the moon sees me
               god bless the moon
               and god bless me”  
i taught it to my son
who recited it for her
just to say we must learn  
to bear the pleasures
as we have borne the pains

Nikki Giovanni, “Mothers” from My House. Copyright © 1972 by Nikki Giovanni.
almost  done now,
the fun somehow has left these streets,
but weary feet are tramping home, sick to death and weary to the bone.

Rtoseberry avenue
postcode EC1 and then
it's gone.

Clerkenwell green,
scene of many unpleasantries leaves me and on to St John's street and
more city feet.

Old street not paved with gold except for the elite and more weary feet tramping on.  

It's the end of another day and the city always had its way with the few and the lucky ones escaped by bus,
not us,
we went hobo on the city street, tramps and dodgy people, feet so sore and where if when we look to see the Shoreditch box park know we are not far or free of Hackney and the night falls dark across me.

I do
I do
Said twice, but in my heart I knew it wasn't so.

I go because I must've been and seen it all before and though I know it's rotten to the core it draws me like a magnet and I am being trawled by some megaline or dragnet.

The streets beat me down and the pirates in this ***** town have stolen me away,
just another bedtime story written underneath the evening stars and just another ending of the day.
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
I will always remember,
As long as my mind is well,
To save things soft and tender,
Joyful stories I can tell.

I will learn to leave behind,
Unpleasantries to forget,
To delete them from my mind,
Tales of sadness and regret.
The unrelented grotesque of the old town centre
Buzzing strongly from its high
Too many unpleasantries for me to count
Is what I discovered after midnight

While everyone was laughing, shouting and wandering around
I was cowering, screaming and pleading for no more sound
My butterflies were neurotic - they were eating me inside
It's a wonder why I didn't throw up one single time

And so, I ran away
Through the flags and bunting
I ran away
Past the ranting and blubbering
I ran away
I'm anxious to tears
I ran away
Get me out of here!
This poem was written after witnessing my town centre at closing time last Saturday night. You can tell from this poem that I didn't find it the least bit pretty.


© Jordan Dean "Mystery" Ezekude
Let’s breathe every day
In hopes to truncate the
Unpleasantries of every single day,
Whimsical dramas that sprinkle
Dramatic petty bulls
Let’s close our eyes
And cool away from all the fools
And release the hidden tension
And give our minds a touch of yoga's cool

Yoga for a third eye
The invisible light only we can find
Stretch the spirit for clarity
And bring the yoga mind to a sheep animation
Like soft infinite clouds
To achieve the yoga dream
Align synchronicity with the body, heart and mind
Like long, curious roots to the deepest earth
Activate the yoga limbs
And bring ourselves to a spiritual world we haven't been

Hum in yoga silence
And dance as a pair with the yoga light
Let the yoga invigoration takeover
And allow ourselves to laugh at life
Let the yoga spirit rise
Tomorrow, we start clean and anew
Today, we can let light and clarity become our finest tool
John Archievald Gotera  © 2015
SK Jul 2014
They will take it away
Whittle it down
To the point
Where spell check
Is the only way to spell correct
Where Google
Is the real arbitrator of truth
And the words, lazy on our tongues
Cling to the warm recesses of our mind
Forever happy
Easier, still
No hurdles to jump
No trees to climb
The obedient citizens of our Earth
No wrong
No unpleasantries
All good and fine
kfaye Jul 2012
you browse through my being
with fluttering eyelash-
squinting at the unpleasantries and
tugging at your brows with nervous thumbs.
i wonder-
will you know me any better by it.
sipping from the warm marrow of old bath water and running our hands down eachothers' sides. i
watch you take another big gulp of nothing
-find your feet amidst the company of elongated creatures that walk idly on the flat- smoothed out places of the world
that stretch
far and wide like some never-ending ungodly plane. you
scallop out pieces of your knowing just to make sense out of this happening. you
forget to receive beauty in all your eyes devour-
and in all you can crave.
the stiletto legged spiders cross paths like stilted walkers, wishing they were smaller
and you
will know nothing of them but will speak as if you've known them. i
can tell
you've never known them. i
can tell
. you
extend your limbs, hands open
as wide as the sky before you, you fancy your fingers as feathers,
and your outstretched arms as wings. i
know your bones must be hollow because
i've never heard such terrible sounds from them knocking together-
drumming out strum-songs because no strings could be used to make noise
in this place
you are lonely-
feeling as empty as freshly blown glass
and with
pins sticking out of my fingertips
i cannot drum along to your sound,
the crackling scratch of a vinyl record as
a cat claws at the beige carpet and
catches like velcro loops. i
know i've
put less thought into greater things
hold me
for only one second and
you are the tear in my jeans at the knees,
the flecks of dried paint in my black eyebrows,

infinitesimally small particle-sized portions of us all
bouncing around in the dark parts of your irises
like over-exited electrons colliding in a
of everyday
exiled into the far corners of

you grasp the air around you like a flightless bird i used to know and i
everything i might of known about you before
that lash-fall instant
in which
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2020
Reti opening
Or Pirc defense?
It generally leads to
Closed positions in a classical system:

No one questions what is vogue.

We're nothing more than pawns
--the cat's paw--
Familiar with all sorts
Of unpleasantries.

The Queen Bride,
So modern and comely,
She can do as she please
Until her game runs out.

Pawn to f4.

Your King is not long for this world.
Better learn a new strategy, stat.

The lookouts inform
The time hath come
To steal her majesty's
New clothes,
And pretend not to see
What we see.

For whatever words we may use
To clothe our fears,
The fabric cannot protect
Us from them.
Karen Hamilton Dec 2015
To have all you've known tumble down
You're sole existence starts to drown,
You're watching as you hold your breath
Count to ten and try to forget

Forget your worries and your woes,
Life's unpleasantries, all you know
You know nothing, not any more
You watch the slowly closing door

It's closing right before your eyes
You've lost the keys, there's no sunrise
Closing in, surrounded by dark
Darkness consumes your breaking heart

It beats one less than once before,
You hold it tight and hope for more
Pain you feel is out of this world
Hope that someone undoes the spell

The spiders web that's spun for you,
You're fighting, trying to get to
The place once loved, you thought you knew
Too scared to trust, too scared to move

You're slowly crawling through the dusk
In hope that soon you're good enough,
Enough to walk back to your home
To open arms - the ones once known

© Karen L Hamilton, 2013
Martin Narrod Jan 2017
I have mistaken you, for the great wielder of language, that in the times of Caesar my father, my hero, the castle builder in mid-century medieval Spain, he was not. Painting mustard seeds and his mistake, bulbs of garlic for warding off the blood-suckers, I don't think it was his intention, but he could paint potatoes the flavor of want my sister and I so craved when she and I and him, revering in our trident throng forged language before a fading Tuesday night.

A painter is great rarely, but occurs in small, adequate attic-like spaces, empty squares upon squares, readied for the taking of language. Art might be the purveyor of its own bright useless entity, bright ripened similes squeezed out of the Dutch into the Latin vernacular our father failed to remember while poking him at midnight to rile him up to bed.

It was a mistake, the one my Godfather made when he started studying French with himself. No ranking professor can rank himself into his own pedagogy. Language might have lost its roots, maybe it even lost its qualities of being official.

"This is the office of the president."
"The President of the United States?"
"No, the president of the DISH Network."

This is for me, not any president I serve. You could have learnedly observed the words my father would spell to me, each individual vowel and consonant given their own power. However, not my mother or sister could undertake with adequate prowess the tenant of speaking as such, and their tongues suffered as their palates poorly undertook their flustered attempts to enter our philocalist resolve for Caesarian language.

Sadly now, as I think of reading. I think of your fingers and what you must certainly claim to be such grandiose proficiency, your digits and dactyls bring a melancholy hoop of unpleasantries to my eyes. Your mistake has been writing as you speak, and speaking as the free-style spoken-word "artists" attempt to do, in a horrifically insufficient and inarticulate way. I know your mistake when I open myself to read the Associated Press, listen to what Capitol Hill has to say, even coming down from the end of the bar it is a sick knot of undoing that I so wish any children we have will never be privy to.

Except on this Monday night where we can still commit our lives to one another without becoming the indigestible alphabet that has evolved into a toxin around us. What chance does poetry have if sentences collapse in short-dialogues? What will become of our hands? Will they forget the feeling of a pen or pencil in their grip? Certainly, those short notes and scribbles of cursive my mother left for my father, sister, and I will take themselves into antiquity with cuneiform and chalk, whether in Spain, The States, or another place, they have stormed out world with writing and grammar mistakes. He who must pretend to be understood by taking up the thesaurus to talk, will never have the qualities necessary to write without totally ******* it up.
Anna Jan 2014
to cut. to open up veins and let the reddened river rush, releasing me. to have the sobering throb of sliced skin dull the agonizing ache from within. it was my little secret. self-harming is a taboo subject. viewed as having no control over emotions or thoughts...well, i guess they weren't wrong. in the davis household, we do no have room for feelings. we were trained not to bring unpleasantries to the table because heaven forbid someone became uncomfortable. heaven forbid if someone caught a glimpse of the tiresome face behind the painted porcelain.
in middle school, the sickness started. the tumor grew inside my chest, making the task unbearably difficult to just simply live. impossible to drag myself out of bed because i couldn't find one ******* reason to pick myself up and face the day. it metastasized to consume my body. everywhere the darkness touched. blinded my eyes and deafened my ears to where i was left alone with it.
i became bitter due to the obvious state i was in. scars and fresh gashes striped my wrists and legs, razorblades and knifes left on the nightstand. few would ask and fewer i would tell, offering half-assed coverups. but they bought the weak stories because if they didn't, they would become involved. heaven forbid. and my parents didn't notice a single thing as i was destroying myself before their eyes. all i needed was for someone to reach out. someone to care enough to tell me to stop. to grab the blade from my hand, look into my swollen eyes, and tell me that i deserved better. that i was worth more. to say that they loved me. they took me to therapy because i needed to talk when i have been screaming this whole time, they just never listened.
so uncomfortable in my sobriety, i searched for any escape. anything to distract me from myself. and i sought for love, because i thought that was what was going to save me. but all paths, rocky and disastrous, led to dead ends and i found myself more alone than ever. i needed love. but i looked for it in all the wrong places. i would not find love in the stranger laying next to me. i would not find love in the meaningless touch of another. i couldn't. i had to find it in myself.because the love of yourself offers the sturdy foundation on which others can build. without that, the wall that they had constructed would be in vain, collapsing with the slightest gust of wind.
we were taught that to be alone is a failure when in fact, the real failure is being unable to be alone.
Fred Sep 2017
A picture
                 slices a sliver of time
                                the traveller rewinds
and misses a beat

We can live life
create timelines unlived

Robot replaces all unpleasantries

A picture,
cut from the reel of reality.
Nobody to miss the time,
between the jumpcuts.
Except, when you've had
a few too many
Fred Kinard Apr 2013
Unpleasantries and the attraction to noise will leave curiosity wanting to play,
once involved with the madness you will fall for seduction like a dog in heat.
Open heart from the drums rhythm will leave you wanting more each new day,
but the sound is once a month because other feel the soul of the beat.
manicsurvival Nov 2013
More time spent on you
precious time with my best friend
You horribly perfect being
What am I saying?
I love you more than I ever thought someone could love another human being
I want to stargaze with you and eat donuts late at night
I want to be in your bed and cuddle for days
You've controlled me for so long now
Does your power over me make you love me less?
Has my unconditional affection somehow deterred you?

Tell me what I can do

People tell me that together we're ridiculous and that it's sick
But we both know sick
and this isn't sick

This is right


I dont know how to put my love for you any other way besides this poem
because right now you're probably ******* to pictures of her as I sit here wondering if I'll ever touch you again

Please see me
recognize me
love me


I know that its hard for you because you've been through so much
but right now you seem to be the solution to all of my problems
and the remedy to my distress
dont love me less than you love her because I AM HERE for you
and I am RIGHT


Love me half as much as I love you

I see the suffering in your eyes
the happiness in your smile

Im confused beyond confusion and the only thing blurring my thoughts is you

Send me a message


any form of "I want to be with you" will do
despite the inconveniences and unpleasantries you may cause me

Love me
Dannie Marie Oct 2016
The silence is deafening
And so painful are the memories.
So damaged was I in love
The rose colored glasses masked our unpleasantries.

You have scarred me
And the nights promise pain.
You made me feel less than enough.
This shadow lurks silently as it preys on my sane.

I have become stronger now, yes
I have become wiser indeed.
The only trouble I face now
Is finding someone who gives me what I need.
CharlesC May 2020
Simply asking for
Our attention Inward..
This the purpose of
Those unpleasantries we
Are right now confronting..
These are both major and
Subtle..It is the pull of
Grace..which has been
Pulling since we were cast
In the dream of separation...
Anna Mar 2015
I’m afraid to speak up
because it gives you another item
to add to the list as to why
we are not compatible.
After all of these years
it must hold quite the caliber.
And whatever I say seems to come out wrong
because you dismiss me as being hateful and jaded
and that you no longer wish to converse with me,
as if depression is another term for being
a hormonal teenager and that it is contagious.
You can’t beg me to tell you what’s on my mind
and then close your eyes during all of the unpleasant parts
because these unpleasantries are my reality.
I’ve learned to only offer edited monologues.
You seem to stick around.
But I feel more empty than when you left.
Anthony Sarch Feb 2015
She roamed naked under the crimson moon
With her heart eclipsed and broken
From piercing words that wounded her soul
As tears rolled slowly down her cheeks
To the cold ground covered in eerie mist,
Her lips and body trembling with ghastly cold winds
Blowing upon her with impure thoughts roaming
Her head as confusion sets in as her eyes darken,
Leaving her numb all over from the unpleasantries
That occurred this night to her from one she thought
Was her love but a sinister demon with wicked intent
To cause petrifying horror upon her body and soul
As his words cut her as his claws against her flesh,
Inflicting unbearable pain with his torment and torture
Against her weary body he smothered with his
To quench thirst from her sweet nectar that left her
Breathless once fangs entered her neck,
Stifling the sounds that came from her voice in pain
Of onslaught upon her as his onyx eyes blared
Hells fury as Ravens flew above with an evil soul
That illuminated through the demon into her to be born.
Batchelor Apr 2020
The bones ache, down to the marrow.

Creaking and sighing til you come back.

It's gonna take a while to get the skin used to your absence.

It's gonna be a while before the poison wears off.

Yours is the language of the body which I have to stop speaking.
Bilateral, aching.

October 2017.
ashley walters Oct 2018
but it felt good.
the open front door,
the peeled varnish,
upon frail wood
- swollen,
to gradually bend off
two rusted hinges.

it served only as a written invitation
for all critters and
once shut out
to linger in the cold.

i stacked my things
in cracked boxes,
upon cracked shelves.
ancient coffee rings printed
from the base of ***** mugs,
like half-moons,
on the lips of wooden panels
drenched in whitewash.

a bare face bathed
chin up, clenched eyelids
in the light of a sky outside.
a hollow echo,
the dripping of water
inside this vacant cave.
the china cup is half full.

a single pull, transitional.
the separation of two stars.
from an upcoming, insignificant, small project - 'mars'
n o i r Feb 2015
I have not known fear, but the
unpleasantries that often are emotion.
A purpose - to care, to need, to understand,
to love - is needed.
Without one, a desire, perhaps a dream,
this life could not exist.
I feel a pain, that of a heart left wanting,
waiting for that which will be real.
Yet there is a fear, a lingering shadow that,
I think, may last if I let it.
For a time, I will cast you aside, not down and away,
so that I may be at peace.
Truth is what I hunger for.
That satisfaction in knowing that my world is set right.
To know that it is possible, to feel safe and protected, is what I seek.
I will not put this aside, a distant memoir kept within the pages of a dusty book.
It remains, images as real and alive as my hand cast into snow.
To say goodbye to a dream is as if to say that it never belonged; that it was never wanted.
That which is lacking is imperfect.
Seek it, but you will not find.
In a world riddled with wounds, one cannot have everything.
I seek only what pacifies my spirit.
originally written circa July 2013
Elinor Apr 2019
My mother unravels her ball of yarn.
Her fingers; wrinkled and sallow
tug between the threads of negativity
until she finds a strand thick enough
to weave me into.
She is familiar with how it feels to hold me,
so it takes mere seconds.
And she begins to knit.
A web of negative thoughts,
spiralled patterns of negative action.
I'm trapped behind a blanket of unpleasantries that you knitted for me
and it's heavy
and it hurts to hold
and it's beginning to suffocate.
Who'd have known it would be my mother's own handiwork
that collapsed my lungs.
Her craft knots itself around me
and I'm shackled.
The heart she gave me begins to slow.
The organs she grew for me are failing.
The breaths that she waited nine months for are weakening.
I shrivel, like a newborn again.
Like HER newborn again.
Maybe, like this, she will want me once more.
does she realise?
Emma Ely Dec 2018
You don’t know who sadness is.
You and anger are not on a first-name-basis.
You’ve never sat down,
and talked with embarrassment.
You shut hurt into a closet,
and stuff pain under the bed.
You don’t open the door,
when fear comes knocking,
and you changed your address,
so that guilt cannot find you.

You think you’re so clever-
that only happiness knows your name,
that confidence is your best pal.
You think you’ve tricked fate,
avoided the indignation of the world.

And maybe you have.
But in doing so,
you have eluded many other things.

You don’t know appreciation
-which comes from grief.
You don’t know calmness
-that comes from anger.
You don’t know devotion
-born from vulnerability.

Perhaps the most tragic of your losses
is the absence of love.
The beautiful parts of love
that come from knowing fear,
pain, anger, sadness, remorse,
and the other unpleasant colors of life.

I know love-
he is an old friend of mine.
He joins me and grief some days.
He comes to visit when cruelty has overstayed her welcome.
He even makes surprise visits, after anger
has left her destructive path.

To avoid the darkness might afford you
the comfort of escaping many of life’s unpleasantries,
But it will cost you.
The appreciation of
true joy
true peace
and true love.
Don't ever be afraid of feeling too much.
Ben At93 Sep 2016
I always had a struggle when it comes to remembering,
The things that I misplaced,
And the places I've once been,

Memories are so treacherous, vile and repulsive little things,

One moment you're lost in a carnival of delight,
Swinging by the moon and all the stars at your site,

Next it takes you somewhere you don't want to be,
Some place dark and cruel filled with damp ans ambiguous shapeless things you'd rather unsee,

Memories can be harsh and dangerous pieces of our beings,

But can we live without them?
They are what our reason is based on,
In the lives that we lead they serve as a chain,
They are the reason we know right from wrong,
Love from hate,
And good from evil,

Denying them,
Is denying reason itself.

What's so wrong with that really??
Its not like they are diamonds on the edge of our feet,
Its not like we are contractionally tied down to rationality,

We can still live the life less worried if we recant sanity,
Take an exit to our unpleasantries,
Ought to a haven of ultimate reality,

So when you find yourself locked in,
On a train,
Heading to a place in your past where screaming is unavoidable,
Remember this.....

There is a pill of freedom,
A place of peace,
The welcoming kingdom,
A cup of relief,
And I call it insanity


Inspired by The Joker
Javanne Mar 2019
It’s been weeks
Weeks, I say!
The sun stirs me from my dark nights
Leaving me with an unfamiliar...warmth?

I don’t despise it
It’s been a welcome change from
The sunken eyes and
Miasma of unpleasantries

Now the sun
bathes me in its glow
Never afraid to
Burn me with its tremendous affection and adulation
I can feel it's joyful intentions

Even birds must land
And when they land on gravelled road
Their wings sore from their journey
So too, they whimper towards the night sky
Hoping for anything to listen to their woes

It’s been weeks
Weeks, I say!
The sun may be my friend
But the night is family

It hears my yearning
Like a cat of the alleys
That shrieks and hisses
Fending off the night’s terrors

It listens in its silence
And utters nothing but thought
And sometimes
That's more than enough.
A/N:  ahh yes a poem for world poetry day nice lol.
It's been awhile, how's everyone doing?
Delton Peele Jul 2021
Oh way far away
Somewhere wherewith
My heart doeth pine
Along granite ladden beach line.
Unpleasantries decay.
Relaxed I lay
The fragrance of alpine
My mind unwinds
.....I'm free ......
And everything's sanguine.
Induced with crystalline clarity
I'm inclined to see
that which is wearing me
Somehow now petty
It's just silly
I let these things
Fret me so easily.
My chest doubles
In size
With ease I do breath.
Now I have to decide shall I stay
Or leave
Where the starsvshine
with pride..
Alive .
Avast emotional gulf manifested; courtesy
series of unfortunate events; sundered
biologically accorded, cherished, enshrined
paternal bond; resultant dereliction defies,
justifies, ratifies...dissonance; unbearable
hindsight excoriates impropriety reviewing

***** deeds done dirt cheap; impossible mission
to excise indelibly etched psychological
impacted repercussions upon mine fountainhead;
weighing excruciating deserved self loathing;
permanently deplorable depravity yoked;
unyielding choke hold, no longer asking

forgiveness, but airing errant culpability;
dada's guilt indefensible impropriety; begetting
permanent fallout; exacting just desserts; bitter
regret beast of burden (oxe see *****) housed
within self made villain; unjust to impinge your
providential opportunities, whose blessed smarts

plus unfettered, unencumbered, undaunted...
daring do promise productive existence par
excellence, versus anxiety riddled torturous
legacy writ large across countenance this papa;
analogously das scribe bing mortal epitaph, while
dark shadows haunt this edgy rusty knight, who

once pawn time shrugged off mischievous
lascivious actions as payback; recognizably erred;
misperceptions (mine); deduced ex post facto,
when the missus doled out unpleasantries;
exploding anger; vented regarding significant
roiling perturbations harkening to her own

unrepentant poisonous stinging toxicity;
delivered courtesy birth parents; hands lack
king awareness to rock cradle with tender
loving care, hence burdened with childhood
tsoris prior to accepting yours truly as life
contra dance partner these preceding xxii+

years avoiding unseemly behavior; aware
that the mother of our two darling daughters
doth love and forgive me, though recouping
similar results with first offspring may remain
tense, and many years past not a happy camper.
yellow-thoughts Jan 2022
let's close our eyes and immerse into
some sweet lingering thoughts in the air
while the space in between is empty
and silence cannot reach out of it
we'll jump on the next free cloud

are you ready to spill your imagination?
use the bucket which is on your neck
sliding under the unpleasantries
in search for your destinies voice
but no dream can give you a straight answer

wait a while here for an idea to disappear
because that's what you get
lying in the labyrinth of your mind
sit straight while I do the work
setting this dream on the right rode
yv Mar 2019
In the dark room came moonlight
Gently peeking, filling it with light
Taking sight of unpleasantries
Yet somehow still beautiful

With pale skin, and brown dull eyes
Her long hair flailing around
She's painted in red with excess
dripping dripping dripping

An artwork of demons in her own head
Emotions engraving abstractions on skin
With blades as her pen
The blood colored in

The sight is intoxicating
Realing you in, it is hypnotizing
How beautifully painted in red
How void of emotions, how dead.
A masterpiece
honey Feb 2023
from [redacted]. to [redacted]. to [redacted].

first impressions have always failed us.
i'm sorry.
sweet and shy quickly burned into a numb saccharine.
i apologize for the unpleasantries.
for i know that i may appear gentle but i do bite
and i merely wanted to show you my teeth.

you're beautiful.
i could never tell you so up close
but since we've met, i've counted every lash on your lower lid and chased strays across your cheeks behind my eyes every night before i sleep.

i loved you a stomach's full.
when i got home i rewinded your every word slowly like a vhs tape
dissected and digested each sound steadily
hid every syllable under my tongue to feast upon later
and let the fricatives kiss the front of my teeth.
i let the rolling, darkness of your timbre shiver down my spine and up again.
baby boy, your accent is guttural
yet your tongue never clips.
you give it to me straight,
sweet legato flowing from your lips.
your words are movements
and our conversations symphonic
it hurts most of all that to have earned your silence

would you mind if we just talked some things out?
if you forgot every time i disappointed you
and viewed me as a woman
i don't ask that you forgive me,
but know that i'm sorry.

you made me angry.
a hell of a lot.
teeth shattering
lung seizing
6/8 time signature heart beating
seeing and tasting copper
dog mad
and all for reasons i can't admit.

i've loved you a night's full
past the brim of isha
to the lips of salatul duha.
i prayed istikhara in the last third of the night
when God descended to the stars
as if to proclaim my love to Him and the billions of celestial witnesses

i greedily want it all
all of you
to taste every smile
true or for show
to wipe away your tears
and lay your head on my chest
to coax out the little boy inside you're afraid to share with everyone else.
to have your trust and make you feel like a man all the same.
can i be that for you?
Chris May 2021
there's an enemy sleeping in the skin
that i've been wasting in
there's a day or two a week i don't
get anything done but thinking
when you dialed into nothingness
you knew it all along;
you can't know anything at all.
some days feel like a revelation, but
you knew it all along;
you can't know anything at all.

you talked to pete and kate,
you talked to mom, to god,
and even alice in the backseat
but you left words pinned to the scene just for me
croaking about the summer the world sprang from my lungs
still yourself with love and
guilt and void
i am the holiest of unholy thoughts
gravitating toward your tongue.

banished from your front door
and there's no one standing guard
around your bed
while they're disorganizing drawers
like it was folly how it was before
i see your embrace unfurl in the lazy lawn
i'm stuck behind.

weeding retrospection out and shying away
leave no room for unpleasantries.
memories fog with care and
stow away the wilt and pain
and the grass that lies above you is
sleeping through the rain.

something scattered in you grows
and weaves and blooms through tattered clothes
i thought i saw or perhaps mistook
your shadow flying on the sidewalk
but maybe i'll just read you bend
gently through a blade of grass
and that's just fine too,
stay yourself and send me something green
here every summer, again and again.
Gary burns Aug 2021
Well am still on this road, that holds no gold , just a *** of sour memories,
The more I search , there is no help just people with false dreams.
I drunk them dreams took em too the streams of unfashionable places to be ,

Got wrote off tore off drunk some more of the jailer I called queen .
Layed my head down sought the liquid crown , and that was the end for me.
Or so I thought
Till I lost the plot in a small town just of the Ochiltree  vally.
Queer folks rambling,  trading anything for gambling , drinkin gut rot home stilled unpleasantries,
I picked my way , from this  darkest of  days and now lie in my wooden box regardless
Allison Wonder Nov 2019
Goin out of my mind
with thoughts of unpleasantries
wish to leave behind
all these memories

Body is in haywire
from lack of medication
scars now she must acquire
trying to take some action

Unable to sit still
and just be at one with the moment
wonder who's will
would be on such a hunt

Unfair to be so miserable
and at war with oneself
scary the things inside this skull
and the things it wants to do to itself
Rat Mar 2020
Stare at me out car windows
And whisper unpleasantries
I’ll keep dancing in the street
With hair aglow and eyes alight.
Call me madwoman if you like,
But at least I’m still able to dance.

— The End —