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Nishu Mathur Mar 2024
No ode for you, periwinkles
No exalted verse or prose
No lover's gift you will be
Unlike the regal rose
Not placed in summer bouquets
In vases - never seen
Nor gracing dark tresses
Nor found in floats of dreams
Yet sweet you are to me
Happy in blue and white
With your merry little faces
Like fairies and lithe sprites.
Peppyraindrop Jul 2018
Colors mix in the vainest of ways,
in the strangest of states.

A sunset makes sense
blue, pink and yellow shine soft,
exchanging compliments.

but if a bird shares his view
blue is how to fly, how to wash,
and how to feed.

What does that mean?

Pastels know how to dance.
Have you watched them before?
They lift hearts and tickle hairs.
They don't care what's on your mind,
but give each thought a chair.
It's a world of wonder through
their eyes. Let us explore.
Let us try.

If you’re feeling bold,
mix in some orange, wild green,
rich plum.
Ramble and embrace and relish
in the present tick of the clock,
before the paint dries
and we‘re back to the start.

When we're curious,
change the palette to gold.
Add some earth to the mix,
browns and tans to keep us grounded.
Canary to teach us courage,
honey to give us a hold.
You are every shade of yellow,
all at once, never cold.

Can I tell you a secret?

There is wonder in the deep hues.
Magic in the woods.
The night sky is brilliant
if you think to look,
look up,
with purple swirls
and silver ideals.
Mystery fills the lavenders
and the periwinkles and the crystal cyans
and whimsical teals.
There is uncertainty in the depth.
The ocean waves are fierce,
hard to control,
the dreams free,
the souls impossible to mold.
There is extraordinary wisdom,
Every heartbeat a way to pray
new ways to see in the twilight,
perspectives that are invisible in the day.

Is that what scared you away?

For I am the blue,
the cornflower petals
far from the path
the space between the sky
and the world
when the sun goes down
the sapphire glints floating far from the learned,
from what you know.

When I asked you to stay,
and you promised me time,
I thought it was in our shade
it was yours, not mine.
Do you mind?
Being stuck, dried up in the fear of it all?
Yes. You can stay in the hues
you know all too well.
Maybe ask amber for a dance,
have coffee with cream,
snuggle close to mustard,
hold on to bronze's warmth.
Don't mix too carelessly,
Be careful the paints don’t touch,
the brushstrokes don’t show
It could ruin the lines.
Remember your lines.
Stay safe. Stay yellow.

What if we turned the wheel?
There is curiosity in your blood,
I can feel it waiting to bleed.
Like watercolor,
Searching for the canvas to accept its gift.
You are eager to skip into another palette
you are ready to see another world.
Let's feel all the hues,
use every shade,
dance with the primaries,
one two step, one two.
Mix up the tone with their creations,
until we invent new pigments,
until we run out of names
for all our formulations and hues
Let us walk the rainbow.
Turning light to color
Back to light again
Let me show you my view.

I know. You know.
You never know
what you'll get.
Painting with the rain
instead of an arranged set
can lead to a storm, nothing but grey,
nothing but dark,
but at least even then
there's no regret.

Yes, colors mix in the vainest of ways, the strangest of states.

And perhaps yellow and blue don't have any more skies to paint.
The smell of periwinkles
helped me a lot when
I was a child
in a way that the stench
makes me think that the world
is just as beautiful.

The smell of periwinkles
still helps me a lot
now that I've grown and
still growing
in a way that the stench
makes me remember
how beautiful the world
used to be.
writing random childhood memories out
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
At the sound of my name, I see the faces
turn and smiles of many friends;
Queen Sue of Ruikruya in her lilac silks,
Queen Sarita of Khaikar in orange silks,
Queen Deb of Daegeral in magenta,
Queen Kim of Geniael in creams,
Queen Robin of Naeneiana in periwinkles,
Queen Fawn of Yuamor in red-violets,
Queen Dawn of Khesian in dandelion-orange,
Queen Jugnu of Enuryn in jade-greens,
Queen Yidna of Puhan in indigos,
Queen Cne of Phelyra in turquoise,
Queen Xaela of Lonusea in peach,
Queen Ayumi of Wadia in tan-gold,
Queen Sheila of Naizzuzia in cornflower-blue,
Queen Stars of Yurithireatha in green-yellow

King Edmund and his wife in matching
forest-greens attires,
King Omni of Khaniel in silvers,
King Emeka of Ghalali in white,
King Devon of Monait in blue-violets,
King Fugue of Thavia in blacks,
King Yacov of Igrador in olive-green,
King Joseph of Eaqellurene in bronze,
King Fredrick of Emirinait in mauve,
King Rob of Balan in sea-green,
King John of Khesian in melon-red,
King Aslam of Ikaesa in deep plum,
King Brandon of Huarean in ocher,
King Kikodinho of Izugalla in taupe,
King Jobira of Zavalon in orange-red
and many many more.

And last but not least, King Paul of
Luciuscemi himself in emerald-and-gold.
He wears his favourite emerald green
jacket with ruby buttons, bright gold
embroidery of suns and lions; his sleeves
stitched with pearls and rubies to match
the red sash across his chest; his trousers
black as are his boots, but even they have
gold laces.
I received messages saying part 7 wasn't seen...
Come on, HP! I'll have to split this in half also.
Anyway, alot of names were dropped so please
To Rob and Yidna in particular,  thank you very much for your kind comments! They mean alot. Don't worry, I still have them - it's just made it private.
Thank you all so so much, truly!
I'm truly grateful.
Lyn ***
Marian Apr 2013
The sun shines upon the trees
With its warm red glow
And the sunrays shine upon the trees
Where birds perch in the branches and sing
Where flowers secretly unfurl their soft petals and sweetness
Where bluebells grow and cover the ground
In purplish-blue
Where the sky is forever sapphire blue
Where the violets and moss grow
Where the breezes dance and caress my fair cheeks
Where periwinkles bloom
And peach blossoms unfurl their petals
And lift up their heads
And feel the warm sunshine on their pink cheeks
And where Fairies dance and waltz
At nighttime when Night wears her dark
Majestic gown of celestial beauty
Where the Fairies dance
And play Enchanted instruments
Like the harp
Which brings forth its nocturnal melodies
That dance upon the air
Which is perfumed with dazzling flowers
That bloom at Night
Where mist lingers in the sky
And sunrays dance upon its
Beautiful path
Where sunsets greet the west
And where sunrises say hello to Dawn
And where Dusk settles bringing
The dancing Fairies
That hush the world to sleep
With their sweet lullabies

© Marian All Rights Reserved
The houses are haunted
By white night-gowns.
None are green,
Or purple with green rings,
Or green with yellow rings,
Or yellow with blue rings.
None of them are strange,
With socks of lace
And beaded ceintures.
People are not going
To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
Only, here and there, an old sailor,
Drunk and asleep in his boots,
Catches tigers
In red weather.
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
an anthracite & brown mass undulating seagulls' lost cries
& the summertime fishermen are gone
& you no longer wear that red dress, Carmen
sifting through ***** Sea foam
for periwinkles & pecten raveneli*
no longer barefoot on the Beach
& a child no longer asks for ice cream
the trees,  rabid in their colors,
age creeps in with the increasing litter
& the stars shine coldly now
& the wind is picking up
the drifting remains of love
& packing them away
until Christmas
* periwinkles & pecten raveneli - are different types of Seashell
Zoë Apr 2014
I sit on the rocks
watching the water
splash against them,
missing my feet
by an inch or two.
The small shells stuck
to the rock motionless
unlike the tide.
I gently pull one off
and hum to it.
It partially reveals itself
and I smile
throwing it back into
the sea wondering
where it goes now.
wren Feb 2019
flowers bloom in our heart
i bloom eternal tulips
but in You, only periwinkles can grow
why am i always back to you

Like periwinkle blooms
Bright and upright
Glossy white
Anew the day
Happy New Year
Love and peace

Black Petal Sep 2022
There is a plot of land near my home which once housed an abundance of flora and fauna.

Turtles, birds, rabbits, snakes, wild dogfennel, pines, periwinkles, alamandas and southern river sage thrived in this space which now boasts only an open plot of beige mounds, cement cylinders, and monstrous machines.

I grimace at its "progress" daily.

Across the street, a large patch of wildflowers sit up and gaze upon this scene.

Day after day,
Erupting from the blue-eyed grass,
A family of spanish needle
and Mexican petunias
turn their blooms toward the beeping and the clunking of machines.

White peacock butterflies and red-tipped dragonflies dance around the feeding bees. I'd like to be like the flowers. To bloom rebelliously in the face of greed and destruction. Even though soon, they will be gone too.
Marian Aug 2014
Yes, we shall walk through ferns as tall as our waist
And step over the beige colored mushrooms
We'll sit down and dream beside the creek
And let the melody of a cello and harp duet
Refresh us and give us strength anew
We'll live inside that old-fashioned home
With lovely wallpaper in nearly every room
We'll sit down together on the comfortable window seat
Overlooking the dreamy farm with tall, tall grass
And rustic fences here and there in those verdant pastures
We can sip cold Dr. Pepper on the privacy of our verandah
Enjoying the silence together--me and you
We'll stroll through gardens full of iris blooms
Take walks down our flowering cherry tree lane
Walk inside the beautiful forest with wild honeysuckle vines
And periwinkles carpeting the forest floor
Yes, we'll wander aimlessly all day
Maybe walk a few dogs and ride some horses
This is our dream that may never come true
But we'll keep on wishing for it--me and you

Written for my Mom Hilda inspired by the poem she wrote for me
Titled 'My Dream For You'!!!
Enjoy!!! ~~~<3
Marian Jul 2014
Summertime awakens the redolent flowers

It brings to life again the day

Rebirth of the stars

Raindrops become my healing balm

And thunder my elixir

Demure fawns gallop gracefully

Across the woodland’s fallen trees

And the sky is arrayed

In cloaks of fragrant mist

The forest’s familiar scent of petrichor

Fills the moss laden air

And hidden periwinkles glisten with dewdrops

Sweet summertime has returned once more

Her usual fugacious beauty

Kind of got carried away with some big words here!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy it anyway! ~~~~<3 :)
Marian Feb 2014
Tall Trees Reach Up
To Touch The Sapphire Sky
Red Dirt Paths Accent Nicely
With Green Grass And Nodding Ferns
All's Tranquil And Peaceful
In The Beautiful Forest
Sun Rays Slant Their Rich, Warm, Honeyed Light
Across The Dirt Paths
Winding Here And There
Spring Beauties Grow Beside The Path
Washed With Rain Their Blue Petals
Sweetly Scented Japanese Irises
Unfurl Their Blooms Towards The Sky
In The Forest Everything Is Quiet And Calm
It Heals Your Wounds And Brings Peace To Your Soul
Further On As We Walk Mist Fills The Air
All Around Inside The Forest
And All Around The Rich Red Path
A Hushed Spot Of Lavender
Grows Quietly Almost Without Being Seen
Periwinkles Refreshed With Dew Awakes
To The Bright Blue Sky And Twirling Mist
And Everything Is Beautiful And Green
We Walk Hand And Hand Unseen
Amidst The Pines And Dazzling Furs
We Smile And Our Eyes Dance
For We Are The Fairies
Who Will Forever Live
In The Forest

Just A Simple Poem Which Drifted Through My Head
And Made Me Feel Very Happy!!!! :) ~~~~<3
So, I Thought I'd Share It Here!!! :) ~~~~<3
Please Enjoy It!!! (: ~~~~~~~<3
Valsa George May 2016
Before my eyes,
The sea stretches far;
An infinite scroll of chiffon
Rolling and unrolling
In shades of green and sapphire

In its sedate hours of brooding silence
A calm expanse with feeble waves
As if seized by an uncanny lassitude
Lying in majesty
Swirling in ecstasy

Within this mammoth silver submarine,
How many mysterious live forms thrive!
What curious shaped corals, what all sea urchins!
What wealth of fish, what gigantic mammals!

Between the blue sky above
And the blue sea below
I see seagulls fly,
The long beaked pelicans prey,
Grampuses heaving their huge form
Above the calm surface
And the milky spray
Tossing shiny pearls
Upon the stretching naked strands

I can see a distant sail
And the hull of a ship
Gliding over undulating waves
Leaving a frothy trail of foam behind
With water churning and spiraling around
Where sharks and seals and dolphins swim

Piles of silver clouds move above
And the golden sands stretch below
With periwinkles, ***** and shells
Scattered by the receding waves

Splashing tides, dancing weeds
Rising crescendo, falling rhythm

Oh! What a splendid scene
In the rosy gleam of this evening!
What delectable mélange
Of tinkling sensory delights!
Oh honey child!
Whither are you going?
Your wedding cakes are on the hearth
Thither they are glowing.
People are coming
To bless you
For your bliss ahead
Oh honey child!
Whither are you going?

Your wedding gown
Decked up with
The chicest of jewels
Waits in silence
To witness
As your accompaniment
The storm of joy
Of merriment
And good hope
Oh honey child!
Whither are you going?

The honey bride says
I know not what calls me
To the nature's lap
The woods
So dense and deep
Periwinkles and wild roses
Daisies and vivid poses
Of the sceneries
Of Mother nature
Oh mother
I know not
My feet are chasing
Someone unknown

Oh honey child
Marriage is bliss
Why do you face away
And give
Your life's fortunes
A 'sad' miss?
The master groom comes
Lay your hands on his
Exchange the garlands
Of love and life's vows
Find your way
Merrily with his
Oh honey child
Handsomely would he come
And take you
For he is your loving bridegroom
Honey child'honey child!
Whither are you going?

The spirits of joy
The scent of
Blissful solitude
And beautiful happiness
The song
Of the koil scented
And the unknown
Merry wilderness
Calls me
O mother
Not will I stay
I will go.....
Inspired by someone....
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
Fowl meadow grass - Glyceria striata - the striations
on the lemma. Drooping rachis
a weeping willow of a grass.

Recurring periwinkles, myrtle, Vinca.
Helicopter petals. Evergreen leaves.
Escaped from gardens, alien or native?

A little further by the spruce stand
a new mustard, cuckoo flower - Cardamine -
with pinnately compound leaves. What a find!

A good day turns bad.
After you've died, one of them dogs digs up your grave.
You may sit in the rain and think.

Maiden pink.
The dark circle inside the flower
a g-string or garter.

O to fail well. To lay low. To live long.
To run slow. Feel the hill. Pressing down.
Do less. Until one thing's done well.
Marian May 2013
The sound of bees in a tree
Making their honey
Dripping and sweet
The song of birds
The sound of the clear gurgling lake
Little fishes darting in and out
Bears hidden in that beautiful forest
Resting in the shade
Butterflies without a care
Dancing lazily on the breeze
Which caresses my sweaty face
The smell of honeysuckles
Leaves me breathing in
The heavenly smells of Summer
Smells of rain
Drifts through hot afternoon
Indicates a thunderstorm
A path of periwinkles
Leads me to a world
Too beautiful to be true
A world that takes my breath away
Little peach blossoms opening
Their sweet pink petals
Their softness reflecting
The shade of cotton candy clouds
When the sun sets or rises
It's just a lovely Summer Day
Yet words cannot describe
How beautiful it is

Stanley Wilkin Jan 2016
In ragged feet, I rushed across the bridge-
Gleaming periwinkles flourished in the distant fields
Reflecting the cloud-free sky,
Golden sunflowers pitted the hills like pus. In the distance,
Fringed with yellow and red, stood a tent
And within was the warlord, aged now and grizzled,
His parchment skin and toothless smile a rebuke
To his youthful triumphs.
His guards parted. I entered
Into a swirling fog of scent
A floor covered in bright-coloured carpets.
Gesturing, the old man bade I move closer
And, belly swollen by hunger, I slowly advanced.
Touching my forehead with a wrinkled finger
He said: “You are my successor.”

I ate well for months.
I was given my own guards,
My own beautiful tent.
Even though only a boy
I received several lovers.
Those around me always listened
To my words. They obeyed.
Every other day, beneath the pubescent
Glare of the early sun,
I hunted deer and lions, protected
By a hundred archers. Every day
I dined on venison.

The old king rarely left the camp.
Late morning he donned his shimmering,
Armour, reflecting shards of brilliant light,
And for an hour reviewed his warriors
On the nearby heath, soured by winds. He,
A wretched old man wrapped in ermine.
After, as a whim, sending them off to die,
Dribbling from his lips, beneath sunken cheeks
And rheumy eyes, at the end of his creeping
Days. Returning to his tent, swaddled
By remembrances. Impotent in body and mind.

We played cards together once a month
Surrounded by slaves. The candelabras burst
With perfumed radiance: musicians played
Soothing songs on cymbals, drums and flutes.
Girls danced; swinging, pirouetting,
Leaping in the excited manner of newly-born fawns.
The air grew heavy with dust.
The air grew pungent with odour.
Scattered around were dishes of date and melon.

“When I die, twenty years from now,” he began, smiling,
Popping a date into his mouth. “You will be king.
And rule as I ruled. A celebrated warrior and judge.
A killer of thieves, destroyer of cities. When old,
As I now am old, you too will seek a successor-
A ragged, hungry boy born to rule, who one day
Walks into your home.”

The king dipped a date into goat’s milk.
He watched me as an owl watches a mouse,
His moist lips smacking audibly. “But that will
Be many years from now.” He continued.
He smiled again, the smile of a torturer.

Within the year I lead his armies,
Rampaging across the wild, blasted plains
And to the walls of distant cities
Leaving piles of bones. I returned
With wagons full of gold, dragging behind
A thousand slaves. The king meanwhile
Lounged in his garlanded tent eating sweets,
Hoarding his growing wealth, washed and perfumed
By half-naked handmaidens.

After two years I planned his death,
And claimed the kingdom for myself.

When spring came the mountain rain fell, the rivers overflowed,
The sun was a yellow bud,
My armies rested on the hills
Polishing their weapons with dew.
The king had ordered veal that day cooked in spices
From the east. He drank watered wine.
The multitude of slaves sang love songs with pitiful voices.
I stole into his tent at twilight.
He lay asleep on his divan, bloated and belching.
A warbler burbled in the trees,
A jay cackled from bushes by the water’s edge.
I lifted my knife and softly approached
His slumbering form. He opened his eyes and smiled
As I buried it in his chest.

I sit on a throne surrounded by my
Endlessly-victorious regiments, king of a thousand lands, eating
Fruits from India, chewing fragrant leaves from the furthest isles where the sun
Burns forever. I have grown fat.
I have grown old. I look out towards the bridge,
Cracked, worn, covered with vines, vexed by the
Rivers surging tides. I search the horizon
For a ragged boy bringing in his unblemished soul
My death.
Ms Tang Mar 2014
Memories like faded Monet’s

windswept pastels and periwinkles

permeate into one hour. The Blue Hour...

the hour lost in the world of egg yolks

Pirouetting the equator line

that divides

the latitude that lusted for the sun, the stars,

the cobalt sky.

with solace it longed to be departed from

The milk washed violet dreams

where vigor seeks

a meteoric silence that ushered

Azure rays igniting light

that cracks behind the clouds beaming

whispers of secrets

unveiling echoes of Gymnopedie No.1

As it dances in the breeze

The wind doused by the rhythm of

the pulsating waves by the indigo shore

Deafens my senses
   Deafens me
      Deafens my world.
Leigh Apr 2015
Candy floss and a visit to the arcade:
That's all it took to bring things back an hour
to the moment before a missed step.

Panic, pandemonium, a parallel universe
is what I came to; Landed, rag-dolled on a weather-worn,
rice field imitation rock. What I would give to see myself

From the edge. To see the angles my body chose
while I was away bringing my dearest to my side.
First I collected my sister with a scream that belongs

Only in stories that deal with grief: Guttural.
Come to think of it, that acrid ancestral call didn't belong to me.
I wasn't the one who pricked her from her periwinkles

And guided her over the barnacles to become a silhouette.
It wasn't me who dragged the adrenaline-fueled arms and legs
of an undressed, distressed father from his bed, through the

Haze of his own thoughts: a descent he wont soon forget.
I wasn't there. The things I describe are born of a situation
I have spent fifteen years rebuilding; I'm ashamed to say

I missed it. I never felt the chaotic shift of the wind and was never  
able to expect the worst because I was too enthralled with her face.
It was my sole focus as I lay down.

I watched intently - in slow motion - distortion explode into
her cheeks, tearing her mouth to the seams; scared eyes
enveloping lids and unwavering, taking me all in.  

I have no doubt she remembers the moment as well as i do,
Probably more so, for she experienced the backwash.
She was certainly shown the quickest way down.

I remember that it was beautiful that day:
A real Irish-sunburn peak in Liscannor Bay.
I also remember walking down the garden

To the cliff stenciled on the back of my hand
with the cheerful arrogance only an eight year old
can get away with.

When i was young, I experienced real irony for the first time but didn't quite know it. While showing my aunt, along with my little cousin the safest, easiest, quickest way down a cliff, i fell from it. This is my attempted recollection of events.

wyle tan Sep 2017
Pink Periwinkles waving along
Various birds singing together
Amidst cool breeze
Under shadows of a palm tree
Listening in the garden of my home
Peace, solitude.
Oh, what a blissful life.
Written on 20 September 2017 at Clementi, Singapore.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
let the mice tinker
with the tall clock
the crystal face
and line up the shots
of brandy and crisp air. harried by gnats
and periwinkles.
click your heels
then stroll the damage parlors
of your savage days.
and mark the night
a blessed pandemonium
that features an appearance
of a meaning to it all
with all the candor of an imaginary sage
and a vow of silence.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
Rosy mists breaks skies
Dawn is painting the new day
Periwinkles sway

Smooth, glassy ponds
Sunrise flares sweet spokes of light
Noble groves of trees

Koi fish glide smoothly
Glimmer through seaweed like pearls
Their eyes shine with joy

A tree dew drop falls
Kiss the pool and forms dimples
Near to far rose shades
Had a trip to a park today. For once, the sun was shining, the sky was clear and the breeze was perfect. I sat at the top of the hill, closed my eyes and just imagined a quiet place in mind. So here it is!

Been a while since I wrote a classic haiku.
This was so lucid, it's kinda scary. Man, I really AM getting better at this! ^-^
*Lyn pats herself on the back*
Thank God for zen music!
Hope you like it and feel as tranquil as I did.

Be back soon!
Lyn ***
May Dec 2017
blossomed periwinkles
with hues of rose
beneath the silver veil
and atop the emerald diamonds
danced with the zephyr
for the dead silence
paiting the coals of darkness
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Sparkles, pollen sprinkles.
My how the garden grows,
Pink flowers, diminutive blue flowers, only periwinkles.
Smell the scent of garden flowers wafting neath thy nose.

Bumblebees and honey pots.
Flowers and foliage.
Red and orange, pale love it lingers, forget me nots.
Garden flowers, wild flowers, sunny skies, all the rage.

Butterflies and honey bees.
Alighting on the petals bright.
Bees with pollen sacks, strapped around their knees.
Keeping the garden growing right.

With but a dash of rainwater, flowers tended by thy daughter.
Flowers in the precious garden growing as they ought ta.
God made a garden just for me,
And He filled it with pink and purple peonies.
In this garden He said I'll never grow old,
I will thrive in a field of the brightest marigolds.
Where I will play and dance like a kid,
I'll be wild and free just like the native orchids.
In this garden all will be bliss and tranquil,
And my soul will rest amongst dazzling daffodils.
This garden grows above where the stars twinkle,
And is beaming with bees buzzing past periwinkles.
In this garden there will be no serpents who tease,
Only streams decorated with laughing lilies.
In this garden that I'll soon call my home,
There will be pink and white baby cleomes.  
Up in the sky beyond where eyes have seen,
There is a garden God made and it's waiting for me.
magalí Feb 2022
You’re fifteen, and you're stuck in traffic.
You’re not driving, because you’re fifteen—that’s the bus driver’s job, to lay one hand on the gear stick and the other on a forehead baptized by summer, smoothing down car horn wrinkles and green-light degree burns.
Everything can be put down into numbers, except maybe infinity, or the amount of places where someone else is digging an elbow or a knee into you. You break the picture of it down into germs, then cells, then atoms, and let the flyspeck of it distract you from the fact it’s someone else’s bone making itself home into your skin, a tic-tac-toe played on your calves between the knees of a man going home and a woman clocking out of work, as they leave your legs in carnation X's and O's, all red wilting blotches, and one of their shoulders fits like a tetris piece between two chunks of your spine to stroke it periwinkle, a small blue sorry excuse for a bruise.
The song playing in your ears loops again. It’s the only thing you've been listening to for the last week and you don't think you can tell when it begins and when it ends anymore, and it's possible you can hear it even when your earphones are off. (They’re on, right now. You know it so because you can feel the ache of them against the jelly bone of your ears’ shell. Or maybe the ghost of a feeling has fooled you once and shamed on you.)
It's finals season and you feel like you're wasting every minute you're not staring at the flow chart on the bottom of your backpack. Something about cells, and one of them having a heart while the other one doesn’t. (This is your first year of university. You can’t be fifteen. Maybe you just feel like you are. Fooled you twice, shame on you.)
You're eighteen, and you’ve lived with yourself long enough to know you can't stop thinking, but why can't it ever be something good? Like remembering the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells without needing to look at a flow chart (which is the one with the heart?), or like figuring out what's the opposite of motion sickness—this nausea you feel from being too still in an unmoving bus (if i give it a name, does it mean it wins?).
You’re eighteen and you can’t help breaking touch into germs and atoms—like you’ll either get sick from it or survive it long enough to study it under a microscope—and you call cells’ nucleuses hearts—as if the real term for them is something to guard your naivety from, a word too crude for a girl made of carnations and periwinkles, no thorns and eggshell frail.
You’re eighteen. How about you baptize yourself, elbow your way out of the crowd and drive the bus for once?
Malcolm Eaves Apr 2016
A warm though lonely shore,
The tide reflects a violet sheen;
The scent of lilacs fills the air,
Reminding me of where I've been.
The gardens that my mother grew,
With orchids, plums, and periwinkles;
I take the scent and feel the mauve
In my head, I hear purple twinkles.
I taste the distant, sad yet merry
Hue of peaceful, calm mulberry;
I look upon the island divine,
And remember the sweet amaranthine.
Danny Sep 2019
Was just a kid with no silver spoon
Yet didn't see the world in black and white instead as colourful
Thought of the gods as super heroes
So waited earnestly for them to come to his aid

Like the periwinkles by the ocean
Get washed by the tides in any direction
So it was with him, poor kid
Yet days went by everyday with no greetings from his adored

So many questions he needed answers
No one could or would give because nobody knew any better
Who would put an innocent kid in this cruel world?
Was he a criminal of the hardened type in his previous life?

Got tired of waiting on the edges of miracles, been doing that all his life
Cursing under his breath threw his chill pills into a flowing river Nile
Stopped asking the day what Providence had for him
Started believing in himself soon as he stopped believing in them

Lost his wrong convictions when he broke free
His words were "***** destiny the partial queen
I had all in on inception so I'd rather put my luck on my inside
Than put my faith in the hands of fate

I know that no one would take me to El Dorado
Only i can take me to where me wants to go
I'm not an architect but i design the life I love and see
Nor am i a builder but i build my own world in this world
Believe in yourself
My varicose veins started to swell day by day, mother.
How do I make the pain go?

Well, periwinkles are anesthesia.
It will help you numb the pain
if you make sure to keep
the stench within.
So keep some in a bottle.
And son, from now on
Get a skindeep sunlight surgery.
And forget the tea.
I'll make you a cup of rain for the morning.
So get well soon, okay?
You better be.

Day by day
I metamorph
into a tree.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2020
when the snail is asleep and the periwinkles winkle in the brisk twilight of a perpetual undernoon
and the temple of a spherical calamity is a long pause, jostled into real life by your actual demise like a parenthetical parasite, clutching the void between worlds for the juice of a pirate’s
derelict fiction… spawning afternoons in a pond of after-scapes, aswoon to the purpose of too many worlds to conquer in. and too many apples forbidden… just sittin’ around, doing things that don’t-don’t matter like a vibration with the palsy of a wormhole as docile as Vulcan in a Lemon Tree with an Apple Mind.
a pantry pheasant for a brooch is the real life and the cotton you cotton is a bruised remove
at an angle for a snipe and a caustic Sunday, wrapped in levolor blinds that constantly
maraud the perpetual dilemma ever extending, and approach by storm, the Unending Things
that gather in the husk of our sunsets, like boil on a dying star!
our love squeaking through the hinges of our unattended saturnalias…
squandered by leagues of wandering, adept in purpose without form
and constantly gathered at the hearth of our quiet doom
when the snail is asleep
on the moon.

and the moon is awake
like a Moon.
ymmiJ Apr 2019
ocean noise crescendo
Seagulls chasing as water wanes
periwinkles dance

— The End —