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Daniel Apr 2015
After all the keys of *******,
conversations of heartbreak,
swigs of liquor mundane,
and kisses from Maryjane
I swear I can drive home.
Numb, thinking of Love--

Snapchat your toys when we hang.
Won't reply to my love when you see my name.
Everytime you come back to visit
by the Murrieta cold mist,
you hold my hand and kiss my lips
like you're sick of it.

You told me you still got it for me.
But Girl, why do you dance when I cry?
Been around the beds at the UC
so give me meaning to why I still try.

I'm begging Honeychild,
****** of my eyes.
Dangerous with your lies--
****** to the real stuff,
Couldn't understand my love.
I'm begging Honeychild,
Show my you still got it for me.

I'm out in South County
driving under Orion's belt.
Call you when my drunk heart is for sell again.
"Please, please drive home" you told me,
Suicidal tendencies control me.

No more drugs,
no more driving like the street has me sprung.
But of the bumps that clumped my vision,
and drugs that sunk my conscious,
you were the worse
saying Novacane was yours.
A sad song, why can't you see I'm the one
feeling numb
on the ice cold lawn,
while you're filming ****
with no red light on.
"On the light on." -- "Novacane" by Frank Ocean (Nostalgia, ULTRA)
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2011
Cold mornings but yet i dont feel it...
Cold blooded soul
Got a heart with a hole....
No sealent...
30 and below
i wont start to show...
Black ice on the ground tell me you can see it...
Tropic antiseptic...
rubbed across my skin...
novacane injected...
followed by a pin...
No pain, just frost bitten..
with no mittens...
ground across my belly..
Eat the fruit I know your hungry...
Daniel Apr 2015
Depressed, suicidal, numb,
repeat and smile
because you believed in polyamory.

About a week ago,
she said she loved me.
About a week ago,
she had him coming.
My girl with the black lace choker.
Bang Bang--
No holster.
Daniel Apr 2015
I'm a pack rat--
the reason I keep you in my hand
gathering lint and sand.
Some familiar decay,
hoping I can let go one day.
Willow Jan 2019
caught in the crossfire
between the beautiful colossal catastrophe of our love

rapid fire through my veins
like novacane
you numb me

tangled in silk sheets
with you pressed up against

skin on skin
my sweet escape  

I’m in love with the love that we create

W. Be
Daniel Apr 2015
When I wake up with you
I can't seem to down my food
'cause I know I'm living a lie.
I may be stupid,
only 'cause you make me feel alive.
Daniel Apr 2015
When we were out,
you'd graze your nails on my back,
rubbing my thigh--
Sometimes a little too high.
I miss this too much,
which is why I'm too high.
Daniel Apr 2015
It was really a
Lazer Tag survival love story.
Two kids in a 4 year summer--
She just shot me in the end.
Bang Bang
Never understood if it was intentional,
if her gun went out of her control,
if she was sorry afterwards.
I doubt she understood either.
Novacane -- "Novacane" by Frank Ocean (Nostalgia, ULTRA)
Bang Bang -- "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" by Nancy Sinatra.
Katlyn Orthman Dec 2013
Don't feel the pain,
Like novacane
it numbs the ache

Dreams turn to ash,
I'm coming in last
every single time

Twist and turn I struggle to breathe,
under the weight of a new way to relax

I don't want to feel any more.
MST Feb 2014
My words dribble, no, pool out,
as if I just had a shot of novacane,
and I have been numbed of all feeling.
But I know, this numbness will soon escape me,
and I will feel this hole I chewed through my lips,
and I will see the blood I spat on your face.
Daniel Apr 2015
Girl, you're in the city
and so the day is a little pretty.
My drug use today
is my thoughts of you
'cause I feel so good
reminiscing about the old views--
When we were blind for each other.
Two mutts in love for the summer.
blankpoems Feb 2014
If you see her again before I do, tell her the way she left left me shaking like a winter windchime;
the song too frozen to melt on her tongue.
I am scared of all her moving on.
The only serious love poems I write are about the same person who hides God in her hair and shows me the lingerie she bought while I try to unfog my glasses to look at her straight.
I am too convinced that she is made up of lines that lead straight to my firework skin. There has been too many explosions here.
The only way to deal with missing you is to tell you and wait and see if you feel the same. Or novacane.
I imagine you taste like an acid trip... all conspiracy theories and sugary words too sober to ever speak.
If you see her again before I do, tell her that I am a mess without her.  That my mind only settles with her tear-stained cheeks and the only way I can see the ocean in the winter in Canada is to look into her eyes.
I am scared that I am being overdramatic.
I want to rub our wrists together so we can trade scars.
Tell me the story of how you met your best friend and I'll tell you the story of how I fell out of loving my mother.
I would rather listen to you ramble than check the time.
If you see her again before I do, tell her that on the way home from her arms I counted 1200 streetlamps, 13 lovers, 3 liquor stores and 72 shakes of my knees.
Tell her I miss her like Frances misses Kurt.  Like dive bars miss blues music.
When I see you again, lover, I'll tell you that when you told me your name two years ago, I was surprised that it wasn't Love.
Daniel Apr 2015
On the other side of the world--
Mountains of land, crowds of trees,
happy people and courtesy,
beautiful women and new memory.

When I pull on my sleeve
and remember that scars in your name,
I remember that things weren't fair--
How you hung me out to dry.
So therefore I claim it's not love
what I feel for thee,
but I kind of human gravity
that I have no control over.
My rusted magnet
across the blue planet.
Daniel Apr 2015
I was closest to the stars on the plane,
feeling interstellar and so small.
And there you appeared again in my head.
No matter the places I've been
or the happiness that was touched upon me,
I still wished my best friend
and the love of my life
was there to embrace it all with me.

This world will swallow us--
Spit us out, make us feel small with all its beauty.
The way I see it,
I might as well go through it with you--
With my lost gem,
with my love doll,
making my soul bend
above it all.
TC Apr 2013
Scuzzy film on a scalding riptide,
Bare sinew woven like scaffolding,
Catcalling as warm-and-fuzzies
Mince by like so many exposed marble legs
Passing construction sites.
Crimped by a polaroid viewfinder,
I sit alone and click-click-click
With folded memories in my pocket.

Let me just set the record straight:
I’m still in love with our contrails,
But you can go **** yourself.
We were helter-skeltering kids
Rivulets of caustic devotion
Sweltering down our skeletons,
Fly away with me again, please
I’m seeing synonyms for you
In every ally-cat hymnal
This gutter throat can sputter out
Seeing scarecrows bound by wicker muscles
Shivering in a windfarm
Powered by all those doors you slammed
Snapping together like worn
Rubber bands warm summer hands --
Dance with me, you were
The most perfectly human
I've ever felt.

Is that Listerine rolling out of your mouth
In waves of empty bottles once meant for me?
Off of your shoulders like a cape,
A swindler, eyeing you
Like you’re trying to sell me cutlery.
Exchange glances that are
Trailmix crumbling between couch cushions,
Rubbing shoulders with waspy relief,
Tendrils of comfort had me gripped by the biceps
Spread eagle like a petrified starfish
Till I lashed out at you with bullwhip arms
Because my own back had been too hard to reach lately,  

Ad Infinitum.
Your tongue looks like a mirror,
Stick it out at me,
We always did look more than alright together
People stared on the subway,
Called us starry-eyed without a trace of irony.
Back in the day when you made me happier
Than something I don’t even have a metaphor for,
Just happy. Happy needs no metaphors.

I still check my reflection every once in a while
Never know if we’ll collide again anyway,
Best to be prepared but instead I
Drift aimfully towards a catacomb of eyelash wishes
And equally corny ******* I never believed in,
Still don’t,

It was getting at us, though,

Rubbing sandy fists down to the core
Instead of holding hands
Crunchy apple shell
Skin friction,
Bite the seed,
1,000 angry pomegranate teeth,
Chapped lips like crustacean shells,
Aligned like eye-freckles
Me looking like an unused punching bag,
You somewhere off in the distance,
A fading marble of plasticine light
On my wavering horizon.

Because yeah, you broke my ******* heart
You were novacane cruel and selfish
And so immature it stunned me
But you also taped it back into my chest
On the day we met so I guess we’re even.

It’s funny, already I can’t quite remember your voice,
the shape of my name in your mouth,
how you laughed,
but every word  you ever said
is still carved onto the back of my hand
like a roadmap towards all the ways
you showed me how to love myself.

Still rubbing them away with your scalding riptide,
All those words you said about forever,
Now just shackles,
So gladly did I submit to yours,
I still hate those ornery devices
Even now when,
They’re curled at my feet
Like broken wings.
right then, the numbness slowly settled in.
first it devoured the incandescent parts of my life.
food lost its flavor, hugs provided no serenity for myself.
i was wasting away. it stole my family away as i sat there;
vulnerable, lost.
somehow the love we shared became frozen.
it took all that i could see, leaving me empty handed
and it swiftly infiltrated my heart.
thats why i no longer wanted you;
i knew i could never love you.
i sat unable to feel for i had forgotten
how to long ago.
Karisa Brown Sep 2017
I need novacane
I need stimulants
I need someone
To explain
Why you're not
Next to me

I need relief
I need forgivness

     Laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams,
No limits
No rules
       Nobody else

I dive into this non-aquatic azure sea of thoughts,
    No oxygen
    No wetsuit
             Nothing but faith

Psyche an oracle arena-in an undeniable Golden state,
         No fear        
    No higher

Soul searching for a sole purpose within,
       No answers
    No clarity

Awoken with a cleansed perspective,
          No questions
       No notions
'K U M O M I' •Romans 12:2 - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Just a couple of thoughts I jotted down whilst chilling. Taking a pause from writing wasn't only necessarily to have break & focus on other things, but to also delve within for inspiration instead of around. I took time to just relax & reflect on how God has blessed me personally and was able to open my mind to ambiguous thoughts. Faith within ones self care & the Father will enable his/her confidence to soar on wings like eagles. Also, the piece is named Kumomi after the song produced by the luminary himself, Nujabes. The Japanese term loosely translates to "cloud watching" which helps convey the image of me "laying here under this sapphire sheet of dreams" and all that follows. A man/woman may look endlessly throughout life trying to find happiness, but once he/she are able to discover oneself - there is no such state as being 'lost'. God bless
M H John Jul 2023
if the walls of my bedroom could talk
they’d say how i cry
to the moon
holding my breath
giving myself chest pain
convincing my brain
that it’s from the novacane
i force myself to take
because now & days
i numb myself
to be washed in your acid rain
because it still lives inside me
storming away
anytime i choose
to speak your name
Dougie Simps Dec 2013
You remember them nights?
Use too kiss ya lips..
use to touch your spots
"Baby just like this"
**** look them hips..
sensation becoming to real
Seducing ya mind, I think things bout to get real
Do you feel how I feel?
Is this just an act?
Will you make me numb, leave... than never comeback?
My head spinning in circles..
How does she do this?
I should've seen it coming...this woman's bluff I missed
Imma charge her mound
Give her all the pitches
Knock her lights out
Flip off all the switches
Protection a must
When you encounter a woman in lust
Lower Repetition
"Baby oh fuh..."
Shh baby please calm down
You gunna wake the neighbors
If the feeling to good
Let my neck be ya new favorite flavor
She starts to bite as I start to grab
We moving slow to the track
"Baby just like that"
Loving like she the one
What have I become...
Her body produces novacane
Girl, I'm about to go numb
She pulls me in close, continues to ride the beat
I told her "baby not yet"
She replies "you gon remember me"
Toes curling on my feet
Suddenly the moment an end
She slowly kisses my lips and whispers
"You'll never have this again"
Late night
Dougie Simps Aug 2013
I love the way, I love the way you work drop it slow, the vibe is so perfect,
Her body proves to be worth butter cream...she enhances every fantasy, a real life *** dream…she's arches her back, then pushes back, slow it down girl, just like that...**** Im gettin weak...toes curling on my feet, she moves to the rhythm, thrusting to the bass of the beat.
Kisses to my chest, all the way up onto my neck...her nails diggin in, I'm holdin the back of her neck...(tap,tap,tap) she screaming "oh god!" Her pleasures she might "your love is the best" "babe! Hold on...I can't catch my breath"
Swimming all in her ocean,
The scenery turns wet,
I just realized I can't remember her name...guess for now ill call her regret, or maybe first date ***? Or maybe one night stand?
9months later ill call her karma, when I hold a child in my hand...
Stories of ****** encounters
Keep the mind, blind and not let it think it through...I was infatuated with her she was lusting for me too, things can get so crazy out body temps rising got me confused...was this all a mistake? Or something I was supposed to do?
I snap outta my daydream, I got caught into a stare...
She's still on top of me, should I tell her that I'm almost there?
My body feel like novacane, her pink matter offered a exchange...for my solider to cross the which this new land he will nightmare is formulating from this sensation she's creating
I only wanted just one night...she treated it like we were mating..
Decisions are weighing, all on my brain
I know 15 minutes of pleasure, just made a lifetime change
We finished, she put her arms around me and then slowly whispered, "my name is the one to blame" she closed my eyes and made me kiss her.
-Dougie simps
RnB is my real love, seductive writing is my passion.
Valerie Feb 2018
you're a haze of ninety-nine cents dreams,
naivety bottled in your distressed jeans
and your ******-inspired bambi teardrop eyes;
and i'm the devil behind why you've cried

your mouth chokes with fury and rage
'so why are you still here?' i ask again
but secretly, i know you and your obsession
-the glory tales of getting heartbroken

you know i'm pure poison flowing in your veins,
a disaster functioning on self-hatred and novacane,
but you're wild violet and champagne in a sweet kiss,
desperate to be inundated into my abyss.
idk what is this
Callum Hutchings May 2015
I no longer cared about sweaty palms,
After I felt her hands
I would catch every disease just to hold on
It no longer mattered. Only she mattered.

Everything but my hand, a void
My body, space;
My hand, the earth;
Her fingers, the sun.

That hand taught me how to live.
Nothing past had mattered
The thing that mattered was this hands owner
Not even the voice that wanted to let go and run.

Following up her goose bumped arm
To a dress that made summer jealous,
Skin that beat fresh snow
And hair like autumn trees.

If mother earth was real
Her real plan was this girl
The sky was made to reflect of her eyes
Then bounce into my soul.

The only time the horde in my brain halted
And the fleet in my stomach retreated
To think the best medicine could be a human
She threw all the pills out the window

Pain killers came through kisses,
The psychotic moods gone with hugs,
Vocal novacane caught tears
And the only sickness was love

Now without her.
Its withdrawal of happiness
Human touch now words on a page
Love hidden under the bed.
Melissa Banks Dec 2016
First my fingers go numb and I can't feel my lips
So I drink your presence like I drink cheap tequila
Rough at first
But after a couple sips, smooth as water
You touch me but my body is without sensation
Something different is pumping through my veins
And Novacane blocks any feeling
From the pain that comes as you cut me open
My blood drains but I don't sense it
Ignorance is bliss, they used to tell me
That is until you're facedown in a pillow
With the life escaping one strained breath at a time
My teeth clench and my knees lock
I can't help it but tomorrow I'll feel it
If tomorrow comes
Songs about feeling high in love
I don't want that
What happens when you're too high
To notice the person in front of you
Is the one pushing your face down
The Devil Incarnate?
Naiveté suits you, Honey
And so does misery
Dougie Simps May 2014
(Drink pouring) eyes close...
I feel...I feel something close, something I adore most,
Buttermilk soft skin
Lips that taste like sin
Slow idea where they've been.
Hold up, *(piano)

Let my notes serenade your brain
Create the melody for your sensation
Watch my slow riffs penetrate your veins
Said "your music's my drug"
As I play this sweet novacane
Extra dosages of my verses for the pain
A hook that leaves the body drained


Repetition creates a dullness of ones perception
Changed the notes to help this ****** aggression
Synced it up so well
Baby, we so in tune
Nothing is better than making a love song
Nothing is better than making the perfect song with you.
Musical sensations
Dougie Simps Jul 2015
She attempts to kiss my lips, it's a novacane feeling,
What use to be beauty, is no longer appealing
My heart no longer needs healing, my mind feels free
Thought I needed you but it was you who needed me
Used and abused, but not broken and confused
The spark made our fire, the connection charged our fuse
Three hearts can't exist, one has to lose
Now baby did you choose?
Let me help you decide,
Opened up your mind, only for you run and hide
Remember those city lights?
I would of shut them all off just to wake up from the morning sun by your side
But the chemistry had died
The pain now lies...or was it the words of "I love you"? I don't know can barely keep track of time...
And I don't lie...I love you but...
Would you rewind?
Would You repeat?
The sweat dripping down your body, The seduction of me...
A night of slo-motion...
Passion bitten on your neck
Baby, take it's been a while since my, what's next?
Fast forward to the taste of disaster
Feels like these days are moving faster
We attempt to search for one another,
No hearts on the tracker
What's supposed to come after?
Long nights of the gin...
Of a melody to spur the moment
Another body to help your replace your skin...
Maybe it's him?
A dark shadow follows, that is your past,
How can you hold on to me when you can't let go of that...
Said that I wouldn't, wouldn't meet anyone else like you...
If that in fact was true, why doesn't she make me feel blue?
Why doesn't she make me go through, all the bullish you put me through..
Regardless of what I'm saying, I look at her and think of you.
Stuck in the madness...
Feel crazed and dazed,
My mind is running through her love going through her veins...
An addict can relapse and her *** is my drug...her eyes captivate me...her lips become a must...
Was this all more than lust?
I always want you then wanna leave...
It's addiction, it's addiction, it's addiction...pretty girls make you believe they are a need.
You're beyond my need, you're my love, the perfect song in a vortex of a mixture of what we create.
The passion of our hearts and differences in our shapes.
The butterflies in your stomach are the thrill of what you haven't experienced in me,
Don't you see?
I can change your life, just like you've changed me.
What's a man to do...when he only wants a wish...that he can't control and may not come true?
What's she to do? When her mind says "go farther" but heart says "go through" and she wants to come to you but tears go down a path they've already been.
I wonder when...
I wonder why...
I wonder if you love me too, I wonder if I'll ever be your guy.
But this isn't for anything more than to calm what lurks inside

*Your pushes can't move me, your words can't shut me out...because I will forever be there, I will more time.
your walls can grow, your heart can fade, your mind can close and your feelings you can evade. Your truth can lie, your emotions can spill, baby this may take forever...might have to be patient...but for you...I will.
I'd wait for you. Story I just wrote quick
Dougie Simps Jul 2013
It's 2 am still not home
I know she hates sleepin alone
callin my phone
I don't reply
Brainstorming up, another lie
So much to hide
Never found
My minds blank, heart pounds
I hear the sounds
Of war
Love battlefield with who I love as I adore
Knees hit the floor
Drugs just hit
Do I get up?
Or do I quit?
These four walls moving in quick
Stomachs sick
Why can't I Handle this!?
An addicts mind
Creates u to be blind
Pills workin fast
Running out of time
(footsteps down the stairs)
Here she comes
To only see
The man she loved
Or....what use to be
Swore I thought she was a sleep
Dying slow
My heart deceits
Faking the truth
To console me
She touches me
Hugs me
Whispers that
She loves me
I tell her wait
Feel the rush of novacane
Bodies numb, Pulse cold
Lost our bond
Where did It go?!
Heart beatin faster
Close to my disaster
This fairy tale
has no Happily ever after
Eyes slowly shut
Before I leave
Her cryin face, Is what I see.
My final words to her were
Don't touch me.
In heaven I cry
Wish I could change time
Can't believe that I actually
*died by a lie.
Follow the story of when love turns deadly. comment share
Madison Y Sep 2015
I can't think straight
(Or crooked or sideways).
I'm too ******* tired to invent some new distraction
(You're no good at party tricks)
And too scared to figure out what the hell I want.
The water's filling up your lungs—
A kiss could make it all better,
But I'm too busy blowing bubbles
And skipping rocks across the surface.
Despite it all, you stand and wait
When I fall behind on our afternoon walk
And offer me your arm when the trail gets steep.
You're oxygen, but I'm reaching for novacane,
Trying so hard to be indifferent to the spark in your eyes and the part of your lips,
Though I know **** well it's no use.
I am a moth to a flame—
When it burns too bright, It consumes me.
So I'll turn away before it starts,
Blind myself to every truth except the one I live inside:
If I can't love you, I can't love anybody.
Please don't be my novacane
Because that is no good for me
Don't try to numb my pain
Pain is my sweet misery

I don't want a love additcion
Because I know you won't stay
I couldn't bear your rejection
Your love is a drug to me
Alexis Jan 2018
My name is Alexis

And I'm and addict;

Just 19.
Who wouldve thought...
This ***** ******* habit
Keeps on reeking ****** havoc
This heavy dose, i love the most
Its fist is wrapped around my throat
So tightly roped, i try to cope
But have i told you of the voice
As if I have no simple choice
Every night i hear that noise
It whispers and hisses ill fame
And in my saviours name
I rebuked this devil and said he was to blame
Tragic it was when I feared we were  same
Only briefly, so before he fell away from me
And from grace, I needed just once to see his
I summoned him, provoked in that hour
The devil at hand, while within my power
To show his cowardly self, and he appeared
The "Self" ishness in me. A mirror I saw
I cant escape this hate for law
To **** myself and laugh at me
My reflection says, "don't you see?"
I am the devil in you. You can't be free.
a holy verse you know so well
Said in the Lords house you just might dwell
It taught you truly the nature of god
And to write euphemisms, o poet in facaude
The complex you create to be above
This evil thing you cannot love
Inside of you, that is called "I"
The devil I am. That lives inside
In the Word I learned to know of this god in which you abide
guiding you to deny me to death.
Dissonance from guilt, creates in you, me
A separate enity, in which you can't be free
Except in flesh, of responsiblity
But without you, I don't exist
Denying the self inside, shouldn't feel like such bliss
But to yourslef, you lie
And within I die, every time
A juvenile in your prime
You forget me and commit the one sin
Which honestly can't be forgiven
Denial of error, dont look so blue
Failing to forgive the devil in you, it's true
You deny me by your own will
A chance to have peace, to be still
In rebuking me, what's left is condemnation
Eternal damnation
It is the "self" you dismiss
When the pipe you kiss
Makes you feel I do not exist
So let this god cast me away
But it's your own soul you lost today
I am the devil. The mirror.
You're truest fear.
In church this is called blashepmy
But I like to call it your ego,
We both know you cant let go
Pure humanity, inner calamity
To deny thy self love, such profanity.
To repeat this rejection expecting a new "me".....
Literally defined: NOUN

The devil in me is so profound.

I will not be forgiven. Because I will it not.

I deny my pain.
So slowly driven my self insane..
Pray not for peace but Novacane
to numb these rotting teeth, that ache so slowly,  only subject to the sovereign hand of time; this cycle. This crime.
This line of mine
But the conscious is clean
Alteast... I think?
In honor of sobroety, to thine own self be true
Wading through galaxies, I’m floating with fairies and pixies

The scene looks picture perfect beautiful pixels

I can’t feel a thing. Novacane to these emotions

Come ride on this high with me, making memories we can’t even remember

Fogs of despair slowly disappear

Long bursts of ecstasy, short waves inbetween fantasies

Dark heart, cold soul fade to black. Don’t bring the light back.

Make the darkness infinite, never bothered me much anyways

Identical to the milky way, on the edge of euphoria

Cant explain these butterflies, lilies blossom out of clear water

Good intentions, delusions of a deluded brother

This is a love crime, pure ******

Might be cold in the winter, but I want you for the summer.
Styles Jan 2018
She said she loved me
But it’s not enough
Caught me off guard
And I’m taking it rough
She played her game
I played my part
She broke her promise
And  it broke my heart
These wounds cuts deep
and it’s all my fault
My heart reacting to this hurt
Like its more than pain
Couldn’t numb my pain
with novacane
All these thoughts rushing
through my brain
disintegrating my heart
As I fall apart
time plays her part
What come, Must go
Looks like we just;
got to that part
Amanda rodeiro Dec 2014
I envisioned each of my cavities as bad memories, the fillings able to lock them up so I wouldn’t have to feel them so wholeheartedly anymore. These fillings didn’t last forever though and when they wore off the past came back with a persistent vengeance.
The dentist would play these celestial piano songs that would tune out the sound of the drill. Sometimes i felt like I could get closer to you in these moments. Forced to stare up at the ceiling, I wondered if this was what you too saw in your last fleeting moments.

The novacane made me realize I didn’t want to be numb anymore, I wanted to take everything in and get over it but that’s not how grieving works. You don’t call the shots, you only hold on for your life hoping that the end, although nowhere near in sight, is good to you.
My first poem was about you, how you’re like the sunset. Now looking back I realize you are the sunrise, washing away the worries of yesterday. Bringing in new light and a clean slate, Your smile is the beginning not the end. I refuse to use past tense when it comes to you because I keep you alive with the words I speak and the memories I keep.

Whenever I’m lost I wake for the sunrise and find myself again.
Whenever I feel like I lost you I wake for the sunrise and find you again.
Grieving takes time and I still try to see you in everything I do
2ndBest Mar 2015
The reason I quit drinking is the same as why you started believing

There's got to be something more

The reason I quit praying is the same as yours for leaving

There was nothing there

A change in the weather is the reason I stopped breathing

My mind went with the leaves

Blood on the roof is the only reason I'll stop needing you

Holding out until we were more than just blue

Until the color spread all over

We were dead set on getting over these feelings that won't leave

Now I can't stop getting older

You felt like summer was buried in the snow
You felt like heaven
You felt like novacane

You left your mark
You left me hanging from a tree in the backyard

You left me

"We know
Stop writing about it"

She's gone

"Yeah we all know"
Gasps of wind, ocean waves crashing along the shore line. Love so kind and tender, wee forget were wee are. So far apart can't think straight I'm lost with out you babe, that's why I procrastanate on our late night phone calls. You are my drug, my anesthetic, you're my high, you're my novacane, the only thing that keeps me sane. I'm sorry I can't do better but just know I'm trying for the better and brighter us. So please hush baby girl dont fight me tonight, just wrap your arms around me and hold me tight.
I wrote this for my girlfriend, babe if you read this know I am sorry. But I watch steadly dreaming of the brighter and future us. <3
My love, my love, my oh sweet love. I wish I could tell you how tough it is feeling like this. From the momment wee shared our first kiss. Baby I'm so sorry I am so ******* up inside. I feel lost everyday my heart cries your name. Everyday feeling bound to chains, my love, my love, my oh sweet love. I am so sorry I am so evil with this black blood coursing through my vains novacane you're my anesthetic my drug of peace yet deception. To lives joined as one, my love, my love. My love for you is like no other so powerful and strong making me tougher yet weaker like the oceans rip tide feeling the climb. Baby you're a dime your beauty, love, compassion, grace, mind, personality, I love you for you and only me. Wee are forever. My love, my love, my oh sweet love tell me tomorrow will be that much better, my love.
I wrote this as a reminder that my life is horrible. But to stay strong for the one thing that matters in my life my girlfriend.
Tumimchunu Dec 2015
The leaves turn green,  brown and then fall.
Changes I'm oblivious to as I fantasize about the seeds.
The passion that breathed within with every pull inhaled into lungs as they turned oxygen into love.
The petals that blossomed through the photosynthesis quickened by your radiance.
And though you peeled and picked through me ... I still ponder around.

My hair turns curly,  straight and then short.
Changes I'm oblivious to as my feet stay grounded in the imprints of your soil.
Your arms that hold me firm and comfort me,
The harm that wont be coming as you remain a shield.
From the start, walking towards the shock .. the novacane you provide Frankly.
And though your presence brings sweat to my palms.. i still ponder around.

The hymns around me, endless.
Changes I'm oblivious to as I repeat the same tunes.
Warmth from the pink skies painted with a rose coloured brush.
Each stroke from a slow dance that never happened.
But now my body sways to the infinite chords of nostalgia.
Singing melodies skimming past the edges of silver linings.
And though I start to see these sorroundings. . I still ponder around.

These changes taking place near to me and yet I'm oblivious to their tune.
As I choose to tear myself from the truth that today's pool is better to swim in than  yesterday's sea of tears and though it takes a lot to testify to this ... I can't ponder around searching anymore ...
28/12/15 01:30 am
I wrote this because I was looking at how much of a nostalgic person I am. To the point where I ignore all the positive changes taking place currently in my life. . . A toxic practice that needs to be left behind.
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
I can feel your thoughts,
You can read mines
Intimately, caressing
Each others mines,

We lose ourselves,
Lost in past emotions,
Old flames that flickered
Until they diminished,
Listening to whispers
That promised forever
Screaming and shouting
"We couldn't last forever!"

Yes our words say it all
Most don't comprehend
Tho, you understand it all
These lines numb our pain
Not ******* or novacane
The things we could never say.
Lust, love, heartbreak, and pain

Present to me your words
So I can know if your
What I'm looking for
Try to decipher
The code that lies
Beneath my words.
My heart is hidden
Deep within the verbs.
Gerard M May 2021
Wishing that I wasn't Patient 139

The one screaming the lyrics to I'm Not Okay

Sometimes hopes that someone understands me

Relating to Tess Stevens and her song Tourist

Crying to Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)

Wondering if anyone has the time to listen to me whine

Trying to not do what Pete Wentz almost did in Hum Hallelujah

Thinking I'd just like to be only me and not also someone else every day

Asking myself why music is my novacane

Just wanting to know why most people don't care about me anymore

It's like every time I listen to music or watch YouTube I feel numb and I have gotten used to it

When it comes to my mental age I feel like the Clock Forgot It's Hands

In the end I'm the one who walks a lonely road the only one I have ever known

— The End —