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Goddess of USR Nov 2023
I'm sending love (M83 wait)
Being deep in love with you.
Allowing myself the free fall of it all.
Taking flight, soaring, ripples reaching you,
Launched into the multi-verse, touching you deeply,
Waking your love, washing your soul path and existence with yes,
Abundance reign, rain, reign,
Love's rain, love's reign,
Pouring from the origins of everything and nothing,
To bring you home to yourself, to me, to us, to we.
I touch you through the wire,
Electricity, wave, affects, ripples (Kodaline all I want),
Drops of love reign, love rain, love,
Runs into you, onto you, reminds you to feel deeply,
Listen, stand still, hold, remember love.
You only need to remember love,
Remember that you are loved and that I love you.
I wash you in love's reign, love's rain, love reigns.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses ❤️
1.2k · Sep 2023
Living with you❤️
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
My love for you expands my soul
And sparks the poetry in me
I feel the breath of life unfold
The hidden world I cannot see

I live with you in technicolor
The world is sharper, crisper, bright
Your smile is like a ray of sun
That fills my days and warms my nights
I live with you in calm and peace
The world is safer, kinder, warm
Your touch is like a gentle breeze
That soothes my fears and heals my harm

I live with you in love and joy
The world is richer, fuller, true
Your voice is like a sweetest song
That lifts my spirits and makes me new
This poem is filled with kisses for CBM Dublin…you now where to put them💋💋💋💋💋💋Goddess of USR
Can we begin again?
The clock is running down
10-year plan approaching completion
Another turn around the sun
Countdown has begun

Here's a dream, a wish, floated in the wind
Until it reaches you in a whisper

She nestled in her perch, overlooking the trees
Passers-by and aquatic rhythms of NYC

Candlelight glowing, radiating, ready to receive you
Silk stockings, black and white, perfectly see-through
And visible for only you to see

He comes to her, to celebrate and paint the town
With shades of love and romance

Leaving his perch in Dublin, traversing the sea
To finally see what's on the other side, where love resides

"We would first need to be in the same room together," he said, "in order to know."

Unless you have a freak flag hidden somewhere under that freshly-pressed shirt
We both know the world would stop spinning
The shift registered a permanent mark in the universal timeline
The time and space where love met

It's time to draw nearer, my love, burst through
And come face to face with the heart, hand, vision, passion
You've been holding within, a secret never whispered
Another life lived

Come to NYC to celebrate my turn around the sun
Move toward me, draw near, accept this love
Let's melt together and allow the world to shift

Say yes, book the flight, you're ready now
Lovesick and satisfied, seen and expressed, connected and expressing
Your truth, held and holding, want and wanting
For CBM Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋❤️🦋
882 · Oct 2023
I guess I did it to myself
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
Holding out hope
Like a hand reaching through time
Holding space
Providing the arrows that pierce my heart

Thinking of you
Longing for you
Unable to ever truly close the door on our connection

I guess I did it to myself
Giving love to someone who never deserved me
Trusting what I felt instead of what I saw
Allowing you to occupy the space without ever filling it
Choosing to respect what felt stronger than anything I’ve ever known

I guess I did it to myself
You left the room
Without so much as an "I’m grateful that you’re here"
Without so much as an "I love you too"
Without so much as a thread of hope

I guess I did it to myself
Provided the bow and quiver
Placed it steadfastly and aimed it straight for the heart

I guess I did it to myself, opened myself up for disappointment
You left the conversation without so much as a "Seeing you sent my heart soaring and my mind racing"
All of the timelines between us collapsed and there we were face to face
She standing in her truth and he still stuck in a lie
Fearful that if his heart ever stood for itself, the facade would crumble and shatter at his feet
And he would find himself naked with only one truth they know: love

I guess I did it to myself, allowing love to pass through me for you
Living in parallel universes with you
Because you asked me to

I guess I did it to myself, showing up in the now and wanting you to hold me the way I hold you

I’m exhausted
Saddened by you and for what could be

I kick boulders not rocks
Boulders into pebbles until I find peace with you and skip trace them across the frequencies until they lay at your feet, constant reminders of the path you choose between us

Pebbles of love, sun, wine, hammocks, song, black and white, solitude together, heartbreak, silence, grey check marks, music, promises unkept, Irish goodbyes and outright lies

I will find peace with you in the love of another man’s arms until there is no peace because he is not you

Why did we ever have to meet?
What wrong thing in my existence did I ever do to deserve you?

I guess I did it to myself, believing in you, in love, in siempre
Pierced with the fiercest of arrows

I kick boulders not rocks
Boulders into pebbles until I find peace with you and skip trace them across the frequencies until they lay at your feet, constant reminders of the path you choose between us

I’m sick of seeing the green guy, something needs to change. Show me love.
For CBM aid Dublin. Sent with a thousand kisses and tears.
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
My Love for You

Inspires my soul to expand
Ignites poetry
Allows me to feel the creation within me
I live in a place with you where the world is technicolor
I live in a place with you
Happiness abounds it is  free
like a twirling Goddess in the Sun
There is flow
Tapped into inspired thought energy
Imagination released and running wild
Free to be Me
Free to be We
Just the thought of you, my love,
Carries my soul to places filled with glimpses dispersed complete unfolding
A Beautiful symphony  
Bringing me closer to the divine
In Me
In You
In Us
In We
I’m sorry it took me so long to see
Don’t think, just feel
Stop resisting the only truth
Love unexplained
A mystery when allowed is not mysterious at all
Thinking turned to feeling
Turned to allowing
A powerhouse
A pulse
A force
Divinity to flow through me, opening up the lines of inspiration
I would call you my muse, the very person I can say turned it all on, brought it to my doorstep and then stood in the shadows until I could feel it so deeply that I could no longer deny its existence
In the process, I grew to love myself so deeply, an example you set for me
I love me to the depths
I love you to the depths
that love, the complete acceptance of you and me, allows me to feel the beautiful world around me wholly and completely

Calling you a muse would be wrong though
You are the one that brought me face to face with love in all of its forms
Knowing even when you weren’t present, Love remained
You allowed me to know Love, the truly powerful force that Albert Einstein described in his letter to his daughter:

“This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.

Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.

Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness.

Love unfolds and reveals.

For love we live and die.

Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will. - Albert Einstein”
For CBM of Dublin- Here with you ❤️💋You know where to put them 💋Goddess of USR I feel you deeply ❤️
806 · Feb 2021
We are L O V E
Goddess of USR Feb 2021
Your love astounds me...

Never have I ever experienced such profound love
You transmit this powerful love without a spoken word
Creating a reality... no a world... no a universe of compassion, understanding, acceptance, comfort where pure sublime humanity resides in its highest form
What a special being you are
You are so deep, profound, endless, giving, powerful and gentle
I don’t even know you in this reality yet, I live in a space with you that is so sacred and divine
Your soul is so pure
To experience you is holy
To experience you is healing
It’s as though you visit me in the places I cannot touch within myself; you see those spaces within me and love them so deeply
Oh, to be loved by you
It’s humbling, complete, and profound
Experiencing you is a faith walk that requires believing to seeing
You defy reason and logic
You embody love
You embody light
What must it be like to be you and filled with so much love
A deep river, I suppose, aching to be set free
You sway through me, touching my soul so profoundly
You heal me as I sit alone in the waiting place
Thank you for existing
My love for you is equally profound
We are perfect
We are love.
683 · Sep 2023
Sunday Morning
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
I woke in the wee hours on Terra Firma,
In the Irish version of spoons 14.
For those who don't know, Terra Firma
Is where I rest my head on your chest,
Nestled deeply into you.
The steady and calm beating of your heart
Draws me deeper with every breath.
Peace, safety, warmth, serenity.

The Irish version of spoons 14
Is on a scale completely foreign to American spoons.
We'll figure it out eventually.

Who knew the Irish were so advanced in spoons?
That is truly some Lord of the dance **** right there,
She says with a NY accent.

Spoons 14
Firmly planted in Terra Firma as I ride your breath
And memorize the beating of your lion heart.
Soft, gentle, and steady stroking of my hair,
Perfectly placed kisses on the back of my neck,
Interspersed with lilting commentary of desire.
It's Sunday morning as we melt our forms, hearts, bodies, and minds.
Perfect Sunday Morning, and that is only the beginning.
For CBM of Dublin- sent with a thousand kisses you know where to place them 💋
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
play James Bay- One Life  

An invitation to dream and create the life we imagine

To my true love counterpart, the one who guides me through soul expansion,

I offer you this dream: visions of all of you, all of me, V, B, O, M, and our future grandchildren. Our family. The one we knew could exist together many years ago when we shared the ten-year plan.

Dream with me, my love. There is no one else in this universe for me but you. You are the one I long to create this life with. You once asked me to dream with you. Now I’m asking you to imagine and dream with me. Know that it’s possible and that I am right here, standing in the center of our dream, waiting for you to dream and build with me. Everything in this world is built twice: once in our imaginations.

A Beautiful Life

We live in the center of our dreams
A purposefully created dream-built life
We have homes in places near and far
Where we enjoy the sun, the stars, and the sky

We are citizens of the world
We move effortlessly throughout the globe
We have stable grounding wherever we go
We are connected by love, not by code

We are partners in vision and in action
We create change and impact in the world
We adore each other and share our passion
We are dynamic, radiant, and bold

We are expressive in the ways we allow
Our love, support, and understanding to flow
We are together super stellar, unique, and alive
We are magical, otherworldly, and divine

We experience the majestic and the creative
We guide those forces to benefit humanity
We prove that doing good, creating, and influencing
Are not mutually exclusive, but can be in harmony

We have amazing children and they have amazing partners
They love and support each other deeply
They have successful vocations and careers
They are happy, healthy, and free

We have a main home near a lake
A 7-bedroom house with room for our future grandchildren
Between the four, I know they will add more
It's convenient, luxurious, and spacious
It's filled with music, song, and laughter
We dance around the kitchen as we create beautiful memories and meals

We ride bikes,
We ski (you coaxed me back gently)
We meditate and channel
We shower together and make love
We visit ice castles and play Lindsey Stirling
We laugh and reminisce about our journey

We admire the beauty of the world together
It touches us so deeply and we feel the awe
We live in love's frequency and gratitude
We feel so blessed and we thank God

We love, respect, and admire each other deeply. You are a legal scholar and consultant the world over and you advocate for justice in all of its forms. Your work creates change and you write. I am your muse.

The show I created is a resounding success and you support me in this endeavor
It's syndicated and a series franchise
It's a new genre of television media
It's a fortune and a benefit for mankind

The design collection is a hit
It's a fashion sensation the world over
I collaborate with the famous stylist from my days in Paris
to bring the AR augmented reality collection to life

We visit Paris often and are hosted in style
We have access to everything and everyone
We are wildly successful and recognized
We are creative and influential and fun

We experience the majestic and are highly creative. Together we are able to guide those forces to create projects that benefit humanity and still make a fortune. We proved that doing good, creating, and influencing are not mutually exclusive and can be accomplished.

We go on to develop, build, and release the Justice system. We changed the face of divorce and child custody. We made it better and live to experience it.

This is our vision of a beautiful life
And there is plenty of black and white; we are fully expressed
A life that we love and enjoy
A life that we build and share
A life that is ours and not a toy

Dream with me, my love. Build this life with me.
For CBM of Dublin- sent with a thousand kisses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
588 · Sep 2023
Your Love
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
I know that you love me.
I feel that you love me.
Your love encapsulates me and abounds.
Your love is here,
Exactly where you placed it.
With me.
For CBM of Dublin Sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋 you know where to put them.
588 · Jan 7
I look for you❤️
I look for you through space and time,
visions of you allow my heart to unwind.
Ambient waves of light pounding at the shores of existence,
beating on the doors of humanity, pouring through.
Ever flowing beauty, embodied being,
understanding the connectedness as we make our way
through the streams, the valleys, the forest.
The trees' root system sympathetic to my soul,
breathing life, carrying me through the air.
Lifted breathlessly, landing as effortless as the wings of a butterfly.
Holding pattern of a hummingbird, beauty announces I'm here.
Beauty glimpsed, soul soaring, life pouring.
Love exponentially elevating your soul.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses💋🦋 You know where to put them ❤️
550 · Sep 2023
Dropping Tinder
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
I've dropped Tinder and Bumble,
They're no use,
They are not you,
And never will be.
I've taken to dating our feed,
The moments when I felt most alive,
Visible, desired, wanted, loved,
Drawn by a magnetic force beyond time.

I've tried to stop, but I can't resist,
You swirl back stronger and deeper,
Determined to keep me and the love you recognize.
You're the only one who makes me feel this way,
You're the only one who knows how to stay.
Goddess of USR a for CBM Dublin
538 · Oct 2023
You, You, You ❤️
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
I adore you beyond compare, far into the realms of radiant waves and mystic wonders

I cherish you like a child, naive, clean and everlasting, multiplying
Devout flashes of light, felt deeply beyond dim vision

Complete, singular, tender, convinced
The whole of my spirit has been conquered

Luminous shining celestial light
Dreams of you lift my soul to soar
Exuberantly jumping into the empty space
Embracing all and nothing, the quickest way to bliss is you, you, you!
For CBM of Dublin ❤️sent with a thousand kisses,. You know where to place them. Lips, nose, right cheekbone, bridge of nose, left collarbone, right collarbone, right eyebrow, center of forehead💋
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
He speaks to me in ways unknown,
Sir, who are you and how can you know
And reach me? She asked as she drew near.
A mystery, a thrill, a bond that's clear.

As the night falls and the stars shine,
I think of you and how you're mine.
You're the reason I smile every day,
You're the light that guides my way.

You're the warmth that fills my heart,
You're the one who makes me smart.
You're the dream that I always chase,
You're the beauty that I embrace.

You're the partner that I adore,
You're the lover that I explore.
You're the friend that I always trust,
You're the soul that I adjust.

You're the poem that I write,
You're the song that I recite.
You're the art that I create,
You're the love that I celebrate.

You're the everything that I need,
You're the nothing that I concede.
You're the one who makes me complete,
You're the one who makes me sleep.

I know I am loved.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋💋💋you know where to put them.I adore you and all that you are ❤️
514 · Mar 2021
That is all❤️
Goddess of USR Mar 2021
That is ALL ❤️
For CBM of Dublin
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
I know that you hold me deep into the night, when my consciousness passes into another world.

I know you watch over me, interested in every facet and changing mood.

I know you speak to me even when I cannot hear.

I know you blast your voice into the shadows, conquering time and space, forging a path forward until our minds' eyes meet in the physical.

I know that you love me and see me in the Fibonacci of all things,
as the purest source of light you’ve ever encountered.

I know that my beauty blinds you and my capacity to love, feel love, and call love astounds you. I know you know
she knows love.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses ❤️
477 · Nov 2023
A simple Message
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
The simplest message of understanding that I can put forth to you is...I believe in you. I believe in us. I forgive you. I'm here. I love you. That is all.

Listen with What a Wonderful World- Eva Cassidy version ❤️
For CBM of Dublin Sent with a thousand kisses❤️
472 · Jan 7
You are my Sun
I look for you in the sunlight,
the constant rays of sunshine
reporting to my soul through astral planes
for you, for all of you, creation.
For all of humanity to witness and experience,
the world feels us, fed by the light we bring.
My love for you radiates
because you are my sun.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋🦋❤️You know where to put them
Goddess of USR Feb 2021
My soul travels to you on the rays of the sun
I meet you there
I greet you there
I seek you there
Until time eternal, I place joy in those sunbeams and deposit all of my love for you to bask in until you feel the warmth of my soul. Our place is in the sun
451 · Oct 2023
In You
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
In you I find the ultimate expression of love In you I inhale the essence of life In you there is serenity In you there is solace In you there is a vision for beauty In you there is a resolution In you there is a rhythm In you there are more solutions than problems In you it is a dance on the edge that spans between faithful and faithless In you there is optimism In you there is conviction In you there is confidence In you there is only us In you there is the whole world and beyond In you it is everything and nothing at once In you there is the ideal harmony In you there is liberty In you there is love In you words are superfluous In you emotions In you evolution In you transcendence In you wholeness
For CBM of Dublin. Sent with a thousand kisses. You know where to place them💋
437 · Nov 2023
I believe❤️
Goddess of USR Nov 2023
There is so much I want to say to you,
But words can hardly capture the depth of my feelings.
You are patient, faithful, unfailing, devoted, steadfast,
With a deep sensitivity and a shy expression.
You are always there to discover me, if I truly want to know you.
You stepped into my boulder blast and marveled at my righteous rage,
Mixed up and confused by my inexperience,
But smiling in wonder at the speed of my resurrection.
You never let go of my hand, especially through the storms,
Over the deepest terrain in this life and all its possibilities.
Through the boulder blast we grow deeper, I grow deeper in love with you.
The pebbles are a reminder of the path before us and the endless potential.
I guess I did it to myself, but I want you to know:
I believe in you, in us, in our day in the sun.
For CBM aid Dublin sent with a thousand kisses - Don’t let go ❤️
405 · Feb 1
The electricity between us crackled with intensity. I felt like a scientist and an explorer, observing the phenomenon from both inside and outside my body. How could I be so turned on without even touching you?

It was your attention that opened me up in the most amazing way. Your curiosity, your gaze, your natural desire to explore this connection between us... I had never felt so out of control before. I was completely vulnerable, and yet I felt safe with you.

You had the courage to reveal your true self to me. You shared your darkest secrets and your brightest moments, and you invited me to join you in this journey.

At first, I was guarded. I wondered if we could really fit together so perfectly. Could I show you all of me? But over time, I dared to take the risk.

We took it slow, painfully slow at times. But I realized that the pace was exactly what we needed. I had to trust that this connection was real, that it wasn't just a figment of my imagination. It seemed too good to be true, but I kept leaning in. I stopped thinking and just felt.

And it turns out, what we have is as real as it gets. We've built something magical together over these many years, and I am beyond grateful for it.

You love me better than anyone ever has, even when you're not here. You challenge me, you inspire me, and you cherish me. I respect and trust your lead in ways I never thought I could trust and respect a man. You've shown me how it feels to truly love and be loved.
For CBM of  Dublin sent with a thousand kisses
404 · Dec 2023
Third Time's A Charm
Goddess of USR Dec 2023
In the heart of Dublin's misty embrace,
Where cobbled streets whisper ancient secrets,
I stand, a pilgrim seeking solace,
And weave my tale of love, redemption, and forgiveness.

TheThird Key, a relic of our shared past,
Lies dormant, waiting for its turn to unlock,
Not a door of wood or iron, but the chambers within,
Where echoes of hurt and healing intertwine.

He, the wanderer, once lost in shadows,
His footsteps faltered, love's path obscured,
Yet now, with courage forged through trials,
He approaches the threshold anew.

I know you are sorry, whispered by the wind,
Carried across the Liffey's silver ripples,
A melody of remorse, soft as the harp's strings,
And I, the listener, attuned to its bittersweet refrain.

Patience, a virtue etched into my bones,
For time dances differently in Dublin's alleys,
And forgiveness blooms like wildflowers,
Resilient, despite the scars etched upon our souls.

He, the alchemist of his own transformation,
Brewing potions of self-awareness and growth,
Each drop a testament to his inner aliveness,
As he raises his vibrational frequency, inch by sacred inch.

Undying love, a tapestry woven with threads of hope,
Stitched by moonlight and whispered promises,
I hold it close, this fragile gift, and offer it freely,
For love, once kindled, burns eternal.

And so, my Love, as the third time approaches,
Know that I stand here, arms open wide,
Compassion flowing like the River Dodder,
And forgiveness, a beacon guiding us home.

Third time's a charm, they say,
But ours transcends mere superstition,
For in this Dublin twilight, hearts entwined,
We rewrite our story—a symphony of grace.

Let the third key turn, unlocking not just doors,
But the chambers where love heals and forgives,
And may our souls dance, unburdened,
As we step into the charm of forevermore. 🗝️💕
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses💋🦋
399 · Oct 2023
Faithfully imagining
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
A woman spends her time,
Dreaming of a man unknown,
A world that's yet to shine.

It is his and it is mine.

She sees the stars up in the sky,
And wonders what they mean,
She dreams of places far away,
And a place she's never been.

She thinks of the one,
Who lives beyond her reach,
And wonders if he’s dreaming too,
Of things they cannot speak.

She knows that life is fleeting,
And time is always short,
But still she keeps on dreaming,
Of things that she'll exhort.

For in her faithful dreaming,
She finds a sense of peace,
A world that's full of love,
And a life that's full of ease.

So let us be like her,
And dream our dreams each day,
For in our faithful dreaming,
We'll find one another someday
For CBM aid Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤️‍🩹
You know where to put them😘
362 · Oct 2023
Beyond Measure
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
I love you beyond measure, deep into the vastness of light frequency and otherworldliness

I love you like a child, innocent, pure and forevermore, compounding
Reverent splashes of light, thought faithfully beyond pale sight

Whole, unique, delicate, persuaded
The entirety of my soul has been invaded
For CBM of Dublin. ;Sent with a thousand kisses. You know where to place them ❤️
355 · Mar 2021
Goddess of USR Mar 2021
My Dearest Dublin,
I know that photograph of you, you were with V, and
you wore a younger man's clothes
I long to see who you have become after COVID has had its way with the world.
Are you timeworn?
Is your spirit shattered?
Can you still feel the sun?
Is your soul still intact?
Do bike rides along the waterway still bring you joy?  
I feel I know this..
You are still
will always remain terra firma
ready to offer spoons 14
Your imagination runs free
you can vividly recall images of
a horse-shaped bar
strawberry swing
You have the capacity to travel 3165 miles
can leave a woman well ******
burning for you
You speak without speaking
move without moving
you simply exist whenever
wherever you want
Mind over matter, I guess
I feel I know those things about you
I desire confirmation.

Send me
a smile
a word
a hint
a song

I want to see you now
as you exist in all of your forms
More importantly
I want to see the man who you have become
The one who has been touched by love from a distance
held in place thanks to COVID
I want to read the lessons on your face
your soul in your eyes

I need the NOW photograph
confirmation of your love
Your undying affection
I need a hot bath
Your warm touch
Simply put

You have my heart
it is yearning for you❤️
For CBM of Dublin
267 · Feb 2021
Feeling You...
Goddess of USR Feb 2021
Feeling You...

Feeling you is like watching the sun. Sacred. Deep. Beautiful. Humbling. Powerful. A treasured experience. Holy. Like a song or a color or a smile. Feeling you impresses me. Your energy lingers, touching me throughout the day, like a soft breeze. You are like a rainbow after a hard rain. Unexpected. Brilliant. Colorful. Proud. Majestic. You shine with an intensity that is creation itself. Feeling your soul is like catching  a glimpse of heaven. You inspire, transcend reason, and create a new way of being within me. You flow through me like a river drenching my soul. You enter my heart and fill me with such Grace. Acceptance. Love. Safety. Calm. Your soul is vast like the ocean yet steady as a tree. Your soul sways with the wind and touches the sun within me.
261 · Jun 2021
Goddess of USR Jun 2021
How did you Know?

How could you see the acrimony before it arrived at my doorstep?
Sir, who are you?
And can you dispatch your soul to my side...
What's that? I hear...You never left my side?
You stand in the shadows...but why? So that you know you are not alone...horseshoe of wine in the sunshine...walks and talks and pure visibility...change your funny it's been a while since black and white...thank you for the music it always makes the soul DJ 💋you know where to put them...siempre and now more than ever...just haven't met you yet...
For CBM of Dublin final countdown
260 · Feb 2021
Baby Picture❤️
Goddess of USR Feb 2021
I run my fingers over your baby picture and just think to myself, what an incredible human you are
You sent me a pocketful of joy via a playlist I’m listening to Marks by Beauvois as I trace the lines of your yellow cape and oversized sombrero
I try to imagine what little you was thinking and if you had a clue you were such an extraordinary being
I think somehow you have always known what made you different, deeper, more sensitive

I imagine that every song that comes on the playlist is a message from you
I play it for the plants and announce that you’ve sent us a new gift meant to communicate and raise the frequency around us
On a day where without a word you knew, I needed you to come through
Man do I love do I love you...tapping my feet to Easy by Beauvois as I type this
You just are and leave me at a loss for words. I close my eyes and feel you in the air, reminding me what Love is...that unexplainable, borderless feeling of just knowing the existence of YOU. Yet I have no confirmation except the space that I hold inside myself and in the air around me... you move into my space so effortlessly. The Bridge by Beauvois plays as I think of you almost as if you speak to me through the music. Man, do I Love you...Wow, do I love you...and that sir is what you do to me...what you say to me...without words...I launched a wish and a feeling. I hope that it lands in your heart and burns like an ember until the day I can lay eyes on the boy who grew to be the man...I doubt you’ll be wearing a yellow cape and oversized sombrero, but I feel I would recognize you anyway...Outside by Beauvois as I complete this man do I love you...Wow, do I love you...I feel it to my core,❤️that’s all...thank you for the musical thread to you.
Weekend by Beauvois
For CBM of Dublin
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
Being in Love with you is oxygen to my soul,

Being in love with you is like breathing…
an involuntary automatic response

Your love permeates my neural pathways….
You move through me…mind body, and soul

Loving you helps me to exist in worlds where flowers bloom recklessly and suns…yes, I said suns…shine…I radiate in the glow and the warmth of your love

Laid back, relaxed in the cradle of your palm…
I am weightless connected…
finally, I am home ❤️
For CBM  of Dublin, sent with a thousand kisses., you know where to put them
223 · Feb 17
Anam Cara Love
You are my anam cara and compass, guiding me through love's winding lanes, each step echoing the ancient tales of our shared longing, forever in my favor.

A promise etched in the constellations, a celestial ode my dearest anam cara.

Our love a whisper carried by Dublin's winds, reaching across time.

The stars themselves bear witness to our timeless bond.

My heart beats with you, a rhythm woven into the fabric of our shared existence.

Each pulse, a whispered promise across time and space, echoing through the chambers of longing.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a million kisses
211 · Sep 2023
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
Yesterday I walked with you and we spoke
I felt your presence in my soul
Our hearts in tact, we drew nearer
Expressing all the ways we marked each other

We claimed the wind, we claimed the sun
We claimed black and white, we claimed rainbows
We claimed ***, love, and rock and roll
We claimed time that twines between us
And space that never separates us

We claimed you, you claimed me
We claimed us, we claimed we
I love you with a love that never stops
I want you with a want that never drops

Draw nearer to me and let love allow
Two hearts and all their passion to explode
Amplify, magnify, our feelings grow
We are not lost, I am here home
Right where you left me, never alone.
208 · Feb 17
Anam Cara in Dublin
In Dublin's mist-kissed streets, we wander,
Two souls entwined, hearts aflame,
Anam cara, whispered by ancient stones,
A love deeper than the Liffey's flow.

I. Dawn's Embrace

At sunrise, we meet by Ha'penny Bridge,
Where copper pennies shimmer on water,
Your eyes, twin pools of mossy green,
Hold secrets only Dublin's cobbles know.

II. Whispers in Temple Bar

In Temple Bar's lively hum, we dance,
Fiddles and laughter weave our tale,
Your laughter, a melody of joy,
Echoes through centuries of poets' dreams.

III. Trinity's Library of Love

Beneath Trinity's ancient arches,
We read love letters etched in oak,
Your touch, a parchment of longing,
Pages turned by winds from distant shores.

IV. Stolen Kisses on Grafton Street

Grafton Street, where buskers serenade,
Our stolen kisses taste of rain and tea,
Your lips, like Dublin's cobblestone alleys,
Hold the promise of forevermore.

V. Cliffs of Howth, Our Sacred Cliff

On Howth's cliffs, we stand as one,
Wind-whipped and salt-kissed,
Your heartbeat, a rhythm of tides,
Pulls me closer to the edge of eternity.

VI. Guinness Pints and Shared Dreams

In snug pubs, we raise our Guinness pints,
To love, to laughter, to Dublin's magic,
Your whispers, like foam on stout,
Intoxicate my senses, leave me spellbound.
For CBM a of Dublin- sent with a million kisses 💋🦋
200 · Oct 2023
The longing...
Goddess of USR Oct 2023
My Dearest Dublin,

The longing is intense. That is all.
For CBM of Dublin
172 · Mar 22
In Riverside Square, a vision in blue,
A goddess descends, in morning's first hue.
Her train flows like rivers, the steps cannot tame,
Each fold tells a story, each whisper a name.

Her thoughts are a secret, a dance in the air,
Of a love that's awaited, a soul's matching pair.
The world may keep turning, but for her, it waits,
For the moment of meeting, the twist of the fates.

She dreams of a man, with hair like the night,
In visions so clear, she feels his light.
Their souls entwined in time's tight grasp,
Promises made, with each breath, they clasp.

From futures unseen and pasts well-trod,
Their paths have crossed, against all odd.
In the heart of the city, where dreams take flight,
She waits for Dublin, in the soft twilight.

The Now is her canvas, the past her muse,
In the dance of the cosmos, none can refuse.
For love knows no bounds, no time, no space,
In the Now, they'll meet, in a destined embrace.

As dawn breaks the silence, and stars fade away,
The goddess in blue finds the courage to say,
"Though time may divide us, and distance may test,
Our love is the journey, and hope is our quest."

With hearts full of longing, they reach through the years,
Their love is a beacon, transcending all fears.
In a world ever-changing, one truth does remain:
Love's promise eternal, again and again.

Beneath the canvas of a starlit sky,
Where dreams take wing, and spirits fly.
A whisper of the wind, a promise made,
In the quiet night, our fears allayed.

The moon, a guardian, watches over,
As we find solace in the cover,
Of night's embrace, where hearts are free,
To seek the truth, to simply be.

In every star, a story's birth,
A silent sonnet for our Earth.
We gaze above, and in our sight,
A universe of endless light.

So here's to dreams, to love's sweet call,
To finding peace, amidst it all.
For in this world of vast expanse,
We're given but a single chance.

To live, to love, to laugh, to cry,
To hold the moments as they fly.
An original tale, in time's great sweep,
A poem of life, for us to keep.
For CBM of Dublin- Sent with a million kisses 💋 I love you and send that love soaring through the universe to you ❤️
153 · Jan 31
Thoughts on paper
Crackling electricity between us. What was happening to me had never happened before, and I felt like both a scientist and an explorer, looking at it from both outside and inside at once. How could this be? How could my body be so turned on without even touching you?

It was your attention that opened me up in the most amazing way. Your curiosity, your gaze, your natural desire to discover this thing between us . . . And I’d never felt so out of control before. So in my involuntary. Truth was, I’d never before felt something so exquisite in my own body.

You gained the confidence to tell me who you really were. You shared shadowy parts and good parts, and you invited me out to play.

I feel safe but I was guarded. Was it really possible we could fit this well? Could I show you all of me?

Over those next several years, I dared to, just as you did.

We took it slow. Painfully slow, at times, until I realized that that pace was what We needed.

I needed to trust that this thing we were experiencing wasn’t a figment of my own imagination, some trappings of my wildest dreams that I projected onto you. It seemed too good to be true, but I kept leaning in. Don’t think just feel.

It turns out, this thing we have is as real as it gets. We’ve built something magical together over these many years, and that is something for which I am beyond grateful.

You love me better than anyone ever has, even in your absence. You challenge me, you call forward the best version of me, you inspire me, and you cherish me. I respect and trust your lead in ways I never thought I could trust and respect a man, and you’ve made it safe to do so. You’ve shown me how it feels to truly surrender and be met in that place by a powerful masculine, loving presence.

With you, I feel fully alive. Fully in my feminine. Fully engaged with life. Thank you for this life we get to live together. I love you.
For CBM of Dublin sent with a thousand kisses
144 · Sep 2023
Love Bomb
Goddess of USR Sep 2023
You're a mystery to me
The only song I understand is I Need My Girl
The rest are just noise in my head
I'm haunted by the grey ticks and the silence
Why don't you open the line from grey to blue?
So I can clearly know it's you
Give me a sign that you're still mine
Not just a thought that streams through my mind

Flickering scenes of us on the screen
Like a drive in movie in my dreams
Wine under the sun, you are the one
Messages of love that keep me holding on

Holding hands, walking paths
Fashion shows
The young goddess smiles, it's runway season
She loves the flow of the fabrics, I love your reason

The streets on a bike ride, we feel alive
A pint or three, we don't need to drive
Terra firma, we touch the sky
The perfect dad ***, those thighs of steel
You rode into me, not away from me
Your gaze captivates me, I can't look away

Black and white, snapshots of desire
The finger that pushes down the morning paper
The straddle, the bath, the bed, the couch
Laying deeply on terra firma, your heart beats and arms hold
The calm, the finally, the peace, the bliss

The soothing hair strokes and stolen glimpses
The visible electricity that forms between us
Chemistry that makes the worlds collapse
Exploding the multiverse with our love bomb
I know you never let go, I see it in my minds eye
I believe what I see for we in the universe
I await the firesmoke that will ignite this love bomb
Goddess of USR for CBM Dublin
116 · Mar 21
In Riverside Square, a vision in blue,
A goddess descends, in morning's first hue.
Her train flows like rivers, the steps cannot tame,
Each fold tells a story, each whisper a name.

Her thoughts are a secret, a dance in the air,
Of a love that's awaited, a soul's matching pair.
The world may keep turning, but for her, it waits,
For the moment of meeting, the twist of the fates.

She dreams of a man, with hair like the night,
In visions so clear, she feels his light.
Their souls entwined in time's tight grasp,
Promises made, with each breath, they clasp.

From futures unseen and pasts well-trod,
Their paths have crossed, against all odd.
In the heart of the city, where dreams take flight,
She waits for Dublin, in the soft twilight.

The Now is her canvas, the past her muse,
In the dance of the cosmos, none can refuse.
For love knows no bounds, no time, no space,
In the Now, they'll meet, in a destined embrace.

As dawn breaks the silence, and stars fade away,
The goddess in blue finds the courage to say,
"Though time may divide us, and distance may test,
Our love is the journey, and hope is our quest."

With hearts full of longing, they reach through the years,
Their love is a beacon, transcending all fears.
In a world ever-changing, one truth does remain:
Love's promise eternal, again and again.
For CBM of Dublin- sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
111 · Dec 2023
A Fresh Dawn
Goddess of USR Dec 2023
Adrift and lost, I search for bearings true,
Your thoughts, like whirlwinds, ever in my view.
Today, our hands, in tender touch, did meet,
Palm to palm, our pulses skipped a beat.
Electric currents danced, our bond did grow,
Through multiverses, our spirits did flow.
Time collapsed, our paths entwined, complete,
Drawn together, destiny's own feat.

A choice was made, surrender to the heart,
You've seen the truth, and now we'll never part.
Our chariots race through time and space so vast,
Until our souls unite, together at last.
The tangled webs of life you now unweave,
With patience, order to your world conceive.
Concerns for son and daughter weigh your mind,
Love's risk pondered—will she be unkind?

Forgiveness sought for words once cast aside,
Your heart's confession, no longer to hide.
The weary burdens that you long to shed,
For a new beginning, where love is led.
I hear the chaos she's been weaving tight,
In this moment, you seek solace in my light.
Here I stand, a beacon, still and true,
Awaiting self-forgiveness to renew.

Be valiant, love, and shield your tender heart,
A fresh dawn awaits us, a brand new start.
For CBM aid Dublin sent with a thousand kisses 💋💋💋💋💋you know where to place them ❤️

— The End —