I don't want to become that person
I don't want to be anything like that one
It's the last thing I want to be
The last thing I want to see in me
I'm not that person , not one bit
These personalities just don't fit
Nothing similar between the two
There are differences in what we do
You can't say we are alike
Because I'll tell you that's not right
I don't know what you see through those eyes
But they are complete lies
oR aT leAsT yOu fOrCe yoUrSelF tO beLieVe tHaT
YoU fOrcE iT tO bE tRuE
YOuRe tHe oNe wHO cReAteS thE liES
yOU dOnt wAnt tO sEe tHe rEAl yOu
iLL lEt yOu kNOw tHeRes NotHInG thAT sEpeRaTes tHe tWo oF YoU
nOtHinG tO mAkE yOU sliGhtLy diFFerEnT
tHeY lOoK iNtO tHe MiRror
aNd yOu wiLL bE tHeiR rEfleCtioN
No that can't be, you can't be for real
Because it's not what I feel
Just like the hot and the cold
We're different, I mean that's what I've been told
eVeN yOU beGiN tO dOubT
yOu kNow YoUrE boTh tHe sAmE
yOU weRe molDed fRoM tHe sAMe clAy
YoU bOTh bUrN fRoM tHE sAmE fLamE
This is a inner fight with yourself. You've been compared to someone else your whole life and you've always told yourself you won't ever become them. But as time passes by maybe that is not the case. Maybe you are becoming the person you wish you wouldn't, maybe you are just like that person. There isn't much that makes you any different, you are just as bad.