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370 · Nov 2017
-Untitled 19
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017

Old School
New School

My School
is the
Cool School

in all the
Golden Rules.

370 · Aug 2017
-Poem in Pocket
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
I gotta' poem in my pocket
been writing it for you
All the things I think about
that you might
never know I knew

The paper became
quite tattered but
the words they didn't fade
Promise unto Promise
is how the truest
love is made

All the ways your eyes
they sparkle with promise
as your cheerful
voice is heard
Smiling your way
to total control
as you point me
onward with a word

Your will has a way
to goodness.
Willful with purpose.
Determined in goal
The Woman I embrace
is the Woman observed

The Woman that I know.

I gotta' poem in my pocket
Torn and tattered it's true
I don't think it will
ever be finished
'Cause it is written
all about You.


369 · Dec 2017
In All Thy Ways
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
In the darkness
we see the stars

In Our worst of moments
the dawn of Hope is obscure

Yet even then to persevere
for God is near and never far
Waiting to be acknowledged
for the life given and
the life restored

Even in that
the darkest moment
When the tide
sweeps all away

The lowest ebb
is the turn of the tide
unto the break of
a brand new day

It's so much colder
and the night is darkest
in the final moments
just before dawn

As God stands on
there beside you
And you He has
once again saved.

"In all thy ways
acknowledge Him
and He shall
direct thy paths"


Quote from;
The Holy Bible (KJV)

366 · Oct 2017
-Santa Fe (I'll Be Waiting)
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Western Ethereal Rock

Will you meet me in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away
If I get there early
you know just what I'll do
I'll be waiting there for you
I'll be waiting.... there for you

Yes I'll meet you in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away
If you get there early
I know just what you'll do
We can't wait can you?
We can't wait...... can you?

Been wondering lately
if anybody knows
what's going on
Thinking probably
that not really many
know even at all

They may catch on later
I won't wait around to see
I'll be gone long gone
Gone. I'll be gone long gone

Will you meet me in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
I'm gonna' leave right away

Yes I'll meet you in Santa Fe
I'll be there later
gonna' leave right away
If I get there early
you know just what I'll do
I'll be waiting there for you
I waiting there
.......for you.


357 · Oct 2017
-But a Dream
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
-Poem to Song

All around dark and cold
the sun has lost it's light
I feel but only depressed

Then there's you
you shine and never fail
I wish but only for you

When you smile
I think maybe there is more
but the dream it slips away
to return...Oh return

And when you smile
We'll smile again
and We'll return
to dream

Then the wind
it blows you
I dream again
but no it's not to be
but a dream.


355 · Aug 2017
-My Beloved She
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
My beloved She
went up to Heaven
but I hear She wants
to come home

Maybe I'll send
Her a letter and tell Her
I've been waiting here alone

Because a man like me
could never make it
up there unto Heaven

A man who is destined
upon the Earth must
forever and always
walk on.


354 · Sep 2017
Untitled 7
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

I'm so alive now
But surely not forever
So now I will live!
English Haiku

351 · Sep 2017
-The Wisdom of America
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
You were given
all the wisdom
You were given
all the clues
It was written in
a long love letter
You just didn't
get the news

Every detail
was written out
All the poems
and prose and law
All the wisdom
of the prophets
Written down
up in there
on the county
jailhouse walls.

All the details you
would ever need
You just didn't
heed the calls
Scratched out for
you to read there
On the county
jailhouse walls

The lunatics
know everything
While the insane
take the fall
Yes you'll be able
to walk again
But first you'll
have to crawl

Sure, I know
you didn't see it
yet you were told
each one and all
The wisdom
of America
is written down
up in there
on the county
jailhouse walls.


348 · Oct 2017
Untitled 11
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Revolution is in the air
Like a morning mist
that lingers

Cool and not oppressive.
347 · Oct 2017
Untitled 15
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

It's good to wear boots

In a flip-flop world.

343 · Dec 2017
Untitled 22
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017

is the mother

of Destruction.

340 · Nov 2017
-Concerning Power
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
There is a power of tears
in an angry world

Love and devotion
distilled in sorrow in pain compassion and joy

For the quenching
moisture unto the thirst
of Our Good Earth.

"Mine eyes do fail for tears..."

Let not they be in vain.


The Quote from
The Holy Bible (KJV)

340 · Oct 2017
Untitled 12
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Hold your religion
tightly in your fist

Clench it often.

339 · Nov 2017
G Rog Rogers Nov 2017
If and when
you do begin again
Give it all you've got

Tomorrow is just
a day away
And soon today
will be long gone

It takes a plan of action
Setting goals you
can attain

Follow through
with all you've got
See it happen
Then do it again

An ounce of misery
is preferred to
pounds of pain

And mistakes are
the hardest of teachers

Risk analysis
before every move
Know what you get
for what you might lose

Risk and reward
determine the odds

Take decisive action
knowing and counting
each and even
the intangible costs

Keep your score
and know you've
won far more than
you ever have lost

Seek joyful happiness
Knowing sorrow
is never far

Embrace yourself within
the good and the best
To become truly
who you are

If and when
you do begin again
Give it all you've got

Tomorrow is just
a day away
and today is
almost long gone.


333 · Dec 2017
-A Prayer for an Angel
G Rog Rogers Dec 2017
I knew an Angel once
She was captured in the war

The music was my own
Her song she sang alone

I prayed to forever hold her hand
To forever be her loving man

Her home was far away
Just where I could not stay

God bless her as she sleeps
Please bless her as she awakes
Bless her as she walks
Keep trouble far away

Lord bless her when she cries
and whisper all the whys
Please hold her closely
in your arms
Please keep her safely
from all harm

As the time has past us by
Still it was joy to love her
for awhile

Dear God I beg you please
always bless the goodness
of the Angel who used to be.


G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
A little bit bent
and a whole lot of strange
Started off half-backwards
ain't no way they gonna' change

Stupid is as stupid keeps doing
Practiced in the art
to just keep losing

Way worse than worthless
they just never quite know
Going off in all directions
never quite get exactly
which way they need to go

Schizey in thinking
Sketchy in every way
Maybe they'll get better
what else can you say.



324 · Sep 2017
-The Artistry of Intimacy
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
The way you touch
The way you hold
Your sweetest kiss
And all you know

In every move
In all your words
There within the
whispered poetry
of your every
breath of truth

A taste for you
A moment that
forever calls
An unbounded
Our aspirations to
then know all

Embracing you
The gift of love
To with you share
all life's ecstasy

Intimately entwined
there within your
perfectly beautiful


321 · Oct 2017
Untitled 14
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
"What good is it to a man
if there is no profit."

-The Holy Bible (KJV)

Then ask;

What profit then
if there be no goodness.

315 · Sep 2017
-My Sons
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
Now that you are Men.

Seek the greater challenge
Walk the harder road
Choose the path less taken

Know the higher good
and seek ye first...God

Search for and know
the beautiful and the best
The better and the blessed

Wisdom and happiness

Shun the shadows
and those there cursed

Have a feel for the way
when all seems lost
Remember to Love
and love well
No matter the cost

Forever follow your destinies
everlasting forever star
Know and know well
Your Father cares
and watches from
both near and afar.

'When I was a child
I spake as a child
I understood as a child
I thought as a child

When I became a man
I put away childish things.'

-The Holy Bible (KJV)


I do not always seek symmetry.
My poetic form is not as important to me as the function.
Function before Form.
Form follows Function.

313 · Sep 2017
-Just To Touch
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
-Lyrix (BluJazz)

Just to touch your emotions
Just to know how you feel
Just to touch your emotions
Baby I'd beg I'd lie I'd steal
Baby I'd beg I'd lie I'd steal

Just to get some reaction
a little more closer I sigh
Just to get some reaction
Baby I'd love to see you smile
Baby I'd love to see you smile

Still I see you slippin'
Oh I see you slippin'
I see you slippin'  
away from me
I know that you
been slippin'
Oh I see you slippin'
I see you slippin'
away from me
There's no more laughter
only tears

Telephone is ringing
is there someone at all
When you answer
your screaming
I simply wanted to call
I simply wanted to call

Just remembered devotion
Just been thinkin' it through
Just remembered devotion
Whatever happened to you?
Whatever happened to you.

Still I see you slippin'
Oh I see you slippin'
I see you slippin'
away from me
I know that you
been slippin'
Oh I see you slippin'
I see you slippin'
away from me
There's no more laughter
only tears

Just to touch your emotions
Just to know how you feel
Just to touch your emotions
Baby I'd beg I'd lie I'd steal
Baby I'd beg I'd lie I'd steal

Baby I'd beg... I'd lie... I'd steal


This is actually a pretty nice little Jazz tune. From the response it doesn't seem to work as Lyrical Poetry. The song can be heard on Facebook under G Rog Rogers. It reached #283 in USA on one international chart.

313 · Aug 2017
-My Better Thoughts
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
All the thoughts I think
about going round
and round my head
Of what is that most lovely
most honest and most true

Things that I have
heard about
and that which I might
have seen or read
Some I heard along the way
and some that once I said

All of what I truly am
and all I hope to be
All my better thoughts
it seems to me
are mostly only
about You

You then are most lovely
That is honest
That is true

All my better thoughts
are of the brightest days
All my better thoughts
are You.



298 · Oct 2017
Untitled 17
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Everybody knows

You reap what you sow.

Sow the wind
Reap the whirlwind.

The Holy Bible (KJV)
296 · Sep 2017
Untitled 4
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

Writing Utensils

Must be used to be of use

Incite the Profound.


293 · Sep 2017
-Creeping Socialism
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
Creeping Socialism
is like a monkey
following along

The next thing you know
it's the monkey on your back
Scratching you to death

Choking the life out of you
and chewing your
eyeballs out
from the back of your head.

286 · Sep 2017
Untitled 8
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

A Thought;

Everything Matters

All is Eternal.

283 · Aug 2017
-Let Them Know
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Their Love was such
that people smiled
when their hands touched

When they kissed
the people bowed
their heads

As the lovers embraced
all the good people
gave thanks

And then when
they made love
the people fell to their knees
and thanked God above

All this in those days
when the golden mist
of the Divine
was found where
rainbows bow to grace
Our Good Earth

In the days when She whispered,
"Let them know
how We Loved."


258 · Sep 2017
Untitled 9
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

Goodness never
walks alone...


256 · Aug 2017
-Love Unto Vengeance
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Love is unto vengeance
when you are
deeply moribund
A thought to faith......of hope
then Love......yet still unfinished

of loss.....a promise
a vow of spirit......souls
in forever a bond

Revenge of the righteous
for all that is known
of treachery's treason
against all that is borne
Of irrational reasoning
denying the truth
unequivocally shown

Hating with
reverent perfection
the source, the thought,
the deed

Pure avenging absolution
despising all veraciously
all in total.....all contemptible

Life again......through vengeance
for Love that was lost
Hearts once beating together
as unseen moments depart
Possibly a waiver....yet
never to fall

Love unto vengeance...
....Revenge unto Love?

No, Unfinished Business
Just Cause.



255 · Sep 2017
Untitled 3
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

Let the winds come in

To then cleanse
your mind and heart

Learn to love the breeze

239 · Aug 2017
-Scatter My Ashes
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Scatter My ashes
in a forgotten creek
For it is not there
that I will sleep

Trample my dust
underneath your feet
With boots made of leather
by those who will keep

Return what of me
is still then left here below
Unto the earth from there
where I once did come

For I will
by the Grace of God
Be in that faraway place
Where all and everything
there is Love.



239 · Sep 2017
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017
Whatsoever things are

Whatsoever things are

Whatsoever things are

Whatsoever things are

Whatsoever things are

Whatsoever things are
of Good Report

If there be any

If there be any

Think on these things...

For as a man thinks
So is He.

-The Holy Bible (KJV)
228 · Sep 2017
Untitled 2
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

            Never tell a lie

   For the lie will tell on you

     Truth is constant friend


Haiku 2

199 · Oct 2017
-Of Faith and Fire
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017
Of Faith and Fire

"The eyes are
the windows of the soul."

If there is no fire
and then nothing inside
where does your soul reside?

A place all alone
in a home made for rest?

Or in pieces in utter
agony and darkness
with no hope of rekindle?
No chance of return
No hope for more

God Forbid

For Hope is of Faith
and of Faith
Life continues on
in recognizable form.

"Faith is the evidence
of things not seen
and the substance
of things Hoped for."

-The Holy Bible (KJV)


192 · Aug 2017
-You Didn't Have To
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
You didn't have to
try to **** me
I would have died
on my own all alone

Yet at that moment
when I was
interminable weak
I somehow then
became strong

In those days
of your worst
That was the time
I stood up

I walked on
steadfast and confident
into the places of
the greatest unknown

You didn't have to
visit all destruction
upon me

I was destroyed already
With little left that was
and not much left
to retrieve

That was when
I brought it
back together
to proceed

To again and again begin
the journey that brought
me faith once more

To when I again
in myself



188 · Aug 2017
-Live to Love
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Live to Learn
and you will
Learn to Live

Love to Learn
and you will
Learn to Love

Live to Love
and you must
Love to Live

178 · Oct 2017
Untitled 10
G Rog Rogers Oct 2017

Est Manana
in America.

¡Arriba Arriba!

145 · Aug 2017
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
is a hard country.
We are not a soft people.


— The End —