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A picture is worth a thousand words:

You're a library.
Edulcorate Definition: To sweeten or purify.
I look back on these pictures
Only a memory
That reveals the true feelings captured inside of a camera lens
Reflecting places, people, and things
Where I've gone, What I've seen, Who I've been with
When I see those pictures,
my wistful memory tells me how I was so happy
Now I just sit here trying to create better, and happier memories
But it doesn't seem to work anymore
I try too hard and think too much
Just for a memory
To be a bust
All I do is
Hope that one day
Things will lighten up and be true
So I can look at more pictures again
And realize those feelings never left after all
iamtheavatar Jun 2014
A thousand times I have failed,
still Your mercy remains.

**iamthe_avatar ©2014
Excerpt from Hillsong United's "From the Inside Out".
Ensign Seer Jun 2014
A match was made in heaven
And in heaven lit a flame:
A love between two partners
Who you'd swear were both the same.
The love was so iconic,
Recognizable on sight,
Embraces shared between their eyes,
As hearts had taken flight.
The story took a sudden twist,
When lips of theirs did meet,
Time began to twitch around,
Jealous of romantic feat.
A thousand years then passed them by,
Without concern of wait.
The world had changed entirely,
Their lives of past now late.
No older were their bodies,
But all they knew was gone.
They found themselves together,
But a brand new world was drawn.
Without a soul to greet them and
Unsure of what to do,
A tender kiss was shared once more,
To see if it was true.
Another thousand years flew by,
Concerning both the two,
Whatever should they do from here,
When time was all they knew?
The man surveyed their setting,
Studied close what was around.
Then turning in, discovered
No solution to be found.
He took his partner by the hand,
Concern detailed her face.
Smiling, he sealed their fate,
Removed concern with grace.
Their embrace was eternal,
Their passion's timeless flame:
Two lovers caught in love-lock,
Seeking out the final frame.
Introducing myself with a love poem; how cliché!
Audrey Jun 2014
They say a journey of a thousand miles
Begins with a
Well, this is my first step.
Right here, right now,
I say-no, I
That I will find and cherish one-thousand moments of
This summer. I have 81
Precious, glorious days and I am
100-and-31 percent determined
To find life in each and every one -
13 bits of happiness by each midnight, to be
I am taking a one-thousand challenge,
The same way people make one-thousand paper cranes,
Or try and count one-thousand stars,
Or have a bucket list numbered neatly to
Beyond nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine.
I will find one-thousand things
That make me happy.
And maybe, just maybe,
When I reach my goal I will find myself,
Like elusive laughter floating away from the end
Of a
it's ok May 2014
It's so strange,
How I get so happy with
hundreds of people that I don't know
seeing the core of my thoughts
It's so very strange, because I'm so very shy
and if it was to be in the flesh
or on a stage
I'd be shaking
and trying to not let it show
but I don't see what's wrong when
about a thousand people see my thoughts
iamtheavatar May 2014
I hear the ocean make music
Like the rustling of autumn leaves
The sound of them gently rubbing
As she swept my heart like a wind

Singing every word she breathes
Upon a haystack full of needles
With no rhymes, nor pauses
Neither masquerading riddles

Simple and unassuming
She is a beautiful mess
My heart keeps swooning
But I couldn’t care less

Her flaws are fascinating
Like ribbons on her sleeves
Her charm is perfume
Her name is a spell

A graceful soul I see
Inside a feeble shell
To me she’s one and only
And that I can tell

My heartbeat thunders
And chased her nightmares
Like aquamarine
Calm and serene

A thousand, ten thousand words
Isn’t enough to create one phrase
But surely, I wrote a love song for two
Must I recalibrate, I can’t undo

**iamthe_avatar ©2014
You could write a thousand words
but you could ne'er write the word
that whispers in the darkest night
that word is my soul.

— The End —