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Solaces Dec 2016
" The good deeds we do can help us on our path.  They fill the soul with hope and joy,  at times I look to that power.  But today I dive into a small part of my darkness. "

Sometimes you gotta go in a different direction.  All which lead to the same place.  Of course this little back road will lead through an area without street lights.  The only light I see out here is the silver pale moon light.  This is where I summon GlOW skull.  He is a small dark part of me.  Dark enough to dim the light I need to fight.  You see certain individuals are standing to close to the light.  Wanting it all for themselves.  In this case they are standing so close to the light that they do not realise how big the shadow they cast is behind them.  So I need a little bit of darkness and shade to dim these big lights.  Just for balance, no more, no less.
Call to the shadow and shade, remember darkness was there first before the light got there.  -G l O W
Solaces May 2015
Shadows with golden eyes.. taking the souls of children.. They have been around since the earth was born.. They are trying to get back home.. They are a race of umbra solace. They hail from their once beautiful planet we call the moon..

There was a great war between Earth and Darkenenihs. The earth people used an ultimate weapon of light that shined away nearly all of the life Darkenenihs once had. But not without consequence. The aftermath was a dead planet we call the moon today.. the survivors became golden eyed shadows.. and they have found a way to rebuild their home with the souls of our children..
The moon once so full of life.. Then the great war!!!  Then us.. And now them..
Solaces Apr 2015
Your handwritten name is truly original...  You write it like no other.. Thus I know you are still here.. A tear runs down my cheek..  And a smile curves on my face under watery eyes.. I'll catch up to you!
She is still alive..   And I am gaining on her..  Just a matter of time!
Solaces Dec 2016
Past the twin suns was a place known as the Angels twilight.  I ride on my Lightcycle to a strong disturbance that emits from this beautiful place.  A planet that was once so full of light has been engulfed in vile dead shadow.  Creatures known as Behemoths have taken over the planet.  They have covered the sky in black shadow creating eternal nights.  Many armies try to no avail to stop these giant wicked creatures.  Many are dying and soon there will be no one left.  I then begin to play the harp of the star serpent.  It is made of sapphire light with golden light strings.  The song I play opens up a small hole in the shadow filled sky letting in the twin sun light for just a moment.  

The next song I play is the melody of Secalos.  The song could be heard across the entire dark planet.  The fighting stops and all of the Behemoths rush toward me.   There were hundreds of them.  They towered toward the dark sky.  And then from above thunder drummed alongside my song.   The Blue star dragon broke through the darkness!  His lightning blue body shined like a sun in the sky!  He then took in a tornado of a breath an released a white pillar of light into the sky above.  All of the darkness seem to shatter all at once letting dawn appear.   The morning brought upon smiles and tears to all the people who had been living in darkness for so long.  

The Behemonths were dying in the light.  Secalos then released a second blast made of blue light into the darkness that was left.  Screams of darkness faded as it turned back into light.  Secalos and I headed back toward the stars in different directions.   Hoping that this race will find peace in the lighting of their darkest time.
Lightcycles and Dragons
Solaces Apr 2015
I start to strum the guitar, with her in mind.. I smile before I sing, the words about how happy she seems.. But the song changes chords, minor and sad, I tell a story about how really things are bad.. She cries in the morning as she awakens, I think its me, My soul is shaking.. The chorus is about us and them, How they destroyed our love poem.. I try to make her happy, I try to color her eyes, But I need to stop this nonsense I need to go on to the other side.. You see my songs make her cry, She screams why did you have to die! I sing to her dreams,  She sees I am not yet an angel, Because I cannot go alone toward this  heavenly light beam..
How could I cross over with out her!  Its my fault!
Solaces Feb 2015
I finally made it..  It was everything I thought it to be..  
I take a deep breath..  And I close my eyes..
I have known that I can never die for the past Four million years..
The lore is nearly the same on the thousands of Planets I have visited..
Heaven..  La s a..  Torense..  Sererere..  All meaning the same..
But to get there you have to ascend through death..
Death is the gateway for the soul to enter..
But I cannot die..
But I discovered through all the lore I have studied that Heaven does exist in the universe..
It is a plain that is nearly impossible to reach..
I discovered that there is indeed a door, a portal, a rip in the light that I can pass through and start my journey..
To find such a place is to go back to where I was born..
So I venture back to Earth..
The red planet..
Once had oceans as far as the eye could see..
And the light door opens..
I have found Heavens coordinates..
I am in route..
Heavens coordinates
Solaces May 2018
In our small little peaceful village North of the mountains.  We found a new way to live. We got away from the Red voice army and made a new life.  We all lost someone to the R.V.A.  They were ruthless and wanted everyone and everything for themselves.  They overthrew all governments of the world 50 years ago.  They had super advanced weapons and just a group of them could take out an army.  

They called themselves the Red voice army because of a certain weapon they use.  It is a sort of mini rail gun the emits a powerful wave of red energy. The sound it makes sounds like a wicked scream.  What ever the red energy passes through will leave behind only ash.  Nothing has been able to stand up to it.  None of them can be killed because of a strange suit they ware. No bullet or explosion can break through their suit.  

It was a beautiful April day. It had stormed early this morning and now the sun and raindrops color the grass.  One of the new villagers who arrived a month ago was walking alone in the grass.  His name was Dalis. He stood 6'11 and must of weighed over 280lbs.  He was one of the best builders we had. But kept to himself.  A group of us went down to the river to collect water and and hopefully catch some fish.  It was then we heard the red scream.  They had found us!  

Everyone in the village was at a panic. There was no where to run.  They had us surrounded.   I looked toward the fields and saw Dalis. In front of him were 2 R.V.A soldiers.  I then saw a red flash and heard a red scream. Dalis had turned into ash.  

They gathered us all up.  Deciding who would die and who would serve them.  The old folk were going to be the first to die. They only wanted young bodies to do their labor.  They lined up all the elders. Pointed their weapons.  But before they could fire, a blaze of endless lightning danced around the fields.  Strange thing was there was not a cloud in the sky.  The lightning was coming from Dalis's ashes.  His ashes begin to glow blue.  And in a magnificent flash of blue light stood Dalis.  He wore a strange beautiful blue armor.  There were red screams everywhere. All the R.V.A soldiers fired their weapons at Dalis.  But had no effect at all. Dalis walked toward all the soldiers.  He then held his hand toward the sky and a bolt of lightning struck it leaving behind a lance made out of lightning and some kind of metal.  He killed all the soldiers in an instant but left one alive.  He told them to go back and tell the R.V.A that he is coming for all of them.  The soldier left running!

Dalis, He came from the lightning.  Or from somewhere else.  There is no more R.V.A.  Dalis made sure of that.  We are at peace now.  We never saw Dalis again.  But the lightning storms remind me of him.
Stardiver Dalis
Solaces Jan 2016
All the light around me almost seem to fade slowly away.  It was then I saw where it went.   The new light God harnessed almost all of it and turned it into a weapon.  Rings upon rings of pale light danced around him.  Within the rings where stars upon stars.  He hurled the rings toward me as they moved faster than light themselves.  I tried to flee but the rings were attracted to my armor that had absorbed much of his spiteful light.  I then released the energy and directed it toward the chasing rings.  The rings shattered leaving behind white holes.  The white wholes siphoned up all the left over shattered light fragments and fed it back to the revenge thirsty light God.   He was now in route toward me.  He had 1000 suns spinning around him.  My armor was depleted of all his darkness eating light.  I advanced toward him.  Let the battle begin!   S DIVERS
1000 suns shining and spinning.
Solaces Jun 2016
There was no kind mechanics to it. No kind of matrix.  It was strange indeed, strange to see what made it live.  It had awareness it seem to be afraid of me yet fascinated.  It was also curious and wanted to know more about I. It did not have any pulse waves.  Instead it seem to be made of some sort of soft texture.  It was by far more advance than any of us. Yet it was frail. So easily breakable.   The thought processor was located in the head of the being.  It survived in conjunction with a beating pump near its chest plate.  Many other aspects had to be working within this lifeform for it to survive.
Solaces Sep 2015
Hello underground.  Hello to all of your shadows.  I meet with the dimming light here at midnight.   Hello small cracks in the wall.  I peak through at you.  See what is really true.  Hello dust devils.  Silence swept you away. My recollections are all I have to say.  Hello leftovers.  Time to eat my yesterdays. And start cooking what tomorrows say.  Hello milky skin. Pale as moon and taste like love.  Its what has always been all of the above. Hello underground.  Goodbye to all of your shadows.  I leave the dimming light at noon.  Just a visit is all it was and ill be back soon.
Look but don't touch..
Solaces Aug 2015
The sentinels of the light had arrived. They heard my call for help deep within this expansive galaxy at the center of forgotten memories.  The golden eyed shadows stood their ground eyes shining as bright as my old sun.  There were 5 of them.   They had on armor that shined this magnificent light inward and out.  They simply ignored the golden eyed shadows and circled around the star memory corrupted by the addiction.   All of their armor then shined different colors. Blue, red, green, white, and gold then shined forth.  The golden eyed shadows mounted their attack alongside the star demon.   They grasped their shadowy bodies onto the Sentinels of light.  Light and darkness mixed and spiraled.  They then begin to shine so bright that it seem to burn away the shadows and star demon.  My celestial star owl came out of the melted darkness that was once the star demon.   The sentinels of the light then focused their light onto the star memory.  They shined away all that was forgotten and brighten up all that could be remembered within this memory.  But not without a price.  Their armor begin to crack and bleed light into space.  They then all looked toward me as they smiled and faded away.  All that remain was the beautiful star they saved. A memory for the mind we live in.  The star lit up as bright as the sentinels of light.  This mind has remembered a love for someone.  This memory begin to trigger others as more and more stars lit up in this galaxy.
He remembers them.
Solaces Dec 2014
Weather it was the smoke or simply my dying mind I saw her before me smiling divine..
Angels are real or maybe it can be explained, but she stood there haunting me from beyond this plain.. Judgment had already taking place.. I knew it in my heart.. I was going to see her again I was going beyond while holding her ghostly hand.. She smiled sunshine in my darkest hour, her eyes made our constellation, I view it in my stargaze as I leave my sins behind without hesitation.. Beyond is what I call it some know it as heaven.. The sun here is white a radiant light filled reverend.. The storms came in so quick I lost sight of her, I screamed for her name I was being pulled away.. The bolts of lightning struck me down.. I awoke in a hospital torn away from my beyond.. The doctors got my heart going again.. I smiled for the moment.. I knew it was just a matter of time.. Before I will get to see her smile divine..
After the life..
Solaces May 2014
Without hope for so long..  
And found in just a second..
I looked toward the setting sun..
For once I felt alive..
I walked alone in the night with this new found hope..
Oh where oh where did you come from?
I smile at the thought of knowing it was always there..
Never was I truly without it..
The music is beautiful to me again..
The color of your eyes light up my soul..
The rememberence of magic colors my aura again..
This nightmare is ending now..
I hold the hand of hope as we wake up together hand and hand..
I say goodbye to the void..
I say goodbye to the gray me..
I awake to a sun filled room..
The last image I have is that of the gray me smiling at me..
His tears were blue..
hope really never leaves
Solaces Oct 2015
should u ever see me under the light of the night..
hear my song through the darkness and silver glow..
hold my phantom hand in this place of remembrance..
know that I have never given up on you..
i am still trying..
Ghost and Phantoms
Solaces Dec 2013
" once you reach that state of peace and balance you will shine forth your light." Sol..

Amid the chaos and darkness running about this end, I found such a peace and balance through despair.. Although I knew it the end I decided in my soul that I would not let this darkness take away all that I love.. They stood behind me and trusted me with their lives.. I knew this in my heart and soul and could feel them holding on through me.. It was at this point the light came from me! So so bright it was, but it did not hurt your eyes at all.. It shined forth like a beam of hope cutting through this darkness and making it bleed light.. And there for a moment I remembered a promise I made to her that I would always be there for them and never let anything happen to them, And for that short short moment my light cast her image.. I can almost see her.. It was then the blast of hope created the new day.. It was then the sun shined down once again.. through you, I am me..
Through you, I am me..
Solaces Feb 2014
The village men made their way back home with their new weapons that I had gathered for them. The young boy stayed with me.. He ran up in front of me and looked into my eyes. We were once again connected..

The young boy then started to talk with me. " My father told me to thank you for saving my life. My name is Ri. Thank you you for saving my life.. What is your name?"

I knew that a dragon with a human name would not sound so dragonlike.. I remember my brother and I playing with our toys.. We named one of the warriors Secalos.. During our play sessions Secalos would always save the day.. I think the name sounds fitting for a dragon! " My name is Secalos young Ri. The young boy smiled and told me that he like my name.. I told him that I liked his! I then took Ri for another dragon ride alongside the river..

Both of us were having so much fun. Again I could feel Ri's excitement course through his soul.. We came up to a fork in the river and my dragon sense kicked in.. This was a very very faint warning that I was feeling.. I felt the same warning during the fight with the Wyvern.. Only this sense was coming from somthing else during that fight.. I stopped and told Ri to be silent.. I used every dragon sense I had to its fullest.. I peered into the dark forest, I listened to the wispers of the winds, I took in all forms of smells around me.. My eyes were very very bright now, so much so they shined away the darkness between trees and under bushes..

There were three spots that I had my focus on the most.. My SENSES WERE TELLING ME THAT EYES WATCHED ME FROM THOSE SPOTS.. Spot one was at the fork of the river below, Spot two was in the forest by a large dark tree, and spot three was in front of a bushy plant with gray leaves..

Ri was a little scared but wanted to find a way to help me.. He said that he saw something by the bush move. And he was right.. At this moment three men appeared from thin air.. They wore strange armor.. All of them wore on their hip a sort of crystal that layed inside a metal circle. There were also lights on the shoulders of their armor.. The man at the center wore different colors.. They had a strange helmet made of clear metal that also glowed with strange lights.. This helmet also was blocking my dragon sight into their minds.. The 2 in the forest pointed strange spears at me which also shine with strange lights.. The center man had a grand bow with a metal arrow and a glowing arrowhead.. I then heard Ri's voice say that these are not men.. They are Elves of the shadow..
Technology advanced....
Solaces Nov 2018
I am forgetting about you..
Your smile has gone away..
No longer written on your face for me to see everyday..
Its getting easier for me day to day..

I am forgetting about you..
Saved memories emerge from time to time..
They are full of colors of you and are easy to find..
But are fading away to darkness as if I were blind..

I am forgetting about you..
No more haunting smiles in dreams..
No more deep brown angelic eyes that made my soul scream..
Because I couldn't have you in my arms under the sunbeams..

I am forgetting about you..
That part of me is dying..
That part of me walked under the moonlight and was crying..
But there you were in the clear night sky simply shining..

I wonder if I will forget about you..
I think that part of me will not die..
I think that part of me will stay alive..
Nothing left for me but endless goodbyes..
Solaces Nov 2013
It was done..
I did it..
I took everything back..
And the images started to float into my mind..
The wind swayed the grass once again..
The plants stood full of life in the soil under the rain..
And the sun shined down on my son once again..

I am sad to know that this will be the last time I will see such beauty..
From afar and up close..
From above and beyond..
But I am content that I am the one who brought such beauty back to a world engulfed by shadow..
The darkness screams at me as my light splinters it away into a shine of oblivion, into a chaos of dancing light..

I will live on prayer now and the rememberence of my son shining in the sun..
Live through them son as they will live through you..
To believe in one is to believe in all..
Even if its your mother u believe in or your brother or sister or simply a friend..
You at least know what it is to believe in something or someone..
That in itself is worth more than anything else..
I leave you this peace...
Look close at the name
Solaces Jul 2014
Here I am again..  This place is always ending.. I never really get to meet or talk to anyone here..  The moon has left for another.. This planet is leaving also..  There is no sound only music.  This chaos use to scare me to no end when I was a kid..  But now I see a beauty in the end itself..  I suppose this dream is trying to tell me something..  That it is alright for things to end..  Many of the people here are not crying or screaming in fear.. They are leaving in some form of rapture my mind conjured up.. Some smile while they leave and others have no emotion in their eyes.. They seem to know that it is time to leave..  Im still afraid to leave with them.. But I find myself wanting the chaos to take me..  I awaken................
Dont be afraid..  and know that you will wake up..
Solaces Aug 2014
Such colors yet again. In a black night sky at a beach at midnight. I explain the colors to everyone.. I spin and spin these colors behind clouds.. so beautiful this world.. I then fly over the oceans.. With colors spotlighting me from above.. 

In such a shift the floods have trapped a school bus.. the colors above are still there.. I go and help and jump into the raging waters.. I create a strong pocket of glass air around the bus.. no water can get through.. 

The waters calm and the children are saved.. but such sorcery has left my body floating and lost.. we search for it with spirit eyes. a water tiger floats beside it and sleeps with my body.. He has a job to guard it from law.. 

I awake with colors again..
Dreams again
Solaces May 2013
i don't know her name..
i just see her pour water into the river..
she then stands in the shallows with her umbrella..
she looks away into a place that she knows exist..

i don't know her name..
i just hear her hum a melody sweet..
makes the river flow..
as she looks away into a place that she knows exist..

i don't know her name..
i just see her hair dance in the wind..
she spins her umbrella left to right..
as she looks away into a place that she knows exist..

i don't know her name..
i just see her stand in the shallows under a lone black cloud..
rain falls on her umbrella and into the river..
as she looks away into a place that she knows exist..

i don't know her name..
i just wrote a poem about her..
a memory a dream..
someone real, someone created, in a place i know that truly exist..
Solaces Jun 2019
The old town..
Was it old?
Where am I?
I walk into what seems to be an old dance hall.
I try my luck on a game there and win big.
I then walk around the old town.
I still do not know where I am at.  
I think I am in the town of Memory.
Or at least fragments of memory.
Fragments of all the towns I have been to put together like a forgotten puzzle.  
Outside of town I find my sleeping self.
There by the river that runs to the oceans of my mind.
I need to wake myself up.
I look around before I do so.
I enjoy the created river and woods..
The detail is amazing.
This is the gift of painters.
And artist.
To create with thy hand what thy dreams present.
In order to wake myself up I simply have to fall asleep here..
I lay on my back in the sand by the river..
The sun speckles through the leaves in the trees creating a way back home..
I fall asleep and wake up..
A beautiful dream I had last night.  I was well aware that it was a dream. Which made it even more beautiful. It was like I was on the outer rims of heaven.
Solaces Dec 2013
I run under the fall sun, warm and kind it was, made the dead leaves sparkle with color..

But this is how it begins, The leap, the jump, the opening of an unseen door without color..

Suppose the world and time can be bent by simply thinking without thoughts that are the memory of color..

In doing so I run into the unseen door and begin to see that there is a plain without color..

Where there is no reflection of any sort, no kind of emotion, just the seconds that die as they pass leaving behind no color..

This is the place where one can take back the seconds by the rememberence of color..

Although a mere reflection to our eyes, color is truly the source of where life is given in meaning due to splash that is color..

But today I made the mistake of not remembering what this flower sang to my eyes with its color..

I gave to it the color red when in true remembernce it was blue thus giving it a false color..

I then returned to a chaos where colors were mixed and out of place, where the waters were remembered as yellow instead of deep blue, where the sun was green that shined down on this yellow world simply because I forgot this colorless flower's color..
And so from under the house the white hole glows and opens
Solaces Mar 2018
I had a dream about thunder. I awoke to silence.  Went out the back door to look at the sky.  It was full of stars.  No moon.   The thunder came from a storm I remembered.  It was a storm with no rain.  Just lightning and thunder.  Endless blue blazing.  No stars. Just clouds.  I could smell the rain that didn't fall. I want to smell the rain in my dreams. When I almost forget what the rain smells like.
Solaces Jan 2014
I have 11 hours left. I am adrift in a beautiful expanse outside our Galaxy. My mission is done. I have sent back all information I have gathered. So many wonderful things I have found.. Amazing that in my journey across this part of the galaxy I was able to find 41 planets that could sustain life.

I now sit in the cockpit staring among this beautiful expanse. There is no end to beauty out here. When my 11 hours are up I will simply fall asleep. Alone. I am alone.

(2 days later)
I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I am drifting by a huge blue star. I swear I see people outside floating! They are all in orbit of this blue star. My HEART BEGINS TO RACE.. My 11 hours were up long ago! How is this possible!?

I then see her come to the window. She seem to pass through it. My love! I had lost her 6 years ago. Could I have found her. Is this her soul? She looked into my eyes. She spoke my name. It was her! She kissed my neck and sent heavely chills across my body. We made love time and time again among the nameless stars.. We both fell asleep together.. I think I have found heaven!
If you go far enough..
Solaces Sep 2016
There was this light.  It shined from all around.  Was this the end? Am I dead? Am I falling or rising.  I could not tell.  

Turns out I am floating.  I can't see my hands in front of me.  Its to bright.  Then I realise that there are no shadows.  No darkness whatsoever.  Only light.

Its an endless expanse of shine.  There is a oneness without loneliness.  And then my memories come back to me..

The light begins to dim and many colors begin to show themselves.  I then see pictures and finally myself.

I then view my death.  And the ripple it creates across the universe.
I have become a star in an elsewhere without any.

I will begin the new day.
There are so many stars
Solaces Apr 2014
I have been visiting the outer rims of heaven..  Seeing first hand the memories that live again in this place..  Only toward the end I realize that I have to leave and I cannot stay.  It is sad but at the same time I carry with me the new memories of a heaven that I never knew existed.  Suppose everything is as real as you want it to be..  Suppose you cannot break from such a lucid loop.. You go round and round reborn with no memory of the many yesterdays that have long passed.. You live and die again and again.. Soon this world will be to full with those who do not know how to pass on through the outer rim.. They see it a dream...

The time machine used to take you back has indeed already been invented..  Look upon your bed or where ever you may sleep.. Behold your time machine.. When you go back and change things you do in such a way for a different stream in time... Although you awake in your stream you will find that you changed your someone else's time stream...  I have already changed the stars in many of my travels..  I have also seen that in doing so I have created a second universe..  Tonight I create a third..  So what we have here is a time change.. A ripple created by me, from me, to me, at the very source of me..  We begin from one and guide him to heaven infinite!
The spirial spinning wrong..
Solaces Feb 2016
I have discovered a new region in my faith.
There are now new parts of it that glow and shimmer.
New colors emerge from the timid wilderness.
A second step so to speak.
The most beautiful part in all of this is the steps themselves.
For they are endless.
I can only ascend from here.
What I knew yesterday and a year ago has expanded beyond this universe.
Solaces Oct 2014
For so long now.. I have try to create that of which I thought never existed.. But that had been my problem all along! It was until one day a an earth child entered the room.. We have always new there was a life-force involved to any sentient being that had emotion.. But never could we replicate in such a fashion as that of being born and created in the womb.. Thus the period of life starts as a soul is given to such life.. A soul.. That is what I finally created.. for 2 million years I tried this!! I could never get it to work.. Failure upon failure! Today was my final attempt at creating a soul and today I failed yet again.. It wasn't until the human earth child walked in on my experiment.. That's when it happened! The soul animated the body I created for it.. It had emotion! It was alive indeed! The human earth child gave me a part of the life equation I had been missing for 2 million years!!! The science was all there!!! In order! But I was missing one thing! BELIEF! And the child provided just that! My sweet beautiful wife.. I am going to bring you back!
missing a key
Solaces Jul 2014
I found the shadows living with the ghost..  This is what I was meant to see..  This is how I can make you remember me..
I found the sun becoming the son..  This is my way of letting go.. This is how I can truly know..
I found the river becoming the ocean..  This is where it belongs..  This is how I sing this song..
I found you loving me again..  This is what it means to end..  This is how I forever begin...
Solaces Mar 2016
I had travelled in anger in one direction for the past 5 trillion light years.
And now I am outside among this endless void.
This universe is a planet.
Inside of another and outside of yours.
We are just part of a memory.
The memory that belongs to this child.
A brain cell within this child's mind.
But as I left it behind I notice my universe begin to fade away.
Until there is nothing left.
I must make him remember.
I must find another universe!
Inside and out..
Solaces Mar 2017
I just want to hold on to you and feel you breathe...
Its all I need
Solaces Apr 2014
There are some moments that become still..
In a sense they become a time stop..
If you need me please tell me..
I am at a flux in time where I can meet you for the first time yet again..
Where I see you for the first time yet again..
The sight of you helped me invent the universe..
And I want to invent it all over again..
It was your eyes where I saw the need for galaxies..
But what I am really asking is what did I help you create?
I'm willing to go back and try to see what you saw in me..
I tourment myself with such understandings..
Because they are in no form understanding to me at all..
Is it all real?
This is more vast than me..
At least I will think so when some day I will realise it all..
Imagination really does scare me to no end..
Overthink, the impossible was made so, never was it impossible..
Solaces Jul 2014
Take me somewhere nice..  Its dark and cold the winter is here..  This endless grey is making me dream again..  Dreams about you, dreams about yesterday..
Take me to the sun.. There is none here..  This endless black is making me sleep forever in the white night.. I miss my shadows playing in the light..
Take me with you.. There is no music here..  Silent and ghostly voices remind me that you are gone.. I miss your voice, I miss your song..

At long last you have come back.. But you now have color.. I can hear your voice (tears flow)..
At long last I feel free.. I flow into you..  We are together (Hands grasp)
At long last I realize it all.. How my suicide brought me to this place.. Death has brought you to me..

But only for a moment.. This is my punishment..
no heaven or hell.. just punishment..
Solaces Feb 2017
I miss the phantoms of you..
I miss you haunting me..
I use to be afraid of your ghost..
And then you left..
I could never leave..
I wish you would come back..
But you left because of me..
And I stay because of you..
But time one day whispered into my ear..
And told me I was the phantom, I was the ghost that scared you away..
It seem like only days..
But truly they were years..
And you returned to me..
Silver and gray..
And showed me a way to heaven..
Are we the ghost?
Solaces May 2015
Late night walk.. at peace under the stars and street lights. That is until I hit crossline street. No streetlights Just dark road. Its at this point the stars show themselves true. 10pm clicks on through. I see a white line in the sky. Its very faint and barley visible. I think its a chemtrail maybe a long thin cloud. For 2 weeks I see this white line at 10 pm and finally realise it to be a beam of light. It shines for but 2 minutes and then turns off. I decided to go on the otherside of town one night and see this beam of light brighter arc across the sky. I also see this light is coming from above the hills. On the next night I wait at the hills.. and at 10 pm the light shined on through. From a trailer window alone up here I find a girl whom had been missing for three years.. this was no white line.. this was an s.o.s that I found in darkness without streetlights..
sos received
Solaces Nov 2018
Sun and stars..
Moonbeam scars...
Light of the night..
Is my darkness sight..

Under pale silver false sun..
The midnight run...
Hunting for your soul..
In pockets of moon glow..

I felt your lips on my neck..
Ghostly chills leave behind light specks...
Only it was not me looking for you all along..
But you looking for me in this ghostly song..
Who is the Ghost?
Solaces Oct 2016
Inside the broken building under the tall trees.
There was a hall.
Perfect and clean.
With lights that shine green.

Curiosity wispered to my soul.
Please keep on walking.
Lets find out whats below.

There was another hall.
Almost exactly the same.
Perfect and clean.
With lights that shined green.

The door way out of inside.
Went right back outside.
The trees I remembered here.
Had already died.

I walked across time.
In a moment in an instant.
Across the universe.
Where I only existed.
Solaces Mar 2017
I will meet with you past the stars..
On the other side of twilight..
Intertwined and slowly unraveling all at once..
A light awakens within us simultaneously..
This is where we meet past the stars..
Because during this time there is no light, there is no darkness.
We are just past the stars..
Then we return..
Just to go past them again..
Going slow is better than going fast..
Intertwined and slowly unraveling all at once again and again...
Simultaneously not one at a time..
Solaces Feb 2020
In the morning..
The sun starts to burn the fog away..
I was not suppose to be here..
But I was..
I was in the meadow where the Sentinels reside..
The guardians of light and dark..
Light and dusk angels..
They walk around the morning fog and enjoy the peace..
Solaces Apr 2019

Endless universe of sea dreams..
I was there..
In the pure..

I saw the crystal towers rise from the waters..
The life was in perfect balance here..
The towers captured the sunlight..
And created endless energy for the life below..
Solaces Apr 2015
Through death..  Afterwards, Aftermath, The glow among the darkness.. The signature used between us was an emotion we never quite understood but used anyhow to the fullest of our comprehension..  I loved you! That is how I am able to find you in this infinite space and time.. Our love is like a beacon to each other, like magnets of hope that are pulling toward each other..  Although I am dead this new infinite form I have ascended to is made of our love.. And then we finally find each other.. We hold each other at the center of darkness..  We become light...  We become a star...  The light we give off warms a nearby planet.. We are the light of life, the giver of shine.. We are the day and night there.. In this new forever created by love..
Love is felt across the universe
Solaces Apr 2015
Sunset...  Sun setting..
Moon rise..

No matter the time I still think of you..
Into the black and out of the blue..
I ride alone through and true..

I fade into the night..
And remember your light..
I ride on through..
The darkness true..

I miss your arms around me..
I miss feeling you breathe..
I ride on through..
Forever without you..

Sunrise..  Sun rising..
Moon hides..
I just ride on through...
Solaces Oct 2018
I paint for you..
Everything in my soul..
But i suppose i didnt use enough colors
For you to notice at all..
Solaces Jan 2014
I ride around my small little town..
I see myself riding my bike down those streets and sidewalks..
Memories run back to me on this little drive of mine..
Seems so very long ago..
Playing football at the park..
Racing down those hills..

I drive around my small little town..
Things have changed..
Even the days themselves..
Sometimes the nights look like they did when I was young..
I get a glimspe of magic from a star..
Summer loves fade..

I ride around my small little town..
My memories sing to me ..
To remember is a gift..
A gift you can always give yourself..
And you will never be disappointed..
So go take a ride..
I see myself ride on by..
Solaces Aug 2014
in my darkness..
forever black..
falling down this abyss

she smiled light..
she wispered glow..
she sang to me a song of shine..

for the first time..
i saw heaven in hell..
i was being pulled back up..

she held my hand..
she made my heart beat..
colors returned to my eyes..

heaven has always been here with me..
it was she..
i can smile yet again...
forever, whenever
Solaces Oct 2015
i sometimes write about who u are..
i create your beauty..
i color your eyes..
i add music to your soul..
i make you cry..

i sometimes write about how u make me feel..
i feel in love..
i feel ashamed..
i feel the need to need you..
i feel the need to let you go..

i sometimes write about how we can start all over..
i start with hello my name is...
i start with a smile..
i start with a dream..
i start to write about u again..
Whenever I want.
Solaces Jun 2013
she started with the mind..
only the mind..
i could see her thoughts as she created the spirial..

from within she felt what she created..
but it was only dust and stars..
she stared at if for thousands of years and then it came to her..

with heart she then made the spirial turn..
it moved along with the beat of her heart..
she smiled and all the stars lit up..

with her eyes she saw her creation turn..
simply by feeling her waves of emotion carried the stars on a darkness ocean current.. but it was slowing and then it came to a stop.. she would turn it and turn it for yet another thousand years and then snap it came to her..

with soul she created a big bang in the center creating a soul engine..
the engine powered the spirial as it turned and turned..
she was dazzled to no end as her spirial begin to take shape...

she look to me as her galaxy was created..
i told her "welcome to your creation"
she then became a part of her galaxy, i have not seen her for the past million years, i can only wonder what she is doing there..
Solaces Aug 2019
It fell apart in beautiful ways..

The imagination shattered..

The magic fading..

The hope running down the dream glass..

The trail marks on your face..

Left behind by held back tears..

And all the nothing you have always been..

Remembered and reminded..

From the time you forgot..

I just want to forget again..

The sad shadows watch again..

In all their glory..

With their eyes they take away your color..

With their shade they take away your shine..

With their lies they take away your truth..

Soon there will be only remnants of imagination, magic, and hope..

And maybe with a spark..

You can shine again soon..
Amazing how they can take your colors away..
Solaces Oct 2015
Its all that shimmers..
Such an astounding race..
Amazing its what truly shapes the universe.
Cannot be created, cannot be copied..
What these beings have is a gift of divinity..
And the most beautiful part in it all is that they truly do not know themselves that a God does or does not exist.
They just choose to believe without knowing..
Their emotions are what drives us to be better than what we are..
For one day I truly want to experience love..
Its all that shimmers..
love is what bends and breaks the universe.
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