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Lela May 2019
You are the light of my life
My morning sun and my evening moon
I want to reach you and stay by your side
Too bad you’re just “not in the mood”
Too bad “you have better things to do”
Because the only thing I do
is think of you

I dream
of you thinking about me too
Sometimes we want to be cared about by the wrong person
2.2k · May 2020
A poem written by a woman
Lela May 2020
I am so mad that I have to live in a world where
**** jokes are funny
catcalling is normal
touching with no permission is not a big deal
and where boys complain that they have to ask for consent
But feminism is bad, right?
1.3k · May 2021
Lela May 2021
I just feel dizy
Where all the time go
Nothing is logical and I've lot the sense of purpose
And even though
I'm still a human
My body makes me feel like I'm just a reject
Reject of stars
Reject of life
Nothing  is logical and I've lost the sense of purpose
My body's flying
But I stay put down
Is this really the end of my existance?
Who even are we?
563 · Apr 2019
No thank you
Lela Apr 2019
You see
that’s the problem with me being myself
I don’t want to
Because if I already annoy myself so much
How selfish of me to torture others?
481 · Mar 2019
Hello Spring
Lela Mar 2019
When the sun hits my window at 6 am
Flowers grow
Birds fly in the air
when I don’t need to borrow his jacket no more
Sweet and soft songs start hitting me slow

Long time no see spring, make yourself at home.
I’m so happy that it’s starting to get warm again :)
Lela Jan 2020
This is just pure madness.
He's the one I should love.
You'll break my heart and I know this!
I knew about it from the start.
413 · Dec 2020
Lela Dec 2020
I washed the hoodie you left at my house.
I put it in my laundry machine and pressed start. I watched it as the smell of you forever leaves it’s fabric. All of the feelings I buried deep down inside me are gone.
It no longer holds any power over me, I no longer treat it as an enemy.
Now it’s just a piece of clothing that used to be yours
It doesn’t bring memories anymore
It is just a simple hoodie that used to be yours.

I don't sleep in it anymore. I don't keep it close to me as if it is going to protect me when the bad times come. Right now I see it only as a piece of clothing and nothing else. I am at peace with an object that never even knew I had so many feeling towards it.
It is just
a stupid

I let go of my claim on you
I am free.

It was itchy anyways.
405 · May 2020
Magic and fairies
Lela May 2020
Sometimes I wonder if what I'm feeling is happiness or just being less sad
Because I forgot what happy means
It's like happiness is my uncle that I see only once a year on christmas and I only say hi because I'm to scared to star a conversation because I wouldn't know what to talk about

How do I talk to a person I have nothing in common with and
why am I supposed to be the one to start the conversation?

I can't wrap my head around the fact that some poeple are mentally stable and just go about their day when they wake up without crying after the alarm rings
Why can't I be one of them?

When I was younger my parents would read me stories about magic and fairies. They told me it's not real but I still wanted to believe.
Now when people tell me it's going to get better I just stuff these words where the memories of me wanting to be a fairy are

Far away
Because I am no longer a child
and I don't believe in something that doesn't exist
338 · Apr 2019
I’m sorry
Lela Apr 2019
I’m sorry
I can’t help you
I tried
Can’t get through
329 · Dec 2019
You dont love me
Lela Dec 2019
I'll put it in the simplest way possible
I am
In love

With you
But without you
327 · Mar 2019
I needed you
Lela Mar 2019
With tears in my eyes I begged you to stay
stay by my side for how long it will take

take me to get on my own feet
and hold my head high

but all you did was walk away without a goodbye
I wish I was mad at you but I just can't
326 · Mar 2019
Too young
Lela Mar 2019
They say I’m too young to feel that way
They say that there’s no way I’ve ever felt pain
But what am I supposed to say, when I feel that way everyday?

I guess I’ll see how it is
But for now, I’m still missing a piece
Of myself

For now I’m still hurting
With no one to comfort me

But I guess I’m okay
That’s... what they say
You’re never too young to feel pain
314 · Jun 2019
Lela Jun 2019
The sunlight wakes me up at 10 am, but I’m not even thinking about getting out of bed

It’s just seems so distant, impossible to reach
I know I sound dumb but it ain’t easy for me

Something keeps me nailed to this bed
I can’t move my limbs, I’m ashamed of myself

This has to end now, I can’t live this way
I lie to myself like this
Getting out of bed should be easy but it’s not.
294 · May 2019
Lela May 2019
The more steps I take the more I lose my breath
I try to run but I can’t escape
It’s getting closer I think it’s too late

It caught  me again

My heart starts pounding
My hands start shaking
Nobody can hear me
Nobody can help me
292 · Mar 2019
I still think of you
Lela Mar 2019
Even tho things did not end up well
I still go back to the moments we shared
If I could I would go back in time
and fix what was broken in between us

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you
you deserved better, and now you do what you said you would do

By this I mean that you're happy without me
I'm glad you're smiling, even if it's not caused by me.
291 · Mar 2019
Your smile
Lela Mar 2019
I saw you smile today, and boy I have to say
that your smile could be mine if you'd let me stay inside for a while

Cuz your smile makes my life turn from gray
to even slightly better than okay

Butterflies when from my tummy to my head
and I don't know if that's okay
but let me in and I'll try my best
to make you smile more than once or twice a day.
:)))))) kind of silly but why not
289 · Mar 2019
Help me
Lela Mar 2019
My heart’s so empty
My life’s so dull
My head’s still hurting
My soul’s been through

I don’t feel a thing
Even the pain
Is it a good or a bad thing?

Don’t know what to do
Lost in my own world
Can someone save me?
I’m about to drown
I don't know anymore
Lela Dec 2019
It's just the fact that I can't listen to sad songs anymore
You took that away from me

And I couldn't be more happy about it
I lost music but now I have you
259 · Apr 2020
If my body could speak
Lela Apr 2020
If my body could speak
What would it say?
Would it be proud of me or ashamed?
I hope it won't complain about the way I treat it
But who am I kidding
I know I deserve it

I hope it'll give me a chance to at least say sorry
I really want to say that it doesn't have to worry
We both know with me it's not the case
It keeps me alive
And I treat it like a waste
257 · Dec 2019
Too good to be true
Lela Dec 2019
Our relationship was too good to be true and I've finally realized that.
You broke the way I see the world with your sweet nothings hugs and love.
I focused on you and only on you, forgetting to have other friends
You were my rock, you were my star
Now it's hard for me to build a relationship with anyone else

You were too good to be true
Hope you'll come back to the fairyland you came from.
For now leave me alone.
245 · Apr 2019
Wait for me
Lela Apr 2019
A year went by
In what feels like a day

My hands are still cold
Soul I don’t know where

You’re still by my side
In What feels like nowhere

I’m glad you’re alright
I still have to get there
I’m really happy to see you smile but please wait for me I’ll get to you in a moment
244 · Dec 2019
I miss the way you Lied
Lela Dec 2019
You said that you cared
Guess that was a lie
So mad at myself for going back to the moment you told me you’re mine
241 · Dec 2019
Love songs
Lela Dec 2019
And as the wind blows through my hair I hear your voice calling my name.
I walk down the road we used to go together and I listen to the playlist you made me to feel better.
Every song I hear reminds me of you. Every word that goes into my ear makes my heart break in two.

It hurts to have both of my headphones singing me songs that we used to listen to, so I take one out and imagine you're sitting next to me and taking it, while I get closer to you.

The wind blows gently on my nose.
I don't want to hear your voice.
I can't even listen to sad songs anymore
235 · Nov 2019
So selfish of you.
Lela Nov 2019
You made me yours.
But you don't want to be mine
You waste all my time by telling me lies
Where is this love you say you have for me?
Do you really want me to get on my knees and dig to find it?
Do you want me to travel the world?
Do you want me to study all the books that my library owns?
Do I really need to beg you to need me?

Stop lying.
Just tell me that you don't care so I can get up and leave.

Who am I even kidding right now?
YOU made me YOURS
But you'll never be mine
Honestly fuvk you for giving me fake hope
230 · Dec 2019
Bottled up tears.
Lela Dec 2019
I want to cry but I don't have any tears left.
I bottled them on and sent them to you hoping you would also shed a tear or two.
225 · Mar 2019
You're a part of me
Lela Mar 2019
I hate you
But you're a part of me and I don't know what to do

I love you
But you don't make me feel good

I want to leave you behind
And stay strong by myself for once

It's been 6 years
Please give me a chance
Don't know if I would be happy to see you go
225 · Aug 2020
Lela Aug 2020
I want to grow old to see how my life will evolve
But at the same time I want to die young so I dont have to look back and wonder how my life would've turnt out if I did the things I never had the courage to do
I want my grandkids to be interested in all the stories I tell
But what If i won't have any?

If I died today, what would I be remebered by?
As the girl who never looked back or a girl who did everything she felt was right?
223 · Dec 2019
You're like a book
Lela Dec 2019
You're like a 1000 pages long book to me
And you won't even let me see what you keep
I want to open you up and study your feelings all day and all night
But I guess you're more like a diary
Or maybe that's what you want me to think
maybe you don't trust me enough
Maybe you don't want me to get scared and run

Please just let me see
I can be your next chapter that's not so mean
Maybe I can help you with your story
Please, don't even worry
Because, you see
I love reading And I'll keep your secrets in my private library
221 · Dec 2019
Tough decision
Lela Dec 2019
This is going to be so hard for me but I know it's the right thing to do
It's time to cut you off and let myself be me and let you be you
I wanted to be your last
I wanted our relationship to last
Guess forever doesn't mean anything
219 · Feb 2020
Lela Feb 2020
Isn't it sad that we're so broken inside that we're suspicious of everything that makes us happy?
218 · Mar 2020
Big glass house
Lela Mar 2020
Sometimes I wish I was living in a big glass house
With no furniture
Just me and my glass house

I wish it was placed in a big forest
With just trees around
Just me, my glass house and a big forest

I wish nobody would visit me
Because I want to be alone
Because I’m tired of being lonely
Just me, my glass house and a big forest

I wish to die in my glass house
Surrounded by trees
So nobody could mourn my death
218 · Dec 2019
Im stupid
Lela Dec 2019
Honestly, *******
I know I'd be better without you
You're just breaking my heart,
and the worst part is
I knew it would be like this from the start
Honestly Im just mad, so its not even decent, I  just want these thoughts out of my mind
218 · Jan 2020
He's perfect for me
Lela Jan 2020
He treats me like a princess. He makes me feel safe.
Whenever I call his name I know he'll be right there.
He says I'm the prettiest of them all. He says he'd do anything to keep me warm.
I know I can trust him enough to tell him about my darkest parts.
I know he's the one for me. I know  he would never hurt me.
He's literally perfect. In every way shape or form.

But you're the one I love.
You just got that THING in you and I can't get enough of it.
192 · Jan 2020
How much a heart can hold?
Lela Jan 2020
My heart has been yours since the day we met
You took it by storm, I had no time to protect it
I loved you with every single bone in my body
You told me we're fine, you told me not to worry

I knew I should've run
Should've left as soon as it hit me
That you'll never change, even for me

I still hope we'll be fine, just as you promised
But I'm tired of hearing your screams when I'm just being honest

I loved you with every bone in my body
And believe me when I say I tried not to worry

But I have this question stuck in my head
"How much a heart can hold before it breaks?"
I really like this one, hope you'll like it too.
191 · Mar 2020
Everything I hate about you
Lela Mar 2020
If I were to write about you I would describe all the things you did wrong.
I would explain why you don't deserve me and why you never will.
I would write about your stupid jokes and your lack of empathy.
The way you never understood what "I love you" means
I could write a song about how much I hated the way you treated me.
And my poems about you not being there for me would  never come to an end.

I could write a thousant  books about you.
And they still would be about how much I love you.
190 · Jan 2020
You deserve better
Lela Jan 2020
Sometimes you find a person and you immedlately click.
You think it's for life.
They tell you they won't leave you, that they love you, so you just ignore all the times when they hurt you. You think they're using you, but that's just how relationships work, right?
They make you feel so low. You start to think that there must be something wrong with you, that it's YOUR fault.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not. Nothing is your fault. You tried, but you can't keep trying to fix a person that just doesn't want to get fixed. You deserve better than to be treated like you're worth nothing. You deserve someone who will love you for who you are. All your flaws. All your mistakes. That person will make you feel safe. And you won't need to beg on your knees to get a little bit of love.

You deserve  to be happy.
188 · Feb 2020
If you were to die today
Lela Feb 2020
If you were to die today the clouds won't turn grey
The news won't mourn your death
Nothing will happen to the book store you love
And "The night we met" still will be our favourite song

Only a few people will notice you're gone
My brother will still travel to Paris in a few years if he passes his exam
Nothing will really change that much
Everyone will forget your touch

BUT MY clouds will start to rain
MY BRAIN will always mourn your name
'The night we met" will make ME CRY
And the book store you love will shut down IN MY mind

I'M THE ONE who's world will collapse
Who cares about others?
I only cared about YOUR TOUCH

You were my world
Now I don't want to live on this planet anymore
I know it's hard but please don't leave me
187 · Feb 2020
It's not that easy
Lela Feb 2020
I laugh once
And everyone thinks I'm happy
I have a good day
And everyone thinks I'm okay
I don't cry for one night
And everyone thinks I'm alright

There is a big difference
Between being happy
And being discracted form your sadness
185 · Jun 2020
Old friend
Lela Jun 2020
I thought my ears will forever forget the sound of your voice
But accidents happen
And now I no longer know what to believe
I used to think that when the day we meet finally comes I will be scared shitless not knowing what to do

But I am calm now
Because when I think of the things you did to me I realise that you were just a lesson
A tough one, I must admit but I learned a lot
And I hope you did too

Farwell, old friend
This time for good
Because I no longer am your student
Lela Dec 2019
I'm too tired to think about the concequences of my actions
i don't really care about anything or anyone anymore and i don't know if that's a good or as bad thing if I'm being complety honest.

I used to be such a stupid person - caring about everyone hoping I would get the same thing back.
Knowing that I won't but still believing.
So foolish of me to think that anyone would care about me.

But it's all clear to me now
And I've understood that the best way to hide your feelings is to not have them at all.
183 · Dec 2019
You love when I’m in pain
Lela Dec 2019
I guess I was okay when the pain felt good
I got used to getting used, used to getting choked
And you’ve changed the way I am
You taught me how to get used to the pain
And I hate to say
It feels awful, but I’m too scared to run away

It hurts to love you
But letting you go would hurt more
I dont even know
183 · Dec 2019
Lela Dec 2019
I guess I'll never be okay
with the way you look at her
With the way you touch her skin
With the way she makes you feel
And it makes me sick inside
When I think that you'll never be mine
Because we both know it's true

But you're happy
And she makes you smile
And that's all I care about
I guess I'm happy for you
181 · Mar 2020
How dare you
Lela Mar 2020
You ignore me for days
And I start to go insane
I catch myself looking at my phone hoping you would text me way more than I should
I try to convince mysef that you're the bad guy and It's not my fault
But it's not that easy when I love you with all of my heart and soul

You don't appreciate me at all
You can't bother to pick up the phone
You hug me only when you need to feel loved
I start to think you don't even LIKE me at all

But wait, you get mad when I don't have the time?
When I'm too tired to kiss you goodbye?
When I put myself first, even  before you?

How dare you
I don't know why I let you call me your Boo
180 · Dec 2020
Depression, who are you?
Lela Dec 2020
Because it’s not only “I want to **** myself”
Sometimes it’s so much more than that
Because saying that you want to **** yourself
Or to be
Is scary

Sometimes it may be sleeping way too much
Or eating less than you should
Or not caring about anything or anyone

Sometimes it’s the need to be alone even though you crave someone so badly
Or staring at a blank wall for an hour
Or not having enough tears left to cry

They say if you wanted to **** yourself you would just do it
But there still is a little bit of hope in my heart
I still believe than someone might help me
But I’m too afraid to ask

It’s so **** stupid
If I have literally nothing to lose
If my life is worth so little to me right now
Why don’t I just try

Its because my brain has already given up
But my heart’s still beating
And it won’t stop until my brain shuts it out
171 · Dec 2019
Today I am mad
Lela Dec 2019
It makes me sick that you've made me write so many poems about you

And they're not even good
It's just expressing how mad I am at you
Lela Dec 2019
I'm sorry
It's hard
It's hard for you to keep me alive

I'm sorry
I know
I know that you don't want to leave me alone

I'm sorry
Don't call
Don't call me to tell me you'll stay with me through it all

I'm sorry
Just leave
Just leave me to die alone in the dark

I'm sorry
Goodbye to you, the love of my life
Forget about me and move on
171 · Dec 2019
Both of us
Lela Dec 2019
This world was not made for both of us
And I finally realized that we can't just cut off each other's wings all the time
One will have to say goodbye

I hope it's  not going to be me
169 · Feb 2020
I hope you'll understand
Lela Feb 2020
I’m so sorry
You don’t deserve this
All you did was make me happy
You never hurt me

I’m so sorry I’m like this
But my life is messed up
I don’t want to drag you with me into the dark

You will never understand how sorry I am
And how much I miss you
But please, believe me, I did this to protect you

I love you
And I always will
I’ll never forget the way you made me feel

You made me so happy
Now I’m so sad
Because I no longer have you by my side

Someday you’ll understand that you’re better without me
And that all I did was hurt you with all of my sadness

I’m so sorry my demons got the best of me
I wanted to end this before I mess up so bad
That you’ll never want me back

I still hope one day we’ll end up together
Like in our plans
But I also want you to be with someone who will treat you better

I'm sick
And I’m sorry
169 · Apr 2019
Why am I like this
Lela Apr 2019
I have so many things I want to do
So many things I want to get through

I want to travel around the world
Do what I want and what I love

So many wants so many needs
I really want to be someone big

But yet still I’m laying in my bed
incapable of getting up and starting a new day
My mental health is holding me back and I hate it
168 · Dec 2019
Second choice
Lela Dec 2019
People say they hate being the second choice
Because it makes them feel less important
more of an afterthought

But I
cry myself to sleep every night
thinking about what's wrong with me
Wishing for anyone to even consider me as an option.
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