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Lani Foronda Jun 2014
There never seems
To be enough
Seconds in a minute
Minutes in an hour
Hours in a day
When it comes to this journey called "life."
There always seems to be
Somewhere to go
Someone to see.
If it's not here, then it's there.
If it's not her, then it's them.
I frantically rush from one hour
To the next
Until there is nothing left but
Me and a hundred of thoughts,
A myriad of worries,
And a pyramid of plans.

But it's then that I take a breathe.
I take a breath
& remember You-
The Great Beginning
And the End.
For even but a moment
It is just the Father and I-
A father and his daughter.
I rest at the feet of Jesus
Like Mary once did.
There is no agenda
No rush
No need to be anywhere but here.
I am humbled by His presence for
He radiates
All that I am not.

I tell Him of my day
And the fears that have taken root:
The fear of failing,
The fear of disappointment,
The fear of not being good enough.
"It's too much!"
I cry out.
"I can't do it!
There's too many things and not enough me."
But my Father,
He tells me to list.
He tells me of how He has a plan-
A plan of joy
Not worry;
A plan of peace,
Not distress;
A plan of victory,
Not defeat.
"Child, yes, you are small,
But I am big-
Bigger than your plans,
Bigger than your hopes,
Bigger than your fears.
So take comfort in Me
When life is not at rest.
Find solace during the story
While knowing that I calm the seas."
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
We're all authors
We have stacks upon stacks of paper
Piling high
Of what we wish could happen
Of what really did happen.
We're all painters
Tubes of endless
& in betweens.
We try to make a prettier picture
Of what's in front of us.
Try to take something ordinary
And make it other worldly.
We're all photographers
Film strips
Memory cards.
We capture the moment
Lock them in our hearts
Imprint them upon our brains
Because we don't want to forget.
We are all artists.
Because we each have visions
And create them
In order for others to see what we see
Feel what we feel.
June 22, 2013
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
You make me want to give you the world,
But the world is what is stopping us.
You make me want to do a dance,
But I don't dance.
You make me want to get out of town,
But leaving you would hurt so bad.
You make me want to believe in "forever,"
But I don't have faith in that anymore.
You make me want to be happy
But a smile can hide so much.
You make me the luckiest girl in the world,
But I know that it can't be me.
Lani Foronda Sep 2014
You strum your guitar
Like the strings on my heart.
Pluck them effortlessly
To get a smile or two.
& on those summer days I couldn't help but feel
Like a wandering balloon
With nothing to hold on to.
August 26-31, 2012
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
Was I too damaged
Too broken
To fit in that perfect little world of yours?
Was I too much
To handle
In regard to where you stood?
I suppose I should feel like it's
My own fault.
I should be stronger.
I should hold my head higher.
I should be better.
But I laugh at the voices in the back of my head.
Who are you to tell me who I am?
So if there's not a spot next to you,
Then that's fine with me.
Allow me to pick up the pieces
And be on my way.
Because if I've learned anything at all,
It's to leave before you are left.
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
Is what I feel out of obligation or sincerity?
Cause quite frankly
Nothing's making sense to me.
I'm standing in a crowd of people
And all I see is you.
But I swear,
I don't.
I don't want to see you again and again and again.
You'd think once was enough,
But fate must hate me
To give me another glance of you.
I keep telling myself that this
How things were supposed to go.
There was so much left to do
To say
To accomplish.
Tomorrow was (not) our day to take by the hand,
But now Yesterday is dragging me back.
Clinging to me.
Since I'm the only one left standing there.
There's just one thing to do.
One thing left to say.
Then it'll all be over.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't say the words that I've been dying to say.
I can't say "goodbye."
Goodbye was never an option,
But it's starting to sound like my solution
To this never ending equation.
May 07, 2013
Lani Foronda Jan 2016
Winter is coming but I fear I am not ready.
I may have spent too much time chasing sunsets that I've failed to notice the leaves changing.
Reds, oranges, yellows, and browns--
They came upon me before I had a chance to grab a jacket.
Now I'm left outside shivering.

Longing for a warmer day.
But the only day is today,
And I am at a loss.

The leaves are finishing their descent, eagerly awaiting to see their friends once more.
And as I watch, I am envious, so envious.
These leaves-- they are quick to change.
Quick to adapt without a single worry of what's next.
They know that reunion is coming soon.
Soon they will feel the rough edges of those they grew up with.
Soon they will echo together.

Winter is coming.
Winter is coming.

They whisper quietly as they crunch underneath my boot.

*Winter is coming.
Come quickly, dear friend,
For winter is coming.
December 2015
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
Wishing on stars
Won't get you too far.
It won't matter how far it is
Or how bright it shines.
You can't sit at the window for hours
And cross your fingers until they're blue.
Put your heart and soul
Into "I wish I wish I wish..."
Because you can't just sit back
Hope something happens.
You have to get up and do something-
If you really want it.
June 22, 2013
Lani Foronda Jun 2014
It's not that I can't do it.
It's more of a "I-don't-want-to" type of situation.
I don't want to commit
Or make promises that I know I can't keep.
That just wouldn't be fair,
& I wouldn't dare hurt you again.
I'm much too scared to take that chance.

But believe me,
I wish I could-
I want to more than anything.
If I had the opportunity,
I would tell you everything
And show you all that I've had to hide.
All the closed doors
Sealed up windows
Would be yours to open up.
I would hold your hand
Proud and tight
Because I'd want the world to see that I'm yours.
There would be no secrets
No more blurred lines.
Just you and me
Like you've always wanted.

But I know that as much as I want for this to happen,
I won't let it.
Spoiler: It happened, and I couldn't have been more blessed to have someone like him.
Lani Foronda Sep 2014
It starts off with a little space-
Right there in that mind of yours.
Just in the back
Hidden in the corner
Behind your hopes & dreams.
They talk.
They say.
They whisper.
They shout.
They write.
They type.
The push words like
Not good enough
Never will be
Till they lay scattered on the floor.
The voices outside pile them
Until they push down your walls.
Day by day
The voices grow.
Day by day
The words start to bleed.
They flow through your fragile veins
And into your heart.
Can you feel that?
Feel your heart slow down
T h u m p
T  h  u  m  p
T   h   u   m   p
T    h    u    m    p
Under the weight of their words.
September 09, 2012
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
This insanity is keeping me sane.
This frustration
Reminds me that I can still feel.
This pain in my chest
Tells me that my heart is still working.
I let out a breath of sweet relief
Knowing that I haven't grown numb just yet.
But the "yet" sends a chill down my
Because "yet" means soon.
& the "yet" means I can't escape.
April 24, 2013
Lani Foronda Sep 2014
The only person to blame is yourself.
You believed his words.
You decided to trust him when everyone else said not to.
You stayed when everyone was screaming to go.
You had hope when really they just wanted to see you fail.
You made the choice.
& now you get to suffer the consequences.
May 17, 2012
Lani Foronda Oct 2014
you are loved
not for who you are
or what you can do
or what you may offer.
you are loved
not out of obligation
or tradition
or personal gain.
you are loved by choice-
and my God, how He loves you.
He loves you like a father loves a daughter
because after all, you are His daughter.
you are His child,
close to His heart,
held in the palm of His hand.
He loves like the ocean-
stretching on farther than the human eye can see.
His love is
and constant,
washing over you
every second
every minute
every hour
every day.
His love encompasses your entire being-
who you've been
who you are
and who you will be.
He wraps you in His love
until the person you see in the mirror is not you but
so i pray and pray and pray
that there is a day-
and i know that there will be-
when you can see that you are loved.
October 17, 2014
Lani Foronda Sep 2014
y o u
a r e
n o t
m i n e
and when i really think about it,
y o u
n e v e r
w e r e.
people have always been fickle
a constant storm of maybe-yes, maybe-no
in a world craving for certainty.
i thought that it might have been possible for you to be the one thing that'd never change,
but, oh how wrong i've been.
you are not mine.
you are His.
you have always been His
even when you didn't want to be.
you have always been His
even when you ran far                   far                    far                  away.
you have always been His
even when you said no.
you have always been His
even when you said yes to me.

you see, what i have failed to realize is that i own nothing.
nothing is mine.
all that i am
all that i have
is God's.
after all
who am i to say such things when He first gave them to me?

mother and father,
i cling to you so desperately but
you are not mine.

brothers and sisters,
whether by blood or choice
you are not mine.

pen and paper,
i have loved you for so long but
you are not mine.

and then there's you.
there has always been you
in the background
in the limelight
always somehow present
that somehow in my mind
i deemed you mine.

but like i said,
you are not mine.
you are His
fully and forever His.
September 07, 2014
Lani Foronda Jun 2014
you asked me where i wanted to go,
but all i said was i don't know.
you handed me a map,
but i laid it on my lap.
i rested my head on the window
and watched the passing show of
i took solace in the one thing
i knew i had-
it might not have been enough
but it was the most that i had.
so i held it tight in my chest
and braced myself for the road
set before us.
Lani Foronda Sep 2014
You don't know how it feels
To second guess myself.
You don't know how it feels
When someone tells me otherwise.
I want to trust you.
I do trust you.
But I know what it's like to be an option.
I'm not even sure if I'm your
Or third.
& let me tell you,
It's not fun.
It's not pretty.
And above all,
It's not fair.
I've been trying to be real to you,
And then she comes along.
Of all people.
Of all timing.
It's her and it's now.
I pray
And I h o p e
That you aren't lying.
I pray
And I h o p e
That you mean what you say.
I pray
And I h o p e
That you aren't going to just leave.

I know it isn't always the best-
But then again,
It's not always the worst.
So say you'll stay?
Even just for a minute or two.
Or maybe even fifteen.
Cause just a second seems like forever
Before you slip
May 01, 2012
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
What if I never reach Seattle?
Or worse what if I reach Seattle (without you)?
July 14, 2014
I've found that when you love someone, his dreams start to become yours because you'll do anything to help him achieve them.
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
You don't know what it means to love because you aren't looking at Love.

You want what love can give you-

The security

The ignorance

The company-

But you have yet to think about the receiving end.

Love is not what-can-I-get-out-of-this



Love is selfless

Not self-seeking.

Love isn't something that you feel.

It's something that you do.

Love is standing right in front of us,

Yet we are too blind.

You know that all those "you" and "us" and "we"?

It should really say "I."

L-o-v-e is something that still doesn't make sense to me.
May 20, 2013
Lani Foronda Oct 2014
Your eyes say you love
But all you do is hate.
You've given me your words
But given her more.
Tell me what does your heart have in store.

Is it me?
Is it her?
Will you ever make the choice?
Cause I won't be here forever
Waiting for you.

Each day doesn't seem right.
I see you
But you're always in her sight.

The whisper voices swarm into my own ears.
I want it to stop
But it's all I ever hear.
Their words
Strip me of my joy.
Their eyes
Follow me around.

Screams of lies
Echo through the halls
Trying to tell me that you love me.
But how can that be true
When you're never with me
But always with her.
Their words pierce me within;
Each word sharper than before.
I don't know how much of this I can endure.
Cause with every step you make
Every word you say
Every breath you breathe
You take a part of me away.
The halls
They whisper through the crowds.
Words I'd never say
Words I'd never hear.
I try to block them out
But they still come in
Breaking my walls
Shedding all my tears
With their lies.

I can't see the truth in your eyes.
Tell me where did it all go.
Is what they say true?
Is it me who is wrong?
Have they been right all along?
Was I the only one-
The only one blind to you?

Their words suffocate me.
The truth is plain to see.
But no, I can't.
I'll never accept it.
February 2010
Inspired by  "In Pieces" : Linkin Park
Lani Foronda Jun 2014
You will be my greatest heartbreak.
You will be the reason why I hide from the rain
Why I sleep early on school nights
Why I avoid numbers.

I'll never look at stars the same
Since you'll be looking at the same ones just a block away.
This school
With its halls
               And doors
Will never be my second home
Because my second home will always be you.
This hill-
This sweet welcoming hill-
Will just be a reminder of how far apart we really are.

But the worst part
The worst part
Will be reaching for another book,
A story that I had loved
A story that you had loved
A story that you will never read.
You will always be there
Between the lines of each turning page.
You are the boy next door,
The unexpected ally,
The hero to the story.
You are the twist and turn of events,
The cliff hanger,
The conflict,
The resolution.
You are the emotion held between the quotation marks,
The cliche phrases,
The words that break the reader's heart (just like mine).

You will be my greatest heartbreak
But also my favorite.
Because at least for a moment
You held my heart in palms of your hands.
This is for that one person who you know you will never regret giving your heart to.

— The End —