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30.5k · Dec 2014
amie Dec 2014
do you think it's a coincidence
that falling asleep
and falling in love
both start with falling
and end with you?
a short one today.
10.1k · Jan 2015
amie Jan 2015
i've heard that love is blind
is that why i see you
everytime i close
my eyes?
short one today.
3.9k · Feb 2015
amie Feb 2015
you're dangerous
but i like it
loving you
touching you
soaking you in
it's like licking chocolate
off of a knife

you draw blood
and then you dance in it
leaving red footprints
**all over my skin
this is a dark one.
2.9k · Aug 2014
a lover's anatomy
amie Aug 2014
i know that the ear is connected to the nose and the nose is connected to the throat and the throat is connected to the mouth
which is probably why, when we kiss, i hear symphonies
and when i hear "i love you" travel from your lips to my ear
i taste bliss on the tip of my tongue

i read somewhere that smell is most strongly attached to memory
this means that i will keep your t shirt forever, and maybe your shampoo, too
apparently photographs are not enough

someone told me that it is not the eyes, but the brain that sees
eyes are just transmitters
but what i see in front of me must be love because it does not register with my mind at all
but my heart translates it beautifully for me
it knows exactly why its own beat becomes erratic when you enter my thoughts
it knows exactly what's going on in this tenement of flesh i call my body

they say that the last of the five senses is not touch, but equilibrium
which is probably why, when i don't feel your hands in mine
when there is air and not skin
my whole world is off-kilter
i know what it means to fall in love
This isn't about anyone in particular, just what I feel like love would feel if I ever get to feel it.
2.2k · Oct 2014
amie Oct 2014
your words are like pills
i swallow them one by one
sometimes all at once
they scratch down my throat
settle in my body
and disappear
like magic
but it’s only science
i am left in a state of dizziness
they cloud my vision
and numb my pain
so will you please
please speak softly
let me swallow
one last dose
I'm actually pharmacophobic and I hate taking pills.
1.8k · Dec 2014
amie Dec 2014
take me and break me
a ragged doll
my porcelain skin cracked open and your shadows creeped in
i try to hold myself together
but it's hard when someone else holds the strings
        how do you do it?
i am full of holes
you spill out of me like blood from an open wound
        how could you do it?
you made me into nothing
i am still in awe
still curious
am i your muse or your monster?
I've redone this poem so many times but I love the concept of being a muse/monster.
1.5k · Mar 2015
amie Mar 2015
imagine a world without mirrors
there'd be no judgment of others based on ourselves
and no judgment of ourselves based on others
imagine a world without mirrors
our souls would be the tools with which we'd perceive
not our eyes
imagine a world without mirrors
scratches, marks, burns and scars
would be treasured as symbols of strength and sacrifice
imagine a world without mirrors
we'd look deeper than the mere facades of our exteriors
into the intrinsic complexities and marvels of the heart
imagine a world without mirrors
our childhood innocence would remain
but our naiveties would fall away
imagine a world without mirrors
we'd behold our sisters and brothers in grace and awe
we'd behold them with love
I don't know why, but I keep asking myself what the world would be like without mirrors
1.2k · Dec 2014
amie Dec 2014
a world in which nothing matters
not even matter matters
dormancy is the goal
existing by not existing at all
void of images but that hazy, colorless space
in between the light and the dark
like ******* on a lollipop until you reach
that complete, all-consuming euphoria
just slip away from this world
and into the next
in which dreams are tangible.
1.1k · Jun 2015
amie Jun 2015
i want to know everything you feel when we're together
i want to know if you love the rain
or if you abhor it
but it doesn't matter
i will still drag you outside during a storm to dance with me
no rain jackets, no shoes, no cares
nothing but our feet, hands, and souls making splashes
and soaking ourselves
in the moment
what I think of when I look at you.
1.1k · May 2014
amie May 2014
i am not who I think i am
but for a moment i was who i wish i could be

i was in class when it began
a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning shook the sky

i walked out with my head held high
and smiled when the first droplets met my face

i laughed when a puddle soaked my shoes through and through
the feeling of clear, cold water settling on my *****, warm skin

i was by myself but i was not alone
the journey became my friend, my co-conspirator

i don’t know why i did it
but i hope that i never stop feeling it
so the story behind this was that it started raining during school and I dreaded having to walk back to my car in the rain but it turned out to be very a fun and nostalgic experience
952 · Sep 2015
broken strands
amie Sep 2015
when everything i have ever known
is ripped apart
you tie all the broken strands back together
in a bow and
help me
fix myself
feelin a little torn
952 · Dec 2014
amie Dec 2014
a settlement is something that you do when you go to a new place
settling down
settle yourself
settle settle settle
i've been here all my life
i'm still roaming around
do I belong here?
836 · Dec 2015
amie Dec 2015
i am a speck of dust in the galaxy of your mind
but to me you're astronomical
when i look at you i see stars
can you feel my love
thousands of light years away?
746 · Jan 2015
amie Jan 2015
there's a sizzle and a screech
a loud boom
you can see the streams of light
reflected in her eyes
sometimes the fireworks and the stars
look the same to her
she likes to think that maybe sometimes they are
but some die out after a few seconds
and the others last millions, billions, trillions of years
she stretches to see all of the stars
but it hurts and she can't stretch that far
she longs to see one up close
put one in her pocket for safekeeping
but she'll settle for the stars in her own eyes
they twinkle far brighter and longer
than any silly supernova
a little words from watching fireworks.
739 · Dec 2014
on purpose
amie Dec 2014
i don't think i ever meant to love you
everything was planned out
1. go to school
2. get good grades
3. go to college
4. see the world
there was no time for someone like you
no room for someone like you
no purpose
but you were either gonna be in my life or not
all or nothing
black and white no ifs and buts
i held you by the ankle and submerged you
we were swimming in the pool of paradise
not even thinking about what lay beneath
the darkness of drowning in our hedonistic ways
our doom didn't lie in the water but in ourselves
we ****** the fountain of youth dry until our bellies were overflowing
until there was nothing left
there was nothing left
i loved you
but i didn't meant to
I've never been in love but this is how I picture it sometimes
549 · Feb 2015
little love
amie Feb 2015
when i see you with her
i can't help but feel
a little tug on my heart
a little falter in my step
a little quiver in my voice
and i can't help but wonder
why you picked her
why you chose her
why you love her
but it's okay
i'm used to wanting things that i can never have
some real life feelings went behind this one.
524 · Mar 2015
amie Mar 2015
you're the beginning
you're the end
and you're everything in between
you're everywhere
you're everything
and not a bit of you for me
this makes no sense
but it's what i feel
shall i repeat?
I can't get my mind off of you.

— The End —