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664 · Sep 2014
My Mind
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
My mind is a place that is my own
Somewhere to hide from this cruel world
To be alone with myself in a space so small
Where no one can hear me at all
Any innocent person might think they understand
Society believes they know what happens
But it’s only a sly illusion
Used to cover questionable thoughts
My mind is a place that I call mine
Not his
Nor hers
Simply mine
My incoherent observations would make no sense
So, I’ll just save the world some time
Unless you’re willing to listen
To every disturbing idea that rises
Maybe you can see that this person is actually me
And I’m hoping you’ll stick around no matter how crazy I may sound
Because my mind is a place that is my own
There’s this wonderful place that is my own
And almost nobody has ever been shown
624 · Dec 2014
Yours / Mine
Amber Bowen Dec 2014
“I am yours
Where you are mine”*
Is it even that way?
The weaving of the heart and soul,
which drips the very essence of what we feel for one another.
And that in which stitches this tapestry together
is nothing less than pure beauty.
623 · Feb 2015
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I hate you*
More than I can convey
And sadly, there's not much left to say
So, I'll leave it at this
The point I'm making will not be missed
And neither you
Nor the things that you do
Escape while you can
Before I shorten your life span
I hate them for hurting you.
615 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
My hands wander a smooth cold wall
Knowing that it’s more than merely tall
Muffled emotions illuminate the air
Even when no one is there
But I’ve always been here
You just haven’t felt me near
So, I’ll meet you on the other side
Where there’ll be nothing left to hide
Because I refuse to leave
No matter what you care to believe
Stop trying to hide the longing in your eyes,
You’ve been noticed,
There’s nowhere to hide now.
614 · Dec 2014
Amber Bowen Dec 2014
We’re told to memorize
And we do
Defined details haunting our minds
For eternal periods of time
Did you memorize me?
All of me
These peculiar invisible wounds
Curves and straight edges
The beauty that lies in the distance
Did you?
We’ll rinse and repeat until defeat
Until we figure out how to memorize
How to remember
Once it’s there, it keeps coming back
We eventually forget
But then, for seemingly long, brief moments
We remember
Like some twisted déjà vu
Was I that to you?
Quick late night thoughts that can't seem to leave me alone.
611 · Feb 2015
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
Veracious verses of promise poured from your lips
Filling my lungs with pure intentions
My blood didn't feel so cold
Not a coherent thought in sight
Only the hum of the fan in the background
We didn't need the light to see
Guiding one another like the blind
Skin against skin, shivering throughout
Pleasure dancing across the surface
As we immerse ourselves in each other
Rugged heart and banished soul
Bound together as one entirely
In those moments, I felt whole and alive
I wasn't just yours, nor you only mine
But instead, we were woven together
Forgetting the world and making our own
Losing ourselves throughout the rest of the night
I'd give anything for another night like that.
610 · Dec 2014
Amber Bowen Dec 2014
How much longer can I go
Before I start listening
To the whispers in the back of my head
Telling me to initiate the ****
Chanting, “No mercy”
Persuading me to make a move
To pursue a sudden, burning desire
Fall back and fight against the wave of emotion
And then stop
Only to give in again
Because what use is there
In denying all that I feel
I don't know what to do now,
Because I don't want to hurt you.
600 · Apr 2015
Amber Bowen Apr 2015
All of these twisted nightmares
Attract various burning stares
Steering clear of the judgmental light
This mess is an unmistakable sight
Always looking for places to hide
So nobody sees this side
I can't hide forever.
593 · Sep 2014
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
Raise your hands up to the sky,
Because in the end we never die.
Even when we’re not here,
So much farther than near.
Far past the end of infinity,
You’ll always have that special part of me.
It’ll live for as long as you need,
Always giving life to the seed.
There’s no place I’d rather be,
One day you’ll finally see.
558 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Why won't you breathe?
Your chest won't rise
Because it fell for the very last time
I wonder if my words are reaching you
If you're translating my screams and cries
Wherever that may be now
I want to see you again
See the life in your eyes
Hear the beautiful accent attuned with your voice
Feel your fingertips whisper against my skin
But that could never be
Not since I found your body that day
Sometimes I ask myself
What your last thought was
And who you saw
When you closed your eyes one final time
Or if I could have saved you
It hurts that I will never know
I wish I could go back in time
To save you from yourself
Because this world is missing something
Someone, rather
I know it's not my fault,
But it hurts to miss you this much
And I still haven't accepted it
538 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Here we go again
Or maybe it's just me this time
I'm always so anxious
Constantly afraid of your next move
I shouldn't be
But I can't help myself
"I'm sorry..."
Spilling from my mouth
Before I have time to think
Like I inconsiderately bumped into you
Maybe this was a mistake
Maybe I am a mistake
If that's the case
You may as well leave
... Again
I feel as though I worry for no reason at all, and I do.
But you had proven me wrong the last time,
And perhaps that's why I can't break this perpetual cycle.
534 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
When it feels like you’re breaking in two
And there’s not a thing anyone can do
"You can't fix everyone,"
She said.
"If they let me, I'll try."
527 · Jul 2015
Amber Bowen Jul 2015
I'm so ******* numb
Words just won't come
I don't think writer's block is what you call this.
517 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
I miss what it feels like to cry
I almost forget what it's like
To feel their watery warmth
As they make paths down my cheeks
Intricately carving out my emotions
It was a way to relieve stress
And let my anxiety run rampant
Because I'm afraid if I let it go for too long
I'll forget what it's like to be human
I used to hate crying
And it would happen so often
Until I stopped for a prolonged period of time
Now I'm afraid of what will happen
If I don't every now and again
497 · May 2015
Amber Bowen May 2015
What would it mean to you…
If I turned around and jumped over the edge, knowing I’ll never return?

What would it mean to you…
If I completely lost myself in this tide of self-inflicted torture?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped existing for everyone’s sake, maybe even my own?

What would it mean to you…
If your world came crashing down around you, burning bright flames of a hushed goodbye?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped trying, because every time I try it hurts more than the last time?

What would it mean to you…
If I left this scary place, where you could be free of me and my darkness?

What would it mean to you…
If I came to you with a storm of my own, tear stained cheeks and sobs that beg for help?

What would it mean to you…
If I said that I need you now more than ever, but it feels like you’re slipping farther away?

What would it mean to you…
If I stopped every task at hand just to be there for you?

What would it mean to you…
If I merely asked for, not the same, but some comfort and safety from this raging battle against myself in a war I’ll never win?

What would it mean to you…
If I endlessly ran away from my problems that chase me with razor sharp teeth and menacing claws of pure destruction?

What would it mean to you…
If I let this darkness consume me?

What would it mean to you…
If I left?
Please, help me.
Don't let me leave.
492 · Sep 2014
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
Can we just pretend?
Nothing’s broken.
Just sit back down and tell me it’s all-right,
Forget everything that lead to this.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
Everything is okay
And you’re still breathing,
Still fighting to hold on.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
Like everything’s the same
That there’s no one left to blame.
You’re still right here next to me,
Untouched and unphased
By those long and painful days.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
No one can take away
All the times you looked at me this way.
You’re full and alive,
With a smiled plastered across your face.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
It’s all been just a twisted lie,
That you’ll stay here by my side.
Through the thunderous rage
Burning the night sky,
A promising glint in your eye.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
You never left me behind,
Down on my knees
Always asking how and why.
And forget what it means to actually die.
That nothing’s broken.

Can we just pretend?
My heart isn't aching,
While the world around me is shaking.
That I will see you again
Even when it feels like the end.
That I’m not breaking.

Can we just pretend?
Everything is silent
Even when I’m screaming your name where
Ferocity is blurred with rage,
Rattling the bars of this god-forsaken cage.
That I’m not breaking.

Can we just pretend?
That I’m not broken.
Can we just pretend that nothing is broken?
472 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
Life is a gamble
Being born is a gamble
A life isn't the only thing death takes
It takes a soul
It takes a tender, giving heart
It takes a beautiful body with a fragile frame
It takes the light and the dark
It takes a friend
It takes pieces of a family
It takes away from this world
It takes, and takes, and takes
But it never, ever gives back
Death bathes in greed.
452 · Nov 2014
Amber Bowen Nov 2014
It began as disbelief
Slowly contaminating the air around me
Choking me from the inside
Losing sight of you as I see behind blind eyes
Coming to my senses, trying to stand
But it’s all so futile
Falling back down
Dropping to the cold, hard ground
Piece by piece
Shock numbs everything within
As it attacks from multiple directions
Leaving no room for mercy
Muted screams pour from my soul
While my heart bleeds words I can no longer say
Pushed down to my knees by your cruel hand
Kicking endlessly when I’m already down
Bruises bloom across my being
Attempting to build walls that never come
It’s too late now
You have me cornered
Back against the world I used to know
Broken terror rips through my body in waves
A burning sensation lingers in these lungs
Making it impossible to breathe
If I leave now, maybe he’ll stop… Please…
These voices grow louder by the second
It hurts more than I could have possibly imagined
The severing of these bonds we created
Has never felt so real
And just like that... You left.
Gone into the nothingness we worked so hard to stray from.
449 · Apr 2015
Get Out
Amber Bowen Apr 2015
My mind is already torturous enough
So, get the **** out
Quit messing with my head
An exhausting, hazy fog blurring my vision
Stop dancing about and playing these games
Just leave...
They think that I need you?
You think that I need you?
How amusing, my dear
Everyone has it all wrong
I never let you inside my humble abode
Don’t think for a moment I’ll consider
I reckon for the first time in a while
I am truly sickened
Such foolish actions should come with a cost
I didn't mean to disappear again.
I also didn't mean to lose you in the process.
442 · Dec 2014
Amber Bowen Dec 2014
I wish I could stay
I’m terribly sorry
It had to end this way
I hope you’ll always remember
The times you kissed me
This way
The times you were there
When I couldn’t stand
The times we held hands
Without hesitation
Your breathing was altered
Every time we touched
Maybe one day
You’ll forgive me
But I forgive you
Please, don't go
437 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
At first it was two letters and believe me, I was in a bit of shock
Reading your words and seeing your handwriting for the first time
Writing about your thoughts, surroundings, and new daily routine
Letting coherent and legible words flow through your arm onto the paper
I couldn't help but notice all the times you mentioned me in those letters
I guess that was only the beginning

This next venture to the mailbox, I found four more letters from you
I felt a sudden sadness weighing me down, realizing I hadn't written back
You told me how each day it became harder to remember my voice
I was flattered, so I continued reading your words with a new craving
Soon it was time to construct a letter of my own, just for you
Pen against paper for an hour at least

Finally finished, I sealed it away in an envelope to send that next morning
Sliding it into the mailbox and raising the flag for the first time
My first actual letter, I was extremely excited
So, I waited eagerly for acknowledgement that you had gotten it
A week later, two more letters arrived with a twinge of disappointment
It seems as though you still haven't received my words

Now I sit here, anxious and worried you may not get my letter in time
Or perhaps it remains lost forever in the mail, I'll never know
I miss you terribly so, and a bit upset you forgot to write my number down
I included that in the letter, too...
Maybe it's no big deal to you, but I can't help myself
There's no other way to contact you for another three weeks

I can't wait for you to come home.
This isn't much of a poem, but that's not my problem.
A very good friend of mine left for Boot Camp the night of my birthday in December. I miss him very much and can't wait for his return.
434 · May 2015
Let Go
Amber Bowen May 2015
Why won't you let her go?

She continuously shakes free
But you come back instantly
Constricting her with fear

You're latching on so hard
To think that she hasn't broken yet
Is beyond both of you

Let me go...
She pleads for a lifetime of release
Away from your tainted world

Pain follows her around
Like a shroud of protection
To keep you at bay

You wonder endlessly
Why you're always hurting
At the end of the day

Perhaps you made a mistake
Pricking your finger on a rose bush
Crimson stains galore

She gave you the chance
To turn this around
To walk away without a glance

Why won't you let her go?
Please, let go..
You're killing me.
410 · Mar 2015
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
I wish things were different
You could actually be happy elsewhere
Instead of stuck in this perpetual and vicious cycle
With me...
Everything just blew up
... Right in my face.
399 · Sep 2014
Come Back For Me
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
Don’t come back for me
If I’m such a burden, you see
Leave me here in the dust
Where all my bones will rust
Carry on with everything you do
Just forget that I existed, too

Please, don’t come back for me
If there’s other places you’d rather be
Leave me back here to bleed
Clearly I’m not what you need
Follow your beautiful dreams
Ignoring my hopeless empty screams

Don’t come back for me
If there’s other sights you want to see
Leave me where everything is colorless
Maybe it’ll clean up this giant mess
Do everything you can to run far from here
And maybe I’ll suddenly disappear

Please, don’t come back for me
If, to this door, there’s another key
Leave me with nothing at all
So I’m not the reason you fall
Time is cruel and unforgiving
Don’t waste it thinking I was ever living

Don’t come back for me.
392 · Sep 2014
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
Lurking dragons roaring in the background
And to everyone there is no sound
Heroic collisions of swords made of steel
But to others, nothing you say is real
So, tell me what’s in your imagination
Because I have this strong temptation
To take a look for myself

What will I find
Inside your creative mind
Will there be battles raging on
At the earliest traces of dawn
Is there a different you
Doing things you wouldn’t do
Like facing the swirling tempest of fear

What do you see
I’m listening, waiting for you to tell me
Will there be people cheering for their hero
Who victoriously delivered the final blow
Or is there a calm and stilled silence
Replacing all the profound violence
Where your favorite place is under a tree

Your mind is a library of stories and fascination
Please, don’t fear your imagination
There's endless possibilities.
375 · Mar 2015
Amber Bowen Mar 2015
Something seems a little different today
The weight of the world vanished
Leaving me standing here clueless
Everything feels much lighter now
Even my feet, as I push forward
I take it as a hint to slow down
And I slowly come to a halt
Looking around at the clear skies
As if the clouds parted for me
The sweet smell of morning rain
With fresh dew drops coating the earth
It all seems so profound and different
I wonder if this is the beginning
Or perhaps the beautiful ending
Of my seemingly eternal suffering
Resonating within is a new feeling
That I belong in this tainted world
Found in my own belated acceptance
I am more free than I’ve ever allowed
Is this what they call happiness?
I could be wrong...
Maybe I'm mistaken.
365 · Feb 2015
Would You?
Amber Bowen Feb 2015
I'm so tempted to ask you
And see your reaction
What you will do
All I want is to cry
Always thinking silently
Wondering what it's like to die
I've had this urge to ask you
If I left this terrible place
What would you do?

Would you scream to the heavens so loud there was no sound
Constantly begging for the world to return what was rightfully yours
Would you fumble about, always searching when I'm no longer around
Visually tearing apart crowds and stopping to open all the doors

I won't ask you
For I fear the answer
Of what you might do
I still want to cry
It's not quite my time
So I tell a true lie
When you ask what's on my mind
That you're there with me
In my head, keeping me going
It's true when I say I'm happy
When my world starts slowing
You're always there
Even when you're not
As I begin to stare
Sorting through my thoughts
I won't leave this beautiful place
Instead, I'll always be here for you

I would miss the way your smile warmed my heart inside-out
Longing to be dangerously close to you every chance I am able
I would miss the times you would refuse to leave, never without
Having me at your side to keep both our worlds bright and stable

I now know what to do
but only for you
I'm so scared that it'll be for nothing
But then again
A moment with you
Is enough to last lifetimes
348 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
But why?*
For no reason or rhyme
Life is a twisted game of time
And without it we are nothing
A good friend of mine
Lost two people today
Without any clear reason why
333 · Sep 2014
Every Time
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
Every minute feels a moment longer,
Sometimes after I feel a little stronger.
Every second seems too slow,
I’m deathly afraid to see you go.
Every heartbeat speaks a word I fail to say,
I can’t imagine things ending that way.
Every emotional reverberation,
Every beautiful and powerful sensation.
Lingering questions of understanding,
Every answer I’m not demanding.
One day you’ll finally see,
Every wonderful thing you have given me.
Every single time.
330 · Jan 2015
Amber Bowen Jan 2015
No, wait
Don't leave yet
It can still be like it was
The last time
Before you broke away
Just a few more moments
One more kiss
Unspoken, "I love you"
That's all I need
Baby, please
I'm so pathetic.
It's like I'm living underwater with you,
Savoring all the moments I'm allowed air.
It's all the little things, you know?
272 · Sep 2014
Inside and Out
Amber Bowen Sep 2014
It’s the kind of frustration and rage
That causes you to bend the metallic bars of your ****** cage.
Fists clenched by the side
Not knowing the reason why you lied.
The tiniest glint of stainless steel
Makes me wish this wasn't real.
A sudden burst to release suspension
Which you believe to be a futile cry for attention.
Screaming reverberations of pure terror
Induced by one simplistic human error.
Constricting vines toying with reality
Struggling to hold close that last bit of sanity.
Toxic thoughts of hallucination
Every time you surpassed my limitation.
Unstable visions of the past
Filled with memories that will forever last.
Rivers of warmth wash over me
As I’m free-falling into what will never be.
Aching from the inside and out
Knowing that you’ll never understand what this is about.
#rage #pain #depression #cry

— The End —