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3.4k · Jul 2018
to Claim.
Peace Jul 2018
Touch the stream of her essence & let your hands flow through the river.

As the air guides your desires you feed off the heartbeat, of her emotions.

Frequencies sending waves of her scent,
whiffs of the undying,
undoing of her beauty taking you to heights unknown.

You drifting to the edge of this garden of vibrant possibilities,
continue to control the animalistic side of you to possess,
& claim the body of the innocent,
inviting woman,
of your clan.
1.1k · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
I am a passerby. A hello and goodbye. A "it is nice to meet you and I hope we meet again soon." I am a "I love you, I wish we could have been more."

I am a mystery. A staring of the eyes and hoping the person's yearnings were heard, seen, understood. I am what you wish to have, but will never obtain.

I am silence. I am a midnight blues and you are the sun. Wishing to cast your light on me, praying we could journey on.

I am a passerby. Watching those that walk by come and go. I am a passerby, witnessing many, wish to understand me more. I am a passersby, in love with solitude and galore..

A passerby that wants nothing more than simple conversations, intriguing looks and long gazing truths. I am a passerby, that has no time for relations, no time for more.

So please pass me by and let the memory of me, hold you close at night. I am a passerby, only meant to be spoken to for the night.. Shalom

a servant
Introverted & Particular. I wrote this nearly a year ago.
908 · Jun 2018
This Skin..
Peace Jun 2018
This skin..

Has hardened over the years. It went from innocence to mystery to misery.

This skin, has lived through times. This skin, has lightened, darkened, shaded and scarred overtime.

This skin, cannot be replaced; changed or reversed. I am what I've lived. I am what I've seen.

I am what I've touched, I am what I've done..

This skin, tells stories. This skin, gives vibes and history to those looking upon me.

This skin, is a road map of me. This skin, cannot be denied, transformed or unhinged.

No matter how hard I may have tried to hide. My skin will always expose me.

This skin, has and will always be writing history until the day I die. I cannot change what my skin has endured.

My name is Shiloh and I am this skin..

a servant
837 · Sep 2018
here I stand.
Peace Sep 2018
I fear dying,
before my potential is reached.

accepting I am human,
& accessible to sickness
& pain forces me to lean a little more to the sky above.

trying to find my voice and allow the vulnerability of my brokenness from within speak,
is an unknown breach of territory.

I am private & in this I am sensitive
to protect my inner self from feeling and being

I hide behind a mask of uncertainty
so my sanity is protected

but I no longer can keep the
human sides of me secreted

here I stand,
unclothed & ready
to let every side of me, shine..

a servant
815 · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
Puff, puff,
the need,
of their cigarette,

The incomplete feeling,
of not having,
the freedom,
each huff,

The tips,
of their fingers,
just for one,

the smoke,
into their,

the filter,
as if it's a lovers,
each line on their lips,
savoring its taste.

Lifting their heads,
slightly high,
as they blow,
the waves,
to the sky.

Thinking deeply,
and releasing,
stressing less,
the craving,
of their addiction,
under control.

The tingles,
within their nerves,

Until the beacon,
of its poison,
calls again.

a servant
I watch all walks of life, inhale the same, smoke.. It accepts all, it's universally, unbiased. As long as you, keep buying.
651 · Dec 2018
\a Change\
Peace Dec 2018
Let the rain touch, speak & pour over my emotions. A whiff of thunder, a cloudy chance of a storm brewing. The darkening of the skies. Washing away, the colours of the day. Night in midday, windy in humid air. Tis the atmosphere is changing. Approaching is war. A fight within self. As Spirit is preparing for the battle ahead.

Come wash over me
589 · Sep 2018
Peace Sep 2018

Let my
be the
506 · Dec 2020
Peace Dec 2020
I feel my heart slipping.. into a deep well of grief. My voice feels trapped behind a wall of lies and distortions. Swimming to the truth, I slip in and out of consciousness. Feeling the inevitable demise of my life fall before my eyes. Am I to fold and give up for the fear of drowning or do I soldier on regardless of my fate; at least I fought? In this uncertain revelation of what my decision can cause, I ponder my next move declining to submerge myself in a mirage..
Choices are always needing to be made and at times it’s a process to let go when you’ve held on for so long.
505 · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
It wasn't enough,
she was kicked,
and laid bare

You had nestled,
your arms around her neck,
until she could no longer breathe

Twisting her legs,
weakening her,
so she could only lie there,

As she stare into the eyes,
of her tormentor.
In this piece, lies many interpretations.
478 · Jun 2018
the Times..
Peace Jun 2018
She sits upon her terrace,
overlooking her life,
pondering and reflecting,
accepting and mourning,
smiling and frowning,

a colour of emotions
shining upon her face
like the greatest of
the suns rays.

With her head bowed
she realizes,
sometimes when you live,
to be of old age
often you live to see death,
coldest games.

When you live to be her age,
losing a child is a reality you must face,
sometimes you may lose them all,
because you outlived the times,

now she sits and waits,
for her time to come..
Inspired by my grandparents..
477 · Nov 2018
Peace Nov 2018
Walk in my shoes
& feel the sun beam
upon my dark skin

Feel the burdens
pile, inch by inch
depth, width, height
& mourn

Let your eyes tear up


Let them fall
& replace your ignorance
with compassion

I am human
but you fight me
with a shield

Your eyes are the window
to your weapon

Resist the urge
to growl

Close those barrels
in your mind

Relax the tension
in your heart
& breathe
in a new air

Let dawn approach
as you become
a new being

Ready to take on
the ugliness
of the world..

a servant
457 · Aug 2018
he Speaks..
Peace Aug 2018
Tendrils of my emotions spiral out, like a flower ready to bloom.

     I have found a sense of home in

Sprinkling down,
is the sweat beading upon my forehead,
increasing my neediness of your medicine.

I drink in your strength and bury my fears into your neck.

I see the confidence of your eyes and taste the genuineness of your humility.

Your skin grows within my skin as we fight to lose the shackles of our lives,
to find ourselves,
in each other's view..
You have to let love, be the loudest voice, that you hear..
452 · Mar 2019
An awakening
Peace Mar 2019
I closed my eyes
in return


I laughed

I crumbled
with no pressure on
my shoulders

Just life called
me to a place

Destiny speaks
with muted lips

I'm tangled
in cozy sheets


My way,
back to the surface

I'm finally realizing

We oft are alive but not living. Shalom
436 · Oct 2018
I thirst..
Peace Oct 2018
Time ticked by
in your arms I laid,
with my emotions flying high
& my heart thirsty..

I am bared
for all to see
my naked
Simply, love (you)
425 · Mar 2019
he Was..
Peace Mar 2019
I met someone that took my past away. He had given me a sense of home, peace & love. I valued his heart. His beautiful, works of art. In his arms I rested. I laid bare, without reservations. He took away my hidden love. Almost a decades long, of childish love. As he wiped my thoughts clean of him, I've became purely his world & he mine.

We sit amongst each other with broken promises & dreams. Hurt, blame & shame now lives in our brain. Unspoken communication now resides & in our place holds a void. If only we can break the noise long enough to hear our voice reach out to one another, in this widen field of pain. We'd be back in each other's arms, safely tucked away. Laughing & enjoying each other's company, again..
405 · Jul 2018
as we Drifted..
Peace Jul 2018
I looked for you to be perfect
& in return you seeked my perfection.
In this twist of twisted reflection in ourselves we rejected the truth..
By not acknowledging, we will forever be flawed.
We drifted like sand in the sea.
We lost ourselves in the abyss
& in this we lost,
the meaning of our youthful love.
Accepting, what's hard to face. The individuality parts of us all.
399 · Sep 2018
Peace Sep 2018
Let the love engulf,
wash along the shore,
drift from sea to sea,
body to body,
sprinkling down,
& showering the heart,
leaving you,
wide open,
to receive,
what people,
wish to have..


393 · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
I have taken a turbulent, tumble in the darkness of my mind. In here I lay naked. Shakened but unmoved. I want to grab hold of the rope but in my quest to find peace, I rest in this void. I sleep in this delusion. I delight in the waves. Here, I lose parts of me. Here, I search for solitude. Here, I see the life before me unfold; until I decide I don't want to be here anymore..

a servant
391 · Jun 2018
I am
Peace Jun 2018
I am but a woman,
becoming unclothed,
in front of an audience,
that easily,
and discard,
the misunderstood..

a servant
To show the truth of who you are; is costly..
389 · Aug 2019
I've acquired.
Peace Aug 2019
I've acquired growth. So much so that my lips cannot form the words. I am speechless, stuck in a continuous path of change.

I've acquired such loss, yet my eyes see a ray of hope. Light beyond the tunnel, past the bridge.

I've acquired strength. My arms unable to carry the load which my shoulders have grown to handle.

I am no longer the same.

Willing to take risks.



My, have I changed.
Simply put.
366 · Sep 2018
as we Fade..
Peace Sep 2018
They say as you age, time begins to tick by. Quickly, I've seen the truth of this scary yet unstoppable belief. In this moment, I have the power & ability to make the most out of my time on this Earth. I chose, to live. Shalom

a servent
361 · Jul 2018
I want..
Peace Jul 2018
I want
to lay my head
on the shoulders
of a man
as he shape my
like clay in the potters hands

His lips
becoming the music
to my broken ears

& every time I doubt
what his heart is saying
he lays his head
on my breast
as he whispers
my fears away

I want to
heal & shed
the darkness of the world
from the pores
of my skin

In the arms
of this angelic man

I need to believe
in the possibility
of love..
360 · Dec 2018
Peace Dec 2018
Bodies shared. Hearts gathered together in cheer. Minds overlapped & visions clear. A goal set, for next year. To be one, solid, welded. Chained & Unbroken. Mashing personalities together, like a baby in a mother's womb. A  conversion of perspectives. Feeding one another, fruits of the spirit. Dying to let go of the cynical. The incriminating need to be self centered. To feel loved & be loved. Is the desire of both souls. Looking upwards to the sky above for direction; on how to build a river of memories, a timeline of melodies, in a life full of tragedies.
Growing in love.
357 · Oct 2018
The climb..
Peace Oct 2018
I am a butterfly
opening bitterly

to something
eerily comforting

intoxicating are you..

intrigued of your stance
& magnified is my love

I behold my fears
& place them
into your hands

taunted by your gracious

my stomach summersault
twisting & turning

my spirit soars high
higher than a human
ever made me climb

my knees buckle
from the pressure
of your heart

I am heated
& drunk off this cloud

hoping to let go
but daring myself
to never climb down

to the person I once was

before you claimed me,
as your special,
339 · Jun 2018
because He..
Peace Jun 2018
Comfort, came to her like a wave. Inhaling what it feels like to be free. Feeling the tingles increase as she falls deeper into the bedding of his promises.

Security, in sensing, he's strong enough to protect her from the storm. Awakening to every part of her, she needs tended to, in order to give her all..

Laughter, such sweet sounds, grow denser, heavier with each laugh compressed out of her stomach.

Cherished, by the arms that wraps around her before she leaves like a thief in the night.

Honesty, in the sincerity of his eyes. Emotions runs high with each trust she emblems.

Trust, oh how it's given with each action he proves to be correct to his character.

Sensitivity, he observes he needs and blesses her with, as he understands her inner parts.

Wonder, the looks she gives, every time he walks pass her. With each gift he releases unto her, she's honored to be remembered by him.

Passion, it turns into thunder, lightning slashes across the skies, unable to contain, what's shared between them.

Thoughtfulness, the richness he has for her. Keeps him reaching a high he'll never come down from. He continues to be selfless for her.

Respect, boundaries he treads lightly. Not willing to lose the levels they've climbed together.

He do these things, because he loves her. He sees she's worth the climb. Every bit of patience it takes to reach deep within her heart and get a glimpse of her soul. He keeps going, for they are one. Shalom

a servant
I wrote this nearly a year ago. We as women (humans) should never sell ourselves short.
330 · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
I cannot hide in my fortress,
this cloak has fallen,
and in it's place,
stands my barren feelings,
here in this puddle,
is the lost of my innocence..
305 · Sep 2018
I understand..
Peace Sep 2018
I see now
why the grass isn't greener
on the other side,

I've felt the stab
of hopelessness
of finding

I understand
the cries of

The desire to be loved,

I understand

Now that I've chosen
to make myself available,

The fishing
wishing your search
won't be long,

I understand

Now that I'm

I feel for you all..

& that is why,

I'll love
the One,

With all of me,

I'll cherish
the fact
my search

I've lived
many decisions,

& the best one
would be
keeping my love,

I'll rejoice

For I know
in this

Nothing but sadness
lies & interrogations,

I know
I don't have

To know
if I've found

I'll know
bcuz I see
what lies

The world..
304 · Oct 2018
Peace Oct 2018
I stared into the eyes of my past
& told it no!

You do not control me anymore..
Let go of the demons that binds you.
302 · Jul 2018
Peace Jul 2018
Pressure pounds upon my head, like a waterfall; brushing ever so lightly on my fingertips. In this moment, I have the reality of submerging myself in the intensity of this unknown place. Barricading my thoughts like a robber in a standoff; I ponder the actions of setting myself free..
The pressures of life..
297 · Jul 2018
Peace Jul 2018
I am ashamed
& confounded
to have loved
a child at heart
that will forever remain
a boy in mind
that will never grow
to obtain
the love of life.
275 · Jun 2018
Peace Jun 2018
The vanity that seeps within the human heart, is crushing.. It pounds it's poison upon our backs, until we give into it's call. A slave to it's intriguing, sensual lull. We find ourselves, on hands & knees, waiting for the taste of vanities, will. Shalom

a servant
We all have a little vanity somewhere in our lives, even if we dare not admit it.
250 · Aug 2018
Peace Aug 2018
Drowning into the shadows of the dark. As the wind blows, the leaves falls beneath my feet. I tread upon the earth, with heaviness of heart and bitterness of mind. Is this the end of me? Must I pull weights to bare the weight of this load? Burdened by the hues that flashes across my eyes. I am but a sunken human, floating ashore..

— The End —