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298 · Jan 2022
These Days Pt. 19
Owen Jan 2022
These days, being an old soul
just means I hate being sober.
Bottles full of  tears  numb the pain and I'm colder
than ever.
Memories only seem to get heavier
as the nights grow longer
I wish I was strong
295 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
My circumstance destroys everything.
I build,
and I build knowing
that all will be left
unfinished, deserted, ruined,
a ghost, a photograph.
And all that is assured is the anguish
of what could have been,
what was,
and what cant be.
Each time Im reminded
of all my faults, my mistakes,
the choice that I made,
to be here,
and not there,
not with her,
and it hurts.
Leaves me empty
and questioning
why I even try
to build happiness
What do I do anything for anymore.
292 · Nov 2020
Going Home
Owen Nov 2020
Im going home,
I dont know what to.
I suppose the river,
and the woods,
the cold icy streets
that hold so much sentiment.
Ill be too sober in the day.
Ill be too drunk at night.
Old friends wont know me,
while they all seem the same.
So much pain, and love, and words unsaid, watering my roots
in that town.
Im going home,
but am I?
Happy Thanksgiving y'all.
290 · Sep 2021
These Days Pt. 17
Owen Sep 2021
These days I am more,
more than a man,
more than a brother,
more than a friend,
more than a lover.
I am a reason,
a reason for life,
a reason for laughter,
a reason for love,
a reason to stay,
a reason to be.
I am half of a whole
and she is the other.
Together the storm is still
and we are stronger.
Now i can start living
289 · Apr 2020
Her Heart
Owen Apr 2020
I want to play the song of my life
to the beat of your heart;
float and sink into your warm embrace.
A rythm so captivating
so soft,
so sure,
so steady.
I never want to lift my ear
from it's source;
never want to leave it's company.
This ***** that keeps time for me,
has given me a reason for being,
for bettering,
for loving,
for nurturing the seeds,
of a future
where our hearts pulse in sync
til they dont.
288 · Jun 2020
Dusk Again
Owen Jun 2020
It's that time again,
between sunset and the dawn.
That time when I pace across
this city of goodbyes.
Songs of sadness
in my head.
Letting this weight on my shoulders
sink to the soles
of my feet
passing to earth
behind me,
so that once I return
I can pretend
till it's dusk again.
Every night, I let the hurt out while I walk, and I'm ready for tomorrow. I have to be.
288 · Oct 2021
Owen Oct 2021
And I should never have shared
my presence here
on HP
for now I find myself
censoring what I write
to avoid
I wish people
would leave me
oh the chaos that my drafts would incite
282 · Dec 2021
Owen Dec 2021
This holiday, the skies are gray.
This season is not for me.
I feel recluse, I hide away.
Depression soon consumes me.

It comes around this time each year.
It creeps up, as others are full of cheer.
Families, all are gathering.
The food and fun that they all bring,
seems mocking now.
I can't recall
just when did these days
get so dull
I cannot find  that childhood spark
I worry something's wrong with me.
Will holidays forever be
so dim, so empty, and unhappy.
I get an extra dose of depression this time each year. I feel terrible for being such a killjoy and being so distant.
280 · Oct 2020
The End
Owen Oct 2020
How could someone you love
become a stranger so fast.
Over broken promises,
having so much hope they would last.
How could flowers so beautiful
turn and decay
when you did your best to water them
each and every day.

How could all this
have been just a dream.
When you stay up all night
your body trying not to scream
as your heart is ripped out,
and placed in a fire
where it dies, charred and black,
a funeral pyre.
You collapse
and you wake
tears and scars you must hide
while you know
you just died a whole lot more inside.
278 · Dec 2020
This Place
Owen Dec 2020
How powerful a place is.
Ghosts of memories
overlapping, replaying, echoing
on our present stage.
Time floating by
on winds of change,
winter and spring
to bite or caress
our skin.
The inevitable
elements that always
bring us to the end,
or the beginning.
so much hasnt changed, while we do.
272 · Jan 2023
Owen Jan 2023
It is all too much.
The senses tune
to the rumble
of thunder in the earth,
the reverberations in the air
resounding in his chest.
There is chaos abound
while time slows
and its all a bit dramatic.
The fragility of life
a distant concern
pushed down in it's box
yet felt so fervently.
Violent action leaps forth
to the forefront of the mind.
The rest forgotten.
War never changes
271 · Jun 2022
Love You More
Owen Jun 2022
"I love you more"

To most,
a fun, back and forth.
friendly, sarcastic,
couples, kidding.

To me
it's painful
and true
because the things you do
show me
Im not a priority
like I make you.
I'm replaceable
just another male
to fill the time,
And the space.
When I'm gone
I hope his world revolves
around you
like mine does,
and will.
I hope
you are first
in his heart and mind
as you are in mine.
And I hope he makes you happy
In my involuntary absence

So, yes
I do love you more.
I can tell.
Please dont ask me
how I know.
Finishing drafts
270 · Oct 2022
Owen Oct 2022
Words on a page
are all good and fine
and allow me to sleep
at night.
But some things you feel
you just can't hash out.
Sometimes we're born to fight.
And sometimes that's right.
Owen Feb 2023
And all there is is silence
Trudging through calf deep snow.
Under sleeping winter trees.
And there's no sound.
One foot after the other.
Powder snow and smokey breath.
Painful air stabs.
But no sound.
No wind in the trees
No snapping branch.
No creature stirs.
No crunch underfoot.
No rushing water
as the frozen falls near,
the woods end.
The black water runs
beneath the creeping ice
along the bank.
Stepping out onto the edge.
Plunging down without a breath.
And there's no sound.
259 · Nov 2020
In Memory
Owen Nov 2020
And there's a girl,
blue eyes more lustrous
than the most prized sapphires.
She's smooth and soft,
coarse and steadfast,
and all things welcoming and warm
as a hearth and a coffee;
cool and brisk as the breeze,
on an autumn morning.
Her voice, calming as the stream
that trickles,
over stones, in my memory.
Wearing the rocky bed flush, running clean,
and clear.
She takes me there.
258 · Oct 2020
Violence until Peace
Owen Oct 2020
My heart says I'm done
with this life,
with feeling,
with wanting,
with being.
But my head
screams in protest.
Fight, live, breath, rage
til death takes me

Throwing myself to the world.
Give me everything .
The pain.
The sleepless, lonely, empty nights.
Skin crawling
and the urge to tear holes
in this vessel.
I'll push this body
to its limits and beyond.
Longing  to break and shatter.
If I have to bleed dry
to expel her poison
I'll have violence until peace.
252 · Dec 2020
These Days Pt.9
Owen Dec 2020
These days I'm not alone,
but holding your hand wont fix me,
arms around you cant keep me whole
laying by your side doesnt stop
the bleeding.
Some scars cut too deep
go straight through me.
And I'll never feel truly whole enough for the beautiful people
in my life.
Wishing I wasnt still so empty
at 2AM when thoughts creep in.
While all I want
is to give you the stars,
and be the best man I can be,
and while you think I am
I'm not sure
and you dont see.
I dont feel like i deserve the happiness im feeling or the people here for me. Sometimes i dont feel i deserve this or any life. Happy New Years
249 · Jun 2022
Owen Jun 2022
Ive been dreaming lately
of things I haven't dreamt about
in quite some time,
its been awhile.
With sand pressed to my back
and the open sky above
stars cast like dust and gems.
Dreams of cold nights,
ocean tides,
stolen kisses on bench swings.
The wind blowing through our clothes.
Waves crashing on the shore.
Moments only saved
in memory
til that too
Finishing Drafts
249 · Nov 2020
First Encounters
Owen Nov 2020
Face in a crowd,
drawing me in,
music so loud,
voices straining,
trying to reach one another,
two halves of this youthful night,
and for a while
we are alone together
in this crowd.
Our eyes,
the only eyes,
in the sea of lights,
speak silent, sweet, nothings.
Our lips,
the only lips
worth watching,
as our heart beats pulse
in time
to the sound of revelry.
Some people just stand out in memory, in the best way.
238 · Aug 2021
Anxiety Pt. 2
Owen Aug 2021
"Are you ok?"
Darling I'm not even here.
I am reliving every word
every look
every image
every moment
that broke me.
And its against my will
that I **** your highs
with my lows
everytime I feel it
creeping in.
I keep letting it win
so I can feel
but this wont heal.
233 · Mar 2023
No One is Coming
Owen Mar 2023
No one is coming.
No one is going to reach in and pull you out
of this dark pit
you've made your home
again and again.
No one is going to save you
from the shadows that visit in the night,
the demons that follow you in daylight.
No one is coming.
No relief.
No respite.
No rest.
No release.
No one is coming
for me.
Just have to dig myself out.
232 · Sep 2020
Owen Sep 2020
Kronos laughs.
He sent you,
my other half,
my missing piece,
the air in my lungs,
the reason
my heart beats.
He sent you at the wrong time,
and theres not a thing I can do
to turn back the clock,
to get you back.
My helplessness
consumes me.
Hope is lost.
to have the right person come into your life at the wrong time.
224 · Jun 2020
Clouds Forever
Owen Jun 2020
Tonight the clouds go on,
and on,
and on,
forever in a sky so navy blue.
Parallel lines
stretching beyond light's reach.
I desire
to fall up
into the dark spaces

My stars, the lights of earth.
“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” - Robin Williams
219 · Apr 2020
Owen Apr 2020
Strangers jeers and sneers,
tearing my flesh in the mirror,
nights I fell apart,
the years I stayed in pieces,
losing my heart,
sharing hers til she needed it whole,
all those lovely words,
watching her lips place knives
in my back,
all eternally painted behind my eyes
while my smile lies.
218 · Oct 2020
I'm Walking
Owen Oct 2020
You're proud of all that sarcasm.
I call it deceit.
I trusted too much.
and was knocked off my feet.
You talked a lot of talk.
Really made me believe.
But you dont walk the walk
I cant stand it
I was down on my knees.
So goodbye to your lies,
I'm so glad to be free.
done with flaky people
217 · Jan 2021
These Days Pt. 10
Owen Jan 2021
And now, I'm in limbo.
No direction, perception of up
or down,
right, left, or wrong.
Just reaching, grasping
at the passing instances
of serotonin.
I dont know me like I used to
and I question everything.
These are strange times
217 · Nov 2021
Owen Nov 2021
If my life
were the price
to keep you safe,
make you happy,
fulfilled, and at peace,
I wish I could pay it.
A thousand times over I would.
For this life means nothing
without you in it.
I dont know what Id do if I lost you.
216 · Mar 2020
Owen Mar 2020
To everyone in my life that I have said,
"I love you"
I meant it.

But only you
have made me love myself.
Made me feel like gold.
And for that,
I will give you the world,
and all that I hold dear.
214 · Jul 2021
Owen Jul 2021
Black coffee, cigarettes,
abandoned buildings, old carpet,
autumn days by the river,
winter nights downtown,
Nutmeg, and cardamom,
burning leaves, noses numb.
Old leather, aged books,
open fields, horses hooves,
apple orchards, and birthday candles.
I miss all of it.
209 · Dec 2020
These Days Pt. 8
Owen Dec 2020
Cobblestone streets,
a lunar lighthouse,
and a night on North Beach.
Alcohol and arcades,
oak trees and foggy days.
So many ways
I'm finding beauty more and more
as it contrasts the violence
of the world
and the war
waged inside.
Balance is being restored in me. Im floating down stream.
207 · Aug 2023
Enough PT.3
Owen Aug 2023
I let myself down again.
These expectations I imagine
Others placed on me
weigh me down.
But it's only me.
It's my head.
It's my ******* body
that is never
strong enough,
fast enough,
I never learn quick enough
I surely learned early
that I'll never be enough.
To fail one time in a thousand
is one too many.
I'm just not the man
I expect myself to be
I'm just me
And it's not enough.
I am my biggest critic and one failure feels like a lifetime of failures. I wish I could make it stop.
207 · Mar 2022
Owen Mar 2022
I am not blind
I am not deaf
I am not without
I feel the lies
the waste of breath
those waiting in the wings
the replacement men.
You can go
and be with them
just dont act
like you're sorry
for using me.
old scars open
202 · Feb 2020
Owen Feb 2020
The world presses down,
and pushing back takes it's toll
on you.
It breaks you down,
you crumble,
pieces of body and mind
shear, flake, and tumble away
from your quivering self.
Everything hurts, eyes closing, mind numb, skin crawling.
Coated in sweat, earth, rain, fuel.
Gunpowder lines your lungs
filling your nostrils.
You long for a release.
Lifting the weight off your back,
to feel yourself float unburdened.
Water to run and renew you,
The hardest mattress a cloud above the chill ground.
Jean's like an old friend on fresh flesh that has forgotten denim.
The touch of a lover, long overdue.
Her soft skin on yours,
with lips so divine,
and a voice like honey.
You forget, for a while, the weight of the world, and all you need do,
is be.
You're set free.
200 · Mar 2020
The Flaying
Owen Mar 2020
After so long
I let my heart bleed out
on my sleeve
on my tongue.
And you countered with reason,
left me pale,
as my life blood spilt
and pooled
so deep I drowned.
You flayed my psyche.
Left my intentions bare
for me to see.
Was this love?
I had just grown wings
and you tore them from my flesh
in seconds.
And I fell from a cloud,
back into my shallow grave,
buried in closure.
200 · Nov 2020
Owen Nov 2020
I found her.
She hadnt left my thoughts
since a month ago we met.
Dropped a drink on my foot
in a bar somewhere.

A wisp of a girl
twenty feigning twenty-one.
Aqua marine hair, and a smile.
that crowned her ruler of the room.

Im just a fool speaking to Athena.
The scent of guitar wax
and sound proof studios
weaves through her cardigan.
And I remember a time
I thought I could change the world
This is for Eden
199 · Feb 2020
OD , Honestly
Owen Feb 2020
But I lived,
awoke on a floor and just cried,
cause it didnt work.
I had to go back
to my mind, and grind,
everyday the rest of my life.
A routine of pain,
to feel normal inside.
Ghosts of me
haunt my memories.
Always my own worst enemy.
And I dont want lies
of sympathy.
Just let me feel some
Just want to be loved
199 · Jul 2021
Sweet Nothings
Owen Jul 2021
"I love you."
Well, I've heard that before.
It's all too easy
to say those three words,
even when
you don't mean them.
And we all want to feel wanted,
need to be loved and truly.
Words of love
are always empty
without the investment of
These are expressive instruments
of honest love.
And apply to honest expression
of all forms of love.
Without them it will never be real.
Without them its all just
sweet nothings.
I am a man of both words and actions
the two are never mutually exclusive.
198 · Mar 2022
Means to an End
Owen Mar 2022
That moment
you realize
you were never a priority
like they were for you.
You fall inward.
Heart collapsed.
Closed off and cold.
If they wanted to
they would.
If they valued you
for more
than what you can provide
to them,
they would
show it.
Seek independence.
Seek Equality.
194 · Mar 2023
These Days PT. 23
Owen Mar 2023
It is always there
underneath it all
the walls and barbed wire
the locked doors
this entire
he wears every second
night and day.
Only slipping through cracks
when he's weak and he breaks.
Like when he pushes himself
to the end of his strength
so he can't hold the tears
he's refractured again.
Just a broken boy
all alone
demonized as a man.
Though he does
what he knows is right
when he can.
No matter his efforts
it is never enough
So detached he becomes
from the people he loves.
They've sewn his mouth shut,
and they keep lighting matches.
So he'll let their world burn
when the straw at his stake catches.
193 · Jun 2021
Exit Sign
Owen Jun 2021
I am seeking escape.
Pop me a pill,
hand me a knife,
pour me a drink,
maybe I'll be fine.
My mind
is a dangerous
and violent place.
I am scraping at the walls
to get out, looking for a bright red
exit sign,
my hands ****** and bruised.
Feeling so used.
Save me from the nothing
that is looming
waiting for me
to come home.
192 · Jun 2020
Dear Ms. Gardener
Owen Jun 2020
Dear Ms. Gardener,
I am head over heels,
face in the earth,
in love with you.
Your hands are caretakers,
life givers,
and I adore those dexterous digits
that brush and tamp soil.
Sewing love, joy, and passion
in my heart.
Trust and confidence
in my mind.
You're as wise as a willow
as sweet as magnolia blossoms.
In drought
I would shed blood and weep
to keep
our love from dying out.
I need you Ms. Gardener.
You are in my very nature,
holding the petals of my heart.
To my favorite person
190 · Oct 2020
Owen Oct 2020
Rounds in the chamber
fire away.
Numb to the danger
my chest ablaze.
Pull that trigger,
pull me.
Push me,
again and again,
into my shallow grave.

Throw all I gave you
You never were
about using my time,
and you had all of that.
Took it for granted
and planted

At ten paces
I turned
to your barrel on me.
No hesitation.
Gun me down.
You were always playing a game with me.
But im not a toy.
186 · Mar 2021
Effort Eternal
Owen Mar 2021
And once again she catches me
trying to impress her
and I admit it.
We could be bonded a hundred years,
old and gray,
and I would still
climb the tallest mountain,
slay the fiercest dragon,
write the most heartfelt song,
I'd sing it all day
and night long,
to show you I care,
and hope I'm enough.
The past is the past,
but everyone left
when my spectacle dimmed,
and time and time again
was forgotten.
Set aside.
Left to dust.
Please dont become bored with who I am, I am trying with every fiber of my being that is not holding my pieces together.
186 · Jan 2021
Take Me Back
Owen Jan 2021
Take me back
to the days of youth gone by.
To the days before a small device
controlled and stole our lives.
To the days when every second
wasnt spent staring a screens.
Where I listened to the birds
and memorized the songs they sing.
Back when the moments in between were times to feel at peace.
To sitting underneath a tree,
closing my eyes and letting be.
To staring at the clouds,
and feeling every summer breeze.
I used to be so close to it all
the dirt, the creek, the sky.
I hope its not to late to reconnect
before I die.
This one is very rhymey which isnt always my thing. life was so much more simple before I got a smartphone and I miss it.
185 · Sep 2020
Owen Sep 2020
Something I'll never be.
But maybe,
if I sweat enough,
if I bleed enough
you'll see that I care.
If I trust enough,
if I hurt enough,
everything will be fair.
If Im cold enough,
if Im warm enough,
I'll survive your storm.
If Im starved enough,
awake long enough,
your attention wont be torn.
But I'm not enough,
its obvious.
So give me leave to die.
I'm not enough,
just ash and dust,
in darkness let me lie.
185 · May 2020
Dear Eden,
Owen May 2020
That song plays,
and I am taken to a place,
a time,
a corner
of my mind,
but so real.
Where the pain is physical.
A pain in my chest,
and a stomach ache.
I gasp for breath
while oxygen leaks
from the hole where my heart
ought to be.
Take me back to now please.
Those flash backs that hurt but feel so so real that you are fascinated and cant stop your brain.
184 · Feb 2021
These Days Pt. 11
Owen Feb 2021
And there are still these days
where every joyful thought
is snuffed out.
Where every attempt at happiness
is beaten back
diminishing to a small child
in the corner
of my mind.
Days where there is no light
and obsidian skies prevail,
I'll never break through.
My feeble hopes,
Where I let the abyss swallow me,
turning to drink,
craving the blade,
the needle and ink,
the breaking down
of this vessel
as I desperately grasp at feeling,
and im silently screaming.
Happy Birthday to me.
180 · Apr 2021
Little Bit of Space
Owen Apr 2021
Everything stopped.
Suddenly, all I had
was the air in my lungs,
the tears on my face,
and the little bit of space
occupied by my corpse.
179 · Feb 2020
Owen Feb 2020
I'll never really know
why she's chosen me
to love me
to know me.
to hold me up.
But I trust her.
With my heart,
my love,
my truth,
my pain,
my joy,
my passion,
I will give her all of me.
A flower,
so bewitching,
my eyes have never before held,
but will carry in my mind now forever.
She gives me love
like I will never know again.
It surrounds me and the world
knows it,
can practically touch it.
She's a mystery and I
could gladly spend my whole life trying to,
yet never,
solve her.
She has drawn me in,
made me hers.
November twenty-ninth will never be
the same.
this poem just makes me laugh now
178 · Feb 2021
Owen Feb 2021
Now there are all these things,
that I can't stand
they remind me of you.
They haunt me and throw me
into a pit of nostalgic
sadness, and fear
at the notion
you still slip through
the cracks I worked so hard
to seal.
Bringing back pain and anxiety
I thought I was done
having to feel.
So much is ruined, so much will never be the same.
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