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newborn Jan 2022
existential crisis- i am alone
sinking, then floating
in mute and pine green tones
the forest of secrets
screaming in pillows
and losing grip on the moving platform
desert crying
sidewalk skipping
and bleeding
internal deprecation
hitting my own fingers with text books
to make them stop admitting my mistakes
stop misusing the “right” words
the break of dawn over the woods
using the moon as a defense mechanism
losing a helper
a security system
and i think it’s time i run back to you
unless you don’t want me there with you
i will just be numb until you call out my name
in the tortured heat
i will be there if you need me
Listen to falling by harry styles while reading
newborn Mar 2022
i imagine falling in love is like watching the rain fall onto the porch, dampening the surface
i imagine it is sweet, like drinking soda and downing smarties in the embrace of a summer day
it must feel tingly, like your whole body is on fire
it must be stone cold yet hot as blazes
it must ache and churn and screech and beg you to quit, like a silly addiction

i imagine falling in love is like tumbling headfirst from the sky, diving into a world of the unknown, but you know that’s where freedom lies
i imagine it is fluffy, marshmallow, cotton candy type
it must be fabulous, must be scary
it must feel like the world is crashing down, but you are saved by your parachute
it must tear your insides open and make you scream for mercy

i imagine falling in love is like dancing alone in a rose garden, holding hands with the perfectly positioned statues
i imagine it is heavy, like a weight you almost cannot lift, but you manage
it must be fairytale like, almost as if you are captured in a screenplay, so you act in a Hollywood way
it must be light, like floating on top of clouds or touching silk that softens your skin and removes your scars
it must be troubling, having something so momentous happen to you without any sort of control

i imagine falling in love is like staring into someone’s eyes and finding their soul and reaching inside of their eye sockets to pull it out
i imagine it is fruitful, one nudge and it is a cherry blossom tree, evergreen and forever spring
it must be quick witted, it must happen so fast you don’t even notice the difference
it must be rapid, like heart beating in the middle of the night when life creeps up on you
it must be filling, like eating mounds of bread and filling up before the main course arrives
it must be everlasting, the feeling, the rush of a glance shooting straight to the gut, to the heart, to the veins
it must be enveloping, dragging every part of you into its embrace

i imagine falling in love is like smiling in pure silence, feeling your reflexes calm because this is what your body is supposed to do
i imagine it is perfect, perfect in a way that isn’t entirely godlike, but it feels like perfection to such joyful eyes
it must be like leaping and bounding in fresh magnolia fields, erasing the anxiety and the pressure of society, just so you can be free and flap your hummingbird wings
it must be like finding home and never feeling lost ever again
no matter the circumstance
love: the antidote to every disease

newborn Aug 15
i am a dying wish—yours to be specific.
the wish dying in your arms every time the sun makes its rotation around the Earth.

there’s no life in me; i am a carcass strewn over the highway,
crushed and mangled and torn to shreds.

what if, if after every pound i lost,
i lost more of myself?
a skinny figure who changed herself to please a piece of glass.

when you said my name, i felt like you would leave me in a cornfield unconsciously anonymous,
yet you streaked my sky.
i’m shedding tears like skin, like burdened rain
seeping from the clouds on a day the world decides to die a little.

when the night is still, my muscles tense up.
i’ve been waiting for the memory of you to remember me,
dancing shameless on the ledge,
unafraid to look childish, knowing you were the first to make the empty void cease.

wide-eyed at the ceiling, losing two strands of hair in the shower, mailing you my address, begging you to stay.
you won’t—i won’t let you.

i am a foggy backroad, you cannot see through me.
all you’d see is a figure, clutching her stomach,
pinching herself for eating two meals,
for not resisting the temptation to feed the pressing hunger.

in your mind, the quietness i exude is only when my brain is confined.
there are shapeless memories and words that float until my arms are strong enough to grab them.

what if after every pound i lost, i lost more of myself,
drifting away into an unwelcoming atmosphere, unfit for someone as bewildered as me?

what if i love you and i don’t know what to do with that
so i write on a night with no moon visible from my bedroom window
and i lie awake wondering whether you are dreaming of me or whether you love me too
or whether we are nothing
but two memories floating,
remembering the other as their favorite one?
heheh i wrote this last night when i couldn’t fall asleep and i had too much to say.

started: 8/13/24
finished: 8/14/24
published: 8/15/24
newborn Dec 2022
an emotion i feel
on a daily basis
looking such a human
in the emerald eyes—

they like my hair
the curls, the waves
the volume, the aliveness
but i can’t help but
tiptoe over the thought
the fondness of it
is disguised hatred…

melancholy, but alone
oxymorons to me
being melancholy and
alone do not exist together
but somehow
when they all leave
my side like blurry ghosts
the sadness creeps up
slowly, painfully, brutally…

the anxiety inside of me
fueled by gasoline
fires on my tongue
buildings dilapidated
lava flows softly
in a thunder city…

children and their
dreams vigorous with
marzipan and cherries
their fake hair
and fake bodies
and overestimated “sorrow”
their heels snap on the floor
like cinderella i sweep
the dirt off the tiles
as they whisper delightfully
about the ball in
a nearby castle…

oh, to be a swan
to swim in streams
that invite me
to glide in waters
that embrace me—
they must have seen
our pure white glossy
feathers from afar
do you hear that noise?
heaven sakes, he’s
been shot…

oh, to have a swan funeral
wearing our hearts
on our wings
fly away friend,
go join the sparrows
and doves
and peacocks in
i wish i could join you
i’m alone and melancholy
down here where the hunters
where the apple trees
are seasonal
and not forevermore
meet me,
but i doubt you will
given your circumstance
compared to mine…
last day of school before Christmas break. it’s over now. 12/22/22
newborn Mar 2022
days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and you turned into screens and screens turned into dreams and dreams turned into memories and memories turned into metaphors
i miss you
newborn Jan 2023
i collect the fireflies in my hand
gazing at the pink sky
as the sun sinks below the atmosphere.
i feel them buzz around my fingers
chaotically and rhythmically.
i’m the background singer
in my stage show
i’m a fraud
i’m sapphire stones
bleeding blue on my own.
the wasps are moving
the trees are eerily still.
i’m never letting these fireflies go.
the only release i’ve had in a while.
i’m tired of having a rehearsed smile
in the back of my throat.

the fireflies have died inside my hands.
i suffocated them
with my sweaty palms
and scrunched fingers.
my first mistake was believing in miracles.

newborn Nov 2022
there’s this boy who looks like my first celebrity crush
he’s taken by a beautiful girl
with cherry painted lips and a golden smile
oh, what i would give
to get lost in the labyrinth of blossoming love
to hear the accordion singing its recycled cheesy song
but it dives and curls and the wind is blowing in a strange manner
exhausted feelings catch up to me

there’s this boy who makes me scared for my soul because i like him so, but i’ve never met him
that’s how all my love songs go
nobody ever realizes
nobody ever knows
they always slip through my sweaty fingers
and their deep voices just become shallow echoes

there’s this boy who is the star in every show

there’s always the side character who pines
and never gets loved
it hurts to be so empty
he looks so much like him ahhhhh. ok, i saw a show. and yeah.

written 11/13/22
newborn Jan 2023
picture the luminescence  
cheekbones flexed
a flare of light
a bit of strength

you always inhabit the areas that reek with filthy phrases
ecstasy bleeding out of your weak bones
cause you follow the crowd that drowns in submarines
and coughs out their black lungs

picture the seaside town
its cliffs beside sandy beaches
the rapture  
illuminated by the irises of the world

fire escapes and lurid streetlights
the buzz of electricity

don’t forget the beauty amidst the demolition

you tell me this is fog, although i’m inhaling smoke
i started writing this january fourth, but i never finished it. i felt hopeless enough to finish it now, twenty days it took.  

“what does it mean if it all means nothing.”
-lord huron

newborn Jun 2022
flat stomachs and rolls royces
climbing the social ladder one step at a time
his eyes whisper rhymes
and he taunts me with this hands atop my thighs
the la weather really makes people delirious
i saw flat stomachs and quick regrets
and jealousy and anger and toxic environments
pool tables with *****
and glasses of ***** cause he bought your drink so you can think about messing around with him when you’re already drunk
rowdy girls who hate commitment
who adore drinking as drake plays
neon lights bouncing off the ceiling
confetti falling and tears streaming down your face
they’re bitter and sharp like the tequila you downed in a frenzy of trying to have fake fun
now your apartment is messy
and you can’t see carpet beneath your feet
were the flat stomachs and abs and shared guilty grins enough for you?
did they make you feel more alive than the drugs and the alcohol?
did they make you feel human?
or did they just fill you up
and empty you
and leave you bawling on your bathroom floor?
tell me the truth.
party vibes. a lot of lonely people forget they are alive, so they guzzle the alcohol to feel something.

newborn Jul 2023
the clock ticks by
foreign matter in my lungs
choking back the truth
and i don’t know why.

homeless nomad
clinging to chains
tied to the ground
clad in wormy silk.

i tried to change
myself for someone like you
someone with a
cruel mind
in place of a crueler being.

i tried to change
all for you
yet still crammed in a jail cell
with rats as friends
who scoff at my
loneliness and
feed off of my fear
take me over,
i don’t desire the person
i have become; who i have tried
not to be
i am my biggest critic and distance from people can show you that you do not need what you thought you needed.

newborn Apr 28
they told you to book it in the opposite direction
with your back turned
never glance behind.
but you didn’t run
your feet stayed stationed, loyal soldiers
digging into the never-yet conquered land.
i made myself smaller,
a beautiful thoughtless daydream for your sharp obtuse thinking
but you weren’t even vicious like i made it up plainly in my mind.
i exaggerated your feelings
now i’m the only one left reeling
with my brain a foreigner in my own skull.
they told you to run,
but you stayed and hoped i would change.
forgive me for loving you in a psychotic way
where i locked up my affection in a jail cell
and never let it see the light of day
for your crystal-shining eyes
to see my true stance on you and us.
forget me
for your life could blossom if you free yourself from my shade
that prevents your soil from bringing up flowers
construct me a tower where i can hide
and you’ll never have to see my revolting face ever again.
they had told you to book it,
to blast down the road
and never look back
but you turned around
and smiled,
showing pristine white teeth,
and said you wouldn’t be leaving
because you had realized you loved me.
you were too naive to assume that i would accept that kind of adoration for myself
so i left you under the flickering street light
and when i looked back,
i could just see you crying
why didn’t you run? i’m too corrupt for you

newborn Mar 21
i feel free
by myself
without any one else
any body that’s coarse and weak
i don’t need a body to complete me.
i don’t need your false sunlight,
your false sense of security.
i am better alone.
i am easier to manage.
i am easier to mold into something else
something cowardly
like trying to belong.
oh, why did i ever try to belong?
oh, why did i ever try?
who was i
to be so bold as to assume that i was anything more than just a dying art?
for you.
a dying art
for your cracked and callused hands
to hold and touch when the brush becomes a part of your hand
—you can’t seem to set it down.
for whoever once cared. even just a little.

newborn Apr 2022
there are brats and rats and scumbags
crowbars and cheap cars and phantom stars
in the town of denial
down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

there are temptresses and trespasses and messages
phony ploys and bloodthirsty boys and aimless joys
in the dust-accompanying countryside
the place that silver wolves and pistols occupy
in foreboding high midnight sighs

there is loneliness and helplessness and acid
soda cans and grunge bands and peculiar bans and queer vans
all inside my throbbing heart
in the space i refuse to stay
in the place where it’s never “ok”

down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

this is when i like rhyming

*holds hands up to face like a villain in a sci-fi movie*

newborn Jun 2022
gold drains
from the sewer
i once inhabited
sewage piles up
on the banks
of the frisky
leading to my
dizzy heart
slapping the shell
of me
with your bare
-i can put up
with this
because i won’t
be locked
in the sewer
any longer
to see your
colored eyes
scowl with scorn
praise the Lord
mañana ...yo voy a ser libre
newborn Jan 2023
four pumps of pulsating madness
i feel the summer in your veins
nooses hanging on our necks in the fields of dandelions
we swing
from the sycamores

three beheaded scoundrels
gather round with fiends
make friends with the dying oceans
from the mezzanine
our bodies look like melted statues
wilted to the breeze

two lovers guiltily isolated
barefoot on the gallows
holding each other’s hands
making entreating expressions
ostensibly grieving their fates
through crooked teeth

one stubborn rope
incense spewing from our tongues
as we breathe our last words
and stomach our last breaths
pertinaciously we dissociate with the
stern world built around us

zero souls standing
above the sycamores
imagery is strong on this one.

also…flower face…ahhhh
newborn Jul 2023
in a yawn of disbelief
you sat beside me
you must have wondered why i never say enough.

swaying trees and
impending horror
climbed into my bones
i was frozen
with fear
and you were so sure
so perfectly intelligent
so courageous without a hint of

i’ve never kissed anyone
except in my dreams
of a man who takes my hand
and we sit on the ledge
above the leaves
and i shiver
but it’s so warm
i can almost feel the surge
of real life, real life
taking over
tried to come up with a title, but it was difficult. about the dream i had last night. it was so good hehe.

newborn Jun 2022
resting on a ledge with my feet dangling
this is the most alive i’ve felt in the longest time
(don’t tell the people around me)
the wind smells like summer and boys and freedom
i’m not worried about the present
it’s just flowing in the breeze
the sun feels like a warm embrace
and from this height
it’s almost like i’m powerful
almost like i’m reaching for God
and His hand is firm and safe
He says it’s all gonna be okay
i taste starbursts, gatorade, and freedom
newborn Sep 2022
i lost my ticket to get on your train
and i witnessed you wave from the caboose; you didn’t even try to get off.

i don’t believe in love or maintaining childhood friendships
i believe in falling short and purposeful abandonment.

you talk to my sister, but not me
what am i supposed to do about that?
it’s my fault i know;
i didn’t acknowledge your presence
i’m so pitiful.

i could throw you a million apologies
i wouldn’t be angry if you wouldn’t forgive me
maybe sometimes in the hallway, you get a bittersweet taste in your mouth when we lock eyes
and you regret the missed time we could’ve spent together
at football games, in history class, in health class
and i regret that too;
in this particular universe.

you drive and i’m terrified to get my permit
i don’t wanna accidentally ****** someone or myself in a car crash
you had a boy best friend in the front seat
and now i’m entirely numb and empty
what have i come to?

yes, i came home and wallowed in a puddle of my own forlorn tears
i can’t do anything else but sob

it’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault
i am to blame, you could’ve told me “hi”
but i am not gonna blame this tumbling storyline on you
you like this school environment better than me
and i completely understand your reasons
again, it’s my fault and i stripped away my own dignity.

i am more numb than morphine could ever make me

i plagued this earth until it became a wasteland
and now i am cursing the vultures that only want to pick up scraps they can’t find here

why oh why does it have to be me destined to shoo them away?
i cried. i hate myself.

newborn Apr 2022
i have a friend who’s not even a friend who doesn’t even talk to me anymore
she ignores me cause i choose to ignore her so we don’t talk anymore
it is partly my fault and partly her’s, but in full honesty i don’t care
and i don’t want to be friends with the girl who’s a friend who’s not even a friend anymore
the amount of times i think of you in a day is innumerable. forgive me, i don’t miss you, but there’s something in the air when you are in the same room as i as if we are communicating. idk it’s weird

newborn Apr 2022
i wish this was the last thing i would ever write for you. i just wanna move on, but i watched you walk across the dewy lawn and i felt empty inside. ghost town vibes. it hurts seeing you be the life of the party, the happy one, the “gets out of situations so easily cause she’s so pretty.” being friends with you was so amazing and i wish i didn’t take it for granite (granted apparently) back then.
cause now i’m the loser and ashamed that i didn’t say hi to you. now i ignore your every move as if i don’t even know who you are and nobody even knows that we knew each other or were, oh my gosh—friends. oh wait, forgot one word, or two. best friends forever. bffs. we drew in notebooks together, went to the book fair and found little friendship books and wrote in them. we were attached at the hip, so incredibly close. why did we lose that connection? you have so many **** friends and i have nothing against them, i just wish they would help bring back our friendship. and i am sick and tired (exhausted) of seeing you in the halls and looking the other way or up at the ceiling. i am embarrassed that it’s come to this. avoiding eye contact because i fear you hate me, cause God forbid, you send me a single message saying, “you know, i hate to admit it, but i miss you and i wanna start over.” but no. and perhaps i’m coming to full terms with that. i guess the contract is over and the summer sun has sunken into the fortress of the creepy night. i’m fine. it’s just- you had your car and i wished to ride in the front seat jamming out to music before school and having study halls together and making friends together and being friends forever. but it’s ok. i realized true friendship doesn’t exist. it’s all an in the moment thing. they’ll say they wanna be friends forever, but once you move from the ground to the sea, you’ll never wanna be dry again. and i get it. my lungs are drowning in the water, but i still don’t wanna climb out before it’s too late. i’m so sorry
perhaps missing you is a mistake as well
newborn Jun 2023
i’m wearing shades of lavender
shades of misery
despair, impaired

you aren’t mine
because i took your smile
packed it inside the trunk of my moving vehicle
that i can’t even maneuver
if our paths became photographs instead
i think i would miss you the best

i know intentions fade
and spirits degrade
hope in a vacuum
****** out of reach
the stars are calling
and the seas are swallowing
a dog with a bone
in love with the hand that feeds it

i need you
my piece of evidence
that all this happened
and you didn’t hate me
i know my friend is crazy
why can’t this hate around envelop me
and spit me out because i don’t want to doubt i don’t want to hate anyone anymore i’m not an unforgiving soul
send me away, for the palace in the hills
contagion in its clearest form
don’t take over

you aren’t mine
she isn’t kind
the rainwater is intricate and doesn’t mean any harm
rushing towards a form of civility
follow me

i lie
so others can like me
there’s this tendency
that i can’t tell her that she’s wrong
i don’t want to hate anymore i don’t want to foam at the mouth with greed with repulsion at anything
for you to be a fly on the wall, at that sick carnival
humans always fail to forget the remnants of such a barbarous past

i don’t have you
you aren’t mine
possession of you
must be some kind of fantasy
such a lurking fear

but i don’t want to hate anymore go to a gravesite pray for their souls i don’t wanna pump hate into this world i don’t hate anyone i just want to be alone

i need to put an end to it
disconnect the waters to your faucet
make you start crying because of all you did
a dog with a bone
castigating the hand that won’t feed it

it’ll be such a glorious execution
to the desire that i have to let someone know they are wrong. i’m trying. everyone deserves love.

newborn Oct 2022
you touched the girl with the “here lies a corrupted corpse” sign posted above her grave
grace didn’t grace her with the pacifying antibiotic she created
you didn’t leave flowers in the spot where the dirt is grimy and wet,
the exact position where she is stationed
grace didn’t grace her with a happy ending
failures don’t really deserve full effort

newborn Jan 2023
i feel you in the dark
and i feel you in the candlelight.
i see you in the stars
and yet, i can never reach them.
you’re so close
yet so far
you dance all alone
outside the bar
by the place we first exchanged
eye contact
and i saw you in the embers of the street fires.
you gave me happiness
or even just a moment of contentment.
you gave me something tangible to feel
something genuine,
something actually real.
a figment of my imagination
you’ve become
in such short of time.
i miss the optimistic smile
that would
light up in your eyes
and i knew you felt the smoke arise
in my body
after the ravenous fire inside of me diminished.
i feel you as the curtain closes
as the locket i keep as a memorandum
shakes along with my morally stained hands.
i can’t keep a steady eye on the
realness of life.
it all fades into the blue
along with my rare smile.
i haven’t felt the wild wind pull my hair in
different directions.
are you even listening?
i haven’t seen the stars at night
only factory smoke in sight
and the dress you wore is ******
and so lonely.
i traverse through town
and always seem more bitter.
the ripped-up constitution of my
feeble institution
it just crumbles at my feet.
they can’t hear me when i breathe.
it’s as if the world is turning
into a frenzy
and i’m slowly
becoming more and more formidable.
they don’t want to knock upon my door
and they don’t want to fear me anymore.
yet i just want them to fear me more
than they ever have before.
i’m sick of finding solace in the ghost of you.
i’m sick of seeing my forcefulness multiply
into knives that stab
you from beneath your grave.
the dress you wore is ******
and so lonely.
can you teach me how to heal my wounds?
i already lost you,
i can’t lose myself.

newborn Aug 28
the ocean swallows me.
this midnight is a still midnight,
where the birds don’t coo and the waves don’t move.

the emptiness is not the ruler of all.
the tides continue to wash over the beach.
each wash of water awakening its earthly daughter.

each blush in my cheek i was taught to be ashamed of,
every desire deserved to be stomped on, twisted at the bottom of a shoe.
each nightfall i am forced to be tamed.

a seafaring sailor, drunk on each lifeless wave,
carving through sea walls.
i once believed in magic, but i have grown up and i know

that every sickness is a truth revealed
that every doubt can drown you, child.
that every word i’ve interwoven in your story has kept you reading,

candle-lit and curious.
that every reason i once had goes out with the tides,
that every blessing has six bullets and a sharp knife.

that the sea can feel like home,
an immense calling that never ceases.
that the world alone is meant to burn

each finger, each word
that i could ever sing, speak, or whisper.
that every human is incapable of loving you.

that every human is a desert
when all i need is an ocean,
a constant, a still midnight.
it's so hard all the time. i feel as if no one truly wants me around and i don't understand what i am doing wrong. i don't understand

newborn Sep 2022
her ghost can be seen in his dimly lit blue eyes
her past love drowning inside his infected brain
his purpose strangled him, snapped his neck into pieces on the stained carpet
her voice can be heard in the quietest of cathedrals
but he wouldn’t dare enter such a guileless building with such a guileless soul as hers
that’s so tragic, da heck

newborn Nov 2022
there used to be a million kids at trick or treat
now the only thing that lasts is this hyperbole
costumes everywhere, faces stuffed with candy
where did childhood go?
and where did she take me?
so nostalgic, i miss it.

(written on halloween, published first november)
newborn Jul 2022
i haven’t spoken to you in two weeks.
i push people away
afraid they’ll cut my wings
and i’ll fall from the sky
onto razor blades.
you get grounded almost every week
for vaping or hopping back and forth
from friends’ houses.
at times, i hope to do rebellious things
with you.
ride in shopping carts, get held at gun point,
act rowdy in parking garages at two a.m.
most of the time though my mentality is
avoid, avoid, avoid
dodge, dodge, dodge
stop, stop, stop.
hehe, luckily you don’t know i publish stuff on here
newborn Jun 2022
happy birthday to the best friend who left me in the dust. who left me to fend for myself and my frail bones. i guess i am wishing you a happy birthday from an app whilst your new friends are probably throwing you a rager, but i am not mad. i am never mad at you.

some of the best memories and moments that came from you; they sure aren’t the same:
you told me about stranger things, that was the first i heard from it. now the fourth season has come out and i haven’t heard a peep. and don’t even think i forgot about how you told me the entire plot and how scared you were in your little bedroom in your old and memory filled house. how the horror lined your bones and made you tense. and you couldn’t forget it even as the night air twinged your skin. it stung a little as you begged to forget you ever saw the demagorgan or realized will was missing.
i still watch the dang show.

you and i trampled around in the woods with my older sister who you were super close with because i couldn’t leave her alone. you ate some snow and i told you it would be *****, but you said it’s clean.
don’t eat the yellow kind.

my teacher and you had the same birthday. as well as donald trump. but he doesn’t matter. you laughed with her and showed her your teeth. must be nice to be birthday buddies with someone. someone who desired to be.
you better wish her a happy birthday.

i was jealous back in fourth grade because you liked leah better...or so i thought. you sat on the opposite end of the table although i told you to set yourself by me. it bothered me. walls of jealousy put up just because i realized that was the first time i had low self esteem. a picture of you and i at the lunch table still made the year book.
leah was in it though.

sleepovers at your house. that same stupid house. in a different town than you live now. by the pit bulls you told me about as soon as you moved in. you better have gotten that pepper spray to ward them off. anyway, i brought my sleeping bags and threw em’ in your mother’s car. you played basketball and i had to watch from the sidelines. with your dang mom and dad. your dog ate our popcorn when we clothed it in salt cause of course God gave me allergies to everything i can see. we laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. or the time when you invited all your sporty friends from other schools and they made me uncomfortable. they were too mature and riskay for my nine year old liking. we watched the sand lot.
i am on the bench.

and it’s your birthday. another year has passed and you’re still gone. i think it’s too surreal for me to handle, so i keep writing you little notes (or long ones) hoping you’ll stumble your way back to me.
i still miss you but

happy birthday for now

newborn May 2022
here’s to all the bloodshed
all the tears
all the fallen soldiers
all the days that seemed like months

they’ve given us more than
we could’ve ever asked for

so thank you
thanks to all the troops and people who have laid down their lives so we could be free
newborn Dec 2021
i talk like a blinding light
  i shoot my opinions out like rockets
not asking, “do you want to hear it?”
   and i hate my voice as much as myself
            and i hate my opinions
hate my face
hate my bones
hate the way i’m obsessed with you
hate the way i’m clueless around clusters of stable fairies
hate the silence when i want to speak
hate my tongue
hate my clothes
hate my beliefs
hate my friendships
hate that i hate my friendships
hate the way i crave laughter
hate the way i ruin moments
hate the rawness of emotions
hate when i run into doorways
hate awkwardness when i can’t hear a word
hate waiting
hate the way the sun shines like a bullet
hate the social interaction
hate everything
          but i don’t hate the boldness
  the flavor that you bring me
         cause before i ate warheads
    and called them sweet like the only word in my dictionary
    but now i’m indulging in candy
  it tastes so bittersweet
             because i didn’t know anyone could love me like i wasn’t a disease
    like i wasn’t an ant to step on
    or a watermelon seed to spit out
                           and i thank you
      because it’s almost been a year
     and you make me hate myself a little less.
“It’s almost been a year and you make me hate myself a little less.”

Since you entered my world
A thunderstorm is just a small interruption
Anxiety is just an illness
newborn Jun 2022
wanna get broken into tiny shards of glass
by an ex that was always destined to **** me
wanna be dragged across the bamboo tile
with so much force, i can’t feel the pressure anymore
wanna miss the times spent together like they were my life support
on the very edge of pulling my cord
wanna be destroyed from the inside
beaten so brutally
that i can’t even find time to survive
last day of school and i want a summer love and i want it to end and for me to be so brutally heartbroken that i never forget about it until i meet someone sweeter, kinder, and prettier.

newborn May 17
when i skipped in the street
and you blinked your flashlight fifteen times at me
my high beams bursting through the windows of the neighbors,
i started to feel like she wrote those songs for us
and for our teenage recklessness.
can you teach me how to stay,
how to sit still and just love
with no shame and no repercussions?
because how are you so close in my rearview mirror
and then so much farther than you appear?
i would’ve cranked the heater, the same for you
the same simple cares
that you bestowed on
someone as wretched as me.
i would’ve called you my favorite person,
denying your insecurities and making them seem insignificant,
just as you had.
i would’ve laid in your lap retrieving my phone
as we laugh with our entire stomachs
and your friend says there must be something between us;
how does that make you feel?
i would’ve said it was finally time to go if i saw you sleeping,
almost too tired to drive home.
i would’ve asked you to drive safely for fear of deer around,
the same as you had.
i would’ve invited you to my cracking house,
just as you did,
answering the doorbell and smiling,
“you can take your shoes off”

“i love you as you are”
so…i feel so much constantly. writing gives me such a cathartic release and i am so glad i get to share my poetry, even if people don’t read it, maybe they will someday. i am confused about a situation currently and writing helps me breathe. i stayed at my friend’s house from 6-1 a.m. and i’ve never felt more free. i felt like a teenager and i’ve been listening to melodrama by lorde and being inspired by it and feeling it all. it’s so strange, i never thought i would ever feel this way. about all of this. about life. about you.

started yesterday
published: 5/17/24
newborn May 2022
the flames are rising
the wood is burning
the earth is crumbling
from under the
quaking’s hand
here in a charred building
sits a fear stronger than
an ocean flood
the fear that maybe
there are never any
happy ever afters
and instead just
raining fire
please save me from this monstrous death that is high school. i feel like a wild animal inside a cage.

newborn Jul 2023
you are hollow, but i’m whole enough to make a sound for both of us combined. i’m lazy, quite hazy, quite sensitive when it comes to certain topics. standoffish, obnoxious around groups of people i know too fondly, poetry nerd, timid and almost vibrantly in love with the early morning peak of sun peeking through the arms of the tree outside my bedroom window. i’m quite passive, rarely erratic, hesitant but reverent. and you’re a howl-at-the-moon monsoon, curious raccoon, brazen, contagious smiler. and i’m most definitely in some kind of daze, trapped in a trance and you’re the sturdy rope that pulls me from my evitable demise. but i’m seventeen, still unseen, still solitary. still completely and irrevocably in love with the way things feel, dying for the realness of your peace wrapped around my shoulders.
bonfire sitting in a clearing in the woods. it used to be so simple. love, love, love is all i need.

newborn Sep 2022
here come the very bad men
in their chevrolets with bullet holes and their sketchy postures
sunglasses cover their eyelids so no one can see their fear creep onto the table in violent outbursts
they broke a few bones on their rise to consumption of the innocent
the birth of a disease that fills their lungs and spreads like blue fire
here come the very bad men
who disregard your feelings and line you up in the junkyard just to behead you and leave you in with the plague ridden rats and the corruption
their abduction of you
won’t make the news
because they know every outlet and they know how to burn a body
and they know the method to make people not ask questions
no further explanations
no secret recommendations
their clocks tick like unnerving bombs ready to explode
we all love the very bad men
because they rid of our cities’ enemies
with their own hands
so the citizens don’t need to get theirs ******

they’re coming to capture you
haven’t posted in a hot minute. school has left me with no purpose and sadness. kinda too bummed out to be writing poetry. but i did write this the other day, i was just too lazy to post. enjoy this poem that i wrote inspired by my favorite show rn. school sux.

newborn May 2022
hopeless romantic here.
i know you probably tell your parents that love doesn’t feel like it does in the movies
it’s overrated
i am guessing that’s what you say
but i
ok, maybe i am naive
but i
i don’t think love will feel like it does in the movies either
it will be better
and i hold that hope in my heart
that one day i will walk out of a restaurant
and i will see a familiar face
because soulmates are real
(the ones who don’t have them, or so they say, their partner died or couldn’t cross the layer between love and selfishness)
they are real
i think so at least
call me stupid
hopeless romantic
that’s me
i don’t get offended by that name
i swear it gets better than this
it gets better
love makes it better
it might be hard
but what have you ever done that was worth your time that wasn’t hard?
i want another person to be my safety, my rock, my eternity
bathe me in their river
cause it gets better
it does get better
and love makes it better

take all the time you need with me
i have been waiting for forever
what’s a couple more weeks?
wrote this sobbing but i still have hope
newborn Aug 11
my father hasn’t been himself,
i’m piling clothes on each shelf
while the cold is attaching its lifeless embrace around my thighs that are too big
and a stomach too normally abnormal.
i write about living,
i try to live for writing;
always end up living for nothing.
maybe the ache seems like a home,
or a house
i just passed on the open road.
constantly familiar since a younger version of me
opened the vault
and it slipped out.
my eyes haven’t watered the flowers underneath my bed
since the summer came and went.
love came knocking at the front door;
the latch wouldn’t open up.
now every car makes it look as if it’s him behind every wheel.
i pass that house with a sore throat—
a lump in the back,
something’s unraveling inside of me.
i am neither tall nor strong,
every sadness almost takes the breath out of me
and i haven’t been like myself,
but when have i ever?

newborn Nov 2022
they tore down the pool in my hometown
the place i went during the summer to cool off
my old stomping ground to go for fun
my childhood is slipping further and further away
every single day
written 9/10/22
newborn May 2022
i feel stupid because those that lived before me suffered much greater
but still
my organs are failing
i can’t breathe in the humid temperature
suffocated girl, poor girl
loneliness might not be the biggest issue
but it hurts
as much as a whip or a quick beating
sadness feels like an eternal weight placed upon your chest
who says this can’t be serious?
today is rough
and i’m so sick of having to say that everyday

newborn Mar 2023
i met you in the flesh of an early morning
swinging on rainforest vines
sparkling san francisco golden gate haven
sun, so radiant yet so tranquil

i met you, hazy with some byproduct of devotion
i was standing in rapture
an echo of aspiration
and restoration
an outline of a happiness that somehow seemed like closure

i met you, a symbolic glimmer
drunk in your joyousness
meeting as the morning dew barely dries from the damp grass
blue eyes like sapphires, like rubies, like gold

i was struck with akrasia
i forgot how to shake hands
i mumbled between my teeth
i met you, so shimmery, so wonderful
so full of mirth

do you go by some pseudonym at this moment in time?
i can’t find you in the rainforest trees, rains, or vines
you can’t be lost

i am daft and i am dominoes crumbling
and i am
from a rotted sea

and you are faithful and cheerful and jolly and dopamine rushes
and how dare i quell the moonlight inside you

if you have broken hands, i promise i will fix them
if you have died and went to Heaven
i dare you to send me
a safe haven of angels who all know my name
a safe haven of ballerinas loose on a stage
a safe haven of happiness where songbirds dance and dancers sing
a safe haven where violets bloom after the gloom
i hope your absence doesn’t contribute to the atrophy of my being

but if it does,
i least i met you for a little while
in the carcass of a morning apparition
i need you more than ever.


also, margaret is such a beautiful song :((
newborn Jul 2022
the ice filled
my esophagus
i couldn’t breathe
it froze my tongue
no words could exit
they touched
me with
their warm
wicked hands
memory fading
but tears rolling
down my cheeks
ever so softly
i am so obsessed, i have so many issues

newborn Nov 2022
scared of the dark and of fire swallowing me in the middle of the stubborn night
setting my closet ablaze
shirts turning to embers as i slept beneath the smoke
and we would have to stand by the mailbox
but someone was always left behind.
it usually ended there.

but my restlessness soon turned into a snowflake, falling from the chilled sky
onto the mailbox outside my house
and melting.

my writing is a gigantic forest fire of clichés
slowly charring in my eye view.
unlike the snowflakes that flew from
my brain.

and i’m still kind of scared of the looming darkness
and the creatures inside of my closet
still kind of worried about my house catching fire
and losing all my belongings
but what’s to that?
what do i actually own or belong to?

blue is blinded rage

fear lasts and i can’t breathe in this smoke…in this chemical kingdom…that they all love…smog and smoke and strangulation….and no one cares…?

cause elvis still kept singing jailhouse rock
even though he never went to jail
and the seas are still operating in the exact same way they always have been
celebrities still think they’re all that cause us feeble people put them on pedestals
the moon is still a refuge to lost stars spread upon the frivolous lands
fire still burns, even at night
even in your closest
even if you think you’re safe by your mailbox
even if people tell you that you’re worth

the smoke will envelop you
the smog will catch up to you
the ashes will become you

i’m afraid it will take away what i don’t have
i haven’t had the motivation to write recently cause this site won’t give my poems any views and if no one is around to read my poems, i feel empty. idk. sorry, this is just a poem about tons of stuff. some of the imagery was inspired by tropico by lana del rey, especially the blue line and the elvis one. hopefully someone reads this poem and likes it. 11/11/22
newborn May 5
i am continually alone in a crowded room
an immovable mass.
the time creeps
slow with a soft begging—a hard press.
it hurts my bones to sit still
and the time won’t move
won’t move
won’t move.
it doesn’t move ever
and i’m sick, bland, and alone
i don’t need sound to fill the space,
but this pains me in a way i cannot describe.
i have sat in crowded rooms with the pain pounding on my stomach
and i look like a strange life form that doesn’t belong
and everyone else does
and that’s why it is astronomically harder.
the silence is permanent; it will seldom leave my side
it’ll leave me in its wake and i’ll be a body
lost to the immense unknown of the ocean
wash up on your shore
and you can hold me
and you can tell me the quiet doesn’t make me who i am?
you said, “it’s not in your bones—the need to speak everything you feel”
and i just told that to myself because i have myself to hold.
my loneliness is everlasting and violent
i belonged and i ruined that image for myself.
my slow ability to start feeling like myself around people i adore
but i mess it up every single time.
i continually hold my tongue for fear of faux judgement.
wow—connection is so difficult. i just want to love breathlessly, but i cannot.

written: 5/3/24
published: 5/5/24
newborn Aug 2023
how i wish to be a harp note in a russian symphony
how i wish to be a dragon, longer than six feet
how i wish to be the line that is on that narrow face
how i wish it wasn’t that easy to find someone to replace
how i wish the moon would stop and tell me the truth
how i wish i heard Jesus’s name from the mouth of you
how i wish that we didn’t have to lose some seeds along the way
how i wish the death would come fast and then be on its way
how i wish my hands weren’t so shaky when i speak
how i wish the words that slip from my lips didn’t puncture me
how i wish time could slow down just for me to catch a break
how i wish the sea would settle down when i am in its wake
how i wish i could be more
how i wish you could adore
how i wish this world was more forgiving
how i wish i could fly
how i wish i knew why
how i wish i would stop wishing for an end
to something that just began
been reading e.e cummings poems. they are inspiring.

there are many things we wish for that we do not have—but i am so grateful as well. sometimes i don’t know how to balance the wishful thinkings and the gratitude. if today you do anything at all, i hope you thank God or someone for the things you have, even if you don’t have it that well off, you can still be thankful for the little things :)

newborn Jul 2023
you eat flesh in a cleaned room
with a seaside view.
you devour the world
(or so you think)
with a single swallow.
in dreams that feel like
you appear.
you clutch your ego against your chest
as if it’s a blessing.
your iron lung fills my head
with black smoke.
i envy those who can say no.

i apologize on the behalf of other people.
you’re smiling with blood in your teeth
the enamel worn through,
yellow in color.
staying afloat has become impossible.
you’re the ambushing shark
in a pool of my nerves and tissues.
somehow drowning with your fangs
around my rouge shadow.

your ego has eaten you alive.
you push against the walls of your pursuer.
it chokes back your spinal cord.
completely empty,
betrayed by your own creation
you must be angry
while i sit and watch,
blood on my lips,
solid foundation.
i bet you will conveniently forget to wish me a happy birthday.

this is kind of about two people, but also just aimed at one individual.

newborn Aug 2022
i need to get some stuff off my chest
my cousin doesn’t like me anymore
i’m at a family gathering right now;
a birthday party
i love talking to my aunts and my grandma
they include me in conversations and
make me feel worth their while
maybe it’s a me problem
that i changed and i’m average
and painful to be around
it could most definitely be that
and i wish i could stop
obsessing over speaking
but quarantine ******* me over
and left me with repulsive social anxiety
someone’s laughing
and the shaven dog is barking
my ears can’t handle this
the dog hates me, she doesn’t
let me pet her and i just wish i had a
dog as a companion, but
my parents don’t want that responsibility
even though it would be all mine
i need a dog, i need a friend
who’s always present,
there for me
no one ever is
no one knows what gathers inside
my brain throughout the day
that forces me to write
or i would literally burst.
now my cousin said goodbye to her
favorite aunt and uncle
and her young cousins who
are perfectly skinny and basic
and **** perfect
i’m miserable now
it’s not like it used to be
her cousin looks like a model
where’s my glow up?
i just look so terribly ugly
that it hurts me so badly
even twelve year olds look like models
and they make me
so terrifically insecure
it’s infuriating
how unfair some things are
especially genetics and body dysmorphia
i need some boy who’ll soothe
this mental state i have
been swallowed up in
without my consent
my incompetent brain has never heard
the word ‘no’ before, apparently
i’m sick to my stomach
thinking about everything
and how everything used to be
and how everyone is changing
and how much i want to die
killing me would be doing me
a huge favor at this point
why do people always have
to make me insecure with their
toned bodies and gorgeous faces?
i am convinced that something
is eternally wrong with me
but i’ll stop making you
mad by saying i hate myself
cause now it’s basically redundant
but one last time 
for good measures
i hate myself
and i’ll never be an asset
to society
goodbye, the only thing that loves me for who i am is my writing
sorry, i’m a burden, i know

newborn Jan 2022
i am not pretty
looking in the mirror is self pity
every tiny wrinkle from the stress my brother’s mental disorder gave me
i am ugly in the doorframe
in your eyes
maybe in every way

i am not gut wrenchingly sad
i don’t have nearly enough trauma
for my fingers to crinkle after writing
for my lips to quiver in the silence
for all the creases in my face to shiver
in the shadow of an abusive hyperbole

i am not fun
i don’t enjoy talking to freeze frames
people who don’t know my name
i don’t have many friends to make the dangers of the world mute themselves
and go away
life of the party, who what, who is she?

i am not a good person
i make excuses out of nothing
we get it, i choose rationalism to stop from getting injured
maybe nice isn’t part of my personality
i have to try so hard to be capable of speaking that it comes off rehearsed

i am not a genius
i never classified myself as sharp
or smart
kind of just a loser
trying to make sense of the world through art

i am not well known
like a fly in a mansion
the breeze even forgets my name once in a while
i should have been there a while ago
yet i paced inside my room
anxious of what everyone would do

i am not bright
i have no ambitions except seeing your eyes sparkling while the moon shines
no goals, i am never gonna be able to go to college
or be accepted into a marriage
forever alone

but i am so skeptical
and i have the most pessimistic view in the world
i don’t think you could ever love me
so you might as well give up now
or leave me out of the show
left wandering the streets of town
capable of suicide
but more the death of other’s souls
alone, alone, alone
and i oop-

newborn Aug 9
i am not your dog; do not pet me once, then expect my loyalty.
i am not the woman in your dreams
completing your r.e.m sleep.
i am not your dog, do not train me once, then expect me to behave.
i am not a slave
to your blaze
to the fire on your tongue.
i am love personified.
i am a pain unresolved,
but free.
it’s not the best thing i’ve written, but i felt like it needed to be said. you are not entitled to all of my time, i get to have some time by myself. that is not selfish.

started feb 21 after thinking of the first lines in spanish lol.
may 14 finished.
newborn Apr 2022
i missed his party so i didn’t get to see you
   and i write as if you hear my anguish
   as if you care enough to listen
**** it, i would give you my poems to read
    i miss you
    because without you, i blame it on myself
perhaps we were made to break
   to crack on hardwood floors and windows
   to grow apart as the famine destroys
i missed his party because i was sick
   so we didn’t get to mend our relationship
   and our beaten hearts are ruined

      i missed his party so now i miss you
oh, shut up by now. ur voice makes me mad and it lingers in the humid air. you know i hate saying i miss people, but maybe you don’t know. maybe you never knew me and i was just some little gimmick, some arm candy. cause u moved past this faster than a roller coaster ride, and i feel as if i am obligated to move on too. i forgot about you for basically 4 years, and i really don’t think i have been too affected by this until now. but it’s whatever. cause i will move on and be in love and stop creating fake storylines to feel alright. that’s soon, i can feel it too. letting go is the most powerful thing a person can do, and you are slipping out of my bitten nails and becoming less of a worry and more like an old story. ok, bye, you’ll never read my poems so you’ll never know that i actually care. and if you still care about me and want to talk to me, talk to me. i wanna reach out to you, i am just afraid of rejection. pls forgive me. i’m sorry
                                      so sorry

newborn Apr 2023
they say
like it’s easy.

but i can’t
and i can’t help it.

my stomach hurts
and my face turns red
and i feel my lungs
shrinking inside of my body.

i can’t stop
and i’m sorry
i’m not trying to be this way
i’m not trying to act like this

they say,
but i can’t.
publishing old material today lol. i just have felt so overwhelmed with everything lately.

originally written: 1/31/23
published: 4/16/23
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