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4.4k · Jul 2020
Cayley Raven Jul 2020
Luna, Luna, up the sky,
I am yours and you are mine.
As always, the full moon has got the best of me.
Cayley Raven Aug 2022
Who do you think you are
to pollute the air I breathe?
It smells like dead toes,
You smell like ****.
Costs a ******* fortune,
Why are you doing it?

Go find another ******* window,
Window of a fellow smoke.
Maybe they´ll join you
And together you can choke
Your filthy ******* lungs
With instant cancer joke.
I guess I don´t like smokers
1.1k · Jan 2023
Cayley Raven Jan 2023
Don't feel guilty
for choosing a different path.
Even if it means
you had to take a step back.
Taking a step back doesn't mean
you stopped moving forward.
982 · Jun 2021
Cayley Raven Jun 2021
You are not powerful
when you are good
at arguments
You are powerful
when you stay calm
while being disrespected
Just a reminder..
838 · Mar 2020
Leo the ruler
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
You don't know what it's like
to be born under late june's sun,
even though it's dark outside
and the moon is shining so bright
it could claim the lion's throne.
You don't know what it's like
to be a Cancer's child,
to hear the lions roar.
This is about my zodiac sign,  I am a Cancer with moon in Leo and I often feel misunderstood and choose to close into my own little world. I don´t expect anyone to understand this either.
691 · Mar 2020
Oh boy
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
I can feel your eyes
slowly shedding layers off my skin.

I can see your twitching hands,
all about to find the beast within.

Leaning into you,
my breath slowly reaching your ears,

whispering obscenities
you could have only ever heard in your wildest dreams.
The quarantine is doing a number on me.
683 · Apr 2021
Cayley Raven Apr 2021
After all
the judgements
your filthy mouth has spit
the truth has become clearer
About me you don't know ****
you're only talking
to a mirror
When you're being judged, it doesn't say anything about you.
It says everything about the one judging you.
660 · Feb 2023
Unintentional haiku
Cayley Raven Feb 2023
Hey my little one,
I am extremely busy.
Will write to you soon.
A text I got, the sender unaware of the fact, that they just wrote a perfect haiku.
484 · Aug 2022
Cayley Raven Aug 2022
A genuine connection
has drawn me close to you
all smiles, same vibes
I thought you felt it too
476 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
To many a sound
of nothing at all
blasting just loud enough
to drive people crazy

To me it´s serenity
in purest of forms
despite its old age
fails not to amaze me
Do you like silence?
462 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
Feasting my eyes on beauty of yours
all of my senses drinking you in
like a man starving craves for his course
like a man thirsty gulps down his gin
332 · May 2020
Cayley Raven May 2020
I wish I could build trust
towards people
but all
my feelings do
is keep on biting dust
I can´t really help it, I just don´t trust people.
278 · Mar 2023
Cayley Raven Mar 2023
Your skin
tastes like a lemonade.
Though it's not
the flavour that I crave,
It's enough
to keep us both awake.

If you ask,
yes, I´m using you.
Don´t be sad,
I´m hurting myself too.
263 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
I happen to have wounds
someone else made
or I did
but it is you
and your words
that crack them open
Please, choose your words wisely
262 · Aug 2024
Pattern blinded
Cayley Raven Aug 2024
I pushed you away so many times.
The words
you wanted to hear all along...
I want to say them now.
Would it be too unfair?
I feel I might have missed my chance.
But you are the only thing
that makes sense right now.
The only thing
that made sense from the beginning.
Only I wasn´t able to see.
Pattern blinded.
Sight unable to reach
beyond fears
and insecurities.
260 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
Your face has become a memory
unpleasant  and  feared
One horror of a face
The same one
I used to
An unlucky choice of a life partner.
256 · Nov 2024
Insight inside
Cayley Raven Nov 2024
Perhaps if you stopped worshiping
the wise words of another,
you might, in fact, uncover
a wisdom within
255 · May 2020
The apocalypse
Cayley Raven May 2020
I had a dream
about the end of the world,
the apocalypse.
It was the last of our days,
the sky turned dark red,
a total sun eclipse.

Shattered buildings,
fallen power poles
shutting down all lights,
the air was full of heavy dust,
polluting our lungs
and raining were meteorites.

And even then,
the selfish little me
went to save nobody, my love.
No, I went to steal
the only precious thing
that we were running out of.

Time. The one
we took for granted,
such a foolish thing to do.
I stole your last seconds
so I could spent the end of times
in tight embrace with you.
What a romantic way to go..
241 · Mar 2020
A poet's boat
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
What is a boat good for
where there's no water?
A coma tied to dockside
missing it's blue waves.

What is poet's purpose
when he's a lousy knotter?
A lack of words on paper,
his mind is short of tales.

He's fishing for ideas
on a ship that won't sail,
oblivious to his surroundings,
he's only bound to fail.
Let the boat be the poet's attention.
232 · Apr 2020
Cayley Raven Apr 2020
With April's first dawn
I started building a wall
that gloom can not climb
This is still so new to me, can I consider this a haiku?
Thanks for the feedback.
230 · Jan 2021
One of a million
Cayley Raven Jan 2021
A simple wink was all it took
to cause a flood of fire
A simple over shoulder look
burning with desire

It may have been the wildest ride
high into oblivion
hadn't I learned later that night
I was one of a million

Addition to your filthy art
disgraceful masterpiece
A picture made of shattered hearts
painted in your sheets

At the end of your old tale
noone finds it charming
you should know your wink is frail
and no longer disarming
Let me know what you think.
224 · May 2020
A power of one
Cayley Raven May 2020
When you leave town full of things to outrun,
for peace of the countryside and there, in the shadows,
park power of many and mount power of one,
let the stallion carry you through trails in the meadows.

When light breeze of summer touches your features
and all of your senses drink up the floods
of emotions you get from these beautiful creatures,
with no words spoken, just hooves´ quiet thuds.

The noise in your head transforms into music,
a breathtaking symphony calming your soul,
your creative side connects with its muses,
the moment of present just makes you feel whole.
216 · Feb 2020
Midnight walk
Cayley Raven Feb 2020
She likes to walk naked
along the midnight river
for there is a nightmare
denying her sleep

She´s trying to drown it
in depths of the water
but all the drowned fears
keep living indeed

Like moon to the sky
she keeps coming back
a figure of an angel
a statue made of steel

She parleys with her demons
to call off their threats
In clothes she was born with
her soul comes out to heal
Reviews appreciated !
208 · May 2020
Cayley Raven May 2020
The apocalypse
destroying the precious lives
we could have enjoyed
207 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
Rainy day or not
windy, cold or hot
People young and old
careless, scared or bold
yellow, white and black
curvy, slim or fat
full of love or full of hate
the virus don´t discriminate
Tough times ahead of us
193 · May 2020
Wild ride
Cayley Raven May 2020
I thought the quarantine
could be all about *******,
but instead
it's only ******* with my head
and sadly to say,
not in a "come and ride my face"
kind of way.
Oops, sorry, I felt like letting this out, so ... there you go.
186 · Mar 2023
shit don't change
Cayley Raven Mar 2023
For the first time in my life
I felt like I was enough
I felt like a priority

For a time

Until something else came up
Something more interesting
and I just faded away in the past

Like I always do
Cayley Raven Jul 2020
He left my message at read,
didn't reply,
as easy as that.
That's why.
169 · Feb 2020
The key
Cayley Raven Feb 2020
The key you´re holding
in your precious hand,
it will let you in

only when

you´re capable
to make me feel
like I can love

Reviews appreciated!
168 · Feb 2023
Nothing ever
Cayley Raven Feb 2023
The dream of you I never had
The words of love I never said
The tears for you I never cried
Your gentle touch I never tried

The memories we never made
The shooting stars that never fade
Us sleeping trough the night awake
Our shattered hearts that never break
160 · Mar 2020
Time wasting
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
I will not
invest my time
into someone who
is not willing
to invest
Time is a precious thing, I will not waste it on you.
155 · Dec 2020
Cayley Raven Dec 2020
I want you to be
in control
of the air I breathe
Only leaving me
with little gasps
as your hands squeeze
around my throat
until I can hear
my own blood
trying hopelessly
to pass through
And believe me, please
when I say
I love it entirely
146 · Mar 2020
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
On a rainy day
she tucks herself in,
lying on a pillow
made out of tears.
As the heavy raindrops
fall on her skin,
on a rainy day,
she barely sleeps.
Every time she does,
she wakes full of shame
and then she comes to realize
that rain is her name.
When it rains, it pours.

Also, reviews appreciated.
144 · Sep 2020
There is no me
Cayley Raven Sep 2020
What if there is no me?
What if there is just an awareness
of my existence.

Imagine that "I" is a consciousness
that was only gifted
a physical form, the body
a mental state, the mind
an ability to feel emotion, the soul.

If that were to be true,
wouldn't "I" be able to just observe
how my existence feels, how it moves,
or how it makes decisions?

"I" would just watch things happen
at their own will,
the good and the bad,
and experience it alongside.

Perhaps "I" could communicate,
waking my own existence
to the state of consciousness.

Wouldn't that be beautiful?
Because then, all the answers
and the eventual peace of mind
would lay within "me".
Something for you to think about. Thank you for your feedback. Love
141 · Feb 2023
Cayley Raven Feb 2023
Absolutely nothing
Is what I want to feel
Right now
135 · Aug 2024
I know better now
Cayley Raven Aug 2024
Unconsciously or not
it was still a ****** thing to do.
I realize now
how much I hurt you.
I know you´ve probably already forgiven me
and I am in the process of forgiving myself.
This used to be a way of coping with my demons.
The only way I knew.
But I know better now.
For what it´s worth
I am sorry.
70 · Aug 2024
Cayley Raven Aug 2024
Roman citizens,
66 · Aug 2024
Cayley Raven Aug 2024
Up until now
unseen, yet felt,
a soft glowing whisper
aligning the skin.

But now that I´ve seen it
I wonder -
does it know no shadow
or consumes them all?

And what does it say?
All white in its glory,
so gentle, yet bold
and wise beyond words.

Whole worlds hidden within,
gracing my soul,
my heart,
my being, just being.
45 · Nov 2024
Something of your own
Cayley Raven Nov 2024
You could use your own words, you know...
Write your own poetry.
Your own lyrics.
Your own whatever.

If only you dared to lift your gaze
from the lines others have written before you.

— The End —