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465 · Aug 2017
Smooth Sailing Out of Here
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Relax, relax,
you will be remembered.
No need to commit
thy image to stone.
Breathe, breathe,
let time do the talking.
No need to feel lonely,
you are not alone.
Rest, rest,
take heed of your moments.
Do what you love
and forsake the rest.
Live, live,
like no one is watching.
When your soul is gathered
love will manifest.
461 · Jul 2018
Little Bed to Lie In
Tyler Matthew Jul 2018
They say when I die
there's a place I'll go
where every face
will be one I know.
Some call it heaven,
and I hope it's true.
But what paradise
compares to you?

I was just a lonely
little bag of bones,
but you took me with you,
gave me a home.
Each word you spoke then,
like a breath of spring -
your lovely laughters,
and the joys they bring.

You say I'm funny
for the way I feel,
the things I say,
glances I steal.
But you don't know just
what it is like
to lie beside you,
in bed at night

to feel the beating
of your precious heart,
to see you rising
at each day's start.
I'll take you with me
whenever I go
so lost is a feeling
I won't have to know.

And when I die
there's a place I'll go
where every face
will be one I know.
And I'll call it heaven.
It can be our new
little bed to lie in.
Just me and you.
Written in the style of Bob Dylan's, "To Fall in Love With You."
446 · Jun 2017
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
All this must disappear -
crosswise minor roadways and
State Road with its bleating traffic,
plazas where pennies melt into
palms of Middle Eastern merchants,
Chinese, Nepalese, Indian or
what have you,
road signs for New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown, Columbus, Sandusky or
what have you.
All this must disappear -
the ****** gardens
on Ohio River banks, railways rusted retired and ready to
sink silently into the soil and stone,
back yard above-ground swimming pool algae beds and front porch
family-festival fetanyl parades,
All this must disappear -
gas station dollar altars and
decaying or decayed Irondale tennant building windows, *****,
community college self-defined
street scientists gathered in old
high school parking lots discussing
politics and the Pleiades and the fastest way out of the galaxy or the
slowest way into an easy death.
All this must disappear,
from Walnut Beach to Wheeling,
and the rust lift and assemble
into something lovely tomorrow's youth can work with, can love and
can sit atop the hills and smile and
be content in knowing while I
sit on the sidewalk and be
glad the future finally showed up.
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
My therapist acts like I'm normal,
like changing my clothes
four times a day,
or locking the car doors and
screaming at the top of my lungs
because people keep interrupting
my cigarette break at work is
what most people are doing
with their lives.
When she asked me if I ever
thought about hurting myself
and I said, "at least twice a week,"
she just nodded while smiling.
Hurting myself - it's always me
that hurts me, no one else.
I guess that's something
to smile about.
I guess that's normal.
440 · Dec 2020
A Flash in the Pan
Tyler Matthew Dec 2020
So much for the destiny of man,
the potential of our youthful imaginings.
No more has it been than a carrot on a string,
a flash in the pan,
a ******* that's kept us afloat
on a sea of dreadful sleep.
And in waking, a feeling,
a dim sense of purpose laid out for us
like another warm blanket to wrap in,
to cover our eyes long enough
for that familiar vision of tragedy
to come and feed our fantasies again.
430 · Dec 2020
Million Little Suns
Tyler Matthew Dec 2020
A whole world laid out beneath you
like a mother's arms,
you stood in infancy facing the stars,
and I remember thinking as I watched you
that I shouldn't speak,
that those million little suns
will teach you everything you need.
424 · Jun 2019
Still Life with Geranium
Tyler Matthew Jun 2019
The forest.
Fern and flower standing,
bending in sunlight toward it
like desperate souls
in their one tired moment
of beauty and grace.

I stand above a geranium,
kneeling as I pluck it
from the light.
Tyler Matthew Dec 2017
It's like
when you're standing
underneath the stars at night,
looking up, and your voice
seems so small, so quiet and
inconsequential that you
just lie on the lawn
at the mercy of all that
ceremonious creation, not
saying a word or waving a hand,
not moving a single cell from
where it is because
you think it might upset it all.
It's just like that,
but with more
Quick write
423 · Dec 2020
Mother Atom
Tyler Matthew Dec 2020
She was born in a mushroom cloud,
Uranium halo 'round her head
and stars inside her eyes.

They pulled her from her desert womb
and the whole world with her cried.
"The War is Over!" Peace at last!
Mother Atom had arrived.
418 · Aug 2017
Some Bleak Prophecy
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
When did our homes become
When did our truths become
When did our hearts become
When did our laughs turn to

When did our men become
When did our gods become
When did this world become
When, oh when, oh when?
Quick write
417 · Sep 2017
The Archaeologist
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
I used to want to be an
I thought digging things up
looked like fun.
I thought that I wanted to
touch history.
I don't get paid for it,
but I guess
I sort of am an archaeologist.
I dig things up.
I run my fingers through years
of history.
It just isn't as fun as I'd always
thought it'd be.
417 · Oct 2019
Tyler Matthew Oct 2019
Peering intensively through fog-marked mullioned glass
into a cool and conquering October sunrise
I am met with a profound and welcoming sudden awareness -
zephyrs breathing through each emerald green grass blade,
     brow of country hilltops, mountains materializing
with the passing of each era like wrinkles in a face,
clouds crawling the longitudes to reform over Pacific pools somewhere,
soil forcing upward making way for elm or oak or pine to tower,
rivers thundering wild down the backs of continents,
     cliff or crag breaking the maelstrom on occasion,
and all the while spinning, all of this and more, clinging to the frame of the earth
as it dances balanced on axis, pirouetting through the cosmos
in turbulent, beautiful, simply complex form just as I
back away from the window and extend an arm to brace myself.
411 · Mar 2020
The Ecstasy of Gold
Tyler Matthew Mar 2020
As sun sets over the mountain,
crowning this miraculous country,
wreathing it in purest gold,
visions of absent glory
cleave to the luster hanging,
suspended above the contours
of this majestic empire,

and by the light of that brilliant corona,
enduring the blameless and bitter dusts of time,
a delicate mirage emerges,
chronicling the last vestiges
of the valorous heroes who came before,
who influence our proud and dignified march.

And where a ceremony awaits -
beyond the scope of that western realm,
beyond the reach of that bleeding sun
into which silhouettes now fade -
to laurel today's new hero with a crown
of golden light,
so too awaits the ecstatic promise
of a brand-new, untamed world.
Title taken from and poem inspired by a song, "The Ecstasy of Gold" by Ennio Morricone.
408 · Nov 2018
a flower, for instance
Tyler Matthew Nov 2018
I've been told that
if I see something beautiful
(a flower, for instance),
I should leave it alone,
let it grow and bloom.
But, I'm only human,
and I've spent a long time
holding on to nothing.
So I say pick the flower,
hold it, smell it, love it,
and stop wasting your life
wanting something that is
right before your eyes.
Personally, I think the title is better than the poem, but I posted it anyway.
401 · Sep 2017
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
She had a king,
a kingdom,
wealth and
Yet, what is that
in the face of passion?
Forsook it all for
a stranger's love,
let crumble the realm
beneath the weight of
her stray heart.
Tyler Matthew Jan 2021
I'm lying in the sun
I've got church bells in my ears
Even though work starts at nine
my mind is miles away from here

There upon its banks
I hear the river washing past
Some say everything's eternal
yet sleep never seems to last

Always waking in a hurry
Hardly any time to shave
And when the day is done
reflect on everything you gave
Realizing once again
there's never any time to save
And so I lie between
the river and the grave
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
Take your time
getting home tonight.
For me, be in no hurry.
My love's the kind
that waits for you.
If you rush, I'll have to worry.

The light just
by the window's on.
The door is unlocked, too.
I'm in our bed,
now go ahead.
I'll wait here for you.
I think it's adorable
385 · Nov 2018
The Beauty of Two Hearts
Tyler Matthew Nov 2018
The beauty of two hearts
beating in warm synchronicity,
     a pair of hands clasped,
prayer-like, electric
between them.
     Two heads touching
at the temples,
thoughts filtered like
sand through fingers.
     Two eyes meeting
like spark and kindling,
     two flames climbing
under a blue-dark sky.
     Two stars shining like
the smile she wore
when you first met.
383 · Aug 2017
Back to School
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Back to school tomorrow.
Back to the din of hallway talk
and chalk dust on my jeans.
Back to long walks from
parking lots to too-bright
classrooms chock-full of half-wits.
Back to the space where I contemplate
better men than I.
Back to stairwells crowded with
oblivious ****-type idiots.
Back to advisors
huffing and puffing when they hear
the phone ring.
Back-to-back weeks of solid hell.
Back to trying to fit my square brain into a round hole.
Back to gum stuck on my shoe.
Back to school.
Quick write
381 · Jul 2018
At the Edge of Darkness
Tyler Matthew Jul 2018
This world wants to open up and take me.
Each day I rise it quakes beneath my feet.
Something stirring deep below −
hollow, spiteful, cold in bearing,
staring up at me and hating all it sees −
grits its teeth and taunts me in the night.

This world wants to open up and take me.
My foot is sliding ever closer to the edge.
No one to reach out to catch me falling.
No one calling out for me to turn away.
But would it be the end, or could darkness
be a friend? Were I to fall, would it be alright?
380 · Oct 2017
The Coming Flood
Tyler Matthew Oct 2017
Memorizing times and dates,
trying to get a jump on fate.
Good things come
to those who wait,
but that just isn't me.

The moon, a dagger, hangs over all.
I watch to make sure it won't fall and
walk away, my shadow tall
to see that it's still hanging.

In anxious sleep, symbols of blood
haunt my dreams, the coming flood
when I'll be left lost in the mud
and revising what I'd thought I'd known.
379 · Jul 2017
Search for the Grail
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
The pursuit of happiness,
search for the grail.
The endless sea
upon which we sail.

Drowning in time.
Burning with worry.
We're all tamed by death
but must live with a fury.
379 · Dec 2018
Mortal Man Blues
Tyler Matthew Dec 2018
When I got to heaven, lord,
dont ya know there was
no one there.
So I tipped my hat,
turned 'round and walked
back down the stairs.
Yeah, this world's full o' sinners,
but I was just too lonely there.

I could've had religion, now.
Could've read the good book
every night.
Could've been a preacher,
said my prayers and
chased the light.
Instead I went chasin' trouble.
Guess religion didn't suit me right.

They say every livin' man, now,
sooner or later,
has his day.
And it could come tomorrow,
or it could come when you're
old and gray.
I didnt think much about it.
I just kept doin' things my own way.

So when I got to heaven, now,
dont ya know there was
no one there.
So I tipped my hat.
Tipped my hat and walked
back down the stairs.
Yeah, this world's full o' sinners,
but I was just too lonely there.
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
It is a wheel
rolling over you,
letting you feel
it all, leaving you
You'll be begging
it to stop,
dollars flying
from the top.
Those who turn the wheel
consider themselves holy.
Quick write
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
At the airport she kissed me,
said she would miss me,
gathered her bags and was gone.
I stood in the car lot,
realized I forgot
precisely which plane she was on,

So I drew my eyes skyward,
watching each tin bird,
and hoping she's watching me, too.
I got on the highway,
then pulled into my driveway,
as the space between us grew.
378 · Nov 2017
Both Then & Now
Tyler Matthew Nov 2017
You drew me out
when you called my name
then you drew me in,
into your flame.
I was just looking
for a place that's warm.
You gave me that,
and you gave me more.

The light on your face,
snow in my hair,
emeralds in your eyes,
you walked down the stairs
into my arms
where you belonged
both then and now
and ever long.
376 · Sep 2017
Vanity of the Soul
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
Why trespass so long in a body?
Is the soul so vain that it
needs to fill a space,
never moving to be free
both in dreams and in joys,
hinged to this heart
like the shadow to my heels?
        Like the shadow to my heels,
why a spirit bound to anything,
not chasing distant stars,
not moving in eternity,
not looking for a vacant space
to spread itself unbound?
The first line is taken from Christine Gosnay's poem, "Desire."
375 · Jun 2019
Wrong Side of the Bed
Tyler Matthew Jun 2019
I woke up on the wrong side
of the bed.
I washed my face, shook yesterday
out of my head, and I
opened up my curtains, thought
"what's so great about a blue sky
when it could never match the beauty
that I found in your eyes?"

But I hope you won't remember
how I was at the end, and if
I could go back now,
I'd do it all again
with much more grace and wisdom,
with a tender heart this time,
and I'd pray that'd be enough
to keep you by my side.

I woke up in another stranger's bed.
I looked at her and hated
that all her hair was red, then I
stepped into the city, thought
"*******, I hope it rains -
let the water all run over me
and wash away my pain."

I hope you can remember
how we were at the start, and if
I could go back now
I'd give you my whole heart
and trust you just to keep it.
I'd never be afraid.
Then we might be together
and you'd be here today.
364 · Oct 2017
The Best I can Do
Tyler Matthew Oct 2017
This is the best I can do for you
who tried to set me straight on the path to virtue when you yourself were known to stray.

And for you who taught me that lies
aren't just told by strangers, but can just as well lurk in the kitchen,
in the bedroom.

This is the best I can do for you,
the one with both brains and beauty whom I refused to hold when you were only hours old.

And you, who stopped short my childhood, cut the innocence from my eyes, and forced me to see something I never wanted to see -
a truth, nonetheless.

I confess,
I am happy where I am and
with who I am.
And I am who I am because of you.

I never wanted to leave,
but I am glad that I did,
sometimes I think.

You all played your parts,
but now my story begins
somewhere away from you,

and the best I can do
is to use what I've learned
and hope that it will make you all
either grit or grin,
and I welcome both.
364 · Jun 2017
Various Haikus
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
Now it's spring recess
So everybody's shedding
Their clothes and their wits.

Sun lingers above -
Somebody tell me which way
To the hospital.

The hawks are circling
Overhead; pretty soon I
Will be at your door.

Shouting at the clouds
I lost my balance and fell -
The thunder was loud.

Shouting at the clouds
I lost my balance and fell -
The clouds, they just laughed.

Sunlight finds its way
In through my broken shades and
I'm ****** as ever.

Stop all this weeping,
Jesus has returned and he
Brings chocolate cake!

Father sits and stares -
John Wayne rides west with his gun -
Mother tracks the time.

Bob Dylan taught me
To swallow my pride and be
Honest with myself.

Marijuana is
Often my only true friend.
How sad is that, man?

College kind of *****.
Especially so when you
Don't like to drink much.

I am writing this
Knowing it won't get published.
Won't say more than that.

Hanging on the line,
A blue blouse, and what is this?
These aren't my boxers...
362 · Sep 2017
Pump Station Clerk
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
You meet a lot of people
working as a pump station clerk.
In fact, certain people begin
thinking you're their friend
and start telling you their business.
I know a friend of the mayor,
a city cop named Tim, who can't stand black people,
and I know a black man
who can't stand Tim.
There's a girl whose name I don't know that's pregnant and still drinks and says at least she doesn't smoke.
It's hard to not have an opinion
on these sorts of people,
but I do.
I just never express it.
I just take their money and they go,
and I sit here and think how I
hope I don't seem like them to
the other pump station clerks.
Maybe I seem rude to the other clerks, since I don't say much
and I don't try to be their friend.
I just give them my money and
pump my gas and don't say a word.
I hope they know that
I'm not being rude and I hope
they are silently thankful of me for it.
361 · Aug 2017
Underneath the Eden Tree
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
All your false securities
will not protect you in any degree
when the Man descends from the sky to see
if he or she or them or we
will surrender to him finally
and gather all most nobly
beneath the sun, the Eden tree
and bid that man must bend the knee.
Will we cast aside our crowns, our pride
and recognize that what we idolize -
the dollar bill, the satyrized
faked-out phoney false franchise
that man has made as a disguise
to keep distracted the hungry eyes -
will not serve to get us by
but to keep us down and cold and empty?
A verse inspired by Bob Dylan's "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)."
360 · Dec 2020
Flower Girl
Tyler Matthew Dec 2020
A girl was selling flowers,
white orchids she had clipped.
I found them rather lovely
and placed one on your crypt.

Like a bygone love, it wilted.
Its petals dried and fell.
You're long gone, I know,
but I hope you're doing well.
358 · Sep 2017
Letters from Blind America
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
Dear Mr. Trump,
I know the Russians aren't the reason for your recent election. Putin slapped the democrats with a rock-hard misdirection. There's no need to conduct a voter poll inspection. In any case, I think America's made the right selection.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I can't believe that some are questioning your mental stability. Do subjects have the right to challenge nobility? To do so, I feel, would be a lesson in futility.  Those of us still in your cabinet think you're doing the job brilliantly.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I am writing to urge you to declare war in the east. Don't listen to the media, the democrats or Chinese. Don't listen to the South Koreans, those ***** only see half of what your great white eyes can see.

Dear Mr. Trump,
I think it's great what you've done
to our military. All those phoney genitals, generals, were starting to scare me. Guns are no use in the hands of a fairy. And besides, when they die, that's 10,000 less soldiers to bury.

Dear Mr. Trump,
When will construction on the wall begin? Those ******* are causing too many problems within. Besides, I think we can take it one step further and completely wall ourselves in. But keep up the good work - I know you'll make America great again.
This poem is sarcastic, and in no way do I support racism, prejudice, homophobia, isolationism, war, greed, or Donald Trump.
358 · Jun 2017
To Mannequins
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
06:50:57 UTC

You don't know
how good you have it
there in the window,
mouth sealed shut,
eyes shut, too,
never looking any
better or any worse
than the next guy.
Or, at least never knowing.
357 · Feb 2018
Ballad of a Sell-Out
Tyler Matthew Feb 2018
The long hands of mem’ry are strangling my mind,
reachin’ out past the face to which my love was assigned.
When I go out in the evening to see what it is I can find
I’m haunted by the things we said.

When morning light lies beside me in my bed
I’ve got to turn myself over and shake out my head
because the whole scene reminds me of the day we wed
and of the life from which we resigned.

Like a sharp shaft of glass, we tore through the years,
only to end drowning in each other’s tears.
But the past’s so much closer than it appears,
and if you look too long you’ll go mad.

To say I never loved you’s to fall in line with a fad.
But to ignore what I feel now is just more weight I can’t add.
So I look down at the ashes, dust off what we had,
and stifle my rising fears.
357 · Jun 2017
Holy Ground
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
Here I can think
without hindrance or bother,
amid towering pines and
the cowering bramble and
the river that rifts the soil
into pleasant little hillocks,
made home for the wild
and the earthly and the pure.
Here I am not harried by the
howling song of man,
no motorcades of lunacy
can touch my private ear,
traded for the placid, honest
sounds of earth (a song
that can't be echoed).
Here I'm left to ponder
or not ponder, just the same,
the truth of my soul or
the meaning of my given name.
Here I have not lost myself,
though should I do just that,
if I follow the bends of the river,
the road that isn't crowded,
I'll be brought back to nothing
but peace.
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
Even when walking
Backwards you still get a bit
Of mud on your shoes.

I held out my hand
And caught all the drops of rain
While you danced in joy.

I laughed in her face
When she told me that she was
Afraid of my dog.

I stood in the dirt
Looking for the picture of
You I didn't burn.

Girl in the black dress
Turns to girl in the red dress
And sticks out her tongue.

The car pulled up and
Out stepped a man wearing a
Better tie than mine.

America has
Exhausted her options and
Now looks to the east.

The elderly sing
With no inhibition for
More days like once were.

As the day passes,
Sunlight crawls across my floor
But can't quite reach me.

I dug up your bones.
They did not resemble you.
So I put them back.

Crouching at the shore,
My reflection reached out and
Carried me to sea.

The toilet was clogged -
That's why, instead, I chose to
**** in your sock drawer.

This really happened:
A cow jumped over the moon.
Can you believe it?

Called up my mother,
Told her, "Don't wait up for me."
She did anyway.

So many noises.
So many people outside.
So many secrets.

I removed her pants
And looked in her eyes and vi-
olently farted.

She put on her pants,
Spit in my eye, and then she
Galloped to the door.
355 · Jul 2017
Scenes from the Asylum
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
With your parting,
the sun was pushed aside
by grey clouds and silver moon,
dropped down below the horizon
and didn't rise again for some time.
Summer ended and autumn began
too soon, with leaves coating the
rooftops and sidewalks and
everyone talked about the doom
riding wind, swift,through the town.
        Down and down, everything fell,
but the light did not touch a thing.
Darkness was the language,
darkness was the doctrine.
In the plazas and asylums,
I saw this shift in reason,
wisdom falling from the brain
like flesh from the bone,
driven hard down into dirt and
left alone. The madness swelling
outside like cold air in a lung.
Then came the snow with an angry
wind, hung in the halls and bedrooms, hospitals and cathedrals,
me asking, "why did you go?"
The radio crackled with static fear,
and everyone who hadn't gone mad
went mad and disappeared into
crumbling homes with ***** windows, their fates forever sealed,
like pointless letters into envelopes.
       I wrote you from the madhouse,
hand shaking with indecision,
words risen out of dread,
words you read but never reached you, telling you that,
with your parting, the whole world
has gone to hell.
353 · Jun 2017
Too Much Contrast
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
The house I grew up in is bent,
It's always been bent,
Leaning against the earth,
Against the wind.
Against empty promises
That now cave in
Under their own weight.
Sad little house,
With its sad little windows,
Like eyes that've seen too many
Bad days and now they're
***** with knowing.
I hardly ever go back inside.
My dad lives there.
He defines himself
By how well he hides.
Hiding in the bedroom, usually.
Leading his secret life
Behind the closed door.
Sad door.
He is alone for the most part,
But he still has the kids.
Though, I don't like
For him to think that he does,
Lest he should grow too comfortable.
Most times I just stand outside
And stare into the family room.
I try to imagine the five of us
Surrounding the television set,
Tuned into some black and white
Classic, smiling honest smiles
And not the thin, fake *******
Smiles we wear now.

But when I watch television now,
It's always something that's in color.
Black and white hurts my eyes.
Too much contrast.

And when I think of home,
I do not think of that sad, bent little
House on the hill where I was born.
No, I think of somewhere else.
Somewhere I haven't been yet.
Somewhere where lies can't just
Hide in the bedroom.
351 · Jun 2017
Hospital Blues (Haikus)
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
Rain smacking the glass.
White light, automated doors.
The hospital blues.

Waiting room TV
showing Caribbean sands.
Forget where you are.

A black man and child,
lonely wife, poet, vegan.
Guess what happens next.

Elephant painting.
You can tell a child made it.
Elephant, it smiles.

The elevator
opens and I step inside.
The sick frown. I frown.

Once back in my car,
the rain stops and I put it
in drive and floor it.
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
This here hurdle, babe,
you know I just can't jump it.
So I'll sit here instead, in the dark,
and I'll just bang on my trumpet.
And every sound that you hear
from the window, dear,
that's just me
wasting my precious time.
But before too long,
I'll get right and keep on
toeing the line.

Everybody out there,
they want you to be just like them.
They think they've got royal blood,
that they should wear a diadem!
And to everything that I say,
they say "no it ain't that way,"
and that I'm just
wasting their precious time.
So I'll just shut my mouth,
I'll get right and keep on
toeing the line.
348 · Aug 2017
Tyler Matthew Aug 2017
Some people are just
so normal they're weird.
Crisp suits and coffee
in the morning,
no gin and pajamas,
how freakish.
When they get mad,
they get productive
like insects,
rather than breaking
this or that.
Everything planned,
paid on time,
reminders posted
on the walls.
No kinks in their hoses,
no brown on their noses,
hair carefully parted
in just the right place.
They don't make art,
they buy it,
hang it on the walls
and then throw a party.
How lonely,
how strange their lives
must be.
My theory is
they've yet to find anything
worth going mad for.
Quick write
347 · Sep 2017
More than Romance
Tyler Matthew Sep 2017
She's afraid that the romance is dead.
Wonders why there are no flowers in the vases, no cute notes on the headboard.
When she gets home from work and
isn't greeted at the door with boxed chocolates neatly rowed, she thinks I don't love her.
No, but I say let the romance be dead.
I'd rather have the freedom to ****
in bed, or to laugh at her farts just the same,
or gather what I need to know about her from just the expression on her face.
She regrets having laughed at that first ****, but that's how she stole my heart.
She let me be me and didn't let romantic duty get in the way.
Anyway, I still am going to get her flowers.
346 · Jun 2018
Into the Air I Breathe
Tyler Matthew Jun 2018
I kept you,
despite my constant worry
that it was wrong of me to do so
(you also kept me,
but you couldn't
possibly know that).
Around and around you'd go,
and my gaze went with you,
felt like I was weightless,
until at once the dream I sunk into
with you rose and evaporated
like a sudden, desperate breath.
I held you then,
tried to keep you warm,
sang you songs,
told you it would be alright.
I was left breathing onto you
as your spirit rose and evaporated
into the room around me,
into the air I breathe.
Tyler Matthew Jul 2017
I am a hole
that light cannot reach.
You all will fall in,
not suspecting a thing.
Looking up as you fall
is like a fading mirror -
you'll see all that you were
before it disappears.
This goes on for some time
before your back hits the dirt,
softly despite the distance.
When you feel the dark
and your imagination gets dull,
you will lie down and sleep.
And after you've slept
in me for the very first time,
you will not quite know it then,
but you will be nothing.
You'll be mine.
Tyler Matthew Jun 2019
I don't forget that I love you
when we disagree.
My dear, I have learned humility
through my shortcomings.
Sometimes I sympathize with Pluto;
once a planet, taken seriously,
orbiting mysteriously
at the edge of what is known.
Now, demoted to little more
than a frozen rock
somewhere out there beyond care,
only locatable
by its relation to Neptune.
My love, I am estranged by you,
though I dare not speak it directly
for fear that I might
plant a seed of fault in you -
a **** that is hard to uproot,
I know.
So, you can go on being Neptune -
I'll stay at your limits
and hope you'll turn to me and smile.
Honestly, I don't know what I've written. I just wrote it.
342 · May 2018
The Nature of a Function
Tyler Matthew May 2018
Machines are only as beautiful
as the nature of their function.
Consider a grandfather clock --
a handsome combination
of practicality and playfulness,
symmetry and simplicity
(though quite complex within) --
wood and steel joined perfectly
to inform, entertain, and intrigue.
     Conversely, a television lacks
such subtlety, making it
almost malicious in its capacity.
In its nature is the intention
to render nature, itself, obsolete.
Where a television aims to
make us forget,
a clock, for instance, serves to
remind us that it is time to
start living -- and what could be
more noble or more beautiful
     than that?
Tyler Matthew Jun 2017
Mother your house
Will be empty soon.
Mother your husband
Is gone.
Mother your dogs
Now run wild.
Mother your kids
Will not sleep until dawn.

Mother your shadow
Is weeping.
Mother your shades
Have been drawn.
Mother your bed's
Not been made in ten years.
Mother you stand
In the sun and you yawn.
339 · Feb 2019
Somewhere, a Brother
Tyler Matthew Feb 2019
Somewhere, a brother's
not a brother for real,
who'd rather his little brother's
innocence steal.
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