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Aug 2018 · 485
Evenings like these
Mihir Kulkarni Aug 2018
The groovy orange explodes on the horizon
And birds find their way back in the sky
As we kiss each other on the balcony
The early stars exclaim, "Oh My My!"
Just some love.
Mar 2018 · 728
for the last night together
Mihir Kulkarni Mar 2018
We cover the bed
With our bodies so naturally
In this space & time, I'm not ready
For the last night together

She's going to fly away
And my love won't inflame
The golden glow in her name
A bleak haze over the horizon

I'm cold in the bed, tremulous
My eyes dart out to grasp
A non-existing future in the dark
Even the moon is laughing

She's lying perfectly still
In the crumpled blanket
My pearl in the oyster
Protected and at peace

She knows the perils of closeness
When living far apart
She knows how fate twists and turns
The moon and the sea

My mind is ruthlessly-
Dangerously on the verge
Of breaking down itself
And blowing apart all the pieces

I struggle to lie quietly
I don't want her to wake up
But I can't control the painful spasms
A fish endures when water runs out

Suddenly with the calm of a river
She covers my eyes
With her palm stretched out
She's putting me back to sleep

I feel her pulse soft and warm
Through her long delicate fingers
Lightly touching my eyes where
Dreams and nightmares begin to weep

This life I call mine
A castle she built with her cards
When I had thrown away mine
Without any hope of luck

With a soft lullaby
She's comforting my soul
Which will not remain whole
For so long anymore

She must go chase her dreams
And I don't want to stop her
All I want to do now
Is to die.
I wish lovers never have to part
May 2017 · 1.6k
Orange Juice
Mihir Kulkarni May 2017
She doesn't think
I'm much of a guy...
I meant much of
An interesting guy.
I did say "interesting" before...
Didn't I?

Why does it matter?
Oh I love her I think...
We will go well together,
Like bread and jam
wait.. a better rhyme...
Like bread and "butter".

I must tell you...
The amount of efforts I make!
Even wrote her a poem to which
She said "For God's sake!
We are not in 19th century. Get new..."
It made me feel like leftover cake.

"Swag", she said
Something you lack ***;
I opened net and googled it
After our short conversation.
The guys must do this and that
Looking at it I went into depression!
(Have you seen the latest trends?
I'm soooo far behind. oh good heaven!)

Back home I sunk in my sofa low
I was ****** exhausted,
Nothing I did pleased her
Didn't get her one bit excited;
She wanted someone bad and strong
And all she got was a guy *******.

Why is it that...
Her crush drinks a bottle of whiskey down,
In one gulp and calls her cutie pie.
And I can't even pull off a leather jacket,
I'm just a ******* teetotaler orange juice guy.
In this world full of jibber-jabber,
I look at her as if She's my only high!

So I'll love her silently and pray,
Like how Earth keeps Moon
Neither too close nor far away;
A miracle is all I hope for
(like the guy she loves shifting to Burma)
Then she'll have no other way!

I know...
I'm not a bad boy!
Why o God you've made me this nice?!
She loves to play with fire and you've
And you've...
Made my heart outta ice!
Sometimes you feel bad that you're a good guy.
Mar 2017 · 960
Why, yes.
Mihir Kulkarni Mar 2017
We're chasing the mirage
so vigorously now
we didn't even notice
that somewhere somehow
reality slipped away.

Remember the time when
in the alley behind my house
how we used to run
when we were kids!
Our moms would get tired
shouting our names
and we'd be lost in the games
of dungeons and dragons.
And we had all these dreams,
dreams of flying
like the superman,
dreams of building
biggest castles with the sand,
dreams of finding
homes of those butterflies,
dreams of catching
the rainbows in the skies!

I don't quite understand
what adulthood has done to me,
the gift of surprise and wonder
has been taken away unknowingly.
I still see all these things
But nothing comes across as new
All the emotions that I still feel
I want to make sure
At least one of them is really true.

I'm tired of all this made up stuff
tired of all the grown up tricks
what use are my skills and expertise
If I can't even feel my heart beats.

Would you hold my hand?
Lets try to find our haven!
We won't have a map okay?
We're going to follow the rhythm.

Far out in the distance I do see
the clouds, and I just want to be,
beneath one of them and wonder,
As they float away and thunder!

Dance along the swift sun rays
as they filter through the boughs,
laugh with the rustling leaves
on which the evening light glows!

All we need is
some good thoughts
beating wild
in a few good hearts!

And trust me
we'll do our best
to make this world
a better place! :)
I want someone to shake me up. Make me a kid once again. Make me true to myself and make me understand what really matters. I think it has to be me who teaches that to myself!
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Cute Stars
Mihir Kulkarni Jan 2017
I was sharing my dreams with her that evening,
Never realized when the stars started blinking...
With moonlit eyes she whispered without thinking,
*"Our dreams are so cute even the stars are winking!"
We went on a night hike. Under that moonless sky lit by a million stars, we had the most wonderful conversation of our lives.
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
The purpose
Mihir Kulkarni Jan 2017
The night had started to flow over the brim
I struggled to stay afloat with all my might,
Caressed in her arms I woke up in a dream
Realizing my tired reality had lost the fight.

She resembled the north star in her poise
The smile on her rose-lips could calm a storm,
Curiosity of life in her gazelle brown eyes
Rekindled a fire in my soul that I’d forlorn.

My eyes were closed shut, but heart wide open
It transpired the unconditional love of ours,
Blindly chasing a moon I’d forgotten the sun
The alluring eclipse had proven to be my curse.

The morning rays barged in unannounced
Quickly they pulled me back from the dream,
With a passion in my head and heart, I pounced
To find her and in that, the purpose for my being.
Sometimes I lose the touch of the ground when I'm chasing the sky. Only when I stumble and fall, things come into a perspective. For good.
Similar is true for love I've experienced. When I stop searching, it comes to me.
This one is for the girl who smiled when I'd given up hope.
Jan 2017 · 2.0k
Crushes crush
Mihir Kulkarni Jan 2017
If you want to die slowly my friend
Love a person who doesn't love you back;
You treat her as if she's the first bloom rose
In her eyes you're nothing more than a potato sack.

You'll give her your notes before exams
Even if you don't have a copy for your own;
She's call her special friend right in front of you,
"Can we study together? I can't study alone."

You'll offer help when she looks swamped
As you're about to leave office for the day;
She'll smile and move the paper mountain to your desk
"Thanks! I was so worried I was gonna miss his b'day."

She'll mention how some guy is so awesome
When you're just about to express how you feel;
She'll be texting him about tomorrow's plans
As you're paying the "one way romantic" dinner bill.

There are many ways to **** yourself
I urge you to choose your way wisely;
Find something that'll end it fast
Loving such girls will **** you painfully slowly.
Crushes are meant to crush you.
Jan 2017 · 543
Mihir Kulkarni Jan 2017
Spreading like ink on the canvas of moon light,
grey clouds drifted haphazardly across the skies;
as we talked about life endlessly into the night,
all my stars had aligned in her dark brown eyes...
Her passion makes her thoughts sparkle and you can see it in her eyes. The time simply passes by unnoticed while discussing new ideas with her!
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
"More squirrels"
She exclaims
And I wonder what
In the world
Could it be
This particular time!?*

It usually starts like this...

Every once in a while
I find her
In her own thoughts
At nothing in particular
But everything
At once.

At times
Like these
She is a genius
Gone crazy.

I catch a glimpse
Of those star-bound eyes
And try
To guess
The stride
Of her imagination
Much luck.

Could she be thinking about…
A universe made entirely out of glass?
Why humans don’t have a tail
Reasons behind love at first sight?
Or what to name the 3rd butterfly
She saw today?

In her picture perfect
I can viscerally sense
A divine flow
Of thoughts
And it evokes in me
The wonder
That one experiences
While watching
A calm river flow
Turbulent currents
Are ever present
Just hidden
Deep inside.

If I
Shake her vigorously
I know for sure
At least 23 ideas
And 47 musings
Will fall around
And we will
laugh hilariously.

But I dare not
For the fear
Of my life.
She is an artist
With her imagination
And you
Don't disturb artists
Do you?

Once she’s back
To the material realm
She comments
About how we need
More squirrels
In the world.

I almost always
Immediately concur.
Then slowly ask

She gives me
One of those looks.
Like the ones
You give your dog
When it’s looking
At you eating food
And you’re deciding
If you should
Give it a small bit
Or not.

If I am
persistent enough
She gathers
All her thoughts
And illustrates
With one of the most
Amazing stories
The important role
Of squirrels
To save our
Doomed world.

After listening
To her
Seemingly logical
Completely weird
I nod obediently
Then carefully
If her coffee
Has something mixed in it.

The gesture
Makes her
Burst out in laughter
Every single time.

And we repeat this
Day after day
Night after night.

I'm so used to it
That now
Even if I hear
"Cement flowers"
"popcorn candies"
"balloon bullets"
I am mentally prepared
To understand
The story
Behind all of it.

That’s how it is.
She keeps daydreaming
About stuff
And I keep dreaming
about her.
I can easily spend my lifetime dreaming with her.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
Girl you know what?
I’m awake!
Been awake
For the whole night!
I’ve called my lawyer
And we’re
Discussing about
Your crime alright!

He is asking me
Since when
Have I started
Losing sleep?
Could you be nice
And please
Remind me,
When did we first meet?

He is inquiring
About the crime scene
And I’m without
Any words or sound!
Because the moment
I saw you I was lost
Couldn’t pay attention
To anything around!

He wants to know
For what should we sue?
What compensation
Do I want from you?
I told him something,
Don’t laugh now...
I said a date
Over a cup of coffee will do!

I can’t stop thinking
About you for a second,
Can’t keep away from you
In the day it seems!
At least let me sleep happily
You devil,
Stop trespassing
Into my dreams!
It's so unfair that she gets to walk right into my dreams and I can't even enter her conscious mind!
Oct 2016 · 787
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
She flutters in her lovely world as lightly as ever
Astonished gaze of mine never ceases to follow her,
A magic trick of beauty that’s meant to wander forever
Hold tight instead and you’d be snuffing out her color...
There are very few things in life that come really close to your heart. I want you to not fall for each one of them. Sometimes, just let them be. The same things may not handle your expectations and actually are at a risk to lose their own meaning in the process of being yours. So be careful.
Oct 2016 · 2.8k
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
I showed her what the books meant
While we spent
Countless hours chasing butterflies
Travelling thousands of miles
And she’d quote something
Once in a while
As I struggled
To keep up with the adrenaline rush
Seeing her blush
In the woods along the river
We’d set up camp at night
All I knew was fright
As she held me closer tight
She’d show me the star
And I’d name it right
Every single time
And I’d make a rhyme
To suit her line
When she said something
But I'd lose
When she’d put up a fight
Arm wrestling or jungle trivia
It was her area
In that she’s a star
At par
With the flowers who blossom
In the *****
Of forests
Both thinking
As if they own it
She’s a delight
Like the moonlight
You get to see
After the sun’s long gone
And it’s mad time to be
Adventurous about the things
Human beings
Have forgotten somehow
She dances to the tune
Most ears can’t hear
I just had to bear
A little while with her
And here I am
With my feet in the air
As the rain pours
And I find the choirs
Sung by translucent pearls
It’s been a while now
And I must write another poem
It’s going to be about her
And nature

Wait, aren’t they the same?
All I want to do is hold her hands as we lie down on a frozen lake looking at stars.
Oct 2016 · 845
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
I’ve created a world
Of my own,
It’s in my mind
Safe and sound.

I’m the only
Citizen of it,
I live happily
By my own rules.

I’m inviting you
As a guest,
To peek inside
Because I like you.

But you know
It's not a glimpse,
It's much more
It’s a journey.

You will start
Loving it,
As the time
Passes by.
(It will happen,
trust me!)

Don’t forget
That you are,
But a traveler
On exploration.

Don’t Demand
Citizenship one day,
As I will
Definitely decline.
(You needed to ask
and that’s not right.)

It’s not that
You can’t be,
A part of
My world.

If you
Are a part
You’d fit in
(I hope so,
I Sincerely do)

It will be
Something magical,
That will happen
Naturally, unknowingly.

You wouldn’t feel
The need to ask,
And I wouldn’t feel
The need to answer.

We’d only
Feel our worlds,
Expand and
Become infinite.

All my dreams
Will be yours,
And all yours
Will be mine.

As even I
Am a visitor,
To your world
For this while.

Loving is
2 people,
A puzzle.

Each one
Missing dearly,
A few
Critical Pieces.

Each one
Having just,
The perfect
Partial view.
While everyone thinks that Love is a concept of perfection, I think it's exactly opposite of that. No matter how hard you try, you will only truly know a small part of other person. So I want to tell you that don't try too hard to make all the things fall into place. Be what you are, let the other person be what that person is and see how you two go together. Enjoy your puzzle.
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
All of your thoughts,
All the words you’ve ever said,
All of your touches,
All the stories you’ve ever made...
All of your songs,
All of your handwritten notes,
All of your photos,
All of your beautiful clothes…
Resurface in my dreams
****** night after night,
I wake up in cold sweat
To find you nowhere in sight…

Kaleidoscope of my restless mind
Shows a new picture of you and me,
Solace for the scattered memories
Light of future those couldn’t see…

I can’t bathe in your light anymore
Million stars successfully keep us apart,
All that remains is ether without you
Aimlessly I find your reflection in art…

I let my heart get ripped so often
Try to find happiness in what remains,
I know my dreams are broken
But I like to love the fragments…

— The End —