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Jun 2022 · 1.2k
Valya Jun 2022
Feeling sparks fly
In the dark tunnel waiting to let you out
It's happened once
And I've been waiting for it to happen again ever since
Let me finish the walk out of this tunnel
Give me one more spark
It's gone
They're gone
Let me see sparks fly once more
To get out of the ever so lonely hallway
Finding what I believe to be flint
And proving that instead it's charcoal
Crumbling away under my fingers
As I try to keep it together
i really miss the spark I felt with the first where I knew that it was meant to be even if it was just temporary I can't tell who's worth it anymore ://
Apr 2022 · 168
Valya Apr 2022
Being happy
It's such a weird, foreign feeling
It comes randomly
And leaves just as easily
Yet at the bottom of it
There's always a set of people that bring it
They come by and it comes along naturally
Humans are made to be social creatures
But it's still crazy to me that I've found them
Those 3 that bring me that immediate happiness
Will it last?
Who knows maybe not but I'm happy to have it
Or at least in the moment
It will be these people that seem so ordinary
That I'll remember years into the future
My source of light even in the darkest times
A source of comfort to balance the danger
I'm just happy to have people that I can look at and smile and get that same smile back
Apr 2022 · 275
Valya Apr 2022
I'm in a relationship now
But the emptiness persists
They lied
You can't have someone fix you
And can you even fix yourself?
It's just a list of riddles
With an endless loop of emptiness
Mar 2022 · 152
Valya Mar 2022
Why does it feel like you never cared
I leave once out of anger
And you don't even seem to have a dent
You move on with life
I just wish that you'd show a bit of emotion
im so ******* done with communicating first
Mar 2022 · 1.4k
Valya Mar 2022
I'm staring at the clock
Waiting for the 9 to become a 0
Checking how much longer
Until I'm out
I sit here in silence
Typing away
The only sound being
My fingertips on the keyboard
I look again, the 0 is there
But now I long for it to be a 1
A never ending, vicious cycle
Minutes away from a freedom
That can only be achieved
After 7 hours in this hell
When the day comes
That I no longer stare
At this digital *******
And instead enjoy what is around me
I will finally be at peace
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
Sh*t talkers
Valya Mar 2022
They sit
Two feet away from me
Spewing sh*t about friends
I don't turn
Staring at my computer
In a slight fit of fear
That my turn will be next
I know plenty about them
And they know me too
But who's to say
That even if I don't turn
I won't be next
They love to talk
Vouching on that their word
Won't be spread
It will
idkkkk ranty time ovo
Mar 2022 · 656
New Chance
Valya Mar 2022
Is it ok
To fall for someone again
With no intention
To go far
Is it ok
To know that they have
Feelings for me
And advance on those
When I can't promise
Feelings back for long
Is it ok
To move on when I'm still so broken
Feb 2022 · 1.5k
Final Goodbye
Valya Feb 2022
Yesterday, I confessed
One last time
To the guy I once
Imagined my future with
He said no
But nonetheless,
That was the happiest moment
Of my life
I'm finally free
From the aching nights
Of will he want me back
And is he worth it
i'm so happy that the worst is over
Jan 2022 · 798
Right person, wrong time?
Valya Jan 2022
I miss you
The way you wrapped your tender arms around me
The way you looked at me when I was mad trying to find the answer in my eyes
The cold December nights where we laid cuddled up under blankets
The sunny spring days where we'd fall asleep under the shelter of the dark green trees
The humored voice you'd always use when telling me to not be scared of your mother
The way your eyes would settle on me as if I was the only one there
waiting for the impossible
Jan 2022 · 2.7k
Valya Jan 2022
Im scared
Im shaking
Im trembling
How could I allow you to have so much control
Why are you still here
I want to leave you behind
Yet you lurk like a demon
Always coming when I least expect it
You come through your own accounts
Then move onto alternates as you stalk your prey
When I connect the dots to see that it's you
You leave, but only for a bit
You keep on lurking in the murk
Waiting for the perfect time to strike
Sending your friends to incite fear within me again
And it's working
I'm trembling
I'm shaking
I'm scared
ong she needs to leave me along
Nov 2021 · 1.0k
Valya Nov 2021
I will never
Regret being your first love
But I will always
Regret not being your last
Nov 2021 · 487
Valya Nov 2021
Please don't fall in love with someone else
That's what i've been wishing since the moment I saw you
But I can't even seem to keep you in love with me
So what right do I have to wish
That you won't fall in love with someone else
please dont have someone else waiting for you...
Nov 2021 · 827
Valya Nov 2021
Yesterday and today
You got me thinking about you
Your blank glances
Your small comments on my games
Never would've thought of you before
But here we are
I steal glances at you
And you lock eyes with me as I do
Oct 2021 · 1.3k
One Day
Valya Oct 2021
In 5 years
No, maybe in 15
Will I be able to live in peace

In a forest far, far away
Lush green trees encasing me
Light brown birds chirping their morning songs
Bunnies with their dirtied fur hopping through the lawn
Fireflies shining their dim, golden light to show the way home

A warm fire cloaking a cottage in heat
A heavenly scent drafting out of the oven
Gentle, loving hands enveloping me from behind
Fluffy kittens peeking out from the woolen blankets
A soft orange glow emitted from the lanterns hanging above
A smile developing at the corners of my careworn lips

I'll be waiting
For this day
To come to me
Oct 2021 · 651
Valya Oct 2021
I wake up
Heart pounding
Staring at a grey wall
I lay there in silence
A dull sting of nothingness
Capturing my soul
Eyes wide open
I keep on staring
Hoping to feel something
Alas, I never do
the effects of anti-depressants seem to only remove my emotion they do not help me smile
Oct 2021 · 465
Valya Oct 2021
He used to be home to me
And now I have no home
I used to mourn that
Thinking that he was
The only home I'd ever get
But the funny thing is
Everyone moves from home to home
Some only need one to find the right one
Others need fifty to find one that fits
So why should I mope for years
When it's just moving from
One home to the next
I've come to realize that home does not have to be one person from the past we can move our homes
Oct 2021 · 570
Moving On
Valya Oct 2021
I miss you
But I need to move on
Someone help me learn
How to forget someone
Who once was my world
I just wanna move on :/
Oct 2021 · 988
Sweet nothings
Valya Oct 2021
You whispered them into my ears
Sweet nothings that I was too blindsided to notice
I giggled so hard not knowing what was to come ahead
I looked up at you with round hazel eyes waiting for the “I love you”
It came and again, I heard the sweet nothing
As you broke up with me you said “I still love you”
I believed it
I wanted it
I kept it
But again it was only a sweet nothing
I treasured us with my whole heart
But the relationship to you was only a sweet nothing
Just an old poem that I thing encapsulates a lot of relationships (including mine) well :3
Oct 2021 · 788
The wait
Valya Oct 2021
I’m waiting
One more failed attempt
One more setback
One more time that I got played
I’m still waiting though
Waiting for the person who will love me
Waiting for the person that will treat me right
Please don’t keep me waiting for too long
I just wanna find the type of love that my parents never seemed to be able to find.
Oct 2021 · 690
Valya Oct 2021
Everyone says that change isn't so bad
But what if it is
Being perfectly content and having everything taken away
For the sake of 'change'
Doesn't that seem ridiculous
i have a very love hate relationship with change
Oct 2021 · 808
I can't let you go
Valya Oct 2021
I hate you
But I love you
And I miss you
Why must it be like this
I still love you so much,,, why cant you just look at me one more time so we can have a second chance
Oct 2021 · 1.4k
Valya Oct 2021
If I write about love
Will it come back to me
if i write about you
will you come back to me too
Oct 2021 · 737
Valya Oct 2021
I breath in and out
Taking back control over myself
It's been a month since I actually started posting and I'm really happy that I did :)
Oct 2021 · 529
I wonder
Valya Oct 2021
When will I be free from the confines of my brain
Is this only a temporary setback
Or is this a permanent problem that will linger
My therapist is almost 100% sure that i have bipolar disorder and I'm so scared :/
Oct 2021 · 398
Valya Oct 2021
I write
To let out my frustration
My happiness
My insanity
But I fear that even with this
My mind is slowly warping
Into a wicked creature
i am scared of who i ahve become owo
Oct 2021 · 2.2k
Dodging bullets
Valya Oct 2021
Not ready
That's what you told me
Yet you're already dating someone else
Not even a month after
I feel like I should be mourning
But I think I dodged a bullet
You still call other girls for hours
Even though you have a girlfriend
You still cuddle with others too
So in hindsight thank you for leaving
You gave me temporary pain
For a lot more happiness longterm
So thank you?
I still hope you suffer a bit for the ghosting though
After all I am a petty *****
I'm highkey glad we didn't go far
Oct 2021 · 2.6k
Valya Oct 2021
When will the suffering stop
Will it end when you come back
Or will someone else show me the way out
I truly am chasing pavements
Oct 2021 · 1.1k
Valya Oct 2021
My head is spinning
Everything's running loose
I can't remember the last time I won
I've just been failing all of my mere tasks
Am I going to plummet even faster
Or will this just be the rock bottom
I climb up from
I literally have 1 good grade ffs and my love life is in shambles and like so much other **** and i just hate life so much rn
Oct 2021 · 282
Valya Oct 2021
Will someone show me love once again?
Will anyone be so kind as to take
A broken soul and help them back up
Is that a tale that can still be told for me
Or will I be stuck with the
Stream of tears that row down my face each day
As my only companion
A painful reminder of my failed attempts
At a perfect love before
Can I have a time that is different
Can those next tears shimmer instead
And lead me to a happier future
One that teaches me what unconditional love is
I just wanna see what unconditional love is in a romantic way
Oct 2021 · 367
Valya Oct 2021
Your status
"Very happy nowadays"
Do you know how happy
That makes me too
I'm so proud of you
For finding happiness
And I hope that someday
You can find it with me too
But if not that's fine
I'm just excited to see you thriving
I'm ecstatic rn from just seeing him announce that he's happy is this what love is?
Oct 2021 · 624
Valya Oct 2021
It’s so mesmerizing
So cruel
But that’s what really
Puts it altogether
Don’t you think
The highs
The lows
Idk I’m feeling everywhere rn so here’s a poem on that owo
Oct 2021 · 2.9k
Rose Tinted Glasses
Valya Oct 2021
Life is pink
Pink flowers, pink leaves, pink people
How could I not love all of this
Everything is accented
Even the dew hints at pink shimmers
And you,
You SHINE in this pink glow
How could you ever do anything wrong
When everything you do seems so right
And the pink glare hides anything I wouldn't like
So I get to live in my perfect pink fantasy
Hopeless romantic thingz???
Oct 2021 · 512
Valya Oct 2021
Tears stream down my eyes
As I realize that yet again
I am back to square one
Will I ever be able to get out of this loop
Or is this the life that I will be
Forced to live
The changes in emotion hit me so hard each time and it's slowly killing me...
Oct 2021 · 2.8k
Happy Birthday
Valya Oct 2021
I hope today you can truly celebrate yourself
I'm so proud of how far you've come
And even though I don't agree
With a lot of your actions
I'm still happy that you've been able
To make yourself happier
We might not be together anymore
But I'll always have this fondness for you
So happy birthday to my first love
I hope everything plays out the way you want it to
You're turning 17 good job im really really proud of you <3
Oct 2021 · 698
Valya Oct 2021
A one way glass
Of me looking at you from time to time
Seeing you go down a different path
While I'm stuck on this one
Alone once again
dewherfwuyewio imagine being stuck on ur ex while they have prob moved on lol couldnt be me oh wait it is
Oct 2021 · 854
One Path Became Two
Valya Oct 2021
Will it ever get easier
Can you tell me if we ever have a chance again
I still care for you so deeply
And I've tried getting rid of these feelings
More times than you could imagine
Yet each time they come back stronger
Is this what love will be for me
A path that I once found and kept
A path I once walked with you
And now a path that I will have to keep walking
But this time alone
It truly feels like you aren't affected by the breakup and it kills me to see that on so many levels i'm happy that youre doing better but I just wish you cared a bit more
Oct 2021 · 1.1k
Let Go
Valya Oct 2021
Why is it
That every time I try to move on
I end up liking you more again
Every time I think I've found someone else
You pop back up into my mind
Everyone's telling me to let go
But it's so hard
Sometimes it feels like I'm going to grow up like one of those aunties that never got married cause they were stuck on their ex and now just live with their pets lol I wish that I could see the future for my love life sm
Sep 2021 · 902
Valya Sep 2021
Can I fall with grace
Can I admit defeat like that instead
I want to flail my arms
Kick my legs
Do anything to fight back against this
But I don't think this battle
Is one for me to win
So can I end with grace
I don't think I have a chance with him again and even though I want to try so so hard I just don't think it's possible so can I just end it off in the prettiest way possible as compensation for my torn heart
Sep 2021 · 296
Who am I
Valya Sep 2021
I am Rain
I am unwavering
Sometimes overwhelming
I come and go as I please
I'll calm you down on dreary nights
And then I'll be gone in a glimpse
All I leave behind is a reminder
A warm rainbow to remember me by
But I am also Valya
I am struggling beyond belief
I am avoiding everyone
I cry as night comes
And I wake up with tears each morning
Yet I still smile throughout the day
I never stay in one mood
One moment I'll be as happy as can be
The next I'll be on the brink of death
Which one of these versions am I truly
Am I the one who brings joy, but leaves
Or am I the one who lives in sorrow, but pretend to be ok
Or am I both
Am I just someone who wishes to bring to others
Trying to bring them a happiness that will stay
Something I have not been able to fully achieve
Or am I something else
Because if I am what I say
Why do I hurt them by leaving
Why do I leave after I give them those memories
Why not bless them with more
Am I just afraid of ruining their day once more
I have no sense of self anymore
Only different fragments of a soul that is lost
I just wish I knew who I was better I'm so lost
Sep 2021 · 212
Valya Sep 2021
Wake up
Go to school
Go home
Do homework
Go to the gym
Go to sleep
I dont have time for anything anymore i hate it sm
Sep 2021 · 468
Blow Your Mind
Valya Sep 2021
You see me now don't you?
You see a girl who's struggling harder than ever
But you also see a girl who's the strongest she's ever been
You see a girl who has worked on herself
And is still working
Getting rid of bad habits
And replacing them with new, better ones
A girl who can set boundaries
A girl who can say no
A girl who may be struggling with death
But is still choosing to fight her hardest to stay
You didn't think I could change
But here I am
The girl of your dreams slowly emerging
Flawed, but willing to invest in herself
It's amazing isn't it?
How you never thought I could change
But here I am blowing your mind
I'm getting rid of so many bad habits and even though it was already happening it's been happening even quicker recently and I'm so proud of myself even though I still have a lot of work to do this is such a huge leap
Sep 2021 · 242
Do you know
Valya Sep 2021
Do you know that I wreck my brain every day
Not because of you, but because of the people who raised me
Do you know that I've been trying to get better
Not just for you anymore, but for me too
Do you know that I like you again
Something that wasn't unexpected but is insane
Do you know that you make me so happy
Just you waving back makes me grin from side to side
Do you know that I'm confident now
I can finally look at myself in the mirror without tearing myself down
Do you know that I'm trying to be the person who makes me happy
So that you won't have the pressure of being the only one again
Do you know that even when I'm at my worst mentally
I'm still a better person than I ever was before
Do you know that you're the reason
You're the reason I started to change for the better
Do you know that I'm so thankful
You gave me the push I needed
I'm genuinely so thankful for my ex hes made me into a much better person and i hope that someday i can show this person to him
Sep 2021 · 1.3k
I am my worst fear
Valya Sep 2021
I'm scared
I'm so terribly scared
I've become a nightmare
A nightmare to deal with
Even I can't handle myself
So how will anyone else be able to
I don't want to be left alone
But I'm a monster
I can't even control my emotions
How much longer will this go
When can I be free
I just want to be normal again :/
Sep 2021 · 738
Valya Sep 2021
I'm laughing
But am I really
I feel so dead
So bleak
It feels like I'm on autopilot
I don't even feel happy
I just feel numb
I wanna be able to laugh again without feeling like it's not me actually laughing :/
Sep 2021 · 651
Best fit road
Valya Sep 2021
I'm really uncertain about where to go
All of these different roads all glow
So which one is best for me?
Which one glows the brightest?
Is one glow meant for romance
The other meant for financial success
And a third meant for good grades
Will there be one to encompass all?
Or do I want the one that glows the least?
The one least threaded on
Would that be best for me?
So many different ways to go about life, yet there isn't a single one that i've liked enough to stay on :/
Sep 2021 · 429
Sitting in the waiting room
Valya Sep 2021
I am waiting
Waiting for someone to treat me write
Waiting for someone to love me unconditionally
Waiting to feel safe
Waiting to feel like there will always be someone right next to me
Waiting for the day I can run into their arms
Waiting for the day I say “I do”
I am waiting for the perfect fairytale
I just want the loving romantic relationship that my parents could never have. Its proving hard to get, but tbh that makes me want it even more
Sep 2021 · 438
I am more
Valya Sep 2021
You reminded me to have more self respect for myself
I am not an option
I am not meant to be used
Formally this is my way of saying that I refuse to be your toy from this point on
I am worthy of more
I won't allow you to step on me anymore. I know that I will find better.
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