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Sep 2021 · 370
You're kinda trash ngl
Valya Sep 2021
You step all over me
Causing hours of pain for me
Excusing it with your own pain
Maybe you don't mean to cause all of that pain
But I'm pretty sure you're well aware of it at this point
Toxic *** mf jk lol but like annoying kids
Sep 2021 · 754
Classroom Crush
Valya Sep 2021
I wait for your confident strut into the classroom
With your signature grey sweatpants and fit t-shirt
It's nothing special, yet you make it memorable
You start a conversation with the classmate next to you and I happen to overhear the conversation and chime in
You listen to my points and even beam at some of my remarks
Are my remarks that great?
I'm not so sure, but you make me happy that I said them
I steal a glance at times while you work on your classwork and smile to myself wondering how I got so lucky with the seating arrangements
Even though this will probably never lead to anything I'm glad to have someone to look forward to
Someone who I can smile with just for a second and then go on with my day
Hes cute ****
Valya Sep 2021
I miss you
But do I really miss you
Or do I miss the warmth you gave off as you held me
Is it that I miss being able to call someone mine
Is it that I miss always being able to rely on someone
Maybe I do miss you though
My heart still stings a bit when I see you talking to other girls
I still check your stories when I have extra time on my hands
However, I don’t really want you anymore
You betrayed me worse than anyone else and I haven’t forgotten
I still hope that you’re doing fine though
I miss you
I have so many mixed feelings about you and I can't wait for the day that they go away
Sep 2021 · 1.2k
Valya Sep 2021
We're strangers
Yet why does it feel like I can tell you anything
I feel so calm in the midst of this call despite only meeting you seconds ago
I have so much fun and even though I know this is temporary something in me doesn't care
Even if this will only last a day I am so grateful for your presence
Thank you stranger
Tbh i love the random duos I get online to death, they help take my mind off of so much and i'll forever be thankful for each and every one of them
Sep 2021 · 942
Valya Sep 2021
My life used to be one click away
One computer in my room
I open a tab
I open a game
My life was now finished for that day

I grew pale from this
Sitting inside with my life locked in a screen
My only friends: strangers on the other side
Were they even friends though?
No, I don't think so
It felt safe however
Only one click to start my life out
And only one click to end it

Sometimes I miss the way it used to be
I realize now however, that life is not meant to be just one click
It's meant to be thousandths of movements in thousandths of different ways
Movements that come from my eyes
Movements that come from my legs
Movements that come from my arms

Life's meant to be something that is always changing and never the same
It's meant to be running around in the rain as I slide and fall all while I laugh away my worries for the day
It's meant to be chasing the bubbles that some stranger's child is blowing
It's meant to be lying down on my towel at the beach and resting my eyes for a second as the warm summer breeze passes by
It's meant to be jumping into my loved ones arms as I see them for the first time in weeks
It's meant to be something that I can look back at and tell my grandkids about with pride

Life online was just a baby step towards this much bigger scheme
A scheme that could only be fulfilled by being fully human
Not a machine that takes one click to power on and off
Ive taken a lot of time to realize that a lot of my time online could've been spent making actual memories outside and sometimes it saddens me, but at the end of the day I'm still very thankful for the time spent online as it has taught me so much.
Valya Sep 2021
You tell me to go to you if I'm ever feeling lonely
I know you mean well
I know that you're saying this so I'm not close to attempting again
But that won't solve anything
I don't want to leave because I feel lonely
I want to leave because I feel dead
I don't enjoy life
I haven't enjoyed life for the past 6 years
Whats the point of living in an empty shell?
It was never about being by myself
To be quite honest I expect to be by myself
It is about how tired and dull life makes me feel
If I can't live it for myself then what's the point
Please, stop telling me to live for you
Instead teach me how to live for myself
That's the only way you can help
I love you
I love you, but please remember that I only want to live for myself not for you
Sep 2021 · 325
When will it be my turn
Valya Sep 2021
I sit here
Surrounded by people
Yet I feel so alone
It feels like I’m suffocating again
Suffocating in my head
I can’t even tell if all these people are here anymore
Any moment now I’ll be gone
When will it be my turn
To feel the warmth that they feel
When will it be my turn to sit here and feel alive
I hope it can be soon
Otherwise I will be back to what I said before
Any moment soon I might be gone
I just want to sit here and feel alive with all of these people
I really want to feel alive but I don’t know if that’s possible for me anymore
Sep 2021 · 65
Valya Sep 2021
I thought he was fixing me
My light at the end of dark
My own superhero to help me out
But in reality everything was a lie
He was filling up the cracks in my heart with dynamite
Waiting for the moment to blow it up
Leaving me shattered all over again
He was not fixing me
Sep 2021 · 60
Valya Sep 2021
I just want somebody near me
Someone’s heat to share
Someone that will stay with me
I did everything to try and find that someone
And yet again I’ve failed
When will I ever win at this
Sep 2021 · 61
Fuck You
Valya Sep 2021
That’s all I have left to say now
I don’t know what’s left anymore
Are we even still possible?
You started it yet you won’t end it
You keep me in your little spindle
Spinning and spinning
Not quite letting me go
Just using me as much as you can
Are you even using me anymore though
My texts are left on delivered
This time I have 10 hours and counting
Why can’t you just man up and look at them and reply
Is it my fault or are you the *******
You told me you liked me so I allowed myself to hope that you’d be mine
Yet so shortly after you ignore me
I wonder to myself if it’s on me
Yet I can’t think of a single reason
Maybe this is all I am to you
An easy girl who will let anyone step on her
Little do you know you’re just crushing the empathy I have
I took time to understand you
To understand how you act and why
To understand your situation that was so horrific
To understand how I could best help you
It seems however that I was just a toy for you to play with
I don’t even know how much more I can say to you anymore
I think the only thing I can keep saying is
I wish you'd reply

— The End —