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May 2 · 87
[ I cannot help it ]
Zywa May 2
I cannot help it.

I hev limitid leeway.

I must bee handy.
Poem "Maraton" (1990, Cor Vaandrager)

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa May 1
God greatly desires

peace, man gives him more and more --

to ponder about.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
May 1 · 301
[ The devil glances ]
Zywa May 1
The devil glances

at the clock, eternity --

isn't coming along.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 30
On her bed she thinks

of budding love, so often --

you read about it.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 6

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 30
He looks at the clock

and tells her something briefly --

A married couple.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 3

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 29 · 123
[ I'm at home, content ]
Zywa Apr 29
I'm at home, content,

the tea-kettle is singing --

the rain is tapping.
Story "De uitvreter" ("The scrounger", 1911, Nescio), chapter 4

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 29 · 130
[ Swerving to avoid ]
Zywa Apr 29
Swerving to avoid

a puddle, I almost step --

into another.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 11

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 28
Croaking frogs at night,

a horse running back and forth --

but you can't see it.
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 28
Those days! We stayed up

at night and went to the sea --

to see the sunrise!
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 27 · 1.3k
[ The sun is setting ]
Zywa Apr 27
The sun is setting,

from the water there's darkness --

rising everywhere.
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 7

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 27 · 155
[ The landscape forces ]
Zywa Apr 27
The landscape forces

me to put it on canvas --

and then it won't work.
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 13

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 26
Boys we were, nice boys,

gazing at the paving stones --

gazing at the stars.
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Apr 26
We were Teen Titans,

the five of us, we were going --

to change everything.
Story "Titaantjes" ("Teen Titans", 1915, Nescio), chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 25 · 160
[ Any overworld ]
Zywa Apr 25
Any overworld

is a palimpsest over --

a scraped underworld.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapters Spices from Malabar, (2-) 11 and The Moor's Last Sigh, (4-) 19

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 25
The birches are called

silvery white, yeah, language --

can be very poor.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 10

Collection "Rasping ants"
Apr 24 · 266
[ Time is fluid, here ]
Zywa Apr 24
Time is fluid, here

on the plane, we are floating --

in moments of now.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapter (4-) 19

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 24 · 111
[ We were citizens ]
Zywa Apr 24
We were citizens,

and suddenly our faith has --

become suspicious.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapters (2-) 13 and (3-) 18

State of Emergency in India 1975-1977, declared under Indira Gandhi; oppression of political opponents and non-Hindus

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 23
Tall bite tales wander

about and attach themselves --

to amputations.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapter (3-) 16

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 23 · 308
[ Mass of supporters ]
Zywa Apr 23
Mass of supporters

times corruption-degree squared --

makes a dynasty.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapter (2-) 15

Bharat's (India's) variation of E=mc2 (Energy = mass * lightspeed square) is: D=mc2 (Dynasty = mass-of-supporters * corruption square)

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 22 · 105
[ I don't have a hold ]
Zywa Apr 22
I don't have a hold,

with others, he never looks --

at me lovingly.
Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995, Salman Rushdie), chapter (4-) 20

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 22 · 248
[ Philosophy does ]
Zywa Apr 22
Philosophy does

not help you to become learned --

but to be virtuous.
Collection "Ta eis heauton" - 5:9 ("Things to one's self" / "Meditations", 161-180, Marcus Aurelius)

Collection "Known"
Apr 21 · 226
[ Now we have to talk ]
Zywa Apr 21
Now we have to talk,

of shoes, ships, piggy wings, and --

a nice appetite.
Having a good conversation with the oysters before you eat them

Poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter" in the children's book "Through the Looking-Glass", chapter 4 (1871, Lewis Carroll)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Zywa Apr 21
The beach would be great

if it did not shine so much --

from the blazing sun.
Poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter" in the children's book "Through the Looking-Glass", chapter 4 (1871, Lewis Carroll)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Apr 20 · 404
[ Teardrop diamonds ]
Zywa Apr 20
Teardrop diamonds,

frozen on my eyelashes:

beautiful sadness.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-1 "The perforated sheet"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 20 · 289
[ I rule out myself ]
Zywa Apr 20
I rule out myself

when reading, so I can hear --

what is being said.
Philological study "The Text of the Epistles. A Disquisition upon the Corpus Paulinum" (2007, Günther Zuntz) - "Lesen heißt mit fremden Kopfe denken" ("Reading is thinking with other people's minds"), cited in the philological study "Geschreven en toegeschreven" ("Scribed and Ascribed", 2013, Charles Vergeer), § 7.A: "Lezen is zich verdiepen in een tekst. Luisteren naar de toon en de stem van de tekst zoals we luisteren naar muziek." ("Reading is going into a text. Listening to the tone and voice of the text like we listen to music")

Collection "Glimpsed"
Apr 19 · 181
[ We shout many views ]
Zywa Apr 19
We shout many views,

are seldom examining --

our very standpoints.
Poem "(work in progress) 'n meerstemmige teks: pogings om die wit staar aan myself te verduidelik - poging 3" ("(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 3", 2022, Antjie Krog)

Collection "Unseen"
Apr 19 · 84
[ Being bored deeply ]
Zywa Apr 19
Being bored deeply

is a vague experience --

of all that exists.
"Die Langeweile offenbare das Seiende im Ganzen" ("Boredom reveals entities in the whole"), in: "Was ist Metaphysik?" ("What is metaphysics?", 1929, Martin Heidegger)

Collection "Unseen"
Apr 18 · 222
[ A freethinker thinks]
Zywa Apr 18
A freethinker thinks

about questions, the answers --

he doesn't want to hear.
Novel "Een tevreden lach" ("A happy smile", 1965, Andreas Burnier), chapter "The train" --- Collection "Unseen"
Apr 18 · 191
[ The holiday guests]
Zywa Apr 18
The holiday guests

stay away, I imagine --

a quite poor reason.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), part 1, chapter 10 --- Collection "Unseen"
Apr 17 · 879
[ The evening twilight ]
Zywa Apr 17
The evening twilight.

Tipping up, I see the white --

scuts of the rabbits.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), part 6, chapter 2 --- Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Apr 17 · 60
[ A cow is a cow ]
Zywa Apr 17
A cow is a cow,

anywhere in the world she --

looks at you deeply.
Novel "Buiten is het maandag" ("Outside, it's Monday", 2003, J. Bernlef), part 5, chapter 1 --- Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Apr 16 · 106
[ God is like a sound ]
Zywa Apr 16
God is like a sound,

He's everywhere, wherever --

there is space, He sounds.
"La Caravane de la Poésie" in 1999 - Tuareg poet Eraf Hawad speaks about the nomadic way of life --- Tale "A Change of tongue" (2003, Antjie Krog)

Collection "Held/True"
Apr 16 · 121
[ As if God sees us ]
Zywa Apr 16
As if God sees us

like the people on tv --

look blindly at us?
After the novella "Het theater, de brief en de waarheid" ("The theatre, the letter and the truth", 2000, Harry Mulisch), chapter 1

Collection "Held/True"
Apr 15 · 90
[ The minaret sticks ]
Zywa Apr 15
The minaret sticks

accusingly in our house --

its shadow finger.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-14 "Jamila Singer"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 15 · 190
[ The flower necklace ]
Zywa Apr 15
The flower necklace,

she throws it away, doesn't want --

to be manacled.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-5 "Love in Bombay"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 14 · 1.6k
[ Unfortunately ]
Zywa Apr 14

none of my birthday guests know --

how to celebrate.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-6 "My tenth birthday"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 14
The words she spits out

rip open everyone's skin --

like a vast, barbed net.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-6 "My tenth birthday"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 13 · 347
[ Everything happens ]
Zywa Apr 13
Everything happens

to me, nonetheless I am --

the protagonist.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-9 "The Kolynos Kid"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 13 · 166
[ I know I'm destined ]
Zywa Apr 13
I know I'm destined

for great deeds, however, first --

I've to finish school.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-8 "Alpha and Omega"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 12 · 229
[ He's vulnerable ]
Zywa Apr 12
He's vulnerable,

just look at the craquelure --

over grandpa's eyes.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-11 "Revelations"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 12 · 136
[ For 5,000 years ]
Zywa Apr 12
For 5,000 years,

people have been dreaming, will --

they ever wake up?
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-9 "The Kolynos Kid"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 11
Ghosts see everything,

including us, like we see --

them: vaguely present.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-3 "Sam and the Tiger"
Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 11
Her hatred sits there

like a gecko, I can smell --

its stench of *****.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-15 "How Saleem achieved purity"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 10 · 197
[ A night of sucking ]
Zywa Apr 10
A night of *******

on sleeping bodies, and then --

the leeches explode.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-2 "In the Sundarbans"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 10
Don't mourn for the dead,

grieve only for the living --

Do it for yourself.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-1 "The buddha" (old man)

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 9
The soldiers scurry

away from what I don't want --

and not can believe.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-3 "Sam and the Tiger"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 9
Our soldiers wouldn't do

anything like that, we dream --

It can not be true.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-3 "Sam and the Tiger"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 8
The calls for prayer

freeze and fall in empty streets --

as sacred snowflakes.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-5 "A wedding"

Collection "Low gear"
Apr 8 · 1.4k
[ Being a hero ]
Zywa Apr 8
Being a hero,

still thoroughly despised --

for some bad manners.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-5 "A wedding"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Apr 7
In the private club,

the hostesses are blind, eyes --

painted on the lids.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 3-7 "Abracadabra"

Collection "Low gear"
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