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Carley Aug 2014
I forgive you
For breaking my heart
I forgive you
For breaking my trust
I forgive you
For all of your wrongdoings
I forgive you* when I shouldn't
Because I love you
I need you
Like I need air
So I forgive you
Just please
Stop suffocating me.
Sanket Shrestha Aug 2014
Lost in the scansion of a cool iron box
I struggle for air from the confines of metal that blocks all fresh of life from the cage
Bound in gagged suffocated reflexes
I utter muffled screams of my nights spent in lost days

Held in suspended motion, mid-flight to a descent
I train myself, my senses already know what comes next
meanwhile the art of stillness, in vivid stasis I contemplate.
firexscape Jul 2014
I hated cigarettes
With a childhood filled with suffocating smoke
My anticipation for them was unlikely
But every **** smoke you had sitting next to me
You fed me your words and stories
A breathtaking cascade of scattered phrases and ideas and dreams
I was all so ravenous to hear
Your smoke swirled, not suffocated
I'd watch it snake throughout the air
As it pushed your memories of people and places to come to life in my mind
Every wisp of smoke pulled me closer to you
Smokes killed
But darling your words gave me more life than anything
Invocation Jul 2014
The beams break barriers:
a note, trilling out
bleeds into the dust-dancers filtering through
rays of sun heating my leg
paleness brought to surface
like some
small, vulnerable creature
a careful animal
i wander uselessly through petitions
but aside from this.
I could find myself returning
tearing away old skin to be young again
you make me want to be
a not-so-careful

(heart failing
limbs flailing
shall i be a
finless maid?
orginal thought
we were boats
i conquered this
ocean, and you
conquered me.
now i see this:
you are the
ocean in which
i would
much prefer
to lose my lungs'

drown me
you're in my dreams
nichole r Jun 2014
she despised the word.
d e p r e s s i o n.
it was so heavy
like the disorder itself.
they both wetly clung to her
thin frame
wrapping around her
suffocating her
nate k Jun 2014
these billows
of smoke
the willows
of provoke
(c) nate k. 2014
Katie Nicole May 2014
it takes over*

it suffocates my thoughts

it steals my breath

and crushes my *joy
but we can't let it
Anthony Perry Apr 2014
I was too young to hate, falling asleep afraid, my dreams never stayed straight, they contorted and they twisted, then the monsters would come and visit,I'd blink and appear in an asylum, hugging the walls in the dark it starts, I'd only be able to hear them, no light and I could never see any windows to know if it was day or night but hearing the sounds would make me take dirt and push it in my eyes to banish my sight, I start to hear the footsteps as they circled around me so I'd stand still in hopes they couldn't hear me but they would mimic my families voices so I couldn't help but reach out and that's when I'd feel something dry and slimy, I'd scream as I notice its loose skin that I'm touching and the tears would wash out the dirt and leave my eyes blurry and grimy, a labyrinth of horrors separated me from the world and my sanity, locked away with the worst things my imagination could conjure, I'd wake up to my parents shaking me and yelling to snap out of it but I'd only see shadows and something separating the head from my fathers shoulders, as a child my sanity was very narrow, nothings worse than trying to sleep at night but instead you see a man sever the leg to your mother then trying to **** out all the bone marrow, I couldn't escape, and every day for so many years I had to suffer at night whenever the black curtains would fall and suffocate, I was too young when I learned to hate, I hated to be me when I wasn't me and I hated to be seen when it wasn't really me, that's when i learned what it was like to be your worst enemy, before I was eight I already felt like I was one big error, I would stay up late but my eyes would fall and my dreams would terminate as I fell into another night terror.

— The End —