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SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
Unless you got a man with hustle
who can produce, 100%
You are better off a single woman
with friends, 100%
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
So much is changing, so much is coming
I'm ready for 10,000 deaths
and 10,000 new beginnings.

The days when all things are possible
When All things have already happened
and All things that can happen, will

Downstream of the wave form function collapse
Waiting for what already is,
to Become
here where we are.

Looking From the center
At that spanning out in every direction
There is no
Begining Middle End
Before Now After
Past Present Future
Above Between Below
Close or Far
Here or There
Then or now
Outside or in
Us or them

It all is existing, presently, eternally
At once
And at the same time
Continually coming into being
In an illimitable multitude of ways
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2019
If you could have the answer to any question you ask, you would learn to ask your questions with care. It doesn't stop being a riddle, just because you happen to know the answer.
SpiritHeart67 May 2020
It was only a hopeless fantasy
It passed like an April day
But a look and a word
And the dreams they stirred
They have stolen my heart away.
They say time heals all wounds,
They say you can always forget
But the smiles and the tears
Across the years,
they twist my heartstrings yet.
From my younger self - written in 1984...
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2020
I'm addicted to you
thru and thru
even though I know
Between us
there'd be Nothing new.

I tell myself you're still the same
But I have changed
And if that's true,
I should be able to see you.

In truth
it's the same old addict game,
Just an excuse to use...
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
In the end
It'll be as if I never was.
And only I'll be left
with track marks
on my soul.
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2020
Good Lesson or Bad, Doesn't Matter;
A Hard Lesson Learned
Is A Lesson Hard Earned...
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
These Randomly Specific People
Wander Through
my life

Their tests upon
my limits lead
to newly found extremes.

cuz what I see in you
is what I see in me
A mirror of halls - reflecting endlessly

that’s ever been
and all that’s yet to be.

Peering through the Looking Glass,
delivered & returned
to a place
I’ve never seen,

In finding You,  
I find Me
a glimpse beyond
the veiled realm
that otherwise
is blind & gone

In your eyes is Clarity,
I want to Know,
I Have to See
that which lingers, hovering
A waiting destiny

Only to be found
by those who stare
the Deepest Mirrors

Standing Strong
and Brave Enough
to find
Their Own Pathway Clear.
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2020
What happens
When u finally
Put all the pieces together

When every question
has found it's answers
When all you need do
is ask,
to receive

And yet still
in the end
Nothing can be made other
than as it is to be.
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2014
i'm on the outside looking in
every time I think it's me,
this chance might be mine,
I'm left sideways & blind.

I saw her & thought she looked my way
but its a glance that always lands somewhere behind me.
A favored friend, I'm the good guy
that she never really sees.

A life of lost looks & opportunity.
tired of waiting to be
someone else's best company.
I'm more than u know,
my self you've yet to grasp,

**** All This ****,
Who I Truly Am would Knock You All On Your ***!!
A poem for Erenn
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2021
It's funny how
You can be driving along,
Minding your own business,
When all of the sudden,
Thru the now absent front window,
Your face is introduced to the asphalt.
my son and I play this game where we each give the other 2 words and we have 5-10 minutes to create a poem with them. This one is my latest
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
Trying to plant my feet beneath the place
where I find myself today.
Always shifting, a step in any direction
will move me out of the way
before I'm run aground.
life without roaming to me is death
stillness is stagnation
I will NEVER settle!! :)
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
When a thing is done
as a means to an end
Any meaning that thing
might have had,
Is ended.

Doing the right thing,
for the wrong reasons,
brings much worse calamity & destruction
Then doing a cataclismically wrong thing,
For all the right reasons.

When we do right,
with cruelty & ill intent
Lifetimes are spent
covering it up.
When we do wrong,
with pureness of heart
Lifetimes are given
to making it right.

The 1st is paid for with Blood,
The 2nd with Spirit
And both eventually come due.

The World we are living in today
Is that time...
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
For those who Believe, no explanation is needed. For those who do not Believe, no explanation is sufficient
SpiritHeart67 Dec 2022
You cannot help someone escape
When they
are the one
mixing the cement
And placing the bricks
In the prison wall.
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
As she leaned in
the small of my neck
I felt the Blood
in my vein
Pulse forward
to meet her Lips
by the Pounding
of my Heart❤
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Life carries on & forward whether we run behind trying to catch up, jump on board or stand crying in its dust. The best u can do is take a deep breath, let go & let it take u where it may. One way or another everything serves a greater final purpose sometimes visible to us, sometimes not & we just gotta trust that eventually we're gonna get to where we're supposed to be. One Destination, Many Roads!
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
We look for the things we fear, are uncertain of, or doubt; in our relationships, job, children, partner.
Sometimes if you look hard enough, you will find those exact things in places where they do not actually exist.
Other times they may exist in places you never expected to find them.
The ONLY counter measure to fear, uncertainty & doubt is love, faith & trust.

If our trust in others is based only on what we think THEY have earned, created, or are worthy of , we will most often be left
blind-sighted and half-blinded.

The moment I base my ability to  trust solely on others actions, words, choices, I have relinquished control of the outcome & my state of being to the other person.

When I make a personal choice to trust despite of or outside of these things, I own the outcome, not them.

If that trust is betrayed, it is not something done TO me, making me a victim, but something I chose, on my terms.

In choosing & owning the act of trust, we make it our own, we drop our fears & our dependency on others for our well being.

We free ourselves from their actions & choices, which allows us to clearly see, face & deal with our own.

Trust is a choice. Either granted or earned, to trust another is to actively CHOOSE trust & faith over doubt & fear.
Ultimately, making that choice to trust transforms you.

It is the ACT of trust itself that matters, changes your life, NOT whether or not it was well placed.

It is not the betrayals of others that define us, but whether or not WE are willing, brave & strong enough to RISK being betrayed, to RISK trusting.

It is in the active choice of trust, love & faith that we find our own truth, self, nature & even at times our redemption & salvation.
Just saying, when you ***** up and give your trust to the wrong person, don't beat yourself up too bad...
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
Half of the success
of climbing the mountain
Is understanding the terrain
and the mountain itself.
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
This message goes out tonight to all the seekers in my life
(you know who you are)

All that beseeches you,
all that drives you,
all that you run from and towards
hold the answers you so desperately seek.

Have no more fear
but walk into the unknown
throw yourself out, over & into the abyss
and know that all you seek and need
lays at the bottom of the pit and at the top of the mountain.

Whether you choose to plummet the depths or scale the heights
you will find that which you seek, your salvation.
This is my promise to you and the truth that you hold within your heart!

Stay Awake At The Wheel and You'll Arrive In One Piece!

I Love All Of You With My Whole Heart!!

Mama T
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2020
It's so strange
My love for you
Entangled deep within my soul,
Knowing it
And my longing for you
will never end.

And at the same time
You are the very last thing
I'd choose to have
in my life.

So I just sit
In this state of
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Days gone by,
in my mind,
lost in time

I see you in
my passing dream
long away from me, soon to be found

You survive and complete all my songs.

In your eyes,
I see a summer gone by
beautiful tears,
lake so blue,
Searching for me,
I’m always looking
for you.

Girl you make me love,
you make me true,
in me, in you,
all I know

You make me full,
swimming your river so deep
I’m up to my neck
in You.
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is admit defeat, call uncle and walk away.
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2023
The truth
can never
be perceived
when looking
through the lens
of fear
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
If you come to the fight
With what you think you know,
You've already lost

If you have your sight set
On what you know you'll see,
Everything else
Will Blindside you
and take you out at the knees.

Don't bring a gun to the fight, Son
with ghost bullets in the chamber...
I know I have to give this at least some frame of reference.

Anytime you enter into a situation with a preconception (ghost bullets), that preconception precludes everything else. This blinds you, leaving you unwitting & unprepared.

It's that moment when u storm someone with self righteous indignation, only to have the person respond with complete integrity, at which time you realize you had actually been the one in the wrong from the start.

The moment when you go into a situation completely sure of what is going on & even more so, completely sure of the others response etc., then  part way in get slapped with the realization you're off base and nothing is what you thought it was.
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2020
You Lost My Trust
In The Dust
Of Your Lust
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
He's a delightful delicacy
I wouldn't want
to eat him
all the time
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
The echos of my life within
Yet as I drown it is not you who holds me afloat
suffering of my own accord,
submerged by your love,
only I can save myself
and find the way back to fresh air!
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2019
The echos of my life within
Yet as I drown it is not you who holds me afloat
suffering of my own accord,
submerged by your love,
only I can save myself
and find the way back to fresh air!

SpiritHeart67 Jan 2024
is so quick to judge
the Fallen Angels
as god did.

First of all,
Who are you
to judge others
as god does?

I got news for you baby.
Everyone here is fallen.
If you are here,
You are Fallen.

We see in others
that which we recognize
in ourselves,
Any evil
you see in me
is simply a reflection
of what is held in thee.
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2014
Living in a state of unbalance,
cuz peace & rest don't serve.
Take away everything,
tackle & push me to my limits,
with my back against a wall
I will perform all my best miracles.

My saving grace is always found
while I'm walking thru the storm
Peace of mind is death,
Chaos and uncertainty create new waves.

Ask any physicist, Entropy Rules the Day.
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2024
The Weak are Martyred
The Stronge
die Slowly over Time.

It's easy to go out
in a Blaze of Glory
for a Cause.

It's much harder
to get up
and Fight the Battle
day after day
Until the Cause is Won.
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2022
I believe destiny
is about the
final destin-ation.
  Fate is about the choices you make
  along the road
   to arrive there...
And don't get me started about Free Will
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2019
In the between stages,
of yesterday, this moment, and
what still might be,
lays today...
and what are we to do with that?
Live in it, stop it,
or try to escape...
Regardless of which way,
It all leads to the same place at the end of the day
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
All the **** that happens
when you're lost
slipping back and forth
on the edge of reality
and what's meant to be
no firm ground
and waiting
for a final choice
to be made
by someone
other than me.

I want to know,
need to see
what's really meant
to be
and am unwilling
To step up and ask
for the things
that I need.

I dance in defiance
of things unsaid
for You to speak up
and take the lead,
it's the very least
you could do.

The knowledge
that no one else
is going to come forward
and save me
by doing the right thing
is a breath that echos
and slowly kills.

Lady Justice, blindfolded,
holding the scales
which way
will the pendulum
finally swing?
Held under the surface,
how long
till you will be able
to come up again
for clean air?

A choice at some point must be made,
so many before  you, what do you choose?

Wanting you
to make me who I am
and who you
are to become,
the directions fall
from beneath my feet
and i just want You to move forward
and make
a final choice
for the both of us.

Be a man, my man,
and draw the line
around us,
all that is and might possibly be,
rests in between
your potential
and love for me.

Will you draw
that final line,
And make
the ultimate save?
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2020
Hope is man's greatest destruction
And best chance

It is like a seed; without it the field is barren.
With it, all things are possible

I Hate it for the devestation it has wrought
And love it for the promise it holds,

Just around the next corner...
I Love You,
Leave Me Alone
And Give Me A Hug...
SpiritHeart67 Dec 2021
Ask yourself a question? What is at the root of every conflict?

Go deeper.
Personal rights?
Still deeper.
Correcting error?
Keep Going.

At the most fundamental level
every conflict comes
from the inability
to understand
the other person's perspective or position
and to respect their right
to think, feel and believe
as they choose
(instead we attempt
to negate
and eliminate
these things).

Everything else,
including that listed above,
all arise
from this root cause.

Now ask yourself this.
What would the world
be like
if this root cause
of conflict did not exist?
I can't say in all honesty that I know the answer to the question that I've asked here, but I would love to hear yours in the comments!

I do know, if 100% of the beings on this planet had the ability to understand the other person's perspective or position and to respect their right to think, feel and believe as they choose,
100% of the time, there would be no need for the concept of 'Personal Rights' to even exist.

It would be a non-secretar and moot. They would not exist as a SEPARATE object because they would be the given way of life and the fundamental root cause would no longer exist.

It's a Nice Thought
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2021
I walk thru
these empty hallways,
Looking for an exit
Or a doorway
to me,
Either will do.

But instead I find
Endless corridors
I wander thru perpetually blind,
No matter how
clearly I see.

Lost in a paper bag
open at both ends
I can't seem to find
My own way home.

Written 10/2020
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
Pain is the spice of life.
It's how you know you are alive.
It's what makes happiness & pleasure feel so good.
It's the Yin to my Yang.
It's not to be avoided but embraced with grace.
It's a bittersweet agony that when savored,
flavors your soul and makes us more complete & whole.
It is what rounds us out, teaches us & gives us clarity.
Without our pain, there would be no truth or joy.
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
"Everything can be taken from a man
but one thing.
The last of human freedoms
- To choose one's attitude
In any given set of circumstances,
To choose one's own way."

Victor Frankel
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2023
Are *****
And I find myself
With the entire species

Other times,
They do
the damnedest things,
Restoring my Faith
Just in the nic of time
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2020
We live in a world of hungry ghosts.
Endlessly craving & never satisfied.
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2023
I would rather know
An honest *******
than A kind liar...
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2019
Sometimes the more I see,
the less I want to look...
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2020
If it's all predestined
then that means
it's all already occurred
and everything has already passed
  and there is no present or future
   there is only that which already is...
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2020
We want to have an experience
And we want to experience
what we do not have.

We are like ghosts
seeking that which is
even more immeasurable
Than themselves.
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2019
Information is of the Mind.
Knowledge is of the Soul.

SpiritHeart67 Jan 2023
Where your attention goes
Your energy flows
Where you focus your
Is where you focus your

Be mindful of the world
But do not lose yourself
Within it
What fills your field
of vision
Is what fills
your life.

Be in the World
but not of it...
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2023
is simply the Furthest End
of the Full Spectrum
of Light.
All there is,
is Light
and to Light,
All Things return...
©2021 Tena Tuohy
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