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3.1k · Feb 2016
Scarlett Willow Feb 2016
Quietly watching the small flame
Flicking back and forth frantically
With the slightest breath

The wax is dripping
Pooling down below

Soon the light will run out
The wick will burn
And the wax will melt away

If the candle is gone, child
What now shall light your path?
one-word prompt
1.1k · Jan 2016
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
My pencil is dull
I've been writing too long
But I can't seem to stop

I'm addicted to words
And getting lost in my head
It's all seems easier that way

The worlds I create are fading
The plots I develop are lacking
All because my pencil is dull

And I can't find my sharpener
My desk is so cluttered.
724 · Jan 2016
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
They sat together side by side
On the hood of a rusted old car,
Dented beyond repair.

They sat together side by side
And watched the sun rise

This is where they went
When their lives didn't go as planned
And when the stress became too much.

This is where they meet
When times like this come by.
They meet here together

They sit and watch the sun rise.
Friend gave me a one word prompt and told me not to destroy it.
689 · Nov 2016
O Wanderer
Scarlett Willow Nov 2016
Oh my dear, how you've wandered so far
You walk day and night to forget who you are
You walk through the trees with the moon high above you
You walk with bare feet, the hard ground below you
You've traveled so far and you've traveled so wide
Yet you only have the sky, to whom you confide
The sun lights your path and the stars lead your way
You've walked over the earth and paved your own way

You've walked so many days
And so many nights
Now it's time to spread your wings
And finally take **flight
652 · Nov 2016
Waiting for the Rain
Scarlett Willow Nov 2016
waiting for the rain
watching the ominous clouds
awaiting the oncoming storm
listening to the soft drizzle
rolling thunder booming
lightning crackling
simply waiting
it was coming
there was no stopping it
622 · Dec 2015
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
The sun rises on a perfect day
The clouds are hiding
The gentle breeze has blown them away

I sit outside breathing in the warm spring air
My surroundings are wonderful
But it just doesn't seen fair

The butterflies fly by; each on they're own little path
I'd rather join them
Than face this inner wrath

I want to be free
I want to fly
Why can't anyone see

I just want to be free
555 · Dec 2015
Already Damned
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
There's really nothing to look forward to
But you already knew that

I know where you've been
I know what you've done

But sweetheart
I'm worse

I can't calm this thing inside
At least not alone
But you already knew that

You've been there before
You know the suffering

The cold, dark hands tearing and ripping
Only to start all over again the next day

You've already been ******
Now I suppose it's my turn
552 · Dec 2015
How Time Passes
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
I could try to describe
A sunrise
A new day
Emerging from the East

I could try to describe
A day
How each hour passes
Sun bright in the sky

I could try to describe
A sunset
An ending
Departing to the West

I could try to describe
A night
Stars twinkling
Deep blue space, waiting

I could try to describe
Clocks ticking
Never ceasing


It all goes by
So fast
Once it's gone
It can't come back
Time passes quickly. Spend yours wisely.
543 · Dec 2015
Who Knows
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
Who knows where I'll be tonight

I could be alone
I could be sad
I could be happy
I could be with friends
I could be with family
I could be off in the distance
I could be nearby
I could be struggling
I could be free
I could run
I could stay
I could be wherever I want
I could be whoever I want

Who knows where I'll be tonight
In my dreams
542 · Jan 2016
How I Walked The Earth
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
When I fell
I fell down to the earth
My wings were ripped from me
And I was forced to walk with man

The things I heard and saw
Made me long for home above
But I could never go back

I got too curious
I believed in childish dreams
But my time here on earth
Has taught me many things

Love, for one, is a fantasy
Trust is often betrayed
Hope is taken from those who have nothing
Happiness seems to be for those who can afford it

While I walked
I was left alone
I was sent away
No one gave me shelter

I was told up in Heaven
That humans were graceful and kind
But now I walk among them
And all I can do is hide
A sequel poem to How I Fell
539 · Mar 2016
Shattered Glass
Scarlett Willow Mar 2016
If you ever looked in the mirror
And didn't like what you saw

If you ever looked in the mirror
And thought the lowest of yourself

If you ever looked in the mirror
And turned away in shame

If you ever looked in the mirror and cried
Know this

There is always someone
Someone who feels the same
Someone who knows where you've been
Someone who cares

Look at yourself in the mirror
Look at yourself and know
There is hope

No matter how broken and distorted
Your reflection may be
No matter how you see yourself

There will always be someone
Who sees you as you truely are

508 · Jan 2016
Defining Moment
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
It's one of those days
When lack of sleep catches up
When time takes it's toll
And everything hurts

A constant pain
That won't go away
You tell yourself you're fine
But you know you can't escape

All your years of fighting
Slowly drift away
The darkness closes in
Now it's up to you

Will you stay?

What you do
Will define you
It's your choice.
469 · Dec 2015
How I Fell
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
I was an angel once
I had a home
A family

I looked down at the world and saw good
I saw peace and harmony
I saw joy and happiness
I saw kindness and love

I was an angel once who looked down at the world
From my home in the clouds
It wasn't long until I came crashing down


I was an angel once
I had a halo
I had wings
I had a place to call home

But I fell

There's no going back

My wings are singed
My halo in shatters

I cannot go back

I'm now on earth
Walking amongst man
I now see the dark
I now see the hate

I was an angel once
Ignorant and blind
I believed the world to be a happy place
But then I left heaven behind
When you lose your innocence there's no going back.
466 · Dec 2015
Love Was Supposed To...
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
Love was supposed to be beautiful

It was supposed to be gentle

It was supposed to be kind

I never expected it to be this...
Not this
Never this

Not this sorrow

Not this pain

Not this ache

You we're supposed to stay
You we're supposed to be here
You we're supposed to be with me forever

Like you promised...

But that's life I suppose...

It's gone in an instant and there's nothing I can do
But miss you
Scarlett Willow Feb 2016
There are people who go around
Trying to make something
Of themselves
They try to become the best
They try to achieve
And some of them do

There are people who think
They can't make anything
Of themselves
They feel like they're the worst
And that they can't achieve
They don't feel like they can

But no matter
Who you are
Or where you're from
You have done something

Think back
To everyone you've known
How did you influence them?
Think back

Just by being alive
Has made a difference
Even if
It's the smallest difference imaginable
You have changed the world
In your own special way
Whether you believe this or not. It's true. I can guarantee.
410 · Feb 2016
Please Just Be Here
Scarlett Willow Feb 2016
He finds me in the shadows,
Alone and silent,
Thinking about the day.
I think of my regrets
And the dues I still must pay;
For Sadness does not come cheap.
It takes away Joy
And steals Happiness too.
He sits with me in darkness,
Not knowing what to say,
But he need not speak a word
For all I need is him to stay.
He wipes away my tears,
And holds me in his arms.
Within this gentle warmth,
I can feel Hopelessness start to flee.
Because he's here with me.
He holds me close and tight.
He takes my hand and squeezes,
So now I can see the light.
The darkness starts to fade
All dark thoughts turn to dust
This is all I need
I just need him here with me
When you're in a dark place, all you really need is someone there beside you.
390 · Jan 2016
When She Found Home
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
Waking up to the smell of cooking breakfast was the best thing in the world to her.
The bed would be empty, but she'd know where he was.
She'd roll off a bed and throw on the nearest t-shirt, even if it wasn't hers, and stretch, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
She'd take a deep breath and look out the window.
She'd see cars driving by and children up and running.
She'd leave the room to find him in the kitchen, humming some old rock song.
She'd smile and hug him from behind, but he wouldn't jump; he knew it was her.
He'd turn and plant a kiss on her forehead and maybe on her cheeks.
He'd tell her good morning and pull her in close.
She'd nuzzle into his chest and mumble a reply.
He'd laugh and smile.
She'd look up into his eyes and know she found it.

She found home.
Sometimes home isn't a place, it's a person.
353 · May 2017
Unrequited Love
Scarlett Willow May 2017
I tell you things my closest friends don't know
But it's not enough
I expose to you my fears and inner demons
But it's not enough
I tell you how much I struggle
But it's not enough
To you I list my hopes and dreams
But it's not enough

I look at you now and I want to cry
Because I know you will never be mine

No matter how much I pray
Or how much I try
I can't get you out of my mind

What will it take to be enough?
352 · Jan 2016
Smoke and Bombs
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
The bustle of people
The joint between the teeth
The city comes alive
When the sun goes down

She blows out a circle of smoke
She's had the practice
Everyone tells her to stop
"***** them all," she says

The moon is high in the sky
But no stars can be seen
There's too much smoke
So much smoke

She knows it's bad
That's the point
With each inhalation
She's closer to detonation

People walk by without a second glance
They've got everything on their minds
She's got one thought
Let this be the night

But it's just another night
Another night
Blowing smoke
In the city that comes alive
When the sun goes down
Smoke - One-word prompt
343 · Dec 2015
What Am I Supposed To Do?
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
It's so dark
I can't see a thing

All I have is a hole
Right where my heart should be

There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to do

But sit here alone and think about you

I have nothing left
Only an eternal black void

The scars remain
The burns still sting

The night is pitch black
Not even a speck of blue

All I can do is think about you
What am I supposed to do?
335 · Jan 2016
Scarlett Willow Jan 2016
He looked down at the old town
As he stood atop the hill
He looked down at his home
And he knew it was over

She looked over at him
A single tear rolled down his face
She stood next to him and took his hand
And she could feel him start to shake

Sure, the world was ending
But, at least, they had each other
One word prompts
201 · Dec 2015
A Rose
Scarlett Willow Dec 2015
A rose for those we lost
A rose for those we've loved

A rose for those who have been sent far away

A rose for love
A rose for loss

— The End —