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Apr 2019 · 511
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
You can give someone the world.
You can walk a thousand miles in their shoes.
If they don't want to take responsibility for their actions,
their choice of destroying parts of you,
their choice of treating you wrong,
their choice of not putting you first,
they are not going to.
Stop bending over backwards
for someone who wouldn't
make a slight turn for you.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 515
There are no words.
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
I push away the people who are closest to me.
Maybe it's because
they are so quick to come and help me.
But what if I don't want to be saved?

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 310
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
You held my heart with the tightest grip,
To only let go,
and break it


Sara I. Raad
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Have you ever talked to yourself?
Not your average talk though
I'm talking about the person inside you, the inner you.
The child in you.
We hold on to our childhood deep down inside.
Deeper than our hearts. Look a little deeper,
I mean in your soul.
That person needs you.
Our emotions today
reflect a lot on our childhood memories.
The way we talk, act, and perceive others.
Give that child in you some time and dedication.
Reach your hand out to them. Help them grow,
help them understand the world you are currently in.
We often look and blame our experiences with others
as an excuse for our actions today.
It's not that.
There is a person inside you, you have to mend things with.
Your true self. Your inner child.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 679
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Although this life can be blinding
I will always
have an eye
for you.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 405
One Day
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
I was staring at the most beautiful flower
Just there to clear my mind
The wind was touching me softly
It was nurturing.
As I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply
She whispered in my ear
"Just do it, give it all that you got. Surprise them"
She put a smile on my face :)
It was her that took my breath away
I exhaled and opened my eyes
A dream
She was a dream
reminding me
to chase my dreams

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 344
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Calming his temper felt like
placing my hand in boiling water
expecting it not to bur
the burning felt serene
as it was numbing the las hit
he engraved on my body

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 257
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
If I told you how many tears
I've cried since I let you go..
You'd question if I ever really loved you.


You can still love someone from a distance.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 347
Just a Thought...
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Do you know how much it took out of me to give you
pieces of me that
Till this day,
cannot accept?

-You may have a way with words, but you also have a way of freeing me from my own demons.

and that's why..

I really don't want to let you go.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 372
Wilted Roses
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
You bought me two bouquets of wilted roses.
You handed them to me with that smirk on your face.
You know, the one you used to give me before you laid
your hands on me. I seen beauty in them. In fact, I had our future
in my hands.
A dozen reasons why I loved you
and a dozen reasons why we could never be.
All wrapped together by the man who abused me.
You see,
I did not throw them away.
I did not rip them apart.
Instead, I laid them to rest.
Which then
Soothed the pain from my breaking heart.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 420
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
My body is not your battleground.
It is not your right to play with.
It is not your home to invite others
or yourself without good intent.
Nor is it a message that you pass around.
like a bottle in the sea.
My body is my sacred place
My body is my home.
My body plants.
My body nourishes.
My body creates.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 205
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Allow them to heal

at their speed,

not yours.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 299
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
I use my promises
like i use my weapons
filled with regret.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 878
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
I admit.
I used to wake up
in the middle of the night
and stare at you.
I absorbed your body in my eyes.
Nothing amazed me more than
watching a violent hostile human
remain calm and intact.
It was my only moment of peace
with you next to me.
It was the moment you reminded me
of the person I first fell in love with


Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 715
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
We get lost in time
Like it's a bad thing.
But time lost itself
When it found you and I.

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 469
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Watching you suffer was delightful
Like a box of chocolates
Taking my time, and in the moment
You see, I don't wish pain on anyone.
But you, oh you Mr.
You need it
You don't know the pain you've caused by body
My skin, my heart, my brain
You drove an innocent woman insane
That's the most sinful thing you can ever do
Drive a woman of God into pieces of two.
You ripped my skin into pieces
Expecting me to remain sane.
You stripped my voice,
The one weapon I had against you,
And turned it into pain

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 444
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
There are struggles in your eyes

Tell me who caused them

Sara I. Raad
Apr 2019 · 242
Sara I Raad Apr 2019
Abandoned houses sit across the city,
People drive past them
Just looking at them up and down.
I just wonder sometimes,
How much life used to be in those houses?
Often, I think, we do the same with people
They’re beaten down and tormented
Losing control of their image
Because their mind is consumed by a disease
That spreads rapidly, poisoning any good thought
Of themselves in their head.
Appearances mislead

Sara I. Raad

— The End —