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8.2k · Jan 2014
Black and White
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Your voice seems black and white
But it's the voice that enters my heart
Becomes alive
And exposes itself to a world of colour
That neither of us knew existed.
black and white
good intentions
and good thoughts
5.5k · Feb 2014
the night we first met
Poppi Mae Feb 2014
there's something about the moon
you said it looks so pretty
but the way the stars surround it
is something which takes the breath of many
that was the night you looked me in the eyes
and i swear not a single force on earth
could stop the constant shaking of my hand
and the increased heart rate inside my chest
and though i'll never say this out loud
the thought of you in my head remains
and i want to meet you once again
your arms around me
as we embraced the cold
though the feeling of being in your arms
could never grow old
3.5k · Aug 2016
Poppi Mae Aug 2016
let's escape the world for a while,
leave all our worries behind,
cause you're the only thing that makes me smile.
we can plan our adventures if we must,
or wander different paths until dusk,
just take my hand and we'll run away,
to a place where we will spend the rest of our days.
2.4k · Mar 2015
to my honey bee
Poppi Mae Mar 2015
there's not much to know about me
but there's this boy i love,
and he's my honey bee.

there's not much to know about me
but this boy i love,
he calls me his sweet pea.

and there's so much to know about him
but i don't think sees,
what he truly means to me.

everything about him,
everything little thing,
makes me wanna sing.
sing all about him and what
he does to me.

this boy that i love,
i feel he's sent from above.
this boy that i love,
he tells me i'm someone he's proud of.

but does he know
how much i glow
when he's around?
and does he know
when i'm alone
he's all i think about,
all i think about.

so if heaven is real,
then i feel truly ethereal
when we're together,
and i want him forever.

but forever, isn't long enough,
but i hope i'm strong enough.
2.4k · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
The words slip through my teeth,
I didn't mean that!
Just ignore me,
I'll be just fine.
1.7k · Apr 2014
my darling thee
Poppi Mae Apr 2014
your eyes are dazzling,
i think its the sun
shining brighter than a diamond ring
but the sun hasn't shun.
i could think of better ways
to dream of your anatomy,
to wish strands of your hair were found in my bed for days,
and to brush the eyelashes off the cheeks of my darling thee.
with the static vision you see when your eyes are closed,
and the nanosecond blindness when you open them,
how when you gave me that smile and my heart rose,
i swear your eyes were shining like an emerald gem.
but its the abstract sense of hope you give me,
the abstract hope that is love.
who could have done this? only but he,
the fantastic illusion greets you with what feels like a shove.
though we treat love as the air we breathe,
thinking it will always be here
and love will never leave.
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
drunk dials at 3:30 AM
all you've wanted
is some fun for the night
but i don't really mind it
you know i'm open minded
and i know you feel the way
that i feel for you
when you're finding it hard to take breaths
and we're close against each other
you say it in a whisper
it doesn't matter if you're sober
all i want is for you to come over
kiss me on my neck
and then on my shoulder
i want the feel of your skin on mine
it's like we've collided into a galaxy
no matter what i say i know you can't be mad at me
let's take a walk through the library
walking in silence
but letting our hearts do the thinking
i gaze into you
and your rancorous heart
transforms into a loving one
with only the capability of loving me
i sit in class and write your name upon my skin
i think about you a lot
and the drunken dial is the only thought i've got
i love you so much but you don't even know it
i've got your number
i want to call you
but i don't want to blow it
tell me i'm your little princess
you could be my prince
we can live forever in a castle
since we met, i've loved you ever since
1.5k · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Am I

pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
"beautiful poetry"
synonyms: attractive, pretty, good-looking, nice-looking, pleasing, alluring, prepossessing,
as pretty as a picture;

to you?
1.4k · Aug 2014
Drown Me Out
Poppi Mae Aug 2014
You are the waves crashing into the shore,
And I am the pebbles you hit.
Crash into me,
I wanna be drowning in the sea.
Fill my lungs,
Pull me under twelve feet deep.
Sway with me,
You are my sweet pea.
You're just like the ocean,
Difficult to ignore.
But if i had a choice,
I'd still drown, for sure.
1.3k · Jun 2015
The Irony of a Rose
Poppi Mae Jun 2015
a thorn of a broken rose
dug into my skin and i suddenly froze.
the crimson drips down my icy arm,
why is it that beauty can cause such harm?
stained with blood i blossom with the same hues as the rose,
to expose my hurt and represent a flower so beautiful is juxtaposed.
it's ironic that something so beautiful can cause such harm to you.
kind of like a lover, so beautiful; but rips your heart straight out of your chest when they're done with you.
1.1k · Mar 2017
covered in blush
Poppi Mae Mar 2017
Spill my heart out
Covered in blush
Waiting it out
But its never enough
What should I expect
From a crush
But never fear
The time is here
And i'm covered in blush
1.1k · Jan 2014
'Punk Rock' Love Letter
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Give me adoration
For it is all that I want,
It is all that I need.

What's this?
A letter?
In the form of words written among the page,
You ask me to be yours.

Whoever thought that a five lettered word
Could be cherished so much,
So desired,
So needed?

I am yours,
You are mine
And all we need now is some Radiohead
And a glass of wine.
952 · Jan 2014
Perhaps There Were Flaws
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
You say you're nothing but imperfection
But I say,
Let me write you a list of all the flaws
you don't have.

You kissed my forehead
and I fell in love
But I just kept falling.

Perhaps there were flaws
I couldn't yet see.
936 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
And go seek
Into a world of wonder
Beyond the capacity of your imagination

Fall deeper
And deeper
Until you can't feel a thing
And your lungs are heavy

You're out of breath
You're out of your mind

You're slipping in
You're underneath
Your heart echoes a smile
That only you can comprehend

Pretty odd
Pretty fascinating

If you asked me what I thought
Of this mess we're in
I would say,
With a complete smile and every good intention

What a wonderful time to be alive.
931 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
i want to write poems about you
how you make me happy
but i lack the creativity
the right things to say
and i'm certain that you wouldn't care
923 · Jan 2014
Naive Boyfriend
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
I'm out of my mind
And I need a place to stay.
Could I enter yours?
I'll promise to keep all your secrets
Hidden away.

This place is unfamiliar,
Something I have never seen before.
Flashing images float around me
I hold onto them,
That this is what it feels like for you.

I never payed attention to it before,
But every word you say,
Every action that you do,
Illustrates a perfect picture, in a powerful way.

Why have I been lingering outside of my mind?
Troubled thoughts, unforgiving images.
But these are tolerable.
It's time to escape your mind,
Now that I know
And start giving you the best that I can
Because I know,
And you know,
That I will never have this moment again.

I love you dear,
And that much is true.
Run away with me,
and we can disperse into the blue.
start appreciating what you have right in front of you, rather than taking it all for granted.
treat her the best that you possibly can.
896 · Mar 2015
After-life Dating
Poppi Mae Mar 2015
i would die for you,
if you would die for me too.
because i've been aching to meet you, in heaven if i proceed to.
'cause we're all a little different once we're laid bare,
and you're so beautiful its impossible not to stare.
encompass me with your angelic embrace,
and watch me shiver in this cold space.
it's not hard to love a ghostly face,
i mean, really, you make my heart race.
you make my heart soar even though that stopped long ago,
my heart is so attached to you it could never let go.
so what is love after death?
after-life dating?
cold-heart mating?
whatever noun it may adopt,
i know, that even once we're dead our love cannot be stopped.
890 · Oct 2015
Life After Love
Poppi Mae Oct 2015
I'm just a memory in your head,
Long gone, but missed in your bed.
My skin is aching for your touch,
Even association for you is too much.
Wasted nights thinking of your name,
Now my head bows in shame.
Never could I ever leave you alone,
Sitting here empty, my heart has no home.
Oh what a mistake I had made,
"Love me, love me" I prayed,
And if I had known of what frayed,
Then maybe you would have stayed.  People change and time goes on,
But a picture of friendship has been drawn.
All I wanted was your attention,
Your acknowledgement of me was an honourable mention.
Now late at night when you enter my head,
No tears for you will be shed.
So tell your self when you cry to sleep,
Love is not love when the other makes you weep.
getting over you.
887 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
My mouth is numb and I think I like it
You're numb, and I think I like you
Everything is numb
I don't like this
What have I become?
840 · Nov 2016
Poppi Mae Nov 2016
excitement rushes through my veins
hold me close in the rain
let the rain wash away my fear
whisper in my ear
send shivers down my spine
oh, you're fatally mine
813 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
The wavelengths of my own imagination
Spill out into your mind.

You finally comprehend,
This isn't a dangerous world
Only interesting, fascinating,
And beyond anyone's understanding.
fascination, imagination, spill, mind, comprehend, understand, dangerous, wonderful, great, things, amazing.
807 · Jan 2014
Sink Into Me
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Sink into me
As we sink into the sea
All I taste is salty water,
The uncertainty,
And the thought
That this was the greatest idea we've ever had.
This poem writes suicide in it's own way.
sink into me
into the sea
salty water
ideas, thoughts, the greatest things.
784 · Jan 2014
All I Knew
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Your lips were all I knew
In this crowded room

They spoke to me in ways
I can't begin to repeat
They showed me meaning

They taught me more than anyone else could have.
I knew your lips, before I even knew you.
We sat and talked for a while
Thinking up ideas,
The both of us rather spending time under the stars
Than in a room full of dispute, anger, and the unknown.

You waved goodbye, and my heart fluttered
As if I, and my own heart we're talking to you.

These things only happen sporadically,
It was chance,
It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
kissing at parties
laying under the stars
romance, chance, thoughts and ideas.
great feelings never to have existed in the real world,
only the one that belongs inside my head.
778 · Jan 2014
Here In The Basement
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Here in the basement.
Nowhere to go,
And all the company that I've got
Are the ghosts that trouble my soul.

With the ghosts,
Here in the basement.
Nowhere to go,
In front of the cracked mirror.
I can't even see myself,
Where did I go?
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
My heart was a liar before I knew you
Now all I know is the truth

The sea becomes jealous,
Because you hold me
More than the sea whispers into the sand.

I was a Liar before I knew you
Now all I know is the truth

I'd rather die
Than let the sea speak into you;
The sand,
The way I do.

I am the waves that crash into you,
Now that I know you.
I drown you in all the good things
That I never thought existed.

But now that I know you
All I know is the truth.
i am the waves, you are the sand, they are the sea.
the sea is nowhere near as fascinating as the waves created.
759 · Dec 2014
Hollow Body
Poppi Mae Dec 2014
bury me into the ground.
i am lost, i cannot be found.
but if you happen to find me,
please return me to where i belong;
at the bottom of the deep blue sea.
i am
my emotions, so strong they're strangling me.
my thoughts, they terrify me.
i would rather live on my knees than die on my feet.
tie me to your car and drag me through the street.
make my skin bleed, tear my thighs.
this doesn't hurt at all, i feel sky high.
to destroy my emotions is to exploit my pain.
this is my release, i am not insane.
i am not insane.
i am not insane.
i am not insane.
     bury me anywhere
i dont care i dont care i dont care

i dont exist
i am not even imaginary
please dont insist
that i am extraordinary

just leave me alone
with my ocean;
my home.
let the liquid fill my lungs
as i float
i am weightless;
i am nothing.
never was something.
never want to be.
i am always drowning in the deep blue sea.
i hate myself
734 · Jan 2014
Writing My Life Away
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
You write suicide
But I write you adoration

You write malice
But I write you endearment

You write no longer
And I write my life away
sad souls
another poem about suicide
teen hearts, sadness, disappointment.
682 · Jan 2014
The Truth About Love
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
If love is a wishing well,
Then I'm afraid I have fallen.
I can't get out,
Where are you?

*You weren't here after all.
666 · Jan 2014
Here, Here and Here.
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Those bright eyes
Those rosy cheeks
Those smiles
But it's those lips
Telling me to kiss
                                      and  *here
i think i have a crush.
654 · Nov 2015
Dreaming of You
Poppi Mae Nov 2015
i have dreamt of you
on nights that make me blue
and i never thought
that dreams could come true.

last night i dreamt of you
and on that night i wasn't so blue
and i never thought
id get hung up on you.

i used to dream of you
and i remember feeling so blue
and i never thought
your smile could change my hue.

you are my dream
on this night so blue
and i never thought
that id be laying next to you.

now i'm one with you
on this night so blue
and i never thought
my dream would come true.
649 · Nov 2017
Poppi Mae Nov 2017
Probably 'cause youre high all the time,
Nothing much comes to mind;
But when im with you we just unwind
And sometimes make words that kinda rhyme.
Sliding down the slippery ***** of vally,
Without you I may never be happy.
But what does that matter?
Don't despair,
Your future awaits for you;
Someday it will make it's self clear,
But until then you're on the mend.
Dont worry if you swerve round the bend,
The worst has already happened.
Getting back on my feet is the best desicion I could ever make;
I usually make mistakes.
When you give, other's take
But never forget the sake.
If going to the clouds is your thing,
Then make sure it's me you bring.
I know i'm not imagining
Floating on the seventh cloud,
Theres no way I can drown now
I'm at bliss in the clouds!
And heaven feels so serene;
Tingles in every sound.
Whoever said it was make believe,
I can prove you wrong,
Take my hand and you'll see.
642 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Tell me,
How is your stomach?
Because mine hasn't stopped
For the moment when you talk to me.

Tell me,
Have you seen these butterflies before?
They come from within
For the moment when your lips meet mine.

My chest is feeling heavy
Has this happened to you before?
It keeps happening
In hopes that you'll notice, I need you to want me.
637 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
I'm out of my mind
but I'd like to enter yours.
632 · Jan 2014
6:00 AM
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
It's 6:00 am
And I cant quite make sense of it
All I want is the feel of your hands
On my skin
And your warm breath in the crook
Of my neck
And your perfect lips kissing
My forehead

I want to build a fort with you
Hide under the sheets
Kissing you until my lips go numb

In the winter
We could lay in the garden
Watching the stars
With nothing but each other
To keep us warm

I can't quite grasp the sense of it all
I've been thinking too much of you.
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
So here's the thing
You start school
You befriend a group of people
And you begin a friendship with them
And you think nothing of it.

Now, further along the line
You get into fights
With these friends
So you're left with only several people
And your friendship group grows smaller
And you think nothing of it.

After you get out of school
You enter the real world
You have one or two close friends
You go for a coffee
Or a meal
And you sip your boiling tea
And you think nothing of it.

You move away
You lose contact with these friends
You begin to wonder
Where did it all go?
And you sit back in your chair
And you think nothing of it.

Then comes the sudden realization
What did you do to keep your friends?
Did you arrange the coffee dates?
The cinema trip?
Did you give your best friend advice to get the girl he liked?
No, you didn't.
And you walk alone
And you think nothing of it.
604 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Like the waves and the sand,
There's always something to fall on.
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
it's these little chats of ours
that make me the happiest
you send me on cloud nine
when you're probably on cloud ten
no matter how much i try
i'll always be behind you
but i want to be beside you
i wish to be the reason behind your smiles
the blood rising to the surface of your cheeks
the eyelashes caught in your eye
but we both know
that even with the strongest of hearts
i will be a sweet little kitten
and you are a beautiful majestic tiger
i want to hear you roar
because i'm just purring at the thought of you
585 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
you make me sad
but not the kind
where tears are brought to my eyes
but the kind of sad
that makes me miss you
and wish you could
be holding my hand
562 · Jan 2014
Confessions of a Paranoiac
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
My eyes bloodshot
You're keeping me awake
This cant be healthy
How long will this take?

My heart aches
You're making me insane
This can't be healthy
Will this feeling remain?
558 · Jan 2014
Confessions of an Ex-Lover
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Let it out
You have every reason to
For all those times I left you in despair
Now's your opportunity,
Give me what I deserve.

Maybe it's true what they say
That only time can heal our wounds
But time is everlasting,
Does this mean we will never heal?
Troubled thoughts keep passing.

I'm different now, can't you tell?
I spent time
Improving myself, making myself better
So that you and I
Could be together.

I am not who I used to be
You tell me, things can't be how they were,
A long time ago.

All of this time,
Spent correcting, improving and changing
Turned into such a waste
You don't care for me
You just want to make me feel happy

But tell me,
Does raising my hopes,
Hopes I didn't even know i had,
Make you believe you are giving me
What I deserve?

Not this time.
Time may be ever lasting
But we are against the clocks right now
We never happened.
Nope, never did.
552 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
Sad soul
Sitting upon the window sill
You only know what you're told
And if this is true
Then you don't know a thing,

Passing faces
In places you can't remember
Broadcasting sadness
And this is true
In this cold September.
536 · Jan 2014
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
I let you into my heart
But you never closed the door
Now I'm empty,
And you leave with the key.

that of failed romance.
personal poem.
517 · Jun 2018
Deepest Depths of You
Poppi Mae Jun 2018
Living in a fantasy with me,
Encased within a dream.
Circling the stars just like
We were in the sea.
And soon you will see,
That I cant differentiate between
What's real?
And what's make believe?
Nothing is as it seems;
Eat me, drink me,
Sky high, down low,
Wherever you may go to,
I will follow the maze into the deepest depths of you.
511 · Jan 2014
heavy hands
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
your whole body shakes my limbs
and i am left without you
but only the thought of you remains
i needed you to whisper in my ear
to brush the stray hairs out of my eyes
to hold my heavy hands
but all you ever did
was break my heart into two
and not even take a half with you
and all you ever did
was never quite as enough
as what i did for you
488 · Jan 2014
Missing Pieces
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
You want to be broken
In hopes to find the missing pieces,
Failing to realize that
They were with you all along.
missing pieces, broken , reality, personal, thoughts and feelings.
just a thought unraveling itself in my head and escaping out of my mouth and into a poem.
481 · Jan 2014
A Question?
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
I'm telling you
But it doesn't stop your mind
Travelling a hundred miles per hour
Asking me questions,
Questions I don't have the answers to.
questions, stay, romantic, angst, troubled, travel
475 · Jan 2014
Empty Space
Poppi Mae Jan 2014
There's a space that needs to be filled
It's in between my fingers
And it gives me the chills
475 · Feb 2014
Ice Storm
Poppi Mae Feb 2014
How I wish to be the snowflakes
That cling to your body in the winter,
To be with you every step that you take,
And encompassed by your warmth.
For we could be together forever and a day,
For you are the only thing keeping me warm,
Together we could create an ice storm.
Step outside with me,
I want to see what you're made of.
We are not the same, you see,
And soon enough we will fall in love
Little snowflakes, happy we will be.
this kind of *****

— The End —