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May 2022 · 340
look at me
Naeem May 2022
I often have nightmares,
that the moment I leave your wandering gaze
I'll cease to exist.

Teach me to exist when you're not around...
May 2022 · 1.2k
"It was a long time ago" -
Naeem May 2022
"it was a long time ago" he says
as he hides his tears with a grin
she asks, "Are you okay?"
he grins, he lets out a failed laugh, he lies
she sees straight through his act
she asks, "Are you okay?"
tears swelling in the corners of his eyes, he lies
she waits for them to be wiped away sneakily
she asks, "Are you okay?"
he looks her in the eye, using all his strength he lies
she says she believes him, she breaks eye contact
she asks, "Are you sure? It's okay if you aren't"
he shakes his head, he falls towards her embrace,
"I'm sorry for being so difficult" he says

she says, "When are you going to move on"
and turns her back to him and leaves
as he cries alone in the dark
by N/***
Mar 2022 · 166
Naeem Mar 2022
in contempt lay my complacent corpse
gathered round my complaisant heart
hidden smiles as you bleed me bare
a cynical altruist
as I fall on this pre-placed sword
lay me down slow for your own benefit
gluttonous for this unsatisfactory high
addicted to these moments all the same
victim to codependency
allow these disillusions of granduer
to satisfy my needs

I save you to save me
Feb 2022 · 132
Naeem Feb 2022
all inclusive isolation
a populated loneliness looms
surrounded but never included
the sharing of unpleasant pleasantries
a ghost in the shell
portraying unfamiliar emotions, atop unfamiliar smiles
destined to be destined without
without care, always there
without a home, a sheltered existence
Dec 2021 · 835
Naeem Dec 2021
Just another self-indulged addict
Addicted to the attention writing brings
So I indulge this hobby that separates me from them
In hopes you'll give me my next fix
And sustain me the days my creativity runs dry
A writers block
An addicts road to recovery

I write to be different
I write for the attention
I write for my addiction.
a poet, an addict, where's the difference?
Nov 2021 · 153
our love
Naeem Nov 2021
our love was never pure
for love is just hate, not yet conceived
the gatekeeper to all my demons
she flourished in my pain
our love was never real
it withered away, we withered apart
no longer the puppeteer to my puppet
the strings on my heart lay cut
my heart was yours
until you sold my love to another
your rose tinted lips, hid all your lies
drugged me to the truth, hid all your reg flags
I hate her more than I ever did love
tinted glasses make all the flags looks the same
Nov 2021 · 788
Naeem Nov 2021
so starts my final journey, a slow decline
first the memories, of that night, of you
memories i have had my entire lifetime, fading
show images of a life i know not of
disconnected from my own thoughts
as if a stranger thought them on my behalf
my voice longer pierces the silence of my mind
instead now i hear a stranger
these sleepless nights, accompany these sun lit blackouts
i fear i am changing, into what i do not know
and hope to never find out
soon i fear my face will haunt me in the mirror,
my eyes will stare back blankly
staring into a face he knows not who
When you lose sense of yourself, who do you become but another version of you?
Oct 2021 · 288
Say my name
Naeem Oct 2021
Suffocating under these feathered weights
Gripping the cliff side with my failing ideals
Swept away in my daily dose of crippling uncertainty
An overworked mind, an underutilized soul
Drifting with the current, as the sun's rays say goodbye
Parting words you never said to me
Oct 2021 · 447
loveless lover
Naeem Oct 2021
stop the earth in its rotation so that she's the only one circling my mind
stall the light from the distant stars on its arrival so that hers can shine brightest
cover the skies in misty grey clouds to trap my final thoughts of her
have the birds chirp her favorite melody so that her memory may go on
demand the leaves to bristle according to her fading heartbeat
name the day after of her so that she will never be forgotten
capture the last of her diamond tears in your minds camera roll
fill every streets ambience with the hum of her voice

share these feelings with the world around
all so that my grief won't go unnoticed
in a world where she still lives, only in someone else's arms
Oh to be young and in love but to have it last.
Sep 2021 · 1.8k
Naeem Sep 2021
Mundane celebrations to mask our ever closing demise
Working 9 to 5s, never fully enjoying our limited lives
Never knowing which day will be our last
So we choose to slave away for a world
That we will never fully experience
In the hopes our successors will enjoy the fruits of our labor
But inevitably enjoy the same propaganda pamphlets that their parents once read
And slave for a world, that their successors might enjoy
All the while, the reapers scythe sharpens.
What are your thoughts on our impending doom?
Sep 2021 · 659
Naeem Sep 2021
Sedate me to the external torment each new day bolsters
Numb my emotions to the point I no longer experience
Daily struggle to submit my mind to an unconscious slumber
A greater struggle yet to awaken with intent
Finding meaning in a meaningless world
Drove me unstable many moons ago
Edging closer to my inevitable demise at my own hands
Last strands of hope fleeting, I draw my final breath
And flow away with the winds
First post in a very long time.
Apr 2021 · 610
Automated Responses
Naeem Apr 2021
Rehearsed confessions they'll never hear
Single-file tears they'll never see
Panicked thoughts run wild
Anxious emotions that will never be free
Because after all there's nothing wrong with me
Wearing my flawless masks
Riddled with smiles that don't belong to me
And so all my answers remained the same
My entire life brought together in
automated responses
It's been a while but I've needed to write recently to let out some frustrations and this is what I came up with.
Oct 2020 · 286
Naeem Oct 2020
deprived of a higher purpose

a reason for my meaningless existence

journey of discovery

a break from the mundane

repetitive nature of self-isolation

alone but never lonely

not until she crossed my mind for a final time

and so I awake each afternoon

dreading the coming hours

of mediocre party tricks

all in an effort to waste passing time

ironically the commodity

that everyone runs out of
Feeling less like myself with every passing minute
Aug 2020 · 147
Naeem Aug 2020
breathing or unresponsive
you look through me all the same
eyes rolled back, head to the side.
my reflection wrote a farewell
my smile bids me adieu
a shattered collection of my greatest hits
Mosaics my emotionless expression
I run into your arms, ready for an embrace
only to fall right through

Oh, that's right
I took my life last night
Oh, how lovely the night has become
we've all been there
Aug 2020 · 89
Naeem Aug 2020
you smile all the same
but send shivers down my spine
your laugh has the same tune
but fills me with an empty sensation
your eyes sparkle the same constellation
but stare into my soul
you charm a way into my hardened heart
but exited the same entrance
you say I love you
but never mean it
Aug 2020 · 459
Naeem Aug 2020
I've lost track of my emotions
Am I happy
Am I sad
I can never decide
Each day merging with the last
Succession of regret
A recession of myself
Take me back
Back when I could still feel
I have no feelings left to feel
Aug 2020 · 79
Naeem Aug 2020
writing is my salvation
but freedom has a price
leaving my heart open
Already been broken twice
Jul 2020 · 141
Naeem Jul 2020
love me when I can't love myself
Unlock these self burdening chains
And replace my heart to yours
All of me for all of you
Some of you for all of me
I leave my unbroken heart with you
As I pick up the pieces
He left you in
I promised to always be there
Jul 2020 · 180
Naeem Jul 2020
cast the sails
set course to distant lands
filled with treasure troves of
hidden emotions to discover
to remember the embrace of another
comforted by their touch
the only compass needed
is an open heart, ready
ready to unlock the chains
just Feel, feel it all rushing back
Open you heart to their touch
Jul 2020 · 105
Naeem Jul 2020
leave me be
Drowning in a shallow pond
Cries slowly filling the air
Fresh cuts gushing blood
leave me be
As I forget who I am
Embracing the pain
leaning on my own shoulder for support
Just like its always been
i make the last cut
Collapsing on the blood stained tiles
And my eyes go dark
Death was always easier
Jul 2020 · 235
distant lands
Naeem Jul 2020
take me from the place
That's caused me much pain
Sweep me off my feet
That carries me to your arms
Block out your voice
That lured me to my demise
Opaque my vision
That drove me crazy

Help me escape
From this pit my desire left me in
Love is a curse
Jul 2020 · 139
Naeem Jul 2020
I know I'm nothing special
Not a force to be reckoned with
A Trojan without a hidden army
Just an average person
With average desires
An over-performing imagination
Takes away the pain
When life gets blurry
My kind opens up
And I dissappear for a while
someone take me away from here
Jul 2020 · 128
Naeem Jul 2020
This tear lay still on my cheek
As my mind moves around my coffin
A death bed of my own design
being buried alive with no one to help
Crying out your name
Everyday the same nightmare
Spiraling out of control
Yesterday is my tomorrow and today already happened
Someone just put me out of my misery
I'm so tired
Jun 2020 · 127
Naeem Jun 2020
Feeling 6ft under
When I'm 30000 feet off the ground
Jun 2020 · 221
Lonely Lover
Naeem Jun 2020
I learnt to run faster
To distance from my problems
Stockpiling boxes on boxes
Locking away my emotions
I practised the jab
Fighting to get these thoughts out of my head
I stop over-caring
Ended up forgetting how to feel
But the one thing I'll never do
Is confront what's bothering me
Knowing the answer is always y
Jun 2020 · 326
Weird Times
Naeem Jun 2020
I keep dreaming of flashbacks
That reminisce about the future
I keep looking ahead
At days already long lived ago
I keep seeing your face when my eyes close
A face I'm yet to meet
I keep fighting each day
When the war has already been lost

What's wrong with me?
May 2020 · 123
I hope you find it...
Naeem May 2020
Seems we're all searching for love
In a society fueld by heartbreak
Hope running dry in search of a better day
Before I take my life away

I just need a single reason
To wake up tomorrow
May 2020 · 133
Leftover lover
Naeem May 2020
there's been too many conditions
On unconditional love
Too many questions asked
On unexplainable emotions
Too many lonely nights
Under a roof so many sleep
Too many second chances wasted
On a hopeless romantic like me
It's about time I finally left it all
you already knows there too many reasons
But I'll name only 13...
13 seems too little
May 2020 · 187
Naeem May 2020
Off the top of my head
When ever I think back all I see is dread
Mindlessly roaming the days
Passing the time as i slowly fade
Into the night I dissapear
Never seen to been seen
As if I was ever seen in the first place
May 2020 · 129
Odd profession
Naeem May 2020
Writing is odd
The happiest I appear to be
The quicker the ink runs dry
Flipping the scales
The same holds true
So if for some reason, someday
You receive a flurry of new poems
You'll know why
And it isn't difficult to guess what happened
May 2020 · 322
Naeem May 2020
When did being happy become such a struggle
When did my laughter start carrying tears
When those lonely nights carried another cut
Filled with anger, regret, disgust
This man with the blank expression
Used to be a kid
With hopes and dreams
Where his only worry was a nightmare
When did my life become so miserable
Rewind the clock
Take me back to when I was 6 & felt invincible
May 2020 · 113
Naeem May 2020
Put out your hand for me to hold
Start a fire to keep me from the cold
Keep me in your thoughts as my mind goes blank
Wipe my eyes as my vision gets blurry
Hold me tighter as I begin to lose myself
Drugged on this illusion of a perfect life
Remember me when I start forgetting who I am
May 2020 · 100
Who am i
Naeem May 2020
There's this question that's been bugging me
And it keeps playing on repeat
Every second of the day
Every night I lay awake
Every dream I pretend I dont remember
All so I don't have to admit
That I still think of you
Even when I don't want to
Every tear dedicated to you
Every beat my heart skips
As my memories slowly fade
And I forget who we were
Maybe I could have saved us
But then I think
Who am to you
Deep down I still love you
May 2020 · 126
One question
Naeem May 2020
Awake at night
Tears swelling in my eyes
Thinking about better days
Unrecognizable life
Loneliness never felt this empty before
Filled with despair
Wishing for someone to take your place
But too scared to try
For fear of losing you
Mind fill of mismatched thoughts
Only clarity is you
Please open my mind to the possibilities
But I only have 1 question first
Who are you?
May 2020 · 273
I I don't know anymore
Naeem May 2020
Don't believe the words that seep through
They're often twisted by my inner self
Protecting me from you
Protecting me from me
Saving myself for when I'm appreciated
May 2020 · 312
Naeem May 2020
Asleep in a vibrant environment
Colorblind in a restless world
Still in the company of emotions
Flying in a city that's frozen
Dying slow
In a world that never stops
Continues to love
In a world that could never appreciate
The no strings attached purity
Of a heart burdened
By loving more than it gets loved
May 2020 · 166
Young love
Naeem May 2020
It is said to be easy to love when you've never been hurt
felt the flames or been burnt
All the lessons I have know learnt
used to be a fledgeling celebrating his first chirp
Now soaring high above the clouds
Replicating Icarus in his pursuit
Unknown to the little bird
That the higher you go
the quicker your wings start to burn
He will soon realise the error of his ways
but I fear it will be too late.
for all you young lovers out there.
May 2020 · 118
Brighter days
Naeem May 2020
To stop trying
Is to finally give up
For the pain of another heartbreak
Looms above the hope
Of brighter days
Laughter filling the air
Love on the line
The worlds a better place
When you have someone to love
At the end of it all
So never stop trying
Love is always worth the risk
And every heartbreak
Will just be another step
On the ladder to redemption
On your way up to heaven
May 2020 · 159
Be yourself
Naeem May 2020
It's easier for society
To accept the image of a broke person
Than to allow that imagine to change
They will only ever see you at your worst
Until you show them your best
Society won't give you room to grow
So you have to make your own way
To hold on to a memory of someone
Will always be easier
Than trying to make new memories
With someone else
Because our experiences teaches us
To never get too attached
For the last person left
So we hold on to the past
In hope it changes our future
We stop changing
And hope to become someone else
We stop growing
And hope we never lose again
May 2020 · 249
Naeem May 2020
Governed by the demons
That call my every move
Tipping the bottle
Downing the last pill
Sinking into the water
Eyes glazed over
The shadows creeping closer
I close my eyes
Awake in my bed I lay
Dried tears across my face
I scream out in anger
And try to dream of that night
Just a thought
May 2020 · 167
A simple tale
Naeem May 2020
The sky a little less blue
My frown a little more upside down
The rainbow missing a few colors
My heart adding a few beats
The little chirps ever so softer
Even the birds were sad
The day I got my heart broken
A moment of silence
A prayer goes out
I said one with my name
Because the only one I lost was myself
Chasing after butterflies
Colors that were blind to my eye
Just a little something different
May 2020 · 185
The Morning After
Naeem May 2020
The morning after,
the darkest of days
Bring the bluest of skies, filled with disaster
With ripples that start a new phase.
The dust finally disappearing
and the wind whistling
upon the green hills a clearing
and the hunters whittling.
A new world arises.
Thrones itself on the ashes,
looking down on us, despises.
Dreams built on flashes.
So comes the morning after
Skies filled disaster.
May 2020 · 108
Mask off
Naeem May 2020
My soul forever damaged
Predetermined failure
Molded into the person I am today
Afraid of the mirror
Indulged by the shadows
A wearer of many masks
Each with it's own story
But hiding the same pain
In the dead of day
In the bright moon light
He sneaks out
Leaving behind the masks he wore
For so many years
You've probably seen him in the streets
Just never recognized the face he wore
That day
Apr 2020 · 108
Help me
Naeem Apr 2020
Teach me how to feel
But teach me to feel no pain
Show me how to love
But help me to not lose my name
Help me to understand
How to live in a world
That never believed in me
Apr 2020 · 216
Fairy Tale
Naeem Apr 2020
Growing up we all heard the same stories
There was a good guy and a bad guy
And everyone had their set roles to play
That's how we were raised
The ideals we were set to follow
But as we got older
And the stories got bolder
The good guy turned bad
And the bad guy turned worse
Our stories no longer had hope
A happy ending to look forward to
Everything that used to make sense
Seemed like an illusion now
The once upon a times
Became an after thought
Early bed times
Turned conversation in the dark
And the fairy tales we grew up on
Became a memory not really lived
Apr 2020 · 146
Naeem Apr 2020
The purest emotion was never love
For love is just a facade for hate not yet conceived
For she is the gatekeeper to our demons
For her it is just a game to see
Who can handle the pain
For love isn't real and will surely die
But hate stays forever
Just like my heart you left broken
I hate her more than I ever did love
Except now there's no strings attached
I'm the controller of my own fate
She doesn't play the strings anymore
Orchestra in the background
Commemorating this day of hate
A day no wedding will ever top
Apr 2020 · 144
Twisted destiny
Naeem Apr 2020
Willingly taking a bullet for your lover
To your lover holding the gun
Always streaking across each others mind
Now my eyes blind to those colors
When we were promised each other forever
Except now we can't even grow old together
Apr 2020 · 126
Naeem Apr 2020
Finger on the trigger
But the trigger finger isnt my own
Stainless depression bullets
Dipped in anxiety
Laced with a society
That'll never accept me
Apr 2020 · 141
Naeem Apr 2020
After that day I took a vow
To never let myself feel again
For knowing the pain a lover could cause
Enough to make any man crumble
I could barely pick up the crumbs
That you left me in
Now I look at how you've prospered
And wonder if it was for the best
I can't accept the truth in front of my eyes
If you are so happy now, after it all
How could you have ever been happy with me
Was that even true happiness
Or just another lie
Like all the ones you used to tell me
But I'll believe it nonetheless
Just like I did before
Because it's the only way I can move on from you
By choosing
To hate you for what you did
Or love you because that's what I promised
But I choose hate as loving was too painful
So I'll see you around old friend
And I hope he breaks your heart like you did mine
Because I was never able to
The saddest truths ;(
Apr 2020 · 157
Worthless lover
Naeem Apr 2020
All she wanted was the embrace
Of an affectionate other
Anybody that was willing for the chase
To never again suffer
She waited for the day
When the sunset filled the background
Just for somebody to stay
That special heart pound
She died with a letter
Addressed to her lover
Who thought she deserved better
So he didn't bother
You are enough!
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